

2017-09-26 6页 doc 23KB 50阅读




雾霾治理雾霾治理 In the recent years,The word “smog” has been familiar to the Chinese people and even the world people.This is the result of nearly two years the air quality in serious decline, increased respiratory and related diseases,Make more people aware of this problem ...
雾霾治理 In the recent years,The word “smog” has been familiar to the Chinese people and even the world people.This is the result of nearly two years the air quality in serious decline, increased respiratory and related diseases,Make more people aware of this problem of the environmental pollution .Smog is a mixture of fog and haze,The fog is a natural weather phenomenon, overall non-toxic harmless,but Haze’s the core substance of floating in the air, smoke, dust and other substances,it’s harmful to human body health.Haze weather’s formation mainly is man-made pollution for the environment, coupled with the natural conditions such as low temperature, small wind caused by pollutants is not easy to spread. The haze weather into the natural disaster at the first time in 2014 years, As the growth of the urban population and industrial development,A surge in motor vehicles,Pollutants and suspended solids increased, directly led to poor visibility,In addition to the meteorological conditions, industrial production,automotive exhaust emission,other particles concentration increased in the atmosphere caused by Winter heating burning coal,this is the important factor about the fog emergence .Now a lot of pollutant emission level of the city has been at the critical point,It’s sensitive to meteorological conditions,Air quality can amount to mark when diffusion conditions is better,but When under adverse weather conditions,Visibility and air quality will decline rapidly.Just last year and this year China haze covered area,we can know it’s not only Beijing,even Nanjing and shanghai have been seriously polluted,Therefore, the governance haze is imminent. Protect the environment is everyone duty, so, governance haze need everyone to join.First of all to start from the self!Increase for the resource conservation and protection,Guides each and every one around her practice low carbon green lifestyle,Everyone make a contribution to environmental protection And such energy gathered there will be a great harvest! For our individual consumer,We should pay attention to our living habits.For example, try to use their own bags or reusable bags, to reduce the use of disposable plastic bags, don't litter the place;And try to use public transports, reduce use private car exhaust fumes;In winter, people use more environmental protection of natural gas to heating, and don't use a lot of coal, and so on. For that enterprises,First,Change the dust control methods from dust extraction to dust suppression.Second, traditional dedusting technology have more disadvantages, like water removal dust will caused the secondary pollution, etc. And the dust suppression technology governance from the sources, inhibit the occurrence of dust,Then leaves out the process of dust after the occurrence of dust.Third, From organized to unorganized.Organized emissions more than exist in the construction of more complete and normative operation scene,Unorganized emissions discharge occupied the important seats in our country atmospheric pollution.So we have to change the structure of governance,no organizational governance can use now dust suppression technology such as the BME biological membrane dust suppression technology, Clouds of dust suppression, wet dust collection etc. For the Government ,First, need the government to promote scientific and technological innovation, and actively develop new energy sources, advocate active use of new energy, not make fossil as main fuel!Second, The government implement the strategy of scientific development, strengthen environmental protection! don't let the pain of Haze become the pain of our breath.It is not formed in a day, so we can't count on a day to good governance, it also requires us to work together at various aspects.such as recruitment civil servants about govern haze in Beijing, it is a great move for haze.Let us together look forward to the reappearance of the blue sky with white clouds, and should strengthen the construction of the system of laws and regulations.like,Set up odd-and-even license plate restrictions ,take public transports, punish disorderly place sewage exhaust, strengthen environmental afforestation and so on. Now that the fog haze so serious, the air quality often decline,so Suggested that the people do some protective measures,such as go out wearing a mask;go out as far as possible don't ride a bike; enter indoor will do washing, gargle, clean up the nasal cavity; more patient should less go out; to enhance their resistance;try not to open the window at fog day ; install air purifier in your house;eat more clear and moistening lung food;supplement some vitamin D; reduce to smoke and so on. All in all, we all hope that our environment can get better, let the next generation of children and later of the survival of human beings health. And it is known that the Chinese government has action in the haze for governance, let us effort together for our survival environment to better ! 环境污染——雾霾。 最近几年,雾霾这个词已经被中国人民乃至世界人民所熟悉。这源于近两年的空气质 量严重下降,呼吸道及相关疾病的增多,让更多的人意识到环境污染这个问。雾霾 是雾和霾的混合物,,其中雾是自然天气现象,但总体无毒无害,霾的核心物质是悬浮 在空气中的烟、灰尘等物质,对人体健康有伤害。雾霾天气的形成是主要是人为的环 境污染,再加上气温低、风小等自然条件导致污染物不易扩散而造成的。2014年1月 4日,国家首次将雾霾天气纳入2013年自然灾情进行通报。2014年2月,习近平在北 京考察时指出:应对雾霾污染、改善空气质量的首要任务是控制PM2.5,要从压减燃 煤、严格控车、调整产业、强化管理、联防联控、依法治理等方面采取重大举措,聚焦重点领域,严格指标考核,加强环境执法监管,认真进行追究。随着城市人口的增长和工业发展、机动车辆猛增,污染物排放和悬浮物大量增加,直接导致了能见度降低,除了气象条件,工业生产、机动车尾气排放、冬季取暖烧煤等导致的大气中颗粒物(包括粗颗粒物PM10和细颗粒物PM2.5)浓度增加,是雾霾产生的重要因素。如今很多城市的污染物排放水平已处于临界点,对气象条件非常敏感,空气质量在扩散条件较好时能达标,一旦遭遇不利天气条件,空气质量和能见度就会迅速下滑。就去年和今年中国雾霾覆盖的地域来看,不仅仅是北京了,甚至南京上海都已被严重污染提示着。因此,治理雾霾已迫在眉睫。 保护环境,人人有责,所以,治理雾霾必须人人参与。首先要从自我做起!加大对资源的节约和宣传保护,引导身边的每一个人践行低碳绿色生活方式,每个人都为环保做出一份贡献,这样能量聚集起来就会有很大的收获!对于我们消费者个体来说,我们应该要注意我们的生活习惯,比如尽量使用自带的布袋子或可多次使用的塑料袋,减少使用一次性塑料袋,更不能乱丢乱放;还有尽量使用公共交通工具,减少使用私家车排放尾气;在冬季推行大家使用更环保的天然气来供暖,而不要再使用大量的煤等等。 对于企业1、改变粉尘治理,从除尘到抑尘,从有组织到无组织。2、从除尘到抑尘。传统除尘技术弊端重重,如水除尘造成的二次污染等。抑尘技术从源头治理,抑制粉尘的发生,那么就省去了粉尘发生后再来“除尘”的这一过程,这个理念来源于柏美迪康。3、从有组织到无组织。有组织排放多存在于建设较为完善、规范的作业现场;无组织排放则在我国大气排放污染中占据着重要的席位。所以我们要转变治理方式,无组织治理可以采用现BME生物纳膜抑尘技术、云雾抑尘技术、湿式收尘技术、BME无组织排放技术等。 对于政府,1、需要政府推动科技创新,积极开发新能源,提倡大家积极使用新能源,不在让化石成为主要的燃料!2、政府实施科学发展战略,加大环境保护力度! 雾霾之痛不要让 它成为我们的呼吸之痛,它不是一天形成的,因此我们也不能指望着一天就能把它治理好,同样需要我们各个方面共同努力,2014年北京招聘治霾公务员就是一个治霾的伟大举措,希望这项举措,能给北京的大气污染治理带来一定的成效,让我们一起期待蓝天白云的重现且应当加强法律法规的建设,如设立单双号限行,推行乘坐公共交通工具,严惩乱排乱放污水尾气,加大环境绿化等等。 鉴于现在雾霾这么严重,空气质量下降频繁,建议广大人民做好一些防护。如出门戴口罩,外出尽量别骑车,进入室内必做洗脸、漱口、清理鼻腔,病人更要少出门,增强自身的抵抗力,雾霾天尽量不要开窗,安装空气净化器, 多食清肺润肺食品,补充vD,少抽烟等。总之,我们都希望我们的环境可以变好,让下一代的孩子和以后的人类都健康的生存着。并且据了解,中国政府已经在为治理雾霾行动中了,让我们共同为我们生存的环境变好努力起来吧~
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