

2017-12-06 31页 doc 83KB 145阅读




《中国古代官制史》《中国古代官制史》 《中国古代制度文化史》讲义 第一讲 绪论 一、 古代“官”的含义:古文字学家对官的解释各不相同,较有代表性的是: (1)《广雅释诂》:“官,君也。” (2)《说文解字》:“官,吏事君也。”(唐)孔颖达在《礼记 王制》注疏中说:“其诸侯以下及三公至士,总而言之,皆谓之官。官者管也,以管领为名。” (3)《管子•权修》:“百姓殷众,官不可以无长。”《论语•子张》:“不见宗庙之美,百官之富。” (4)官者,管领之意。《礼记?王制》孔《疏》:“官者,管也,以管领为名。”近人聂崇歧:“官,是管理事务的人...
《中国古代官制史》 《中国古代文化史》讲义 第一讲 绪论 一、 古代“官”的含义:古文字学家对官的解释各不相同,较有代表性的是: (1)《广雅释诂》:“官,君也。” (2)《说文解字》:“官,吏事君也。”(唐)孔颖达在《礼记 王制》注疏中说:“其诸侯以下及三公至士,总而言之,皆谓之官。官者管也,以管领为名。” (3)《管子•权修》:“百姓殷众,官不可以无长。”《论语•子张》:“不见宗庙之美,百官之富。” (4)官者,管领之意。《礼记?王制》孔《疏》:“官者,管也,以管领为名。”近人聂崇歧:“官,是管理事务的人。”(《宋史丛考》《中国历代官制简述》) 究竟什么是官?甲骨文和金文中“官”的写法来看: 对此,近人有不同的说法:(1)认为甲骨文中“官”字的上半部分是象形的房子,下半部分类似于挂在屋子里的弓,因此,“官”即表示权威所在,引伸为“官府”(张庆绵、申笑梅《汉字述林》页113,辽宁大学出版社)(2)认为“官”的下半部分形似祭肉。因为在夏商时代,官有史系之官与师系之官两大系统,史系之官的主要职责就是保管祭肉。(日本贝(王冢)茂树编《古代殷帝国》第四章第五节《政治社会》) 事实上,在远古时代,国家最重大的事情就是祀与戎。《左传?成公十三年》:“国之大事,在祀与戎。”《礼记?礼器》:“我战则荒,祭则受福。”因此说,上面第四种说法比较符合实际。所谓“官”,是指社会的统治阶层、管理阶层,是国家权力的拥有者。 二、 官制史的内容: 王亚南《中国官僚政治研究》将官制研究内容定为三个方面: 一是官职、官品、官俸, 二是官吏的责权划分, 三是官吏的选拔和任用、迁转程序。 本课程要讲述的内容:(1)国家机构及其官吏的设置;(2)官吏的(选官、任官、培训、学校、考核、酬劳、车服、致仕等)。 三、 研究古代官制史的意义: 1、 从史学研究角度讲,有助于更深入地了解中国封建社会长期存在的原因,了解历代王朝的兴衰,历史人物的成长与沉浮。 2、从古籍整理研究方面讲,掌握历朝官制及其演变情况是古籍整理的一项非常重要的基本功。一是提高阅读、整理古籍的能力。如:司马光上《资治通鉴》时的官职:“朝散大夫、右谏议大夫、权御史中丞充理检使、上护军、赐紫金鱼袋臣司马光奉敕编集”二是点校古籍时会运用到大量的官制知识,否则很容易出错。如:《东坡志林》卷一《记梦》(华师大古籍所点校):“宣德郎广陵郡王完大小学教授眉山任伯雨德公”。原注:“任德为广陵郡王(赵)完大小学(训诂学)教授。”错。又如:“青锁闼”,《汉语大辞典》释为“宫殿的门”,而实际上它是“给事中”的别名,起源于汉时的黄门郎。 四、 重要史料: urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 古人一向重视官制,认为“正事之原,莫大于官制。”(《宋会要》职官五六之三一《官制杂录》)最早的职官著作:班固认为是《周礼》(《汉书?百官表》);宋人孙逢吉认为是《汉官仪》(孙逢吉《职官分纪》)。现在来看,《尚书》中已有一些官制方面的介绍,如《立政篇》:常伯、常任、准人、缀衣、虎贲等。《诗经?小雅》:“三事大夫,莫肯夙夜。”《小盂鼎》:“三事大夫入,服酒。”即指的是常伯、常任、准人。也称“三公”。 历朝官制史料中,重要的有:《唐六典》、孙逢吉《职官分纪》、《历代职官表》(官修本与黄本骥辑本)、《二十五史》中的《职官表(志)》、《十通》、历代《会要》、类书、笔记野史方志文集等、出土文献。近人研究成果。 第二讲 先秦官制 一、 官制起源: 《史记》卷一《五帝本纪》:“黄帝者,少典之子,姓公孙,名曰轩辕。„„迁徙往来无常处,以师兵为营卫,官名皆以云命,为云师。”《集解》应邵曰:“黄帝受命,有支瑞,故以云纪事也。春官为青云,夏官为缙jin云,秋官为白云,冬官为黑云,中官为黄云。” 《左传》昭公十七年:“自颛顼以来,不能纪远,乃纪于近。为民师而命以民事,则不能故也。” 《史记》卷一《五帝本纪》一:“„„天下归舜。而禹、皋陶、契、后稷、伯夷、夔kui、龙、(亻垂)、益、彭祖,自尧时而皆举用,未有分职。” 二、 夏朝官制: 《汉书?百官公卿表》:“夏、殷亡闻焉。” 三、 商朝内外官制体系: 《尚书?酒诰篇》:越在外服,侯、甸、男、卫、邦伯;越在内服,百僚、庶尹、惟亚、惟服、宗工;越百姓里居。 《大盂鼎》:“隹殷(彳旁)侯甸雩yu殷正百辟” 1、内服(殷正百辟)——宰(冢宰)、臣;三公、史、卜、师、尹、多尹、小臣、武官等。 2、外服(殷(彳旁)侯甸)——侯、甸、男、卫等。 四、西周的内服百官与外服诸侯: 1、 内服百官: (1)外廷政务机构 师、保 卿事寮:三事大夫——任人(常任)、准夫(准人)、牧(常伯), 太史寮:太史、太宗、太卜、内史 (2)内廷事务机构——虎贲、缀衣、趣马、小尹、左右携仆、庶府、百司等。 2、 外服诸侯 宗法制:周天子——分封诸侯——卿大夫 分封制与宗法制相结合,加上“世卿世禄”,用血缘关系将周王与各方国紧密联系 ict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the daxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-f the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "pointces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth oin gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-ping new energy and mining towns. Urban space organizationehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, develoGuizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, compr-Yunnan-ous lifting in Sichuannchronpublic services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving syr is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to poweregions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive -nYunna-ver, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuandevelopment of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe Rif the e summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area ot, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can bpatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layouurban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban s2evelopment of district 在一起。 五、关于先秦的“五等爵制” 《礼记•王制》:“王者之制爵禄:公侯伯子男凡五等,诸侯之上大夫卿、下大夫、上士、中士、下士,凡五等。”《孟子•万章下》中讲到:天子一位,公一位,侯一位,伯一位,子男同一位,凡五等也。”又说:“天子之制,地方千里,公侯皆方百里,伯七十里,子男五十里,凡四等,不能五十里,不达于天子,附于诸侯,曰附庸。” 第三讲 秦汉官制 一、秦朝官制 谭嗣同《仁学》:“二千年之政,秦政也。” 1、皇帝制度确立。 2、中央官制。丞相(总揽全国政务)、太尉(武职,虚设)、御史大夫(监察百官, 副相);列卿(奉常、郎中令、卫尉、太仆、廷尉、典客、宗正、治粟内史、少府、将作少监、中尉等)。 太尉,秦时称“国尉”,“然则太尉,秦称国尉”(《汉书补注》)。任此职者先后有白起、尉缭等。《史记?秦始皇本纪第六》:“十年„„(尉缭曰):使秦王得志于天下,天下皆为虏矣。不可与久游。乃亡去秦。秦王觉,固止,以为秦国尉。”而白起则是秦昭襄王时的名将,秦王政初为王时,他已离世十余年。自秦始皇建立起大一统的中央集权制国家后,太尉一职则为虚设,不再任人。 3、 方行政制度——郡县制。郡(郡守、郡尉、监御史);县(令、尉);乡(三老、啬夫、游徼)与亭(亭长)。 4、官吏选任 商鞅变法前,主要有世官制度与荐举制度;商鞅变法后,则主要为军功、任客;秦统一后,则以荐举(推择为吏)和考试为主。 (1)世官制。赵翼《廿二史札记》卷二《汉初布衣将相之局》:“自古皆封建,诸侯各君其国,卿大夫亦世其官,成例相沿,视为固然。”《韩非子?奸劫弑臣》所记商鞅变法前的秦故俗是:“有罪可以得免,无功可以得尊显也。” 传世的秦公簋gui铭文中有“咸畜胤yin士”四个字,对此,学者解释颇多歧义,郭沫若认为“胤士”为“俊士”;孙迨让认为“胤士”即“尹士”。而陈直根据东汉许慎的《说文》,对此四字进行考释,指出: 胤士为父子承袭之世官~《说文》:胤~子孙相承续也~从肉~从八~象其长也~从幺~象重累也。又《说文》训咸皆也~悉也,训畜~积也。本铭谓:“悉积官职子孙相继承。”,陈直《读金日札》,上,~见陕西省图书馆藏著者手写本《摹庐丛书》, (2)荐举制(葆子制)。当时各国都希望“辟士地莅中国而抚四夷”,所以都重视举贤纳能。秦国以“举”选官一个显著特点:相比其它六国,秦国“举官”的人数最多,且突破了宗法制的藩篱,大胆举用本宗族及本国以外的人。葆举制到商鞅变法之后,改为“保举”法。秦之保举又称作“任”。 (3)军功。杜佑将商鞅变法后的秦仕进之途总括为“唯辟田与胜敌而已”。 商鞅曾强调说:“利禄官爵专出于兵,无有异施也。”(《商君书?赏刑》)他将这种做法称为“壹赏”,这条法令在当时得到严格执行,齐人鲁仲连称秦为“上首功之国”。(《史记?鲁 ces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of thein gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-new energy and mining towns. Urban space organizationehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, compr-Yunnan-ifting in Sichuannous lc services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchrorelatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to publier is ions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation powzhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regGui-Yunnan-Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuanopment of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, devel marized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of thembined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be sumpatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, courban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban s3pment of districtict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the develoaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point 仲连列传》)。秦时因辟田而入仕的,主要表现为使民以粮谷捐官爵方面。《商君书?去强》:“粟爵粟任,则强富。” (4)“出于客”(任用游侠)。苏轼曾对宋以前历代选官方式做一总结: “三代以上出于学~战国至秦出于客~汉以后出于郡县吏~魏晋升以来出于九品中正~隋唐至今出于科举。”,《苏文忠公全集》卷五《论养士》, 秦之客卿,著名的有张仪、范睢FanHui、蔡泽、李斯等,他们大多经历了从客(或上客)到封为客卿,再封为相(当国之正卿)这样的仕进过程。 (5)推择与考试。这是秦始皇并六国统一中国之后所采取的最主要的选官方式,它是由之前的荐举制演变而来。《古今图书集成》之《选举典》中引永嘉徐氏之论曰:“至秦,任文法而责吏,始有为小吏而入仕,计功次而进官者矣。”秦国有可能也有了考试入官的规定:《说文?叙》及《汉书?艺文志》节录汉人的《尉律》中,记载了汉初以考试取吏的规定,而西汉初的制度基本是沿秦而来,《尉律》:“学僮十七已上始试”。 (6)其它:以“明法”而入仕。告奸。童子仕。因君所好。收降。 二、西汉官制 1、汉初官制。(1)皇帝制度的进一步发展。(2)中央官制:丞相、太尉、御史大夫、诸卿等。(3)地方官制:“郡国并行”。 2、西汉中后期官制——中、外朝的形成。 (1)中朝:天子宾客—侍中、给事中—大将军—尚书 “尚书”一职,始见于秦,属少府下的小吏。《通典?职官四》:“秦少府遣吏四人,在殿中主发文书,谓之尚书。尚,主也。” (2)外朝:三公(大司马、大司空、大司徒)形成;诸卿(太常、光禄勋、卫尉、太仆、廷尉[大理]、大鸿胪、宗正、大司农、少府、执金吾、将作大匠等);太学与博士。 3、监察制度的发展。刺史(地位低,权力大,升迁快;监察地方大员及豪右)。司隶校尉(监察中央官员及京城周围豪强,秩比二千石)。郡督邮等。 三、东汉官制 1、“退功臣,进文吏”。 2、“虽置三公、事归台阁”。台阁(尚书台)下设六曹:吏曹、二千石曹、民曹、三公曹、南北主客曹、中都官曹)。 3、提高监察官职权。御史中丞地位上升,重新设置司隶校尉,改刺史为州牧。 四、关于“二十等爵制” 第四讲 魏晋南北朝与隋唐官制 一、 晋南北朝时期,中央三省制的雏形 1、 中书省。始建于魏文帝(曹丕)黄初元年。掌起草诏书,可“厝意”。长官为中书监、中书令。属官有中书给事郎(中书侍郎)、中书给事舍人。 nchronpublic services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving syr is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to poweregions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive -nYunna-ver, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuandevelopment of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe Rif the e summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area ot, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can bpatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layouurban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban s4evelopment of districtict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the daxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-f the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "pointces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth oin gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-ping new energy and mining towns. Urban space organizationehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, develoGuizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, compr-Yunnan-ous lifting in Sichuan 2、 门下省。侍中侍(东汉)——门下(曹魏)——门下省(西晋)。为皇帝的咨询顾问机关,拥有决策实权。可“驳奏”、“驳诏”。长官为侍中,属官有给事黄门侍郎、门下舍人等。 3、 中书省。魏晋时改尚书台置。掌一切行政事务,为朝廷内外、全国上下的交汇点。长官为尚书令、尚书仆射。 二、 隋朝——“三省六部九寺五监”中央官制体制的确立 1、 三省六部制的确立。尚书省“事无不总”;内史省起草制诏;门下省侍奉、谏议。 2、 九寺五监。 三、 唐代的中央官制 1、 三省六部与九寺五监。(1)中书、门下省——行政制令中心。中书省(西台、凤阁、紫微),门下省(东台、鸾luan台、黄门)。中书舍人(中书省)“五花判刺”。给事中(门下省)“涂归”、“过官”。(2)尚书省六部——行政中枢。(3)九寺五监——具体办事机构。 2、 宰相制度。“四辅”官(中书令、门下侍郎、尚书左、右丞)与“参知政事”、“平章政事”等共同议事,为群相集体执政。政事堂(宰相议政办公地点)。唐中后期,宰相制度遭到破坏:藩镇、宦官、皇权等侵夺相权。 3、 东宫官。 4、 监察制度。“三院御史”:(1)台院,“纠举百僚,推鞫狱讼”。(2)殿院,纠察廷供俸仪式。(3)察院,出使巡察。 殿 四、唐代地方官制 1、道府(州)县。(1)道,监察区。采访使、观察使等。(2)州(府)、县二级制。 州长官称刺使。上佐官(别驾、长史、司马等)。录事参军、诸曹参军。 2、都护府与羁縻mi州。 第五讲 两宋官制 康有为《康南海官制议》卷四《宋官制最善》:“宋之官制凡有五善:一曰中央集权;二曰分司详细;三曰差(遣)易官;四曰供俸归总;五曰州郡地小。” 主要史料:《续资治通鉴长编》,《建炎以来系年要录》,《三朝北盟会编》,《宋会要辑稿》之“职官”、“选举”、“帝系”、“后妃”等部分;孙逢吉《职官分纪》,王益之《职源撮要》,徐自明《宋宰辅编年录》,马端临《文献通考》之“职官考”、“选举考”等;《宋史职官志》;宋人文集、笔记、小说;宋代地方志等。 一、中央集权统治进一步加强 1、集中兵权。(1)“杯酒释兵权”之议;(2)整顿禁军。设殿前司(殿前都指挥使)、侍卫司(步军都指挥使、马军都指挥使);行“内外相制”;分离统兵权(将帅)与调兵权(皇帝、枢密院),行“更戍法”。 2、 集中政权——二府三司共治国事。(1)二府:“中书门下”——(中书)宰相集体议政办公之所。枢密院(枢府)——总领全国军务的最高机构。(2)宰执:同中书门 -ifting in Sichuannous lc services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchrorelatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to publier is ions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation powzhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regGui-Yunnan-Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuanopment of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, devel marized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of thembined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be sumpatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, courban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban s5pment of districtict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the develoaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point ces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of thein gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-new energy and mining towns. Urban space organizationehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, compr-Yunnan 下平章事;执政官——枢密使、三省长官、参知政事。“四入头”:三司使、翰林学士、知开封府、御史中丞。(3)三司(计司):总领各地贡赋和国家财政。下设:盐铁、户部、度支三部。 3、 集中财权,控制地方经济大权。设左藏库、内库、封桩库等。 二、北宋前期中央官制——官、职、差遣之分离 1、官、职、差遣。(1)官(本官、寄禄官),以寓秩禄、叙位著。(2)差遣(实际所任职事),以治内外之事。(3)职(贴职),以待文学高选。 2、官职分离的弊端:(1)造成官制紊乱。如,司马光献《资治通鉴》,署名为:“朝 散大夫、右谏议大夫、权御史中丞、充理检使、上护军、赐紫金鱼袋,臣司马光奉敕编集。”庆历年间,王洙任“尚书工部员外郎、直龙图阁、知襄州事”。(2)机构重叠。旧有三省六部九寺五监与新增设的许多机构责能相同。 三、元丰改制后的中央官制 1、宰相与枢密院制度。 2、中央管理体系:(1)三省。(2)六部:吏(尚书左、右选,侍郎左右选)、户、礼、兵、刑、工。(3)九寺五监。 3、监察机关——台谏制度。 四、宋代地方官制——路,道,、州,府军监,、县 )转运使司(漕司)。“某路诸州水陆计度转运使”,总领一路财赋。1、路级官府。(1 (2)提点刑狱司(宪司)。“提点某路刑狱公事”,举刺官员。(3)提举常平司(仓司)。(4)安抚使司(帅司)。 2、 州级官府。(1)州:长官为“(权)知某州军州事”(知州)。(2)府:长官为府尹(牧)、“知某府军府事”(知府)。(3)军:长官为“军使”或“知军”。(4)监:长官为“知监事”或“监使”。 3、 县级官府。长官称“县令”、“知县事”。北宋前期称“判县事”。 第六讲 明代官制 明朝官制特点:取消宰相,散权于六部;设立内阁;地方设三司。史料:《明会典》228卷,《续文献通考》254卷,《明会要》(职官、科举卷),徐学聚《国朝典汇》200卷,孙承泽《天府广记》44卷,王世贞《山堂别集》、《罪惟录》等,大量的明人文集(约五千余种)。 一、中央官制——六部、都、通、大 1、“胡惟庸案”取消[宰相制度,散权于六部。六部尚书遂为皇帝“股肱”之臣。 2、六部:吏部(铨曹、铨部),兵部(枢曹、枢部),户部(计曹、计部),刑部(刑曹、比部),礼部(礼曹、祠部),工部(工曹、冬曹、水部)。厂卫制度:锦衣卫(锦衣亲军都指挥使司)与东、西厂。 3、“都通大”:都察院(都御史),通政司(通政使),大理寺(大理寺卿)。 -ous lifting in Sichuannchronpublic services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving syr is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to poweregions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive -nYunna-ver, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuandevelopment of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe Rif the e summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area ot, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can bpatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layouurban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban s6evelopment of districtict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the daxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-f the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "pointces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth oin gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-ping new energy and mining towns. Urban space organizationehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, develoGuizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, compr-Yunnan 4、 内阁与宦官。(1)内阁——直文渊阁、掌文渊阁事、入文渊阁办事:票拟(批红、改票、留中)与批答;起草诏书。(2)宦官二十四衙门:内官监(营造宫室陵墓亦可镇守地方),御马监(掌草场、牧马事,皇帝管家),司礼监(批示奏章。秉笔太监)。 二、地方官制——省、府,州,、县三级制 1、省(承宣布政司)。(1)布政使司,掌一地的民政与财政。左、右布政使(从二品,藩台)。明前期地位尊隆,后期“钱粮衙门”。(2)按察使司,掌刑法与监察权。提刑按察使(正三品,按台)。(3)都指挥使司,掌一省军务。都指挥使(正二品,都阃)。合为“三司”,“封疆大吏”。 2、府(州)县。(1)府。(2)州。直隶州(隶属布政司),府属州(散州,隶属于府,相当于县)。(3)县。 三、督抚制度 1,巡抚:明中期后,凌驾于三司之上,掌一省之军政。“巡抚衙门”。 2,总督:偏重于军政。权力大于巡抚。 第七讲 清代官制 以满贵族为主体的满、汉地主阶级的联合统治。官制属“满汉相揉”,史料:(1)综合史料:《起居注》,《清实录》,《清史稿》(本纪、列传),《清国史》(列传),档案资料,《清会典》,《会典事例》,“清四通”,《八旗通志》等。(2)专门史料:《历代职官表》、《礼部职例》、《职官录》、《清代职官表》、《清季职官年表》、《中国的科名》等。(3)方志、文集等。 一、清朝中央官制 1, 内阁与六部。(1)内阁:改内三院(内国史院、内秘书院、内宏文院)而置,非权力中心。内阁大学士。(2)六部:中央机构之主体。 2, 议政王大臣会议(国议)。清初,“章疏票拟,主之内阁;军国机要,主之议政处。” 3, 军机处。康熙“南书房”--?雍正“军机房(处)”。非正式的衙门。“军机大臣上学 习行走”?“军机大臣上行走”、“军机处行走”,简称“军机大臣”。下设军机章京(小军机)。廷寄,奏折。强化集权制。 4, 理藩院。改“蒙古衙门”置,管理少数民族地区事务。六清吏司。 5, 内务府(总管内务府衙门)。(1)管理宫廷事务。源于“包衣”(BOOI)。总管内务府大臣(内务府大臣、总管大臣)。(2)设七司(广祖、张礼、都虞、刑、兵营、庆丰),三院(上驷、步卫等)、三织造局(江宁、苏州、杭州)。(3)敬事房。宦官七等级。 二、 清朝地方行政制度——省、道、府、县 1, 省(行省)。(1)总督(都堂):地方最高长官,掌一省或数省军政大权;无办事衙门。“督标”。(2)巡抚(抚台):管民政。 -ifting in Sichuannous lc services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchrorelatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to publier is ions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation powzhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regGui-Yunnan-Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuanopment of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, devel marized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of thembined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be sumpatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, courban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban s7pment of districtict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the develoaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point ces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of thein gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-new energy and mining towns. Urban space organizationehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, compr-Yunnan 2, 道。(1)二司(承宣布政使司与提刑按察使司)。已降为督抚的下属。(2)道台。介于二司与府之间。省级派出机构。道员(道臣)。分守道(掌钱谷)与分巡道(掌刑名)。 3, 府(州)县。(1)府:二京府(顺天、奉天)。(2)州:直隶州(与府平级)与散州(与县平级);直隶厅与散厅。(3)县:最基层地方行政管理机构。 第八讲 历代选官制度 一、 先秦官吏的选拔 贵族世袭,强调血缘。亦有一些出身低贱甚至是奴隶被选进统治集团。 二、 战国与秦 1,秦统一前。(1)军功入仕。商鞅行“壹赏”,“利禄官爵专出于兵。”(2)任用游客。“食客”、“宾客”。“秦喜用别国人”。 2,秦统一后。(1)推择为吏。(2)考试取吏。《尉律》:“学僮年十七以上始试,讽籀书九千字,乃得为吏。” 三、 汉代选官 1,察举制:举“贤良”、“孝廉”。:儒术高低;对象:官员或平民。 “试任制”。 2,征召制:是针对个别人进行,涉及面很窄。被征召者尊于补察举者。 3,辟除:各级官府任用属官的一项制度。 4,其它:(1)任子制。“吏二千石以上视事满三年,得任同产若子一人为郎。”(2)赀选制(买官)。《汉书 张释之传》:“以赀为骑郎。”(3)计吏拜官。 四、 曹魏时期的“九品中正制” 曹操“唯才是举”。中央向地方派大、小中正为国家选才。 九品:上上、上中、上下、中上、中中、中下、下上、下中、下下。 五、 隋唐科举制 1、隋炀帝分十科取士,又设进士科,此为科举制度产生标志。 2、科举制度的定型期(唐)。(1)制科。皇帝临时下诏举行,贤良方正直言极谏。“杂色”。(2)常科。每年分科举行。明经、进士。参加者分生徒、乡贡。 六、 科举制度的成熟期,两宋, 1,科目。(1)贡举,“常科”。(2)制举。(3)武举。 2,三级考试制。乡试(发解试)、省试、殿试。 4, 试管理制度。糊名法,誉录法。别头试。 七、 明清科举 1、明朝的观政进士与庶吉士: -Yunnan-ous lifting in Sichuannchronpublic services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving syr is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to poweregions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive -nYunna-ver, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuandevelopment of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe Rif the e summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area ot, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can bpatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layouurban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban s8evelopment of districtict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the daxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-f the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "pointces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth oin gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-ping new energy and mining towns. Urban space organizationehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, develoGuizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, compr 2、八股取士:目出自《四书》、《五经》。答案以朱子注为准。文章格式僵化。分破题、承题(破承)、起讲、入题(题比)、起股(虚比)、中股(中比)、后股(后比)、束股(大结)。 5、 举制度的终结:光绪三十一年八月初四(1905年9月2日),谕令立即停止科举。 附录: 图1:秦汉时期“三公九卿”的演变情况 秦、汉初 西汉中后期 大司徒(哀帝设) 丞相(独相) 三 公 太尉(虚设) 大司马(武帝设) 御史大夫(位卑) 大司空(成帝设) 奉常 太常 ces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of thein gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-new energy and mining towns. Urban space organizationehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, compr-Yunnan-ifting in Sichuannous lc services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchrorelatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to publier is ions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation powzhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regGui-Yunnan-Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuanopment of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, devel marized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of thembined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be sumpatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, courban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban s9pment of districtict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the develoaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point 郎中令 光禄勋 卫尉 卫尉 太仆 太仆 廷尉 廷尉(大理) 诸 卿 典客 大鸿胪 宗正 宗正 治粟内史 大司农(大农令) 少府 少府 将作少监 将作大匠 中尉 执金吾 图2:东汉尚书台机构设置与官员配置 尚书令(秩千石) 尚 书 台 尚书仆射(六百石) 诸曹尚书(秩六百) 南侍郎(六名) 三二中 北民吏 千都主公 石官客曹曹 令史(三名) 曹曹曹 曹 图3:中央三省运作机制 皇帝 中书省 门下省 尚书省 各地州县 Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, compr-Yunnan-ous lifting in Sichuannchronpublic services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving syr is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to poweregions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive -nYunna-ver, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuandevelopment of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe Rif the e summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area ot, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can bpatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layouurban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban s10evelopment of districtict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the daxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-f the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "pointces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth oin gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-ping new energy and mining towns. Urban space organizationehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, develo 图4:尚书省六部机构设置 尚书都省 尚书令(阙) 尚书左仆射 尚书右仆射 (文官选拔与考课) (学校与礼乐) (军籍、舆马) (刑政与司法) (财税出纳) (工程建造) 吏部尚书、侍郎 尚书、侍郎 尚书、侍郎 尚书、侍郎 尚书、侍郎 尚书、侍郎 吏部 礼部 兵部 刑部 户部 工部 吏 主 司 考 礼 祠 主 膳 兵 职 驾 库 刑 都 比 司 户 度 金 仓 工 屯 虞 水 爵 勋 功 部 部 客 部 部 方 部 部 部 房 部 门 部 支 部 部 部 田 部 部 部 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 图5:中央九寺五监机构设置 太常寺 光禄寺 卫尉寺 宗正寺 九 寺 太仆寺 大理寺 c services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchrorelatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to publier is ions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation powzhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regGui-Yunnan-Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuanopment of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, devel marized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of thembined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be sumpatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, courban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban s11pment of districtict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the develoaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point ces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of thein gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-new energy and mining towns. Urban space organizationehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, compr-Yunnan-ifting in Sichuannous l 鸿胪寺 司农寺 太府寺 国子监 将作监 五 监 少府监 都水监 长秋监 (军器监) 图6:明朝六部机构设置 礼部 兵部 刑部 户部 工部 吏部 (十三清吏司)(十三清吏司) 文 验 嵇 考 仪 祠 主 精 武 职 车 武 宪 都 比 司 民 度 金 仓 营 都 虞 屯 选 封 勋 功 制 祭 客 膳 造 方 驾 库 部 官 部 门 部 支 部 部 缮 水 衡 田 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 司 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 司 司 司 司 司 axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-f the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "pointces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth oin gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-ping new energy and mining towns. Urban space organizationehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, develoGuizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, compr-Yunnan-ous lifting in Sichuannchronpublic services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving syr is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to poweregions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive -nYunna-ver, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuandevelopment of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe Rif the e summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area ot, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can bpatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layouurban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban s12evelopment of districtict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the d
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