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国家出台资深翻译和一级翻译考评办法国家出台资深翻译和一级翻译考评办法 中国网5月5日讯 人力资源和社会保障部近日印发了《资深翻译和一级翻译专业资格(水平)评价办法(试行)》(以下简称《办法》),办法试行范围包括英、法、日、俄、德、西班牙、阿拉伯7个语种长期从事翻译专业工作的人员。办法试行后,各省、自治区、直辖市(以下简称地区)和国务院有关部门、 中央管理的企业(以下简称中央单位)不再进行翻译系列应语种译审和副译审任职资格的评审。 中国外文局受人力资源和社会保障部委托,负责开展全国范围的资深翻译评审和一级翻译的考试与评审 工作。 这是继《翻译专业资格(水平...
国家出台资深翻译和一级翻译考评办法 中国网5月5日讯 人力资源和社会保障部近日印发了《资深翻译和一级翻译专业资格(水平)评价办法(试行)》(以下简称《办法》),办法试行范围包括英、法、日、俄、德、西班牙、阿拉伯7个语种长期从事翻译专业工作的人员。办法试行后,各省、自治区、直辖市(以下简称地区)和国务院有关部门、 中央管理的企业(以下简称中央单位)不再进行翻译系列应语种译审和副译审任职资格的评审。 中国外文局受人力资源和社会保障部委托,负责开展全国范围的资深翻译评审和一级翻译的考试与评审 工作。 这是继《翻译专业资格(水平)考试暂行规定》和《二级、三级翻译专业资格(水平)考试实施办法》出台后,国家为资深翻译和一级翻译专业资格(水平)评价标准和程序出台的最新有关政策。文件明确了“资深翻译和一级翻译是翻译系列正高级职称和副高级职称”,这是国家深化职称制度改革,规范外语翻译人才评价标准的具体体现。政策的出台,完善并健全了翻译专业资格(水平)考试的评价体系。 《办法》规定,资深翻译的评审工作原则上每年组织一次。申请参加资深翻译的评审须按照国家统一规定评聘副译审专业职务后或者取得一级翻译证书后,从事翻译专业工作满5年;同时具备任现职以来有翻 译专业论文,近5年年度考核均为合格以上等次条件。 《办法》规定,一级翻译的考试设笔译和口译(交替传译)两个专业类别,实行全国统一大纲、统一命题,原则上每年举行一次。各语种一级翻译的笔译专业考试设“笔译实务”科目,考试采用纸笔作答方式进行,考试时间为180分钟。口译(交替传译)专业考试设“口译(交替传译)实务”科目,考试采用现场录音方式进行,考试时间为60分钟,中译外和外译中各30分钟。一级翻译考试考点原则上设在省会城市,设置的地区和数量,由国家根据实际情况确定。笔译考试考点应设在大、中专院校或高考定点学校;口译 考试考点应设在具有语音考试专用设备的学校。 本《办法》自2011年6月1日起正式试行。试行前已按照国家统一规定取得的译审和副译审专业职务任职资格的效用不变。已获得翻译系列译审或副译审专业职务任职资格的人员申请取得资深翻译证书或者 一级翻译证书,仍须按照本办法规定的条件和程序申报。 关于印发《资深翻译和一级翻译专业资格(水平)评价办法(试行)》的通知 人力资源和社会保障部文件 人社部发[2011]51号 各省、自治区、直辖市人力资源社会保障厅(局),福建省公务员局,国务院各部委、各直属机构人事部门,中国外文出版发行事业局: 为健全翻译专业资格(水平)评价体系,规范资深翻译和一级翻译专业资格(水平)评价标准和程序,现将《资深翻译和一级翻译专业资格(水平)评价办法(试行)》印发给你们,请在资深翻译和一级翻译专业资格(水平)评价工作中试行。试行过程中遇到的问题请及时反馈我们,以便修订完善。 personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political (此件主动公开) personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 资深翻译和一级翻译专业资格(水平)评价办法 (试行) 第一章 总 则 第一条 为加强翻译专业人员队伍建设,提高翻译专业人员的整体素质,健全和完善翻译专业人才选拔机制,客观、公正地评价资深翻译和一级翻译专业人员能力水平,促进我国翻译事业的发展,根据《翻译专业职务试行条例》、《翻译专业资格(水平)考试暂行规定》(人发[2003]21号)及有关规定,制定本办法。 第二条 资深翻译和一级翻译专业资格(水平)评价办法是翻译专业资格(水平)评价制度的重要组成部分,是分类推进职称制度改革的探索。本办法试行范围包括英、法、日、俄、德、西班牙、阿拉伯7个语种长期从事翻译专业工作的人员。其他语种相应级别翻译专业人员的评价,暂按照《翻译专业职务试行条例》有关规定和现行办法组织进行。 第三条 本办法试行后,各省、自治区、直辖市(以下简称地区)和国务院有关部门、中央管理的企业(以下简称中央单位)不再进行翻译系列相应语种译审和副译审任职资格的评审。 第四条 资深翻译和一级翻译是翻译系列正高级职称和副高级职称。资深翻译采取评审的方式取得;一级翻译采取考试与评审相结合的方式取得。 第五条 人力资源社会保障部委托中国外文出版发行事业局(以下简称中国外文局)开展全国范围的资深翻译评审和一级翻译的考试与评审工作。 其他具备组建资深翻译、一级翻译评审委员会条件的地区和中央单位,经人力资源社会保障部审核备案后,可在本地区或者本单位内开展资深翻译和一级翻译的评审工作。不具备组建评审委员会条件的地区或者中央单位,应当委托中国外文局统一承担资深翻译、一级翻译的评审工作。 第二章 资深翻译 第六条 资深翻译的评审工作原则上每年组织一次。 第七条 资深翻译应具备的基本素质与职业能力: (一)丰富的翻译专业工作经验和良好的职业道德; (二)知识广博,熟悉中国和相关语言国家的文化背景,中外文语言功底深厚; (三)胜任高难度的翻译专业工作,能够解决翻译专业工作中的重大疑难问题,具有较强的审定重要事项翻译稿件的能力,或者承担重要谈判、国际会议的口译工作能力; personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political (四)译风严谨,译文能表达原作的风格; (五)对翻译专业理论有深入研究,组织、指导翻译专业人员出色完成各项翻译任务,在翻译专业人才培养方面卓有成效; (六) 翻译成果显著,翻译业务考评和年度综合考核均为合格以上等次。 第八条 申请参加资深翻译的评审应具备的基本条件: (一)遵守国家法律、法规和翻译行业相关规定,严格执行国家标准与技术规范,恪守职业道德; (二)按照国家统一规定评聘副译审专业职务后或者取得一级翻译证书后,从事翻译专业工作满5年; (三)任现职以来有翻译专业论文,近5年年度考核均为合格以上等次。 第九条 申请参加资深翻译的评审,需提交评聘副译审专业职务后或者取得一级翻译证书后,具备的下列一项业绩成果的材料: (一)审定稿量在30万字以上的正式出版物或者单位证明; (二)在正式出版社出版的、有统一书号(ISBN)的、各不少于10万字的译著或者翻译理论研究著作2部(对书中未注明参评人撰写章节的译著,须由该出版社出具有关证明,注明参评人所译章节); (三)在国内统一刊号的报纸、期刊上或者在国际统一刊号的国外报纸、期刊上发表的独立完成的译文,累计不少于20万字; (四)承担重要谈判或者国际会议等口译任务 30场以上的场次目录和服务方证明,及不少于2场的现场录音材料。 第三章 一级翻译 第十条 一级翻译的考试设笔译和口译(交替传译)两个专业类别,实行全国统一大纲、统一命题,原则上每年举行一次。 第十一条 一级翻译的考试考务实施工作,由人力资源社会保障部人事考试中心(以下简称人事考试中心)、中国外文局翻译专业资格考评中心(以下简称中国外文局考评中心)和国家外国专家局培训中心,按照职责分工负责。 中国外文局考评中心负责命题与题库建设;人事考试中心承担笔译考试的考务实施和笔译、口译考试的数据统计等工作;国家外国专家局培训中心承担口译考试的考务实施工作。 第十二条 各语种一级翻译的笔译专业考试设“笔译实务”科目,考试采用纸笔作答方式进行,考试时间为180分钟。口译(交替传译)专业考试设“口译(交替传译)实务”科目,考试采用现场录音方式进行,考试时间为60分钟,中译外和外译中各30分钟。 第十三条 一级翻译应具备的基本素质与职业能力: personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political (一)较丰富的翻译专业工作经验和良好的职业道德; (二)知识面宽广,熟悉中国和相关语言国家的文化背景,中外文语言功底扎实; (三)对原文有较强的理解能力和表达能力,有正式出版的译著或者公开发表的译文,对翻译实践或者理论有所研究,有翻译专业论文; (四)胜任范围较广、难度较大的相应类别翻译专业工作,能够解决翻译专业工作中的疑难问题,能够承担重要场合、具有实质性内容的口译工作或者译文定稿能力; (五)组织、指导翻译专业人员完成各项翻译任务; (六)翻译工作成绩较大,翻译业务考评和年度综合考核均为合格以上等次。 第十四条 遵守国家法律、法规和翻译行业相关规定,恪守职业道德,并具备下列条件之一的人员,均可报名参加一级翻译考试。 (一)通过全国统一考试取得相应语种、类别二级翻译证书; (二)按照国家统一规定评聘翻译专业职务。 第十五条 一级翻译考试考点原则上设在省会城市,设置的地区和数量,由国家根据实际情况确定。笔译考试考点应设在大、中专院校或高考定点学校;口译考试考点应设在具有语音考试专用设备的学校。 中央单位的人员参加考试,按照属地管理原则。 第十六条 参加一级翻译考试的人员,由人事考试中心统一核发相应语种、相应类别一级翻译考试成绩通知书。达到国家统一确定的考试合格标准的考试成绩长期有效。 各地区人力资源社会保障部门和中央单位人事部门研究确定本年度一级翻译评审的考试成绩使用标准。 第十七条 申请参加一级翻译评审的人员,必须取得与申请评审的语种和类别相一致的一级翻译考试成绩通知书。申请评审的语种和类别与考试成绩通知书不一致的,负责评审的机构可不予受理。 第十八条 提交一级翻译评审的申请时,必须出具不少于20万字的笔译工作量的证明,或者由服务方证明的、在正式场合不少于100场次的英语口译工作量,其他语种的口译工作量应不少于50场次,并具备下列条件之一: (一)具有翻译专业博士学位证书,按照国家统一规定聘任翻译专业职务或者取得二级翻译证书后,从事翻译专业工作满2年; (二)具有翻译专业硕士学位证书,按照国家统一规定聘任翻译专业职务或者取得二级翻译证书后,从事翻译专业工作满3年; (三)具有包括翻译专业在内的双学士学位证书或者翻译专业研究生班毕业证书,按照国家统一规定聘任翻译专业职务或者取得二级翻译证书后,从事翻译专业工作满4年; personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political (四)具有翻译专业大学本科学历或者学位证书,按照国家统一规定聘任翻译专业职务或者取得二级翻译证书后,从事翻译专业工作满5年; (五)具有非翻译专业上述学历或者学位证书,按照国家统一规定聘任翻译专业职务或者取得二级翻译证书后,其从事翻译专业工作的年限应相应增加2年。 第四章 评价工作要求 第十九条 开展资深翻译和一级翻译专业资格(水平)评价工作的地区和中央单位,应不断完善评价工作,确保评价结果的客观、公平、公正。 第二十条 考务机构和评审机构及其工作人员,应当严格执行考试、评审工作的各项规章制度,严格遵守考试、评审工作纪律。 第二十一条 坚持考试与培训分开的原则。凡参与考试工作的人员,不得参加考试,也不得参加或者举办与考试内容相关的培训工作。不得强迫应试人员参加与考试内容相关的培训。 第二十二条 资深翻译的评审和一级翻译的考试与评审的收费标准,应经当地价格主管部门核准,并向社会公布,接受群众监督。 第二十三条 对违反考试工作纪律和有关规定的人员,按照《专业技术人员资格考试违纪违规行为处理规定》(人力资源社会保障部第12号令)处理。 第五章 附 则 第二十四条 对翻译专业工作业绩突出、成果显著,但不具备本办法规定的学历、工作经历等基本条件的人员,其申请参加资深翻译和一级翻译评审的破格条件,由经人力资源社会保障部备案具有评审委员会的地区和中央单位研究制定,并报人力资源社会保障部备案。 第二十五条 通过资深翻译或者一级翻译评审的人员,经公示无异议后,属中国外文局组织评审的,颁发由人力资源社会保障部用印的资深翻译或者一级翻译证书;属其他地区或者中央单位组织评审的,由该地区或者单位颁发人力资源社会保障部门或者单位人事部门用印的资深翻译或者一级翻译证书。 第二十六条 人力资源社会保障部用印的资深翻译和一级翻译证书在全国范围有效。各地区和中央单位用印的资深翻译和一级翻译证书在所辖区域内有效。 第二十七条 本办法第二十五条要求的公示期为7个工作日,中国外文局应当在中国网或者相关网站进行,其他地区或者中央单位应当在本地区或者本系统的相应网站进行。 第二十八条 按照本办法取得资深翻译证书或者一级翻译证书的人员,用人单位可根据需要择优聘任相应级别专业职务。 第二十九条 在本办法试行前,已按照国家统一规定取得的译审和副译审专业职务任职资格的效用不变。已获得翻译系列译审或副译审专业职务任职资格的人员申请取得资深翻译证书或者一级翻译证书,仍须按照本办法规定的条件和程序申报。 personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political 第三十条 本办法自2011年6月1日起试行。 personal and collective learning on your own, combining learning reading and discussion, read, learn, and understanding of the original principles, focused learning around topics discussion, ongoing positive and negative type education. Members should close their own thoughts, work, real life, comparing reflection and further improve the pertinence and effectiveness of learning, continue to unlock the buttons, correct wrong, think of practical realization in mind, party rules discipline, firm and correct political orientation, develop discipline, and being a qualified member of the adherence to the Constitution Party rules and political discipline. Second, "to do" as the key, seriously, do try to do, to set an example. Two lies in the doing. To learn to do, and the unity of knowledge, qualified party member, is the focus of this study and education and essential point. A qualified party members not only to watch his Constitution Party rules and talk to learn how, through, dark and light, and also what does he end up doing, is not a unity. This study and education, is essential to enhance the party's political awareness, awareness of overall, core, par. In learning education in the, each members are to control "told political, and has faith, do political qualified; told rules, and has discipline, do implementation discipline qualified; told moral, and has conduct, do conduct qualified; told dedication, and has as, do play role qualified" "four told four has" this put ruler, often measure himself, view himself, transformation himself, with actual action reflected learn of effectiveness, and reflected belief faith of power. To firm to to Central par, to XI General Secretary par, to party of theory, and route, and approach par, to Central of the decision deployment par, strongly maintenance Central of authority, maintenance XI General Secretary this core, strongly obey Central of concentrated unified led, in thought, and political
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