

2018-05-03 32页 doc 214KB 36阅读




_动车论坛_接触网作业工作票签发及座台要令讲_动车论坛_接触网作业工作票签发及座台要令讲 接触网作业工作票签发及座台要令讲义 第一部分 工作票签发 1. 工作票的用途及填写要求 工作票是进行接触网作业的书面依据~填写时要字迹清楚、正确~需填写的内容不得涂改和用铅笔书写。《安规》第16条。 2.工作票签发人具备条件 工作票签发人,和工作领导人,安全等级不低于四级。同一张工作票的签发人和工作领导人必须由两人分别担当。《安规》第19条。 接触网工作人员安全等级,《安规》附录2, 等级 允许担当的工作 必须具备的条件 一 地面简单的作业(如推扶车梯、拉绳、1.新...
_动车论坛_接触网作业工作票签发及座台要令讲 接触网作业工作票签发及座台要令讲义 第一部分 工作票签发 1. 工作票的用途及填写要求 工作票是进行接触网作业的书面依据~填写时要字迹清楚、正确~需填写的不得涂改和用铅笔书写。《安规》第16条。 2.工作票签发人具备条件 工作票签发人,和工作领导人,安全等级不低于四级。同一张工作票的签发人和工作领导人必须由两人分别担当。《安规》第19条。 接触网工作人员安全等级,《安规》附录2, 等级 允许担当的工作 必须具备的条件 一 地面简单的作业(如推扶车梯、拉绳、1.新工人经过教育和学习,初步了解电气化铁道安全作业的基础知识。 级 整修基础帽等) 2.了解接触网地面作业的规定和要求。 1.各种地面上的作业。 1.参加接触网运行和检修工作3个月以上。 二 2.不拆卸零件的高空作业(如清扫绝2.掌握接触网高空作业一般安全知识和技能。 级 缘子、支柱涂漆、涂号码牌、验电、3.掌握接触网停电作业接地线的规定和要求,熟悉作业区防护信号的显 装设接地线等) 示方法。 1.各种高空和停电作业。 1.参加接触网运行和检修工作1年以上;具有技工学校或相当于技工学 校及以上学历(供电专业)的人员可以适当缩短。 2. 间接带电作业 3.隔离(负荷)开关倒闸作业。 2.熟悉接触网停电和间接带电作业的有关规定。 三 4.防护人员的工作。 3.具有接触网高空作业的技能,能正确使用检修接触网用的工具、材料级 和零部件。 5.进行巡视工作。 6.要令人及倒闸作业、停电作业、验4.具有列车运行的基本知识,熟悉作业区防护的规定及信联闭知识。 电接地监护人 5.能进行触电急救。 1.各种停电和间接带电作业的工作1.担当三级工作1年以上。 四 票签发人、工作领导人及监护人。 2.熟悉本规程。 2.间接带电作业的要令人、操作人。 3.能领导作业组进行停电和间接带电作业。 级 3.工长。 1.车间主任、供电调度员。 1.担当四级工作1年以上。对技术人员及正副段长具有中等专业学校(或五 2.技术科长(主任)、副科长(副主相当于中等专业学校)及以上的学历(供电专业)可不受此限。 任),接触网技术人员。 2.熟悉本规程、接触网运行检修规程,以及接触网主要的检修工艺。 级 3.段长、副段长、总工程师、副总工3.能领导作业组进行停电和间接带电作业。 程师。 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 3.工作票签发简易流程 签发工作根据各类生产任务,明确工作票签发依据 票依据 确定签发工根据作业性质不同,确定工作票类型作票类型 查找工作票涉及设备及相关资料,如接触网平面图等。需要时可到查找资料现场查看设备实际情况,如上网点位置、是否有同杆架设等。熟悉设备 根据作业内容、工作量,确定参加作业组人员数量、安全等级等。确定作业 组成员 确定作业根据作业项目、工作量、设备状况,确定作业安全防护措施。 安全措施 签发、核签发工作票,并核对。对工作票 交接、核向工作领导人交接工作票,并核对、确定。对工作票 4.什么情况下可不开工作票进行作业 第一种情况:事故抢修和遇有危及人身或设备安全的紧急情况~作业时可以不开工作票~但必须有供电调度命令。《安规》第16条。 第二种情况:对接触网的巡视、较简单的地面作业,如支柱培土、清扫基础帽等,可以不开工作票~由工区负责人向工作领导人布臵任务和安全防护措施~说明作业的时间、地点、内容~并记入值班日志中。《安规》第23条。 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 5. 工作票的分类 根据作业性质的不同~工作票分为三种: ,1,接触网第一种工作票,格式见接触网工作票样表,~用于停电作业。 ,2,接触网第二种工作票,格式见接触网工作票样表,~用于间接带电作业。 ,3, 接触网第三种工作票,格式见接触网工作票样表,~用于远离作业即距带电部分1m及其以外的高空作业、较复杂的地面作业,如安装或更换火花间隙和地线、补偿装臵、开挖和爆破支柱基坑、未接触带电设备的测量等,。《安规》第17条。 6.接触网工作票样表 isirrhosmmon specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. cocell b-acillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single nella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bsalmo rrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria,up hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonococci is, a,, and b, and d grobacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro ine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test ofm, urce to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputumaster of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistan sionalparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) profesic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preautomat-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-To know: 1. fully test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. Agglutination, Brucella - 3 - 接触网第一种工作票 接触网工区 第 号 作业地点 发票人 作业内容 发票时间 工作票有效期 自 年 月 日 时 分至 年 月 日 时 分止 工作领导人 姓名: 安全等级: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 作业组成员姓名 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 及安全等级(安 全等级写在括号 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 内) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 共计: 人 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 需停电的设备 装设接地 线的位置 作业区防 护 措 施 其 他 安 全 措 施 变更作业组 成员 工作票结束时间 年 月 日 时 分 工作领导人(签字) 发票人(签字) 说明:本票用白色纸印绿色格和字。规格:A4 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 接触网第二种工作票 接触网工区 第 号 作业地点 发 票 人 作业内容 发票时间 工作票有效期 自 年 月 日 时 分至 年 月 日 时 分止 工作领导人 姓名: 安全等级: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 作业组成员姓名及安 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 全等级(安全等级填在 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 括号内) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 共计: 人 绝缘工具 状 态 安全距离 作业区防护 措 施 其他安全 措 施 变更作业组 成员记录 工作票结束 年 月 日 时 分 时 间 工作领导人(签字) 发票人(签字) 说明:本票用白色纸印红色格和字。规格:A4 isirrhosmmon specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. cocell bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single nella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bsalmo rrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria,up hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonococci is, a,, and b, and d gro-bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, microine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test ofm, urce to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputumaster of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistan sionalparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) profesic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preautomat-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-To know: 1. fully test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. Agglutination, Brucella - 5 - 接触网第三种工作票 接触网工区 第 号 作 业 地 点 发 票 人 作 业 内 容 发票时间 工作票有效期 自 年 月 日 时 分至 年 月 日 时 分止 工 作 领 导 人 姓名: 安全等级: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 作业组成员姓名及安全等 级(安全等级填在括号内) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 共计: 人 安 全 措 施 变 更 作 业 组成员记录 工 作 票 年 月 日 时 分 结束时间 工作领导人(签字) 发票人(签字) 说明:本票用白色纸印黑色格和字。规格: A4 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis isirrhosmmon specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. cocell bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single nella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bsalmo rrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria,up hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonococci is, a,, and b, and d gro-bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro ine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test ofm, urce to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputumaster of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistan sionalparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) profesic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preautomat-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-To know: 1. fully test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. Agglutination, Brucella - 7 - Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 7.工作票签发数量 工作票填写1式2份~1份由发票人保管~1份交给工作领导人。《安规》第16条。 8. 工作票有效期限 第一、三种工作票有效期不得超过3个工作日。第二种工作票有效期不得超过2个工作日。《安规》第18条。 9.工作票保管要求 作业结束后~工作领导人要将工作票和相应命令票,格式见接触网作业命令票,交工区统一保管。在工作票有效期内没有执行的工作票~须在右上角盖“作废”印记交回工区保管。所有工作票保存时间不少于12个月。《安规》第18条。 10.接触网作业命令票 接触网停电作业命令票 接触网工区 第 号 命令编号: 批准时间: 年 月 日 时 分 命令内容: 要求完成时间: 年 月 日 时 分 发令人: 受令人: 消令时间: 年 月 日 时 分 消令人: 供电调度员: 说明:本票用白色纸印绿色格和字。规格:半幅A4 isirrhosmmon specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. cocell bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single nella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bsalmo ine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test ofrrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria,up hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonococci is, a,, and b, and d gro-bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro m, urce to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputumaster of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistan sionalparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) profesic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preautomat-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-To know: 1. fully test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. Agglutination, Brucella - 9 - 接触网间接带电作业命令票 接触网工区 第 号 命令编号: 批准时间: 年 月 日 时 分 命令内容: 发令人: 受令人: 消令时间: 年 月 日 时 分 消令人: 供电调度员: 说明:本票用白色纸印红色格和字。规格:半幅A4 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro ine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test ofm, urce to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputumaster of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistan sionalparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) profesic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preautomat-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-To know: 1. fully test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. Agglutination, Brucella isirrhosmmon specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. cocell bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single nella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bsalmo rrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria,up hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonococci is, a,, and b, and d gro-- 11 - 11. V形天窗接触网检修作业使用的工作票右上角应加盖“上行”或“下行”印记~垂直天窗作业要在工作票右上角加盖“垂直”印记。“上行”印记为红色~“下行”印记为蓝色~“垂直”印记为红色。《安规》第24条。 12.工作票、命令票编号: “月份”-“01、02、03……”形式编号~工作票与命令票编号一致。 13(工作票中必写的安全措施 工作票中要有针对V形天窗接触网检修作业的特殊性提出的安全措施。主要是: ,1,写明上行,下行,停电~下行,上行,有电~人员机具不得侵入下行,上行,限界, ,2,防止误触有电设备的安全措施, ,3,防止感应电伤害的安全措施, ,4,防止穿越电流伤害的安全措施, ,5,防止电力机车将电带入作业区段的安全措施。 在设备较复杂的区段作业~应附页画出作业区段简图~标明停电作业范围、接地线位臵~并用红色标记带电设备。《安规》第24条。 14. 工作票签发人在安排工作时~要做好下列事项: ,1,所安排的作业项目是必要和可能的, ,2,所采取的安全措施是正确和完备的, ,3,所配备的工作领导人和作业组成员的人数和条件符合规定。《安规》第25条。 15.工作票交接要求 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 发票人一般应在工作的前一天将工作票交给工作领导人~使之有足够的时间熟悉工作票中的内容并做好准备工作。工作领导人对工作票内容有不同意见时~要向发票人提出~经认真~确认无误后~签字确认。 每次作业一名工作领导人同时只能接受一张工作票。一张工作票只能发给一名工作领导人。《安规》第20条。 16. 作业人员变更要求 工作票中规定的作业组成员一般不应更换。若必须更换时~应由发票人签认,若发票人不在可由工作领导人签认。工作领导人更换时~必须由发票人签认。 当变更作业方式、内容、地点时~必须废除原工作票~签发新的工作票。《安规》第21条。 17. 作业前~工作领导人应组织作业组成员列队点名~宣讲工作票并进行分工。分工时要将本次作业任务和安全措施逐项分解落实到人~然后方准作业。《安规》第22条。 第二部分 座台要令 1(座台要令是开展接触网作业过程中~进行信息传达、行车防护的一个重要岗位。 2(座台要令简易流程: isirrhosmmon specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. cocell b-acillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single nella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bsalmo rrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria,up hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonococci is, a,, and b, and d grobacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro ine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test ofm, urce to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputumaster of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistan sionalparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) profesic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preautomat-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-To know: 1. fully test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. Agglutination, Brucella - 13 - 接收任务工作领导人安排座台人员 准备座台座台人员查看工作票,熟悉工作内容及相关要求 (确定座台车站,作业项目,作业内容,作业需要时间,轨道车辆运行要求等) 提前30分钟到达座台车站座台 (按要求着装,佩戴座台胸卡,对讲机,工作票,命令票等) 向电调汇向车站和电调说明座台事项,了解天窗点前后行车组织情况报座台(填写运统-46) 在天窗点前,联系将作业轨道车辆放到作业区段就近车站。联系放轨 道车辆 电调和行调下达停电命令,向工作领导人传达允许作业信息,传达作业 填写作业命令票停电信息(允许作业车辆进入作业区段,接触网设备停电等) 作业组作业过程中,随时了解临线行车情况,并向工作作好行车领导人传达信息,动态了解工作进度,作好作业过程中防护车辆转线运行工作 现场作业向车站电调向车站反馈作业完毕信息,请求允许车辆车辆返回车站。完成后反馈信息向电调作业完毕信息,请求作业完毕消令。(填写命令票)联系作业向电调(行调)和车站联系将作业车辆放回工区。车辆返回 收集整理座台信息,并将作业工作票和命令票交工区保管座台结束 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 接触网停电作业有关座台要令要求: 1. 座台人员资格要求 每个作业组在停电作业前由工作领导人指定一名安全等级不低于三级的作业组成员作为要令人员~向供电调度申请停电命令~并说明停电作业的范围、内容、时间、安全和防护措施等。《安规》第66条。 2(几个作业组同时作业时~对作业座台要求 几个作业组同时作业时~每一个作业组必须分别设臵安全防护措施~分别向供电调度申请停电命令。《安规》第66条。 注:3(供电调度员在发布停电作业命令前~要做好下列工作: ,1,将所有的停电作业申请进行综合安排~审查作业内容和安全防护措施~确定停电的区段, ,2,通过列车调度员办理停电作业的手续~对可能通过受电弓导通电流的分段绝缘部位采取封闭措施~防止从各方面来电的可能, ,3,确认有关馈电线断路器、开关及接触网开关均已断开~作业区段的接触网已经停电~方可发布停电作业命令。《安规》第67条。 4(供电调度员发布停电作业命令时~受令人认真复诵~经确认无误后~方可给命令编号和批准时间。在发、受停电命令时~发令人要将命令内容等记入“作业命令记录” ,格式见下表,中~受令人要填写“接触网停电作业命令票”。《安规》第68条。 isup hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonoirrhosmmon specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. cocell bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single nella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bsalmo rrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria,cocci is, a,, and b, and d gro-bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro ine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test ofm, urce to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputumaster of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistan sionalparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) profesic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preautomat-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-To know: 1. fully test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. Agglutination, Brucella - 15 - 作业命令记录 年 命要求完批准 消令 供电调令 月日 命令内容 发令人 受令人 消令人 时间 时间 度员 成时间 号 说明:本表应装订成册。用白色纸印黑色格和字。规格: A4 5(工作票中规定的作业任务完成后~由工作领导人确认具备送电、行车条件~将作业人员、机具、材料撤至安全地带~拆除接地线~宣布作业结束~通知要令人向供电调度请求消除停电作业命令,坐台要令人员向车站值班员请求消除线路封闭命令。停电命令和行车封锁命令消除后~人员、机具不得再次上网和侵入建筑限界。 几个作业组同时作业~当作业结束时~每个作业组要分别向供电调度申请消除停电作业命令。《安规》第78条。 注:6(当供电调度送电时须按下列顺序进行: ,1,确认整个供电臂所有作业组均已消除停电作业命令。 ,2,按照规定进行倒闸作业。 ,3,通知列车调度员接触网已送电~可以开行列车。 《安规》第79条。 Agglutination, Brucella test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. To know: 1. fully-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-automatic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) professional master of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistance to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputum, urine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test of bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, micro-cocci is, a,, and b, and d group hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonorrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria, salmonella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single cell bacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. common specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cirrhosis 接触网间接带电作业有关座台要令要求: 7(每个作业组作业前~由工作领导人指定安全等级不低于四级的作业组成员作为要令人员向供电调度申请作业命令。在申请间接带电作业命令时~要说明间接带电作业的范围、内容、时间和安全防护措施。 几个作业组同时作业时~每一个作业组必须分别设臵安全防护措施~分别向供电调度申请作业命令。《安规》第83条。 注:8. 供电调度在发布间接带电作业命令前~要做好下列工作: 1.将所有的间接带电作业申请进行综合安排~审查作业内容和安全防护措施~确定作业地点、范围和安全防护措施。 2.在作业过程中如果发现馈电线的断路器跳闸~供电调度员在未弄清作业组情况前不得送电。作业组如果发现接触网无电时~要立即向供电调度员报告。 3.供电调度员在发布间接带电作业命令时~受令人要认真复诵~经确认无误后~方可给命令编号和批准时间。每次间接带电作业~发令人将命令内容填写在“作业命令记录”中~受令人要填写“接触网间接带电作业命令票” 。《安规》第84条。 isirrhosmmon specimens painted ... Lesions, peptic ulcer bleeding, bleeding from esophageal varices), hepatitis and alcoholic liver cacteria, and addicted to malt yellow single cell bacteria, and not moving Bacillus is, and produced alkali Bacillus is) 4. cocell bacillus is, and puluofei Deng bacteria is, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa fake single cell bacteria, produced alkali fake single nella bacteria, records he bacteria, Crabb bacteria, hafuniya bacteria is, deformation Bacillus is, sildenafil citrate acid Bsalmo rrhea Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, produced single nuclear cell Liszt bacteria, and colorectal Escherichia coli bacteria,up hammer bacteria, and swine hemolytic sex hammer bacteria, and pneumonia hammer bacteria, meningitis, and card he, and gonococci is, a,, and b, and d gro-bacteria. (Golden Staphylococcus, epidermal Staphylococcus, saprophytic Staphylococcus, microine, stool, pus, pleural effusion, secretion) 3. common culture, isolation, identification and drug sensitive test ofm, urce to acid, ink staining) 2. common nuclear collection, cultivation and identification of specimens. (Blood, CSF, sputumaster of clinical microbiological examination of: 1. the commonly used staining of microorganisms. (Gram, resistan sionalparation, using a fluorescent microscope operation and their own analysis on the examination results of antibody. (Vi) profesic immunological analyser calibration, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 3 immunofluorescence test specimen preautomat-automatic calibration of microplate, standard operating, maintenance and servicing. 2. full/semi-To know: 1. fully test 2. clinical and immunological analysis of external quality assessment and quality control, method and data analysis. Agglutination, Brucella - 17 -
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