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报告编号2011210002865v科技查新报告项目名称气垫船共振报告编号2011210002865v科技查新报告项目名称气垫船共振 报告编号:2011210002865V 科 技 查 新 报 告 项目名称:气垫船共振破冰技术与工艺 委 托 人:沈阳理工大学 委托日期: 2011年12月29日 查新机构(盖章):辽宁省科学技术情报研究所 查新完成日期:2012年01月10日 中 华 人 民 共 和 国 科 学 技 术 部 二???年制 1 查新项目 中文:气垫船共振破冰技术与工艺 名 称 英文:Technology and processes of ACV’s re...
编号2011210002865v科技查新报告项目名称气垫船共振 报告编号:2011210002865V 科 技 查 新 报 告 项目名称:气垫船共振破冰技术与工艺 委 托 人:沈阳理工大学 委托日期: 2011年12月29日 查新机构(盖章):辽宁省科学技术情报研究所 查新完成日期:2012年01月10日 中 华 人 民 共 和 国 科 学 技 术 部 二???年制 1 查新项目 中文:气垫船共振破冰技术与工艺 名 称 英文:Technology and processes of ACV’s resonance broken ice 名 称 辽宁省科学技术情报研究所 通讯地址 沈阳市高新技术产业开发区浑邮政编码 110181 南二路8号 查新机构 负 责 人 孙玉茹 电话 (024) 23931010 E-mail:chaxin0318@sina.com 联 系 人 李 杨 电话 (024) 23936929—601 E-mail:liyang@lninfo.gov.cn lyu601@sina.com 一、查新目的 科技部国际合作项目结题验收。 二、查新项目的科学技术要点(科学技术特征、技术参数或指标、应用范围) 该项目“气垫船共振破冰技术与工艺”,科技部国际合作重大项目立项,现结题验收阶段。该项目属于工程与技术领域,所属学科为动力与电力工程,其研究方向为动力机械工程。 黄河在流凌封冻期和融冰解冻期易发生冰塞、冰排、冰坝等导致水位抬高,发生漫滩、满溢坝顶,冰凌撞击提防,造成严重的冰凌灾害。目前主要采用爆破等方式进行破冰作业,对俄引进“气垫船共振破冰技术”取代传统的爆破破冰方式,实现高效率、高质量、低成本、安全可靠、环保的破冰。从根本上解决我国北方各河流及沿海的冰凌、冰盖、冰坝等造成的严重灾害问题。 对俄引进关键技术——气垫船共振破冰技术,是利用气垫船下喷气流作用于冰面上,在气流的作用下使冰层产生扰动,形成共振,即采用共振弯曲一一重力波方法对冰进行震荡,最终使冰层破碎。 该项目的合作单位为:俄罗斯科学院远东分院机器学和冶金学研究所。 2 三、查新点与查新要求 查新点: 1、提出了气垫船破冰实验的相似准则,建立了气垫船模型实验室破冰实验测试平台; 2、在国内外首次采用EPS泡沫垫仿冰进行气垫船破冰实验,揭示了气垫船共振破冰的机理,并导出了气垫船共振破冰临界速度的计算公式; 3、建立了兴波破冰的理论计算模型,构造了基于边界元和有限差分的数值计算方法。通过计算获得了气垫船质量、压力、航速、冰层厚度、水深、流速等工况条件之间的关系,为气垫船破冰提供依据,形成了气垫船破冰的运行。 查新要求:国内外有无相同或同类研究。 四、文献检索范围及检索策略 国内联机检索: 数据库: 中国科技期刊数据库 1989-2012 中国科学技术成果库 1986-2012 国家科技成果信息网 1991-2012 中国专利文献数据库 1985-2012 中国学术会议数据库 1989-2012 中国学位论文数据库 1989-2012 中国科技经济新闻数据库 1992-2012 检索策略: 1、气垫船*破冰 2、气垫船*EPS泡沫垫 3、气垫船*兴波破冰 国际联机检索: 数据库: 工程索引(EI) 1970-2012 科学文摘(INSPEC) 1969-2012 世界专利索引(WPINDEX) 1963-2012 欧洲专利数据库网 (ESP@CENET) 1980-2012 检索策略: 1、air cushion vehicle*(broken ice+ice breaking) 2、air cushion vehicles(hovercraft)* similarity criterion 3、air cushion vehicles* EPS foam 4、air cushion vehicles* wave resistance 3 五、检索结果 经检索,查到国内外相关文献10篇,其中文献1-2为国内论文,文献3-10为国外论文。 1 黄河破冰减灾应用研究 [作者] 闫新光 [机构] 内蒙古自治区防汛抗旱指挥部办公室,内蒙古010020 [刊名] 中国防汛抗旱-2011.21(1).-17-20 [关键词] 黄河防凌 破冰减灾 内蒙古黄河河道 气垫船破冰 水动力破冰 [ISSN] 1673-9264 [分类号] TV122 [文摘] 内蒙古黄河河道处于黄河流域最北端,冬季气温低,每年都要产生凌汛,为了减少凌灾损失,需对影响行凌的堆冰和冰坝实施破冰减灾除险。在前人多年破冰减灾经验的基础上,从破冰减灾的时空性,破冰减灾的对象、原则,冰坝险情分类上进行了分析研究,介绍了传统的破冰减灾方法炸冰、利用水动力破冰和新型的机械动力破冰方法,并例举2004年3月的破冰实例供借鉴,便于指导黄河防凌工作。 2 破冰防凌新技术探讨 介绍了两种新型破冰防凌方法,一是利用河道动力破冰机破碎冰盖、疏通堆冰,该设备机动性强、上下河自如,在北美和北欧得到广泛应用;二是利用气垫船辅助爆破成套技术定点投放聚能破冰弹,破冰弹在水下爆炸,符合爆破工程学原理,具有机动性强和准确性高的特点,是一种极具前景的破冰防凌技术. 作 者: 丁留谦 何秉顺 闫新光 作者单位: 丁留谦,何秉顺(中国水利水电科学研究院,北京,100044) 闫新光(内蒙古自治区防汛抗旱办公室,呼和浩特,010020) 刊 名: 中国防汛抗旱 英文刊名: CHINESE CULTURE PICTORIAL 年,卷(期): 2010 20(2) 分类号: D6 关键词: 凌汛 飞机投弹 炮兵破冰 河道动力破冰机 气垫船 聚能破冰弹 机标分类号: TV8 TV5 机标关键词: 防凌破冰弹机动性爆破工程学水下爆炸成套技术定点投放准确性气垫船特点设备破碎聚能河道辅助方法动力冰机冰盖北欧 3 HIGH SPEED AIR CUSHION ICEBREAKING: MEMBRANE ICE SHEET MODEL. Hinchey, M.J.1 Source: CASI, p 40-48, 1983; Conference: Preprints of the Seventeenth Canadian Symposium on Air Cushion Technology.; Sponsor: CASI, Air Cushion Technology Soc, Ottawa, Ont, Can; Hovercraft Soc; Publisher: CASI Author affiliation: 4 1 Memorial Univ of Newfoundland,, Faculty of Engineering & Applied, Science, St. Johns, Newfoundl, Can, Memorial Univ of Newfoundland, Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science, St. Johns, Newfoundl, Abstract: This paper models an ice sheet as a membrane under tension and considers the waves generated by an air cushion vehicle moving over the sheet. It shows that there can be simultaneously two waves in the vicinity of a moving vehicle: one a stern wave similar to that seen over open water; the other a bow or precursor wave. (8 refs.) Main Heading: ICE Controlled terms: AIR CUSHION VEHICLES - Wave Effects - SHIPS - Icebreakers Uncontrolled terms: ICE BREAKING TECHNOLOGY - ICE RUPTURE - MEMBRANE MODELS - PRECURSOR WAVE - PRESSURE EFFECTS - STERN WAVE 报道了通过建立冰层模型来研究高速气垫船破冰的机理。 4 Determination of critical speed in ice breaking by air cushion vehicle Wang, Chong1; Zhang, Zhihong1; Miao, Tao1; Yao, Jun2; Zhang, Liaoyuan2; Chen, Ke2 Source: Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 138-189, p 529-533, 2012, Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering II; ISSN: 16609336; ISBN-13: 9783037852965; DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.138-139.529; Conference: 2011 2nd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, ICAMME 2011, October 8, 2011 - October 9, 2011; Sponsor: Asia Pacific Environmental Science Research Center; Huazhong Normal University; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Publisher: Trans Tech Publications Author affiliation: 1 College of Science, Naval University of Engineering, HuBei, China 2 Shenyang University of Science and Engineering, LiaoNing, China Abstract: On the basis of the differential equation governing small flexure of thin elastic vibrating plate, the formula for calculating the phase velocity and group velocity of ice sheet wave propagation under the air cushion load is induced. The minimum of the phase velocity is the critical speed about ice breaking by air cushion vehicle (ACV). If ACV moves at the critical speed, the energy causing the deformation of ice sheet is concentrated constantly, thus the amplitude of the wave is enlarged enough to break the ice by resonance. (4 refs.) Main Heading: Ice Controlled terms: Air cushion vehicles - Air cushioning - Differential equations - Glaciers - Mechanical engineering - Phase velocity Uncontrolled terms: Air cushion - Critical speed - Group velocities - Ice sheet - Ice-breaking - Vibrating plate 报道了破冰气垫船的临界速度测定。 5 ESTIMATE OF ICE BREAKING CAPACITY BY A MOVING LOAD. Kozin, V.M.1 Source: Proceedings of the International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Symposium, v 4, p 263-266, 1988; Conference: OMAE 1988 Houston, 5 Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. Volume V: Pipelines.; Sponsor: ASME, New York, NY, USA; ASCE, New York, NY, USA; Soc of Naval Architects of Japan, Jpn; Inst of Mechanical Engineers, London, Engl; London Cent for Marine Technology, Engl; et al; Publisher: ASME Author affiliation: 1 Polytechnical Inst, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, USSR, Polytechnical Inst, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, USSR Abstract: The problem examined in the paper deals with a non-traditional method of ice breaking for prolonging the navigation period in ice. Economic calculations show that ice break-up by generating the resonance bend-gravitation waves (BGW) appears sometimes to be more effective than the use of conventional ice-breakers or ice-breaking devices. The new way of ice breaking enables us to reduce the energy waste by excluding a few constituents out of a full ice resistance. The problem is solved by the experimental-theoretical method. The paper presents the solution of the differential equation describing the ice sheet viscoelastic oscillations caused by the rectilinear load moving with the constant velocity and distributed over the load rectangle area. The criterion for estimating the thickness of ice sheets broken by BGW of the resonance velocity is the comparing of calculation results with the known ones and those by the author. (7 refs.) Main Heading: ICE Controlled terms: OCEANOGRAPHY - Sea Ice - VISCOELASTICITY - Mathematical Models 研究了移动荷载方法对气垫船破冰能力的估计。 6 AIR CUSHION TECHNOLOGY IN ICEBREAKING. Wade, R. Source: Hovering Craft & Hydrofoil, v 14, n 3, p 20-23, May 1975 Abstract: The use of air cushion technology for breaking ice has now developed from the experimental stage to the point where useful operations are being performed in locations where conventional icebreakers cannot work. Opportunities to gain knowledge are limited to fairly short winter seasons, but significant advances have been made since the first experience in 1971/72. Perhaps the most obvious need for icebreaking is to assist ships navigating in winter, and this is normally done by icebreaking ships which are specially designed and have large installed horsepower. They operate essentially on the principle of using massive force, and the high resistance offered by the ice results in low speeds of advance in relation to the power expended. But another very important reason for breaking ice is for flood control in rivers and inland waterways. Two methods, slow speed and high speed, of applying this technology are described. Main Heading: AIR CUSHION VEHICLES 报道了使用气垫船的破冰技术。 7 6 SOME TESTS AT THE INSTITUTE FOR MARINE DYNAMICS ON HIGH SPEED HOVERCRAFT ICEBREAKING. Whitten, J.1; Hinchey, M.J.1; Hill, B.1; Jones, S.1 Source: CASI, 1986; Conference: Preprints of the 1986 CACTS International Conference on Air Cushion Technology.; Sponsor: Canadian Air Cushion Technology Soc, Can; US Hovercraft Soc, USA; Hovercraft Soc; Publisher: CASI Author affiliation: 1 Memorial Univ of Newfoundland, Can, Memorial Univ of Newfoundland, Can Abstract: Observations have shown that hovercraft can break ice sheets in two distinct modes: one low speed and one high speed. This paper deals with the high speed mode. A hovercraft, moving rapidly over a floating ice sheet, sets up flexural-gravity waves in the sheet-water system. The resulting flexure of the sheet sometimes causes it to break. The paper concentrates on the wave generation. It presents wave pattern data generated by a downward acting air jet moving over sheets in the Ice Tank Facility at the Institute for Marine Dynamics: the air jet being the simplest model of a hovercraft. (10 refs.) Main Heading: BOATS Controlled terms: AIR CUSHION VEHICLES - FLOW OF FLUIDS - Jets - MATERIALS TESTING - Impact 报道了高速气垫船破冰在不同的模式测试的研究。 8 The Wave Resistance of Amphibian Aircushion Vehicles in Broken Ice Kozin, V. M.; Milovanova, A. V. Source: Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics (English translation of PMTF, Zhurnal Prikladnoi Mekhaniki i Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki), v 37, n 5, p 634, 1996; ISSN: 00218944 Database: Compendex Nonstationary motion of an amphibian air-cushion vehicle on ice fields Kozin, Victor M.1; Pogorelova, Alexandra V.1 Source: Proceedings of the Seventh 2006 ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, ISOPE PACOMS 2006, p 81-86, 2006, Proceedings of the Seventh 2006 ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, ISOPE PACOMS 2006; ISBN-10: 1880653672, ISBN-13: 9781880653678; Conference: 7th Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, ISOPE PACOMS 2006, September 17, 2006 - September 21, 2006; Sponsor: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE); Chinese Ocean Engineering Society; Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China; Publisher: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers Author affiliation: 1 Institute of Machine Science and Metallurgy, Far East Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Komsomol' sk-on-Amur, Russia Abstract: The nonstationary motion of amphibian air-cushion vehicles (ACV) over water covered with continuous ice is considered. The ice sheet is simulated by an elastic ice plate. An analysis is made of the effect of the vehicle length, velocity regimes, 7 the depth of water reservoir, and the ice characteristics on the wave resistance of the ACV. Copyright ? 2006 by The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers. (8 refs.) 通过模拟弹性的冰层-理论解法来研究兴波破冰。 9 WAVES AND WAVE RESISTANCE FOR AIR-CUSHION VEHICLES WITH TIME-DEPENDENT CUSHION PRESSURES. Haussling, H.J.; van Eseltine, R.T. Source: Journal of Ship Research, v 22, n 3, p 170-177, Sep 1978; ISSN: 00224502 Abstract: Wave patterns and wave resistance are computed for air-cushion vehicles with time-dependent cushion pressures moving at uniform speed over deep and shallow water. The effect of beam-to-length ratio, Froude number, and water depth on the resistance is investigated. The resistance is found to exhibit a distinctive behavior at a critical frequency. This behavior corresponds to a singularity in the resistance at the critical frequency. The importance of this behavior is found to diminish with decreasing beam-to-length ratio and increasing Froude number. (13 refs.) Main Heading: AIR CUSHION VEHICLES Controlled terms: SHIPS – Resistance 结合时变气垫压力的兴波破冰研究。 10 Wave resistance of an air-cushion vehicle in unsteady motion over an ice sheet Pogorelova, A.V.1 Source: Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, v 49, n 1, p 71-79, January 2008; ISSN: 00218944, E-ISSN: 15738620; DOI: 10.1007/s10808-008-0010-x; Publisher: Springer New York LLC Author affiliation: 1 Institute of Machine Science and Metallurgy, Far East Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Komsomol'sk-on-Amur 681005, Russia Abstract: Unsteady rectilinear motion of an air-cushion vehicle over an ice sheet at various speeds is considered. Ice is modeled by a viscoelastic ice plate. The effects of the basin depth, the thickness and relaxation time of ice, vehicle length, acceleration, deceleration, and speed of uniform motion on the wave resistance of the vehicle are analyzed. Maneuvering methods for increasing or lowering the wave resistance of the vehicle are proposed. ? Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2008. (14 refs.) Main Heading: Air cushion vehicles Controlled terms: Ice - Incompressible flow - Maneuverability - Unsteady flow - Viscoela sticity - Water waves 报道了在非恒速运动下气垫船兴波破冰的研究。 8 六、查新结论 经国内外文献检索,查到有关该课题的相关文献10篇,其中文献1-2为国内论文,文献3-10为国外论文。文献1报道了黄河破冰减灾应用研究。介绍了传统的破冰减灾方法炸冰、利用水动力破冰和新型的机械动力破冰方法。文献2报道了破冰防凌新技术探讨。文献3报道了通过建立冰层模型来研究高速气垫船破冰的机理。文献4报道了破冰气垫船的临界速度测定。文献5研究了移动荷载方法对气垫船破冰能力的估计。文献6报道了使用气垫船的破冰技术。文献7报道了高速气垫船破冰在不同的模式测试的研究。文献8报道了通过模拟弹性的冰层-理论解法来研究兴波破冰。文献9报道了结合时变气垫压力的兴波破冰研究。文献10报道了在非恒速运动下气垫船兴波破冰的研究。 检索结果与查新点对比如下: 查新点1所述:“提出了气垫船破冰实验的相似准则,建立了气垫船模型实验室破冰实验测试平台”,其中文献3-7分别提及了通过建立冰层模型、移动荷载方法研究气垫船的破冰实验研究,但是未见提及气垫船破冰实验的相似准则的建立。 查新点2所述“在国内外首次采用EPS泡沫垫仿冰材料进行气垫船破冰实验,揭示了气垫船共振破冰的机理,并导出了气垫船共振破冰临界速度的计算公式”,未见文献报道。 查新点3所述“建立了兴波破冰的理论计算模型,构造了基于边界元和有限差分的数值计算方法。通过计算获得了气垫船质量、压力、航速、冰层厚度、水深、流速等工况条件之间的关系,为气垫船破冰提供依据,形成了气垫船破冰的运行规范”,文献8-10提及了兴波破冰的研究,但是均未提及采用基于边界元和有限差分的数值计算方法。 结论如下:该委托单位研究的以上述三个查新点为技术特征的“气垫船共振破冰技术与工艺”,国内外文献检索中未见相同研究报道。 查新员:李 杨(签字) 查新员职称:工程师 审核员:金 波(签字) 审核员职称:研究馆员 (科技查新专用章) 2011年09月02日 9
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