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光的波粒二象性光的波粒二象性 人类对光的研究起源很早,但对光本质的认识经历了一个较漫长的过程。光究竟是波还是粒子,光的波动说与微粒说之争从十七世纪初开始,至二十世纪初以光的波粒二象性告终,前后共三百多年的时间。正是这种争论,推动了科学的发展,并导致了20世纪物理学的重大成就——量子力学的诞生。 战国初期伟大的思想家 、政治家,也是一位有卓越贡献的自然科学家墨子(生于公元前480-476年左右,卒于公元前420-390年左右)(左图)是墨家学派的创始人。墨家学派著作的总汇是《墨子》,其主要组成部分是《墨经》(右图),这是一部内容丰富、结...
光的波粒二象性 人类对光的研究起源很早,但对光本质的认识经历了一个较漫长的过程。光究竟是波还是粒子,光的波动说与微粒说之争从十七世纪初开始,至二十世纪初以光的波粒二象性告终,前后共三百多年的时间。正是这种争论,推动了科学的发展,并导致了20世纪物理学的重大成就——量子力学的诞生。 战国初期伟大的思想家 、政治家,也是一位有卓越贡献的自然科学家墨子(生于公元前480-476年左右,卒于公元前420-390年左右)(左图)是墨家学派的创始人。墨家学派著作的总汇是《墨子》,其主要组成部分是《墨经》(右图),这是一部丰富、结构严谨的科学著作。《墨经》中记载了丰富的几何光学知识。墨子和他的学生做了世界上最早的“小孔成像”实验,并对实验结果作出了光沿直线传 播的科学解释,并用此原理解释了物体和投影的关系。 古希腊数学家欧几里德(Euclide,公元前330-公元前275)(左图)在他的《光学》著作里总结了到他那时为止已有的关于光现象的知识和猜测。那时的人们已经知道,在眼睛和被观察物体之间行进的光线是直线; integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 当光线从一个平面反射时,入射角和反射角相等。 古希腊天文学家、地理学家和光学家托勒密(Clandius Ptolemaeus,约90,168)(右图)最早做了光的折射实验。托勒密在他的最后一本重要著作《光学》中提出和说明了各种基本原理,他依靠经验发现了折射的规律,绘出了 光线以各种入射角从光疏媒介进入水的折射表,但没有由此得出精确的折射定律。 英国科学家罗吉尔?培根(Roger Bacon,1214-1292)(左图)在物理学方面,特别是对于光学的研究极为深刻,他通过实验研究了凸透镜的放大效果以及光的反向和折射规律,证明了虹 是太阳光照射空气中的水珠而形成的自然现象。 意大利著名美术家、科学家列奥纳多?达?芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci,1452-1519)(右图)以博学多才著称,他在光学、力学、数学和解剖学等方面都有不少创见或发明。他描述了光是如何通过不同表面反射的,眼睛是如何感觉反 射并判断距离的,人类的眼睛是如何接受透视的,以及光投射在物体上是如何产生阴影的。 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 德国天文学家和数学家约翰尼斯?开普勒(Johannes Kepler,1571-1630)(左图)对光的折射现象进行了深入的研究,并于1611年出版了《折射光学》一书。开普勒的研究表明,对于两种给定的媒质,小于30度的入射角同相应的折射角成近似固定的比,对于玻璃或水晶,这个比约为3:2。他还表明,这个比对于大的入射角不成立。开普勒试图通过实验发现精确的折射定律,他的方法虽然是正确的,却没有得到其中 有规律性的联系,但开普勒的研究为后来斯涅耳得出折射定律起到了一定的启示作用。 荷兰数学家威里布里德(斯涅耳(Willebrord Snell Van Roijen 1591-1626)(右图)在总结托勒密、开普勒等前人的研究成果后做了进一步的实验。1621年,斯涅耳在实验中注意到了水中的物体看起来象漂浮的现象,由此引出了他对折射现象的研究,并发现了光的折射定律,也称斯涅耳定律,但当时未做任何理论推导,虽然正确,却未正式 公布。 1637年,法国数学家、物理学家、哲学家笛卡儿(Rene Des cartes,1596—1650)(左图)在他的《屈光学》书中提 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 出了著名的折射定律。他从一些假设出发,并从理论上进行了推导,即光的入射角与折射角的正 弦之比为常数,由此而奠定了几何光学的基础。 十七世纪中期,物理光学有了进一步的发展。1655年,意大利数学家格里马第(Francesco Maria Grimaldi,1618-1663)(右图)在实验中让一束光穿过两个小孔后照到暗室里的屏幕上,他发现在投影的边缘有一种明暗条纹的图像,马上联想起了水波的衍射,于是格里马第提出:光可能是一种类似水波的波动,这就是最早的光波动说。格 里马第认为,物体颜色的不同,是因为照射在物体上的光波频率的不同引起的。 格里马第的实验引起了英国物理学家胡克(Robert Hooke,1635-1703)(左图)的兴趣。他重复了格里马第的工作,并仔细观察了光在肥皂泡里映射出的色彩以及光通过薄云母片而产生的光辉。他判断,光必定是某种快速的脉冲,提出了“光是以太的一种纵向波”的假说。根据这一假说,胡克也认为光的颜色是由其频率决定的。他在1665年出版的《显微术》(Micrographia)一书中明确地支持波动说。这本著作很快为胡克赢得了世界 性的学术声誉,由于他的加入,波动说似乎也在一时占了上风。 英国物理学家、数学家和天文学家牛顿 (Isaac Newton,1642-1727)(右图)以极大的兴趣和热情对光学进行研究。1666年,牛顿在家休假期间用三棱镜进行了著名的色散试验。一束太阳光通过三棱镜后,分 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 解成几种颜色的光谱带,再用一块带狭缝的挡板把其他颜色的光挡住,只让一种颜色的光再通过第二个三棱镜,结果出来的只是同样颜色的光,由此发现了白光是由各种不同颜色的光组成的。为了验证这个发现,牛顿又设法将几种不同的单色光合成白光,并且计算出不同颜色光的折射率,精确地说明了色散现象,揭开了物质的颜色之谜,物质的色彩是不同颜色的光在物体上有不同的反射率和折射率造成的。公元1672年,牛顿把自己的研究成果发表在《皇家学会哲学杂志》上。牛顿的分光试验使几何光学进入了一个新的领域:物理光学。牛顿提出了光的“微粒说”,认为光 是由微粒形成的,并且走的是最快速的直线运动路径。 荷兰物理学家、天文学家、数学家克里斯蒂安?惠更斯(Christian Huygens,1629-1695)(左图)是与牛顿同一时代的科学家。惠更斯发展了光的波动学说,在1678年给巴黎科学院的信和1690年发表的《光论》一书中都阐述了他的光波动原理,即惠更斯原理(他认为每个发光体的微粒把脉冲传给邻近一种弥漫媒质(“以太”)微粒,每个受激微粒都变成一个球形子波的中心(他从弹性碰撞理论出发,认为这样一群微粒虽然本身并不前进,但能同时传播向四面八方行进的脉冲,因而光束彼此交叉而不相互影响,并在此基础上用作图法解释了光的反射、折射 等现象。惠更斯提出了光波面在媒体中传播的惠更斯原理,打破了当时流行的光的微粒学说。 牛顿的“微粒说”与惠更斯的“波动说”构成了关于光的两大基本理论,并由此而产生激烈的争议和探讨,科学家们就光是波动还是微粒这一问题展开了一场旷日持久的拉锯战。因牛顿在学术界的权威和盛名,“微粒说”一直 占据着主导地位。 英国物理学家托马斯?杨(Thomas Young,1773-1829)(左图)对牛顿的光学理论产生了怀疑。杨氏在1800年写成的论文《关于光和声的实验和问题》中,把光和声进行类比,因为二者在重叠后都有加强或减弱的现象,他认为光是在以太流中传播的弹性振动,并指出光是以纵波形式传播的。他同时指出光的不同颜色和 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 声的不同频率是相似的。在经过百年的沉默之后,波动学说终于重新发出了它的呐喊;光学界沉闷的空气再度活跃起 来。 1801年,杨氏进行了著名的杨氏双缝干涉实验。实验所使用的白屏上明暗相间的黑白条纹证明了光的干涉现象,从而证明了光是一种波。杨氏在英国皇家学会的《哲学会刊》上发表论文,首次提出了光的干涉的概念和光的干涉定律。1803年,杨氏在《物理光学的实验和计算》论文中根据光的干涉定律对光的衍射现象作了进一步的解释。他认为衍射是由直射光束与反射光束干涉形成的,虽然这种解释不完全正确,但在波动学说的发展史上有着重要意义。 杨氏的理论激起了牛顿学派对光学研究的兴趣。 1808年,法国著名的天文学家和数学家拉普拉斯(Pierre Simon de Laplace,1749-1827)(左 图)用微粒说分析了光的双折射线现象,批驳了杨氏的波动说。 1809年,法国物理学家及军事工程师马吕斯(Etienne Louis Malus,1775-1812)(右图)在试验中发现了光的偏振现象。在进一步研究光的简单折射中的偏振时,他发现光在折射时是部分偏振的。因为惠更斯曾提出过光是一种纵 波,而纵波不可能发生这样的偏振,这一发现成为了反对波动说的有利证据。 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 1811年,苏格兰物理学家布儒斯特(David Brewster,1781-1868)(左图)在研究光的偏振现象时发现了光的偏振现象的经验定律。光的偏振现象和偏振定律的发现,使当时的波动说陷入了困境,使物理光学的 研究更朝向有利于微粒说的方向发展。 面对这种情况,杨氏对光学再次进行了深入的研究,1817年,他放弃了惠更斯的光是一种纵波的说法,提出了光是一种横波的假说,比较成功的解释了光的偏振现象。吸收了一些牛顿派的看法之后,他又建立了新的波动说理论。 杨氏把他的新看法写信告诉了牛顿派的法国科学家阿拉果(Dominique Francois Jean Arago,1786-1853)(右图)。 阿拉果早年遵循微粒说观点研究光学,认为光和热、电、磁一样,都是由无重量的微粒构成的流体,它们受物质分子的短程引力和斥力的作用,产生反射、折射、双折射等各种光学现象;对分子相同的物质,折射率将和密度成正比。 阿拉果在学习期间就与法国物理学家毕奥(Jean Baptiste Biot, 1774-1862)(左图)合作研究光在地球大气中的折射,以证明拉普拉斯在天体力学中提出的大气由氧和氮的同心环组成、密度随海拔变动的公式。阿拉果用实验证明,温度和压强影响大气折射,而空气温度及二氧化碳的含量可以忽略。马吕斯发现光的偏振现象后, 阿拉果就用偏振光以不同的入射角度投向各气态、液态和晶态物质,结果发现了旋光现象。 1813年起阿拉果对微粒说的信仰发生了动摇,他参与测定了许多液体和固体折射率,发现根本不存在微粒说所 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 述的和密度成正比的关系;此外,他还认识到杨氏1801年的干涉理论能更好地解释色偏振等实验事实。 法国物理学家菲涅耳(Augustin-Jean Fresnel,1788,1827)(左图)1815年就试图复兴惠更斯的波动说,但他当时还不知道杨氏关于衍射的论文,他在自己的论文中提出是各种波的互相干涉使合成波具有显著的强度。后来阿拉果告诉了他杨氏新提出的关于光是一种横波的理论,从此菲涅耳以杨氏理论为基础开始了他的研究。1819年,菲涅耳成功的完成了对由两个平面镜所产生的相干光源进行的光的干涉实验,继杨氏干涉实验之后再次证明了光的波动说。在对光的传播方向进行定性实验之后,非涅耳与转向波动说的阿拉果一道建立了光波的横向传 播理论。 1814年,德国天文学家夫琅和费(Joseph Von Fraunhofer,1787,1826)(右图)在重复做牛顿分解太阳光的实验时,在一间小黑屋子的窗板上开了一条狭缝,让太阳光通过这条缝射入屋子里,成为一条扁扁的光束,再让光束经过三棱镜,变成了宽大的扇形落到对面的白墙上,成为从红到紫的光带,他意外地发现了太阳光谱中的一些重要现象。 1821年夫琅和费在波动学说的基础上导出了从衍射图形求波长的关系式。 新的波动学说牢固的建立起来了,微粒说开始转向劣势。 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 随着光的波动学说的建立,人们开始为光波寻找载体,以太说又重新活跃起来,但人们在 寻找以太的过程中遇到了许多困难,于是各种假说纷纷提出。 菲涅耳在研究以太时发现,横向波的介质应该是一种类固体,而以太如果是一种固体,它又怎么能不干扰天体的自由运转呢。不久以后法国科学家泊松(Siméon Denis Poisson,1781,1840)(左图)也发现 了一个问题:如果以太是一种类固体,在光的横向振动中必然要有纵向振动,这与新的光波学说相矛盾。 为了解决各种问题,1839年法国数学家柯西(Augustin Cauchy,1789-1875)(右图)提出了第三种以太说,认 为以太是一种消极的可压缩性的介质,试图以此解决泊松提出的困难。 英国物理学家麦克斯韦(James Clerk Maxwell,1831,1879)(左图)通过对电磁现象的研究,建立了电磁学,并将光和电磁现象统一起来,认为光就是一定频率范围内的电磁波,从而确立了波动说的地位。这种理论预见后来得到了实验的证实。1873年,麦克斯韦完成巨著《电磁学通论》,这是一部可以同牛顿的《自然哲学的数学原理》相 媲美的书,具有划时代的意义。 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 1887年,德国科学家赫兹(Heinrich Rudolf Hertz,1857-1894)(右图)用实验证实了电磁波的存在,也证实了光其实是电磁波的一种,两者具有共同的波的特性。赫兹在实验中同时也证实了光电效应,即在光的照射下物体会释 放出电子,这一发现,后来成了爱因斯坦建立光量子理论的基础。 德国物理学家普朗克(Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck,1858-1947)(右图)早期从事热力学的研究,他的博士论文就是《论热力学的第二定律》。1900年,普朗克为了克服经典物理学对黑体辐射现象解释上的困难,创立了物质辐射(或吸收)的能量只能是某一最小能量单位(能量量子)的整数倍的假说,即量子假说。 -27他引进了一个物理普适常数,即普朗克常数,以符号h表示,其数值为6.626176×10尔格?秒,是微观现象量子特性的表征。他从理论上导出了黑体辐射的能量按波长(或频率)分布的公式,称为普朗克公式。量子假说的提出对现代物理学,特别是量子论的发展起了重大的作用。普朗克在做了大量的实验后又提出了电磁波这种形式的能量辐射,使人们认识到电磁波是某种粒子,既光量子。为了强调光的粒子属性,光量子被称之为“光子”。光子的质量在运动 中显示出来。 但电磁学存在着巨大缺陷,按照麦克斯韦理论,真空中电磁波的速度(光速)应该是一个恒量,然而根据经典力学对光速的解释,不同惯性系中的光速不同。光速究竟是否应该遵从相对性原理,电磁学对光速的解释与经典力学在相对性原理上相互之间产生了巨大的矛盾,而正是这一矛盾,导致了人类历史上最伟大的科学家——爱因斯坦的出 现。 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 德国科学家爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein,1879-1955)(左图)坚信宇宙中一切物理现象的背后都蕴藏着完整的统一性,因此,麦克斯韦的电磁学理论必须要与经典力学统一起来。爱因斯坦为了解决这一矛盾,做出了一个假设:假设有个人能够达到光的速度,与光并肩齐行,那么他就会发现静止的光。但是,根据麦克斯韦的电磁学原理,振动的电磁波是不可能观测到的,而且波也不可能处于静止状态,也就是说,宇宙中不可能存在光在静止状态的参照系,对于任何一个参照系来说,都只有属于这个参照系的时间与空间。因此,爱因斯坦确信,光在所有参照系中速度必然相同。根据这一物理法则,爱因斯坦进行了多年的探索和研究,1905年创立了狭义相对论,揭示了时间和空间的本质联系,引起了物理学基本概念的重大变革,开创了物理学的新世纪;提出了光量子论,解释了光电现象,揭示了微观客体的波粒二重性,用分子运动论解决布朗运动问题;发现了质能之间的相当性,在理论上为原子能的释放和应用开辟道路。爱因斯坦的相对论与麦克斯韦的电磁学理论完美地结合在一起,从而推动了物理学上的 一次意义深远的重大革命。 1913年,丹麦物理学家玻尔(Niels Henrik David Bohr,1885,1962)(右图)以《论原子构造和分子构造》为题发表了长篇论文,为20世纪原子物理学开辟了道路。他采用了当时已有的量子概念,提出了几条基本的“公设”,提出了至今仍很重要的原子定态、量子跃迁等概念,有力地冲击了经典理论,推动了量子力学的形成。玻尔认为,按照经典 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 理论来描述的周期性体系的运动和该体系的实际量子运动之间存在着一定的对应关系,这一对应原理成为从经典理论通向量子理论的桥梁。玻尔对各种元素的光谱和X射线谱、光谱线的(正常)塞曼效应和斯塔克效 应、原子中电子的分组和元素周期表,甚至还有分子的形成,都提出了相对合理的理论诠释。 1916年美国物理学家罗伯特?密立根(Robert Andrews Millikan,1868,1953)(左图)发表了光电效应实验结果, 验证了爱因斯坦的光量子说。 美国物理学家康普顿(Arthur Holly Compton,1892,1962)(右图)1921年在实验中证明了X射线的粒子性。1923年他发表了X射线被电子散射所引起的频率变小现象,即康普顿效应,这是近代物理学的一大发现。按经典波动理论,静止物体对波的散射不会改变频率。而按爱因斯坦光量子说这是两个“粒子”碰撞的结果。光量子在碰撞时 不仅将能量传递而且也将动量传递给了电子,它进一步证实了爱因斯坦的光子理论,揭示出光的二象性。 1924年,奥地利物理学家泡利(Wolfgang Ernst Pauli,1900,1958)(左图)发表了“不相容原理”:原子中不可 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 能有两个或两个以上的电子处于同一量子态(这一原理使当时许多有关原子结构的问题得以圆满解决,对所有实体物质的基本粒子(通常称之为费米子,如质子、中子、夸克等)都适用,构成了量子统计力学——费米统计的基点。 法国物理学家德布罗意(Louis Victor due de Broglie, 1892-1987)(右图)由光的波动和粒子两重性得到启发,他大胆地把这两重性推广到物质客体上去。他在1923年9,10月间,连续发表三篇短文:《辐射——波和量子》、《光学——光量子、衍射和干涉》、《物理学——量子、气体动理论及费马原理》。1924年,在他的博士论文《量子论研究》中,他全面论述了物质波理论,这一理论以后为薛定愕接受而导致了波动力学的建立。德布罗意把爱因斯坦关于光的波粒二象性的思想加以扩展。他认为实物粒子如电子也具有物质周期过程的频率,伴随物体的运动也有由相位来定义的相波即德布罗意波,后来薛定愕解释波函数的物理意义时称为“物质波”。德布罗意 在并无实验证据的条件下提出的新理论在物理学界掀起了轩然大波。 1925年,德国物理学家海森伯(Werner Karl Heisenberg,1901,1976)(左图)鉴于玻尔原子模型所存在的问题,抛弃了所有的原子模型,而着眼于观察发射光谱线的频率、强度和极化,利用矩阵数学,将这三者从数学上联系起来,从而提出微观粒子的不可观察的力学量,如位置、动量应由其所发光谱的可观察的频率、强度经过一定运算(矩阵法则)来表示。他和玻尔等合作,建立了量子理论第一个数学描述——矩阵力学。1927年,他阐述了著名的不确定关系,即亚原子粒子的位置和动量不可能同时准确测量,成为量子力学的一个基本原理。 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 1926年,奥地利理论物理学家薛定愕(Erwin Schrodinger,1887,1961)(右图)提出了描述物质波连续时空演化的偏微分方程——薛定愕方程,给出了量子论的另一个数学描述——波动力学。后来,物理学家把二者将矩阵力 学与波动力学统一起来,统称量子力学。 1927年,美国贝尔实验室的戴维森(Clinton Joseph Davisson,1881,1958)、革未(Lester Halbert Germer,1896,1971)(左图)及英国的汤姆逊(George Paget Thomson,1892,1975)(右图)通过电子衍射实验,都证实了电子确实具有波动性。至此,德布罗意的理论作为大胆假设而成功的例子获得了普遍的赞赏。以后,人们通过实验又观察到原子、分子„„等微观粒子都具有波动性。实验证明了物质具有波粒二象性,不仅使人们认识到德布罗意的物质波理论是正确的,而且为物质波理论奠定了坚实基础。 光的波动说与微粒说之争从十七世纪初开始,至二十世纪初以光的波粒二象性告终,前后共经历了三百多年的时间。牛顿、惠更斯、托马斯(杨、菲涅耳等多位著名的科学家成为这一论战双方的主辩手。正是他们的努力揭开了 integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, 遮盖在“光的本质”外面那层扑朔迷离的面纱。跨世纪的争论引出了量子力学的诞生,它是描述微观世界结构、运动 与变化规律的物理科学,是20世纪人类文明发展的一个重大飞跃,引发了一系列划时代的科学发现与技术发明,对 人类社会的进步做出重要贡献。在现代科学技术中的表面物理、半导体物理、凝聚态物理、粒子物理、低温超导物理、 量子化学以及分子生物学等学科的发展中,都有重要的理论意义。我们的现代文明,从电脑、电视、手机到核能、航 天、生物技术,几乎没有哪个领域不依赖于量子论。 (高能所科研处制作 内容来自人民教育出版社网、大科普网、TOM科普、中国公众科技网、三思科学等) integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed, integrated energy, chemicals and textile Yibin city, are the three core pillars of the industry. In 2014, the wuliangye brand value to 73.58 billion yuan, the city's liquor industry slip to stabilise. Promoting deep development of integrated energy, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, changning district, shale gas production capacity reached 277 million cubic metres, built the country's first independent high-yield wells and pipelines in the first section, the lead in factory production and supply to the population. 2.1-3 GDP growth figure 2.1-4 Yibin, Yibin city, Yibin city, fiscal revenue growth 2.1.4 topography terrain overall is Southwest, North-Eastern State. Low mountains and hills in the city landscape as the main ridge-and-Valley, pingba small fragmented nature picture for "water and the second land of the seven hills". 236 meters to 2000 meters above sea level in the city, low mountain, 46.6% hills 45.3%, pingba only 8.1%. 2.1.5 development of Yibin landscapes and distinctive feature in the center of the city, with limitations, and spatial structure of typical zonal group, 2012-cities in building with an area of about 76.2km2. From city-building situation, "old town-the South Bank" Center construction is lagging behind, disintegration of the old city is slow, optimization and upgrading, quality public service resources are still heavily concentrated in the old town together. Southbank Centre has not been formed, functions of the service area space is missing. Meanwhile, peripheral group centres service was weak and inadequate accounting for city development, "suspicious" pattern could not be formed. As regards transport, with the outward expansion of cities, cities have been expanding, centripetal city traffic organization has not changed,
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