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关于教育的口译资料中国的教育问题 各位朋友,大家早上好,今天很高兴能跟大家就中国的教育问题展开交流,希望大家能多给我们教育部提建议,提意见,帮助我们把教育工作搞好。 Good morning friends. Today I'm delighted to have the opportunity to exchange views on China's education with you. As part of our discussion, I hope you will provide suggestioins to the Min...
中国的教育问题 各位朋友,大家早上好,今天很高兴能跟大家就中国的教育问题展开交流,希望大家能多给我们教育部提建议,提意见,帮助我们把教育工作搞好。 Good morning friends. Today I'm delighted to have the opportunity to exchange views on China's education with you. As part of our discussion, I hope you will provide suggestioins to the Ministry of Education to assist us in our work on education. 首先呢,我相信大家已经在报纸、电视和广播中知道了,今年我们对全国农村义务教育的学生免除学杂费,九年义务教育阶段的费用将由国家公共财政负担。 First, I believe you have learned from newspapers, TV or broadcasts that this year we will exempt tuition and incidental fees fro rural compulsory education in the whole nation. The national budget will be responsible for the fees of the nine-year compulsory education. 今年1.5亿农村孩子将免除学杂费,免书本费,同时还能得到住宿补助,我们叫“两免一补”。This year, 150 million students in rural areas will be exempted from the tuition and incidental and textbook fees. They will also get lodging subsidies. This is called Two Exemptions and One Subsidy. 其实它的后面还有一系列政府加大投入。比如要保证教师的工资,保证学校校园的安全,要保证学校基本的运行经费。所以它是一个整体的保障体系,这个体系已经取得了非常显著的效果。 In fact, our government will expand a series of inputs to education to ensure teachers' wages, campus security and basic school funds. It forms a complete security system and so far marked achievements have been made. 其次就是农民工子女上学。政府现在对这个问题给予了高度重视,采取一切可能的措施,保证我们的孩子能够接受良好的义务教育。 Second, the government has attached great importance to the education of migrant workers' children. All possible measures will be taken to ensure that these children can receive a good compulsory education. 最后,我想谈谈大学生就业的问题。大家知道,人才资源是第一资源。一个国家要想发展,一定要有一批高素质人才。中国经过这么多年的努力,高等教育确实实现了历史性的跨越式发展,大学生在数量上有了很大的增长。 Finally, I want to talk about employment for college graduates. As is known, human resources are one of China's top resources. Quality human resources are essential for a nation's development. After years of effort, China has achieved a historic leap in the development of its higher education. The number of China's college students has increased dramatically. 但是,很多大学生在毕业后难以找到满意的工作,这是不是要归咎于前几年国家实行的扩招政策呢?我们说,不能简单地把“就业难”和扩招画等号。因为与其他发展中国家比,我国大学生在总人数中不过才占20%,数量远远没有达到过剩的程度。 However, many college graduates fail in getting satisfactory jobs. Is the college enrolment expansion that started a few years ago to be blamed? The source of the employment difficulty should not simply be identified as the enrolment expansion. Because college students only account for about 20% of China's population, which is far from being a surplus compared to other developing countries. 大学毕业生为什么就业难,主要有以下四个原因:一是一些高校的专业设置于快速变化的市场需求有偏差;二是中小企业招聘人才缺乏规划;三是学生知识与实际应用难以衔接;四是部分学生缺乏职业规划。 Four points can be regarded as the reasons why college graduates face employment trouble. First, some college discipline arrangements do not meet the needs of the changing market. Second, small and medium-sized enterprises do not plan very well before recruitment. Third, there is a gap between what is taught in college and what is needed in practice. Fourth, some students lack career planning instruction. 中国的教育政策 我们要优先发展教育,建设人力资源强国。 We will give priority to education and turn China into a country rich in human resources. 教育是民族振兴的基石,教育公平是社会公平的重要基础。 Education is the cornerstone of national rejuvenation, and equal access to education provides an important underpinning for social equity. 我们要全面贯彻党的教育方针,坚持育人为本、德育为先,实施素质教育,提高教育现代化水平, We must implement the Party's educational policy to the letter, focus on educating students with top priority given to cultivating their moral integrity, improve their overall quality, modernize the educational system, 培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,办好人民满意的教育。 and train socialist builders and successors who have all-round attainments in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic education. All this is designed to run education to the satisfaction of the people. 我们优化教育结构,促进义务教育均衡发展,加快普及阶段教育,大力发展职业教育,提高高等教育质量。 We will optimize the educational structure, promote balanced development of compulsory education, move faster toward universal access to senior secondary education, vigorously develop vocational education, and improve the quality of higher education. 我们重视学前教育。更新教育观念,深化教学方式、考试招生、质量评价制度等改革。 We will also attach importance to pre-school education. We will update our views on education and deepen reform in curricula, modes of instruction, the systems of examination and enrollment, and the system for evaluating educational quality. 减轻中生课业负担,提高学生综合素质。 We will ease the study load of primary and secondary school students and improve their overall quality. 我们坚持教育公益性质,加大财政对教育投入,规范教育收费,扶持贫困地区、民族地区教育,健全学生资助制度,保障经济困难家庭、进城务工人员子女平等接受义务教育。 We will continue to run education on a nonprofit basis, increase government spending on education, regulate the collection of education-related fees, support the development of education in poverty-stricken and ethnic autonomous areas, improve the system of financial aid to students, and ensure that children from poor families and of rural migrant workers in cities enjoy equal access to compulsory education as other children. 我们加强教师队伍建设,重点提高农村教师素质。 We will build up the ranks of teachers, with the emphasis on improving the quality of teachers in rural areas. 我们鼓励社会力量兴办教育。发展远程教育和继续教育,建设全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会。 Nongovernmental sectors are encouraged to operate educational programs. Distance learning and continuing education will be promoted to make a society in which every citizen is committed to learning and pursues lifelong learning. 孔子 孔子(公元前551—公元前479),名丘,字仲尼,春秋末期伟大的思想家和教育家,儒家学派的创始人。孔子一共教授了3000多个学生,其中不乏贫困家庭的孩子,改变了只有贵族子女才有资格上学的传统。孔子晚年还编订上古书籍,《诗经》、《尚书》、《周易》等都经过他的编订。孔子的言行被他的弟子们收集在《论语》一书中,他的思想也被后人吸收和发扬光大,成为中国传统思想最主要的组成部分,并逐渐传播到周边国家,形成了影响范围很广的儒家文化圈。联合国教科文组织曾将孔子列入世界十大文化名人。 Confucius named Qiu and styled Zhongni, a great thinker and educator in the late Spring and Autumn Period, and the founder of Confucianism. Confucius instructed more than 3,000 disciples and some were from poor families. He gradually changed the tradition that only the nobilities had the rights to receive the education. In his later years, Confucius compiled many literary work of ancient time, including the Book of Songs, the Book of Documents and the Book of Changes. His sayings and behaviors were compiled in The Analects of Confucius. His ideology has been absorbed and carried which composes the essential part of Chinese traditional ideology. It was also spread into the border regions and areas building up a circle of Confucianism. UNESCO (united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization) has labeled him as one of the “Ten Cultural Celetaities.” 老庄与道家思想 中国道家思想的创始人是春秋末年的老子。老子,姓李,名耳,他著作的《道德经》只有5000多字,却对后来的中国人却产生了非常深远的影响。老子用“道”来说明宇宙万物的产生和演变,他告诉人们在思想和行为上也要遵守道的规律和特点,顺其自然,以柔克刚,因为明软弱的东西往往本质坚强。庄子,名周,在他的著作《庄子》中继承和发展了老子“道法自然”的观点,主张将外在的万物与自我等同起来,将生与死等同起来,庄子追求的是精神世界的超越和逍遥。后人习惯将二人以“老庄”并称。 Lived in the later years of the Spring and Autumn Period, Laozi was the founder of Taoism. His family name was Li and given name was Er. His masterpiece Tao Te Ching, with only 5,000 characters, had a significant impact upon the thoughts of later generations. Laozi applied "Tao" to explain the origin and evolvement of the universe. He maintained that the law of "Tao" could be applied to guide people's thinking and behavior. Everything should be in conformance with the nature. What appears soft and weak can defeat what is hard and strong. Zhuangzi's given name was Zhou. In his book Zhuangzi, he absorbed and developed Laozi's viewpoint that "Tao is defined by nature" and claimed that everything exterior can be equated with self and life and death are equal. He pursued a spiritual realm of absolute freedom. Descendants usually mention them comparably. Brief Introduction to the Course Okay, Okay, let's begin. Hello, everyone. My name's Susan Hudson, and I' 11 be your teacher for this class, Intercultural Communication. 好的,开始上课。大家好,我叫Susan Hudson,我是你们跨文化交际课程的老师。 Uh, to begin with, please take a look at the syllabus in front of you. As you all should know by now, this class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 4:50. We will be meeting in this room for the first half of the course, but we will be using the research lab every other week on Thursday in Room 405 during the last two months of the class. 首先呢,请看一下你们面前的教学计划,你们应该都知道了,这门课的上课时间为每周二和周四的下午3:15到4:50,前一半教学内容都要在今天的这个教室里上课,而后两个月的内容我们将会改为每周四在405实验室进行。 Uh, this is the text for the class, Beyond Language. Unfortunately, the books haven't come in yet, but I was told that you should be able to purchase them at the bookstore the day after tomorrow. 这就是我们这门课的教材——《超越语言》。不巧的是,教材还没有到,但我听说你们可以后天在书店就买到了。 Again, as you see on your course outline, grading is determined by your performance on a midterm and final test, periodic quizzes, uh, a research project, and classroom participation. 另外,你们从教学大纲中看到,决定你们成绩的项目包括你们期中和期末的表现、定期测验、研究项目、课堂表现等等。 My office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays, and you can set up an appointment to meet with me at other times as well. 我的办公时间再每周三下午1:00到2:00,当然你们也可以提前和我约定其他见面时间。 学校教育 原文: A: 谢谢您为我们导游!我们早就听说密歇根州立大学的校园是全美最大最美的校园之一。今天能来到这里参观,我们感到很荣幸。 B: We are now standing in front of the Main Library. It has four floors and is open 24 hours a day. In addition to the millions of volumes of books and journals, the main library also has several special collections, including the largest academic video-audio library in the nation. A: 图书馆的馆藏资料很丰富,设施也很先进。我相信学生们在这里能够度过愉快而充实的求学时光。密歇根州立大学是哪一年建立的呢? B: Michigan State University was founded in 1855 as one of the nation's first public colleges. We now have 14 colleges with over 200 programs of study. 译文: A: Thank you for being our guide. It is well known that the campus of Michigan State University is one of the largest and most beautiful campuses in the United States. It is an honor to visit here today. B: 我们现在的位置是在学校主图书馆的前面。它共有4层,24小时开放。图书馆不仅有数百万的藏书和期刊,还有一些特别馆藏,包括全美最大的学术音频视频库。 A: The library has a rich collection and advanced facilities. I believe students will be able to study well in the library's pleasant atmosphere. Can you tell me when the university was founded? B: 密歇根州立大学是在1855年建立的,是美国最早的公立大学之一,学校现有14所学院,有200多项研究项目。
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