

2017-09-21 7页 doc 24KB 25阅读




手球规则手球规则 手球規則 1、七人制手球運動每隊最多註冊十六名球員,每場比賽可登記十四名,其中二名 是守門員,其餘十二名為普通球員。 2、正式比賽球員以七名為限,其中一名為守門員。 3、守門員在球門區域內,可以用手、腳觸或擋球,但普通球員不能用腳觸球及進 入球門區域內。 4、普通球員持球不能超過三秒鐘及超過三步以上,單手運球,但只許運一次球, 守門員在球門區域內沒有任何約束,惟不能故意拖延比賽,比賽進行中球員可 以自由替換。 5、球場長方形,其邊線40公尺端線長20公尺,球長由中線劃分為兩個半場,並 分別設置球門區域。 6...
手球规则 手球規則 1、七人制手球運動每隊最多註冊十六名球員,每場比賽可登記十四名,其中二名 是守門員,其餘十二名為普通球員。 2、正式比賽球員以七名為限,其中一名為守門員。 3、守門員在球門區域內,可以用手、腳觸或擋球,但普通球員不能用腳觸球及進 入球門區域內。 4、普通球員持球不能超過三秒鐘及超過三步以上,單手運球,但只許運一次球, 守門員在球門區域內沒有任何約束,惟不能故意拖延比賽,比賽進行中球員可 以自由替換。 5、球場長方形,其邊線40公尺端線長20公尺,球長由中線劃分為兩個半場,並 分別設置球門區域。 6、比賽時間, a、社會男子、社會女子,含大專男女組,上下半時各三十分鐘,中間休 息十分鐘。 b、高中男、女組上下半時各三十分鐘,中間休息十分鐘。 c、國中男、女組上下半時各二十五分鐘,中間休息十分鐘。 7、下半場比賽終了,不分勝負,國內,舉行一次延長比賽,仍不分勝負時則兩隊 各派五名普通球員,交互輪流擲七公尺決勝負。 8、非法替補時在球員進場的地點罰任意球,並判罰該球員退場二分鐘。 9、守門員不得替補普通球員,但普通球員得替補守門員。 10、守門員由球門區域外,持球進入球門區域內,罰七公尺球。 11、球門區域只限守門員能進入球門區域包括球門區域線在內,普通球員身體的 任何部分觸及時,以越區論。 12、球進入球門區域內即屬於守門員的球,普通球員不得觸及在球門區域內停留 或滾動的球,也不得觸及守門員所控制的球,惟球在球門區域上空時不在此限 度。 13、球進入球門區域內,應由守門員擲球門球,繼續比賽。 14、手持球最多得移動三步, 一步計數如下, a、兩腳站立接球時, ,1,、一腳離地而再落地時為一步。 ,2,、一腳向任何方向移動時為一步。 b、單腳站立接球,另一腳落地時為一步。 c、跳躍接球以一腳落地,然後再墊步或跨步時為一步。 d、跳躍接球以兩腳同時落地時。 15、擲任意球時,對隊球員必須離開三公尺以上。 16、下列情形判罰七公尺球, a、在球場的任何區域,對方隊顯然有得分機會而加以犯規。 b、守門員持球進入球門區域內,或將球門區域外的球取回球門區域內者。 c、攻隊持球時,守隊的普通球員越區防守而取得利益者。 d、故意將球傳給己方球門區域內的守門員。 17、擲七公尺球時,場內裁判鳴笛後必須在三秒鐘內向球門直接射門。 18、擲七公尺球時,除擲球球員及守隊的守門員外其他球員必須退出自由擲球線 外。 19、裁判員判罰球員或球隊職員時,應顯示紅色牌。裁判員警告球員或球隊職員 時,應顯示黃色牌。 20、下列情形判罰退場, a、攻隊被判擲任意球時,持球球員未立刻將球放在地上者。 b、替補犯規。 c、攻隊擲球時守隊反覆犯規者。 d、屢次反覆違反對人動作的行為者。 e、反覆違反運動精神的行為者。 21、球員第一次和第二次退場時間均為二分鐘,該隊在退場時間內不得補足場內 球員,球員第三次退場時間仍為二分鐘,但該球員取消資格。 22、守門員被判退場,取消資格或驅逐離場時,得由候補守門員替補,並令一名 普通球員退出場外。 Handball Rules 1. The limited number of seven players form handball sport can register 16 players. Each game can register 14 players; two goalkeepers and 12 players. 2. The limited number of players in a formal handball game is seven people, and there is only one player is the goalkeeper. 3. The goalkeeper can touch the handball by hands and feet in the goal area, but players are not allowed to touch the handball by feet and to enter the goal area. 4. The players cannot keep the handball over three seconds or three steps, and the players can dribble the handball by a hand or both hands just one time. There are no certain rules for goalkeepers in the goal area, but they cannot postpone the game deliberately. All the players can replace each other at any time. 5. The field is a rectangle, the edge line is 40 meters, the end line is 20 meters. It is separated in two sides by the middle line, and the two goals are set at the both end of the field. 6. The time of game: a. Adult (men, women) group (including universities and colleges): 30 minutes in first part and second part, 10 minutes break time between two parts. b. Senior high school (men, women) group: 30 minutes in first part and second part, 10 minutes break time between two parts. c. Junior high school (men, women) group:25 minutes in first part and second part, 10 minutes break time between two parts. 7. After finishing the second part of the game, there is a tiebreaker (in our country) if there is no winner. If there is still no winner in the tiebreaker, both of groups have to choose five players to shoot penalty throw by turns to define the winner. 8. Commit a foul when replace the player will be penalize to leave the field for 2 minutes, and a free kick where the player steps in the field. The goalkeeper cannot replace the players, but the players can replace the goalkeeper.9. 10. It will be penalize penalty throw if the keeper hands the ball from the field into the goal area. 11. Only the goalkeeper can step in the goal area, including the goal area line, the players are not allowed to touch and cross this area. 12. The ball belongs to goalkeeper when it is in the goal area, the players cannot touch the ball which is in the ground of goal area, and also cannot touch the ball which is controlled by goalkeeper. Only the ball which is in the air of the goal area can be touched by players. 13. As long as the ball is into the goal area, goalkeeper should cast it back to the field, continue the game. 14. It is allowed to move 3 steps when handing a ball: The definition of “first step”: A. Feet are on the ground while catching ball: (1) one foot raises and steps again (2) one foot moves to other space B. One foot is on the ground while catching the ball, the next step is the second steps. C. Jumping and catching the ball (1) one foot is on the ground after catching the ball, the next step is first step. (2) Feet are on the ground after catching the ball, the next step is first step. 15. When shooting the free cast, the competitors have to leave three meters distance from the goalkeeper. 16. Penalizing penalty throw in these situations as followed: a. Break the rules when competitors have the chance to get a point. b. The goalkeeper hands the ball from the field into the goal area. c. When an offensive team hands the ball, the players in a defensive team cross-area defend to get benefits. d. Pass the ball to the goalkeeper of their own side deliberately. 17. When shooting penalty throw, player has to shoot ball within 3 second while the officiate whistle. 18. When shooting penalty throw, every player has to be out of the free cast area except the player who does the shooting and the goalkeeper who defend the shooting. 19. Officiate shows red card to penalize players and shows the yellow card to warn players. 20. Penalize to leave the field as followed situation: a. When offensive team is penalized to shoot a free cast, the player who hands the ball doesn’t put the ball down. b. To commit a foul when replace the players. c. Doing some foul actions to competitors for many times. d. Ding some foul actions to against the sport spirits. 21. The length of leaving field time is 2 minutes when the player is penalized for first time and second time, the group cannot replace the player when penalizing. The third time when player is penalized to leave the field, the length of time is 2 minutes too, but the player is disqualified.
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