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2012最热门职业与行业2012最热门职业与行业 未来热门职业与行业 什么是热门,我觉得狭义上的热门永远是相对的,今年热门了,可能几年后你再捧着这个饭碗就只能喝西北风去了。真正的热门是你永远都不愁找不到工作,因为这些职业都需要一技之长,永远不会被淘汰。 同声传译 同声传译员被称为“21世纪第一大紧缺人才”。随着中国对外经济交流的增多和奥运会带来的“会务商机”的涌现,需要越来越多的同声传译员。同传的薪金不是按照年薪和月薪来算的,是按照小时和分钟来算的,现在的价码是每小时4000元到8000元。将来入驻中国的外国大公司越来越多,这一行会越来越红。...
2012最热门职业与行业 未来热门职业与行业 什么是热门,我觉得狭义上的热门永远是相对的,今年热门了,可能几年后你再捧着这个饭碗就只能喝西北风去了。真正的热门是你永远都不愁找不到工作,因为这些职业都需要一技之长,永远不会被淘汰。 同声传译 同声传译员被称为“21世纪第一大紧缺人才”。随着中国对外经济交流的增多和奥运会带来的“会务商机”的涌现,需要越来越多的同声传译员。同传的薪金不是按照年薪和月薪来算的,是按照小时和分钟来算的,现在的价码是每小时4000元到8000元。将来入驻中国的外国大公司越来越多,这一行会越来越红。不过随着“海归”的愈加增多,语言类职业的竞争也越来越激烈,能够熟练掌握多门外语,以及比较稀有的小国语种,求职的天平才会真正倒向你一边。 注册会计师 目前,我国共有注册会计师7万多名。而根据中国经济高速发展的需要,至少急需35万名注册会计师。即便是在已具备从业资格的7万多名注册会计师中,被国际认可的不足15,。巨大的需求缺口,使注册会计师成为未来几年我国炙手可热的人才。有关人士称,每年进入包括德勤、毕博在内的四大会计师事务所的应届毕业生月薪大都在五六千元,再加上每年丰厚的奖金,年收入会超过10万元人民币。中高层管理人员的年薪则在20万到50万元人民币之间。 精算师 精算师是经过金融保险监管部门认可其从业资格的个人。凡是需要处理风险的领域,精算师都能发挥作用。与会计师、律师和医生等职业相比,精算师是一项人数不多、专业性更强的职业。据预测,到2010年,中国将会至少有60家国内保险公司和20家含外资的保险公司。而目前精算师的数量还远不能满足中国保险业的发展需要。业内人士称,我国被世界保险界认可的精算师不足10人,“准精算师”40多人,在目前国内人才市场上,精算师可谓凤毛麟角。目前,精算师在国外的平均年薪达10万美元,国内目前月薪也在1万元人民币以上。据预测,几年后其收入应在12万元至15万元人民币。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 理财规划师 如今,一方面社会对金融理财的需求非常急迫,市场需求潜力巨大;另一方面,理财产品明显捉襟见肘。理财师,尤其是能够为客户提供全方位的专业理财建议,通过不断调整存款、股票、债券、基金、保险、动产、不动产等各种金融产品组成的投资组合,合理的税务规划,满足居民长期的生活目标和财务目标的人才,更是难求。专家预计,我国理财规划师的缺口为20万人。未来5到10年,理财规划师将成为国内最具有吸引力的职业。有专家认为,国内理财规划师的年薪应该在10万到100万元人民币之间。 房地产经纪人 近来虽然政府屡出重拳调控房产市场,但不可否认的是房地产永远是香饽饽。随着经济的增长,住房的改革,房地产业将会再度炙手可热。在我国,房地产业总值早已超过商业和运输业之和,在六大产业部门中仅次于工业和农业。在21世纪初期,我国的房地产开发业事国家经济的增长点,并将继续保持一定的热度。房地产开发队伍将不断扩大,前景诱 人,其中从事房地产开发、高级经理和总设计师的人员收入丰厚。 热门的职业还有很多,像律师、物流师、系统工程师、环境工程师等等等等,而这些全部的关键一条就是:你必须有一技之长,你所做的工作是别人一时半会儿学不会,很难上手的。这样才能保证你在激烈竞争中脱颖而出. 热门行业 说完了热门职业,我们再来看看那些人们趋之若鹜的行业。行业和职业联系非常紧密,但也有差别。我们下面就来一个一个把它们找出来。 电信行业 近两年,国家每年对通信基础设施的投资都超过1600亿元。电信业的高成长性和垄断性使其一直被称为暴利产业,层出不穷的新技术也让电信业的高薪、稳定等优势得以延续。所有涉及电信增值行业的领域,比如娱乐业(包括游戏)、彩铃等,无不广纳人才,从整体管理、研发到运营的各个环节都对高端人才求贤若渴。此外,3G和数字电视人才继续“热销”。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification IT行业 IT经过一段时间的冰封以后又开始回暖,一直以来,IT业都是招聘大户,2005年,几大IT业巨头均在人才招聘方面表现出了极大的热情。以微软公司为例,微软亚洲研究院扎根北京,并一跃成为微软全球五大研究院的领头羊。随着国外越来越多的大公司倾向于在中国设立研究机构,IT业对研究人员的需求将会非常旺盛。各大IT企业在招聘时将主打研究操作职位,这类职位需要既有较强知识背景,又有实操能力的相关专业硕士研究生。此外,IT企业也开始侧重人才的学习能力、身体素质、沟通能力、团队合作能力、组织领导能力和行业背景等非技术因素,而将技术标准放在次要位置。 汽车行业 许多国际知名汽车公司开始在内地设立办事处。尼桑、丰田等品牌不再靠内地的代理商来做,而是自行组建团队。这些原因加剧了这些跨国公司对汽车人才的争夺,从技术、营销、市场到客户服务等中高级人才都是炙手可热的目标。复合背景职业经理人走俏。 金融行业 随着金融业的进一步开放,小型的金融企业将不断被淘汰和整合,大型的金融企业愈显强大,其对高级人才的渴求也愈发强烈。这种趋势将愈演愈烈。在个人银行产品和信用卡业务方面,银行业对于风险管理和发卡产品管理人员需求急迫。而由于中资银行这部分业务本来并不强,近年来虽然积极引进,却仍不够成熟,所以这部分人员仍以在本行业内从外资银行向内资银行流动者居多。比较而言,由于代理人素质下滑,保险公司对于负责代理人管理的销售副总经理需求强烈,而培训副总经理以及渠道销售也是保险业一直需求旺盛的人才。 建筑及房产行业 房产新政之后,对中高级房产人员的需求有所下降。建筑及房地产以管理人才为主,要求从业人员具备一定的执业资格或职称。现在企业非常青睐持有一定职业资格证书的熟练技术人员,对中高级人才的需求越来越大。有几类人才将非常紧俏,比如建筑师和规划设计人员。 除了上述的,像制造业、广告业、新兴的游戏业等等都是现在的热门行业。其实,总的来说,在做个人职业规划时,确立职业应该以兴趣与能力作为考虑的主要因素,在选择行业school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 时可以再考虑冷热门。 如果在择业时尽挑社会上热门的行职位,既不考虑自己的兴趣,也不看看自己的能力,人云亦云,随波逐流,这是一种非常短视、危险的做法。“三十年河东,三十年河西”,“风 ,没有哪一个行职业可以永保自己的热门地位。在今天快速发展的社会,某一行水轮流转” 职业“热门”的持续时间更加短暂。如果你没有适合从事热门行业与职位的素质,你的发展会受到极大限制,高薪高职对你来说依旧遥不可及。要追随热门的行职业是比较困难的,明智的做法是“以不变应万变”,根据兴趣、能力确定自己从事的职业。即使冷门的职位,如果在顶尖的公司做到高的职位,你的薪酬、社会地位、成就感也一样可以得到满足。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 中国人才报告透露未来几年可能走红专业 中国人才报告透露未来几年可能走红专业 2007年05月29日 中国青年报 大学毕业找工作,总希望所学的专业能给自己带来一份好职业。但市场需求在不断变化,不少几年前还炙手可热的专业,等到自己毕业那天却很可能已经成了人才市场上的“滞销品”。如何能预知今后几年哪些专业在市场上最为紧俏,其实也并非无迹可循。 中国人事科学研究院发布的《中国人才报告》预计,到2010年我国专业技术人才供应总量为4000万人,而需求总量为6000万人。此项数据显示,专业技术人才在未来几年仍将出现供不应求的局面。预计到2010年,第二产业人才缺口数字最大,将达到1220万人。而作为服务业的第三产业将是扩大就业岗位最多的部门,其中一些高端涉外人才需求很大,比如:涉外会计、涉外律师、涉外金融服务、同声传译、精算、数字媒体、物流、心理咨询等,人才缺口预计在325万人。 汽车服务人才全面紧缺 汽车产业是“十一五”规划重点产业之一。中国汽车人才研究会秘书处副主任汤海山提供的数字显示,“十一五”期间我国汽车研发人才缺口50万,维修人才缺口80万。汤海山说,未来5年汽车人才全面紧缺,包括汽车研发人才、汽车营销人才、维修人才、管理人才等。 “值得注意的是,以上几类人才培养在高校中已经形成一定规模,而汽车服务人才却还没有得到大家的重视。”汤海山说,目前,全国只有几所高校设置汽车服务专业,规模也不大。但从国际标准来看,这类人才非常重要,缺口非常巨大。 据了解,目前在高校中开设汽车服务工程专业的院校有:同济大学、武汉理工大学、上海师范大学、西南石油学院、西华大学、吉林大学、辽宁工学院等。 汽车服务工程专业主要培养从事汽车技术服务及市场营销的应用型人才。经过4年学习,学生应掌握机械和车辆工程的基础理论知识;具备解决从新车使用到汽车报废回收全过程中各种技术问题和因汽车带来的能源消耗、有害物排放、废弃物等环境和社会问题的能力。 此外,在后汽车时代,汽车文化人才也非常紧缺。 民航业人才缺口24万 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 伴随着我国民航事业的迅猛发展,我国民航人才的需求规模也开始同步扩大。目前国际民航平均人机比是100?1,而我国民航业平均人机比是200?1,这意味着,仅以国际民航水平计算,未来20年我国至少需要民航类人才24万人。 事实上,民航人才的紧缺已成为各航空公司高速发展的瓶颈。近年来,国内各航空公司相继展开大规模招聘活动,揽才范围从飞行员、空乘到维修、地勤人员都有,涉及范围极广。其中,飞行员成为各大航空公司的招聘重点,薪酬一般都设在每月2万元。 中国民航学院教授都业富说,由于允许民营资本投资经营航空公司,参与航空运输市场的竞争,也使得国内民航业对民航专业技能人才的需求进一步扩大。近年来,以奥凯、春秋、鹰联为代表的民营航空公司已经展开了一场人才争夺大战。 都业富认为,在未来几年内,飞行员、空勤人员、航空运输安全管理人员以及维修专业人才在我国最为吃紧。 机电一体化需要复合型人才 由于微电子高新技术迅速发展,使工业自动化程度大幅度提高。机电一体化已是当今世界及未来机械工业技术和产品发展的主要趋向,也是我国机械工业发展的必由之路。 智联招聘网日前发布的统计数字显示,北京市对该专业的需求比较旺盛,从职位看,每月需求量有200多个。可以说,机电一体化类专业属于人才缺口比较大的专业之一。 在上述需求职位中,技术类占到了40,,销售类占到了30,,客服类占到了20,,管理类占到了10,。而从行业来看,该专业的用人需求主要集中在制造业、生物制药业、环保业以及快速消费品业。 业内专家,这个行业的人才比较强调技术性。用人方都希望招聘到既有专业知识,又会管理、懂开发、有销售知识和经验的复合型人才。所以,那些希望到外企工作的,除了专业知识要掌握好之外,外语能力绝对是不可忽视的因素。 精算师“钱”程无忧 精算师,是一个公认为“钻石领”、国外年薪过百万、国内月薪上万元的职业。目前,精算师是国内各大保险公司争夺的焦点。据中国保险监督管理委员会精算部相关负责人介school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 绍,目前,我国仅有百余名精算师,随着国外保险公司进入中国,我国未来5年急需5000名精算人才。 精算师是运用精算方法和技术解决经济问题的专业人士。其传统的工作领域为商业保险业,主要从事产品开发、责任准备金核算、利源分析及动态偿付能力测试等重要工作。随着精算科学的发展和应用,精算师的工作领域逐步扩展到社会保险、投资、人口分析、经济预测等领域。 目前,每年高校精算专业的毕业生仅仅几十人,远远不能满足市场的需求。精算师是保险业的精英,是集数学、统计学、经济学和投资学等各类知识于一身的保险业高级人才,在保险企业中担当着极为重要的角色。一个合格的精算师不仅应具有扎实的精算知识,更重要的是必须熟悉所处保险市场的保险法规以及与保险相关的税务、会计、投资等领域的知识。 据了解,我国开设精算专业的高校有南开大学、中央财经大学、上海财经大学、复旦大学、中国人民大学、北京大学、中山大学等。 护理学就业前景看好 根据卫生部的统计,到2015年我国的护士数量将增加到232.3万人,平均年净增加11.5万人,这为学习护理专业的毕业生提供了广阔的就业空间。随着我国向老龄化社会转变,将来从事老人医学的人才将走俏,保健医师、家庭护士也将成为热门人才。另外,专门为个人服务的护理人员的需求量也将增大。 业内专家介绍说,护理职业一直是国际上地位较高、薪水丰厚的职业之一,同时,护理人才又是国际紧缺的人才之一。如护士在美国平均年薪达5万美元,而美国缺护士30万人。在澳洲,护士最容易找工作或获得升迁,同时,只要拥有了澳洲注册护士的资格,等于拿到了通向英联邦国家工作的“绿卡”。英、法、德等西方发达国家对护士均有许多优惠的政策,因此,有深厚的专业知识、较高的综合素质和流畅的国际交流语言的护士在国际上就业、发展前景十分广阔。 目前,国内很多大中城市的医院都设有涉外门诊,而一些合资医院以及“洋”医院更是如雨后春笋一般扎根北京、上海等地。所以,如果护理学人才在具备护理学、护理人际沟通、护理礼仪等专业知识外,还能具备一定的外语能力,那么就业选择将更为宽广,可以从事在华的涉外医护服务、国际技术合作交流和资料传递等。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 材料类研发人才成为焦点 “十一五”期间,国家产业政策明显向以新材料产业为代表的高新技术领域倾斜,这对新材料产业发展无疑将产生重要的推动作用。同时,国内支柱产业及高技术产业发展对新材料的需求不断扩大。在此背景下,研发此类新型材料的人才自然成为企业的注目焦点。 目前我国材料行业的人才缺失问题已经成了众多企业发展的桎梏。据一家科技产业公司的技术总监介绍,该公司主要从事碳化硼、碳化硅等产品的研发,但这方面的人才很少,因为高校相关的专业不是很多。“目前,我们的人才主要来自当地的化工研究所,都是具有一定工作经验的技术人员;还有就是引进外国专家。但两者的成本都很高,并且不能从根本上解决企业人才缺乏的问题。目前企业正处于快速发展的时期,人才匮乏对企业发展的影响很大,我们急需大量的人才支持。”这位先生告诉记者,“目前我国整个材料行业都缺少高精尖人才”。 据了解,截至2006年年底,我国设有材料类专业的高校有420余所,占本科学位学校 ,。由此可见,的66,;“211”工程高校中设有与材料相关专业的有80余所,占总数的88我国对材料人才的培养是比较重视的,人才的数量也应该是比较充足的。但材料学专业涉及国民经济发展的多个领域,因此人才市场对材料学人才的需求也是持续增加的。 中国材料网理事会有关专家指出,目前我国在新材料研发上与国外还有一定差距,未来在材料学领域自主创新的空间非常大。因此材料学人才在强化基础知识的同时还应该拓展创造性思维。 、 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 曝:十大一定会赚翻的行业(图) 2009年12月24日 凤凰网教育频道 什么行业最有发展潜力,什么创业项目最具亮点,哪些项目最适合青年人创业,答案现在就告诉你。 1、景观设计工作室 “城市,让生活更美好”,这不仅是2010年上海世博会的主题,更是城市的发展趋势:关注人居环境,强调人与自然和谐共处。中国城市化的进程越来越快,景观设计成为城市建设的重要内容。特别是近年来房地产的持续升温,使景观设计人员需求量大增。 2、汽车美容店 越来越多的人买车,越来越多的人就需要保养车。于是汽车美容行业悄然兴起。据专家估算,一部价值10万元的车每年行程2-3万公里,一年的养护费就达到4000元以上。而且汽车越高档,养护费越贵。 3、彩铃设计工作室 彩铃已经不稀奇,稀奇的是独特奇怪的彩铃。目前彩铃设计行业还是以兼职为主,但从去年下半年起,各通讯公司、网站已经开始大批量的招聘专职彩铃设计师。随着越来越多的人使用彩铃业务,有音乐天赋的青年不妨开个彩铃设计工作室。 4、游戏动画设计 青少年的世界里,游戏、动画一个都不能少。网络的普及,给网络游戏和动画制作带来巨大的发展空间。但据专家测算,国内专业游戏动画工程师不过8000人,与市场的旺盛需求相比,至少有15万人的缺口。 5、房地产估价咨询公司 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 房屋买卖绝对是最赚钱的,房东也乐此不疲。不论是自住还是投资,都需要考虑价格、区位地段、户型设计、房屋质量、开发商信誉、交通购物等诸多因素。普通消费者处于信息不对等地位,想寻找超值房产,只能求助房地产估价咨询公司。 6、特许金融分析师(CFA)工作室 金融分析师是受过专业训练、具有深厚金融理论素养的高级人才。目前CFA的数量仅几十人。一旦获得CFA资格证书,既可开家金融分析工作室,也能得到银行、保险公司、证券公司等金融机构的青睐。 7、高级会展设计工作室 近年会展类公司数不胜数,从业者队伍日趋庞大。然而,高端会展设计工作室依然缺乏。据介绍,2008年北京奥运会和2010年上海世博会的举办,需要大批具有独立设计能力并能指导施工的会展设计人员,组建一家工作室可以把生意做大。 8、营养配餐工作室 发达国家更注重吃出营养和健康。小菜搭配不好影响食欲,饮食结构不合理还会导致多种疾病,于是学校、机关、企业、餐饮行业迫切需要"营养配餐师"来指点。 9、财务策划(理财规划)咨询公司 据一家专业网站调查,78%的被调查者需要专家顾问的理财意见。现在香港私人财务咨询公司已有3000多家,以个人理财咨询服务为主营业务。据预测,2008年个人财务咨询公司将在内地蓬勃发展,前景令人瞩目。 10、职业顾问工作室 如何"经营"人生,如何从容面对职场挑战,永远是退休前最关心的话题。并不是要跳槽时才想起职业顾问,职业顾问可以对整个职场生涯进行规划。通过专业测评工具和面对面的沟通,职业顾问帮求职者认清他们最适合干什么,进而找准定位,做出选择。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 热门行业?热门职业 (本文作者王俊铭,杭州德鲁克职业咨询(DRC.)有限公司总经理) 眼下正值年关,“鸡年”总算在人们提心吊胆中过去了,可是“禽流感”并没有随着“狗年”的到来而消失。无论GDP的增长、外汇储备的高企还是税收的历史性突破,都难以掩饰经济高速增长背后的职业危机和人们对未来职场诸多不确定性的隐忧。“人在职场,身不由己”,没有危机便是最大的危机。打开电脑键入“热门职业”便会跳出2000万项搜寻结果,“热门行业”的搜寻结果也有900多万项~在令人无所适从的“信息爆炸”时代,我们得练就“眼观四路,耳听八方”的功夫。可是追波逐浪不如洞察未来,谁把握住了趋势,谁就能掌控未来。 现在很多人对“行业”、“职业”和“工作”的概念及其彼此之间的关系不是很清楚,对“学历证书”和“职业资格证书”的关系常常理不清爽,对“学历教育” 和“职业教育”关系的理解也存在不少误区。由于理解上的失误和偏颇,往往导致个人职业规划、职业选择和职业发展上的“冤假错案”,造成择业就业、跳槽和在职学习等方面的成本大大增加。 一、“行业”、“职业”和“工作”的概念及其相互关系 所谓“行业”,就是“工业、商业的类别”, 是“企业、产业”的总称。根据《国民经济行业分类》标准(GB/T4754-2002),目前我国共有行业门类20个,行业大类95个,行业中类396个,行业小类913个国家标准。因此说“360行,行行出状元”,现在的行业翻了一番还要多。 另根据ISO(国际标准化组织)的分类方法,国际上适合引进ISO标准的行业有39个,其中包括农业、渔业、纺织品及纺织产品、医药品、机械及设备、电子、电器及光电设备、其他未分类的制造业、建设、运输、仓储及通讯、金融、房地产、信息技术、科技服务、公共行政管理、教育、卫生保健与社会公益事业和其他社会服务业。目前人们在实际工作中接触到的“行业”分类,往往比较混乱。而且随着社会的发展,新的行业不断取代一些过时的行业而逐渐成为经济的主角。作为一个现代人,最要避免的就是“在一个即将消失的行业(或school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 企业)里充当冠军”(德鲁克)而丝毫意识不到即将来临的重大危机。(这样的行业包括电报业、传统邮局的个人通信业、感光照相的民用相机及民用胶片业、农业税收业等等) 所谓“职业”,是指“个人所从事的作为主要生活来源的工作”。现代意义的“职业”更多是指个人经过系统的培训后,所从事的脑力劳动。职业贯穿着一个人从开始参加工作到退休的整个过程。我们常说的“职场”、“职务”、“职位”、“职权”、“职别”、“职级”、“职业生涯”、“职业目标”、“职业竞争”、“职业经理人”、“职业素养”、“职业咨询”等等,都源于此。 职业与行业的关系有点象人和人体各系统的关系。不同的行业有其对该行业内职业的特殊要求,所以职场中所说的跨行业跳槽,职业风险就会比同行业跳槽要高很多。同样,跨行业的企业多元化经营,如果没有相应的职业化员工队伍及其相关资源的保障,也是很冒险的。不同行业内相同名称的职业,比如数字家庭产品的销售经理和人寿保险的销售经理,可能从知识结构、思维方式到能力和经验等等方面的要求都有很大的不同。房地产行业与教育行业的同名职业也各有其自身行业的特征。 所谓“工作”,是指“个人在单位时间里根据职业要求所进行的劳动交易活动”。通俗地讲,“工作”就是“就业”、就是“上班”。你长期上班,比如三年以上所干的同一性质的事情,可能就是你的“职业”,比如产品研发经理、人力资源总监等。纵向的工作是构成职业的基本要素。相反,如果一个人参加工作后,每年换一个行业,假设他的工作有效期为40年,他就跨行业跳槽四十次。要评价他的职业就比较困难,他只能算是“一位有四十年工作经历的新手”罢了。 “职业化”往往意味着“专业化”。但是“专业化”未必就一定“职业化”。当然,现实中的确有这样的人才,他们在好几个行业的职业领域都做出巨大的成就。 二、“学历证书”与“职业资格证书”、“学历教育” 与“职业教育”关系 “学历证书”是“学历教育”的结果,而“职业资格证书”往往是“职业教育”的结果。这样讲不难理解。问题是,一方面企业招聘人才越来越难,而另一方面社会上为什么那么多的大学生还找不到工作,我们一直以来普遍认为大学生(学士、硕士、博士)就是人才,school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 可是人才就一定来自大学吗,从市场经济的角度来看,任何知识如果不能创造价值或转换为商业行为,不能满足行业发展和社会经济发展的需要,就是没有价值的。 据统计,中国高校目前的“滞销专业”约为13%。就是说,你一进大学选读了这样的专业就注定已经被淘汰了。而大学生们毕业以后往往以其所学的专业来确定他们的职业发展方向,以其专业来选择要进入的行业。然而他们可能并没有接受过相关行业或职业所要求的职业化教育,当然更没有相关的经验,因此择业就业的盲目性很大。这可能是造成大学生就业难的根源之一。 据报道,2005年浙江省成为全国首个普高和职高比例为1:1的省份。为此教育部长周济曾经迷惑不解:浙江人富裕了,为什么反而不送孩子上大学,然而从浙沪两地的职业技术类学校毕业生就业率远高于普通高校大学生就业率,甚至高职类学院学生尚未毕业就被用人单位“订购”一空的火爆情形来看,部长的迷惑也就释然了。 中国当今的学历教育体制是根据国家经济时代的需要而设计出来的,尽管教育体制也一直在改革,但是离市场的需要还是有一定的距离或偏差。而职业教育则是根据行业发展需要和职业要求所进行的有针对性的教育培训,注重实用性和效果性,能够满足市场对紧缺人才的需求。 那么,大公司为何纷纷从高校大量招聘应届毕业生呢, 小公司往往不愿意投资新员工培训,希望直接招聘有经验的人,用起来就能立竿见影见到效益,其结果和预期的恰恰事与愿违。而大公司通常都有一定比重的企业内部员工培训预算,一些大型企业还专设企业大学,比如海尔大学、摩托罗拉大学等,专门针对企业的发展战略,培养、训练和储备人才。 可以展望,随着产业和企业之间竞争的升级和加剧,企业培训的外包需求和普通高校大学生的职业化需求,将刺激专业的中介职业培训机构和专业的职业咨询机构发挥更大的作用。因此可以说,完成学历教育只是为职业化教育打下了良好的基础。国家人事部已逐步公布了需要职业资格的行业和职业类别,值得职场人士关注。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 相信“职业化中国”是中国真正与国际接轨的必然要求,也是中国真正能够实现民族复兴的必由之路。“创新中国”首先得有一支强劲的职业化科研人才队伍和创新的职业环境。 三、热门行业?热门职业,展望新年热门行业中的热门职业 2006年,浙江的热门行业和职业前景可以从04年、05年的行业经济统计数据和“十一五计划”对行业的政策倾斜度两方面来观察。预计“狗”年热门的行业及其相应的热门职业将会有如下表现: 金融/保险行业 ——理由:本土银行持续“变脸”,董事会开始真正发挥作用,“风险资本”、“信贷成本”第一次被使用;外资银行不断进入,合资基金公司逐渐增加;海外保险大鳄抢滩中国市场。银行、基金和保险对人才的需求增加较快,人才的争夺也十分激烈。 (助理级、中级、高级和首席)外汇交易员、销售(专员、主管和经理)、市场营销、精算师、理财规划师等职业将极具吸引力和挑战性。 建筑/房地产行业 ——理由:根据2005年《中国企业竞争力报告》,全国的住宅竣工面积继续快速增长,而杭州成为六个同比房屋销售价格上涨幅度超过10%的城市;消费性需求依然旺盛,投资性需求将会持续增长,同时购房需求获取金融支持的空间还很大。 建筑及房地产以管理人才为主,要求从业人员具备一定的执业资格,企业非常青睐持有相应职业资格证书的熟练技术和管理人员,对中高级人才的需求越来越大。有几类人才将非常紧俏,目前建筑师、环境工程师和规划设计人员最为紧缺。 异地投资的浙江房地产企业急需有丰富行业运作经验的总经理、工程副总、前期经理、规划师和建筑师。 教育/培训/职业咨询行业 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification ——理由:据统计,2002年底,全省人才总量为220万人,尽管从从1998年以来全省人才总量平均每年增长6.5%(11.2万人),但是省人事厅的负责人说,“相对于高速发展的经济来说,目前浙江的人才积累还比较弱(《都市快报》2006年12月20日12版)。从一般行业公认的应届毕业生三年的成才期来看,职业教育、职业培训和职业咨询行业将迎来一个快速发展的高潮期。 热门专业的高职学校教师、“双师型”高级讲师、企业培训总监及培训师、职业咨询员和职业咨询师、管理咨询师等供不应求。 纺织/服装行业 ——理由:从1993~2004年,我国纺织服装业保持了15.6的年均增长速度。纺织工业协会会长杜珏洲认为,中国纺织服装业的综合竞争力正呈现全面提高的势头。浙江是纺织服装的生产大省。 最紧缺的职业:有创意并具备市场敏感度的服装设计师、有全国运作经验的营销总监、对市场、媒体和企业资源具有整合力的品牌资源管理经理或品牌总监 IT行业 ——尽管据信息产业部统计,2005年前三季度中国本土的电子百强企业营业收入增长15%,同比下降10%。但是整个行业还是呈热涨势头。中华英才网专家认为,2006年IT职场行情仍将延续上升,招聘人数会加大。而在企业需求方面,有一定工作经验或在某一方面有专长的技术人员会受到追捧。此外,中层销售人员也会迎来招聘旺季。但薪水方面会向两极发展,IT新人的薪水会有所下调,对中层或有几年工作经验的技术人才开出的薪水会有所增加。 直销行业 ——理由:直销行业在中国经过十年的本土化磨合以后,06年产业规模预计将突破500亿元。同时于2005年11月1日开始实施的《禁止传销条例》和2006年1月1日生效的《直销管理条例》将使得直销行业呈“井喷式”发展。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 除了直销企业会加大公司中层管理和运营层职位的招聘以外,独立成商的“直销员”队伍也会迅速扩充。这对于有强烈创业激情和欲望而无传统行业创业条件的人士,尤其具有吸引力。 另外,石油/化工行业 、能源/电力行业、运输/物流行业 、通讯/电信行业 、医疗/生物行业 、互联网/电子商务行业、制造行业等行业也将持续热门,被职场所关注和瞩目。 值得强调的是,实用性熟练“蓝领”职业将快速升温并提速,其中的高级职业技术“能工巧匠”的年薪已经直逼中高层职业经理人年薪水平。本土化兼备国际化运作经验的高层管理职业经理人将成为人才战略争夺的制高点。 品牌总监、人力资源总监、公务员和高级公务员、系统集成工程师、物流师等职业成为职场热源。 热门行业中的所有职业未必都是热门的,就像旧时皇宫里皇帝身边的“三宫六院”,不是每个妃子都得宠。要在眼花缭乱、泥沙俱下的职场环境中脱颖而出,务必要做到“知己知彼”,同时遵循“取乎上者得乎其中,取乎中者得乎其下”的职业目标定位。但是对于大学应届毕业生来说,职业目标的定位可能要反其道而行之。即:取乎下者得乎其中,取乎中者得乎其上。就是要先易后难,先从基础工作干起,具备了一定的职业能力和职业素养以后,再逐步稳健地朝着自己理想的职业目标进取。 行业前景=职业前景, 案例:小张现在面临两个工作机会的选择,一个是生产开关插座的厂家,另一个是提供手机增值服务的企业,都是做市场工作。小张倾向于去第一家企业,但小张的很多同学都去了IT、通信等行业,说是这类行业工资待遇高。小张不知道该去哪里好,这不仅是小张的困惑,同时也是很多职场人士的困惑。求职时,“趋热避冷”是很多求职者的思维定势。银行业、IT业等热门行业往往意味着高收入、高福利和长远的发展,而农林牧渔业、传统制造业等行业却总给人收入低、工作枯燥的印象。因此在人才市场中,热门行业总是人满为患,冷门行业常常乏人问津。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 帝王职业顾问认为,择业不宜只盯着热门行业。首先,行业的冷与热是相对的,前几年互联网业曾红极一时,但互联网泡沫破灭时,下岗失业的人也不在少数。其次,热门行业中也有冷门职位,而冷门行业中也有热门职位,行业前景不等于职业前景。譬如,在IT行业,也有和计算机几乎没有必然联系的岗位,如行政管理、人力资源等;同样,在非IT行业,也需要大量IT人才进行系统的开发、设计和维护。 帝王职业顾问认为,懂得避开热门行业中的冷门职位,或善于发现冷门行业中有潜力的、成长性的职位,才是职场中的聪明人。 热门行业中的热门职位 据某招聘网站最新数据,近期职场中排名靠前的热门行业有加工/制造业、信息技术/互联网、电子技术、生物/制药/保健耐用消费品、咨询业、快速消费品、贸易、广告业和房地产业等,这些行业的应聘人数往往是职位数的倍数。 在这些热门行业中,同样存在着热门职业和冷门职业。一般来说,与产业链发展直接相关的核心职位往往是热门的,个人发展空间很大;而从事外围性、事务性工作的,通常是冷门,发展空间有限。 热门行业的热门职位大致有以下这些,供求职者参考:加工/制造业:供应商开发工程师、供应商质量改进工程师、设计工程师、生产/工艺工程师、项目经理;信息技术/互联网:手机研发工程师、测试工程师、游戏策划、游戏研发工程师、无线电射频工程师;电子技术:IC设计工程师、芯片测试工程师、机电工程师、电气工程师、数字电视研发工程师;生物/制药/保健业:高级医药代表、销售总监、技术工程师、机械工程师、医药产品研发人员、QA工程师;耐用消费品行业:销售经理、专业技术人员、业务经理、生产经理;咨询业:客户顾问、项目督导、管理咨询项目经理、IT咨询师、心理咨询师;快速消费品行业:销售总监、区域销售经理、销售主管、物流经理、市场营销经理;贸易:国际贸易经理、国际贸易专员、采购经理、项目经理、国际采购工程师。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 冷门行业的热门职位 冷门行业也有热门职位,不信,看看这些:农业科技人才:农业是不折不扣的传统行业。可现代农业已经不是传统意义上的“春播秋种”了。在一些现代农业园区,对技术人才的要求非常高,范围也相当广。据某招聘网站5月职位信息,近期市场对农业科技人才的需求非常旺盛。需求主体不仅包括传统的农、畜、牧业,还有生物工程、海洋养殖耕作等新型企业,另外,农产品加工、农产品营销等专业人才也供不应求。 模具设计师:制造业也是老牌传统行业,其劳动强度大、工作环境不够舒适的行业特点,让不少人望而却步。但近年来,模具设计师已经成为人才市场中的新贵,高级模具设计师动辄月薪上万。 专利代理人:知识产权业在人才市场中一直不温不火,专利代理人却是当之无愧的热门人才,一直处于高度紧缺的状态。尽管专利代理人考试通过率一向偏低,还不到10%,但2004年上海的专利代理人资格考试却吸引了近8000人应试。 园艺工程师:园林绿化也属冷门行业。然而近年来,园艺工程师、景观设计师等“绿色人才”却一路走强,园艺工程师还数次入选某招聘网站的“职场10大人气职位”之列。 择业须有前瞻性 究竟如何处理热门与冷门的关系,找到最适合自己、前景最为看好的职业呢,帝王职业顾问专家认为,市场瞬息万变,冷门、热门也在不停变化。想从事热门职业,关键要有前瞻性,以成长性强的职业作为自己的目标。归纳起来,前瞻性体现在这几个关键当口: 1、填报专业时。职业规划从选择大学专业时就该开始。高考填报志愿时大多数人也以热门行业作为风向标,其实这样很危险。前些年金融行业火爆,报考金融专业的学生数量大增,学校也纷纷开设相关专业。结果没几年,金融专业的学生由于数量过多遭遇就业困难。现在,计算机专业的学生也面临着相似状况。相反,有些人报考了某些冷门专业,反而有意想不到的发展。譬如,心理学一向比较冷,而近几年心理咨询师、儿童顾问等相关职业却成school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 了人才市场上的抢手货。 2、选择职业时。尽量选择有发展潜力的职业,不要拼命追逐那些已经炙手可热的职业。成长性强的职业应具备两个条件。其一,在市场上,与该职业相关的人才供不应求;其二,提供相关职位的企业,发展态势大多蒸蒸日上,在政策方面拥有不少利好消息。具备这两个条件的职业,势必需要大量从业人员,呈现出“求贤若渴”之势,很可能是下一个“热门”。 3、加盟行业时。选择行业时可做一番调查分析,包括社会热点职业的分布、自己所选择的行业在当前与未来社会中的地位、社会发展趋势对行业的影响等。再分析一下自己的人脉资源,包括在从事选定职业的过程中将同哪些人交往,这些人都属于哪些行业等等,最后根据实际情况选择有利于自己成长的行业。 此外,帝王职业顾问提醒:还要记住两个原则: 1、无论从事什么职业,都要考虑兴趣爱好及个性特点相结合。热门专业、职业、行业都可预测,但切不可因为追求热门而强迫自己从事不喜欢或不擅长的职业。 2、无论从事什么职业,都要努力把它做好。一份职业的前景如何,最大的决定因素并非是行业前景,而是自己有没有用心去做,能不能成为某一领域的专家。现代社会专业分工越来越精细,个人只要做好自己的工作,真正做到“人无我有、人有我精”,就一定会有所建树。 中国首家职业顾问和管理顾问权威专业机构——帝王职业顾问公司为职场人士提供:职业定位、职业转型、职业发展、职业规划、职业选择、职业能力提升、就业指导、求职急救、简历包装、面试技巧、岗位点评、岗位推荐、猎头合作、高中生高考选专业、职业顾问实战培训以及其它职场方面的困惑等服务~是您求职、跳槽、加薪、晋升、转型的得力助手。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 热门职业不如潜力行业 热门职业成陷阱,这并不是危言耸听。在美国,会计与律师和医生一样,是各种职业中收入水平最高的职业。但我们也许有所不知,在美国失业率最高的专业排名中,也是这三个专业的毕业生。 在我国,目前这种热门职业高失业率现象也已出现。如前几年,会计专业人才紧缺,于是,高校、中等专业技术学校、职校纷纷开设会计专业,学生也把报考这一专业作为首选,以为一旦考上,以后工作就业不成问题。可谁知,近年来形势急转直下,对一个没有任何经验的财会专业毕业生来说,要想谋求一份称心如意的工作已成为一个难题。 怎么办,有专家建议,已经学了会计专业、暂时求职无门的人,一方面要认识到就业形势的严峻,重新调整求职的心理定位,不强求专业的对口和较高收入,先把握可能有的机会,待积累几年职业经验以后,再谋求新发展机会;另一方面,不要停留在已有的知识和技能上,要趁年轻多学一点本事,如外语口语、电脑应用、营销技巧、管理基础等,为未来寻求新的职业发展作充分的准备。 21世纪是要求实力的时代,有知识有头脑的人才会在新一轮的竞争大潮中站稳脚跟,而我们要做的,就是要随时充电,我们要补充些什么营养才好呢,我认为,把握潮流,但不追随潮流,因时制宜,就会成为社会潮流中的宠儿。 在知识经济时代,所谓把握潮流,就是要把握社会发展的主动脉,看清楚人们在追求知识方面的“热门”和“冷门”。所谓不追随潮流,就是要根据自己的实际情况,适时适地充电。不要别人一窝风地学什么,你也盲目跟上,那样更多的时候就会掉进河里,除非你在这个“热门”中有专长。否则你就要退却,到“冷门”中去寻找适合自己的内容充电,要打破你的知识局限,面要宽要广。 就职于某外资保险公司的关怡最近从报上看到一则消息:中国未来10年需要5000名精算师。这是英国鹰星保险有限公司与上海财经大学联合举办的精算实务研讨会“精算”出来的结果。关怡很快打电话托上海一位同学,咨询上海财经大学精算学专业研究生招生事宜。school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 她说:“随着外资保险机构的逐渐登陆,精算师必将是未来的热门职业,当我毕业的时候,正是市场最抢手的时候。”关怡上大学时学的专业是商业统计。她说:“我原来学的专业是大路货,现在能干这份工作的人太多了。我必须尽快更新知识,为将来谋划一份吃香的职业。” 就职于某律师事务所的孙小姐刚参加完全国专利代理人资格考试。谈起报考的初衷,孙小姐说:“在西方发达国家,专利代理人是收入最高的职业之一。所谓知识经济,在某种意义上讲就是专利经济。因此,专利代理人的前景十分广阔。”孙小姐的打算是:“将来开一家私人专利代理行。” 瞄准未来的潜力行业,提前做好知识储备,那就意味着你已经稳操明天的胜券。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 什么职业社会声望高, ——管理咨询师。管理咨询工程师似乎是金领中的金领~它的收入已超出了大众对工薪收入的最高想象~国内又奇缺~管理咨询工程师是企业的“医师”~帮助企业诊断问题~并找出可行良方。时下~国企的谋求生存~私企为保“江山”~三资企业为更新发展~都纷纷寻求管理咨询师这个“外脑”来重新整合竞争力。 ——软件工程师。在5月热门职位排行榜中~最令人关注的职位属软件工程师~其需求量总是列名第一~成为IT人求职的热点话题。软件工程师的未来是什么,有那些出路,你是否已做好物质上及心理的准备以迎接各阶段的挑战呢,从软件技术的发展及软件产业的竞争看业来~只有学会学习~软件工程师才能应对未来的各种挑战。 ——国际公务员。国际职员~这个对许多人来说并不熟悉的职业~何以令数以千计、出类拔萃的青年才俊竞折腰,荣耀感是在联合国工作最诱人的地方。当然~在荣耀感之外~它的神秘感也会吸引人跃跃欲试。另外~即使在美国等发达国家盈利颇高的大企业~也会因经济不景气而遭遇裁员。但联合国职员一般不会被解雇~而且工作相对轻闲。如果与我们过去常说的铁饭碗相比~这个职业堪称是金饭碗。 ——培训师。目前一般企业内训的收费是按天计算~每天,万元到?万元左右~而其中相当大部分是支付培训师的费用~一般培训讲师上一天课的收入在?,,,至,万元不等~平均约在,,,,元每天左右。目前广州一般初入行但能在企业内训行内立足的培训师~一年收入在,,万至,,万元是十分普遍的~而年收入在,,万元属中上水平~水平更高、名气更响的培训师则年收入往往超过百万元。 ——注册会计师。整个行业的前景非常看好~市场缺口很大。最近几年注册会计师考试统计数字很能说明问题~2001年各科通过考试(及格百分比如下:会计5(7%~审计13(6%~财务9(27%~经济法7(96%~税法6(81%~一次性五科全部通过的比例仅有0(36%~一方面是国家对于注册会计师质量的严格控制~但另一方面也说明注册会计师是不折不扣的“紧销货”。目前~我国大约需要35万名注册会计师~但目前只有5万名~而其中一大半得不到国际机构的认可。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification ——律师。目前~法律专业人员(以律师为首)在最高收入中排列第二。截至2000年底~我国有律师11.7万~而有企业5000万家~相比于国内市场经济、企业发展的庞大需求~可谓“僧少粥多”~房地产律师、应诉专业律师以及通晓国内外法律的律师尤为短缺。但“律师”这个“金饭碗”也并非人人都能端~不仅要求通过资格认证~而且越来越要求通才化。 ——精算师。精算师是保险业的精英~集数学家、统计学家、投资学家于一身的保险业高级人才。该行业不仅要具备保险业的知识~更需要预测未来发展方向的能力~被称为“与未来不确定性”打交道的行当。目前~我国真正称得上“精算师”只有极少数人~其他的经过初级考试~被称为“准精算师”。 ——高级电路工程师。高级电路工程师在被调查者中是最年轻的“金领”。它包括程序设计师、开发工程师、系统工程师和网络支持工程师等电路技术专家。要想成为IT界专家~就得拥有国际公认的IT证书。目前~IT业已有200多种认证培训。所以~这个“金饭碗”端起来也并不轻松~但业内人士称该类认证“在5年内都十分吃香”。 ——注册建筑师。作为“凝固的音乐”的灵魂的注册建筑师~它的含知量和含金量一直都受人景仰。目前全国已注册的一级建筑师有8300人左右~二级建筑师3万人~远远落后于发达国家人数。注册建筑师的稀缺~是导致建筑产品粗劣的重要因素~同时又因“物以稀为贵”~其身价近年来扶摇直上。在国内平均年薪已达5万元以上。 什么职业最赚钱, ——职业营销经理。日前~北京外企服务集团,FESCO集团,下属的太和顾问公司~对北京地区外资企业消费品行业的薪酬进行了广泛的调查。从调查结果中我们可以得到一些信息。总监一级:销售部遥遥领先。35至40岁可能成长为部门总监级管理人员~其中销售部总监年近60万元~收入遥遥领先,财务部总监以6万元之差紧随其后,IT系统运营部总监收入最低~年薪不足40万元。其中,财务部总监薪酬与年龄之比最高。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification ——明星及其经纪人。明星显性收入其实不一定算得上最高~但隐性收大约无人能比~像走穴的、逃税的、广告的收入等等~没有人知道她们到底有多少钱~媒体上只有她们的豪宅名车。明星的收入令人眼红~而为之服务的文化经纪人也“水涨船高”。经纪人的收入一般来自明星的提成~大多是提两成~根据明星名气的大小和二人之间的关系~会有或多或少的变化。一位圈内人士说:虽然只能提两成~但做好了~一年上百万的收入是不成问题的。 ——保险经纪人。保险经纪人与律师、会计师一样~是一种独立的专业人员~是保险市场的专家~与保险代理人单纯招揽业务、收取保费、签发保单相比~保险经纪人能提供更为全面的服务。据美国《职业薪资行情年鉴》等资料显示~保险经纪属于高薪收入行业。美国保险经纪人平均年薪约在,,—?,万美元。在我国~保险经纪人~作为一种重要的独立中介从业人员~其骨干的年收入往往在10万元以上~个别精英年收入逾百万。普通人员的收入也在6——10万元之间。随着保险市场的进一步发展~保险经纪人的收入将会有较大增长。 看点:热门职业考证大排行 人气最高的考证 房地产经纪人 职业描述:要买房、租房,往往需要找个中介,而这个中介就是这里所说的房地产经纪人了。房地产经纪人的具体定义就是在房屋和土地的买卖、转让、抵押、租赁、交换等交易活动中充当中间媒介,接受委托,收取佣金的自然人和法人。 职业前景:房地产经纪人是购房、租房等过程中的一个连接者,起着非常重要的作用。目前,房地产业高度繁荣,二级市场也异常火爆,这时候就特别需要规范市场,也特别需要专业的房地产经纪人。因此,房地产经纪人的职业前景是比较光明的。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 职业薪酬:平均一下,房地产经纪人月收入大致在2000元~5000元(内地),3000元~8000元(沿海)。 考证链接:全国房地产经纪人职业资格考试,由国家人事部、建设部共同负责,费用分科收取,每人每科暂定为75元左右(不包括培训费用)。 注册会计师 职业描述:依法取得注册会计师证书并接受委托从事审计和会计咨询、会计服务业务的执业人员。 职业前景:我国大约需要35万名注册会计师,但目前只有5万名,且其中一大半得不到国际机构的认可,人才缺口很大。在未来10年我国需求的15类人才排行榜中,注册会计师位居榜首,尤其是熟知专业业务和国际事务的人才更为抢手。注册会计师有望成为高人气“金领”族。 职业薪酬:现在,拿到内地注册会计师资格,整体薪金水平可以达到每年5万到10万元人民币;而拿到一个洋证书,则意味着平均50万元,甚至超百万的年薪。 考证链接:注册会计师全国统一考试(CPA)考试有5个科目,可选报,报名费用分科收取,每科45元(不包括培训费用)。 师 职业描述:掌握项目管理的原理、技术、方法和工具,参与或领导项目的启动、计划、组织、执行、控制和收尾过程等活动,确保项目能在规定的范围、时间、质量与成本等条件约束下,完成既定目标的专业人员。 职业前景:项目管理的重要性被越来越多的中国企业及组织所认识,而目前项目管理专业人才却很少。诱人的高额年薪以及广泛的就业前景,使得项目管理师成为超越MBA的最炙手可热的“黄金职业”。 职业薪酬:在美国,从事项目管理工作的初级人员年薪4.5万~5.5万美元,中级人员6.5万~8.5万美元,高级人员11万-30万美元。 考证链接:项目管理专业人员资格认证(PMP),是由全球最大的项目管理专业组织机构———美国PMI设立的。PMP资格认证考试费为3900元人民币,报名费100元。国内的项目管理师职业资格认证是去年刚刚启动的,鉴定费用为:项目管理员300元,人,项目管理师800元,人,高级项目管理师1800元,人。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 人力资源管理师 职业描述:从事人力资源规划、员工招聘选拔、绩效考核、薪酬福利管理、激励、培训与开发、劳动关系协调等工作的专业管理人员,就是人力资源管理师。 职业前景:人力资源管理师是精通这门学问的专业人才,跟以前的人事管理有很大区别,其更加专业化。目前该职业缺口较大,仅上海保守估计缺口就在3万人左右。 职业薪酬:一些高科技企业人力资源总监年薪可高达70万元左右。 考证链接:正规培训普通班培训费为:人力资源管理员1280元,助理人力资源管理师1380元。 最吃香的IT类考证 电子商务师 职业描述:利用计算机技术、网络技术等现代信息技术从事商务活动或相关工作的人员。通俗地说,电子商务师就是通过专业的网络商务平台,帮助商家与顾客或商家与商家之间完成商务买卖活动的从业人员。 职业前景:近年来,全球电子商务高速增长,网上交易迅猛发展,电子商务的发展前景不可限量。预计我国在未来10年大约需要200万名电子商务专业人才,由于互联网用户正以每年100%的速度递增,该行业的人才缺口相当惊人。 职业薪酬:其月薪起价约为3000元~5000元。据悉,电子商务师的薪酬水平随着电子商务业的兴盛,还将会大幅上升。 考证链接:电子商务师国家职业资格考试是全国统考,分为电子商务员(国家职业资格四级)、助理电子商务师(国家职业资格三级)、电子商务师(国家职业资格二级)和高级电子商务师(国家职业资格一级)4个等级,综合考试费用约100元。 网络工程师 职业描述:网络工程师,就是对企业(政府)网络信息系统进行设计、运行、管理和维护等工作的专业工程技术人员。 职业前景:近年来我国IT行业发展迅猛,而且受信息化影响,除了IT业,即使是传统企业也都开始建立自己的信息系统和网站。根据国内资料显示,每年全国各类企业对网络工程师的人才需求缺口有60万之众。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 职业薪酬:目前国内网络工程师年薪可达10万元左右。 考证链接:国家网络技术水平考试(NCNE)是我国最高水平的IT认证,也是我国网络方面惟一的政府认证,考试合格可获得国家信息化工程师证书和美国国家通信系统工程师协会(NACSE)认证证书双认证。考试分5个等级,考试费用(包括知识水平和实践能力考试)在300元至2000元不等。 最有“钱途”的考证精算师 职业描述:精算是一门运用概率数学理论和多种金融工具对经济活动进行分析预测的学问。精算师是保险业的精英,是集数学家、统计学家、投资学家于一身的保险业高级人才。 职业前景:精算师有较高的社会地位和较高的收入,在世界许多国家都可算是一种热门而诱人的职业。随着我国保险业和咨询业的迅速发展,对精算师也已经提出了十分迫切的需求。 职业薪酬:在美国,精算师的平均年薪达9.95万美元,中国的保险公司精算师最高月薪达9000元人民币。 考证链接:我国的精算师考试有中国精算师考试、北美精算师协会的精算师资格考试、英国精算师考试和日本精算师考试4个系列。中国精算师资格考试按科目收费,每门考试须交纳考试费用100元。 最好玩的考证 调酒师 职业描述:调酒师在不少年轻人看来真是既好玩又够酷的职业。调酒师的工作就是在酒吧或餐厅专业从事配制酒水、销售酒水,并让客人领略酒的文化和风情。 职业前景:随着近年酒吧行业的兴旺,调酒师也渐渐成为了热门的职业。据有关资料显示,北京、上海、深圳、广州等大城市,每年缺2500名左右的调酒师。 职业薪酬:调酒师在我国的薪水为1000元至7000元人民币不等。基本工资,服务费,酒水提成将是未来我国调酒师的薪酬构成。 考证链接:参加国家劳动和社会保障部推出的调酒师职业资格考试,考证费用初级为80元,中级为100元。 DJ(调音师) school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 职业描述:在约一人宽的工作台前,手指在CD唱机、DJ混音台、LD磨盘机间跳跃,这就是DJ们每晚的工作,一副酷酷的样子,令无数年轻人羡慕不已。 职业前景:随着社会的发展,酒吧、迪厅等娱乐场所越来越多,对DJ的需求也越来越多,然而目前我国受过专业培训的DJ并不多。 职业薪酬:DJ的薪水也因人而异,一般的DJ月薪在万元左右。如果是腕级的DJ,年薪能达几十万元。 考证链接:打CD机学费约为3000元,学胶木机学费5000元(不包括DJ其他用品的费用)。 盘点:最热的六大白领职业证书 2009年12月01日 凤凰网教育频道 对许多人来说,职业培训及各种证书无疑是求职、加薪之路的密钥。那么,在新的一年里,哪些培训将成为热门中的热门,结合上一年职业培训的走势及求职分析调查,人力资源、物流管理、物业管理、市场营销等六大热门职业,并为你的求职加薪提出了建议。 人力资源 5年从业者月薪5200元 现在没有人怀疑HR在企业中的地位。打开各个招聘网站,人力资源招聘信息永远处在“第一集团”,各行各业都需要。人力资源专业性强,国家对此实行“就业准入”,入行和提升都需取得职业资格证书。在人才市场中,既懂政策又熟业务的持证人才备受企业青睐。据统计,3年从业者的平均月薪在3500元左右,5年从业者平均月薪达到5200元。除劳动部颁发的人力资源管理师/助师职业资格证书外,2006年,国企外企通行的剑桥国际考试委员会主持的剑桥人力资源考试也进入北京,是世界上被接受范围最广的国际职业资格证书之一。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 物流管理 做高级人才享受高薪待遇 2006年12月18日,京城某著名媒体以“2006招聘市场四类人才受追捧”为题,报道了物流人才因势渐热的趋向走势。随着入世过渡期几个行业的放开,以及筹备2008年奥运会,物流人才成为市场需求的旺点,还被国家列为12种稀缺人才。据《北京物流蓝皮书》报告,北京物流人才缺口20万,而高级管理层人才缺口达6万。业内人士表示,目前一般物流人员的月薪在2000元左右,真正好的物流师,月薪5000元至1万元都不算多。 物业管理 想不到的新白领职业岗位 《物业管理条例》第33条规定:物业管理从业人员必须持有国家职业资格证书方可上岗就业。北京市目前有3000多家物业管理公司,所需专门人才达到35万人,能符合物业管理持证上岗的人员只有约5万人,远远不能满足市场所需,持证物业管理人才炙手可热。根据上半年我国大中城市职业薪资调查,物业公司的高层管理岗位平均薪资达5800元/月,中层管理岗位平均薪资达3100元/月,成为多数人忽略的新兴白领职业。 市场营销 从销售转为Marketing 营销就是销售,这已是旧观念。2006年,更多的人投身到市场营销的专业学习中,Marketing的概念开始深入人心。营销人员代理企业所有者打理整个企业的市场运营,从研发规划到产品交付,把握并引导消费需求、规划产品组合、制定竞争策略和营销计划„„营销职业报酬普遍偏高,特别是当前市场稀缺中高层营销管理人员,其报酬底限至少10万元。据悉,八成以上的公司高层有过营销方面的从业经验。 LCCI行政管理 通行全球的职业资格证书 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 行政工作不简单,不要以为坐过办公室就能干行政,成熟企业运作与中国传统事业单位行政办公室作风相差甚远。2006年,越来越多的企业将员工送至培训机构学习行政管理。其中,由英国伦敦工商会考试局(LCCIEB)与国家劳动部合作的“LCCI企业行政管理”职业资格认证是最火爆的职业证书,国际通行、全球90多个国家认可。 财务会计 记账人也能担当企业决策 稳定是财务管理人员的优势,升迁和加薪则难上难。聪明的财务管理人员已经重拾课本,准备从单纯的记账人走向企业核心决策者。会计证只是初级财务人员的起点;中级会计职称是成为核心财务管理人员的必备条件,外地人更可凭此申请北京工作绿卡;ACCA国际会计师则是晋级财务决策乃至公司决策层的阶梯。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 2010年中国七大金饭碗行业 2009年09月17日 中国职场 金融风暴袭击中国经济,使得就业难题更加突出。但还是有许多职业在中国的行情越形看俏,你不得不注意~ 智联招聘网和某网站结合中国经济发展的未来趋势,并请中国人力资源专家归纳出中国2010年的职场新趋势,求职者不妨参考一下。 职务:现场翻译员 薪资:40万人民币 现场翻译员被称为“21世纪第一紧缺人才”。随着中国与国际接轨越形稳固的情况下,对外经济交流以及国际活动 (如奥运会)增多,这些“会务商机”的涌现,都需要现场翻译员作为中间桥梁翻译。 现场翻译员薪资按照时间来算,现在的价码是每小时4000元到8000元。相关人士透露,“4年之后入驻中国和北京的外国大型企业越来越多,这一行肯定更吃香。” 职务:物流人才 薪资:现在年薪已达10万元 根据中国相关机构统计,目前中国物流人才的需求量快速成长,目前物流人才的缺乏达600万人。但调查显示,许多物流部门的管理人员多是半路出家,很少受过专业的培训。 目前,在中国从事物流产业的人员中,拥有大学学历以上的仅占21%。据相关人士透露,英荷皇家壳牌集团在中国招聘的应届大学生,目前开的价码为每月6000元到8000元。 据了解,在一年之后会有相当大的成长空间。“现在中国物流人才的基本薪资为一年7万元至10万元。由于全世界能源供给越来越紧缩的刺激下,估计4年之后,中国这方面人才的薪资只会多不会少。”该人士表示。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 职务:环境工程师 薪资:年收入8万至10万元 根据中国调查统计,中国环保产业从业人员仅有13万人,其中技术人员占了8万人。按照发达国家环保产业从业人员数量来看,中国目前在环境工程师的人才需求超过42万人左右。 根据业内人士透露,目前园林设计师、景观设计师的月薪都在7、8000元左右;随着中国房地产市场越形看俏的趋势下,明年此行业的年收入应在8万至10万元。 职务:3G工程师 薪资:基本年薪15万至20万元 据中国研究机构?计世信息发布的相关研究统计,估计中国3G人才缺口将达到50万人以上。 由于目前3G人才严重缺乏,预计4年之后,3G工程师的基本年薪会在15万元至20万元。 中国空中网的相关人士表示,“从目前一些趋势来看,在无线增值服务行业里精通2.5G技术的人才年薪都在10万元左右,因此,可以确定的是,3G到来之后这些人才的收入绝对会更高。” 职务:网络媒体人才 薪资:年收入10万至12万元 据业内消息人士透露,目前在新浪和搜狐的网络编辑月薪都在5000元左右;而管理阶层的收入在8000元至10000元。 “相信4年之后整个网络媒体的广告收入越来越多的时候,从业人员的薪资想必会有相对成长的趋势。”新浪网的一位编辑对自己所从事的行业很有信心。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 据此编辑的预测,将来网络媒体职业的年收入应在10万元至12万元。 职务:网络架设工程师 薪资:年收入10万至20万元 据智联招聘网消息,中国刚毕业、毫无经验的大学生应征上企业的网络系统架设工程师之后,基本年薪为8万元。 由于中国用户对网络系统的架设服务要求越来越高,从最初的网络建设到内部应用,再持续延伸到对业务流程和资源策略的咨询服务。因此,估计未来系统架设工程师在中国应该是一路走高的职业。 据智联招聘网的相关人士预测,系统架设工程师在未来的年薪会在10万元至20万元左右。 职务:精算师 薪资:年收入12万至15万元 根据中国数据显示,中国精算师受国际保险领域认可的人数不到10人。 2009最易就业的八大职位 2009年09月15日 新华网 去年下半年开始迅速蔓延的国际金融危机,对我国产生了极大影响,市场萎缩,经济下滑。面对重重压力,党中央、国务院陆续出台了一系列应对政策,起到了良好效果。据国家统计局统计,1,7月,全国规模以上工业增加值同比增长7.5%. school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 经济回升、市场回暖态势带动了我国就业市场,据国内首家分行业招聘网站英才网联数据显示,2009年上半年人才市场逐渐回暖,热门职位需求明显攀升。而从最易就业的八大职位盘点中不难看出,建筑、金融、医药、化工、机械、IT电子、教培等行业率先走出金融危机阴霾,走向复苏之路。 土建工程师需求长盛不衰 目前,楼市回暖,基建项目的大量投入,不仅带动了建筑家居业的发展,同时也提供了更多的就业岗位。据建筑英才网数据显示,今年上半年,土建工程师职位的需求量增幅最大。 就业指导专家指出:我国建筑业施工企业有10万多个,从业人员3500多万,从事建设工程项目总承包和施工管理的广大专业技术人员,特别是在施工项目经理队伍中,建造师执业资格是必备条件。建造师是懂管理、懂技术、懂经济、懂法规,综合素质较高的复合型人员,既要有理论水平,也要有丰富的实践经验和较强的组织能力。 理财顾问缺口至少10万 随着我国金融市场的不断发展,理财顾问已经成为金融业一个新兴的职业,国内从事理财规划的专业人士也大多聚集于保险、银行、证券等金融行业。专家介绍,按照1个理财顾问服务100人估算,国内理才顾问的缺口至少10万人。 职业指导专家介绍,理财规划师并没有男女的限制。由于女性更加有耐心和更细心,女性理财顾问更容易赢得客户的信任。不过,需要女性锻炼自己的逻辑和分析能力,来适应这个绝对理性的职业。 销售人才走俏医药职场 在今年上半年医药英才网举办的医药专场招聘会上,销售代表、医药代表、销售经理等销售类人才成为了医药职场宠儿,近八成参展企业都发布了此类人才的需求。其实销售人才的缺乏不只在医药领域出现,在其他行业这种现在也存在,一场招聘会销售人才需求会占到百分之五十,有的甚至能达到百分之八十。 就业指导专家指出,医药行业的销售人员对专业性有很高要求,比如医疗器械销售,大school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 多还要求和大型医院有着良好的关系。而市场招聘的普通医药销售人员,大多要求专科以上学历,医学专业或者有医药背景,而销售代表或者销售经理等职位,则要求是本科以上学历,医学专业或有医药背景,同时还要求有三到五年以上工作经验。 化工业研发工程师“钱”景最佳 据化工英才网数据显示,今年上半年,化工行业招聘的需求亮点是——研发工程师。该职位不但线上需求火爆,而且在化工英才网举办的几场化工专场招聘会现场,多家公司都打出热招口号来招揽研发工程师。 就业指导专家指出,作为化工行业“钱”景最好的职位——研发工程师,一直是众多化工行业人才的“理想职位”,竞争激烈程度可想而之。专业、经验、成功案例一个都不能少。这种“残酷”要求,对一些刚工作的新人是非常不利的。而研发助理的要求相对要低一些,新人可以考虑这一职位,在工作积累经验,完成从“新人”到“旧人”的质变。 机械设计师成为才市宠儿 随着制造业趋热,机械行业呈现逐渐复苏的状态。目前机械技术人员的薪酬还没有走高,但需求已开始放量。而机械技术人员中最需要机械设计师,该岗位是机械行业核心岗位,直接决定着机械企业的产品竞争力。 职业指导专家介绍,机械设计的基础是机械,但设计者要了解掌握必要的电子、控制方面的专业知识,因为现在很多机械设备中都有电控功能,功能的实现和电控元器件的布置安装在设备设计时必须综合考虑。 3G 人才年薪15~20万 随着3G网络的推进步伐加快,移动商务和移动增值服务软件开发人员的需求量正在逐渐上升。据计世资讯发布的相关研究报告称,估计国内3G人才缺口将达到50万人以上。由于目前3G人才比较少,尤其是复合型人才奇缺,预计4年之后3G工程师的基本年薪会在15万元至20万元。 就业指导专家表示:“3G业务的开展,会使传统软件工程师需求减小,而掌握移动通信school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 技术的软件工程师将会成为职场新贵。” 幼儿教师成为“香饽饽” 由于越来越多的家庭已经意识到了儿童早期教育的重要性,家长对于幼儿教育的要求也逐步提高。拓展幼儿的思维能力,发挥幼儿的想象力,提高幼儿的判断能力等等一系列要求也催生了幼教市场的繁荣发展。幼儿教师职位需求的增长势头已经超过了管理类人才的需求,成为教培才市最抢手的人才。 就业专家指出,现在用人单位最需要幼儿潜能开发培训师、蒙氏游戏数学培训师、幼儿科学实验培训教师和亲子教师这类的专业幼儿教师。而以上几类职位,也是目前教育培训业最抢手的人才。 服装行业专业技工需求攀升 服装企业的技术工种目前处于“饥渴”状态。近年来,我国纺织服装产业产业发展非常迅速,对于技工的需求一直非常旺盛,但是熟练的技术人才却不容易招到。 数据显示,招聘需求上升明显的是“制版师、纸样师、样衣工”之类的专业技工。由此可见,在服装企业经营困境中,具有一技之长并从事一线生产的专业技工成为企业保留实力的重要岗位。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 十大领先职业薪酬大揭秘 2009年06月09日 金黔在线 七十年代人作为享受中国改革开放各种天时地利的第一代人,毕竟有一些其他年代人不可比拟的优势。许多人较好地抓住时机,把握“钱”途,逐渐修炼成了当今社会的“白骨精”(白领、骨干、精英)。不信你看,许多收入高、有社会地位的职业都是七十年代人独领风骚。 七十年代出生的人常说自己是“最尴尬的一代”:好不容易考上大学,却发现国家不包分配了,只好拿着“曾荣获优秀学生干部称号”的简历无头苍蝇一样四处乱窜;好一点的费尽周折进了党政机关或企事业单位,却发现在这个激情创业的时代,拿干巴工资的工薪族实在太可怜。 并且七十年代似乎不太“合群”,在喜欢稳扎稳打的六十年代人眼里,七十年代人是叛逆的一代,在初生牛犊不怕虎的八十年代人眼里,七十年代和四五六十年代人一样,统统落伍。 不过,七十年代人作为享受中国改革开放各种天时地利的第一代人,毕竟有一些其他年代人不可比拟的优势。许多人较好地抓住时机,把握“钱”途,逐渐修炼成了当今社会的“白骨精”(白领、骨干、精英)。不信你看,许多收入高、有社会地位的职业都是七十年代人独领风骚。 职业经理人 年收入:10万--100万元 五十年代人高声讨伐七十年代人,说他们没有责任感,下决心不与他们交朋友,不同他们作生意。可七十年代人在生意场上唱主角的现实却不可否认。失去了计划经济体制的保障,生意场上的活跃分子承担着巨大的风险,同时也都在追求的着最大的利润,七十年代人因为敢于冒险,并善于做“赚钱生意”,特别是他们喜欢以这个年代人特有的思维来衡量“值不值得”,所以,职业经理人中很多精英都是七十年代人。七十年代人说,职业经理人是最充满诱惑、最适合自己的职业。 IT业 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 年收入:5万--80万元 自从1993年第一根互联网专线在中国开通,一群七十年代人的名字便与中国互联网事业紧紧联系在一起。十一年来,中国it产业风起云涌,经历了天堂与地狱。中关村里第一批生于七十年代的ceo们,也从狂热归于理性。“英雄”、“知本家”、“it新贵”,当罩在头上的一个个光环时不时断电无光时,只有他们清楚。com传奇背后的酸甜苦辣。不过,从现实来说,毕竟许多七十年代的人功成名就,誉满it了。 传媒 年收入:3万--20万元 七十年代的人最厌恶的是“原则”,因此那些以求新求变、新鲜刺激为特点的职业就成了七十年代人的天下。尤其是改革开放以来,中国传媒业飞速发展,七十代年人如鱼得水。我们看到,报纸不断在加厚,出了“周末版”还有“月末版”,杂志分出了上半月和下半月,电视节目更是在不停地创新,做游戏、找对象,亲戚朋友一起上。报刊编辑,网站策划,短信写手,乃至新闻线人、专栏作者等一些新职业让人眼花缭乱,而你仔细看看,这个行业中多数是七十年代的人在唱主角。 作家 年收入:3万--15万元 七十年代人出生在一个讲“理想”和“远大抱负”的年代,却不得不生活在一个重视现实的社会里。从小形成的世界观使他们思想开放,愤世嫉俗,但又不得不面对理想与现实的巨大反差。和平年代不会产生惊逃诏地的好小说,但却不防碍大批七十年代作家的诞生。“因为无奈,我们存在;因为存在,我们无奈。” 于是,我们看到了七十年代人中独有的文学“另类”。 工程师 年收入:5万--15万元 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification “学好数理化,走遍天下都不怕”,这样的思想熏陶了整整几代人。在我国的高等教育中,工科专业历来占有绝对比重。七十年代生人的工科毕业生,八、九十年代就走上工作岗位,经过时间的历炼,从学徒工到技术员到工程师是必然的过程。也有些人七十年代的人说,他们人天生就是工程师的料儿。 医生 年收入:3万--20万元 如今看病找老中医的时代已经过去了,出生于七十年代、现在是三十来岁的医生成了“香饽饽”,因为这些人一般是正规医学院校毕业,对一些新的医学技术掌握很块,加上实践经营的积累,使他们很快成为医院不可忽视的“少壮派”。加上面对各种压力,他们勤奋好学,善于钻研,逐渐成了单位“拿手术刀”的骨干。当然,论起收入,他们也自然是名列前茅。 教师 年收入:3万--10万元 近年来,我国不断推进素质教育,作为教育生产力最活跃的因素,教师这一职业也越来越受青睐。尤其是计算机、生物工程等各种新兴学科的发展,生于七十年代的教授、讲师早已不是新鲜事。面对崇拜周杰伦、渴望与老师“平起平坐”的学生,七十年代年轻教师更懂得怎样保持授课的新鲜感,他们的观念和表达方式更容易让学生接受。特别是在中小学教师队伍中,七十年代人已成为“中流砥柱”。 金融证券 年收入:5万--50万元 在经济金融全球一体化的今天,我国银行、保险、证券等金融行业的发展面临巨大的机遇和挑战。一大批专业知识丰富、实践能力强的复合型人才在这些行业发挥着极为重要的作用,而金融从业人员中七十年代人占有绝对的比例。各大证券机构、基金公司、保险公司的职员几乎都是留着小平头、三十岁左右的实力派,他们精通投资理财、金融营销和信息技术,具有创新的意识和能力,头脑灵活,在不断发展的经济大环境中实践着自己的财富人生。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 市场营销 年收入:5万--80万元 市场经济中最热门、最有魅力的一个字眼就是“营销”。 商家要进入市场,不但要有好的营销理念,更重要的是要有一支高素质的营销队伍??市场营销从来没有像现在这样被摆在如此重要的位置。七十年代人具备执着、钻研、勤奋等良好职业素质,工作始终充满了旺盛的精力,加上整个市场的良性发展,七十年代人做营销可谓天时,地利,人和。 广告策划 年收入:5万--80万元 广告策划这一职业的引入绝对是七十年代人的专利。过去的十年,应当说是中国广告业迅猛发展的十年,目前,中国广告业的年营业额已超过千亿元,并且中国已经取得了2004年第三十九届世界广告大会的主办权。广告市场的巨大人才需求,更增添了广告策划人的职业魅力。生于七十年代的广告策划人见解独特,有新意,他们坚信“不做总统,就做广告人”的精典信条,如果用一句话来概括出生于七十年代广告人的特点就是:语不惊人死不休~ 社会竞争犹如赛跑,不得不让人感慨万千。生于七十年代,如今三十而立,也许此时的心情是复杂的,不过俗话说得好:有人骑马,我骑驴,还有一个拉车的。无论工作贵贱,收入高低,找准自己的位置是最重要的。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 盘点中国十大新兴热门人气行业 2010年12月13日 凤凰网教育综合 一、心理咨询师 现代社会,随着社会压力和社会大环境的改变,人们越来越重视身体健康和保健,心理健康问题也愈来愈受到重视。如何在身体健康的同时保持心理的健康,保持良好的心态来面对生活,日益增长的需求下,心理咨询师越来越炙手可热。 心理咨询师是拥有广阔前景的职业,特别是在教育、医疗、社区、机关、企业、司法、团系统等领域将有更大需求。目前中国心理咨询专业人才严重紧缺,急待更多的专业人才加入到心理咨询师的行列。 二、职业规划师 作为职业人的“Career Partner”,职业规划师这一朝阳职业在2010年继续走向成熟。职业规划师的主要工作是结合专业知识和相关资源,给予职业人职业上的专业建议、判断和解决办法。面对激烈的就业竞争,包括大学生、职场新人、跳槽者、失业者等各类人群都需要职业发展方面的帮助,而相关人才却非常短缺。相比心理咨询师而言,职业规划师的服务面更具广泛性。 从职业发展教育角度来看,上海有近1000所中学和职业学校,如果每所学校配备一名职业规划师,就有1000名人才缺口;如果高校每个系配备一名职业规划师,仅高校中的缺口也达数千。各企业、人才中介服务机构中相关职能人员都应具备职业规划岗位资质,人才缺口相当巨大。 在全国人力资源服务市场上,目前具备相关资质的职业规划咨询人员仅万余人,根据发达国家每3000名求职者有一名职业规划师的比例,全国需要近30万职业规划师。2010年,来向阳生涯接受中国职业规划师(CCDM)专业培训、认证的学员达到了数百人,较去年出现了大幅增长,可以预见,2011年,职业规划师将继续走红。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 三、婚姻家庭咨询师 越来越多的人开始反思自己的婚姻和家庭状况,婚姻家庭咨询师走向前台。 在西方发达国家和我国港澳台地区,活跃着许多拥有职业认证的婚姻家庭咨询师。他们为在恋爱、婚姻、家庭生活中遇到问题的求助者提供咨询服务,有效地帮助人们解除各种婚恋困扰。美国目前有近12万名婚姻家庭咨询师。 婚姻家庭咨询师是受人尊敬、社会地位高、收入高、工作时间灵活的高端职业。当前,人们对生活质量、夫妻感情、家庭幸福的要求不断提升。但是,面对择偶困惑、恋爱挫折、婚姻动荡、家庭不和、青少年成长危机等现象,许多人产生了困惑,出现了种种问题。许许多多遇到婚姻家庭问题的当事人求助无门,甚至为此酿成个人生活悲剧。今年,婚姻家庭咨询师已正式通过相关部门审批,成为目前我国婚姻家庭咨询领域唯一的合法职业。据有关数据统计显示,我国有3.7亿个家庭,需要100万名“婚姻家庭咨询师”。但专业的婚恋情感专家队伍并未成比例地扩大。因此,这个行业的从业者越发炙手可热。 四、打假卫士 打工皇帝唐骏身陷 “学历门”,让 “打假”成为热词,而且已经衍生为一种新行当,如 “反假冒调查员”、“商务及资信调查员”等。 保护企业知识产权不受侵犯,是 “打假”类职位增多的主要原因。而随着市场上提供专业“打假”机构越来越多。目前来看,“打假卫士”的需求主要来自知识产权专业服务机构、各类民间调查公司和大型企业。宝洁每年都会耗资上亿美元进行打假,同行的很多快速消费品公司也都有专门的知识产权部门负责打假。这些跨国公司往往会组织起自己的打假团队,直接在市场上布点进行调查监测,随时掌握产品可能被侵权的动向。目前,国外许多大公司都聘有大量的调查员。 五、网络推手 又名网络推客、网络策划师,懂得网络推广并能应用,把网络明星网络事件推出来的人。网络红人往往离不开网络推手,他们让现实中的普通人以极快的速度红遍网络。把普通人在网络上炒红,只是网络推手工作的一部分。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 网络推手的特征是:通晓网络操作规则,熟谙大众接受心理,手握八方可用资源。网络红人离不开网络推手,他们让现实中的普通人以极快的速度红遍网络。不过,把普通人在网络上炒红,只是网络推手工作的一部分,网络推手最主要的是对企业和产品的推广服务。 六、会展策划师 一出好戏,离不开的是导演;一个成功的展会,离不开的是——会展策划师。2010年上海世博会让会展策划师们找到了一个全所未有的职业平台。在会展策划师们的辛勤工作下,全世界的人们看到了一场最为精彩、难忘的世博会。 我国会展业起源于改革开放初期,经过20多年的高速发展,目前已锤炼出一批有一定国内与国际影响的会展项目。进入上世纪90年代以来,国家开始大力提倡会展产业的发展,会展业成为了我国各地城市的重点发展的产业。据不完全统计,最近两年,全国每年举办的达到一定规模的展会活动项目已超过3000个,进入市场的会议项目则数以万计。但由于我国会展业和对会展经济的研究都起步较晚,会展教育亦相对滞后,各地都缺乏真正职业得会展专业人才。 七、手机游戏软件工程师 游戏动漫等创意文化行业曾经在过去的金融危机里逆流而上,如今,手机游戏开发人才更是成为了职场新宠。 随着3G的发展,手机的功能也越来越强大,使得许多与手机娱乐功能相关的职位需求猛增。手机游戏策划、手机游戏高级开发工程师、手机游戏单机开发工程师和手机网游服务器端JAVA开发高级工程师等需求呈明显增长。 就拿手机游戏程序设计师来说,这是一个典型的用作品说话的职业,如果你想顺利进入手机游戏企业,面试时能够展示一款PC平台的MUD游戏、一款完整的手机游戏是必不可少的,这将会成为你进入企业的“敲门砖”。 八、理财规划师 “你不理财,财不理你”,理财的观念日益深入人心,国内理财市场每年都在快速增长。school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification 理财师作为个人和家庭的“财富咨询师”,能够为客户提供全方位的专业理财建议,通过不断调整存款、股票、债券、基金、保险、动产、不动产等各种金融产品组成的投资组合,设计合理的理财规划,满足人们长期的生活目标和财务目标。 目前,各大银行、证券、保险、期货公司都在大量招聘理财规划师,理财规划师从业者正处在高速发展中,然而,国内专业素质强、综合理财技能强的理财规划师一将难求。 九、亲子咨询师 来自国家统计部门的数据显示,我国目前有超过2.2亿的2岁-12岁的少儿,每年新生婴儿大约有2000万人;子女教育费用已排在城市居民总消费中的第一位。由此看来,亲子教育行当大有可为。 在欧美的一些发达国家,每300人就拥有一名家庭亲子关系辅导师,为家庭亲子关系进行辅导。而我国具有专业素质的家庭亲子辅导专业人员目前不足两万人。据预测,今后我国至少需要60万名家庭亲子关系专业人才,人才缺口十分巨大。 十、中医保健师 近年来,随着工作和生活节奏的不断加快、市场竞争的更趋激烈,人们在享受丰富物质生活的同时更加渴望健康。中医针灸、按摩、理疗机构大量出现,广受欢迎。掌握中国传统中医知识和技能的中医保健师也焕发了全新的生命力,未来发展空间十分宽广。 职业变迁日新月异,热门职业引人瞩目。专家提醒,理想的职业选择要基于每个人精准的职业定位,而不能光看冷热,以清晰的职业定位为“准星”、以科学的职业规划为“航向”,才能找到真正适合自己的那个“理想职业”~不管是哪一种新职业,究竟是否适合你,咨询一下专业的职业规划师可以帮你更科学的做出决断。 school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification school)], 4 4 house building as well as more than 1000 copies of books, more than 10 kinds of collection of newspapers and magazines, fires burnt down. In 1938, the Japanese learned that the national Government established in XI Tang Tomb rotten "clip" taxes, tax officers live in 8 of Yan Dong village farmers home, troops at night, Yao was burned several houses. 1938 new morning of September 18, the Japanese team went to the countryside "sweep" from the kaiyang village line to Tung Yang Jia Qiao yan Temple wall and met Yang Jia溇 Zhou Dana (male) weeks because of long-term illness and can't work in the fields, the Japanese see his face from scratch without calluses, regard him as "Shina", thrust a knife at the scene of his death. The body was stabbed 7 times, wound 13. The same day, Trang bang village heard the Japanese come to "mop-up" are hiding, mother of 9 Zhou Guanbao Zhang Aying to drill a "dry mound", was discovered by the Japanese, a shot in the end. The same day, is 7 zhouhaijiangzhi grandfather Zhou Yingbao to escape the Japanese army, was found on the road, a shot in the end. In March 1939, the Japanese army in Yan Tomb raiding, has arrested 16 people, in fengqiao cigarettes this morning bang, killing 11 people on the River, East meeting point in wood qiaotu in the afternoon killing 4 people on the Riverside. Gu Tong is a Japanese go speak the Shanghai dialect, later to be called Gu Tong as "kill left." On January 18, 1943, the elves, five thousand or six thousand, water and land go hand in hand "mop-up" jiaxing area west of the railway, Yan Tomb area fall. March 6, Niu Shan (County Government II section chief) carrying its child Niu Jun (strict Tomb seventh district Chang) and the District Assistant Yu Xuchu, and players Jin Fuqin, and Shen Baosheng, six people received Wujiang underground County Government notification
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