

2017-09-28 9页 doc 32KB 10阅读




业务跟单工作内容总结业务跟单工作内容总结 销售总调工作内容 销售总调工作流程: 按合同审核 接到新的排产交接单(业务员,商务部经理签定)签名确认 复印厂 长签名并做排产时间安排 毛总签名(批准生产) 产前会 分发各主管 落实最终图纸 派发各相关人员, 生产过程中的跟进 出货前准备(对帐、收款、准备装箱单、落实车辆、搬运工等) 出货(和成品仓管一起核对和装车数量,与接货人做好产品交接,监督装车质量) 售后跟踪 排产单及图纸等相关资料的回收、存档 整个流程中各环节应注意的事项: 一、排产单的审核过程:(同业务员沟通,信息达到完全一致) ...
业务跟单工作内容总结 销售总调工作内容 销售总调工作流程: 按审核 接到新的排产交接单(业务员,商务部经理签定)签名确认 复印厂 长签名并做排产时间安排 毛总签名(批准生产) 产前会 分发各主管 落实最终图纸 派发各相关人员, 生产过程中的跟进 出货前准备(对帐、收款、准备装箱单、落实车辆、搬运工等) 出货(和成品仓管一起核对和装车数量,与接货人做好产品交接,监督装车质量) 售后跟踪 排产单及图纸等相关资料的回收、存档 整个流程中各环节应注意的事项: 一、排产单的审核过程:(同业务员沟通,信息达到完全一致) 1.1 合同的审核:接到排产单时要求业务员提供订货合同以供校对审核,核对内容主要包括:产品型号、名称、规格、数量、木皮、油漆颜色、布料等,排产单上所有内容要与合同相符,如有疑问及时同接单业务员沟通,全部确认好后于排产单上审核人处签名确认。另对于合同中的有关条款,如是否含税金、运费等此类信息不需在排产单上体现而做为跟单员必须掌握的,在审核合同时自己做好记录。合同核对于完毕后交财务主管处保管和财务做帐用。 1.2 图纸的审核(业务,,商务部经理签名):合同与排产单一致后,再审核图纸与排产单是否一致,核对内容主要包括:图纸上所标注的工程名称,产品型号、名称、数量、规格、木皮等相关信息。如有不符的及时和业务员沟通,由业务员提交准确的图纸或排产单,如有更改的需业务员于更改处签名确认。 二、排产单生产过程的跟进:(同生产部、品质部、物控部的信息交流) continue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the two-bit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food total determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt method: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric acid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solution (2g/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)-thiourea solution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solution 每日走巡车间(次数不限定),掌握各订单的生产进程,监控生产质量。对各订单的交期有个基本的预见性,对于延期交货的订单要主动同生产厂长沟通,落实最终出货时间,将准确时间业务员,再由业务员同客户沟通,如业务沟通失败需再同生产部协商时间,如时间上未能达成一致应及时将信息给相关业务员和上级领导。走巡车间时应随身携带生产图纸、笔、卷尺,随时翻看图纸,图纸和排产单就是标准,在每日跟进的过程中熟悉产品名称、型号以及工艺要求。在此环节中要逐渐掌握相关的家具专业知识,及产品的工序流程。同时需了解产品发货前之相关物料到位(主要是五金,大理石,玻璃,面料,纸箱)有问题及时与下单业务或者商务部经理沟通 2.1 家具专业知识(学习中): 木皮的认识:木皮的种类、木皮的厚度、什么是木皮拼花等; 中纤板的认识:中纤板的厚度:3MM、5MM、9MM、12MM、15MM、18MM、21MM、25MM,中纤板的尺寸:1220*2440MM,中纤板的等级:以甲醛含量来划分,分为E0级、E1级、E2级、E3级,我们工厂常用的是E1级的环保中纤板。 实木的认识:实木种类(工厂90%以上用橡木,其余有水曲柳、西南桦、沙比利等), 配件的认识:门铰、导轨、合页、玻璃托、挂衣杆等, 2.2 工序流程:木工车间:板式线板式开料、发外贴皮拼花类、冷压、精裁、封边、排钻、拼装、清磨 实木线实木开料、机加(打眼、出榫、锣机、砂光、机磨等)、拼装、清磨 continue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the two-bit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food total determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt method: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric acid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solution (2g/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)-thiourea solution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solution 油漆车间:排底得宝(保护木眼、防潮)、擦色、白身磨、底油、油磨、修色(打色磨)、面油 软包车间:放样、按模钉架、介绵打底、车裁、扪布 包装车间:珍珠棉、加护角护边、外加纸箱。 三、出货前准备:(同财务部、业务员、客户、货运部等的沟通) 3.1要求验货的:接到消息后即通知生产部做好相应的准备,如有必要可事先准备好待验产品做好标记。客户来厂时陪同业务员一起验货,验货注意事项:准备好验货资料(排产单图纸、布板、色板等),安排好拆包人员,验货时将客户反应的有关产品信息详细记录,如被客户验出不合格品数量较少问题不严重,应立即安排人员现场返修,对于问题比较严重的,一时难解决的,一般客户会要求再交验货。此时我们一定要对问题高度重视,将问题马上上报生产部相关负责人,也可找相应的车间主管或厂长与客户沟通,将返修完成的时间告知客户。验货完毕后应出相应的验货反馈表交生产部和上级领导。(附验货反馈表) 3.2对帐、货运的落实:依照合同核对好应收款项,书写好对帐单给接单业务员再由业务员同客户沟通确保收到货款后到财务部审批出货通知单。货运调车和搬运工最迟要于装车的前一天落实好。(附对帐单格式) 3.3货物立方数的核算,装箱单的准备。 四、出货:(同成品仓管、接货员做好交接,监装) 关于货运的相关知识:了解各运输工具及相应的运输体积、货物堆放的要求、运输的签定; 运输工具:国外:20尺柜(20尺指是柜身的长度,尺是英尺,1英尺=30.48厘米),内容积为5.6*2.13*2.18=26立方米,载重量一般为17.5吨;40尺柜内容积为11.8*2.13*2.18=54.8立方米,载重量一般为22吨,40尺高柜内continue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the two-bit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food total determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt method: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric acid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solution (2g/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)-thiourea solution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solution 容积为11.8*2.13*2.72=68.3立方米,载重量为22吨。一般我们常用的是40尺高柜。 国内:省内常用是9.6米的货车约60方,6米货车约30方、8米货车约45方。 省外长途运输的常用17.5米挂板车,约装150方货物,16米车、13米车等。 货物堆放要求:监装过程中要同司机核对好数量同时监督装货人员的装货质量,注意货物的合理搭配,对所要装的货物特性要比较清楚,如货物是否耐压、货物的包装尺寸等,要指导装货工人进行合理的摆放,以有限的空间装更多的货物同时要保证货物的安全。一般要求货物箱唛上的箭头标识摆放,如因位置限制,可以结合产品结构考虑打倒或者打横摆放。 运输协议的签定:可由货运部提交托运单(盖有货运部公章),也可自行制定,主要内容包括货物总件数、运费、收货方、发货方等(附运输合同) 五、售后跟踪及服务:(同客户、业务员、生产部、品质部沟通达成最佳解决方案) 货发出后即通知客户做好接货准备,并将发货清单、托运单以及卸货注意事项一并传真给客户或告知客户。货到客户方后了解客户的收货情况(货物是否齐全、完好),收到客户投诉后协助业务员对客户所投诉的问题进行处理(对产品工艺和质量问题需找生产部和品质部协商处理办法)。 最常出现的售后问题是:货物因运输过程中出现损坏,一般处理办法如问题不严重的,最好委托客户或货运部在当地找人维修,如问题严重的,需考虑退回厂返工,对于运输过程中所产生的运费可同货运部协商。 六、资料的回收及存档:(按奥行字026号文件执行,附文件) 一份订单生产完工后即收回图纸,将原始稿件存档,所有复印件能回收利用的,进行再利用,其余进行烧毁,严禁图纸等相关资料流出厂外。 continue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the two-bit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food total determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt method: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric acid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solution (2g/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)-thiourea solution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solution 最后附全厂生产流程图。 continue to respond 5min. Remove the absorption tube, 1cm Cuvette, wavelength of 400nm, to standard pipes zero regulating and absorbs lightdReport of the arithmetic mean of the two-bit significand. 28 allow difference in repeatability conditions of the absolute value of the difference of two independent measurement results shall not exceed the arithmetical average of the 15%. Butyl 29 scope this standard provides for the determination of inorganic arsenic in food total determination method of inorganic arsenic. This standard is applicable to all types of determination of total arsenic in food. The method detection limit: atomic fluorescence spectrometry: 0.04mg/kg solid samples, liquid sample 0.004mg/L) silver salt method: 0.1mg/kg. Linear range: 1.0 µ g~10.0 µ g. First, 30 principle in food by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrophotometry may exist in different chemical forms of arsenic, including inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. 6mol/L hydrochloric acid water conditions, inorganic arsenic in the form of chloride was extracted to achieve separation of inorganic arsenic and organic arsenic. Determination of total inorganic arsenic in the condition of 2mol/L hydrochloride. 31 reagent 31.1 hydrochloric acid solution (1+1): volume 250mL hydrochloric acid. Slowly pour in 250mL water, and mix. 31.2 the potassium hydroxide solution (2g/L): weighing 2G and potassium hydroxide dissolved in water, dilute to 1000mL. 31.3 potassium borohydride solution (7g/L): weighing 3.5G 500mL2g/L solution for potassium borohydride solution of potassium hydroxide. 31.4 potassium iodide (100g/L)-thiourea solution (50g/L): weighing Ki 10G, 5G water solution
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