

2017-09-17 14页 doc 41KB 85阅读




桶装纯净水标准桶装纯净水标准 目前,在我国桶装饮用水市场上,主要有纯净水、矿泉水、泉水和天然水、矿物质水等,由于矿泉水、泉水等受资源限制,而纯净水是利用自来水经过一定的生产流程进行生产,因此市场上老百姓饮用最多的还是纯净水,纯净水的质量和老百姓的生活有着密切的关系。为此,国家质量技术监督局于1998年4月发布了GB17323,1998《瓶装饮用纯净水》和GB17324,1998《瓶装饮用纯净水卫生标准》。在这两个标准中,共设有感观指标4项、理化指标4项、卫生指标11项。 感观指标 感观指标包括色度、浊度、臭味、肉眼可见物。这几个指标是纯净...
桶装纯净水 目前,在我国桶装饮用水市场上,主要有纯净水、矿泉水、泉水和天然水、矿物质水等,由于矿泉水、泉水等受资源限制,而纯净水是利用自来水经过一定的生产进行生产,因此市场上老百姓饮用最多的还是纯净水,纯净水的质量和老百姓的生活有着密切的关系。为此,国家质量技术监督局于1998年4月发布了GB17323,1998《瓶装饮用纯净水》和GB17324,1998《瓶装饮用纯净水卫生标准》。在这两个标准中,共设有感观指标4项、理化指标4项、卫生指标11项。 感观指标 感观指标包括色度、浊度、臭味、肉眼可见物。这几个指标是纯净水质量控制中最基本的指标,其制定的标准值参照了饮用水(即自来水)的标准,而目前大多厂家生产纯净水的水源是自来水,又经过粗滤、精滤和去离子净化的流程,因此,一般纯净水都能达到国家标准所要求的数值。 理化指标 理化指标中较重要的是电导率和高锰酸钾消耗量。电导率是纯净水的特征性指标,反映的是纯净水的纯净程度以及生产工艺的控制好坏。由于生活饮用水不经过去离子纯化的过程,因此是不考察此项指标的。而对于纯净水来说,“纯净”是其最基本的要求,金属元素和微生物过高,都会导致电导率偏高。所以,电导率越小的水越纯净。 高锰酸钾消耗量是指1L水中还原性物质在一定条件下被高锰酸钾氧化时所消耗的氧毫克数,它考察的主要是水中有机物尤其是氯化物的含量。GB 17323,1998《瓶装饮用纯净水》中规定,饮用纯净水中高锰酸钾消耗量(以O2计)不得超过1(0mg,L。如果高锰酸钾消耗量偏高,有可能水中有微生物超标,也可能是一些厂家为防止微生物超标而增加消毒剂ClO2的量,从而产生一些新的有机卤代物,在这种情况下,一般游离氯也会超标。 卫生指标 卫生指标包括金属元素、有机物和微生物等几类。 金属指标 金属元素指标在标准中规定了铅、砷、铜的含量,铅、砷要求不得超过0(1mg,L,其主要来源于受人类活动所影响的环境,包括土壤、河流的污染等等。铅、砷为有毒有害元素,铅可由呼吸道或消化道进入人体并蓄积在人体内,当血液中含铅量为0(6,0(8mg,L时就会损害内脏,而砷的化合物会引起中毒,因此,它们的含量应该越小越好,而铜在标准中规定不得超过1(0mg,L,虽然铜不是有害元素,但也不是多多益善的物质,对于纯净水来说,更是衡量其纯净程度的标志之一。 有机物指标 有机物指标在国标中主要体现为三氯甲烷(氯仿)和四氯化碳含量的规定。由于桶装纯净水的质量问题主要集中在微生物检测超标上,为了解决这一问题,不少厂家不是从生产工艺、质量管理入手,而是仅仅通过加大消毒剂的量来试图解决纯净水的微生物污染问题,常用的消毒剂多为含氯消毒剂如二氧化氯等。桶装纯净水由于加氯消毒可产生一些新的有机卤代物,主要成分是三氯甲烷(氯仿)和四氯化碳及少量的一氯甲烷、一溴二氯甲烷、二溴一氯甲烷以及溴仿等,统称为卤代烷。经检测,经过加氯消毒的饮用水、自来水中卤代烷含量一般高于水源水。其中以三氯甲烷和四氯化碳含量较高,对人体存在一定危害,如果长期饮用氯仿和四氯化碳超标的纯净水,严重时会导致肝中毒甚至癌变。为了保护消费者的身体健康,在国标GB 17324,1998中明确规定:饮用纯净水中三氯甲烷和四氯化碳的含量分别不得超过0(02mg,L、0(001mg,L。 微生物指标 微生物指标在国标中规定了菌落总数、大肠菌群、致病菌和霉菌、酵母菌4项。从近几年对纯净水检测的情况看,微生物指标是比较容易超标的指标之一。这是由于微生物污染体现在纯净水在生产加工、运输和销售过程等各个环节上。在生产加工中,工人不注意个人卫生,回收瓶的清洗、消毒不严格,甚至一些厂家为降低成本,回收瓶盖再次使用,由于回收瓶盖的变形,造成瓶口不密封都有可能引起微生物污染。微生物的超标反映出水的污染程度。其中大肠杆菌达到一定指标,会引起人体腹泻。致病菌包括沙门氏菌、志贺氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和乙型链球菌。沙门氏菌、志贺氏菌污染的水会引起急性肠道传染病,出现腹泻发热等症状;金黄色葡萄球菌产生的肠毒素会引起人体中毒,出现急性胃肠道症状,甚至危及生命;on duty day and night, and led by the site shift, full-time staff, found problems resolved in a timely manner. 3) material preparation: raincoat, rubber boots, shovels, plastic sheeting, 130 cars, submersible pumps, water pipes, sewage pump, sheet. in rainy season construction measure 1 ... 1) safety precautions a. after rain, organize relevant personnel in a timely manner on the shelves, electrical and mechanical equipment, such as program check, found hidden immediately for resolution. B. electrical and non-electrical personnel not to move equipment. Regular maintenance of overhead lines, found that the problem resolved in a timely manner. C. distribution boxes, switch boxes, surface electrical equipment should with rainproof measures. Iron gate box skin electric equipment ground fault protection, leakage protection device is in accordance with the regulations. 2) fire-fighting measures a. fire-fighting equipment must be protected against rain, moisture, Sun protection, underground fire hydrants of the well is not lower than the General floor. B. acetylene and oxygen cylinders to have a sun protection and strict control of inventories. C. After Sun or rain, burning, explosion-prone items should be kept properly kept, and good ventilation, Sun-proof, moisture-proof. 8.6.2 summer construction measures summer and common characteristic is the high temperature, the water evaporates in the dry season, and prone to shrinkage cracks on concrete surface, and should seek to prevent sun exposure, reduce moisture evaporation, timely pouring time covered and moist curing. avoid pouring. To make full use of 6 o'clock in the afternoon to finish construction before the next day at 10 o'clock. prepare enough coverage tools, awnings, if necessary, to prevent direct sunlight, and awning can also be used in the rain. due to high temperatures in the summer, should pay attention to the safety of construction workers, should be prepared to heatstroke prevention medicine. 乙型链球菌则是造成人体化脓性炎症的主要病原菌;霉菌和酵母菌普遍分布于自然界,在食物中生长的霉菌在繁殖过程中吸取了食品的营养成分使食品的营养价值降低,并且散发异味,影响食品的感官,尤其是霉菌生长的过程中产生的毒素会引起人体慢性中毒,严重者会导致癌症。 国标卫生指标中还有一项重要指标为亚硝酸盐含量。亚硝酸盐主要来源于水源附近土壤中的硝酸盐,盐碱地、大量施用硝酸盐肥料以及缺钼的土壤中硝酸盐含量更高。在国标中规定亚硝酸盐不得超过0(002mg,L。 饮用天然矿泉水国家标准 《饮用天然矿泉水》国家标准成型于1995年,其中灌装产品菌落总数要求低于每毫升50单位。为达标,矿泉水企业普遍采用了臭氧杀菌工,随之极易产生溴酸盐。而本次修改预示着矿泉水国标在溴酸盐上限制上将与国际矿泉水标准接轨。据悉,世卫对溴酸盐的限制就是0.01毫克/升,欧盟规定为0.003 mg/L,美国规定为0.01mg/L。 即将出台的《饮用天然矿泉水》新国标将对矿泉水溴酸盐浓度加以限定,目前初定溴酸盐浓度应低于0.01毫克/升。 新出台的《饮用天然矿泉水》(GB 8537-2008),,,,-,,-,,发布,,,,-,,-,,实施。 原有《饮用天然矿泉水》是由中华人民共和国卫生部、原地质矿产部、轻工总会制定的《饮用天然矿泉水》国家标准[GB 8537-1995]。 矿泉水新国标主要变化如下 : 完善了天然矿泉水的定义;界限指标去掉1项“溴化物”;限量指标增加3项(锑、锰、镍、“溴酸盐”)、修改3项(镉、砷、硼),删除4项(锂、锶、碘化物和锌);污染物指标增加2项(阴离子合成洗涤剂、矿物油);微生物指标增加3项(粪链球菌、绿脓杆菌和产气荚膜杆菌),删除1项(菌落总数)。 摘要 封面 ICS 67.160.20 X 60 中华人民共和国国家标准 GB 8537—200X 代替GB 8537,1995 饮用天然矿泉水 Drinking natural mineral water (征求意见稿) 200X-XX-XX发布200X-XX-XX实施 on duty day and night, and led by the site shift, full-time staff, found problems resolved in a timely manner. 3) material preparation: raincoat, rubber boots, shovels, plastic sheeting, 130 cars, submersible pumps, water pipes, sewage pump, sheet. in rainy season construction measure 1 ... 1) safety precautions a. after rain, organize relevant personnel in a timely manner on the shelves, electrical and mechanical equipment, such as program check, found hidden immediately for resolution. B. electrical and non-electrical personnel not to move equipment. Regular maintenance of overhead lines, found that the problem resolved in a timely manner. C. distribution boxes, switch boxes, surface electrical equipment should with rainproof measures. Iron gate box skin electric equipment ground fault protection, leakage protection device is in accordance with the regulations. 2) fire-fighting measures a. fire-fighting equipment must be protected against rain, moisture, Sun protection, underground fire hydrants of the well is not lower than the General floor. B. acetylene and oxygen cylinders to have a sun protection and strict control of inventories. C. After Sun or rain, burning, explosion-prone items should be kept properly kept, and good ventilation, Sun-proof, moisture-proof. 8.6.2 summer construction measures summer and common characteristic is the high temperature, the water evaporates in the dry season, and prone to shrinkage cracks on concrete surface, and should seek to prevent sun exposure, reduce moisture evaporation, timely pouring time covered and moist curing. avoid pouring. To make full use of 6 o'clock in the afternoon to finish construction before the next day at 10 o'clock. prepare enough coverage tools, awnings, if necessary, to prevent direct sunlight, and awning can also be used in the rain. due to high temperatures in the summer, should pay attention to the safety of construction workers, should be prepared to heatstroke prevention medicine. 中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 发布 中国国家标准化管理委员会 目次 目 次... II HYPERLINK \l "_Toc197939210" 前 言... III 1 范围. IV 2 规范性引用文件. IV 3 术语和定义. IV 4 要求. V 5 检验方法. VIII 6 检验规则. VIII 7 标志、包装、运输、贮存. VIII 附录A (资料性附录) 饮用天然矿泉水水源评价资料要求... 1 附录B (资料性附录) 饮用天然矿泉水水质检验报告... 2 前 言 本标准的第3章、第4章、第7.1.1是强制性条款,其余条款为推荐性的。 本标准参考了国际食品法典委员会(CAC)CODEX STAN 108-1981, Rev 1-1997《天然矿泉水法典标准》和CAC/RCP 33-1985《天然矿泉水的采集、加工和销售卫生操作规范》。 本标准是对GB 8537—1995《饮用天然矿泉水》的修订。 本标准代替GB 8537—1995。 本标准与GB 8537—1995相比主要变化如下: —— 由“全文强制”改为“条文强制”; —— 完善了天然矿泉水的定义; —— 界限指标去掉1项“溴化物”; —— 限量指标增加3项 (“锑”、“锰”、“镍”、“溴酸盐”)、修改3项(“镉”、“砷”、“硼”);删除4项(锂、锶、碘化物和锌); —— 污染物指标增加2项(阴离子合成洗涤剂、矿物油); —— 微生物指标增加3项(粪链球菌、绿脓杆菌和产气荚膜杆菌);删除1项(菌落总数); 附录A、附录B是资料性附录。 本标准由中华人民共和国卫生部、中国轻工业联合会、国土资源部提出。 on duty day and night, and led by the site shift, full-time staff, found problems resolved in a timely manner. 3) material preparation: raincoat, rubber boots, shovels, plastic sheeting, 130 cars, submersible pumps, water pipes, sewage pump, sheet. in rainy season construction measure 1 ... 1) safety precautions a. after rain, organize relevant personnel in a timely manner on the shelves, electrical and mechanical equipment, such as program check, found hidden immediately for resolution. B. electrical and non-electrical personnel not to move equipment. Regular maintenance of overhead lines, found that the problem resolved in a timely manner. C. distribution boxes, switch boxes, surface electrical equipment should with rainproof measures. Iron gate box skin electric equipment ground fault protection, leakage protection device is in accordance with the regulations. 2) fire-fighting measures a. fire-fighting equipment must be protected against rain, moisture, Sun protection, underground fire hydrants of the well is not lower than the General floor. B. acetylene and oxygen cylinders to have a sun protection and strict control of inventories. C. After Sun or rain, burning, explosion-prone items should be kept properly kept, and good ventilation, Sun-proof, moisture-proof. 8.6.2 summer construction measures summer and common characteristic is the high temperature, the water evaporates in the dry season, and prone to shrinkage cracks on concrete surface, and should seek to prevent sun exposure, reduce moisture evaporation, timely pouring time covered and moist curing. avoid pouring. To make full use of 6 o'clock in the afternoon to finish construction before the next day at 10 o'clock. prepare enough coverage tools, awnings, if necessary, to prevent direct sunlight, and awning can also be used in the rain. due to high temperatures in the summer, should pay attention to the safety of construction workers, should be prepared to heatstroke prevention medicine. 本标准由全国饮料标准化技术委员会归口。 本标准起草单位:中国食品发酵工业研究院、中国地质环境监测院、中国疾病预防控制中心环境与健康相关产品安全所、中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所、海口椰树矿泉水有限公司、深圳达能益力泉饮品有限公司。 本标准主要起草人: 本标准所代替标准的历次版本发布情况为: ——GB 8537,1987、GB 8537,1995 。 正文(节选) 饮用天然矿泉水 1 范围 本标准规定了饮用天然矿泉水的定义、水源及其产品的要求、检验规则和标志、包装、运输、贮存。 本标准适用于饮用天然矿泉水的水源水及其产品的生产、检验与销售。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准;然而,鼓励根据本标准达成的各方研究是否使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。 GB/T 191 包装储运图示标志 GB 7718 预包装食品标签通则 GB/T 8538 饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 GB/T 13432 预包装特殊膳食用食品标签通则 GB 16330 饮用天然矿泉水厂卫生规范 3 术语和定义 下列术语和定义适用于本标准。 3.1 定义 3.1.1 饮用天然矿泉水 drinking natural mineral water 从地下深处自然涌出的或经钻井采集的,含有一定量的矿物盐、微量元素或其他成分,在一定区域采取预防措施避免污染的水;在通常情况下,其化学成分、流量、水温等动态在天然周期波动范围内相对稳定;在采取特殊卫生防护措施下、靠近水源点处进行灌装。 3.2 补充定义 3.2.1 含气天然矿泉水 carbonated natural mineral water 包装后,在正常温度和压力下有可见相同数量同源二氧化碳自然释放起泡的天然矿泉水。 on duty day and night, and led by the site shift, full-time staff, found problems resolved in a timely manner. 3) material preparation: raincoat, rubber boots, shovels, plastic sheeting, 130 cars, submersible pumps, water pipes, sewage pump, sheet. in rainy season construction measure 1 ... 1) safety precautions a. after rain, organize relevant personnel in a timely manner on the shelves, electrical and mechanical equipment, such as program check, found hidden immediately for resolution. B. electrical and non-electrical personnel not to move equipment. Regular maintenance of overhead lines, found that the problem resolved in a timely manner. C. distribution boxes, switch boxes, surface electrical equipment should with rainproof measures. Iron gate box skin electric equipment ground fault protection, leakage protection device is in accordance with the regulations. 2) fire-fighting measures a. fire-fighting equipment must be protected against rain, moisture, Sun protection, underground fire hydrants of the well is not lower than the General floor. B. acetylene and oxygen cylinders to have a sun protection and strict control of inventories. C. After Sun or rain, burning, explosion-prone items should be kept properly kept, and good ventilation, Sun-proof, moisture-proof. 8.6.2 summer construction measures summer and common characteristic is the high temperature, the water evaporates in the dry season, and prone to shrinkage cracks on concrete surface, and should seek to prevent sun exposure, reduce moisture evaporation, timely pouring time covered and moist curing. avoid pouring. To make full use of 6 o'clock in the afternoon to finish construction before the next day at 10 o'clock. prepare enough coverage tools, awnings, if necessary, to prevent direct sunlight, and awning can also be used in the rain. due to high temperatures in the summer, should pay attention to the safety of construction workers, should be prepared to heatstroke prevention medicine. 强化气天然矿泉水 natural mineral water fortified with carbon dioxide from the source 按4.3.2规定处理并充入同源收集的二氧化碳,包装后,其游离二氧化碳含量比 原水更多的天然矿泉水。 人工充气天然矿泉水 carbonated natural mineral water 按4.3.2规定处理,包装后,由于充入了其他来源的二氧化碳而起泡的天然矿泉 水。 3.2.2 无气天然矿泉水 non-carbonated natural mineral water 按4.3.2规定处理,包装后,在正常温度和压力下无可见二氧化碳自然释放 起泡的天然矿泉水。 on duty day and night, and led by the site shift, full-time staff, found problems resolved in a timely manner. 3) material preparation: raincoat, rubber boots, shovels, plastic sheeting, 130 cars, submersible pumps, water pipes, sewage pump, sheet. in rainy season construction measure 1 ... 1) safety precautions a. after rain, organize relevant personnel in a timely manner on the shelves, electrical and mechanical equipment, such as program check, found hidden immediately for resolution. B. electrical and non-electrical personnel not to move equipment. Regular maintenance of overhead lines, found that the problem resolved in a timely manner. C. distribution boxes, switch boxes, surface electrical equipment should with rainproof measures. Iron gate box skin electric equipment ground fault protection, leakage protection device is in accordance with the regulations. 2) fire-fighting measures a. fire-fighting equipment must be protected against rain, moisture, Sun protection, underground fire hydrants of the well is not lower than the General floor. B. acetylene and oxygen cylinders to have a sun protection and strict control of inventories. C. After Sun or rain, burning, explosion-prone items should be kept properly kept, and good ventilation, Sun-proof, moisture-proof. 8.6.2 summer construction measures summer and common characteristic is the high temperature, the water evaporates in the dry season, and prone to shrinkage cracks on concrete surface, and should seek to prevent sun exposure, reduce moisture evaporation, timely pouring time covered and moist curing. avoid pouring. To make full use of 6 o'clock in the afternoon to finish construction before the next day at 10 o'clock. prepare enough coverage tools, awnings, if necessary, to prevent direct sunlight, and awning can also be used in the rain. due to high temperatures in the summer, should pay attention to the safety of construction workers, should be prepared to heatstroke prevention medicine.
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