

2017-12-28 10页 doc 34KB 16阅读




葡萄糖酯内酯详细使用方法及其原理葡萄糖酯内酯详细使用方法及其原理 (详细使用方法及其原理, 一、原理 葡萄糖酯内酯凝固豆腐和原理是当内酯加水溶解成葡萄糖酸~该酸对豆浆中的蛋白质发生酸凝固作用。由于内酯的分解比较缓慢~因此~使凝聚作用反应均匀一致~效率高~故做出的豆腐洁白细腻~析水好~耐煮耐炒~味道鲜美~别有风味。加入其他凝固剂如:石膏、卤水、氯化钙、鲜味调料等~还能做出各种风味豆腐。 葡萄糖酯内酯为白色粉状结晶~在干燥情况下可长期贮存~但在潮湿环境中尤其在水溶液中易分解成酸~常温下溶液中内酯30分钟内有部分分解成酸~65度以上时水解速度加快~95度以...
葡萄糖酯内酯详细使用方法及其原理 (详细使用方法及其原理, 一、原理 葡萄糖酯内酯凝固豆腐和原理是当内酯加水溶解成葡萄糖酸~该酸对豆浆中的蛋白质发生酸凝固作用。由于内酯的分解比较缓慢~因此~使凝聚作用反应均匀一致~效率高~故做出的豆腐洁白细腻~析水好~耐煮耐炒~味道鲜美~别有风味。加入其他凝固剂如:石膏、卤水、氯化钙、鲜味调料等~还能做出各种风味豆腐。 葡萄糖酯内酯为白色粉状结晶~在干燥情况下可长期贮存~但在潮湿环境中尤其在水溶液中易分解成酸~常温下溶液中内酯30分钟内有部分分解成酸~65度以上时水解速度加快~95度以上时很快完全转变为葡萄糖酸~所以~用内酯作凝固剂时要用冷水溶化~在半小时内用完~切不要长期存放其水溶液。 葡萄糖酸内酯其分子式C6H10O6~经山东省劳卫所进行毒理试验证明它是一种无毒可食性物质。用它还可作酸味剂、膨松剂、防腐保鲜剂、色素稳定剂、结石防止剂~广泛应用于蛋蛋、糖果、水果制品~清凉饮料、肉类、鱼类的加工等方面。 二、 制作方法 用内酯做豆腐其豆浆处理工艺与传统法相同~现以十anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 斤大豆为例介绍如下: (一) 选豆 以色正、无杂质、粒饱满、蛋白质含量高的淡白色大豆为捡去霉豆。 (二) 泡豆 泡豆时间要适宜~以豆泡成"平板"状即豆辨泡到水平为宜~或以十斤豆泡成二十至二十二斤湿豆为宜。浸泡时间长~豆易发酵~蛋白质损失大,浸泡时间短~出浆少~都会严重影响豆腐的质量和产量。室温15度时泡6,7小时~20度时泡5小时~冬天为10小时以上。用水以软水为宜。如用冷榨豆饼及霉豆多的豆子为原料~水中宜加入豆重的千分之一左右的小苏打~以调节水的PH值~利于蛋白质的浸出。一般十斤大豆用水25斤。 (三) 磨浆 用石磨或打浆机均可~要求磨细磨匀~以磨两遍为好。磨时应边磨边加水~加水要匀~首次磨浆加水30斤~第二次磨浆加水15斤左右。 (四) 刹沫 刹沫主要是排出豆浆中的空气~降低豆浆粘度~使浆滤得净。一般用食油渣子~或食油放入锅中加热放烟~然后加少量50度左右的温水~倒入豆渣中搅匀~5分anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 钟后即可刹沫。一般用量为4至6钱。另外~可用沸水倒入豆浆中刹沫,夏天不能用,~也可用甘油脂肪酸酯~硅酮树脂等刹沫。 (五) 滤浆 要滤细滤净即充分利用蛋白质~才能提高豆腐的产量。滤浆时用过布包或过箩的均可~主要是分离豆渣和豆浆。滤浆时采用多次加60度左右的热水~分次加水搅匀滤渣。一般滤浆共加水35斤~最后得所需的纯浆。如做原汁豆腐~控制得浆60斤,压包豆腐控制得浆80斤,豆腐丝,千张,~控制得浆100至120斤~豆腐脑~控制得浆160至180斤。最后滤出2斤稀浆作为溶化凝固剂用水,但须降至室温后方可溶解内酯,。 (六) 煮浆 将浆汁放入锅中锰火加热~切忌时长慢火~以防止时间豆浆变质~並防止糊锅~溢锅和假开锅现象~可用勺扬防止溢锅。如结锅巴~切忌动它。烧开后煮2至3分钟即可停火。严重中途停火后再加冷水。 (七) 冷却 将沸水迅速舀入桶内降温、待用。 (八) 制作豆制品 1、豆腐脑:将内酯1两8钱用冷水2斤或最后滤得anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 降至室温的2斤清浆溶化好放入缸底~将桶中90至95度热浆连续冲入缸中心~冲完浆后不用搅拌即盖缸保温成脑。注:冲浆时间要一直冲缸中心~不能乱冲~速度要快~以使浆、内酯充分混合反应~否则~出浆眼~水花。一般在15至20分钟成脑。牛奶脑做法同上。 2、压包硬豆腐,硬豆腐、北豆腐、木棉豆腐,: (1)冲浆成脑:将内酯1两5钱至1两4钱用凉水或最后洗渣水2斤溶化放入缸底~将冷却到90度左右的热浆按上法一气冲入缸中心~加盖保温成脑~成脑后如见清浆立即包压制豆腐~不可拖延~否则~脑老化豆腐出得少。 注: a.这里不用传统点脑的方法~而是采用冲浆成脑的办法~这样就使豆腐生产易操作~易实现机械化~易节约时间~易大批量生产。b(保温后应在15至20分钟成脑。如立即成脑~说明凝固剂量大~下次减少~如果半小时还不成脑~说明凝固剂量不足~如果浆温不低于75度~可少加1至2钱内酯化成的水溶液还可成脑做豆腐。 ,2,上包、压榨、成型:将布用温水泡一下,防止沾包,~或用石膏水、洗包~铺好沥水棍和包布后用平勺舀脑上包~先上四周~最后将碎脑倒入中间~包anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 布予压~待稍成型后抖包一、二次~然后加压力100斤左右斤~一般1至2小时成 型卸压成豆腐。 ,3,拆包:冷却拆包后的豆腐~可翻入盒中打块出售~也可将豆腐划成小块放入凉水中包装出售~这样~豆腐可保持原来重量~不干边。 注:硬豆腐的标准~可参照当地具体情况压制。 3、原汁豆腐,软豆腐、嫩豆腐、盒装豆腐、袋装豆腐、液体豆腐、充填豆腐,。 ,1,冷法制做:将冷却到30度以下的熟豆浆加入1两8钱至1两7钱内酯溶液搅拌好~将浆盛入光滑的盒子中或食品袋中~上笼蒸25分钟或将浆放入盒中直接将盒臵于开水锅中蒸煮25分钟~停止加热~待冷却后即成原汁豆腐。 或将掺入凝固剂的熟浆直接装袋出售~待用户买回蒸煮成型~又称为液体豆腐。 ,2,热法制作:即将冷却至90度热浆加入溶化好的内酯溶液后~迅速转入盒子中静臵15分钟~冷却成型。 ,3,将调味品加入豆浆中可制成不同口味的豆腐,如虾味、鱼味、辣味、芝麻豆腐,~现以芝麻豆腐为例介绍如下:将冷至95度的豆浆掺入捣碎的黑芝麻2两与纯麻油2两的混合物搅匀~加入适量凝固剂按热anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 法或冷法均可制出芝麻豆腐。 原汁豆腐鲜嫩可口~保存时间长~干净卫生~方便群 众~是我国豆制品工业发展的方向 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership
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