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2007动感英语一月二月三月2007动感英语一月二月三月 Action English?---(1) “我不会帮你(们)的。” American Slang hold someone’s hand (through sth) go places 可译为步入成功 places here means important Holding someone’s hand (through sth) is guiding somebody, assisting them through e.g. I think this is a great job for y...
2007动感英语一月二月三月 Action English?---(1) “我不会帮你(们)的。” American Slang hold someone’s hand (through sth) go places 可译为步入成功 places here means important Holding someone’s hand (through sth) is guiding somebody, assisting them through e.g. I think this is a great job for you. Congratulations! You know, I'm sure after something. you work there for a while, you'll really be going places. 帮助或陪某人共同经历某事。 Classic Clips 例句: 1.pull n.影响力;用A的影响力...给B带来好处. 1. When I was at home, my parents would hold my hand through everything. It ...use his pull to get me a good job.(影片中) was hard to start doing something on my own. 句型: use sb pull to do sth, have a/the pull with/on sb[口]对...有影响力; 同某我在家时父母会帮我料理一切,而现在凡事都要我自己打理,这对我来说可真不容易。 人有特殊的私人关系(可以得其帮助) 经典对白Classic Clips e.g. I'd love to help you get a good job but unfortunately I'm too new to have “Stop being so hard on yourself.” any pull here. “别对自己那么苛刻。” 2.Corny! means silly or not coll.老套的;老土的 (be) hard on someone I like things that are corny. (影片中) When you are hard on someone, it means that you give them a little bit of trouble corn n. 玉米 or that you are strict with them. e.g. Do you think giving a poem to a guy you like is too corny! 当你对某人很严厉,苛刻时,你可能会给别人找麻烦。而有时对别人严格则是为了促使他 Action English 动感英语二(2)1月2日 星期二 们成功。 American slang 美国俚语 from 《美国空姐》 例句: But thag night , something clicked. (片中) 1. When it comes to study, I’m really hard on myself because I want to get clicks 柳暗花明,问题难解决,突然豁然开朗 into a top graduate school. 例:I was having a lot of trouble with E studying ,until one day it just clicked 说到学习,我向来都是严格要求自己的,因为我想上一流的研究学院。 for me. 2. A: Sometimes I think we might be too hard on our kids. After I talked to my professor Mr Wang about what I would do for my career, B: Anything wrong? We want them to excel. suddenly something just clicked . A:有时我在想我们是否对孩子的管教过于严厉了? Classic clips 经典对白 from 《美国空姐》 B:有什么不对的吗?因为我们想让他们出人头地。 (1)You have my permission to teach that man a lesson. (片中) “You are gonna get through this with flying colors.” teach somebody a lesson 给....教训 “你一定会成功的。” 例:I hope that being locked out will teach you a lesson. flying colors If you eat your words , we're going to have to teach you a lesson one day . When you complete or pass something with flying colors, it means that you succeed (2)I was on my way to being a big shot (片中) or finish it successfully. big shot 大腕人物 big-shot 大腕级的 (adj) 成功的,出色的完成某事。有时指某人的表现使人印象深刻。 例:Sadam hired a couple of big -shot lawyers to represent him in court . 例句: His dad is a big shot in the art world who knows everybody here . 1. A: How’s your exam? 第3课《美国空姐》(3) B: I passed it with flying colors! 俚语Slang A:你考得怎么样? “I will not hold your hand.” B:非常棒! 2. I introduced her to all my family at the New Year’s party. She was nervous, 例句: but she passed it with flying colors. Everyone loves her! 1. There’s a spy in our company, we need to rat him out. 第4课《美国空姐》(4) 我们公司有个内奸,我们必须把他揪出来。 俚语Slang 2. I know Lily cheated on the test. Should we rat her out? “Just call me a sucker for a man in uniform.” 第5课《美国空姐》(5) “就叫我爱穿制服的男人吧。” 俚语Slang (be) a sucker for something “You just skedaddle, don’t you miss that flight!” If you are a sucker for something, it means that you really like it and could easily “快去吧,别误了班机。” be persuaded to have it. A sucker is someone who is easily fooled or someone who skedaddle finds it very hard to resist something. Skedaddle is a simple slang word that means to get out or leave. 非常喜欢某物并为此着迷,以至于无法释怀。 走开,离开。 例句: 例句: 1. I’m always a sucker for chocolate. I’m on a diet, but I’d love to try 1. Kids, have a good time. Go on, skedaddle! a piece. 孩子们,好好玩儿。走吧,别浪费时间了。 我可是个巧克力狂。尽管我在减肥,但还是来一块儿吧。 2. It’s time to skedaddle. Is everyone packed? 2. David is a sucker for this kind of music. If you get him the CD, he’我们该出发了,大家都收拾好了吗? ll be crazy. 经典对白Classic Clips 大卫对这种音乐向来是如痴如醉。如果你送他这盘CD,他非乐疯了不可。 “If you see any violations I want little klepto picked up as soon as that plane 经典对白Classic Clips hits pavement.” “Well, I’ll root for you.” “假如你们看到有任何违法行为,我希望飞机一着陆就把小偷抓起来。” “好,我会支持你的。” klepto root for someone A klepto is a shortened name for a “kleptomaniac.”Both of these words refer to To root for someone is to cheer for them or encourage them to win or succeed. someone who is always stealing things because they can’t stop. It is actually 赞同、支持某人。为某人加油、助阵。 a clinical condition to be a “kleptomaniac.” 例句: 有偷盗嗜好的人。 1. Good luck with your interview. I’ll be rooting for you!” 例句: 祝你面试好运!我会为你加油的。 1. Stay away from here, she is a klepto. 2. I’m rooting for Guoan, Beijing. Are you rooting for Shide, Dalian? 离这儿远点儿,她的手脚不干净。 我支持北京国安,你是支持大连实德的吗? 2. Hi mom, cool please. I just took an extra teabag, it’s not like I’m a “You rat me out, and I’ll stop letting you do all my paperwork!” klepto or anything. “如果你出卖我,我的一切日常文件工作就不让你做了。“ 妈妈,冷静点。我只是多拿了一袋茶,这可不能说我就是偷盗成性的那种人。 rat someone out “All I did was trying to help you out. And you stabbed me in the back.” If you see someone do something wrong and you rat them out, it means that you turn “我所做的一切都是为了帮你,你却反过来害我。” them in or make sure that whoever needs to know finds out that they have done stab someone in the back something wrong. When you stab someone in the back, it means that you tell him or her one thing, 因做错事而惩罚某人。告发、揭发、检举某人。 and then do another thing and it is very hurtful to that person. It is like betraying someone. 2.I don’t want to have a falling out with you over this, can we try to just calm 在某人背后搞鬼,干见不得人的勾当。暗箭伤人。 down and talk it out? 例句: 我可不想为这事跟你翻脸,我们能不能尽量都冷静些,然后再谈呢? 1. I can’t believe one of my best friends could have stabbed me in the back. “I’m not sure but I don’t think people are his first priority.” Did you know what’s going on? “我不敢确定,但我觉得人对他来说并不是最重要的。” 我简直不敢相信我最好的朋友会诽谤我。你知道这到底是怎么回事吗? first priority 2. They told me they would back me up, but as a matter of fact, they stabbed If something is your first priority, it means that it is very important to you, me in the back. the most important thing. 他们口口声声地说要支持我,可实际上却在背地里搞鬼。 首选,最重要的。 第6课《雨人》(1) 例句: 俚语Slang 1. Making friends has never been my first priority in life. I have always been “We’re seconds away from closing this deal, clearing 75 grand.” more concerned with getting a good job and making money. “成交在即,我们挣了7万5。” 在我的生活中,交友从来就不是最重要的。我更关心的是获得一份好工作和挣钱。 close a deal 2. Go to the store to get your grandmother medicine. Make that your first priority. When you close a deal, it means that you have just sealed an agreement between If you have some time, maybe you can pick up some food for dinner. you and someone else. 你先去药店给奶奶买点药。如果还有时间,就再买点儿晚饭吃的东西。 达成, 成交。通常指那些涉及庞大资金,或非常有价值的交易。 Y第7课《雨人》(2) 例句: 俚语Slang 1.If I can just close this one last deal, I’ll have enough money to take a vacation. “Your crime is that you use people. You’re using Raymond and you are using me, 如果这最后一单签了,我就有钱度假了。 you use everybody.” 2.If we could close a deal with Nike and Adidas that means making a big final “你的错就在于你利用别人,你利用雷蒙,你利用我。” agreement for the Olympics. use someone 如果能跟耐克和阿迪达斯签约成功,奥运会就有大买卖了。 When you use someone it means that you are taking advantage of them. You see 经典对白Classic Clips something that they have that you want and you pretend to be friendly with them “Yeah, I told you before (that) we had a falling out a long time ago.” in order to take what you want from them. “我跟你说过我们父子不和已经很久了。” 利用某人。 a falling out 例句: A falling out often refers to a very bad situation where one or both people did Someone has a lot of money, so you start hanging out with them, and being friend something that was incredibly upsetting or harmful to the other. with them not because you think they’re nice people but because you want their 不和,吵架,闹翻。 money,that’s to use them for their money. 这个词的通常用法是:“have a falling out with sb.”,意思是说两人之间因某事而决有的人很有钱,所以你开始接近他们并成为他们的朋友。这并不是因为你觉得他们人好, 裂了,彼此双方都被伤害得很深,不再理睬对方。 而是因为你想得到他们的钱,为钱而利用他们。 例句: 经典对白Classic Clips 1.I wish we could have been friends, but we had a falling out after I cheated “I gotta get to L.A. I should be there this afternoon, my business needs me. I on him. gotta make up some time.” 我真希望我们还是朋友,但自从我骗了他之后,我们便形同路人。 “我必须回洛杉矶,今天下午就该到那儿,我的生意需要我去打理,我必须赶时间。” make up time Thank you so much for helping me study, it really made a world of difference with If someone says that they need to make up time, it probably means that something how I did on the test. has happened to prevent them from doing what they need to be doing and they must 太感谢你在学习上帮我了,这让我在考试中有了很大的长进。 now do it faster in order to finish on time. 经典对白Classic Clips 弥补失去的时间以完成某事。 “I gotta go, it’s starting to rock and roll.” 例句: “我得走了,他与开始发作了。” I have to leave early, but I’ll make up the time tomorrow. rock and roll 今天我有事必须要早走,明天我会把失去的时间补回来的。 You can use this phrase to simply refer to moving your body quickly. Since you were sick last week, you need to make up the time you missed in class. 该行动了。源于一种音乐:Rock N’Roll ,一听到它,你就想随着它的旋律舞动身体。 Please read this book and write a paper on it. 例句: 你上周病了,应该把课补上。请读这本书,然后写读后感。 All right guys, time to rock and roll! Let’s get out of here! “I hope you appreciate this because my business is going down the toilet, I should 好了,伙计们。我们该走了,离开这儿。 be in L.A.” Ever since I joined the company two months ago business has already started to “我希望你意识到这点,因为我的生意泡汤了,我应该在洛杉矶的。” rock and roll! go down the toilet 自从我进公司两个月后,生意就开始有起色了。 This is a phrase people use a lot to mean that hope has been lost because a plan “If he’s getting on your nerves, just take a break!” has failed. “如果他让你心烦,你就休息一下。” 希望破灭,某事彻底泡汤,黄了,失败了。 take a break 例句: When you take a break, you stop whatever you are currently doing, usually to rest. 1.All my attempts to convince you that I’m sorry have just gone down the toilet. 通常用在劝说悲伤或沮丧的人。休息,放松,冷静。 I guess you’ll never forgive me. 例句: 我努力想让你看到我向你表示道歉,可这一切都白费了。我想你是永远不会原谅我了。 We should take a break from each other and see if it improves our friendship. 2.His life is suddenly going down the toilet. What else could go wrong? 我们应该冷静一下,看这样是否能改善我们之间的关系。 他的生活突然跌入低谷。还有什么比这更糟的吗? You’ve been working for a few hours, you should go and take a break for a few 第8课《雨人》(3) minutes. 俚语Slang 你已经工作好几个小时了,应该出去休息几分钟。 “Just a couple of days-it would make a world of difference.” 第9课《雨人》(4) “只要几天,就会让整个世界大变样。” 俚语Slang make a world of difference “Nothing, inside joke.” When you describe a change in you as making a world of difference, it means that “没什么,只是圈儿内的笑话。” it has improved it immensely, it has changed everything for you. inside joke 翻天覆地的变化,这种变化往往是意义非凡的;天壤之别。 An inside joke is a slang way of describing something you and someone else know 例句: about, but other people don’t know, and usually it is something funny, or a joke. Honey, that little bit of house cleansing you did make a world of difference with 只有你和部分人知道的事情,通常指趣事,或是玩笑。 how the house looks. 例句: 亲爱的,你只是简单地打扫了一下就让整个房子焕然一新了。 1.Mom, forget it. You’ll never understand it. It’s an inside joke. 妈妈,算了。你永远也不会明白的,这是一个圈儿内的笑话。 俚语Slang 1. We’re not going to tell you what we’re talking about. It’s an inside “Sorry about that. I got a little carried away, I got a little hot, okay Ray?” joke. “我为那件事感到很抱歉,我当时是过分了点。是吗,瑞?” 我们不会告诉你我们所说的内容,这是圈儿内的秘密。 get carried away 经典对白Classic Clips Usually, if you get carried away, it means that you get upset, too upset. “Casinos have house rules, first one is they don’t like to lose.” 情绪有些失控,失态。 “赌场都有他们自己的场规。第一,他们不喜欢输。” 例句: house rules 1.I’m sorry, I got carried away. It’s not a big deal, just please next time House rules are set regulations for a house or business—they are things that take the dog for a walk. everyone understands they can and / or cannot do when they are in the house or 对不起,刚才我有点失控了。其实,也没什么大不了的,只是下次记得遛狗就行了。 office. 2.I’m sorry, I got carried away talking so much. Please, you tell me how you’规矩,规定,行规。 re doing. 例句: 不好意思,我说的太多了。请告诉我你现在的近况如何? 1. In this school there are certain house rules that everyone follows, but 经典对白Classic Clips the most important is that no one can cheat. “I’m just along for the ride.” 在这所学校里有些规定需要遵守,其中最重要的是不许欺骗。 “我只是在旁边摇旗呐喊罢了。” 2. So, are there any other house rules in this office I should know about (be) along for the ride before I start working? When someone says they are along for the ride, it means they are just there to 那么,在我开始工作之前还有哪些规矩是我应该知道的呢? experience the situation and to participate in it. They don’t do any work to provide “Never, never show that you are counting cards, that is the cardinal sin.” the experience. “你绝不能让他们发现你在算牌,这可是赌场的大忌。” 凑凑热闹;无足轻重。 a cardinal sin 例句: A cardinal sin is the worse mistake a person can make. The word cardinal means 1. I’m just along for the ride tonight, no decisions. You decide where we fundamentally important, or the most important. If you commit a “cardinal sin,”should go for dinner, I’ll just come along. you commit the most important or worst sin. You have just done the worst thing 我今晚随大流儿,没想法。你决定去哪儿吃晚饭好了,我跟着就行了。 you could possibly do. 2. I don’t know what you want from this relationship. Are you just along 禁忌,最忌讳的事。 for the ride or do you actually want to get to know me? 例句; 不知道你对这种关系是怎么想的,你只是想玩玩呢?还是真的想了解我? 1.I’m sorry, but I didn’t know that driving your car without permission was “Did he have any emotional outbursts this past week?” such a cardinal sin!” “这周他没发神经吧?” 对不起,我不知道你这么忌讳别人私自开你的车。 an emotional outburst 2.It’s not like it was a cardinal sin to kiss her! Yes, I have a girlfriend, An emotional outburst is when someone loses control over their emotions and does but we’re not very serious. something like screams, cries, laughs, etc, but whatever they do, it is 亲她没什么大不了的。是的,我有女友,但我们都不那么认真。 uncontrollable. 第10课《雨人》(5) 情感失控,歇斯底里,情绪狂躁。 选自电影《雨人》Rain Man 例句: 1. I know you are upset with me. Please don’t have an emotional outburst When you bend over backwards for someone, it means that you put yourself in an in the restaurant like this. uncomfortable situation for him or her. You do everything you can to help them, 我知道你在生我的气。但请不要在餐馆这儿发作。 even when it is very difficult for you, or even if you must give up something that 2. I miss you so much, it seems like I have some kind of emotional outburst is valuable or important to you. every day, crying at very small things. 费尽力气去做某事,竭尽全力。backward也可以加s,用backwards代替。 我想死你了,似乎每天的情绪都很狂躁,经常因为一点小事而哭泣。 例句: 第11课《大话王》(1) 1.I would bend over backward(s) to help you, anything you need, anytime, just 俚语Slang call me. “It’s a bit extreme, isn’t it?” 我愿为你做任何事,无论什么时候只要说一声就行。 “太夸张了,不是吗?” 2.Please, I’m going to be fine. There’s no reason to bend over backward(s) for extreme me. People use this word loosely as a slang way to describe any behavior that is a 拜托,我很快就好了。真没理由让你们为我这么兴师动众的。 little strange, unnecessary, or just too much of something. 第12课《大话王》(2) 过分,夸张,不太正常。 俚语Slang 例句: “The Cole case is worth a 1.It’s a little extreme, right? Do you think it’s too much? truckload of money to this firm.” 有点儿夸张,对吗?你觉得是不是太过了? “这件案子能让事务所赚一大笔钱。” 2.Wow, I can’t believe you’ve just bought that new car. Isn’t that a little a truckload of extreme?You don’t need it right now. This 我真不相信你刚买了那辆新车,有点过分了吧?你现在根本不需要它。 is a way of referring to a large amount of anything. 经典对白Classic Clips 大量的,非常多的。 “No! I mean that’s the thing nowadays, right?” 例句: “不会,现在正流行,不是吗?” 1. Don’t worry. We ordered a truckload of something is the thing food, that’s going to be plenty. If something is the thing, it means that it’s what is currently considered to 别担心,我们点了很多菜,绝对够吃。 be cool or in style. It refers to “the thing”that everyone is doing, the current 2. Boss, I want to talk to you. I have a truckload of ideas for our company. trends. 头儿,我想跟你谈谈。我对咱们公司有不少想法。 时尚,流行,风靡一时的。可以指任何一种时尚、音乐或语言等。 经典对白Classic Clips 例句: “You want to play hardball? 1.I know you don’t like this, but it’s the thing now. I’m game.” 我知道你不喜欢这个,但这可是现在最时髦的。 “你想来硬的,我随时奉陪。” 2.I POD is really the thing now, isn’t it? Everyone’s buying it. play hardball I POD是最流行的东西,对吗?大家都在买。 This “I think you’re bending over backwards.” is a way people describe what happens when people have problems between them, “你已经够委屈了。” and instead of trying to be kind and patient to talk about the problems, they bend over backward(s) to do something / for somebody decide to play hardball, or find mean and devious ways of hurting the other person. 1.I need to find out who headed up the last project. Who’s in charge? I have 耍横,来硬的。很卑鄙的伤人手段。 the questions to ask. 例句: 我需要知道谁负责最后那个项目。谁负责?我有问题要问。 1. I was hoping that we could just talk this 2.I don’t know, have you ever headed up so many people before?You’re going over and be friends, but if you want to play to have a lot of people depending on you. hardball, we can do that too. 我不知道,你以前管过这么多人吗?许多人都要依靠你啊。 我本希望我们可以好好谈谈,交个朋友,但如果你想耍横的,我们也奉陪。 经典对白Classic Clips 2. Don’t play hardball with me, I know you’ve been cheating on me. So just “You’re a real card, Reede!” tell me! Stop hiding it! “瑞德,你可真会搞笑。” 别跟我玩儿这套,我知道你一直在骗我。直说吧,别藏着了。 (be) a card “This If someone calls someone else a card, it’s like saying that they’re really funny is ironclad. This is the mother of and that in any situation that person can make it funnier. all promises.” 开心果,在任何场合都能让人笑。 “千真万确,决不食言。” 例句: (be) ironclad 1.I love bringing Ben to parties. He’s such a card, everyone loves him! If 我很喜欢带本去参加聚会。他是个极有意思的家伙,每个人都喜欢他。 something is ironclad, it means that 2.He is such a card! The way he dresses and the way he talks can make everybody it is set; it can’t be changed or moved. laugh! 千真万确,铁板钉钉。 他是个搞笑的高手。他的言行举止能把每个人都逗乐了。 例句: “You’ve met her at the Christmas parties, she’s the one that gets plastered 1. Everything I’m telling you is ironclad, I promise! You have no need and calls him a retard!” to doubt me. “你们在圣诞节聚会上见过她,她就是那个骂他是低能儿的泼妇。” 我发誓,我对你们所说的都是千真万确的。你们不需要对我有任何怀疑。 (be) plastered 2. Listen Laura, I’m not going this weekend. Saying someone is plastered is a slang way of saying that they had way too much Don’t try to change my mind. I’m ironclad about this decision. alcohol to drink, so they are drunk. 听着劳拉,我这周末不去了。别想让我改变主意,我是下定决心了。 烂醉如泥,醉得不省人事 第13课《大话王》(3) 例句: 俚语Slang 1.Did you see how plastered that guy was? He was falling over every time he tried “Did you know that the partnership committee is being headed up by Mister Allen to walk! himself?” 你知道那人喝得多醉吗?他每次试着走都摔倒了。 “你知道那个合伙委员会是由阿伦先生自己牵头的吗?” 2.I can’t even remember what happened at the party last night I was plastered. (be) headed up 我真的想不起来在昨晚的聚会上发生了什么。我醉得都不省人事了。 If a group of people or a project is headed up by someone, it is led or presided 第14课《大话王》(4) over by that person. 俚语Slang 负责,主管,牵头。 “And you, Tom, you’re the biggest brownnose I’ve ever seen!” 例句 “还有你汤姆,你是我见过的最大的马屁精。” brownnose 第15课《大话王》(5) Brownnose is a word that you can use to describe someone who is always doing 俚语Slang everything just to make someone else like them. People consider this to be a “I am not going to end up a 31-year-old divorcee on welfare because my scumbag derogatory remark. attorney had a sudden attach of conscience!” 马屁精,“brownnose”即可以当动词用:sb. brownnoses someone else;也可以当名词“我的人渣律师突然良心发现不能害我这31岁的穷寡妇了。” 用:sb. is a brownnose. scumbag 例句: This is a slang word people use to describe someone they don’t like, someone who Why do you keep brownnosing the teacher? Everybody knows you just do it for a good is dirty physically or just figuratively dirty. It’s just a slang way of calling grade. someone something mean, like “jerk.” 你为什么总是拍老师的马屁? 大家都知道你只不过是想得一个高分。 卑鄙小人,令人讨厌的家伙,龌龊的人。 经典对白Classic Clips 例句: “Good call!” 1. You’re such a scumbag! Give the old woman your seat, you’re a young guy, “说得好!“ you can stand up. good call! 你真是个混蛋!把座位让给老婆婆,你是个年轻人,可以站着嘛。 This is a slang way of just letting someone know that you agree with him or her. 经典对白Classic Clips Often, it’s said in reply to a suggestion someone has made to show that you agree “Isn’t it true that your relationship with my client is entirely platonic?” with the suggestion. “你和我的委托人真是保持纯粹精神上的关系吗?” 说得好,没错。 platonic 例句: Platonic is an adjective used to describe a relationship that is between friends, 1. I’d love to go there for dinner! Good call! it is not a romantic relationship. 我同意去那儿吃晚饭!好主意! 理想的,柏拉图式的,纯精神的。 2. That’s a good call! I’ve never thought of cooking chicken that way. 例句: 真妙!我从没想过这么做鸡的方法。 1. Yes, she is beautiful, but our relationship is just platonic,we’re just “We’ll take a short recess so that you can compose yourself and then we’ll get friends. started.” 是的,她是漂亮。但我们的友谊是纯洁的,我们只是朋友。 “我们稍微休息片刻,这样你也能调整一下自己,然后我们再开庭。” 2. Somehow we’ve managed to keep a platonic relationship. I know, even compose oneself though we are both attracted to each other. This is a phrase that people will use when someone needs to clean up or take a 不知怎么的,我们一直保持着柏拉图式的关系。我知道,尽管如此,我们仍然还能彼此相 moment to breathe and feel more like themselves. 互吸引。 梳洗打扮,也可是调整一下心情,通常用在某人情绪不太正常的情况下。 “Mr. Reede, it is out of sheer morbid curiosity I’m allowing this freak show 例句: to continue.” 1. Compose yourself and try to tell me what happened. “瑞德先生,我完全是出于好奇才允许这场闹剧继续演下去。“ 镇静些,尽量告诉我发生了什么事。 morbid curiosity 2. You can’t be here looking like that, man! Go compose yourself and come back Morbid curiosity is what people use to describe the curiosity in things that are when you’re looking more appropriate for dinner. very strange, bizarre, or gross. 天哪!在这儿你可不能是这个样子。去好好收拾一下,等你打扮得与晚宴相配时再回来。 一种病态的好奇心,不正常的。 例句: 1. Why do you like going to cemeteries so much? Is it some kind of morbid D: Mark! What a surprise! It’s a small curiosity? world, isn’t it? 你为什么这么爱去墓地?是不是有些不太正常? 2. I don’t know if it’s a morbid curiosity or just entertaining. M: Sure is. Fancy meeting you here! 我不知这只是出于一种好奇还是消遣。 Mark:嗨,杜兰,是你吗? 第16课《印第安纳琼斯3夺宝奇兵》(1) Duran: 马克,太巧了。世界太小了,不是吗? 俚语Slang M:是啊,想不到在这儿遇见你。 “You got 2. A: I saw my new boss heart kid, but that belongs to me.” today, a guy called Duran. He’s a very nice guy. “你有正义感,不过东西是我的。“ get B: Not Duran Weng? / have / show heart To have heart is A: Yes, do you know him? to say someone is brave and has perseverance; they will basically not give up. 有执着的信念,坚定不移。 B: Yeah, he’s my teacher. Small 例句: world, huh? 1. A good player should get heart –he cares, he’s A:我今天看到了新老板,叫杜兰。他这人不错。 driven, he loves this game. B:是杜兰翁吗? 一个好得选手要又新年—很努力,很用心,有动力而且热爱这项运动。 A:是啊,你认识他? 2. She became successful not B:对啊,他是我老师。世界太小了! only because she worked very hard but also because she had heart. “The Holy Grail, Dr. Jones.” 她成功不只是因为努力还有坚定的信念。 “圣杯,琼斯博士。“ 经典对白Classic the Holy Grail Clips Because the Holy Grail has been sought “Small world, Dr. Jones.” throughout the centuries, in slang it can refer to anything that someone “冤家路窄,琼斯博士。” desperately wants, but maybe can't get. (It’s 泛指梦寐以求的东西。圣杯来自耶稣最后的晚餐,据说可以让人永生。 a) small world 例句: (It’s a) small world is used when two people by 1. A: What do you want to do next after this movie? chance bump into each other unexpectedly/ or find out they share something in common. B: Well, my Holy Grail is to 世界太小了,冤家路窄。 direct my own movie. 例句: A:完成这部影片之后你有什么打算吗? 1. M: B:我最想做的是导一部我自己的影片。 Hey Duran! Is that you? 2. Cold fusion is the Holy Grail of particle physics. 第17课《印第安纳琼斯3夺宝奇兵》(2) 意思是指地图上藏宝的地点。 俚语Slang 例句: “He’s an academic; a bookworm. He’s not a field man.” 1.So this is the bus stop. This line is the road and here X marks the spot. “他是书生,书呆子。他不是实干家” 这么说,这是汽车站。这条线代表路,这儿,我标着“X“的地方就是你要去的地方。 bookworm 2.A: Where do I drill?” Bookworm describes someone who is most comfortable studying and being around books. B: X marks the spot. They wouldn’t be a very physical person. A:我在哪儿钻? 酷爱读书的人,书虫,书呆子。 B:就是这,画着“X“的地方。 例句: 第18课《印第安纳琼斯3夺宝奇兵》(3) 1. There’s nothing I want to do more than spend my whole Saturday at home 俚语Slang reading a book. I’m such a bookworm. “I don’t like fast women.” 星期六我除了在家看书,什么也不做。我就是个书呆子。 我不喜欢容易上钩的女人。 2. Oh, we don’t want him to our basketball team. He’s a bookworm, all he fast does is study. woman 哦,我们不想要他加入我们的篮球队。他是个书呆子,只会学习。 A fast woman is like an easy woman; a woman who 经典对白Classic Clips quickly wants to start a full physical relationship. “He was as giddy as a schoolboy.” 轻浮的女人。 “他像小学生一样兴奋不已。” 注意:我们不能说a fast man / boy / girl as giddy as „. / make someone giddy (with something) 例句: Giddy is a lovely word which means that a person is so excited, thrilled or happy, You know, I think it’s moving a little too fast. I think we’d better slow down, that they are almost dizzy with the feeling. let’s just hold hands. 意思指某人非常兴奋,异常高兴。 你知道我们进展得有点太快了。我想最好还是慢一点,咱们还是先牵牵手吧。 例句: 经典对白Classic Clips 1.It made him giddy with happiness.” “Don’t 这让他高兴地手舞足蹈。 worry„This is kid’s play.” 2.A: What do you think of her? “别担心,这个白玩儿。” B: Phew! She made me giddy!” kid’s A:你觉得她怎么样? play B:哇,她让我发狂! This “X marks the spot.” means that something is very easy. So easy in fact that not only could children “用X标明位置。” do it but they could do it while they were playing! X marks the spot 非常容易,易如反掌,不费吹灰之力,小菜一碟。 In any pirate film there’s buried treasure. For every bit of buried treasure there’例句: s a map. On every map X marks the position of the treasure. This has become such 1.A: Bob, do you think that you’ll get the job? a cliché that now for any map an X will mark the most important feature: often B: It’ll be kid’s play. buried treasure still! A:鲍勃,你觉得能被录用吗? B:小菜一碟。 2. I’m such a dolt! I left the house with my keys locked in the apartment. I don’2.A: Can you help us out with this math problem? t know how I’m going to get in. B: 我真是个傻瓜,竟把钥匙落在屋里了。我真不知该怎么进去才好。 Well, no problem. It’s kid’s play.” 经典对白Classic Clips A:你能帮我们做这道数学题吗? “He sticks out like a sore thumb. We’ll find him.” B:没问题,小意思。 “他一现身我们就会找到他。” stick out like a sore thumb “Junior?” This useful phrase describes anything or anyone who doesn’t fit into their “二世?” surroundings. Junior 形容某人不适合周围的环境。 When a 例句: father and son share the same name they are called Senior (snr) and Junior (jnr) 1.As a tall foreigner in China I stick out like a sore thumb. respectively. 作为一位高大的外国人我在中国太显眼了。 年龄或辈份小的人。比如说小布什。 2. If you put a purple sofa in a white room it will stick out like a sore thumb. 注意:这个词不能指代女性,因为女性无法让孩子随自己的姓氏。 如果在白色屋子里放个紫色沙发就太扎眼了。 例句: “With any luck, he’s got the Holy Grail already.” 1.Which was the better president: Bush Senior or Bush Junior? “幸运的话,他早就拿到圣杯了。” 哪个是更称职的总统,老布什还是小布什? with any luck With any luck means “hopefully” 2.“Junior! Come play with Daddy.” 走运,幸运,有希望的。 例句: 孩子,过来跟爸爸玩。 1.A: “Will you be better before the performance tonight?” 第19课《印第安纳琼斯3夺宝奇兵》(4) B: “With any luck I will be.” 俚语Slang A:在今晚演出之前你能好些吗? “You dolt!” B:但愿如此吧? “笨蛋!” 2.“With any luck she’ll die in a plane crash on her next business trip.” dolt 她要是在下次出差时遇到飞机失事就好了。 Dolt means idiot. Anywhere you can use idiot you can use dolt. It’s not as popular 第20课《印第安纳琼斯3夺宝奇兵》(5) as idiot though and so should only be used for variety! 俚语Slang 傻瓜,笨蛋,蠢货。 “My lucky charm.” 例句: “我的幸运符。” 1. Oh man, I bought that girl down the street flowers because I thought, you know, lucky charm I wanted to ask her out. And then, I found out she already had a boyfriend. Man, A lucky charm is a small item someone will always carry with them in the belief I felt like a dolt. that it will make them luckier. 哦,我给那个女孩买了花,因为我想约她出去。可后来我发现她有男友。咳,我觉得我自幸运符,护身符。传统的护身符是一只兔子脚,现在可以用任何东西。 己就像个白痴。 例句: With you on our team, we’ll always win. You’re our lucky charm. 第21课《印第安纳琼斯3夺宝奇兵》(6) 有你在队里,我们准会赢的。你是我们的福星。 俚语Slang 经典对白Classic Clips “Eleven o’clock fire!” “Your servant sir.” “十一点方向,发射!” “听候你的差遣,先生。” 1-12 o’clock your servant This is an incredibly useful way to describe the position of something. Often used It simply means that you’re at someone’s disposal, i.e. you’ll do whatever they to secretly or precisely give the information. say. But it wouldn’t mean you would literally be their servant just that you would 通常指事物具体的角度方位。 like to help them out. 例句: 愿意为你效劳,听候你的差遣。这是很英国的说法。非常正式。 1. Look! There’s a cute person over there at 3 o’clock. 例句: 看你3点的方位有个可爱之人。 1.A: Good afternoon. I look forward to seeing your performance. 2. Make a right at the house, and then the road is going to veer kind of toward B: Your servant, Ma’am. 11 o’clock. That’s where our house is. A:下午好,我期待着观看你的演出。 在房子那儿右转,然后路就朝11点的方向转了。那就是我们家。 B:愿为你效劳,女士。 经典对白Classic Clips 2.A: Could you take my coat please? “Well, I’m as human as the next man.” B: Your servant. “我也和别人一样呀。” A:你能帮我拿一下外套吗? be as human as the next man B:愿意效劳。 This phrase is used to explain why you failed at something or were seduced by “Always do what the doctor orders.” someone or something. The reason is that we’re all human and humans have emotions “照博士的吩咐做。” and desires and so won’t always do the right thing. do what the doctor orders 也是凡夫俗子,也会失败或被迷惑。 We use this phrase when we want someone to listen to our or an expert’s advice, 例句: especially if it is medically related. 1.A: So for one million dollars you gave them our countries secrets. 听话;听取专家意见,特别是医药方面的。 B: Well„I’m just as human as the next man. 例句; A:为了一百万美金你就出卖了国家机密? 1.Mother: Drink lots of water and stay in bed. B:我也是凡人啊。 Child: But I want to play with my friends, mom. 2.A: You cheated on your wife with her sister! Mother: Do what the doctor orders. B: Well, her sister is very beautiful„I’m just as human as the next 多喝水,并且卧床休息。 man. 但我想出去玩,妈妈。 A:你和小姨子私通! 要听医生的话。 B:她真的很漂亮,我也是凡人啊。 2) Sick friend: Must I drink this horrible medicine. “Ships that pass in the night.” Other friend: It’s what the doctor orders. “印象深刻的偶遇。” 我必须得喝这些苦药吗? ships that pass in the night 这是医生说的。 This phrase is used to describe two people who had only a brief contact but left a deep impression with each other. Often used to describe two people who had a “Care to do sth.? It’s a great way to brief relationship (i.e. one night) make an informal suggestion. 印象深刻的偶遇。其全句是;“two ships that pass in the night”。 想做某事吗?要不要做某事? 例句: 例句: 1.A: So did you and that girl do anything much? 1.Care to play a round of golf on B: Let’s just say we were two ships that passed in the night. this Sunday? A:你和那女孩怎么样了? 周日想不想去打高尔夫? B:我们只是萍水相逢。 2.Care to have some ice-cream? 2.A: Who was my father? 想吃冰淇淋吗? B: “He was a good man. He died just after you were born. We were like wet two ships that passed in the night. your whistle A:我父亲是谁? Wet your whistle means to have a drink (often alcoholic). B:他是个好人。你刚出生他就死了。我们就像是偶遇一样。 Whistle is symbolic of throat. 第22课《印第安纳琼斯3夺宝奇兵》(7) 喝点东西,通常指酒。 俚语Slang 例句: “It tells me that goose-stepping morons like yourself should try reading books 1.I’d love to be in a pub right now, wetting my whistle. instead of burning them.” 我真想现在就在酒吧里,喝上点儿。 上面写着像你这种正步走的低能儿应该尽量看书而不是烧书。 2.Have a seat and wet your whistle, then we'll be off. goose-stepping 坐下来喝点什么,然后我们再走。 Goose-step describes the march of Nazi soldiers or any soldiers march where “A Nazi stooge like you?” the thigh is raised parallel to the ground. “像你们一样的纳粹走狗。” 正步走,人们常用它来表示取笑或是讽刺的意思,像鹅一样滑稽地走来走去。 stooge 例句: A stooge is someone who does their 1. Look at the guy in the office goose-stepping around like he’s somebody bosses’or leaders’work, often it’s their bosses’dirty work (i.e. illegal or important, but he hasn’t even finished his immoral). It could also mean someone who represents their boss (and the boss assignment. isn’t a nice person.) 1. 看看那个趾高气扬的蠢货,自以为像个人物似的,其实他连都还没写完呢。 跟班,走狗,傀儡,唯命是从的人。 2.Hitler used to goose-step like a turkey. 例句: 希特勒的鹅步走起来像火鸡一样。 1.A: Nancy’s always doing every little thing the 经典对白Classic boss wants. Clips B: Yeah. The bosses’stooge. “Care A:南希总是对老板言听即从。 to wet your whistle, Marcus?” B:是呀,老板的跟屁虫。 “要不要润一下喉咙,马可斯。” 2. The Vichy in France during the Second World War were German Stooges. care to 法国的维希在二战期间成为了德国的傀儡政府。 do something 第23课《马达加斯加》(1) 选自电影《马达加斯加》Madagascar 别担心,这只是你自己胡思乱想。我知道他是很爱你的。 俚语Slang 2. A: Does it smell like something's burning to you? “When a zebra’s in the zone, leave him alone.” B: I can't smell anything. I think it's all in your head. “斑马作梦时别理它。“ A: 你闻,是不是有什么东西着了? in the zone B: 我什么也没闻到。我想是你脑子在作怪。 If you’re in the zone, it means that you are concentrating completely on something, 第24课《马达加斯加》(2) that all of your attention is on a task you are doing and you're doing it very 俚语Slang well. “Today, we’re gonna blow this joint.” 注意力都集中在某事上,全神贯注,聚精会神。 “今天我们就离开这里。” 例句: blow this joint 1. That athlete was really in the zone. He broke the world record. People commonly say that they are going to blow a joint to mean that they are leaving 那个选手真是太投入了,他打破了世界记录。 a place. 2.When he is in the zone, no one could interrupt him. 因觉得无聊,不开心或不自在想赶快离开某地。这个短语很随意,所以最好别在正式场合 他惊人集中的时候,不会理会任何事情。 使用。 如果是in a zone, 其意思和in the zone 几乎是相反的。它的意思是你有些心不在焉,例句: 不知道在想什么呢。一个小小冠词就能把意思来个180度的转变,你可要注意哟。 1. Come on guys, this party is terrible. Let’s blow this joint. 经典对白Classic Clips 走吧,哥们儿。这聚会真没劲,离开这儿。 “Dr. Marti D.D.S. in the house.” 2. Everybody's finished, right? Let’s blow this joint. “牙医马提在此。” 大家都吃好了吧,咱们走吧。 in the house 经典对白Classic Clips It just means that they are presently there. It is a slang phrase that you can “What a day.” use when you arrive anywhere, whether you arrive to a house or any other location. “又是一天。” 指某人正好、恰恰就在现场。 what a day 例句: You can say this after you’ve had a difficult or long day, and when you say it, 1. Do we have any doctors in the house? Raise your hand if you’re a doctor. it is like saying that you are tired after a long day. You can also say this after 在场的各位哪位是医生?如果是请举手。 you’ve had a really fun or exciting day to express that you have had a fun day. 2. We're in the house! Now the party can begin! 一是当你熬过一个疲惫不堪,辛苦异常的一天时,它的意思是:今天可真够忙的!我累极 我们来了,聚会现在可以开始了。 了!二是当你度过了兴奋,快乐的一天时,你也可以用这个短语来表示你愉快的心情。 “Melman, you know it’s all in your head.” 例句: “梅尔曼,这是你的心理作用。” 1. Wow, what a day. It’s so nice to be home and relax. in someone’s head 哦,又忙碌了一天。回到家放松一下真好。 When you say that something is in your head, it means that you are imagining it, 2. What a day, huh? I had so much fun. I wish we could go again tomorrow! that it’s not really true, but you like to believe it anyway. 多棒的一天,是吧?我过得真愉快。希望我们明天还能去。 被某些不存在,或是不真实的事所困扰并受其影响。庸人自扰。 “Everybody has days where they think the grass might be greener somewhere else.” 例句: “每个人都是这山望着那山高。” 1. Don’t worry, it’s just in your head. I know he loves you. the grass is greener This phrase means that you always think that things are better somewhere other 2. Get a grip man! Our teacher, she would not be interested in guys like us. than where you are. 老兄,你还是清醒些吧。老师不会喜欢咱们这种人的。 不满足现状,总认为别人的东西要比自己的好,这山望着那山高。 “Africa? That ain’t gonna fly.”(=That isn’t going to fly.) 例句: “非洲?那可不行。” 1. Just enjoy yourself while you’re young and don’t worry about whether the grass fly is greener as an adult. If something is acceptable, successful, or useful, you can say that it flies. 年轻的时候就尽情享受,别妄想成年会有多么好。 可接受的,可行的,行得通的。 2. I like the job I've got right now, but I can't help thinking that the grass 例句: is greener on the other side. That kind of easy explanation won’t fly for me. Tell me the details. 我喜欢现在的工作,可我总是情不自禁地想也许还有比这儿更好的工作呢。 这种浮皮潦草的解释是不行的,告诉我具体的内容。 第25课《马达加斯加》(3) A第26课《马达加斯加》(4) 俚语Slang 俚语Slang “You don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” “We’re all here together, safe and sound.” “不能招惹你的衣食父母。” “我们大家都在一起,平安无事。” bite the hand that feeds you safe and sound It means that to do something bad to the person who takes care of you. If you tell If you say that someone is safe and sound, it just basically means that he or she someone not to bite the hand that feeds you, you are telling him or her not to is safe in general. It has a meaning that is safer than safe. hurt the person that sustains his or her life. 非常安全。sound 的意思是结实、牢靠。如果把safe and sound 连在一起说就是强调你别对抚养你照顾你的人做不好的事,恩将仇报,忘恩负义。 现在的形势非常安全,一点都不危险。 例句: 例句: Hey, don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Have a little bit of respect. 1.When you get home from the party tonight, I want you to make sure you give me 别不知好歹,放尊重些。 a call. I want to know that you got home safe and sound. I know you’re really upset with what’s going on in the office, but don’t be 当你今晚聚会完回到家时,给我打个电话,我得确认你已安全到家。 mad at the boss. Remember, that’s the hand that feeds you. And you don’t wanna 2.Well, at least now I know you safe and sound. I was worried. bite the hand that feeds you, you might get fired. 现在总算知道了你平安无事。刚才我都担心死了。 我知道你对现在的情况很不满意,但别生老板的气。记住,那可是你的衣食父母。再说了,经典对白Classic Clips 你也不想招惹他吧,否则你可能会被炒鱿鱼的。 “I think I’m gonna hit the sack too.” 经典对白Classic Clips “我也要睡了。“ “Get a grip on yourselves people!” hit the sack “冷静点儿。” Hit the sack is a slang phrase that just means “to go to bed.” get a grip 睡觉,就寝,休息。“sack“在这里指“床垫”。“Hit the sack”这种俚语的说法主要是To get a grip means to gather yourself together and calm down. 在年轻人中间使用。 梳理一下情绪、冷静点儿。如果有人生气或者失控了,告诉他们冷静点儿。 例句: 例句: 1. Alright, kids. Time to hit the sack. 1. You’re paranoid. Get a grip, there is no way that we’ll get in trouble. 好了,孩子们。该上床睡觉了。 你疯啦,冷静些。我们绝对不会有麻烦的。 2. I didn’t hit the sack until 3 in the morning. I’m so tired today. 我今早三点才睡,所以今天觉得很疲倦。 话作为借口。 “Rise and shining!” 例句: “太阳出来了。“ 1. I don’t really like parties that much. I have a hard time getting in the groove. rise and shine 我不太喜欢聚会,总是提不起兴趣来。 It is a way of nicely telling someone that it’s time to get up. 2. Most mornings it takes me about an hour to really get in the groove. The first 起床了,该醒了。“rise and shining!”的用法有些错误,正确的用法应该是“Rise and hour is very slow and challenging. shine!” 几乎每个早晨,我都要花一个小时才能进入工作状态。头一小时对我来说是既漫长又难熬。 例句: “You can say that again.” 1. Rise and shine! Time to get up for school! “完全同意。” 起床了,该上学了。 You can say that again 2. Good morning, sweetheart. Rise and shine! Breakfast is ready downstairs. Basically, it just means that you agree with what someone has said before. 早上好,宝贝儿。该起床了,早饭已经准备好了,在楼下。 完全同意,对极了,举双手赞成。这是一种很地道的俚语表达法,让别人知道你完全同意 第27课《马达加斯加》(5) 他们所说的,因为尽管他们再重申一次他们的观点,你还是会表示同意的。 俚语Slang 例句: “I never ever want to see you on my turf again.” 1. A: Well, it’s delicious! “我不想在我的地盘上再看到你们。” B: You can say that again. It’s truly a fantastic meal. turf A:这饭菜好吃极了。 Turf is the slang word people use to talk about their territory, a place where B:没错,真是一顿美味佳肴。 only selected people can come. 2. You can say that again. I haven’t had so much fun in a long time. 地盘、势力范围。“Turf”这个词源自体育术语,因为不同的球队属于不同的地区。 你说的对极了,我好久没这么开心了。 例句: 第28课《剪刀手爱德华》(1) 1.This is our turf! You can’t come here. 俚语Slang 这是我们的地盘,你们不许来这儿。 “Snuggle in, sweetie, it’s cold out there.” 1. Beijing is my turf. I’ll show you around, I know it really well. “亲爱的,外头冷,快钻进被窝。” 北京是我的地盘,我带你转转,这儿我太熟了。 snuggle 经典对白Classic Clips When people snuggle, it means that they get into a comfortable position, especially “Come on, Alex, get in the groove.” if you are getting close to another person. Someone can “snuggle”with an object, “好了,亚力,打起精神来。” like a blanket, but most often, you “snuggle”with another person. get in the groove 依偎在某处以取得温暖、舒适的感觉。 When something negative happens, people will often say this phrase as an attempt 例句: to feel better about the situation. People use this phrase frequently as a reason 1. Darling, I’m going to read you a bed time story, so snuggle in and I’for doing something. If you don’t want to do something for whatever reason, but ll read to you. someone convinces you that it’s “for the best,”you will likely decide to do 亲爱的,睡觉前我要给你讲个故事。快靠过来我念给你听。 it anyway because it will be better for you than to not do it. 2. Oh, I miss my boyfriend so much. I can’t wait to get home from the work 有心情(做某事)、兴高采烈。“groove”本是指沟、凹槽,在这里是指某人的爱好;令人and snuggle. 兴奋、满意的事情。当不好的事情发生时,人们总是说这句话来调节气氛。也可以用这句噢,我太想男友了。我都等不及了,想早点下班回家,依偎在他怀里。 经典对白Classic Clips 2.Don’t barge in when we are practicing. “Those tried and true products we’ve all come to depend on year in and year out.” 我们联系的时候别闯进来。 “这是本公司一直畅销的产品。” 经典对白Classic Clips tried and true “I think Kevin looks a little glum because they didn’t catch anything that day.” If something is tried and true, it means that it has been tried or used, and it “我觉得凯文看上去不太高兴,因为那天他们一条鱼也没钓到。” is true, or it works. glum 经考验证明某物是好的,是值得信赖的。 If someone is glum, it means that they are quietly unhappy. 例句: 不高兴,闷闷不乐,郁闷,沉默寡言。 1. I always buy this brand of detergent, it’s tried and true. 例句: 我总是买这个牌子的洗涤剂,很好用。 1. Don’t be glum. It will stop raining soon. 2. A: Does it work? 别不高兴了,雨马上就会停的。 B: It’s a tried and true method. 2. He looks pretty glum today, maybe you should say something nice to him. A:这样行吗? 他今天看上去很不开心,也许该跟他说些好听的话。 B:这是行之有效的方法。 “Can I bring him to show and tell on Monday?” year in and year out “礼拜一我能带他上展示课吗?” It just means that from the beginning of the year to the end, or from one year show and tell to the next. Show-and-tell is a classroom activity for children in which each child brings an 一年到头的,年年的。 object to school and tells the other children about it. 例句: 学校教学课的一种,让学生带来一件物品,然后在课上描述它。学生经常会带来他们认为 1. You can wear jeans year in and year out, it’s never out of style. 不寻常或独特的东西,或者是他们特别想分享的。展示课。 牛仔服永远都不会过时,你一年四季都可以穿。 例句: 2. I’ve been wearing this pair of sneakers year in and year out, I need to 1. Did you show your pet frog at show-and-tell today? get a new pair. 你今天在展示课上秀你的宠物青蛙了吗? 我一年到头总穿着这双运动鞋,我应该买双新的了。 2. A: I don’t want to go to school today! 第29课《剪刀手爱德华》(2) B: She’s kind of glum. It’s show-and-tell day and she doesn’t have anything 俚语Slang to bring in! “I’m sorry to barge in like this, but you don’t have any reason to be afraid.” A:我今天不想上学了。 “很冒昧这样闯进来,但你不用害怕。” B:她今天有些难受。今天的展示课她没有带东西。 barge in 第30课《剪刀手爱德华》(3) When someone barges in, it means that they push their way into someone or something, 选自电影《剪刀手爱德华》Edward Scissorhands or enter into a place unexpectedly, with no invitation. 俚语Slang 意思是不请自来,莽撞地闯进,破门而入。 “The gals are all in a tizzy about your secret visitor.” 例句: “对你的神秘房客,大家都极有兴趣。” 1. You’re sitting down the dinner with your family, and all of a sudden, the cops in a tizzy barge in. When someone says that they are “in a tizzy,”it means that they are in an excited 你正准备与家人共进晚餐,这时,警察突然闯了进来。 or agitated state. 极度兴奋,激动,紧张的心情。通常用来形容好的事情。 When something gives you the creeps, it means that it makes you a little bit scared. 例句: 某物使你感到恐慌,紧张,不舒服。 1. Oh, I’m so excited about the party tonight. I’m all in a tizzy. 例句: 今晚的聚会太让我兴奋了。我有些亢奋。 1. Spiders give me the creeps. They make me feel really icky and gross and 2. Come on! It’s not a big deal! You don’t have to get all in a tizzy about it. uncomfortable. I don’t like spiders, they give me the creeps. 拜托!这没什么大不了!根本不用这么激动。 蜘蛛让我不舒服。它们让我觉得讨厌、恶心并且不舒服。我不喜欢蜘蛛,它们让我恶心。 经典对白Classic Clips 2. I hate watching scary movies. They give me the creeps and then I can’ “Things have just been a little hectic around here, that’s all.” t sleep at night. “这里的事情是有点忙不过来。仅此而已。” 我不爱看恐怖片。它们让我害怕而且夜里睡不着觉。 hectic 3. Spiders are creepy, they give me the creeps. When a situation is hectic, it means that it is very busy and a little bit out 蜘蛛很恐怖,让我觉得害怕。 of control. 经典对白Classic Clips 紧张忙碌的。 “You take my very breath away.” 例句: “你令我大吃一惊。” 1.A: How are you doing, Duran? take someone’s breath away B: Well, it’s been a really hectic week. If you take someone’s breath away, it means that you amaze them or surprise them A:杜兰,你过得怎样? so much that they gasp! B:这周可真够忙的。 令人大吃一惊,令人激动得喘不过气来,令人惊叹,叹为观止。 2. Hey honey, things at work are too hectic now. Call me later. Bye. 例句: 亲爱的,我现在太忙了,一会儿再给我打电话吧。再见。 1. Hey Julia, you have no idea how attractive you are!You take my breath “It was a figure of speech, Ed. You shouldn’t take things so literally.” away! “爱德,这只是一种表达方式,你不能太较真。” 嗨,朱莉娅,你不知道你是多有魅力,你简直令我窒息。 a figure of speech 2. I can’t believe how nice it is! It takes my breath away! A figure of speech, is an expression or a use of language that is not to be taken 我真不敢相信那儿的景色有那么美,让我差点闭过气去。 literally. “I’m just pleased as Punch!” 修辞方法,比喻,打比方。 “听你这么说我很高兴。” 例句: be (as) pleased as Punch 1. Listen, I died laughing is an figure of speech. It means that someone is pleased, or delighted about something. 听着,我说笑死了只是一种夸张的说法。 非常高兴,非常开心,很满足。 2. I just said that it was like tank, a figure of speech. 例句: 我刚才说那辆车像坦克,只是一种比喻。 1. I’d be as pleased as Punch to come with you! 第31课《剪刀手爱德华》(4) 我很高兴和你们一起去。 俚语Slang 2. Mom looked as pleased as Punch when she got your letter! “I think they look weird, they give me the creeps.” 妈妈接到你的信时,可开心了。 “我觉得他们看上去很古怪,让我感到恐怖。” give someone the creeps 第32课《剪刀手爱德华》(5) 第33课《莎翁情史》(1) 俚语Slang in Love “With your talent and reputation, it’s going to be a snap.” 俚语Slang “凭你的本事,很快就会出名的。” “Angelo, you have no soul, be a snap / do something in a snap so how can you understand the emptiness that seeks a soul-mate?” When you describe something to be a snap, it means that it’s easy, no problem. “安吉洛,你根本就没有灵魂,所以你哪能体会到寻找心灵伴侣的空虚感受。” It’s not a big deal at all. soul-mate 很快地完成某事,形容做某事易如反掌。简单,容易,小菜一碟。 A soul-mate is the word 例句: people use to describe a person’s perfect match, usually a lover and partner 1. Wow, you finished that project in a snap! I’m impressed with your work. that will create the most ideal relationship. 那个项目你这么快就完成了,我对此印象深刻。 心灵伴侣,知音。 2. Ah, don’t worry! I’ll pick up Chinese in a year. It’s a snap. 例句: 别担心,我会在一年之内学好中文的。这还不容易。 1. Ah man, I’ve been dating so many women, but I still haven’t found 经典对白Classic Clips my soul-mate. “Simmer down.” 哦,兄弟,我认识了这么多女人,还是没找到我的红颜知己。 “安静。” 2. You guys are so beautiful together, you’re like soul-mates. simmer down 你们在一起真合适,就像天生的一对。 When someone says simmer down, it is a way of saying calm down, or in the less 经典对白Classic Clips polite sense, stop what you are doing and be quiet. “One day she was three 冷静,镇静,安静,放松。 months gone with child.” 例句: “有一天她告诉我她已有三个月的身孕了。” 1. Hey, simmer down dear. It’s okay. (be) with child 嘿,放松些,亲爱的。没事的。 This is an older phrase that basically means pregnant. 2. Okay everyone, simmer down. Time to start our lesson. 怀孕。现在已不经常用到,但有时也会用到。通常是老人用。 好了各位,安静些,该上课了。 例句: “The roof caved in on him.” 1. If I weren’t with child, “屋顶塌下来压死了他。” I would love to join you for a beer. cave in 如果我不是有孕在身,就陪你喝一杯了。 When something caves in, it means that it collapses because of pressure on top 2. of it, usually a roof. She 坍塌,倒塌,通常指屋顶。 can’t come on vacation with us. She’s with 例句: child and must stay at home. 1. The roof of that ancient temple caved in because of bad maintenance. 她不能和我们一起出去度假了,她怀孕了,必须待在家里。 由于年久失修那个古庙的屋顶塌了。 “Are you to be my Muse, 2. Be careful, the roof might cave in and we’ll fall through! Rosaline?” 小心点,屋顶可能要塌,我们会掉下去的。 “你会成为我灵感的源泉吗,罗莎琳。” Muse 意思是让某人失望,无法得到他们想要的。断了某人的念想。 A muse is a slang term 例句: used for someone or something that is an inspiration, or the person or object I’m not allowed to hang out with you, my parents cut all my strings. that enables an artist to create. 我不能再和你约会了,我父母不让。 灵感的源泉(源于缪斯女神) I wish I could give you more information but my strings have been cut. 例句: 我很想给你提供更多的信息,但实在无能为力。 1. You haven't been able to write music for weeks! You must find a Muse to inspire “You kiss by the book!” you. “你得照脚本亲吻才行。” 你好几个星期没创作音乐了!你得找点灵感了。 do something by the book 2. You are beautiful, will you be my Muse? I will write poems for you! When you do something“by the book,”it means that you do it just as it is supposed 你真美,你能成为我灵感的源泉吗?我要为你写诗。 to be done, often very formally. If it is done“by the book,”it is done with little 第34课《莎翁情史》(2) attention to personal and individual creativity. Doing something“by the book”选自电影《莎翁情史》Shakespeare In Love also means that you are following steps„i.e.) first you do this, then this, and 俚语Slang then it is done properly. “Stage love will never be true love while the law of the land has our heroines 照本宣科,循规蹈矩,机械的,按部就班。 being played by pipsqueak boys in petticoats.” 例句: “舞台上的爱情永远都不会是真爱,而国法则让我们的女主人公由那些穿着裙子的小男人I don’t know why I can’t do it right. Actually I’m doing everything by the book 来扮演。” but I’m still having problems! pipsqueak 我不知道为什么我总是做不好。其实,每一步我都是按部就班地做,可还是老出错。 A“pipsqueak”is a word people use to describe a young, thin, person who often These rules must be followed by the book, no going out late at night! has a high-pitched voice and is usually considered to be very annoying or 这些规定必须严格执行,晚上不许太晚出去。 insignificant. 第35课《莎翁情史》(3) 指声音尖细,烦人的小人物;无聊的人,无足轻重的人。 选自电影《莎翁情史》Shakespeare In Love 例句: 俚语Slang 1. Come on! Don’t be such a pipsqueak, be a man! Go and talk to her. “The queen asked for you, answer well.” 快点,别那么懦弱!男人些,过去和她聊聊。 “女王要见你,回答问题要有礼貌。” 2. We don’t want them on our baseball team. They’re just little pipsqueaks, we ask for someone want someone stronger. When you ask for someone, it means that you want to see or speak with that person. 我们不想他们加入我们的篮球队。他们只是一些没有价值的人,我们需要的是更有实力的People use this to tell one person that another person wants to talk to them; it’人。 s used to relay the message from one person to another. 经典对白Classic Clips 召见、接见某人。通常是地位、职务较高者召见地位、职务较低者。 “Oh Thomas, she’s cut my strings„” 例句: “噢,托马斯,她让我彻底绝望了。” 1. I’m sorry to interrupt the meeting, but the boss is asking for you. cut someone’s strings 抱歉打断了会议,但是老板要见你。 When you cut someone’s strings, you take away their one chance to get what they 2. Your grandmother asked for you. Please in hurry go to her, there’s not much want. You no longer have access to what you want. A“string”is like an opportunity. time. 你祖母要见你。请快点儿去,没有多少时间了。 life. 经典对白Classic Clips 成功,前程似锦,前途无量。 “Nature and truth are the very enemies of playacting, I’ll wager my fortune!” 例句: “我敢打赌,真爱是不可能演出来的。” 1. My darling, in this life you will go far! wager 亲爱的,你这辈子一定会前途无量的。 A wager is like a bet, and you can“wager”money or anything that has some value 2. If you keep studying like this, you’ll definitely go far. to the person you make the wager with. 如果你这样坚持学习下去,肯定会成功的。 打赌,下注。 3. I guess I didn’t go very far in my life. 例句: 我想我这辈子不会有什么大出息。 1. I’ll wager that she doesn’t make it on time,what do you think? 经典对白Classic Clips 我敢打赌她不会按时到的,你说呢? “Would you oblige me with 50 or so in gold, just to settle my accounts?” 2. Let’s make a wager, if she says yes I’ll take you to dinner, but if she’“你能帮我用50个金币结清账目吗” s no, you take me. oblige someone 我们打个赌吧,如果她同意我就请客,如果她不同意你就请我。 If you“oblige someone,”you do something for him or her just to be polite, because “Open and on the house!” you must do it, not because you really want to. “让我们一起庆祝胜利吧,全部免费。” 通常如果别人劳驾你做什么事,他们往往地位比你高或年长,而你必须去做。劳驾;答应 on the house 某人的请求,满足某人。 When something is“on the house,”it is free of cost and you don’t have to pay 例句: for it. The cost of the item is“on the house,”or paid by the person in charge 1. Please oblige me and open the door for me. (boss, host, manager, or whoever wants to pay for it). 劳驾,请帮我开下门。 免费,有人付款。 2. I wish I didn’t have to do everything my boss says, but he’s my boss and I 例句 must oblige him. 1. Everyone please order whatever you want,dinner is on the house tonight. 但愿我不必样样事情都按老板的意思去办,但他是我老板,我必须服从他。 每个人都可以随便点,今晚我买单。 “It will turn out well.” 2. Are these drinks on the house or should I expect to pay later?” “他出场时就会好的。” 这些饮料是免费的还是要我付钱的? turn out 第36课《莎翁情史》(4) If a situation“turns out,”it means that it works out well. Usually people use 选自电影《莎翁情史》Shakespeare In Love this phrase when a situation appears not to be going very well and if you say that 俚语Slang it will“turn out,”it means that the situation will improve. “You will go far, I fear.” 会好起来的,好转。 “恐怕你会前程远大。” 例句: go far 1. It seems like business isn’t going well right now, but I’m sure things will This is a phrase people use all the time, but it is not to be taken literally. turn out. When someone“goes far”in life, it means that they are very successful, probably 生意好像现在不太景气,不过,我敢肯定一切都会好起来的。 more successful than anyone would have imagined. But it doesn’t mean that they 2. I never guessed that my life would have turned out to be so wonderful! actually go somewhere far away.“To go far”is to accomplish many things in your 我从未想过生活会变得这么好。 第37课《当哈里遇见莎莉》(1) have been there several times„ 选自电影《当哈里遇见莎莉》When 恰巧我已经去那儿好几次了。 Harry Met Sally “Amanda is my friend„so you’re going 俚语Slang with her„so you’re coming on to me!” “Amanda “阿曼达是我的朋友„„你是她的男朋友„„你在挑逗我。” mentioned you had a dark side.” come on to someone “阿曼达说你有阴暗面。” When you come on to someone, it means that you make an attempt to show them dark side that you are interested in them romantically. A dark side is how people describe the part of someone’s personality 追求某人,向某人示爱 that tends to be negative, pessimistic, cynical, etc. 例句: 阴暗、消极的一面。既可以形容人也可以形容所处的环境。 1. He kept trying to come on to me all 例句: night, until finally I just had to leave. 1. She’s not all bad, you only see her dark side. If you get to know her 他整晚都想和我亲近,直到最后我不得不离开。 better, you’ll find out she’s really funny too. 2. Let’s just have a nice dinner, I 她不是一无是处,你只看到了她悲观消极的一面。如果你跟她接触多了,你会发现她也是promise I won’t try to come on to you. 一个很有趣的人。 我们只是好好的吃顿饭,我保证不做出格的事。 2. You know, 第38课《当哈里遇见莎莉》(2) you always look at the dark side of 选自电影《当哈里遇见莎莉》When Harry the life. Let’s try to be a little more optimistic and positive. Let’s look at Met Sally the brighter side. 俚语Slang 你知道吗,你总是看生活的阴暗面。咱们尽量多点乐观和积极的心态。让我们注意看生活“He made a pass at me, and when I said no„” 中精彩亮丽的一面。 “他挑逗我,我拒绝了他。” 经典对白Classic Clips a “It pass/make a pass at somebody just so happens that I have had plenty of good sex!” A pass is noun “我碰巧有很多美好的性经验。” that is used to describe an uninvited attempt to kiss or touch someone in a it just so happens (that)„ sexual or romantic way. A person will use the phrase“it 骚扰,挑逗。 just so happens,”to introduce a sentence that they believe will contradict 例句: what the person they are talking to is likely to be thinking. 1. I can’t believe he made a 碰巧,正好。 pass at me. I’m going to sue. 例句: 我简直敢不相信,他竟然来骚扰我。我要起诉。 1. Well, it just so happens that I 2. love tomatoes! I’ll 碰巧了,我就爱吃西红柿。 go to the party with you, but the first time someone tries to make a pass at me 2. It just so happens that I I’m leaving. 我会和你去参加那个聚会,但是一旦有人来烦我,我就走。 我也觉得自己陷入悲伤之中已经那么久了 经典对白Classic Clips 第39课《当哈里遇见莎莉》(3) “You’d be amazed at what 选自电影《当哈里遇见莎莉》When Harry falling madly in love can do for Met Sally you.” 俚语Slang “热恋会使人做傻事。” “We can fly off to Rome on a moment’s notice!” madly “我们可以心血来潮,飞到罗马去。” in love do When two people fall madly something on a moment’s notice in love, it means that they love each other so much, and usually they If you do something on a discover it very quickly and intensely. This is not a phrase people use after moment’s notice, it means that you do it at the very last moment. You can they have been together with someone for many years, it is used only in the say this anytime you do something quickly or without preparation. beginning phases of a romantic relationship. 没有预先准备的意想不到的突发事件,一时兴起、心血来潮地做某事。 指两人疯狂地相爱。泛指刚刚相爱的男女。 例句: 例句: 1. I like to keep my life simple. I don’t want to be tied down, that 1. I’ve only known her for 2 weeks, but I feel like I am madly in love with her way I can take a trip on a moment’s already! notice. 我才认识她两周,但感觉我已经疯狂地爱上了她。 我喜欢保持简单的生活,不想被束缚,这样我就可以随心所欲地去旅行。 2. I just want to meet somebody, fall madly in love, and run away with him. 2. 我只想遇到一个人,疯狂地爱上他,然后同他一起私奔。 I really need you to keep up on your work, so it's always up to date, I might have “I am over him, but I’m in a to get mourning period.” information from you on a moment’s “我跟他吹了,但我现在还在伤心。” notice. mourning 我希望你继续做你的工作,这样无论何时我问你什么事情时,你总能给我最新的信息。 period 经典对白Classic Clips When you are in a mourning “There are two kinds of period, you are in a time of mourning, or deep sadness following the death women, high maintenance and low or loss of someone in your life. maintenance.” 悲伤,痛苦的一段时期。 “女人有两种,要求少和要求多的。” 例句: high 1. There will be a normal mourning period, but then you’ll be vs. low maintenance fine. If someone is high 你会伤心一段时间,但很快就会好的。 maintenance, it means that they require a lot of maintenance, or work done 2. I also feel like I’ve been to keep them happy. If they are low caught in a mourning period for such maintenance, it means that the person is very easy to take care of because a long time now. they don’t require very much to keep them happy. 要求高或多的,要求低或少的。低要求就是指不需要太多照顾,很容易开心。 例句: 例句: 1. Wow, you always look so classy and beautiful. You really have good taste in 1. Everyday she wants me to clothes. call her, every night she wants me to give her a massage, she’s really high 你总是看起来那么高雅漂亮。你穿衣服真是有品位。 maintenance. 2. If you had good taste, you would know blue and black are clashing colors and 每天她都让我给她打电话,每晚都要给她按摩,每次生日都要不同的礼物,她可真难伺候。 you wouldn’t wear them. 2. I hate having long hair 如果你品位好点的话,你就该知道蓝和黑靠色,不能一起穿。 because it’s such high maintenance! 经典对白Classic Clips 我讨厌留长发,因为太难打理了。 “Does Julien seem a little stuffy to you?” “It spoke to you, that pleases me.” “你觉得朱利安是不是有点古板。” “很高兴与你有共鸣。” stuffy something If someone is stuffy, it means that they are conservative, old-fashioned, or speaks to somebody conventional. People will describe someone as“stuffy,”if they are dressed in It doesn’t an old-fashioned manner or if they use language that makes it difficult to relax literally mean that it speaks to you, as a person speaks or talks. It just means around them. that you can 守旧的,死板的,保守的,乏味的。 understand it, or you find a connection to it. 例句: 真正理解了对方,就像它和你说话一样。产生共鸣,心心相映。 1. My teacher is very nice but stuffy. 例句: 我的老师很好,但有点乏味。 1. That movie was really amazing. It really spoke to me on a personal level. 2. I don’t think you should wear this suit to the party tonight, people will think 那电影太棒了,使我感同身受。 you’re too stuffy to talk to. 2. 我觉得这件衣服不适合在今晚的晚宴上穿,人们会认为你太古板,不好接近。 That “Although it is not widely known, it is also the season of groveling.” song speaks to me, I feel like it “虽然很少人知道,但这毕竟还是个屈辱的节日。” was written for me. groveling 那首歌说出了我的心里话,好像就是为我写的一样。 When someone is groveling, it means that they are begging, acting in a servile 第40课《当哈里遇见莎莉》(4) way, often because they want to show someone that they want something. When you 选自电影《当哈里遇见莎莉》When Harry Met Sally “grovel,”you are pretending to show respect to someone else in order to get what 俚语Slang you want or to make that person happy. “I’m just trying to help you have good taste.” 祈求别人,低声下气。 “我只是在帮你培养好的品味。” 例句: good taste 1. I want to get back together with him, but I’m not going to grovel. When someone has good taste, it means that they have a good sense of what is socially 我想和他和好,但又不想乞求他。 proper or acceptable. It can also mean that they have an ability to decide what 2. I’m not that kind of person who is always groveling to the boss, I just do looks good in a certain environment. my job and hope that is enough. 对美好的事物有敏感的觉察能力,有很高的审美观,有品味。 我不是那种对老板低声下气的人,我做好自己的工作就够了。 第41课《当哈里遇见莎莉》(5) 1. It must have rained last night, the grass is really soggy. 选自电影《当哈里遇见莎莉》When Harry Met Sally 昨晚肯定下雨了,因为草都湿湿的。 俚语Slang 2. These French fries are really soft, I like mine to be crispy. “I can’t do this anymore, I am not your consolation prize!” 这些薯条太软了,我要脆的。 “不行,我不是你的安慰奖。” 第42课《第五元素》(1) consolation prize 选自电影《第五元素》The Fifth Element A consolation prize is the prize that someone gets when they don’t win. It’s 俚语Slang called“consolation”because it is the prize that is supposed to make you feel “Yes, you must be parched.” better or comfort you when you are not the winner. “是啊,你一定渴死了。” 鼓励奖,安慰奖。 be parched 例句: If someone is parched, it means that they are incredibly thirsty. When you are1. Well, I came in last when I was running, but at least I got $100 as a consolation “parched,”your mouth is completely dry, or lacking any moisture. prize. That made me feel better. 饥渴,口干舌燥。 我跑了最后一名,但还是得到了100元鼓励奖。这让我感觉好多了。 例句: 2. I know that you really like Susan, but she doesn’t like you, so you’re calling I’ve been running around all day and am so parched! me. What am I? Your consolation prize? 我跑了一整天,现在都快渴死了。 我知道你很喜欢苏珊,但她不喜欢你,所以你打电话给我。你当我是什么,你的安慰奖? 经典对白Classic Clips 经典对白Classic Clips “I’m up!” “I don’t know why I let you drag me to this.” “我醒了。” “我真知道为何我会让你带到这儿。” someone is up drag someone to somewhere If someone says that they are up, it usually means that they are awake. It is a If you drag someone to somewhere, it means that you take them there without their shortened way of saying that they have woken up. permission or that you take them even though they don’t really want to go. It 醒了,起床。我们学过的其他表达法还有:get up或是get out of bed。 is like you are literally“dragging”or pulling them somewhere. 把某人硬拉到某地。 例句: 例句: Are you up yet? You’re going to be late! 1. Ok, I will go to the library if you drag me there. 起来了吗?你要迟到了! 好吧,如果你非拉我去图书馆的话,那我就去吧。 Okay, okay, I’m up! You don’t need to scream, mom! 2. He dragged me here, it’s not my fault. 好了,好了,我醒了,妈妈。你就别再叫了。 是他硬拉我来这儿的,不是我的错。 “Wanna play it hard? Let’s play it hard.” “Not everybody likes it on the cake because it makes it very soggy.” “老子陪你们好好玩。” “没人喜欢把酱淋到蛋糕上,那样会使它湿乎乎的。” play it hard soggy When someone says that they are going to play it hard, with you, it means that If something is soggy, it means that it’s unpleasantly wet and heavy with moisture. they are not going to be very nice, and they are going to probably try to hurt 湿乎乎的,因某物含水分太多而使人感到不舒服,难受。 you. 例句: 动真格的,耍横,玩狠的。 相反“play it soft,“是指很温柔,很平和。 “Thus adding to the great chain 例句: of life.” I don’t want to play it hard with you, I just want to talk to you quietly and “为生物链贡献力量。” gently. the 我不想与你争吵,只想心平气和地跟你谈谈。 chain of life 2. It looks like you’ve been playing it hard at work today. The chain of life refers to the 看起来你今天工作的不太顺利。 order of life on the planet. One species eat another, which eats another, etc. 第43课《第五元素》(2) All species depend on each other for their respective survival. 选自电影《第五元素》The Fifth Element 生物链是指星球上生物的关系。一个物种吃另一个物种,以此类推。所有物种都互相依赖俚语Slang 生存。 “I’m screwed.” 例句: “我完了。” 1. I eat meat because I be screwed believe that humans are meant to eat animals. It is part of the chain of life. When someone says that they are 我吃肉是因为我相信人类应该吃其他动物,这是生物链的一部分。 screwed, it is a slang way of saying that they are in trouble. 2. It’s sad to watch an 完蛋了,死定了,有大麻烦了。意思是说情况不妙。当你感觉不好或者遇到麻烦时就可以animal kill another animal, but I guess it’s just the chain of life. 这么用。 看动物互相残杀真是悲哀,但我想这就是生物链吧。 例句: 第44课《第五元素》(3) 1. If my mom finds me here, I’m screwed! 俚语Slang 要是我妈知道我来这种地方,我可就有大麻烦了。 “It’s my lucky day.” 2.I can’t believe we don’t have any extra money! We’re screwed! “今天是我的幸运日。” 我不相信我们一点钱都没了!这下完了! lucky 经典对白Classic Clips day “I remember you now, the so-called art dealer.” If someone is sincere, they will say that it is their lucky day, and mean that “我想起来了,你自称是艺术商人。” on this day so-called either many amazing things have happened to them, or perhaps just one thing When you are a so-called something, it refers to a fake name, situation, or position.that is very fortunate and unexpected. It can also be used ironically, to mean 所谓的,名义上的,假的。 that 例句: something bad has happened. 1. 幸运日,好日子。有时是指真的幸运,但其他时候是在自嘲,坏事发生了。 Do 例句: you think you are my so-called owner, mom? No one owns me! 1. A: Hey Beibei, how are you? 妈妈,你以为你是我名义上的监护人?没人可以控制我。 B: Oh, just great. It’s my lucky 2. Is this your so-called blockbuster? It’s not fun at day. I lost my job. all! A:嗨,贝贝,过得怎么样? 这就是你所谓的大片吗?没劲透了! B:好啊!今天是我的好日子。我被老板炒鱿鱼了。 2. Well I don't normally let what’s students turn in work late, but... I guess today's your lucky day! with someone 哇,我平常不会让学生们迟交作业的,不过„„我想今天是你们的幸运日! If someone asks, what is 经典对白Classic Clips with you, it is the same as asking,“what is the matter with you.”If there “Showtime.” is something with someone,‘it means that “好戏登场了。” there is a problem or situation that is causing him or her to act differently showtime than normal. When someone syas showtime, 意思是你怎么了,和往常不一样。 it is a way of saying that it is time for any scheduled event of activity to 例句: begin. 1. What’s with the 表演开始了,开场了,好戏开始了。可以在节目开始前使用。 dog? 例句: He’s been walking around in circles all day. 1. Everyone quiet please, it’s showtime. 这狗怎么了?整天都在转圈。 大家请安静,表演开始了。 2. What’s with her? 2. Let’s go, it’s showtime. 她怎么了? 走吧,该我们上场了。 经典对白Classic Clips “I am fighting for a noble “Work is the only thing cause.” that will see you through this.” “我是替天行道。” “惟有工作才能使你摆脱困境。” a see noble cause somebody through something If you do something for a noble When you see someone through something, it means that you help cause, you are likely to be justified in doing it since it is for a good them through an experience. It can also be used to mean waiting through a period reason. of time to see what will happen. 正当理由,伟大、崇高的事业。 陪某人共同经历某事,共度难关。 例句: 而“see sth through”的意思是:自始至终地亲身经历某事。 1. All of this money will go to a noble cause. Don’t worry, son. 例句: 这些钱都会花在正地儿上。别担心,孩子。 1. Can you wait here with me and see 2. me through this? I’m a little bit nervous. I promise that I won’t kill anybody without a noble cause. 你能在这儿陪我弄完这个吗?我有点紧张。 我保证没有正当理由,我是不会杀人的。 2. I’m determined to see this project through. 第45课《西雅图不眠夜》(1) 我决定等这个项目结束后再走。 选自电影《西雅图不眠夜》Sleepless in Seattle “Am I what they had in mind?” 俚语Slang “我能算乘龙快婿吗?” “What’s with you?” have “你怎么了?” something in mind If you have something in 可我就是有做不到。” mind, it means that you have an idea or a preconceived notion. And if you “There’s no reason for you to have cold feet. You’re going to do great.” don’t have anything“in mind,”it means that you don’t know, or that you don’对你来说,不该有任何的没有理由紧张,你一定会做干得很棒出色的。 t have “I can squeeze it in.” any “我可以抽出时间。” particular expectations. squeeze sthsomething in 想法,观点。如果你说脑子里没有东西,就是说没有任何特别的想法或观点。 When you squeeze something in, it means that you make room for it, even if it is 例句: difficult. 1. I actually didn’t have anything in mind, just a nice dress.” 通常是指在人们繁忙的日程安排中抽出时间做某事。就是在你需要做的多项事情中再挤进 老实说我没有任何想法,是条漂亮的裙子就行。 去一项。挤出时间,抽空。 2. I’d love to meet you for dinner. What do you have in mind?” 例句: 我想和你一起吃晚饭。你有什么想法? “I know he’s busy, but isn’t there any way you can squeeze me in? I really need 第46课《西雅图不眠夜》(2) to see him.” 摘选自电影《西雅图不眠夜》“Sleepless In Seattle” “我知道他很忙,但有没有可能把我安排进去。我真的得必须要见他。” 俚语Slang If we have enough time, I’d like to squeeze in a shower before we go out. “Now we’re getting down to it.” 如果我们还有点时间,我想在在出门之前插抽空先洗个澡。 “终于到关键的地方了。” 第47课《西雅图不眠夜》(3) get down to sthsomething 摘选自电影《西雅图不眠夜》“Sleepless In Seattle” When you get down to something, it means that you start getting to what is 俚语Slang important. “You’ve got me listening to this garbage.” 关键,重点,言归正传。 “你害就让我听这个烂节目。” 例句: garbage “Let’s just get right down to it.” Garbage can be a slang way of referring to something that you don’t like. It doesn’我们还是直入主题说正事吧,别浪费时间了。 t have to refer literally to trash or garbage. You can use this word to describe By the time we finally get down to the work, it’s already 8 o’clock. anything that you consider worthless. 到我们言归正传终于要谈到工作时已是8点钟了。 泛指不喜欢的东西。它并不是指书字面上所表示的“垃圾”意思。,还可以用来形容任何 经典对白Classic Clips 你认为无价值的东西。 “It’s just cold feet, isn’t it?” 例句; “临阵退缩只是害怕,是对吗?” 1. Most shows on television are just garbage. They prefer to read a book. have / get cold feet 现在电视上大多数的节目都够烂的,我他们宁愿读本好书。 Cold feet is an expression that means that you are nervous about something. 2. Their advice turned out to be nothing but garbage. 紧张,害怕,退畏缩缩,打退堂鼓,临阵脱逃。 事实证明他们的建议最终证明毫无任何价值。 例句: 经典对白Classic Clips “I don’t know why I’m having cold feet-. I know that I’m in love with her, “Thank God my life is in place.” so I shouldn’t have any reason to have cold feet, but I do!” “感谢上帝我的生活井然有序。”“感谢上帝我的生活有序。” “我不知道为什么畏首畏尾我要打退堂鼓-。我知道我爱她,不应该有任何疑虑畏缩,但in place When something is in place, it means that it is just as it should be, and everything “至少你又开始约会了,这太好了。”“至少你开始约会了,这很好。” is just right, is appropriate and perfect. seeing people 井然有序,各就各位,井井有条的。 When someone says that they are seeing someone, with an emphasis on the word 例句: “seeing,”this phrase means dating. Excuse the mess, we just moved in and still need to get everything in place.” 约见某人,约会。 抱歉这儿这么乱,我们刚搬进来,还需要点时间把东西收拾好。 If you are seeing people, it means that you are dating in general because you are By 6 o’clock, everything was in place for the party. seeing more than one person. You are not dating any one person seriously. 到了6点钟,派对聚会的一切准备事宜就都已经准备就绪了。 如果你是广义地约人见面和别人见面,就是说则说明你在和很多人在交往。,而不是认真 “You’d probably need to go somewhere to really look into it.” 地和一个人相处约会。 “也许还要实地考察研究。”“也许还要实地研究。” 例句: look into sthsomething “I’m just seeing people. Nothing serious.” When you look into something, it is a way of saying that you investigate it. Usually 我只是和别人约会,没那么认真动真格的。 if you have questions or if you don’t understand something, you will need to“I’m not ready to see people yet. I’m really in love with my ex-girlfriend and “look into it”in order to figure it out. we just broke up a month ago.” 对某事进行调查,研究。 我还没准备好与其他别人人约会呢。我真的很爱前男友,我们上个月才分手。 例句: “I don’t want to be someone that you are settling for.” I will look into it for you, but I’m not sure. “我不要你将就。” 我会为你留心此事的,但是没把握。 settle for sthsomething / sbsomebody I’m thinking about going to a graduate school. I still need to look into it and To settle for something, is to accept or agree to something that is not ideal or find what schools I’m really interested in. that is not exactly what is wanted. When you settle for someone, you are just 我在考虑去读研究生。但还要看看我到底对什么专业感兴趣。 accepting him or her in your life, but they are not the person you would choose. 第48课《西雅图不眠夜》(4) 将就,凑或和。如果你将就某人,只是接受他,但并不是真正的选择他。 摘选自电影《西雅图不眠夜》“Sleepless In Seattle” 例句: 俚语Slang “I don’t want to settle for anything but the best. You know?” “These are things I’m willing to get to the bottom of.” 我只要最好的,不想将就。你知道吗? “我想搞清楚这些事。”“我想搞清楚这些事。” Do you feel like you’re just settling for her? You deserve a better one. get to the bottom of sthsomething 你不觉得你们俩在一起不般配吗在将就她吗?你应该找个更好的。 To get to the bottom of something means to figure out what is happening with it. 第49课《查理和巧克力工厂》(1) 追根刨根问底,追根究底,查个水落石出。 摘选自电影《查理和巧克力工厂》《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory》 例句: 俚语Slang We need to get to the bottom of the problems between you and me. “His family was not rich, nor powerful, or well-connected.” 我们要把我们你我之间的问题好好说清楚说。 “他家不富裕有,没背景权势,也不是皇亲国戚没什么路子。” Don’t worry about it, the police will get to the bottom of it. well-connected 别着急,警察会把这事弄个水落石出的。 When someone is well-connected, it means that they know a lot of important 经典对白Classic Clips influential people. “At least you are out there seeing people again. That’s terrific.” 交际广泛,有良好的关系网,路子野。有丰富的人脉资源。 例句: give anything in the world to do / for sthsomething You should go out and meet people, try to get well-connected. People will often say that they would give anything in the world for something, 你应该走出教室去,结识更多的朋友,尽量建立良好的关系。 and it just means that they would like something so much that they would exchange “If I were more well-connected, I probably would be able to get the job.” anything for the opportunity to have it. It’s just used to express that you really 如果我有关系的有更多关系的话,我也许就会能得到那个工作了。 want something very much. 经典对白Classic Clips 对某事物非常着迷,不惜用任何东西来交换。表示你对某事物的渴望。 “I saw Willy Wonka with my own two eyes!” 例句: “我亲眼看见过威利?旺卡本人。” 1. I’d give anything in the world just to make her like me, but it’s just not see sthsomething with one’s own two eyes possible. If someone tells you that they saw something with their own two eyes, they are 我愿会不惜任何代价让她喜欢我。但那也许不太可能。 trying to emphasize that they were actually there to see it. It is true without 2. I’d give anything in the world just to take back what I said. a doubt. 只要如果能把我说过的话收回,我愿付出任何代价。 亲眼所见。其目的是强调身临其境,无需置疑。 经典对白Classic Clips 例句: “Indeed, that very night, the impossible had already been set in motion.” 1.“I need to see it with my own two eyes!” “其实,在那天晚上,不可能的事就已经在开始发生了。” 我必须亲眼看到才行。 set in motion 2.“Well, I didn’t actually see it with my own two eyes, but I’m almost positive If something has been set in motion, it means that it has begun. it happened.” 开始发生。 其实,我没有不是亲眼看到所见,但是我几乎相信了敢肯定这事确实发生了。 例句: “The factory was back in business.” “Now that we have a plan to improve business, it’s time to set our ideas in motion!” “工厂又恢复运作恢复生产了。” “现在我们有一个扩大拓展生意的计划了,让我们行动起来吧。” (be) back in business 2.“I want to start making changes in my life, but I’m not sure how to get things When someone says that they are back in business, it means that they have not been set in motion.” in business and now they are again. “我想改变我的生活,但只是不知该从何做起。” 事情重新开始运转起来。。形容事业从低谷再次从向兴旺或起死回生的过程。 “Wouldn’t it be something, Charlie, to open a bar of candy and find a golden 例句: ticket inside?” 1. That restaurant has been closed for months but it looks like it’s back in “查理,拆开巧克力糖的包装纸发现里面有张金奖劵,是不是很刺激?”查理,很令人兴 business now! 奋吧,拆开巧克力糖的包装纸发现里面有张金奖劵。 那个家餐馆关门好几个月了,现在它好像又重新开张了。 be something 2.“Back in business! I finally got the car to start! People will often exclaim wouldn’t it be something, this is a way of expressing “终于起来好了!我终于把车又发动起来了。” that something would be really great or wonderful if it could happen. If you say 第50课《查理和巧克力工厂》(2) that something is“really something,”it means that it is something special, 选摘自电影《查理于巧克力工厂》“Charlie and Chocolate Factory” extraordinary. 俚语Slang 用来表达示非常美妙,很棒的事情。 “I’d give anything in the world just to go in one more time.” 例句: “我愿不惜任何代价再进工厂一次。” “Look at that house! Isn’t that something?” 看那所房子,简直太棒极了。 When someone is driven, it means that they have a lot of ambition. If you are “It would be something if people started to pay more attention to the environment. “driven”to do something, it just means that you do it because you have a strong 如果人们能开始关注重环保问题,那就太好了。 desire to do it on your own-,not because anyone else is making you or encouraging 第51课《查理和巧克力工厂》(3) you to do it. 摘选自电影《查理于巧克力工厂》《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory》 被强烈的愿望所驱使作某事。 俚语Slang 例句: “Balderdash!” “I was looking at you from across the room, I felt driven to talk to you. “胡说八道!”“胡说八道!” 当我从另一间屋子望着你时,有种强烈的想同你说话的强烈的愿望。 balderdash Driven by jealousy, I decided to read her diary. Balderdash is an exclamation,. Iit is a way of saying that you don’t believe 出处于妒忌心的驱使,我决定看了她的日记。 something that someone has just said. 第52课《查理和巧克力工厂》(4) 胡说八道,荒唐,不可能。 摘选自电影《查理与巧克力工厂》“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” 例句: 俚语Slang “Balderdash! You’re going to do great, son! “We were barely making ends meet as it was.” 不会的,。儿子。,你一定会考好的。 “我们原本就已经三餐不继。” Balderdash! Duran. Nobody could beat you in the tennis. make ends meet 别胡说了,杜兰。没人能在网球上赢过你。 It means that you are able to afford what you need to buy, without going into debt. 经典对白Classic Clips 收支平衡。,没有超支。 “That man spoils his daughter and no good ever comes from spoiling a child like 例句: that.” “If I get this new job, we will be able to do much more than just make ends meet “那个人把女儿宠坏了,像那样宠爱孩子是不好的。”那个人把女儿宠坏了,像那样宠坏every month! 小孩是不好的。 如果我得到这份新个工作,我们就可以能有点积蓄了。 no good comes from sthsomething Well, I can make ends meet every month, but I never have any extra spending money. People use this phrase a lot just to say that doing something doesn’t make anyone 我每个月都不会超支,但我也从来攒省不下钱。 happy and doesn’t do any good at all, so it’s really not worth doing it. 经典对白Classic Clips 意思是不讨好,没有好处,。不值得那么做。 “All in good time.” 例句: “待会儿就知道了。”“待会儿就知道了。” “No good comes from lying. Always tell the truth.” all in good time. 说谎是没好处的。永远要讲真话。 When someone says that you should do something all in good time, it means that Nothing good comes from trying to hurt someone else’s feelings. So,be quiet for they think you should take your time, that you don’t need to rush quickly through a while when you are upset. it. 伤害别人他人的感情是得不到任何毫无益处的,。所以,当在你生气时还是先冷静一下的别着急,快了。通常在是别人向你请教问题时使用用来回答别人向你请教问题时。 好。 例句: “She’s just a driven young woman.” All in good time, you will know. Be patient with yourself.” “她是个冲劲十足的小女孩。”“她是个冲劲十足的小女孩。” 待会儿你就知道了,耐心点儿。 (be) driven to do sthomething “All in good time, dear. I don’t want to give away all my secrets!” 别急,亲爱的。我可不想一下子把秘密都透漏给你。 B:哦,我快饿死了! ‘Don’t lose your heads!” He must have been starved to death!” “别昏了头。”“别昏了头。” 他一定已经是饿死了。 lose one’s head “For your information little girl„” When someone loses their heads, it means that they forget reasons and start to “告诉你小姑娘„„”“告诉你小姑娘” behave impulsively. It can also mean that they just start to react emotionally for your information instead of rationally to a situation. People will often say, for your information before they say something else. This 冲动,失去理性,失控。 is a way of starting a sentence and it lets the person you’re talking to know 例句: that you are about to say something that probably contradicts what they thought 1.“Don’t lose your head over her. you would say. People also use this phrase to mean that they are saying something 对她你可不要失去理智。 that is definitely contradicting something that was just said. 2.“It’s important not to lose your head when you get promotion, just be patient 在说事情之前会用到这个短语。这也是开始讲话的前提,提醒对方你的话可能与他们想的 and don’t do too many things at once. 或说的相反。 在受被提拔时千万别昏了头,耐心悠着点,别想一次别做太多事气呵成。 例句: 第53课《查理和巧克力工厂》(5) “For your information, mom, I have been out of Beijing before. Dad took me to 选摘自电影《查理与巧克力工厂》“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” Qinhuangdao last year. 俚语Slang “告诉你,妈妈,我以前离开过到过北京以外的地方。爸爸去年带我去了青秦皇岛。” “Mr. Wonka, it sure is toasty in here.” For your information, I was not at the party last night, so I can’t tell you what “旺卡先生,这里真暖和。” happened, (officer.) toasty 跟你说,我昨晚没去派对参加聚会。所以不可能告诉你发生了什么,长官。 Toasty is a word people use to mean a warm, almost hot, temperature in a room. 第54课《查理和巧克力工厂》(6) 意识意思是温暖的,舒适的,屋里几乎很热的温度。指屋里的温度很高。 摘选自电影《查理与巧克力工厂》“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” 例句: 俚语Slang “Wow, it’s pretty toasty in here. It must be from all the people.” “Once again, you really shouldn’t mumble cause it’s kinda starting to bum me 喔,这里真热,。可能是一定是人很多的原因。 out.” I love this café! It’s (so) so cozy and toasty in here. “再说一次,你真不应该咕哝。太让我失望了。”“再说一次,你真不应该咕哝。太让我失 我喜欢这个咖啡馆!及既舒适温暖又温暖舒适。 望了” 经典对白Classic Clips (What a bummer! = What a pity! = What a shame!太可惜了!) “You look starved to death.” to be bummed out “你看起来快饿死了。”“你看起来要饿死了。” When you are bummed out, it means that you are a little depressed or disappointed starved to death because something that you were looking forward to isn’t happening. 意思是饿死了。 意思是你有些沮丧或失望,因为你期待的事情没有发生。 例句: 例句: A: (Hey Duran,) Are you hungry? Try not to be bummed out. There are better apartments out there. B: Oh, I am starved to death! 别沮丧了,那边还有许多更好的公寓呢。 A:杜兰,你饿吗? “Are you doing okay, (man)? You look kind of bummed out today. What’s wrong? (What’s going on?) 意思是他们看起来是否不错,是否得体。 “你没事吧?你今天看起来很有点沮丧。怎么了?” 例句: 经典对白Classic Clips 1. I’m hoping to get hired with that company, but I’m not sure if I fit the part. “Hey little boy, don’t push my button!” 我希望被那家公司录用,但我不确定我是否适合那个岗位。 ““小孩,别烦我!” 2. They’re looking for someone who has experience in teaching, so you’d probably push someone’s button fit the part. If you push someone’s button or buttons, it means that you do exactly the kinds 他们在找有教学经验的人,所以,你去可能适合。 of things that you know would be annoying to them. 经典对白Classic Clips 意思是做一些让人讨厌的事情。 “I know just the guy who will take it off your hands.” 例句: “我知道谁能帮你。” (Mom,) Jennie really pushed all my buttons today, I felt like smacking her. take something off someone’s hands 妈妈,詹妮今天总烦是找我麻烦,我真想揍她。 When you take something off someone’s hands, it means that you offer to help them Everything is pushing my buttons today (today), you’d better leave me alone. by taking something that they have that is a burden to them. 今天今天一切都和我过不去,你最好也也别烦理我了。 意思是帮助某人减轻他们的负担。 “I can’t put my finger on it.” 例句: “我可不知道。”“我可不知道。” 1. If you’re not using that bicycle, I’d love to take it off your hands. to put your finger on something 如果你不用那辆自行车,我愿帮你把它处理掉。” When you put your finger on something, it means that you identify it or understand 2.You’re so busy, I know. So I offer to take your shooting job off your hands. it. Usually someone tries to“put a finger”on a reason why something is happening. 我知道你很忙。所以,我可以帮你排忧解难。 意思是你了解或认识某事物。 “He was rude to a customer, we don’t stand for it.” 例句: “他对一个顾客无理,我们可不能容忍。” “I can’t (quite) put my finger on why, but I think he’s hiding something from stand for something you.” If you can’t stand for something, it means that you can’t allow it or that you 我也不知道为什么,但总感觉的他在躲有什么事瞒着我。 don’t believe in it because it doesn’t agree with your values or morals. (This) The car isn’t running well, but I haven’t been able to put my finger on 容忍某事。如果你不能容忍某事,就意味着你不允许某事发生,因为那违背了你的价值观 the problem.” 或道德。 汽车出了点问题,但可我就是不知道问题出在哪儿了。 例句: 第55课《绿卡》(1) 1. My mother is very honest, she can’t (doesn’t) stand for lying of any kind. 选自电影《绿卡》Green Card 我妈妈很诚实,不能容忍任何谎言。 俚语Slang 2. It’s not fair for those guys to be mean to you, I won’t stand for it. “Do I look the part?” 那些家伙这么对你太不公平了,我不能忍受。 “我看起来怎么样?” 第56课《绿卡》(2) look / fit the part 选自电影《绿卡》Green Card When someone refers to looking or fitting the part, they are talking about whether 俚语Slang or not they have a required or necessary image, whether they look like what they “There’s been a major clamp down on illegal aliens marrying for residency status.”are supposed to look like in order to be accepted by someone. “我们对非法的结婚移民有严格的控制。” clamp down on something 2.I’m so thankful that we met. It was really a stroke of luck that I was there When you clamp down on something, you take firm action to control or limit it in the caféthat day. because you think that it is bad or perhaps because someone is doing something 谢天谢地能遇到你。那天我在咖啡馆真是幸运啊! that you think is bad. Usually this comes up in a context where there is already 第57课《绿卡》(3) a rule in place or a law, and it has not been strictly enforced or followed. If 选自电影《绿卡》Green Card it becomes a problem, someone will probably“clamp down”to enforce the rule or 俚语Slang law. “Mother won’t hear of it.” 意思是你完全控制或限制了某事物,因为你认为事态不妙。 “妈妈不同意。” 例句: won’t hear of it 1. In some states, like California, they have really clamped down on smoking If there is something that you won’t allow to happen, you could say that you won’restaurants. t hear of it happening. People often say this to be polite, if they“wouldn’t 在某些州,比如加州,他们已经禁止在餐馆内吸烟。 hear of you helping them”with something but you don’t want them because you want 2. The traffic police has started to clamp down on illegal taxies on the street. to do it yourself. 警察已经开始取缔街上的黑车。 意思是不同意,不允许,拒绝考虑。这是一种很委婉的说法来拒绝别人。 经典对白Classic Clips 例句: “It’s like you are cramming for an exam.” 1.I won’t hear of it, I will take care of the bill. “看起来你为考试在恶补。” 我不管,我来买单。 cram to do / for something 2.He won’t hear of it. He only drinks milk. When someone crams for something, they study a subject intensively for an imminent 他不愿意,他只喝牛奶。 exam. Or it can also mean that they study seriously or work very hard to meet a 经典对白Classic Clips deadline. “Thank you for inviting me at the last minute.” 意思是为考试努力地补习。临阵磨枪。 “感谢你最后一分钟邀请我。” 例句: at the last minute 1. If I cram all night tonight, I might be able to do well on the exam tomorrow. When you do something at the last minute, it means that you do it right before 如果今晚不恶补,我明天就可能考不好了。 you were supposed to have finished it, or accomplished it. Or if you are trying 2. I have a deadline for Friday and I’m going to have to cram to get it all done. to get somewhere and you are late, you might arrive“at the last minute,”right 截止日是周五,所以,我临阵磨枪兴许还来得及。 before you would have been late. “Some stroke of luck, huh?” 意思是在最后时刻才完成某事。最后关头,最后一刻。 “真是走运,不是吗?” 例句: a stroke of luck 1. I’m so glad that I was there to get tickets. It was the last minute and I got A stroke of luck is when you suddenly get very lucky, without any sign or warning the last ones available. that something so lucky would happen to you. 我真高兴买到票了,那是在最后票快卖没了的时候,我买到的。 意思是你突然变得很幸运,没有任何征兆就发生了。 2. Wow, we really got here at the last minute! Let’s get seats. 例句: 喔,我们是在最后一分钟到的。咱们座下吧。” 1.It will take a stroke of luck to get there on time. “The good husband always does handyman things.” 能否按时到那儿就要看你的运气了。 “好的丈夫总是很能干。” handyman 1. Honey, don’t worry, you’re still young. You have plenty of time to make something A handyman is someone who is good at fixing things that go wrong. Most often aof your life. “handyman”is good at fixing problems in a house, but really a“handyman”can 亲爱的,不要担心,你还年轻。你有的是时间成就事业。 be anyone who has the experience and skill to perform a variety of small jobs. 2. My dad always tells me how he wants me to make something of myself, but all 意思是擅长修理东西的人。干零碎杂活的人;手巧的人。 I want to do is get married and have kids. 例句: 我父亲总是告诉我,他希望我事业有成,可我只想结婚生子。 1. His dad has always been a handyman. He can fix anything and everything in the “I think I tried too hard, I blew it.” house.” “我想我太用力了,给搞砸了。” 他爸爸一直是个心灵手巧的人,屋子里的任何东西他都能修。 blow it 2. The guy who fixes things in our apartment complex is not much of a handyman. When you blow it, it means that you ruin something or that you don’t succeed with 我们公寓里的那个修理工可不怎么样。 a plan. Perhaps you made a promise to do something and then you don’t fulfill 第58课《绿卡》(4) your promise. You could say that you“blew it.” 选自电影《绿卡》Green Card 意思是你搞砸了。当你保证要做某事,却没做成时,也可以用此表达。 俚语Slang 例句: “There might be some intruder lurking about.” 1. A: How is your exam? “可能有人闯进来了。” B: I blew it. lurking about A:考试考得怎么样? If someone or something is lurking about, it means that he or she is moving around B:考砸了。 in a sneaky or concealed place, especially with the intention to do something 2. Sorry, I blew the secret. wrong. 不好意思,我说漏了。 意思是指鬼鬼祟祟地四处游荡,特别指干坏事。 3. This is a very important time for our company. Don’t blow it. 例句: 现在是我们公司很重要的时期,别搞砸了。 1. I really want to find the red tie for the party tonight, and I’m sure it must 第59课《超人总动员》(1) be lurking about. I have to find it. 选自电影《超人总动员》The 我还是想带那个红领带去参加今晚的聚会,我相信它一定在什么地方放着呢。我得找到它。 Invincibles 2. Let’s put the kids to bed. I don’t want them lurking about while we’re talking. 俚语Slang 咱们把孩子放到上床去吧。我不想他们在我们说话时到处乱转。” yammering 经典对白Classic Clips 意思是不停地讲话。无聊的废话。 “My father’s made something of his life.” 例句: “我父亲事业有成。” I couldn’t get away from Bob. He make something of one’s life just wouldn’t stop yammering about If you make something of your life, it means that you accomplish something or you his vacation. do something that would constitute a successful life. If you don’t work or do 我烦死鲍勃了,他总是不停地讲他度假的事。 anything productive with your life, you will not“making anything of your life.” 2. >Tom is such a bore. He just yammers on about nothing. 意思是事业有成,有所作为。 汤姆这人真讨厌,总是扯那些没用的东西。 例句: “We’re pushing our luck as it is.” “我们太贪心了吧。” pushing our luck It means we’re tempting fate. We’ve been lucky so far but 课《超人总动员》() we would be foolish to think that our good luck will continue forever. 选自电影《超人总动员》The 意思是有点贪心,得寸进尺。 例句: Invincibles 1. Don’t argue with the policeman! He 语 let you go with a warning. Don’t push “It’s !” your luck. 别和警察争了!他放了你,只是想警告你。别得寸进尺。 “还有更酷的!” “Stay right on my tail, this is gonna get hot!” “跟紧我,这里会很危险!” This is an old slang from the early 1980s. Not often used but stay right on my tail 意思是跟紧某人,也可以说tail某人。 everybody knows what it means. Here, bad means“good”or“cool.”Michael 例句: Jackson entitled one of his albums from this period“Bad.”Today, you can say 1. Duran drives too fast, I can’t stay on his tail. bad-ass which means the same thing. 杜兰开得太快了,我跟不上他。 Bad在这里的意思是“好”或“酷”。Bad-ass也是同样的意思。 2. It’s really crowded in here. Stay right on my tail if you don’t want 例句: to get lost. 这里太挤了,不想走丢的话,你就跟紧我。 1. That movie was . hot 那个电影太酷了。 This use of hot means dangerous. 2. That’s a car. Very cool. 意思是危险。 例句: 那辆车真漂亮。酷毙了。 We 经典对白 can’t do the robbery now, the police are everywhere! It’s too hot. We have to “That .” wait until the place cools down. “为时已晚。” 我们现在不能动手,到处都是警察!太危险了,我们得等这儿平静下来后再下手。 The appropriate time has passed or an opportunity has been lost. 意思是已经错过了机会。为时已晚,错失良机。 例句: Something you say before doing something exciting or 1. I wanted to invest in the stock market but the market has really dangerous. dropped. I guess that ship has. 意思是要做很兴奋或危险的事了。 我想炒股,但股市已经下滑,我想我已错失良机了。 例句: 2. I wanted to ask Liz out but that . She’s 1. Are you ready for shooting? Are you ready?! got a new boyfriend. 准备好拍摄了吗?好了吗?开始! 我想约莉斯。但为时已晚,她有新男友了。 <--[if !supportLists]-->2.<--[endif]-->Are “You !” you ready for the presentation? ! “你真精明。” 准备好演讲了吗?开始吧! This is actually a complement. A sly dog is clever and sneaky. “This is gonna be 这是一句赞扬的话,指人很精明,狡猾。也指暗中寻欢的人,暗地里偷鸡摸狗的人。 “这回可够受的!” 例句: 1. It means difficult. You’d better be careful around Bill. He’s a real 意思是有点艰难,不太顺利。艰难的,难受的。 Note: gonna=going to. It’s a slang word, often used in 你要小心比尔,他可是个狡猾的人。 spoken English. 2.Tomisa,healwayscheatsonothers. 例句: 汤姆很狡猾,总是骗人 A: Man, let’s hang out. B: No, I don’t 选自电影《超人总动员》 The Invincibles want to go, I’ve had a day. I’m going to bed. A :兄弟,咱们出去走走吧. honey! B:不了,我今天很累。我要去睡了。 ” <--[if !supportLists]-->2. <--[endif]-->Steven’s girlfriend dumped him. He’“亲爱的,开始吧!” s had 音乐会怎么样?简直是酷毙了! a time lately. Kill Bill is , I was blown away. 2. 史蒂文的女友把他甩了。他最近很不爽。 杀死比尔太酷了,我佩服得五体投地。 3.He is a businessman 他是一个粗暴无礼的商人。 ! “Which do I take?” “不可能!” “我该走哪个出口?” No way, no possibility. Very useful driving talk. An exit is a road that leads you 意思是不可能,没门儿,没戏。 off a highway. The verb we use is take. 例句: 这是一个很有用的交通用语,指高速公路的出口。 1. A:Do you think the Vietnam will win the World Cup? 例句: B: ! China will get it! Take26 to get to the next town. A:你觉得越南能赢世界杯吗? 走26号出口可以到下一个镇子。 B:没门儿!中国会赢! <--[if !supportLists]-->2. <--[endif]-->Thisis closed, we’ll have to 2. A: Can you lend me the money? take the next one. B: . 这个出口关了,我们得走下一个。 A:能借我点钱吗? B:不可能。 The Invincibles 选自电影《超人总动员》 ??!?? “跑下去!” ??That was !?? “实在太酷了!” This comes from American football. It??s a command that means that you should run really far down the field and I??ll throw the ball to you. It can also mean to means cool or amazing. is sometimes put in front of words like take big chance. cool, amazing, wicked, unbelievable, etc.??Wicked??is especially associated 源于美国棒球用语,意思是挑战极限。 with Boston slang. 例句: 意思是特别的棒,特别的酷。没治了,酷毙了。 1. The boss wants me to . I??m going to try and get the biggest, richest 例句: client in the city! 1??How is the concert? That??s ! 1.老板要我拼命干,我想试着拿下本市最大、最有钱的客户。 is complimenting the Headmaster on his Jaguar by calling it a“fine piece of steel.” 2. What? You want to try and get the biggest and richest client in the city? 意思是指金属类物品,任何金属质地的物体。 Sure, you can . But what happens if you drop the ball? If you don??t get 例句: the client? ??Wow, this is one nice l, where did you get it? I??d love to get 什么,你想要拿下本市最大、最有钱的客户吗?你当然可以去干,但如果你失败了呢?如one too.?? 果不成功怎么办呢? 哇,这家伙可真漂亮。哪儿买的?我也想弄一个。 “No sir, , I think it’s great.” 选自电影《闻香识女人》 Scent of a Woman “不,先生,恰恰相反,我觉得它很棒。” ??I really wish you wouldn??t do that around me, that??s so filthy, such a is a phrase that indicates you are talking about something that .??“我希望你别在我身边那么做,那真是恶心的习惯。” opposes what was just said. If someone says something and you think that it’s not true, you can say“on the contrary,”and then follow it with a sentence that states what you think is true. A is something someone does all the time that is considered gross, ugly, or impolite. In this scene, the filthy habit is smoking and the actor says 意思是和你的想法相反。恰恰相反,正相反。 that he wishes the smoker wouldn’t smoke because it is a filthy habit, something No honey,, I’m just thinking about how to celebrate our gross that he doesn’t like to be around. anniversary. Don’t worry. 意思是肮脏的不良习惯,不卫生,不礼貌。坏习惯,臭毛病。 不,亲爱的,恰恰相反,我正在想如何庆祝我们的周年纪念日呢,别担心。 例句: A: You have never been to Beijing, have you? Why do they always smoke all the time, it’s such a. B: Oh no, I was born and raised in Beijing. 你为什么总要抽烟,这可是个坏习惯。 A:你从没去过北京吧,对吗? Ah gross! Your finger’s dirty. Why are you putting them in your mouth? That’ B:正相反,我就是在北京出生长大的。 s a . Why are you doing that? 啊,真恶心。你的手指很脏。为什么还往嘴里放?这是个坏毛病,你为什么要那么做? 选自电影《闻香识女人》 Scent of a Woman “That’s a fine you have back there.” “Why should a Headmaster ever be seen putting around in some ?” “你身后的那玩意儿不错。” “校长怎么还开这种老爷车?” is a way to refer to any general object made of metal,usually a car or a gun, but it can be said about anything that is made of steel. Usually Ais a slang way of referring to something that is of little value that you use it when you want to compliment the object, as in this clip. The student might be falling apart or just old and useless. 意思是没有用的快要散架的东西。 意思是票面价值或表面价值,表面上。 例句: 例句: Oh, don’t buy those , buy the new cars over here. Yeah, they’re little I’ll take what you’re saying at , but if there is more to the story, more expensive but they run longer. I hope that in the future you will tell me. 别买那些垃圾,去买那边的新车。它们虽说有点贵,可开的时间要长得多。 我相信你说的,如果以后有什么要补充的,希望你告诉我。” 2. At the some of things she is saying might be true, but I think there are things that she’s not telling us.” 2. I can’t believe you still drive that , it probably will fall apart on the road. 表面上看她说的是实话,但我认为她还有事情没跟我们讲。 真不敢相信你还开着那个破家伙,它不定哪天在路上就散架了。 课《闻香识女人 Scent of a Woman 选自电影《闻香识女人》 语 “In fact, I think that the Board of Trustees has had their first true stroke of inspiration in some time.” “One thousand and two hundred dollars is a little Harry.” “事实上这是董事会近来最有创意的决定。” “哈里,1200元对我来说太贵了。” A is a phrase that means a sudden moment when you have a If something is it means that it’s too expensive or too great idea that comes to you without warning. risky for you. It is common to add for my blood to the end of a sentence where you are saying that something is too + (adjective). 意思是突发奇想,灵感,一闪念。 意思是太贵了或太危险了。也可以使用其它形容词。 例句: 例句: I just had a , why don’t we ask Duran for a ride! 1. That’s 我突然产生了一个想法,为什么不让杜兰捎我们一段路呢? 这太贵了。 2. You look like you just had a . Why don’t you go write it down before you forget it?” 2. Oh, I don’t like chocolate, that’s. I’ll just drink some water. 看起来你的灵感来了,为什么不在忘记前把它记下来呢? 我不喜欢巧克力,对我来说它太甜了。我只喝点水就行了。 ??Well thank you, Harry. I??ll take that at .?? 经典对白 “谢谢你,哈里,我会考虑的。” “Hard workers, you got me all.” “太辛苦了,我都快哭了。” is a phrase that describes a perspective or a way of looking at a situation. It means you see it for exactly what it is, it is just what it is and nothing more. The phrase“”actually comes from crying, when your eyes are a little “Still here, ?” wet from emotion, you can say that they are misty. So, you can also use this phrase “还在这儿呢,乌鸦嘴?” if someone looks like they might start to cry. 这个词源于哭泣,当你哭时,眼睛因湿润而变得模糊。快哭了。 This is a slang way of saying that someone can’t speak very well, or if they can 例句: speak, they are using words that are not very educated. It can also be used to 1. A: How’s the movie? mean that someone is using foul language or that the words they use are intentionally used to be mean to someone else. B: The ending of the movie got me all . I almost cried it was so sad. 意思是说话不太得体,没有教养。乌鸦嘴,臭嘴。 A:电影怎么样? 例句: B:电影结尾时我都快哭了,太惨了。 That person sure is . His parents are so educated, you’d expect they’2. Whenever I see this picture I get all , I can hardly speak! d taught him to speak a little better. 每当我看到这幅照片时,眼睛就会湿润,我几乎都说不出话来。 那个人嘴真臭。他的父母那么有教养,应该教他说话礼貌点儿。 “Are you me, punk?” Listen, , I don’t want to get in a fight with you. 你要攻击我吗?废物? 听着乌鸦嘴,我可不想和你打架。 经典对白 When you someone, it means that you are aiming to hurt them in some “.” way with your words. You can also be a“sharp shooter,”which literally means that you are good at aiming with a gun, but when you say it in common conversation, “他的叫声比咬人还厉害。” it usually means that someone thinks quickly or is good at saying clever, mean, or even funny things. This is a common phrase that means that someone may appear to be harmful or 这里的意思是言语上的攻击,加上er后可变成名词。也可以形容某人思维敏捷或擅长说些threatening, but in fact, they’re not. 聪明、出彩或风趣的事情。 意思是看起来很可怕或有害的,但实际上不是。 例句: When a dog barks loudly, you might be nervous that it will attack and bite you. 1. Easy, calm down! There’s no reason to start me. But if you say, , it means that there isn't any 别激动,冷静些!你没有理由攻击我。 real danger. 2. Wow kid, you’re a little ! We didn’t know you could be so funny! 也可以是刀子嘴豆腐心的意思。 哇,孩子,你真聪明!我们以前怎么不知道你这么搞笑! 例句: 课《闻香识女人 Don’t be nervous, kids, . She’s really very nice.” 选自电影《闻香识女人》Scent of a Woman 别担心,孩子们,她是刀子嘴豆腐心。其实她非常和蔼。 语 2. Let’s go out for a walk. I’ve been inside working all day and really need “One of the few perks of this office is that I have the power to handle certain to a little. matters on my own, ” 我们出去走走吧。我在屋子里工作都一整天了,得出去透透气。 “身为校长我有一些特权。我可以按我的意愿行事。” 经典对白 “All information will be given .” If you do something you do it as you like, as you choose. When you say this, you are indicating that in your opinion there is only one way to “该知道的时候会告诉你的。” do something and that is your way, the way“you see fit.” 意思是按自己的意愿做事。 If something is , it is information that cannot be talked 例句: about freely with people. You use this when information must be kept secret or need to know. secure for some reason and no one should be told about it unless they I'm responsible for this project and so I will set the rules , do you understand? 意思是不能随便告诉你,直到该说的时候。 我负责这个项目,所以我要按照我的意志来制定规则,明白吗? 例句: 2. Here are the keys and you can come in and out of the house . I’m sorry, but information about that is private, . I I don’t really care what happens. can’t tell you anything. 这是钥匙,你可以随便进出,我是不会在意的。 不好意思,那些是私人信息,我不能告诉你。 2. I think it would be fun to work for the government where everything is 课《闻香识女人 „you have to keep a lot of secrets. Very cool. Scent of a Woman 选自电影《闻香识女人》 我觉得为政府工作很有意思,那里的所有事都不能随便透露,你必须保密。真酷。 语 “Oh yeah„you havetoa little every day.” “I’m talking” 哦,你必须每天出去透透气。 “我要最高档的。” Usually, when you it means that it has been sitting around for a while and it might smell bad or perhaps it is dirty, so you need to take it outside When something is, it means that it is the very best that is to get available. 意思是坐了很久应该出去透透气。 意思是最棒的。 例句: 例句: Ah! I’ve been wearing this shirt all day. I’m starting to smell kind of funky. This student is --best in school sports, best academic scores, I’d better take the shirt off and little bit. and he has a great character! 我一整天都穿着这件衬衫,感觉都有臭味了。我最好把它脱下来拿出去晾晾。 这个学生是最棒的——他体育最好,学习成绩最高,而且他的品德也很优秀。 started to make sense. Or that someone has started to : do or talk about the most important subject at hand. No, I’m looking forsomething . It can’t be an average one. 意思是你可明白了,事情有进展了,或某人已经开始做或谈论眼前最重要的主题。 不,我要给你选最好的。不能要一般的。 例句: 课《闻香识女人 1. 选自电影 “Now „tell me more about Scent of a Woman 《闻香识女人》her. 语 现在你总算明白了,告诉我更多她的事。 “ or weapon, 2. I have to I’ve been doing too many other things instead of what Charlie, never gun.” I'm supposed to do -- write this “叫它家伙或武器,查理,别叫枪。” paper. 我得干点正经事了。我一直在忙别的,而该做的却没做,那就是写这篇。 A is a slang word for a gun or a weapon. One could say that this is the “You’re just right now.” cool or “你现在只是有些不顺。” hip way of referring to a gun or weapon. You can also use this word to refer to an object that you think is very creative or artistic, like a painting, or sculpture. is a period of 意思是枪支。也可以形容艺术品,比如画或雕塑。 time where a business or a person is not productive or is failing to perform 例句: well. People use this word to describe a situation or period of time in their 1.That painting by Monet is such a beautiful . lives that is unproductive, a time when nothing is going well for them. 莫奈的那幅画真是杰作。 意思是生意或人生不太如意。不顺,不如人意。 2.I really like that you’re wearing. 例句: 我真喜欢你带的配件。 1. She’ll get over 经典对白 him soon. She’s just in right now, but it will pass. “Now .” 她会很快忘记他的。眼下她只是有些沮丧,但都会过去的。 “那就有眉目了。” 2 . I’ve never been stuck in such before, my life seems pointless. When you say that someone is cooking, it means that something has 我从来没这么低谷过,生活似乎变得毫无意义。 “事情解决了,没造成任何伤害。” 选自电影《哈利波特3》 When someone says, , it’s a way of saying that a situation is over, finished, and not to worry about it anymore. ??Yeah, Ernie!?? 意思是事情已经结束,不必担心了。 “要出发了,尔尼。” 例句: . All packed and ready to go! When you , it is a way of saying to begin something, or to leave. 就这样了,行李都收拾好了,可以走了。 意思是要发动了,要离开了。 Well,. I don’t think I need anything else. 例句: 都完成了,我觉得不需要其他的了。 ! You’re going to be great! 准备好了,你没问题的! 选自电影《哈利波特3》 Alright boys,! 好了,孩子们,要出发了。 ??We have a killer .?? “外面还有一个在逃犯哪。” “.” “小心头。” When someone says that someone or something is , it means that it/they are out in the world creating problems for people and no one is able to stop it/them. If someone, it means that they pay attention to it or that they 意思是有人还逍遥法外,无法掌控。在逃,逍遥法外。 are cautious about something. It can also just mean to look at or notice something. 例句: 意思是看或注意某事。 There’s a wolf , he might come on and kill my chickens. I’d better 例句: capture him before he does that. 1. The ceiling is pretty low here. 外面还有狼呢,可能会来吃我的鸡。我最好在它下手前先把它逮住。 小心头,这里的屋顶很低。 Wow, there’s a virus everyone in my class is getting it. 2. so that no one steals it. 哇,这里有个病毒,我们班的人都中毒了。 小心你的行李,这样就没人能偷走了。 3. or you??ll be kicked out. “I of having them brought here for you.” 小心你的语言,否则你将被人开除出去的。 “我贸然地把他们给你带这儿来了。” “So and no harm done.” When someone of doing something, it means that they do something If you possess, this can mean that you are able to see into the future. freely, without asking, because they are confident that there will not be a It can also just mean that you have a good sense of intuition about how things problem. work in the world. is another word similar in meaning. 意思是冒昧地做某事,擅自做某事。自作主张,冒昧行事,擅自作主。 意思是你有预见未来的能力。远见卓识,敏锐的直觉。另一个词foresight“远见”也有 相同的意思。 例句: 例句: 1. I to invite Lizan to the party. Hope that’s okay. Wow! You’ve got! 我擅自叫李赞来参加聚会了,希望不会有问题。 哇,你真有眼力! 2.Hey Duran, I of borrowing your dictionary while you’re out. If you have , you’ll know how to plan ahead. 咳,杜兰,在你出去的时候我擅自借用了你的字典。 “I’d like to say a few words before we all become too by our excellent 如果你有远见,就该知道如何提前做计划。 feast.” 经典对白 “我想在美妙的盛宴把我们都迷惑住之前先说几句。” “Listen to him, he’s really , isn’t he?” “听他说,他最会夸大其词了,是不是?” When you are, it means that you are confused or perplexed. It can also mean that circumstances are such that someone is prevented from thinking clearly, When someone , it means that they act or speak in an exaggerated so they are“befuddled”. way, as though they were trying too hard. 意思是有些迷惑,有点困惑。 意思是说法很夸张,吹牛或说谎。 例句: 例句: 1.I’ve been pretty about how things work around here. Just go in and . You’ll definitely get the job. 对这里的办事方法我一直很迷惑。 只要进去吹一点牛,你就能得到那份工作。 2. Hey, you look a little . Do you need any help? 2. If you asked me I’d say that you don’t want toor else 嘿,你看起来有点困惑,需要帮忙吗? they might not believe you. 课《 如果你问我,我就会说你不想撒谎,否则他们不会相信你的。 选自电影《哈利波特3》“Not only was she a gifted witch.” Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban “她不仅仅是独一无二的女巫。” 语 “You shall discover if you possess !” If you say that someone is“singularly”followed by an adjective, it means that “如果你有眼力你就会发现。” they are uniquely that. really , it means that whatever you just said, though it may If you 意思是独一无二,无可比拟。 sound unremarkable, is actually very noteworthy. 例句: 意思是说明了什么问题,经常用在做比较时。 This is a good car. 例句: 这真是辆绝世无双的好车啊。 I cooked so many chicken wings Bill couldn't eat them all, and that's saying You are a amazing person. I’ve never met anyone like you. something. 你真是一个独一无二的大好人,我从没遇到过像你这样的人。 我做了那么多鸡翅,可比尔不能把它们都吃掉,这就说明了问题。 课《 It really about Bali if Lisa recommends it over anywhere else. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban She’s been everywhere. 选自电影《哈利波特3》 语 如果莉萨推荐巴里岛的话就确实能说明问题了,因为她哪儿都去过。 “I think you would give your father„” “No, I’m not .” 我觉得你会让你爸爸难受的。 “不,我没被开除。” If someone gives you , it means that they really make you When someone is , it means that they are fired or dismissed from a job. work hard for something. This is a phrase people use when someone who was supposed The term comes from the idea of someone putting something in a sack, or a bag, to lose quickly or perform badly does better than expected, and makes their and throwing it in the trash. So if you are sacked, you are tossed out, or fired. opponent work hard for the victory. 意思是被解雇,被开除。 意思是需要非常努力地去做。经常指竞赛或有挑战的事。 例句: 例句: If you’re late one more time, you’re going to ! Man, those 49ers really gave the Spurs. The Spurs, they 如果你再迟到一次,就会被解雇。 should have had an easy win, but the 49ers made them work for it. Do you think she’s or has she just been sick for a while? 这些49人队的让马刺很不好过。他们以为可以轻松赢球,但49人让他们付出了更多。 你认为她是被开了还是只是病了而已? I thought I had an easy job being a babysitter, but those kids really gave me . 我以为当保姆很容易,但那些孩子真够我受的。 经典对白 “„And that is .” “这就能说明问题。” “Now, I haven’t the faintest idea how this map came into your possession.” explain, but you are pretty sure that you know about it. “现在我根本不知道你怎么弄到这张地图的。” 意思是有预感,但却不好解释。 the faintest idea 例句: If someone I have a hunch that if we turn right here, we’ll find says that they don’t have the faintest idea, it means that they don’t have any it. idea, 我有预感,从这向右拐就能找到。 not even anything close to an idea. If you had“a faint idea”, you might <--[if !supportLists]-->2. <--[endif]-->I had a hunch that this stock would actually have a little bit of an idea, but only one that is very faint, or just do well, so I bought a lot of it. remote/slight. 我有预感这个股票要涨,于是就卖了不少。 意思是你根本没有概念,一点都不知道。 “I feel no guilt whatsoever about giving this back to you.” 例句: “我把它还给你并没感到有什么内疚的。” A: Do you know how to get to Susan’s house? whatsoever B: I don’t have the faintest idea. We’d better People will stop and ask for directions. often follow a negative phrase with the word“whatsoever”to indicate that the A:你知道去苏珊的家怎么走吗? phrase is very much NOT that. B:一点都不知道。我们最好听下来问问路。 无论什么,不管怎样。 <--[if !supportLists]-->2. <--[endif]--> A: Where would you like to go to eat? 例句: B: I don’t have the faintest idea what’s good I in your neighborhood. take no joy whatsoever in telling you this. A:你想去哪儿吃饭。 告诉你这些我一点都不高兴。 B:我不知道你家附近有什么好吃的地方? <--[if !supportLists]-->2. <--[endif]-->If anyone whatsoever speaks while I am speaking, you will be punished. “I have a 我讲的时候无论谁说话,都会受到惩罚。 hunch, I just hope I’m 课《钢琴课 wrong!” 选自电影 “我有一个不好的预感,但愿我是错的。” 《钢琴课》have a hunch that„ The Piano When you have a hunch, it 语 means that you have an intuitive feeling about something that you can’t usually “At the same moment my father was dead, my mother was dumb”. “就在同时,爸爸被雷劈死了,妈妈也被震哑了。” in a couple of hours? 你为何不用点儿时间把东西收拾好,我过几小时后再来。 is a phrase that comes from the idea of being struck by “ lightning—it happens without warning. Being“struck”by something means that it . has happened to you very quickly, without your knowing ahead of time. “沉默总是有理由的。” 意思是被雷电击中。后面经常接形容词。 “„ 例句: If you say that 1. I , you mean that whatever it is has validity, there was finallywith an idea of is truth or fact or something good about it. Usually it is said when there is where we can go for dinner! skepticism about something, some people trust it but other people don’t. 我终于想好去哪里吃饭了。 2. Have 意思是铁定的事实。 you been s? What is so funny? 例句: 你傻啦,有什么可笑的? 1. what the President has chosen to do. 经典对白 总统的选择总有他的道理。 “I hope you’ll spend the time 2. a person who would risk their life for another person. .” 人们舍己为人总是有理由的。 “我希望你能花点时间把自己的事情安顿好。” The Piano 选自电影《钢琴课》means to make yourself comfortable, or to make yourself feel at home. “The music lover, I never would have thought, !George!” 意思是稳定情绪,调整心态,感觉就像在家一样。安顿下来,放轻松。 “你还是一个音乐爱好者呢,真没想到,藏而不露啊,乔治。” 例句: 1. We really love our new place, This is used but it will probably be a while until we. to mean that someone has an ability that you didn’t know they had. 我们很喜欢我们的新家,但要完全安顿好可能还要有一段时间。 意思是没有意识到的能力,鲜为人知的才能,潜质,深藏不漏。 2. Why don't you take some time to get settled in, and I'll come back 例句: This When you with someone, you get dinner is so delicious! You have a for cooking! something and they get something. Usually someone wants something you have, so they try to make a dealwith you, they give you something in exchange and if you 这顿饭太可口了,你真有做饭的潜质啊! agree to it, you You can have“made a deal”with them. dance? Wow, what a ! 意思是与某人达成协议。经常指交换物品。做交易。 你会跳舞?哇,真是深藏不漏啊! 例句: Let’s , my computer for your car.” 我们做个交易吧,我用电脑换你的车。 “Mother says she teach piano with Okay, it all out of tune.” we’ll with you: if “妈妈说她不能忍受用音不准的钢琴来教。” you wash all the dishes, you can go out tonight. 好吧,让我们做个交易,如果你把碗都洗了,今晚我就让你出去。 If you something, you really The Piano 选自电影《钢琴课》 dislike it, maybe you even hate it. People say this all the time to mean they don’t like doing something. It can be followed by either a verb or a noun. “Mother says most people speakand it’s not worth listening” 意思是不能容忍,很不喜欢。 “妈妈说大多数人说的都是废话,不值一听。” 例句: I Bob. He is really In certain countries, simply means trash. Rubbish also has other shades annoying. of meaning. So here rubbish means something a little different than just trash. It means people don’t speak well, perhaps they are not educated or it could mean 我无法容忍鲍勃,他太烦人了。 they talk about things that don’t matter. So rubbish can be literal trash, or I waiting in traffic! It it can mean something that is nonsense. takes so long! 垃圾的引申意义是指没有用处的话,没有教养的话。也可以指许多没有道理的事情。 我无法忍受堵车。时间太久了。 例句: “You see, I’d like us to. There’s things I’d like We don’t want that sitting around. Throw it away. to do while you play.” 我不想把垃圾放那儿,把它扔了。 “你看,我想我们可以做个交易,在你弹琴的时候我做点我喜欢的事。” That’s, I didn’t steal it! 废话,我没偷。 The Piano 选自电影《钢琴课》 “I can’t imagine being dumb.” “我无法想像比哑巴更不幸的事。” “Why won’t she play? We get the thing back, she just wanders off” This is an expression that is often used. People will usually say death. This means that something has happened or will happen to you that 她怎么不弹呢?我们把琴弄回来了,可她却躲着它。 is so horrible it is worse than death. Everyone is fated to die, in other words the outcome of every life is death, and for a lot of people, that is the worst to wander off thing that can happen to you. Sometimes something will happen that is so bad, someone says you have“a fate worse than death.” People use wander off just to mean someone often walks away. Usually it also 意思是描述不幸的事情。有时比死亡更加让人沮丧。 means that someone walks away without you noticing them leave. 例句: 躲开,避开。但与走开不一样,经常是注意到的走。 I can’t imagine a fate worse than drowning in the ocean. 我无法想像比在海里淹死更可怕的事了。 例句: Can you imagine a fate worse than dancing with that guy? He’s so ugly! A: Where’s Duran? 你能想像比和他跳舞更难受的事吗?他那么丑。 B: I don’t know. He must have wandered off. “Well that is ” A:杜兰哪去了? “哇,好大的口气啊!” B:不知道,可能在哪儿溜达呢。 To use the word strong here is not the same as strong muscles. 2.My kitty is 6 months old. I never seem to 意思是语气很强,很重。 be able to find her. She is always wandering off. 例句: 我的猫六个月大。总是找不到她。她总乱跑。 Wow, that is . Why do you hate everyone who wears those shoes?” 哇,这话重了点。为什么你恨所有穿那种鞋的人? 2. You don??t believe anything she says? That??s a very . Perhaps you don??t really mean that. “They sit his 你不相信她说的任何话?好大的口气。也许你并不是那个意思。 floors proud as kings, without a shred of manners.” 他们就像国王一样坐在他家地板上,一点斯文都不讲。 It’s a shred of manners just as well that she was sick.I wasn’t prepared for the test anyway. When they say without a shred of manners in this scene, it means 她正好病了,我也刚好没准备考试。 that the person has very little manners or they are very rude. 很粗鲁,毫无斯文可言,没有教养。 2. just as well that we don’t go shopping. I don’t have any money anyway. 例句: 我们不去购物了,正好我身上也没钱。 I can’t believe he just said that! He doesn’t have a shred of manners! 选自电影《阿甘正传》Forrest Gump 我无法相信他会那样讲话,一点儿教养都没有。 “I bet you could walk all day 2. I can’t believe that in shoes like that and .” guy wears that! he doesn’t have a shred of manners. “穿上这种鞋走上一天也不会觉得累。” 我不敢相信那个家伙穿成那样就来了。一点儿礼貌都没有。 To feel no pain. Also, to be numb, feel nothing at all. 没有感觉,麻木了。 “It is just as well.” 例句: “他走了也好。” The doctor said not to worry about the operation. He said I it is just as well (that) wouldn’t . You say it’s just as well when something 医生说不用担心手术。他说我什么感觉都不会有的。 you expected to happen doesn’t happen, but it is probably good that it didn’ t 2. My hand went completely numb. I couldn’t . happen. 我的手完全麻木了,什么感觉都没有。 这样也不错,这样也好。 例句: “.” “我穿过许多双鞋。” ??There are goddamn all over this area who??d love an officer. ?? Most Americans are “这儿的狙击手最喜欢猎杀军官。” familiar with an old American Indian saying: You can never really know a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes. / It means that you can never fairly judge someone unless you have A is a soldier who shoots a very accurate rifle over long range while in experienced what they have experienced. This idea is an organizing concept for hiding. Tosomeone is to kill them. Vietnam era soldier slang but you may the entire movie. Shoes come up again and again as a metaphor for life changes still hear it from time to time. and experience. 指枪法好的士兵。这是越战时期的俚语。 有句美国谚语说如果你想了解一个人就要穿他的鞋走一走。意思是必须要体验他的经历才 例句: 会了解他。 1. Keep your head down in combat. You don??t want to get . 例句:??? 在战斗时把头低下,不然会被击中的。 “Mama decided to let those 2. The gang leader was by a hitman. rooms out, mostly to people „” 黑帮头目被杀手干掉了。 “妈妈决定把房间租出去,大多都租给那些来往的过客。” ??It??s here.?? To a “这儿很简单。” place. To just stay a short time on your way to somewhere else. 意思是路过。 It??s pretty simple. 例句: 很简单。 I don’t live around here. Just . 例句: 我不住在这。只是路过。 1. The accommodations are . There are no luxuries. 2. Guilin is a nice city 这里的住宿很简单,没有奢侈品。 but I couldn’t stay. I was just 2. Bacteria are a form of life. Not complicated at all. on my way to Kunming . 细菌是生命中一个基本形式,一点也不复杂。 桂林是个美丽的城市,可我不能留下。我只是路过这里去昆明。 ??You and learn from the guys who??ve been in county a while you ??ll be all right.?? 选自电影《阿甘正传》跟着我,跟前辈学习便没事。 Forrest Gump the combat is. If you’re a salesman, the field is where the customers are. If you are an executive at a large manufacturing company, the field could be where means stay close to me. your customers are or the factory floor depending on what you are talking about. 意思是跟紧。 意思是事情发生的地方。可以指战场或者公司。 例句: 例句: 1. I think I??m going to stick with my company. They??re expanding and making You can’t just stay in the office all the time. To be a good salesman, you have lots of money. I won??t quit my job. to get out into the . 我想我要紧跟公司步伐,他们正在扩大业务并且赚很多钱,我不会辞职的。 你不该整天待在办公室,要成为好的销售人员,你应该到一线去。 2. You??d better stick with your brother when you go to Los Angeles. He knows The boss was not satisfied with your work, but your paper work is just fine. the city better than you. 老板不满意你的调查工作,但你写的调查报告还不错。 去洛杉矶时你最好跟住你哥哥,他比你更了解那座城市。 We have a lot of aid workers in the now in Africa and parts of Asia. 课《阿甘正传》() 我们现在在非洲和亚洲都有很多当地的办事员。 Forrest Gump 选自电影《阿甘正传》“He had .” 语 “他受的压力不小。” “Lieutenant Dan sure” “丹中尉对打仗很在行。” He has to live his life in an extraordinary way to meet the expectations of his family (or company, or teachers, etc.) He’s an expert. He knows what he’s doing. 意思是他要满足家人对他的期望就得承受很大的压力。 意思是某人是行家,知道自己在做什么。 例句: 例句: 1.My dad is very stern, I can never his expectations. Lisa is a great English teacher. She really . 我父亲非常严厉,我总是不能如他所愿。 莉莎是个很棒的英文老师,她对业务很精通。 2.In order totheir parents expectations, most of the kids have to You can’t have a meeting with the boss unless you really . study hard even over vacations. 你没机会与老板见面,除非你确实精通业务。 为了满足父母的期望,大多数孩子都必须努力学习,甚至假期也不休息。 经典对白 “Draw what you need for.” 选自电影《阿甘正传》Forrest Gump “看看你们都需要什么。” ??That uniform is Forrest.?? is where the action happens. If you’re a soldier, the field is where “阿甘,这身制服很提神。” 意思是失控。 例句: This was originally 1960s slang. Taking meant taking hallucinogenic drugs 1. The government deployed troops onto the streets to keep things from and have the hallucinations. Later it came to mean anything that was cool or getting . amazing. 政府把军队派到街上控制失控的局面。 来自60年代的俚语,意思是产生幻觉。 2. I think this mess in the kitchen is getting a little . You 例句: should clean it up. 1. I love that movie! It??s a. 我觉得厨房已经乱得不像样了,你应该打扫一下。 Forrest Gump 我很喜欢那部影片,像一场梦。 语 2. John is a real . I??ve never met such a funny guy! “They gave you, anwho goes on 约翰真有意思。我还从未遇见过这么逗的人呢。 television„” “他们给你这个在电视上出丑的笨蛋、白痴„„” ??!?? “太棒了!” These are technical terms for people with certain low IQ scores It??s a 1960s slang meaning amazing. It??s only used occasionally now, usually when talking about something from the 1960s or that looks or sounds like it??but most people just use them to mean stupid. s from the 1960s (music, film, etc.) 这些是对智商低的儿童的侮辱,泛指笨蛋。 意思是非常棒,源于60年代俚语。 例句: 例句: 1. 1. That shirt has some pretty designs on it. Don’t 这件衬衫很有60年代的味道。 ask Joe’s opinion. He’s a moron. 2. That haircut is! 别问乔,他是白痴。 那个发型棒极了。 2. I can’t believe the best man forgot the ring at my wedding! What ??Things got a little .?? an imbecile! “事情有点失控。” 我无法相信男傧相居然在婚礼上忘记了拿戒指,真是个笨蛋。 经典对白 Things got a little out of hand. It means out of control. “See if it .” “试试看,你也许会喜欢。” 意思是在某人死后,亲戚朋友去慰问死者的家属。 例句: 1. Glen passed away last week. I just went to to his family. Sometimes you get something new but you don’t like it right away. 格兰上周去世了。我刚去慰问过他的家属。 Sometimes, it takes time before you begin to appreciate something. The same can 2. I just stopped by your also be true of people you meet. grandmother’s house to . 意思是某些事情你一时无法立刻接受,过一段时间才会喜欢。也可以用于指人。 我刚才路过你奶奶家,去探望了她一下。 例句: 1. 选自电影《阿甘正传》Forrest Gump I didn’t like jazz at first but it . “I thought I’d try out my .” 我一开始并不喜欢爵士乐,但慢慢就爱上了。 “我想尽量试一下我的腿。” 2. She can be a little annoying at first, but she. 她开始有点讨厌,可后来就好多了。 Your .” ability to live and work on a ship. “蠢人就做蠢事。” 意思是在海上的生存能力。 例句: >I’ve never really tried out my . It’s time I learned how to sail. It means that you 我从未出过海,该到学习航行的时候了。 cannot fairly call a person stupid unless he actually does something stupid. Your father got his意思是蠢人只做蠢事。 very young, when he was in the navy. “I to Bubba himself.” 你父亲很小就在海上生活了,当时他是海军。 “我到Bubba的坟前去探望他。” “But When someone dies, the friends and extended family of the dead you got no legs Lieutenant person have the obligation to visit and comfort the immediate family of the Dan.” dead person. “可你已经没有腿了,丹中尉。” National Treasure 选自电影《国家宝藏》 Often “He took into his the one person.” used by uneducated people (and occasionally by educated people) to mean“isn’ t” “他将这个秘密告诉给一个人。” or“aren’t” 在俚语中表示“不是”。 To trust someone for the purpose of revealing secrets. It’s a formal 例句: expression. Also, to gain someone’s confidence is to get them to trust you. You gonna give me any trouble, are 意思是出于信任而把秘密告诉某人。 you? 例句: 你不会给我惹麻烦吧,对吗? ->President He a real doctor! He just tells took his advisor into his and told him what happened. people that! 总统信任他的顾问并把事情地经过告诉给他。 他不是真的医生。他总乱说。 I’ve “I’m .” gained the of my boss. “我说话是算数的!” Now I will find out who he wants to fire! 我获得了老板的信任,现在我就能知道他想解雇谁。 Someone <--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> <--[endif]--> who is (or woman) always does what he says he will. He doesn’t lie and fulfills promises. 意思是说话算数,守信用,说到做到。 “They’re not 例句: just gonna let us there and I’m . I will help you perform chemical tests on it.” pay for your new car just like I said I would. “他们不会让我们随便进去并且对它进行化学试验的。” 我是讲信用的。既然说过,我就会帮你付车款的。 Ned is, he always To waltz into someplace keeps his promises. means to enter very casually, as if no one would question why you were there or 纳德这人说话算数,他总是信守诺言。 think you as any kind of threat. 意思是非常随便的进入,没人阻拦。 This dialogue also includes the word“tip.”A tipster is someone who gives a tip. 例句: 意思是指提供线索的人。线人。 You can’t just 例句: my bedroom anytime you want! You have to knock first! You know which horse will win the race? Who is your ? 你不能随随便便地进我的卧室,你要先敲门。 你知道哪匹马会赢?谁是你的线人? I’ve never seen such a bold thief. He , took the diamonds and waltzed The police need to find the anonymous if they want to solve the crime. right out. 如果警察想破案的话,就要找到那个匿名的线人。 我从没见过这么胆大包天的小偷。他大摇大摆地进来,拿了珠宝,而后若无其事地离开。 经典对白 课《国家宝藏》() “But one step crazy, what do you get?” 选自电影《国家宝藏》National Treasure “快疯的人才会信,你有什么?” 语 “The FBI gets 10,000 a week.” means just a little bit less, just a little before, almost at. “联邦调查局每天收到上万条线索。” 意思是差一点。 例句: is an incomplete but useful piece of information provided by an informer. We ran out of gas just town. A person calling the police to tell them something about a crime is giving them我们还差一点油就到城里了。 “a tip”. If something 'tips someone off', that means it is a sign that tells The player said some terrible things to the referee but he stopped just that person that something strange is going on. swearing. 意思是线人提供的消息。通常是指给警方提供线索。如果用something tips someone off 球员对裁判说了过分的话,但就在开口骂人之前收住了。 则意味着一种暗示,指某件事情告诉某人有奇怪的事情在发生。 I’m a littlecash, can you help me out? 例句: 我缺点钱,你能借我吗? The police were able to solve the robbery because of a telephone tip. 警方能成功破获那个抢劫案就是根据一个电话线索。 选自电影《国家宝藏》Don’t look suspicious! That will tip off the police! National Treasure 别显得那么紧张,那样会让警察注意你的。 “Do we have a name on the ?” ??That??s where we the FBI.?? “我们有那个线人的名字吗?” “FBI不相信这个说法。” 例句: You someone when they can??t understand what you are saying or they don? ?t believe what you are saying. 1. The criminal will go to jail. The police made the arrest 意思是不明白或者没听清。 罪犯将进监狱。警察依法实施拘捕。 例句: 2. Most parents will tell their kids doing is the most effective way to get things down. 1. I??m sorry, I you. Could you repeat that? 大多数家长都告诉孩子按规定办事才最有效。 不好意思我没听清,你能重复一遍吗? 3. Let??s do this . I don??t want anyone saying we didn??t do 2. Iyou when you said that the USA would win the World Cup. it right. 你在说美国会赢世界杯时,我没听明白。 咱们就按制度办吧,我可不想让别人说我们做的不对。 课《国家宝藏》() ??It must have taken you a long time to all that history.?? National Treasure 选自电影《国家宝藏》“你一定费了很大劲儿才找到这些。” 语 “I lost my .” To means to look for it, usually with great vigor. “我失去影像了。” 意思是用力地寻找。 例句: A is an electronic connection that brings in an electronic 1. I thought I??d lost my passport but I was able to . (typically video or audio) signal. 我以为我丢了护照,但还是找到了。 意思是提供信号的电源或设备。 2. Why isn??t Charlie here? Do we have to go out and ? 例句: 查理为什么不在这儿,我们用不用出去找他? The satellite is down so we can’t receive any communications. National Treasure 选自电影《国家宝藏》 卫星中断了,我们无法接受任何信息。 There’s something wrong with ??Let??s do this .?? the from the cable TV cable. 咱们按标准程序进行。 有线电视信号有问题。 经典对白 To do something according to the rules exactly. “I’m the family !” 按规矩办。 “我是家里的怪人!” When something travels very is an old quickly, not necessarily through the air, we can say it flies. fashioned word for someone who’s a little crazy. It’s still used occasionally. 意思是非常迅速,但不一定在空中飞。 意思是指某人有些疯狂。 例句: 例句: 1. He’s kind of an old, I got hit in the stomach. The book out of my hand onto the sofa. but he’s harmless. 我腹部被撞,书脱手落到沙发上。 他是个老顽固,但没有恶意。 2. Every family has at least one . I saw 每个家庭至少都有一个怪人。 Johnny running home. He was! “He the document to Phil.” That kid is fast. 他把文件扔给菲尔。 我看到约翰跑回家,他跑得飞快。这孩子真快。 课《国家宝藏》() To or a toss is a short throw. 选自电影《国家宝藏》National Treasure 意思是扔。 语 例句: “Gates,.” me the remote, “盖茨,照计划来。” will you? 把遥控器扔给我,行吗? Do what we planned. Also means follow the rules. 2. 意思是按照计划行事。 That 例句: was a bad. Nobody could have 1. You can’t run anywhere in soccer. You have to . caught that. 你不能在足球场上乱跑,要按规矩来。 扔得太不准了,没人能接到。 2. We had this all planned out. or we’ll be late! “The document into 我都计划好了。我们要按照计划做否则会迟到的。 the street.” “ on that.” 文件掉在街上。 “盯住那架直升机。” Indiana Jones and the Radiers of the Lost Ark To l something or someone means to assign someone to watch or observe it. Chopper is a slang word for helicopter. ??This is where Forrestal ?? 意思是让某人盯着某物。Chopper指直升机。 “弗里斯就在这儿死的。” 例句: that house. I want to know when he comes home. As slang it means someone has died. 盯着点那座房子,我想知道他什么时候回来。 这个词像任何与死亡有关的词一样都不能轻率地用。比如说亲人去世就不能用这个词,但 可以用于动物或你不喜欢的人。 2. We need sales statistics if we want to know how we’re doing. 例句: 如果我们想知道进展就要注意看销售统计。 1. Lili??s pet rabbit yesterday. She cried the whole day. 经典对白 昨天,丽丽的宠物兔子死了。她哭了一整天。 “Holy mackerel! He .” 2. I heard my neighbor downstairs last week. I was so happy. He was “天啊,他把我们耍了。” horrible to me. 我听说楼下的邻居上周死了。我真高兴,他对我凶极了。 To means to make elaborate arrangements to fool someone.“Holy...” is an expression of extreme surprise. ?? Senior.?? 意思是有意捉弄某人。Holy后面加名词表示惊讶。 “你放心,先生。” “Cooperation only lasts as long as the is unchanged.” 只有维持现状才能继续合作。 would sometimes be used when you??re not willing to do something but because of someone else you will do it. is Latin. It carries the meaning of everything as it is now. 如果你坚持的话。 这是拉丁文,意思是维持现状。 例句: 例句: 1. Wife: Give me a foot massage. If we do anything to change the status quo, we’ll make new enemies. Husband: Yes dear. If you insist. 如果我们改变现状就会出现新对手。 妻子:给我按摩脚。 Let’s not change the status quo. 丈夫:哦,亲爱的。如果你坚持的话。 让我们维持现状吧。 2. A: Hey, Duran. You take the last one. B: Well??OK. If you insist. (he is very happy to eat the last one.) 选自电影《印第安纳琼斯1——丢失的约柜》 A:杜兰,你把最后一块吃了吧。 弗吉谷是美国革命史上的转折点。 B:好吧,如果你坚持的话。 ??You??re .?? is the moment when things begin to or change. “你的确是个多面手。” 意思是转折点。弗吉谷,位于美国宾西法尼亚州。1776年圣诞节期间乔治?华盛顿率军在 此大败英军,Valley Forge因此成为美国独立战争的转折点之一。 例句: This is basically a good expression to compliment people who show an aptitude at various skills. 1. What are t in your life? When you got married? When you got into University? 多才多艺的人,多面手。 你生命的转折点是什么时候?结婚还是上大学? 例句: 2. When my team scored their second goal, that was . The 1. You??re a man of many talents, aren??t you? other team never recovered. 你是个多才多艺的人,不是吗? 球队的第二个进球是比赛的转折点,对手再也没能翻过身来。 2. Hey, meet Duran. He??s a man of many talents! ??!?? “嗨!” is an informal greeting used exactly like??hello??or??hi.?? It??s not often used. It??s a cowboy word and is used more often in the American west. 是美国西部非正式的打招呼方式。 “” “恭喜。” means congratulations. It??s not English but occasionally, an English speaker may use it as slang. It??s Yiddish, the language of Eastern European Jews. 意思是恭喜,是依地语,东欧犹太人使用的语言。 was in the American Revolution.”
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