

2018-02-20 17页 doc 59KB 5阅读




人力资源-年终培训:拳不离手人力资源-年终培训:拳不离手 年终培训:拳不离手 刚进入2009年之时,面对席卷而来的全球金融危机风暴,不少专家预言:中国的中小企业已经进入了发展的"严冬",大浪淘沙,适者生存,"沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春".要想度过"严冬",中国的中小企业就要找到自己在市场竞争中生存的法宝。而今,2009年即将过去,回头望去,我国中小企业目前可谓是几家欢乐几家愁。随着我国经济形势的不断回暖,中国上半年GDP同比增长7.1%,其中二季度的增速已达到7.9%.虽然"全球金融危机尚未远离我们",但是,很多中小企业通过抓住金融危机带来的变革...
人力资源-年终培训:拳不离手 年终培训:拳不离手 刚进入2009年之时,面对席卷而来的全球金融危机风暴,不少专家预言:中国的中小企业已经进入了发展的"严冬",大浪淘沙,适者生存,"沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春".要想度过"严冬",中国的中小企业就要找到自己在市场竞争中生存的法宝。而今,2009年即将过去,回头望去,我国中小企业目前可谓是几家欢乐几家愁。随着我国经济形势的不断回暖,中国上半年GDP同比增长7.1%,其中二季度的增速已达到7.9%.虽然"全球金融危机尚未远离我们",但是,很多中小企业通过抓住金融危机带来的变革契机,积极构建有效的培训体系,抓紧机会苦练内功,加大培训力度,从而提升员工的整体素质,为新一轮的发展机遇做好充分准备,而另一些中小企业却始终不能从战略的高度认识培训对企业培育和提升竞争力所起的重要作用,它已成为企业获得竞争优势的路径依赖。 改革开发30年来,我国实体经济的格局已发生了很大的变化,据《中国统计年鉴2007》的数据显示:在我国全部工业企业中,中小企业占99.1%,中小企业总产值占64.8%,中小企业就业人数占76.6%.在经济一体化、全球化的今天,中小企业以其产业转化灵活、市场适应力强、管理形式多样等特点成为我国经济形式的重要组成部分和经济发展新的especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 增长点。金融危机既给我国的中小企业带来了前所未有的挑战,更使它们面临着生产成本持续升高、资金紧张、融资困难加剧、外贸出口受阻等一系列的问题,路在何方,怎样才能摆脱当前的经营困境,这些问题已成为摆在许多企业面前亟待破解的难题。 从总体上看,我国企业用于就业人员的人均培训经费投入尚不足200元,这也是导致我国企业目前高技能人才供需矛盾突出的重要原因。所以,在今天,培训已成为企业一种重要的投资方式,这种投资只要本着"实时、实践、实用",是能够给企业带来巨大效益的。同时,它也是企业实现人力资源增值的一条重要途径。 一、以企业战略为导向,构建与战略相匹配的培训体系 企业战略是企业最高的经营纲领,对企业的各项工作都具有指导意义。企业的培训工作只有服从和服务于企业战略目标,立足于企业的长远发展,才能保证企业培训的科学发展。培训要基于企业战略的系统规划,在规划目标的基础上分解出不同阶段的培训项目,并将这些培训项目与企业培养核心竞争力紧密结合在一起。既要反对"为培训而培训"的观点,也要反对"培训无用论"的观点。培训与企业战略的匹配主要体现在两个方面:一是在战略分析时,企业必须充分考虑现有人力资源的特点和优势、劣势,明确哪些优势需要通especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 过培训进一步发挥,哪些劣势可以通过培训来弥补;二是在进行企业战略实施阶段,将企业的战略转型落实到人力资源的培训的具体项目实施上。只有根据企业战略规划,结合人力资源发展战略,才能建立起符合企业持续发展要求的高效的培训体系。培训体系不是只解决一时一事的问题,而是要深入发掘企业的核心需求,根据企业的战略发展目标预测对于人力资本的需求,提前为企业需求做好人才的培养和储备。 要构建与战略相匹配的培训体系,要以前瞻性的角度研究探讨企业的培训需求。明确企业中长期的培训规划和培训目标,进而制订详细的培训计划,变被动为主动,保证培训工作的循序渐进、井然有序,促使培训与企业发展战略相适应,与技能要求相接轨,与企业文化相合拍。同时,通过培训战略化的实施,有效地规避培训无效或培训微效等风险,以最小的培训代价实现最大的培训效果。 但是,目前在很多的企业,特别是在一些中小企业中仍然存在着培训"说起来很重要;干起来属次要;拿钱时没必要"的现象,培训常常被当作是解决一时之需的"救火队",培训与否取决于领导是否有精力、是否有时间、是否有心情和是否有闲钱,而不是依据企业的战略需求逐步建立起来的长效机制。即使一些企业实现了培训经常化,但与形成一套健全、 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be 三茅活动平台 HR的借力成长通道:, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 完善的培训管理体系,实现培训的模式化、程序化、整体化的目标尚存在一定的距离。 二、以为保障,不断完善培训管理模式 将培训纳入制度化、规范化的轨道是确保培训的稳定性、连续性和有效性的重要保障。因此,要构建有效的培训体系首先要完善培训需求分析工作。培训需求分析是企业培训最关键和最基础的一项工作,但很多企业并没有做好这项工作,导致培训内容脱离实际,缺乏针对性,造成了不必要的资源浪费。做好需求分析必须将组织层面、任务层面与个人层面的需求形成有机的整体,不能将它们割裂开来认识。其次,要重视企业培训讲师队伍的建设,着力培养企业自己的师资力量。在企业培训工作中,培训讲师来源有两种途径:一是外部聘请;二是企业内部培养。从企业培训工作的长远发展来看,重视并加强对企业内部讲师的培养,形成一支培训讲师队伍,是直接关系到培训工作效果的重要工作。同时,还应建立起能够覆盖主要专业具有较高的理论素养和丰富实践经验的外部教师队伍。同时,要加强培训过程管理。对培训时间、地点、经费、教材、参加人员、设备等各个方面的工作都要精心安排。 科学的培训方法是提高培训的质量和效果的关键所在。应引导员工积极参与教学,充分发挥他们的主体作用。培训especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 教师可以通过案例讨论、角色扮演、情景模拟、现场观摩等方式、方法,调动员工学习的积极性与主动性。卡帕切克提出培训评估的四个标准:第一是学员的反应标准;第二是学习标准;第三是行为标准;第四是结果标准。企业可以按照此指标对培训进行评估,及时发现培训中存在的问题, 为以后的培训提供控制依据。 三、构建多层次全方位培训体系,实现组织目标与员工自我发展相协调 在企业中,员工的培训需求呈现出多层次、全方位的特点。有效的培训体系应针对具体员工个人能力和企业发展规划制定不同的培训计划。在效益最大化的前提下,多渠道、多层次的构建培训体系,达到全员参与、共同分享培训成果的效果,使得培训方法和内容适合被培训者。同时,要充分考虑员工培训学习的特殊性,针对不同的课程和不同的内容采用不同培训方式和不同培训途径。要重视对培训需求进行分析和评估,明确开展培训工作的目标和任务。培训要以促进人的发展为基点,始终坚持"以人为本"的原则,在注重整体培训目标的同时,兼顾员工的个性发展,充分调动员工的积极性,开发员工的潜能,鼓励员工积极参与、自主学习、自我创新,鼓励员工深入实际提出问题、解决问题,为员工创建自由发展的空间。 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be 三茅活动平台 HR的借力成长通道:, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 培训是一项"树人"的系统工程,需要持之以恒、长抓不懈。企业要在制订培训计划的同时,将培训计划与员工的成长结合起来,与员工的职业生涯结合起来,以高绩效模型和员工任职资格为标杆,及时更新和调整培训方案。实现培训的全程化,促进培训与员工职业生涯设计的无缝连接,促进人的全面发展。企业对员工的培训应是 有计划地引导员工将个人的发展与企业的发展相适应。要注意将培训结果与绩效评价和薪酬、晋升紧密结合,如果员工发现通过培训,他们能够更好地实现自身的发展,带来相关的价值收益,他们就会变被动为主动,变"要我学"为"我要学".同时,培训也是员工的福利。在知识经济的时代,人们为了生存和竞争的需要,必须终生学习,不断进取,培训就成为一种有效的福利手段,它可以提高员工的积极性,增强员工的荣誉感和成就感。 四、遵循效用原则,努力提升培训成果的迁移率 企业培训是一种投资行为,像其他投资行为一样,企业必须考虑投入和产出的关系,关注培训的经济效益,寻求培训收益的最大化。培训的目的是与企业的战略目标实现紧密挂钩的,是使受训员工能够持续有效地将所学知识技能应用于工作中,甚至转化为受训者的习惯行为,成为其自身素质的一部分。所以,培训成果是否高效转化是培训活动是否有效的决定因素。培训成果的转化也称为"培训成果迁移",是especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 指将在培训中所学到的知识、技能和行为应用到实际工作当中去的过程。很多企业却忽视了一点,认为企业只管对员工进行培训,培训效果转化成工作成果那是自然而然的事,企业无需在成果转化上担负什么职责。其实不然,,培训成果的有效转化需要有良好的支持环境和激励机制,离不开管理层与受训员工共同努力。企业管理人员不仅要积极支持其下属参加培训,更要支持受训员工将所学的运用于工作中去,用其所学的知识、技能、行为方式不断改善自身的工作绩效。要给下属提供将培训成果转化为工作实际成果的实践机会。同时,还要注重对受训员工的成果转化给与及时的反馈强化。受训员工在培训成果转化的过程中,管理者要与其保持经常的沟通和反馈,帮助他们适应新的工作环境和工作角色。并及时对他们的成就表示认可、赞赏和给予物质奖励等。 五、以良好的培训文化为支撑,积极防范培训风险 同其他的资本投资一样,培训的风险和收益也是成正比的。从其成因来看,培训风险可以分为培训的内在风险和外在风险。培训的内在风险源于培训本身,它主要包括观念风险。指的是由于高层领导或者受训员工对培训没有一个正确的认识和定位而可能对企业造成的不良影响和损失。目前,一些企业高层领导存在着对培训的不正确的认识,如认为"培训会增加企业的运营成本","培训会使更多的员工跳槽,造成大量人才流失","企业效益 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be 三茅活动平台 HR的借力成长通道:, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 好无需培训"等等。其次是培训技术风险。是指在培训需求分析、制定培训计划、风险评价及培训实施过程中,因不能及时正确地做出判断和结论可能对企业造成的损失。有些企业由于培训需求不明确,培训需求调查不深入,没有与企业远期、近期目标结合起来,企业没有明确的素质模型或岗位需求,培训没有与员工的"短板"相结合,培训内容选择、形式选择、培训师选择、培训模式选择都偏离真正需要,培训缺乏针对性,达不到预期目的,因而也就不可能有效。第三是培训项目时效带来风险。培训项目的开发过程及其实施需要较长的时间,因此贬值趋势具有不可逆转性。特别是培训的内容主要是以成熟技术为主的,这就可能会形成岗位的工作要求和技术进步的速度与培训内容之间的时效性风险。 培训的外在风险是指虽然培训项目达成了预定目标,但由于各种外在因素导致企业遭受各种直接或间接损失。常见的培训外在风险主要包括如下几种:首先,人才流失的风险。经过培训后,员工的能力和素质得到提高,受训员工对知识和自我实现的追求更高,产生了更换工作环境的需求。第二,是培养竞争对手的风险。接受培训后走向重要、关键岗位的受训者,由于他们掌握的大量生产经营信息也可能会流向竞争对手,构成对本企业的威胁。第三,是专业技术保密难度增大的风险。任何一个企业在生产经营过程中总有自己的管理经验和专有技术,专有技术必须要通过具体的人员去操作especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 和管理才能使之转化成生产力和具体的产品。这就需要通过培训使参与这一工作的人员掌握。第四,是培训迁移率过低的风险。 要通过构建有效的培训系统帮助中小企业有效控制培训风险,首先要加强对培训的管理,提高培训质量,增强培训目标的针对性。 除了要做好培训需求分析和计划的实施,关键要提高培训工作的迁移率,影响培训转化的因素很多,大致可以概括为转化氛围、上司支持、同事支持、应用所学知识和技能的机会、自然遗忘的速度以及旧行为习惯的惯性等。在培训后,组织应尽量创造一个良好的环境使受训者尽快尽多地将所学运用到工作中。其次,要防范培训风险要有相应的制度作保证。建立和健全培训就能更有效的防止培训的风险。而培训制度的建设又是一个系统工程,不能只是局限于培训工作范畴,要建立和完善人才档案制度、人才选拔聘用和、绩效评估制度,并将这些制度与培训制度形成有机的整体。 对培训风险的防范还要依靠良好的企业文化作为支撑。通过培育以团队精神为核心的企业文化,增强凝聚力。 优秀的企业文化对培训予以高度重视,同时也更加重视员工自我实现和自我完善的需求,并且努力建立与这种需求相适应的培训理念和制度,尽量满足员工的需求。因此,企业的培训体系、培训管理和培训的内容更加贴近员工的需求,培训 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be 三茅活动平台 HR的借力成长通道:, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there 的形式更加丰富多彩。在优秀的企业文化引导下,员工通过接受培训,不仅丰富了知识,提高了技能,还实现了人生价值,这能够极大地激发员工的工作热情,增强员工的凝聚力、忠诚感和归属感。加强了员工的责任感和使命感,使企业的规章制度内化成为员工的自觉行为,最终体现在企业管理水平和工作效率的提高。 培训体系是一个动态平衡的体系。今天的企业培训正在呈现组织形式日趋多样化和交叉化、培训技术上日趋远程化和网络化、培训内容上日趋国际化和专业化的特点。目前,我国的中小企业要想加速建立起符合市场经济的发展机制,就要制定符合自身条件的经营战略。美国管理学家彼得。德鲁克曾针对小企业的发展提出了"小生位"的战略,即小企业要垄断市场中的某一个小领域,使自己免受竞争和挑战的威胁,在大企业的边缘地带发挥自己独到的专长,争取在一些特殊产品和技术上成为佼佼者。而"小生位"战略的有效实施显然离不开人力资本的投资,离不开有效的培训体系的建设,离不开系统的人力资源管理机制构建。 诚如他人所言"管理的本质不在于知而在于行。"企业只有建立和运行好培训的长效机制,做到"曲不离口,拳不离手",培训才能正真成为企业市场竞争的制胜法宝。 especially hatching, brooding and automatically feed more indispensable power. (B) the pheasant farm building layout should be divided into productive area and non-production areas. According to the prevailing wind direction in the production area, in accordance with the hatchery bred, non-brooding, pheasant, pheasant room and species of the order. Non-production areas including employee housing and other facilities. 300-500 meters of distance from the production area. Area prohibited animals, poultry. (C) the main building 1. production hatchery, brood care, breeding shed, goods sheds and species of pheasant hen pheasants; 2. supplied with feed processing and storage warehouse; 3. use enter sterilization room, Office room, dressing room, veterinary etc; 4. living rooms dormitories, cafeterias, lounges. (D) the main equipment required pheasant farms, which should be based on specific scale and funding decisions. Large modern farms to facilities established, and a high degree of mechanization. Small individual farms should be adapted to local conditions, to minimize the initial investment, speed up capital turnover, reduce costs and increase benefits. 1. incubation and hatching machines based on the breeding of this species of pheasant, proper configuration incubate and hatch. 2. Candler can be purchased, or you can make yourself. 3. cage brooding equipment has relied on brood chamber temperature control pure brood cage also comes with greenhouse heating for brooding cage. 4. the bunk and tanks made of metal or plastic, there
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