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2018-08-23 12页 doc 58KB 21阅读




工作室成立策划案工作室成立策划案 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first c...
工作室成立策划案 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should TEAM 工作室 一:工作室概况 二:市场分析 三:财务事项 一工作室概况 二市场分析 三财务事项 1.项目背景及环境分析 1。项目机遇 1.财务支出 2.项目目的 2.项目对象 2.财务收入 3.项目宗旨 3.项目行动方向 4.项目发展趋势 5.项目战略 6.项目风险 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 一、工作室概况 1.1项目背景及环境分析 1.当今大学生需求工作~需要锻炼~但是没有明确的方向和目标 2.据调查结果显示~百分之七十左右的大学生都有一些做兼职类的社会实践意向 3.社会市场的个体户或企业需要人力资源~我们可以为其提供所需资源 4.通过校园中介平台可以实现校内校外的衔接~让学生与社会实现最直接的互动和资源分配 1.2项目目的 1.让大学生得到社会实践的锻炼机会~累计社会实践经验~提高他们的社会适应能力和工作适应能力~为他们日后的生活和工作打下坚实的基础 2.培养大学生的独立意识和创新意识~解决大学生就业难的问题~并通过兼职等活动丰富他们的生活~减轻家庭经济压力 3.为个体户或企业提供人力资源~帮助他们解决“招人难”的问题 4.搭建一个就业者跟招聘方的平台~为大学生和企业提供双面服务~给予想参加社会实践的同学正确合理的指导~并在指导过程中形成稳定的合作关系~完善工作室的体系~为工作室创造出自己的品牌 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 1.3项目宗旨 工作室旨在为校内风险防范意识差、社会实践经验不足又求职心切的大学生提供一个平台~在各大企业和学生之间架起一座桥梁~形成学校~企业~学生三位一体的发展机制。本工作室将通过正规合法的工作与各大企业取得合作关系~在企业需要兼职人员时~在学校为其进行招聘宣传~招聘合适的人才。 1.4项目发展趋势 目前工作室正处于建设阶段~将由项目组负责。 工作室分为五大组织机构:就业导报宣传部、微信业务部~社会实践人力部~外联公关部和财务管理部。 今后将根据工作室的发展状况不断对其进行改进~争取让本校大学生在工作室中得到创新创业的启发~在工作室发展成熟机会适宜的情况下~走出校园~带动工作室的良性循环发展~使工作室最终形成专业化、标准化和多元化的机构。 1.5项目战略规划 1.充分利用工作室五大项目部门~比如由外联公关部与校外个体户或企业取得最终合作关系~由就业导报宣传部门在校内进行个体户和企业的招聘宣传~必要时可在校园微信、人人网和空间等网络平台进行大幅度招聘宣传~由微信项目组负责统计招聘者人数~由社会实践人力部对校内参加招聘者进行正确的指导~最后所获利润交由财务管理replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 部门负责。但是最终的工作还是要看具体的人员安排。 2.成立工作室~做好宣传打响第一炮最为关键~因此~我们可以根据以下几点为工作室做出强有力的宣传: ?网络宣传:充分利用我校微信账号~人人账号~QQ空间账号~飞信等网络通讯工具进行快捷全方位的网络宣传 ?期刊宣传:我校就业与创业协会每个月都会出一份就业导报~我们可以讲工作室的信息和日后的招聘再次进行期刊上的宣传 ?走访宣传:由就业与创业协会的人员分批合作~对校内四大系的各个班级进行走访宣传~将宣传一干到底 ?社团宣传:联系校内各个社团的会长~通过社团展开宣传。 3.宣传做到位~只等招聘者送上门来~为了在工作室建立初期打下一个坚实的基础和良好的口碑~我们将尽最大努力全面协助招聘者~根据他们的求职意向~为他们匹配相应岗位~并对其进行一对一的指导和后续服务。 4.有了一定的知名度远远不够~我们必须手握与各大公司企业的合作关系。为此~可以通过以下几种方法与企业取得合作关系: ?在网上搜索相关信息~联系招聘单位并实地考察~确认真实可靠 ?通过老师的介绍~老师们有很多社会资源~可以为我们提供很多的机会 1.6项目风险 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 1.竞争风险:存在一定的竞争压力~校内有很多这样的团体~只是未形成系统的体系~也没有与企业的正规合作~但是他们经验比我们的要多一些。 2.外部风险:?校内领导的支持与否~对于本工作室的成立与否有直接关系~?工作室的模仿性极高~能否让大众接受并普及加入是个未知数 3.内部风险:?资金不足~?盈利不足 4.机遇风险:没有合适的企业或个体户与我们取得合作关系 5.市场风险:?参与人数不足~?宣传效果不明显 6.管理风险:?市场经验不足~有可能会出现管理纰漏~?内部人员意见不合~产生分歧~?介绍出去的学生自控能力差~未能如预期一般积极工作 二:市场分析 2.1项目机遇 1.工作室前景良好。不论是大学生兼职还是毕业后的就业~需求量都是相当大。 2.大学生缺少社会经验。很多大学生的工作能力远不如农民工正是因为他们缺少社会经验~本工作室为他们弥补自身不足提供了平台。 3.企业人才需求量大。不论是个体户、散户还是企业~他们招聘大学生为自己工作~都能得到不少好处~比如说~投资成本小~收益高。replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should 4.在校内成立本工作室~除了可以利用网络搜索以外~还可以通过身边的校领导和老师们获得一定的社会资源。 2.2项目方向 本工作室主要是希望能在各大企业与学生之间建立一座桥梁~为企业提供合适的人才~为学生提供合适的岗位~互利双方~一方面提高我校的就业率~另一方面锻炼学生们的社会实践能力~为国家培养出优秀的人才。 2.3项目行动对象 1.因为工作室正处于建设阶段~所以针对的客户主要是 的全体在校学生和已经前往实习单位但是没有真正的工作岗位的学生。 2.因为工作室正处于起步阶段~所以校外名气并不会很响~这就需要我们主动寻找需要人才的公司或个体户。 三、财务事项 3.1财务支出方向:?市场拓宽~?奖励~?工作室硬件设施 3.2财务收入方向:主要是各企业、个体户或散户的介绍费 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should
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