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HDW干燥器说明书HDW干燥器说明书 0 HDW微热再生干燥器 操 作 使 用 说 明 书 杭州永大空分设备有限公司 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium ...
HDW干燥器说明书 0 HDW微热再生干燥器 操 作 使 用 说 明 书 杭州永大空分设备有限公司 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 1 11 目 录 1、 概述 2、 基本工作原理 3、 技术参数 4、 压缩空气净化工艺流程及其净化系统的配置 5、 安装 6、 HDW电脑控制仪的使用 7、 调试 8、 使用 9、 维护保养 故障排除 10、电气原理图 h sulfuric acid solution volume,blank wit--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--sample nitrogen,%; T--formula: xtrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the nia nimple containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammod consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as saic acition of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphura into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titrammonito drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release aflask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water yerthis process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenme Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. --ion 25e distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solutlower end of the condenser of th 2 一、概述: 永大HDW系列微热吸附式压缩空气干燥器是吸收了有热吸附式和无热吸附式压缩空气干燥器的优点研制而成的一种吸附式干燥器。它避免了无热吸附式压缩空气干燥器切换时间短,再生空气损耗量大的缺点,同时也克服了有热吸附式压缩空气干燥器消耗电能大的弊端。该干燥器切换时间合理,再生气耗量少,是目前净化行业最经济的节能型吸附式干燥器,被广泛用于电子、食品、冶金、电力、化工、石油、医药、轻纺、烟草、仪器、仪表、自动控制等行业。 二、基本工作原理 永大HDW系列微热吸附式压缩空气干燥器是根据变压吸附原理,应用微加热再生方法对压缩空气进行干燥的一种设备。在一定的压力下,使压缩空气自下而上流经吸附剂(干燥)床层,在低温高压下,压缩空气中的水蒸气便向吸附剂表面转移也即吸附剂吸收空气中的水份至趋于平衡,使压缩空气得到干燥,这就是吸附(工作)过程。 当压力下降的干燥空气(再生空气),经加热后气体膨胀,再与吸附水份饱和的吸附剂接触时,吸附剂中的水份转向再生空气,直至平衡,使吸附剂得到干燥,这就是解吸(再生)过程。 再生)。 即在低温、高压下水份被吸附(工作),在高温、低压下水份被解吸( 本干燥器为双筒结构,筒内充填满吸附剂(干燥器),当一吸附筒在进行干燥工序时,另一吸附筒在进行解吸工序。 2(1工艺流程(见图1) 图1微热吸附式压缩空气干燥器工艺流程示意图 图中A筒作为吸附筒、B筒作为解吸筒 blank with sulfuric acid solution volume,--ulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vostandards for titration of moles of s--sample nitrogen,%; T--e sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of th twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sampleread en. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red,ter drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is greds, waer tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube eny 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenscted bcondenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collee funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through th--bottle contains boric acid solution 25lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the 3 11 空气出口 1、a1、b1进气气动薄膜切断阀 (柱塞式切断阀)2、a2、b2出气气动薄膜切断阀 (柱塞式切断阀)3、消声器AB4、ADH电脑控制仪控制器5、电加热器6、单向阀47、调节阀8、止回阀999、吸附筒 a2b2 a1b1 空气入口 图2阀门 2(1(1 吸附工序 当以A筒作为吸附(干燥)筒时,应先行关闭进气阀b1(常开)、排气阀a2(常闭),打开排气阀b2,未经干燥带水份的压缩空气由气体进口进入,流经a1到A筒下部 ,湿空气在筒内自下而上流经干澡剂,湿空气中的水份被吸附,干燥的压缩空气由A筒上部流出。约94%-96%的干燥空气通过止回阀8从气体出口流出。 2(1.2解吸工序 h sulfuric acid solution volume,blank wit--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--sample nitrogen,%; T--formula: xtrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the nia nimple containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammod consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as saic acition of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphura into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titrammonito drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release aflask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water yerthis process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenme Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. --ion 25e distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solutlower end of the condenser of th 4 当以右筒作为解吸(再生)筒时,来自左吸附筒的4,6%干燥空气,从调节通过球阀7通过并进入加热器5升温后流经右吸附筒,吹走被吸附的水份,这部份再生气通过已打开的排气阀b2,经消声器3中排出。 2(1.3 下半周期‚左筒作为解吸工序,右筒转为吸附工序,切换周期一般为120,360分钟(可根据需要另行设定),各阀门,a-b,的动作由HDW电脑控制12 仪面板显示。 三、技术参数 表1技术参数: 技术参数名称 技术参数值 额定处理气量Nm?/min 1-250 进口压力 Mpa 0.6,1.0(按本设备确定) 压力降 Mpa ?0.02 进口温度 ? ?50 进口含油量 mg/m? <0.5 成品气露点 ? -20、-40、?-55(常压下) 再生气耗量% ?6 细孔球状活性氧化铝(Φ4,Φ8)或干燥剂 分子筛 再生方式 微热再生温度120,150? 工作方法 两吸附筒交替连续工作,周期180min 操作方式 HDW电脑控制仪全自动控制 3?6Nm/min 220V/50Hz 电源(加热器) 3>6Nm/min 380V/50Hz 安装环境 室内,温度低于38? 3.2装机功率 HDW- HDW- HDW- HDW- HDW- HDW- HDW- HDW- HDW- 型 120/6/8 10/8 12/8 20/8 30/8 40/8 80/8 250/8 号 8 装 机 2 4 5 8 12 16 20 40 60 功率 KW blank with sulfuric acid solution volume,--ulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vostandards for titration of moles of s--sample nitrogen,%; T--e sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of th twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sampleread en. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red,ter drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is greds, waer tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube eny 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenscted bcondenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collee funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through th--bottle contains boric acid solution 25lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the 5 11 四、压缩空气净化工艺流程及其净化系统的配置 4.1压缩空气净化工艺流程除“干燥”工序外大体由如下工序组成,用户可以根据使用要求,组合编制出合理的工艺流程. 4.1.1储气 稳定气源,缓和压缩机产生的脉冲,使进出口压力和流量稳定,保证净化工艺流程运转持续平衡. 4.1.2冷却 在同等压力条件下,流入干燥器的气体温度宜低,因为压缩空气中的饱和含水量随进气温度的提高而成正比例增加;成品气出口露点也将随之升高. 4.1.3除油 微量油累积会造成干燥器的吸附剂失效,为了保证较长和使用寿命,干燥器进口气体含油量不得大于0.5mg/m? 4.1.4除水 要求进入干燥器的压缩空气中不得带有液态水滴,否则将严重影响干燥器运转效率。 4.1.5除尘 压缩空气中粉尘,其危害是很大的,如降低产品的质量(影响加工精度、喷涂、电镀质量、药品、食品染菌等),所以一般应采用粉尘精密过滤器过滤。 4.1.6除菌 医药、食品等行业须进行该工序,除菌过滤能够去除粒径小于0.1um颗粒,菌毒,其滤效为 99.999%。 4.1.7除臭 药品、食品行业须进行该工序,本公司生产的活性炭过滤器,能有效除去压缩空气中的异味。上述各工序所需设备我公司均有生产,可以成套配置。 6 五、 安装 5.1用户按基础图酌情施工安装,见图4表3. L L1 ?0.00 100 H b×b B B1 5.2安装设备时应注意筒体的垂直度. 5.3设备应紧固牢靠,使用一段时期后应再行紧固. 5.4用户按图5连接进、排气管道(设备上有进出气口标贴),过滤器、高效除油器应尽量靠近干燥器。 5.5为了保证安全,设备应有效接地。 6.6消声器应接到室外,连接管路应水平或低于排气口,否则会造成部分液体倒流,影响再生效果。 六、HDW微热干燥器PLC控制器出厂设定 6.1主要技术指标和正常使用条件 6.1.1干燥器工作时间:1小时30分。 6.1.2干燥器再生时间:1小时27分钟。 6.1.3干燥器加热时间: 50分钟。 6.1.4干燥器加热控温点范围:?145? 6.1.5掉电后数据自动保留时间:>10年。 6.1.6电磁阀输出容量:4路,每路交流220V/3A。 6.1.7整机功耗:<20W 6.1.8工作电源:交流220V?20%,50/60Hz。 6.1.9环境温度:-10,80?,相对湿度?85%。 6.1.10使用场所应无爆炸性危险介质,周围没有腐蚀性气体。 7 11 七、调试 7.1调试前准备 7.1.1在调试前应先仔细检查各运转部件、仪表控制系统、HDW-PLC控制仪、加热器、电源、接地装置等,若损坏或失灵,应修复。 7.1.2 HDW电脑控制仪出厂前设定为2小时工作时间,一般无须更改参数,上电即可正常运行。 7.2几个相关阀门调节 7.2.1安全阀起跳压力调节至进口压力的1.05倍(出厂时已调好)。 7.2.2调整供薄膜切断阀运行进口压力为0.2,0.3Mpa(出厂时已调好)。 7.2.3如蝶阀,则其运行进口压力为0.55Mpa(出厂时已调好)。 7.2.4调节再生气球阀Q(阀全开即为6%额定量,一般调至中间位置即可)。 7.2.5切断阀的控制气压力需调整时,先拔起调压阀的上旋钮,然后左旋(减少)或右旋(增大)调整完毕压下旋钮即可。 7.3吹洗吸附剂 凡新填充的吸附剂最好先输送压缩空气吹洗放空,把吸附剂中的粉尘吹洗干净. 7.4干燥吸附剂 凡新填充的吸附剂吹洗好后应进行干燥,干燥方法一般用压缩空气干燥:关闭出气阀门,全开进气阀门,送进压缩空气,时间按干燥剂干燥程度确定. 八、使用 8.1先打开空压机待干燥器进气压力,0.5MPa时开启HDW控制仪(先合上控制箱内的控制仪电源空开,然后合上加热器电源空开),设备即开始运行。停机时只需关掉HDW控制仪电源(先关加热器电源,然后关控制仪电源)即可。 8.2若用户要采用无热运行方式时,可断开加热器电源空开(加热部分出故障会自动断开),将控制仪内的转换开关置于无热位置,断电后重新开机即可。 8.3未打开干燥器压缩空气也能通过干燥器送到用气点(两塔同时干燥吸附),此时时间不宜过长。 8.4每次断电后重新开机会自动交换工作塔,可避免一塔重复使用。 8.5本装置在无爆炸危险,无足以腐蚀金属和破坏绝缘介质的室内使用。 8.6当加热部分出现故障时转换为无热运行方式工作,待修理。 九、维护保养 9.1经过长期运转,当干燥系统各项运行参数不变,设备工作正常,而干燥空气达不到露点要求(?-40?),即干燥剂已失效,需调换更新。 9.2再生的吸附筒在排放废气时,其压力应<0.05Mpa.如压力超过此值,则应卸下消声器清除灰尘,使气体流动阻力小,必要时更换滤芯或消声器,一般 8 应把排气管与消声器接至室外。 9.3因气动薄膜切断阀的薄膜工作压力为0.2,0.3Mpa,应经常检查过滤减压阀上的压力表指示是否超过,以防止超压损坏薄膜. 9.4检查再生气球阀,确保在开启状态。 表7常见故障检修表 序 故 障 故障 原因 排除 方法 号 1.1吸附剂不足或破2.1加吸附剂或更换 碎、失效 2.2调整至合理气量,检 1.2再生气量不足或A、查阀门及控制仪 B塔切换不正常 2.3调整工艺配置、提高1 露点达不到要1.3进气温度过高 冷却器冷却效果 求 1.4进气含油量高吸附2.4提高滤油效果,更换 剂失效 吸附剂 1.5工作压力低至使 2.5适当提高进气压力 吸附能力低 2.6合理地调整切换周期 1.6切换周期过长 2.7降低消声器出口高 1.7消声器出口高于图度,防止雨水进入消音器 5的H1或雨水倒灌 2.1吸附剂破损严重 3.1清除破损吸附剂并补2 压力降偏大 2.2过滤器堵塞 充 (? 0.02MPa) 2.3吸附剂超期或已过3.2检查并清理堵塞的过 早破碎成粉尘状 滤器 3.3过筛或更换吸附剂 3.1出气管径不合要求 3.1更换 3 3.2出气管道不畅 3.2清理及排污 流量损失大 4 3.3再生气量偏大 3.3适当减少再生气量 3.4管道弯头过多 3.4适当减少管道弯头 4.1消声器或消声器管4.1清理消声器(更换滤 道堵塞 芯)或清理消声管道5 4.2蝶阀失灵或严重泄4.2检查并更换损坏件4 再生压力不漏 (密封件等) 复零5 4.3再生气量偏大 4.3适当减少再生气量 4.4再生气出气管路不4.4检查出气管路、消声 畅 器等 4.5止回阀漏气 4.5检查阀头 9 11 5.1智能控制仪程序不5.1检查并排除 对 5.2按要求重新调整电磁 5.2电脑控制仪输出端阀接线端,修复或更换控 接线有误或控制仪故障 制仪 5 A、B塔切换不5.3电磁阀损坏 5.3更换 正常 5.4薄膜切断阀(气动5.4检查并更换破损件 6 碟阀)失灵或严重泄漏 (如膜片破裂) 5.5先导电磁阀外接线5.5检查并排除 路故障 5.6检查阀头是否正常 5.6止回阀漏气或卡死 10 11
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