

2017-09-01 47页 doc 116KB 40阅读




汉语言文学考研汉语言文学考研 1.语言学方面: "对立原则和 ΧΧ 方言的音位" "互补原则和 ΧΧ 方言的音位" 说汉语的音节 说同音词 说同义词 说汉语的词类划分 汉语的联合式构词法(偏正式,述补式也可以,任选一种) 递归性和汉语的句法结构 虚字和汉语的语法形式 汉语的借词 2.现代汉语方面: 现代汉语规范化问题研究(某一方面的问题) 普通话语音研究(某一方面) ΧΧ作家(或 ΧΧ作品)语言研究 网络汉语研究 句式(或句型)研究(选择某些有特点的句式) 现代汉语虚词研究(选择某些虚词) 现代汉语词义研究(选择...
汉语言文学考研 1.语言学方面: "对立原则和 ΧΧ 方言的音位" "互补原则和 ΧΧ 方言的音位" 说汉语的音节 说同音词 说同义词 说汉语的词类划分 汉语的联合式构词法(偏正式,述补式也可以,任选一种) 递归性和汉语的句法结构 虚字和汉语的语法形式 汉语的借词 2.现代汉语方面: 现代汉语化问研究(某一方面的问题) 普通话语音研究(某一方面) ΧΧ作家(或 ΧΧ作品)语言研究 网络汉语研究 句式(或句型)研究(选择某些有特点的句式) 现代汉语虚词研究(选择某些虚词) 现代汉语词义研究(选择某类词) 词典适意研究 方言研究(某一方言某一方面的问题) 语文政策和语言规划研究 汉字和汉文化 现代汉字学的研究内容 限制和减少汉字字数 部件研究 坚持汉字简化的方向 如何整理异体字 如何整理异性词 规范汉字的研究 汉字的前途 "修辞与语境"浅谈 "修辞是一种创造性活动"之我见 我对"修辞主体的修养"的认识 我对"在社会的大课堂里学习修辞"的体会 谈词语运用要做到"准确朴实" 谈词语的"巧妙配合" 谈"成语的活用" 谈"叠用句" 谈"四音节语音段落" lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 谈"比喻" 4.中国现当代文学方面: 论鲁迅小说中的知识分子形象 论郭沫若《女神》的艺术风格 论曹禺《雷雨》的戏剧艺术 论沈从文小说的文化内蕴 论穆旦的诗 论钱钟书《围城》 论贾平凹的散文 论王蒙小说语言艺术 论余华的小说 论20世纪80-90年代对赵树理的再评价 评"样板戏"对李玉和,杨子荣,阿庆嫂三个人物的塑造 舒婷诗作简析 汪曾祺小说对中国当代小说文体创造的意义 评王安忆的《长恨歌》 评铁凝的《玫瑰门》 从女性写作角度评陈染的创作 论王朔的《动物凶猛》 论韩东的诗歌写作 鲁迅小说中的"黑色家族"简论 茅盾笔下的上海都市图景-读《子夜》 《日出》中的次要人物(黄升三、福生)在戏剧结构中的作用。或《茶馆》人物论 《我与地坛》文本细读 艾青笔下的土地与太阳 分析王安忆(或莫言、余华、铁凝)的一篇新创作的小说 我读海子的诗 重读寻根小说 老舍与北京城(或"张爱玲与上海"、"王安忆与上海"、"汪曾祺笔下的昆明"、"贾平凹的商州系列散文"、"赵树理与 山西"等) 汉语言文学#毕业#写作内容及要求 汉语言文学毕业论文写作内容及要求 1、毕业论文总原则: ?毕业论文是毕业实习的重要组成部分,毕业论文包括选题和构思,资料参考,内容撰写,修改审定,打印成册, 宣读答辩等内容。 ?毕业论文的内容应注重理论联系实际,力戒假、大、空。要求学生就自己的论文课题完成8千字以上的学术论 文,内容要求具有一定的理论水平,符合学术论文的规范要求,要言之有物、有的放矢、个性鲜明。 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, ?在选题上,要求学生不要求全求大,论题要适中。题目大了,论述不详,不能全面概括,学生驾驭不了;题目 小了,内容无法展开,几百字就写不下去了,论述不充分,势必贫乏单薄。 ?从撰写论文始,要求学生与指导教师沟通探讨,确定选题内容,把握好方向。选题确定后,要拟定出论文提纲, 再交由指导教师进一步审定,避免从一开始走弯路,浪费时间和精力。 ?答辩时要求学生说普通话,掌握好语速节奏,语言清晰,表述准确,答辩简洁、流畅。 一:汉语言文学专业毕业论文题 语言学方面:10个 1"对立原则和 ΧΧ 方言的音位" 2"互补原则和 ΧΧ 方言的音位" 3说汉语的音节 4说同音词 5说同义词 6说汉语的词类划分 7汉语的联合式构词法(偏正式,述补式也可以,任选一种) 8递归性和汉语的句法结构 9虚字和汉语的语法形式 10汉语的借词 现代汉语方面:29个 1现代汉语规范化问题研究(某一方面的问题) 2 普通话语音研究(某一方面) 3ΧΧ作家(或 ΧΧ作品)语言研究 4网络汉语研究 5句式(或句型)研究(选择某些有特点的句式) 6现代汉语虚词研究(选择某些虚词) 7现代汉语词义研究(选择某类词) 8词典适意研究 9 方言研究(某一方言某一方面的问题) 10语文政策和语言规划研究 11汉语的优点和缺点: 12汉字和汉文化 13现代汉字学的研究内容 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 14 限制和减少汉字字数 15部件研究 16坚持汉字简化的方向 17如何整理异体字 18如何整理异性词 18规范汉字的研究 19 汉字的前途 20"修辞与语境"浅谈 21"修辞是一种创造性活动"之我见 22我对"修辞主体的修养"的认识 23 我对"在社会的大课堂里学习修辞"的体会 24谈词语运用要做到"准确朴实" 25谈词语的"巧妙配合" 26谈"成语的活用" 27谈"叠用句" 28 谈"四音节语音段落" 29 谈"比喻" 古代汉语方面:10个 1对汉字性质的认识 2学习音韵学的心得综述 3段玉裁《说文解字注》对词义引申的分析 4对确认古汉语中词的同义关系(或其它关系)的看法 5对词义转移的分类考察 6以义为单位,给一部先秦文献(或其中的一部分)作词表(篇幅不宜过大) 7古代汉语"之"(三)字结构(或"其"字结构)研究 8古代汉语"所"字结构(或"者"字结构)研究 9古代汉语单句(或复句)研究 10古代汉语介词(或连词)研究 中国现当代文学方面:28个 1论鲁迅小说中的知识分子形象 2 论郭沫若《女神》的艺术风格 3论曹禺《雷雨》的戏剧艺术 4论沈从文小说的文化内蕴 5论穆旦的诗 6论钱钟书《围城》 7论贾平凹的散文 8论王蒙小说语言艺术 9论余华的小说 10论20世纪80-90年代对赵树理的再评价 11评"样板戏"对李玉和,杨子荣,阿庆嫂三个人物的塑造 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 12舒婷诗作简析 13 汪曾祺小说对中国当代小说文体创造的意义 14评王安忆的《长恨歌》 15评铁凝的《玫瑰门》 16从女性写作角度评陈染的创作 17论王朔的《动物凶猛》 18论韩东的诗歌写作 19鲁迅小说中的"黑色家族"简论 20茅盾笔下的上海都市图景-读《子夜》 21《无常》、《女吊》(鲁迅),《水里的东西》(周作人),《放猖》(废名)比较论 22《日出》中的次要人物(黄升三、福生)在戏剧结构中的作用。或《茶馆》人物论 23《我与地坛》文本细读 24艾青笔下的土地与太阳 25分析王安忆(或莫言、余华、铁凝)的一篇新创作的小说 26我读海子的诗 27重读寻根小说 28老舍与北京城(或"张爱玲与上海"、"王安忆与上海"、"汪曾祺笔下的昆明"、"贾平凹的商州系列散文"、"赵树 理与山西"等) 中国古代文学方面:47个 1论《诗经》的赋、比、兴艺术 2论《诗经》的音乐性及其美学意义 3论《诗经》的婚恋诗 4论《诗经》中的妇女形象 5论《诗经》中的战争诗 6论《诗经》宴饮诗与礼乐文化精神 7论《诗经》的讽刺艺术 8孔子与《诗经》 9《诗经》作品研究(具体作品可任选) 10《诗经》与楚辞(词)比较论 11楚文化与楚辞 12屈原的爱国主义与浪漫主义 13论屈原的人格美 14论《离骚》的艺术构思 15屈原与庄子浪漫主义比较 16略论《九歌》的艺术成就 17屈原作品研究(具体篇章可任选) 18陶渊明的田园诗(可侧重内容,也可侧重艺术特色) 19王孟山水田园诗(可分别写王、孟,也可分写山水、田园) 20中唐山水田园诗(可选某一、二个作家,也可以比较研究) 21李白山水诗研究 22送别诗中意象研究(可集中写某一种,如美酒等) 23杜甫咏史怀古诗研究 24 刘禹锡咏史怀古诗 25唐人咏物诗研究(可选择某一种,或某二、三中对比研究) lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 26宋人咏物词(诗)研究(可选不同词家咏同一物对比研究,如咏梅等) 27唐人送别诗研究(可选几家,或若干首对比研究) 28《琵琶行》 29关汉卿的杂剧创作 30关汉卿、马致远之比较 30《西厢记》 31《西厢记》、《牡丹亭》之比较 32汪道昆之短剧 33徐渭(谓)的《四声猿》 34汤显祖 35 孟称舜 36沈自徵(徽)之剧作 37论唐传奇中的爱情小说 38试谈《三言》、《二拍》的时代特色 39谈《三国演义》中曹操形象的塑造 40论《水浒》的人物(任务)描写(亦可选择某一个人物,如论武松,论宋江,论李逵等) 41试谈《西游记》的艺术特色(或试论孙悟空形象) 42论西门庆形象的典型意义 43谈《儒林外史》的讽刺艺术 44论《聊斋志异》中花妖狐魅(魁)形象的艺术特色 45论王熙凤形象 46论《红楼梦》的细节描写 47论《红楼梦》整体反映生活的特色 二十世纪外国文学方面:20个 1卡夫卡小说中的异化主题 2《尤利西斯》中的"内心独白"技巧 3现代主义小说中的神话模式 4论存在主义作品中的荒谬感 5论罗格-格里耶小说中的"物化" 6《百年孤独》中对"魔幻"技巧的运用 7论《百年孤独》的叙事艺术 8论黑色幽默的杂糅手法 9博尔赫斯小说的玄学色彩 10论《日瓦格医生》中俄罗斯精神 中国古代文论方面: 11"诗言志"与"诗缘情"辨析 12先秦儒家文论研究 13先秦道家文艺观研究 14"发愤(奋)著书"说综论 15"文学自觉"说新探 16六朝人物品藻与文论之关系 17《文心雕龙》与《诗品》比较谈 18意境理论的确立和发展 19李渔戏曲理论研究 20圣叹小说理论研究 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 西方文论方面:18个 1柏拉图"艺术模仿自然"解密 2柏拉图美学思想的特征 3论(译)亚里士多德的"净化"说 4贺拉斯《诗艺》与亚里士多德《诗学》比较 5布瓦洛《诗的艺术》再评述 6狄德罗"美在关系"说与车尔尼雪夫斯基"美是生活"说比较 7对莱辛《拉奥孔》的现代阐释 8康德美学思想与现代艺术 9译黑格尔的艺术发展观 10论黑格尔的自然美和艺术美 11论泰纳的文艺思想 12别林斯基与形象思维论 13车尔尼雪夫斯基美学的特征 14从叔本华到尼采 15现代主义与自我表现 16精神分析学和艺术学 17评卢卡契与布莱希特的论战 18詹姆逊论后现代主义 比较文学方面:7个 1李白咏(泳)月诗与法国波特莱尔所作咏月诗(见《巴黎的忧郁》、《恶之花》)的比较研究 2林纾译文一种与后来译文的比较研究 3从赛珍珠的小说《大地》看西方人对中国农民的误读 4王国维对西方文化的吸取和研究 5钱钟书论"通感" 6从《春江花月夜》看诗歌、音乐、舞蹈的关系 7从梁山伯祝英台故事到"梁祝小提琴协奏曲"看中西文学形式交流的可能 美学方面:10个 1劳动与"自然人化"的美学意义 2论"审美关系是美的核心" 3美感特征简析 4论审美想象 5论悲剧与崇高 6论艺术的美学意义 7当代大众传媒和审美消费主义(注意)对传统艺术门类(诸如文学)的挑战 8论审美鉴赏的创造型 9论"审美具有解放人的性质" 10中国古代美学特色简析 二:汉语言文学专业毕业论文参考选题 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 序号 论文题目 1 修辞和阅读教学 2 修辞和写作教学 3 语言训练和写作训练 4 对话理论与语文教学 5 语言教学中的语言本位 6 现行语文教材中语言教学的特点和不足 7 语言和社会生活的互动 8 广告语探讨 9 电视节目主持人语言分析 10 景点命名的语言分析 11 新闻标题语言分析 12 文学作品语言分析 13 近年流行语的社会文化分析 14 民间秘密语研究 15 网络语言研究 16 校园流行语研究 17 词义与语境 18 语文教学与语境 19 口语交际与语境 20 网络语音研究 21 某地方方言研究 22 外来词研究 23 《十日谈》与《聊斋志异》的比较看中西的文学 24 《十日谈》与《三言两拍》的比较看中西文学 25 从《罗密欧与朱丽叶》与《梁山伯与祝英台》看中西女性的形象的异同 26 从《罗密欧与朱丽叶》与《沙恭达罗》看中西女性形象的异同 27 《少年维特之烦恼》的爱情悲剧 28 《十日谈》的爱情观 29 《红字》的象征意义 30 中世纪骑士文学的情爱观 31 《包法利夫人》的悲剧内涵 32 《简爱》与《呼啸山庄》 33 《三国演义》的军事思想或者战争描写 34 《水浒传》中的侠义思想 35 《西游记》与宗教思想 36 《聊斋志异》与中国狐鬼文化 37 才子佳人小说的叙事模式 38 《儒林外史》的讽刺艺术 39 古代小说中的军师形象 40 《金瓶梅》中的女性形象 41 《歧路灯》中的教育思想 42 《聊斋志异》中的女性形象 43 三言、二拍中的商人形象 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 44 《绿野仙踪》的思想艺术 45 试论《诗经•国风》中的爱情诗 46 《诗经》艺术特征论析 47 《左传》战争描写论析 48 《战国策》中纵横策士形象论析 49 试论《离骚》的浪漫主义特征 50 论屈原《九歌》中的情景描写 51 论《史记》中的人物形象塑造 52 试论《古诗十九首》的艺术特征 53 “无韵之离骚”——《离骚》《史记》情感特征比较论析 54 试论曹操的四言诗 55 诗论曹植的诗歌创作 57 从思想、经历和诗歌创作论陶(渊明)谢(灵适)的异同 58 试论陶渊明诗歌中鸟的意象 59 试论《世说新语》中的人物塑造 60 “诗中有画”——论王维山水诗的艺术 61 试论高适、岑参边塞诗的艺术风格 62 王昌龄七绝艺术探析 63 论李白诗中的现实主义精神 64 “笔落惊风雨”——李白七言古诗的艺术 65 试析李白绝句的艺术特色 66 “穷年忧黎元”——论杜甫诗歌的现实主义精神 67 杜甫“三史”“三别”艺术探析 70 杜牧咏史诗探析 71 论李商隐“无题诗” 72 试析唐代爱情小说中的女性形象 73 李后主词艺术探析 74 论柳永的羁旅行役词 75 从《念奴娇》[赤壁怀古]论苏轼的豪放词风 76 论辛弃疾词的意象 77 “亘古男儿一放翁”——论陆游的爱国诗歌 78 李清照词的抒情艺术 79 论宋元话本中女性形象 80 张承志与北方文学 81 汪曾祺的短篇小说艺术 82 莫言与《红高梁》系列作品的艺术手法分析 83 论张艺谋的导演艺术 84 评陈凯歌《霸王别姬》的艺术风格 85 中国第五代电影的艺术风格 86 从“地下”到主流——论第六代电影艺术 87 评侯孝贤的《悲情城市》 88 从造型到时尚化——中国当代电影的风格流变 89 个人DV的时代 91 韩剧在中国大陆的流行 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 92 中央台春节联欢晚会的兴与衰 93 论当代汉语中的外来词 94 宋词意境与唐诗意境的差异 95 中国文学史上的雅、俗互动问题研究 96 明代社会风尚与文学风尚的关系 97 当代反腐小说的叙事特点 98 金圣叹对小说批评理论的贡献 99 中国先秦寓言同西方寓言的比较 100 如何理解“诗分唐宋” 101 试论中国神话的审美特征 102 《诗经》中爱情诗与爱情观 103 庄周与屈原浪漫主义的比较 104 论屈原作品的悲剧精神 105 建安文学的基本特征及其形成原因 106 “三曹”诗风异同论 107 谈谈《古诗十九首》的游子情结 108 论李商隐的政治诗和爱情诗的风格异同 109 关于温庭筠词对词体风格的奠定 111 试论《三言》中的小商贩形象 112 中国笔记小说的传承与演变 113 纳兰性德词在清代的个性特点 114 宗教对文学发展的影响 115 艺术欣赏中的共鸣问题 116 刘勰创作理论某一具体问题的研究(如形象思维、艺术构思、风格论、批评论、文学和现实 的关系、作家 修养等) 117 论通感 118 试谈文学的民族化问题 119 试谈朦胧诗对中国古典诗歌艺术成就的继承 120 寻根小说的意义及其不足 121 浅论西方现代主义文学的审美价值及其对中国当代文学的影响 122 论鲁迅的进化论和个性主义思想 123 义符表义与声符表义异同论 124 通假字的成因初探 125 论古汉语的词序 126 语文教学中的人文思想 127 语文教学中的辨证思维 128 社会用语规范状况调查 129 社会用字规范状况调查 130 市场经济与当代写作 131 探讨鲁迅杂文的现实精神 132 谈谈当代小说中的旁观者叙事手法 133 从《左传》到《三国演义》的战争题材描写传统 134 晚唐五代词作对宋代词风的影响 135 从李白、杜甫诗歌地位的争论谈宋代诗风的转变 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 136 《世说新语》中任务比较描写的及其特色 137 试论韩愈和柳宗元散文风格的异同 138 沈从文小说中纯真爱情与社会变迁的矛盾 140 论苔丝的人物形象塑造艺术 141 论明代小说回归现实的倾向 142 论《三国演义》写作的艺术手法 143 论鲁迅小说的风格和语言 144 论《羊脂球》的艺术成就 145 论池莉小说中人物塑造艺术 146 曹植与杜甫比较研究 147 论孟子的民本思想 148 中西方“灵感”比较研究 149 论李煜词风之变异 150 论孟子的民本思想 151 中西方“灵感”比较研究 152 论李煜词风之变异 153 《罪与罚》中主人翁思想透视 154 从美学角度看《羊脂球》 155 论莫言小说创作的民间性 156 论沈从文《边城》的反封建意识 157 《红楼梦》预示性表意浅论 158 论汉唐文学中“侠”特征的变异 159 论巴尔扎克晚期小说的艺术特色 160 论张贤亮中、短篇小说中女性形象的现实意义 161 论李白诗歌的盛唐景象 162 论艾青诗歌的艺术成就 163 《世说新语》中妇女形象剖析 164 探析《骆驼祥子》的悲剧人生 166 论李清照的生活历程与词风 167 论刘亮程散文的特色 168 论韩愈散文的结构美 169 论《子夜》创作的艺术成就 170 重谈《人生》之思考 171 论周立波短篇小说的乡土意蕴 172 论毕飞宇小说中的人文精神 174 陶渊明归隐思想探源 175 论《故乡》的思想和艺术特色 176 文艺作品中“标示”的作用、构成及其途径 177 论鲁迅的精神至上观 178 论新都市文学中的女性形象 179 杜丽娘与杜十娘比较研究 180 论沈从文的爱情观 181 论张爱玲小说中人物形象的精神特性 182 论《许茂和他的女儿们》人物典型形象塑造的艺术特色 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 183 论冰心的故乡情结 184 论《红楼梦》是如何通过“花”来表现悲剧这一主题的 185 鲁迅与西方人道主义比较研究 186 论农民作家赵树理作品的艺术风格 187 汉民族文化心理对汉语的影响 188 论曹七巧形象 189 论林黛玉形象的美学内涵 190 论《伤逝》的抒情特征 191 论朱自清散文的意境美 192 论《红字》中自然人与社会人的冲突 193 从《边城》看沈从文的人性美 194 论创作方法与世界观的关系 195 论李、杜的身世遭遇对其创作风格的影响 196 论晴雯的艺术形象 197 论中文作文教学的改革与创新 198 关于作文教学改革的思考 199 论《边城》浪漫主义特征 200 论孟浩然山水诗的审美观 201 论汉字与思维的关系 202 论苏轼以词言志 203 论《阿Q正传》创作艺术 204 论《寒夜》与《家》在人物性格塑造上异同 205 论安娜?卡列尼娜的悲剧原因 206 论孙过庭的《书谱》 207 论蘩漪的性格特征 208 论“借代” 209 中学语文口语训练研究 210 论鲁迅小说中几个次要人物的安排 211 从《围城》看钱钟书比喻的艺术手法 212 论如何在语文教学中开展研究性学习 213 论《曾国藩》的审美价值及当代意义 214 论网络时代汉语的机遇和困境 215 论庄子崇尚自然的美学观 216 论曹植对文学传统的继承和发展 217 论贾宝玉形象的双重性 218 论李白的古风和他的人生理想 219 论李煜后期词的艺术魅力 220 论《围城》的语言艺术 221 论张爱玲《金琐记》中月亮描写的作用 222 论王安石晚期诗歌的创作特色 223 论张爱玲爱情小说的深刻意蕴 224 论李清照词的语言艺术 225 北宋柳永词风新变 226 祥林嫂形象研究 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 227 论《世间最美的坟墓》的美学价值 228 论海明威“硬汉情结” 229 三毛的人生和她的作品探析 230 论周立波的语言风格 231 《红楼梦》里桂画的艺术探源 232 论《三国演义》的历史虚构 233 论李清照的情感世界 234 论曹禺戏剧人物的民族性格 235 论道教对唐代爱情小说的影响 236 论20世纪新诗理论的发展 237 论《尘埃落定》的创作艺术 238 论沈从文及《边城》的宗教特质 一、汉语言文学毕业论文的误区 1.汉语言文学毕业论文误区——片面求新,偏离专业方向 科学研究是以已知求未知,创新是科学研究的生命,创新性是汉语言文学毕业论文最重要的特点之一。但这种创新要以专业知识为根基、为背景,不应片面求新,偏离专业方向,超越专业知识边界。以近三年我院汉语言文学毕业论文为例,总计677篇论文,选题方向包括:文学(古今中外作家作品和文艺思潮、文学流派等)470篇,占69.4%;语言学36篇,占5.3%;新闻传播学61篇,占9%;写作学、秘书学20篇,占3%;教育学(教材教法研究)40篇,占6%;其他50篇,占7.3%。这难以归类的其他方面的选题,大多属于偏离专业方向、缺乏专业根基的选题。具体说来又有两种情况:一是与汉语言文学专业没关系,完全脱离了专业知识背景;二是与汉语言文学专业只有间接的、松散的关联。前者如“关于农民工问题的思考”、“家庭暴力问题的成因和对策”、“无锡茶馆的文化定位和经营方略”、“无锡城区未成年人不良行为的思考”、“关于《刑法》中“间接故意”的理解与辨析”、“论乡镇企业教育”、“关于秘书腐败问题的思考”、“大学生消费心理浅析”、“江南大学品牌构建及校园文化建设”等;后者如“儒家精神在荣氏家族中的体现”、“扬泰地区姓名文化初探”、“中国传统儒家文化对企业文化的影响”、“走进苏州——浅析苏州文化遗产”、“找准市场竞争中的平衡点——浅析中国电影期刊困境中的出路”、“对大学生活中职业生涯规划的思考”等。 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 孤立地看,这些论题大多是一定社会时期里的热点间题,而且不乏地域特点,的确具有学术探讨的价值。问题的关键是我们同学不具有释疑解惑的专业知识。所谓一把钥匙开一把锁,相关的专业知识就像是开锁的钥匙。例如:我们对经济学不熟悉,就很难提出并解决好经济学方面的问题;我们对现代企业管理不熟悉,就很难提出并解决好现代企业管理方面的问题。 汉语言文学毕业论文就其主要目的而言,它应该是学生综合运用所学的专业知识、专业理论,在对相关专业性问题的探讨中,训练科学研究的能力。也就是说,作为专业教育的重要实践环节,它既是对学生所学专业知识的检验,也是在实际应用中,实践创新能力的培养和提高。选题具有专业性,才能有效防止毕业论文走过场,才能有望充分实现预期的目的。 我们之所以称这种选题为片面求新,是因为这里的“新”,只是与合乎专业方向的论题在横向比较中所显现出的差异性。它不是对该论题理论研究上具有真正意义的新拓展。好比是错误地耕种了别人家的田地,而那片田地非但不是处女地,相反可能是肥田沃土,是长势喜人的丰收景象。 2.汉语言文学毕业论文误区——满足“通说”,缺乏学术价值 “通说”即通行的说法,是被认可了的结论性意见,是前人的智慧结晶,它们大多反映在专业教科书里,是我们用以探索未知的理论工具。汉语言文学毕业论文选题应该着眼于通说不完备或难以自圆其说的方面,进行深化、扩展或争鸣。仅仅满足于通说,实际上是在炒冷饭,是在打死老虎。 学生的汉语言文学毕业论文,围绕某一论题,以“定义—分类—特点—作用”的结构模式展开分析论证的,并不鲜见。这行文脉络仿佛是教科书中的章节,周密严谨,但内容上却仅限于对常识性问题的静态阐释,缺乏学术价值。 学术研究要致力于发现新的事实、提出新的假说、做出新的解释、构成新的体系、找到新的方法。它们是衡量汉语言文学毕业论文的选题是否具有创新性的主要尺度。 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 选择前人未曾涉足的领域,选择“填补空白的论题”,也就是在没有路的地方走出一条路,做拓荒者,无疑具有创新性,而且是“原始性创新”。但一般说来,独辟蹊径,创立新学说是汉语言文学毕业论文力所不及的。“渐进性创新”,即通过量变的积累,不断补充、丰富和发展前人创立的理论或学说,应当成为汉语言文学毕业论文选题的自觉追求。 这种“渐进性创新”,可以是以新的材料论证旧的论题。学术研究重在指出客观对象“是什么(本质)”、“为什么(规律)”,也就是揭示客观事物的本质和规律,发现真理、发展真理。以新材料论证旧的论题,着力点不在于“发现”,而是以新的典型例证去加以证实和“发展”。例如:新闻的真实性问题,真实是新闻的生命,是新闻报道必须格守的原则,这早已成为共识。但新闻失实作为多发病和常见病,一直危害着传媒的公信力,而且,失实原因和表现形式随时代、社会的变化而呈现多样性的特点,这就为相关选题预留下广阔的空间。或者说,有关新闻真实性问题的探讨,其学术价值主要体现于以新的病症作为解剖的标本,进行病理分析,开出医治的药方。 “渐进性创新”还可以是以新的角度、新的方法论证旧的论题。任何客观对象,都是多种要素相统一的复合体。如果仅仅做整体直观,难免空泛笼统,而选择角度实际上就是限定了一个研究的范围和区域。以文学作品为例,文学作品研究的“基本项”、“共同项”包括:主旨、题材、语言、创作方法、人物形象、风格流派等。选择角度为单方面切 入,而不是面面俱到。 角度是客观地存在于研究对象当中的,研究者可以自己选择,但不可以强行地植人。比如法院张贴的布告、街头胡乱涂画的非法小广告,通常并不具有审美价值,如果执意要从审美的角度来研究布告、小广告,就显得不伦不类。 方法是认识的工具。它所追求的是“殊途”,是通向某一目标的不同的路径。研究方法,是我们研究对象的途径、方式与手段。在文学批评当中,常用的方法有美学的、社会学的、心理学的、结构主义的、阐释学的方法等等。当然,在对某一对象的研究中,不同的方法之间常常是互补的,可以兼用的。比如传统的社会学批评比较注重文学和社会生活的联系,能够帮助我们深人地理解文学作品的lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 思想内容。但它对文学文本的研究又不及形式主义批评那样精细。形式主义批评强调对文学文本的研究,自有它合理之处,但它割裂作品与时代、社会、作家、读者的联系,只是孤立地研究文学作品,又表现出极大的随惫性。 3.汉语言文学毕业论文误区——贪大求“难”,脱离主观实际 科学研究中的问题分属于史、论、术等不同的层次,存在着大小难易的差别。史、论、术,即学科历史、基本理论、实践应用。例如:语言学有历史语言学、基础语言学、应用语言学之分;文学有文学史、文学理论、应用美学之分。属于发展史的研究,要竭泽而渔,高屋建瓶;属于基本理论的研究,要学好哲学、美学、逻辑学,提高理论修养,长于分析,善于论辩;属于实践问题研究,要密切关注现实,具有学术敏感。一般说来,宏观上的问题,千头万绪,时空跨越大,属于难度大的论题;而微观上的问题,相对单一,难度小。例如:某位作家的研究、某部作品的研究、作品中某个人物形象的研究,它们的难度系数是依次递减 鲁迅创作研究》、《鲁迅小说研究》、《<呐喊>研究》、的。再以下面选题为例:《 《<阿Q正传>研究》、《阿Q性格分析》、《阿Q精神胜利法分析》„„能分明地显现选题范围由大到小的变化。外延不同,难度不一样。汉语言文学毕业论文必须依据自己的知识结构、能力水平来选择论题。 汉语言文学毕业论文的选题,要善于聚焦,就某一问题的一个侧面或一个难点展开分析,宜小不宜大。一些同学的选题贪大求“难”,失之于笼统,主要表现是对关键词的内涵和外延缺乏辨析,界定不明。例如一篇“媒体变革对广告业的冲击”的汉语言文学毕业论文,其关键词有媒体、变革、广告业、冲击。媒体包括报纸、广播、电视、网络、期刊、书籍等,究竟是哪一种媒体?变革也是语义宽泛,传播理念的殖变,技术手段的更新,从业人员自身素质的提高等,都属于“变革”的范畴;至于广告业则包括制作商、代理商、发布商等,泛指所有与广告相关的产业;而冲击既可产生正面作用,也不排除负面影响。涵盖如此广泛,写作时难免迷失方向。 其实,“小”题目也可以做出“大”文章,“小”并不意味着没有学问。有人不无调侃地说,现在写汉语言文学毕业论文,是初中生写伟大的中国文学,研lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 究整个中国文学;高中生写一个朝代的中国文学;本科生写一个朝代文学的一个方面;研究生研究一套书或一套文献;博士生研究一本书;博士后研究一本书中的序言或书中的一篇文章;教授研究一篇文章中的一句话;到国外讲学就讲一句话中的一个词。抛开调侃的成分,就事论事地讲,这教授只讲“一个词”,从某种意义上说,更需要学问,而且是把书看“厚”的大学问。 汉语言文学毕业论文中,所谓的“小”和“易”,是相比较而存在的,是针对所掌握的学识而做出这种区分的。一般情况下,小题目易做,大题目繁难。关键是大小适度,难易适中。一些同学的汉语言文学毕业论文选题无原则地“小”和“易”,例如《演讲词开头的几种方法》、《谈谈孟浩然<;春晓>一诗的写作技巧》,因为所蕴涵的学术价值相当有限,只相当于一般意义上的文艺短论或文艺随笔,所以,也是不足取的。有人把论文选题应有的难度比作篮球筐的高度。球筐太高,高过20层楼房,拼尽全力投篮,都会“三不沾”,或者球筐太低,常人也可以像飞人乔丹那样大力灌篮,篮球都将失去参与的热情。现在的高度正合适。“跳一跳,可以够得到”,应该是选题难度的形象化的表述。 汉语言文学毕业论文误区——只顾眼前,忽视长远发展 4. 选题好比采矿,有贫矿和富矿之分。汉语言文学毕业论文中,所谓说不尽的莎士比亚、说不尽的鲁迅、说不尽的曹雪芹或者是《红楼梦》„„意思是这些作家、作品仿佛是一座富矿,开采不尽。如果所选择的是三流作家、三流作品,作家本人江郎才尽,作品本身缺乏思想价值和艺术价值,昙花一现,就不存在所谓的可持续发展的问题了。 科学研究工作不是游击战,不是打一枪换一个地方,相反,常常是咬定青山不放松,是众里寻她千百度。在学者的治学工作中,第二个论题常常是第一个论题的扩展或深人,是前一项研究成果的生长点,而不是另起炉灶。它们常常会形成系列性研究,构成一个大的课题。反观一些同学,课程论文分析王维诗歌“诗中有画、画中有诗”的艺术特点,学年论文探讨思想政治工作的方法和规律,毕业论文研究大学生消费心理,这样组合在一起就成大杂烩了,也无以体现研究者的“术业有专攻”。 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 汉语言文学毕业论文除了论题本身缺少含金量、“朝三薯四”打游击战,选题忽视长远发展,还体现为与日后工作需要相脱节。在一般情况下,我们同学的就业方向是:到机关从事文秘工作,到媒体从事新闻采编工作,到中学从事语文教学工作„„。从事文秘工作,应该侧重于选择秘书学、写作学方面的论题;从事新闻采编工作,应该侧重于选择新闻学、传播学方面的论题;从事中学语文教学工作,应该侧重于选择语言学、文章学、语文教法方面的论题。当然,作为汉语言文学专业的学生,进行作家、作品研究是看家的本领,所以,文学方面的论题应当是万变不离其宗的、无可争议的首选,这里主要是依据就业方向,相应地作了上述的区分。而上文曾经提到过一些同学的选题为“关于农民工问题的思考”、“家庭暴力问题的成因和对策”等等„„。其就业方向也不外乎文秘工作、新闻工作或教学工作,但无论哪一种,这样的汉语言文学毕业论文选题都与日后的工作需要相去甚远,不利于自己的可持续发展。选择这些偏离专业方向、忽视长远发展的论题,不能不说与临急抱佛脚有关。 二、汉语言文学毕业论文选题对策 汉语言文学毕业论文质量滑坡,原因是多方面的。客观上,就业形势紧张,同学忙于“找婆家”,分散了时间和精力;用人单位往往只重视学历文凭和外语、计算机等级证书,无暇顾及毕业论文质量(甚至未完成论文就已签约),又对同学形成一种误导;而常规教学和毕业论文专项工作上的某些疏漏,则是汉语言文学毕业论文质量滑坡的主观原因。这里侧重于教学管理,谈谈提高汉语言文学毕业论文质量,把好选题关的对策。 1.汉语言文学毕业论文——培养问题意识 科学研究始于问题,终于问题,是由已知世界走向未知世界的过程。问题意识是科学研究的立足点。 培养问题意识,落实在具体的教学过程中,既可以是学术热点的评介,也可以是前瞻性问题的引导,还可以是边缘性、交叉性问题的阐发以及冷门问题、盲点问题的告知„„它是多学科教学合力作用的结果。教师要坚持在“教中教”,lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 即在教会学生知识的过程中,也教会学习的方法。当然,这对教师也提出了更高的要求。 2.汉语言文学毕业论文——鼓励自主选题 汉语言文学毕业论文选题概括说来有三种类型:学生自主选题、师生商议选题和教师命题。它们各有利弊,但相互比较,更应该鼓励、倡导的是学生自主选题。这是因为,选题是一项具有创造性的工作,自主选题能够更充分地发挥学生的主体作用。 上文曾说,选题好比采矿。选题之前,有关学术信息的搜集就像这采矿之前的勘探,这是确保“科学决策”的可靠的技术手段。 强调自主选题,选题要以掌握必要的学术信息为前提。这必要的学术信息包括:前人对这一论题作过哪些研究?研究的程度如何?有什么样的研究成果?哪些 哪些问题没有解决?争论的主要问题和焦点是什么?矛盾的症结在哪问题解决了? 里?有哪些代表性意见?代表人物是谁?等等。如果说论题是观照的对象,它总有一个学术背景。就像我们观照一个苹果,苹果树是它的背景;观照一棵苹果树,一片果林是它的背景;观照果林,莽莽群山又是它的背景。老舍说,要想写好一座小岛,要知道整个大海的全貌;画画,也讲求搜尽奇峰打草稿。古人著述非常讲究的一点是“蝎泽而渔”,另外还有“长袖善舞”、“多财善贾”的说法。“长袖”是“善舞”的条件,“多财”是“善贾”的条件。掌握必要的学术信息,而且能够在横向的现实和纵向的历史这个坐标轴当中去观照研究对象,才会觉得有话要说、有话可说。硬着头皮完成老师的命题作文,难免陷于无话可说的尴尬境地。 严格说来,不能自主选题,是不善于学习的表现。自主选题和教师命题,就好像“为情而造文”和“为文而造情”之间的关系。如果迫不得已,必须依赖教师命题,那么,由近及远、逆流而上地查阅相关文献(目录、索引、文摘等),是堪称“捷径”最为实用的方法。查阅资料的方法可分为顺查法和倒查法,作为命题作文的急就章应该采用倒查法;顺查法是板凳要坐十年冷的皓首穷经。此外,要先学术期刊,再学术论著。 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume, 自主选题,要立足于专业、专长,凝练方向,不断升华;要把握课程论文、 学年论文和毕业论文在内容上的关联,精心培育,持续发展;还要充分利用参加 读书报告会、“挑战杯”等活动的机会,善于积累,锻炼提高。 3.汉语言文学毕业论文——强化指导环节 大学生尚不具备独立进行科学研究的能力,教师的指导工作不可或缺。要通 过统一组织的专题讲座,明确最基本的学术规范,要通过动态的监管,把握步骤, 分解落实。不无夸张地说,毕业论文有多少写作环节和内容要素,就相应地存在 着多少问题。例如论题、题目、摘要、关键词、绪论、本论、结论、注释、参考 文献等方面,都有可能出现这样或那样差错,至于观点的深刻性、材料的典型性、 论理的透彻性以及论文的创新性、论文的学术价值等宏观上的问题,更需要指导 教师全面监控,帮助把关。以本文所着力探讨的汉语言文学毕业论文的论题为例, 面对“无法拒绝的爱——关注手机短信”、“有多少爱可以重来——经典影视改 、“社会新闻与民生新闻的零距离”、“新闻策划的临门一脚”,编的得与失” 以及夹杂着漫谈、杂感、随想等字眼的论题,如果指导教师仅限于指出这种感性 化的、描述性的语言运用不当,而不善于小题大做,由此发现文体感的缺失,并 进行有针对性的指导,那么小洞不补的结果,势必是大洞叫苦。当然,上文论及 的汉语言文学毕业论文偏离专业方向、缺乏学术价值、脱离主观实际、忽视长远 发展的选题更应该及时校正。参考文献(略)(摘自:《无锡教育学院学报》2006.4, 原文:“毕业论文选题的误区及对策——以汉语言文学专业为例”作者:张国军) , 1 论文答辩技巧与注意事项 , 2 毕业论文格式和类型要求 , 3 开题报告格式与开题报告写作技巧 , 4 经济管理毕业论文指导老师谈写毕业论文 , 5 英语毕业论文选题及写作、答辩技巧 , 6 法学毕业论文格式及写作方法 , 7 法律毕业论文选题与写作技巧 , 8 会计毕业论文选题原则与写作技巧 , 9 毕业论文选题、查资料及写作技巧 , 10 计算机毕业论文选题、写作与答辩技巧 , 11 电子商务毕业论文选题及写作方法 , 12 工商管理毕业论文选题原则与写作指导 , 13 汉语言文学毕业论文选题原则与对策 lower end of the condenser of the distillation unit, which happens to come across 300mL the bottom of the conical flask, the bottle contains boric acid solution 25--the 50mL and 2~3 drop indicator. Sodium hydroxide solution through the funnel to join 100~150mL, Lysis solution alkalized. Note the funnel neck cannot be empty. ensure a liquid seal. Open the condenser tubes of condensed water, began distilling. In this process, ensure the amount of steam produced is constant. Collected by 20~30min about 200mL to the liquid in the Erlenmeyer flask, to stop distillation. Lowering of the Erlenmeyer flask, condenser tube left the surface, allow excess condensed water to drip into the bottle, and then rinsing with water condenser tube ends, water drip into the bottle. Ensure that release ammonia into the Erlenmeyer flask quantitatively, liquid in the bottle is green. 10 or 25mL pipette calibration sulfuric acid titration of liquid in the bottle and, until the color becomes purplish red, read number of ml of the standard solution of sulphuric acid consumption. Determination of the number: measured on the same sample twice. Blank: reagent blank determination, such as sample containers containing nitrogen, then the container should be blank. 6, the results of the calculation method: ammonia nitrogen content in starches are sample weight to the original weight of the sample expressed as a percentage of weight in the formula: x--sample nitrogen,%; T--standards for titration of moles of sulfuric acid concentration, mol/l; Vo--blank with sulfuric acid solution volume,
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