

2017-09-02 50页 doc 149KB 17阅读




黄酒的功效及作用黄酒的功效及作用 this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and mu...
黄酒的功效及作用 this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, 黄酒的功效及作用:1、黄酒功效有活血祛寒,通经活络的功效2、黄酒功效有抗衰护心的功效3、黄酒功效有减肥、美容、抗衰老的功效4、黄酒功效之药用价值,黄酒,有消食化积、镇静的作用,对消化不良、厌食、心跳过速、烦躁等有显著的疗效,烫热喝的黄酒,能驱寒怯湿,对腰背痛、手足麻木和震颤、风湿性关节炎及跌打损伤患者有益。5、黄酒功效有烹饪时祛腥膻、解油腻的作用市面上黄酒品牌众多,怎么选购黄酒呢?1、应在正规的大型商场或超市中购买黄酒产品。这些经销企业对经销的产品一般都有进货把关,经销的产品质量和售后服务有保证。2、选购大型企业或有品牌的企业生产的产品,这些企业管理规范,生产条件和设备好,产品质量稳定。3、选购时可从产品名称、含糖量来判别产品的类型,以选择适合自己需要的黄酒种类。4、黄酒产品执行的国家标准为:GB/T13662、GB17946等。5、酒液应呈黄褐色或红褐色,清亮透明,允许有少量沉淀。饭菜网饮食小贴士:黄酒虽然对身体有益,但是不宜过多饮用,在饭菜中加入适量的黄酒,有祛腥膻、解油腻的作用。 黄酒是我国居民经常饮用的一种饮品,但对于黄酒的功效,很多人其实并不了解。对于其他的酒精饮品而言,黄酒的功效非常多,而其副作用则相对来说要少很多。下面我们就一起来看看,喝黄酒的好处都有哪些: 1.活血祛寒 我国中医指出,黄酒具有活血祛寒以及通经活络的功效,因此在平时经常感觉到手脚冰凉的患者可以适量多喝。特别是在寒冬的季节,适量的喝点黄酒,既可活血祛寒通经活络,同时还能帮助这类人群有效的起到抵御寒冷的刺激,从而预防感冒的作用。 但在饮用黄酒的时候要特别的注意一点,虽然说黄酒中的酒精度数非常的低,但如果过量饮用的话同样会出现醉酒的情况。因此在饮用时必须要注意适度,一般以每餐l00—200克为宜。 2.抗衰护心 不同于其他的酒精饮品,在啤酒、葡萄酒、黄酒、白酒组成的“四大家族”中,黄酒中的营养价值是最高的。经过研究发现,女性在平时适量的饮用黄酒,可起到美容的作用,而且如果能够长期坚持饮用的话,还能起到抗衰老的功效。 3.减肥 你可能不知道,平时极为常见的黄酒还具有减肥的功效,很多人都错误的认为黄酒中热量非常高,因此喝多了肯定会胖。但你在饮用的时候只要注意,适量的饮用便可预防肥胖,同时它还能够加速血液循环和新陈代谢,从而达到减肥的功效。而且在黄酒中还含有大量的糖分,以及有机酸、氧基酸和各种维生素,这些营养物质都是我们人体所必须的。 4.药用价值 this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, 在我国中医上,黄酒是一种不错的药引子,所谓的药引是引药归经的俗称,指某些药物能引导其它药物的药力到达病变部位或某一经脉,从而起到向导的作用,这样才能让药效直达病灶。“药引子”还有增强疗效、解毒、矫味、保护胃肠道等作用,可以说黄酒的功效非常的广泛。 5.祛腥膻 黄酒的功效可不仅仅有以上这些方面而已,就算是在我们日常烹饪的时候,黄酒也可尽到它的绵薄之力。它在烹饪中的主要功效为祛腥膻、解油腻,在烹制海鲜以及肉类等食物时,加入适量的黄酒能使造成腥膻味的物质溶解于热酒精中,从而随着酒精挥发而被带走,这样便能使菜肴香气四溢、满座芬芳。 除此之外在黄酒中还含有多种多糖类物质和各种维生素,具有很高的营养价值,使菜肴具有芳香浓郁的滋味。特别实在烹制肉、禽、蛋等菜肴时,适当的放入些黄酒,还能溶解微量的有机物质从而令菜肴更可口。 6.促进子宫收缩 我国民间将黄酒又称之为米酒,是水谷之精,因此性质属热。对于一些刚刚生产完的产妇而言,少量饮用此酒可祛风活血、避邪逐秽,同时还有利于恶露的排出、促进子宫收缩,特别是对产后受风等有舒经活络之用。在黄酒中放入桂圆或荔枝、红枣、核桃、人参同煮,不仅味美,同时还具有很好的益补气血功效。 日常生活中我们常见的酒有啤酒、葡萄酒、黄酒、白酒等,其中,营养价值最高的当属黄酒。 黄酒可直接饮用,也可做烧菜时的辅料。因为黄酒的度数低,酒精含量仅为15%-16%,用作烧鱼等菜时可很好的掩盖鱼的腥味,但也不足以以其本身的气味掩盖了菜香。它是名副其实的美味低度酒。 冬天时很多人会选择将黄酒温一下再喝,黄酒本身性热,冰凉的天气中稍许温一下,喝下去变会感到周身暖和,有暖胃健脾、活血驱寒的功效。 黄酒由糯米等酿造而成,因而其自身热量就比较大,每100毫升可供热量120千卡。黄酒中的蛋白质含量也较高,含有多种氨基酸及维生素,长期少量饮用具有抗衰老的功能。而黄酒中包含的微量元素也能有效预防心血管等疾病。 可见,黄酒具有很高的养生保健功能,对于中老年人十分适宜。每日可适当饮用,但不能贪杯啊! 黄酒的功效: 1、黄酒功效之活血祛寒,通经活络 must be in good health, do not have high blood pressure, blood disorders, serious heart disease, mental illness, epilepsy, thick at 500 degrees and above, and doctors don't think Spider-man personnel shall not engage in aerial work. Personnel should be checked once a year for aerial work. When the platform, roof, face outwards and buckle up. Jobs not overexert higher to prevent lost her balance and fell. Remove mold at the platform lever inwards, not outwards to prevent people falling out. In case of storms, fog and six more than high winds should cease operations. Construction must have adequate lighting at night. Two security workers, construction practice for construction site in section I General provisions article: participation in construction workers (commissioned officers including apprentices, interns and workers) to known types of security techniques operating procedures. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Article II: electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, machine, crane drivers, pile drivers and drivers of motor vehicles must undergo special training and examination issued operating permits, operate independently. Third article: right using personal protection supplies and security protection measures, into construction site, must right wearing good helmet, ban wear slippers, and skirt, and high heels and barefoot, in no protection facilities Xia high, and Cliff and steep construction must Department good belt, upper and lower cross job has dangerous of access mouth to has protection Peng or other isolation facilities, from ground 2 meters above job to has protection railing, and bezel or security network. Safety helmets, safety belts, safety nets should be inspected regularly, do not meet the requirements must not be used. Fourth: scaffolding construction site protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs are not allowed to dismantled, need to be dismantled, must pass through the head of the construction agreement. Construction (including scaffolding) lateral edge of the minimum safety distance between the external edge of the overhead line electric line voltage up to 1KV 1-10KV ... Reset. 13th: machinery, instruments, tools, etc must be checked before starting work to confirm everything. 14th: electrical equipment and circuits must be well insulated and may not help with metal and wires together, the motor must be earthed according to regulations then zero, and set the single switch, leakage protection, temporary power outages or stoppages during the break, you must pull the lock. 15th: construction machinery and electrical equipment shall not be run with illness and overloaded operations. Discover irregularities should immediately stop check shall not be repaired in the operation. 16th: electrical, instrumentation and test-run operation, should be run strictly in accordance with individual safety measures, operation not allowed this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, 在冬季,喝黄酒宜饮。在黄酒中加几片姜片煮后饮用,既可活血祛寒,通经活络,还能有效抵御寒冷的刺激,预防感冒。需要注意的是,黄酒虽然酒精度低,但饮用时也要适量,一般以每餐l00—200克为宜。 2、黄酒功效之抗衰护心 在啤酒、葡萄酒、黄酒、白酒组成的“四大家族”中,当数黄酒营养价值最高,而其酒精含量仅为l5,,l6,,是名副其实的美味低度酒。作为我国最古老的饮料酒,其蛋白质的含量较高,并舍有21种氨基酸及大量b族维生素,经常饮用对妇女美容、老年人抗衰老较为适宜。 我们都知道,人体内的无机盐是构成机体组织和维护正常生理功能所必需的,黄酒中已检测出的无机盐有l8种之多,包括钙、镁、钾、磷等常量元素和铁、铜、锌、硒等微量元素。其中镁既是人体内糖、脂肪、蛋白质代谢和细胞呼吸酶系统不可缺少的辅助因子。也是维护肌肉神经兴奋性和心脏正常功能,保护心血管系统所必需的。人体缺镁时,易发生血管硬化、心肌损害等疾病。而硒的作用主要是消除体内产生过多的活性氧自由基,因而具有提高机体免疫力、抗衰老、抗癌、保护心血管和心肌健康的作用。已有的研究成果表明,人体的克山病、癌症、心脑血管疾病、糖尿病、不育症等40余种病症均与缺硒有关。因此,适量饮用黄酒,对心脏有保护作用。 3、黄酒功效之减肥、美容、抗衰老 黄酒的热量非常高,喝多了肯定会胖。但是适当的饮酒可以加速血液循环和新陈代谢,还有利于减肥。黄酒中含有大量糖分、有机酸、氧基酸和各种维生素,具有较高的营养价值。由于黄酒是以大米为原料,经过长时间的糖化、发酵制成的,原料中的淀粉和蛋白质被酶分解成为小分子的物质,易被人体消化吸收,因此,人们也把黄酒列为营养饮料酒。 黄酒的度数较低,口味大众化,尤其对女性美容、老年人抗衰老有一定功效,比较适合日常饮用。但也要节制,例如度数在15度左右的黄酒,每日饮用量别超过8两;度数在17度左右的,每天饮用量别超过6两。 4、黄酒功效之药用价值 药引是引药归经的俗称,指某些药物能引导其它药物的药力到达病变部位或某一经脉,起“向导”的作用进行针对性治疗。它们不仅与汤剂配合,更广泛地和成药相配合在一起应用。另外,“药引子”还有增强疗效、解毒、矫味、保护胃肠道等作用。在一张处方中,需不需要药引子,由医生根据病情而定,一般不需要病家自己去配制。 this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, 黄酒不仅能将药物的有效成分溶解出来,易于人体吸收,还能借以引导药效到达需要治疗的部位。在唐代,我国第—部药典《新修本草》规 定了米酒入药。李时珍在《本草纲目》上说:“诸酒醇醨不同,惟米酒入药用”。米酒即是黄酒,它具有通血脉,肠胃,润皮肤、养牌气、扶肝,除风下气等治疗作用。由此可知,历来人们用黄酒作酒基制成养生和医用治病的酒,而且说明黄酒与中药药剂有一种天然的糅合因子或亲和性。 白酒虽对中药溶解效果较好,但饮用时刺激较大,不善饮酒者易出现腹泻、瘙痒等现象。啤酒则酒精度太低,不利于中药有效成分的溶出。而黄酒酒精度适中,是较为理想的药引子。 5、黄酒功效之烹饪时祛腥膻、解油腻 黄酒在烹饪中的主要功效为祛腥膻、解油腻。烹调时加入适量的黄酒,能使造成腥膻味的物质溶解于热酒精中,随着酒精挥发而被带走。黄酒的酯香、醇香同菜肴的香气十分和谐,用于烹饪不仅为菜肴增香,而且通过乙醇挥发,把食物固有的香气诱导挥发出来,使菜肴香气四溢、满座芬芳。黄酒中还含有多种多糖类物质和各种维生素,具有很高的营养价值,用于烹饪能增添鲜味,使菜肴具有芳香浓郁的滋味。在烹饪肉、禽、蛋等菜肴时,调入黄酒能渗透到食物组织内部,溶解微量的有机物质,从而令菜肴更可口。 黄酒功效之促进子宫收缩 舒经活络 黄酒又称米酒,是水谷之精,性热。产后少量饮用此酒可祛风活血、避邪逐秽、有利于恶露的排出、促进子宫收缩、对产后受风等有舒经活络之用。除此之外,利用黄酒还可以做出味美并具有一定医疗作用的食品,例如黄酒和桂圆或荔枝、红枣、核桃、人参同煮,不仅味美,而且具有一定益补气血之功效,对体质虚弱,元气损耗等有明显疗效,这种功能优势更是其他酒类饮品无法比拟的。但饮用过量容易上火,并且可通过乳汁影响婴儿。饮用时间不宜超过l周,以免使恶露排出增多,持续时间过长,不利于早日恢复。 6、黄酒功效之辅助医疗 黄酒多用糯米制成。黄酒在酿造过程中,注意保持了糯米原有的多种营养成分,还有它所产生的糖化胶质等,这些物质都有益于人体健康。在辅助医疗方面,黄酒不同的饮用有着不同的疗效作用。例如凉喝黄酒,有消食化积、镇静的作用,对消化不良、厌食、心跳过速、烦躁等有显著的疗效,烫热喝的黄酒,能驱寒怯湿,对腰背痛、手足麻木和震颤、风湿性关节炎及跌打损伤患者有益。 7、黄酒的保健功效 must be in good health, do not have high blood pressure, blood disorders, serious heart disease, mental illness, epilepsy, thick at 500 degrees and above, and doctors don't think Spider-man personnel shall not engage in aerial work. Personnel should be checked once a year for aerial work. When the platform, roof, face outwards and buckle up. Jobs not overexert higher to prevent lost her balance and fell. Remove mold at the platform lever inwards, not outwards to prevent people falling out. In case of storms, fog and six more than high winds should cease operations. Construction must have adequate lighting at night. Two security workers, construction practice for construction site in section I General provisions article: participation in construction workers (commissioned officers including apprentices, interns and workers) to known types of security techniques operating procedures. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Article II: electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, machine, crane drivers, pile drivers and drivers of motor vehicles must undergo special training and examination issued operating permits, operate independently. Third article: right using personal protection supplies and security protection measures, into construction site, must right wearing good helmet, ban wear slippers, and skirt, and high heels and barefoot, in no protection facilities Xia high, and Cliff and steep construction must Department good belt, upper and lower cross job has dangerous of access mouth to has protection Peng or other isolation facilities, from ground 2 meters above job to has protection railing, and bezel or security network. Safety helmets, safety belts, safety nets should be inspected regularly, do not meet the requirements must not be used. Fourth: scaffolding construction site protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs are not allowed to dismantled, need to be dismantled, must pass through the head of the construction agreement. Construction (including scaffolding) lateral edge of the minimum safety distance between the external edge of the overhead line electric line voltage up to 1KV 1-10KV ... Reset. 13th: machinery, instruments, tools, etc must be checked before starting work to confirm everything. 14th: electrical equipment and circuits must be well insulated and may not help with metal and wires together, the motor must be earthed according to regulations then zero, and set the single switch, leakage protection, temporary power outages or stoppages during the break, you must pull the lock. 15th: construction machinery and electrical equipment shall not be run with illness and overloaded operations. Discover irregularities should immediately stop check shall not be repaired in the operation. 16th: electrical, instrumentation and test-run operation, should be run strictly in accordance with individual safety measures, operation not allowed this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, 经现代科学研究证明,黄酒苏里玛酒含有二十多种氨基酸和多种维生素,其中八种是人体必需氨基酸,氨基酸的含量是啤酒的11倍,葡萄酒的2倍,其发热量是啤酒的5倍,葡萄酒的1.5倍。产品经华中农业大学生命科学院进行的保健功能检测实验证实,苏里玛酒除含有丰富的氨基酸和有机酸外,还含天然的双歧因子,通过小白鼠的喂养实验,证明苏里玛酒在增强抗疲劳、增强性能力和抑制肿瘤方面有明显效果。 营养学家已经证实:饮用黄酒苏里玛酒具有通经络、厚胃肠、养脾扶肝、增进食欲、消除疲劳等诸多益处,长饮者会感到胃口舒适,食欲振作,睡眠香甜,周身发热,气色红润,头发黑,光亮有神。另外经华中农业大学生命科学院进行的保健功能检测实验证实,苏里玛酒在抗疲劳、抗肿瘤和提高性能力方面有明显功效。至今,许多人已经把苏里玛酒作为养身的乳汁,为二十一世界时尚饮品,最佳养生补品,每日必饮。 黄酒之时尚饮法 1.温饮黄酒 黄酒最传统的饮法,当然是温饮。温饮的显著特点是酒香浓郁,酒味柔和。温酒的方法一般有两种:一种是将盛酒器放入热水中烫热,另一种是隔火加温。但黄酒加热时间不宜过久,否则酒精都挥发掉了,反而淡而无味。一般,冬天盛行温饮。 黄酒的最佳品评温度是在38?左右。在黄酒烫热的过程中,黄酒中含有的极微量对人体健康无益的甲醇、醛、醚类等有机化合物,会随着温度升高而挥发掉,同时,脂类芳香物则随着温度的升高而蒸腾,从而使酒味更加甘爽醇厚,芬芳浓郁。因此,黄酒烫热喝是有利于健康的。 2.冰镇黄酒 目前,在年轻人中盛行一种冰黄酒的喝法,尤其在我国香港及日本,流行黄酒加冰后饮用。自制冰镇黄酒,可以从超市买来黄酒后,放入冰箱冷藏室。如是温控冰箱,温度控制在3?左右为宜。饮时再在杯中放几块冰,口感更好。也可根据个人口味,在酒中放入话梅、柠檬等,或兑些雪碧、可乐、果汁。有消暑、促进食欲的功效。 3.佐餐黄酒 黄酒的配餐也十分讲究,以不同的菜配不同的酒,则更可领略黄酒的特有风味,this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, 以绍兴酒为例:干型的元红酒,宜配蔬菜类、海蜇皮等冷盘;半干型的加饭酒,宜配肉类、大闸蟹;半甜型的善酿酒,宜配鸡鸭类;甜型的香雪酒,宜配甜菜类。 饮酒,在宋代以前是黄酒为主,方法是很讲究的。由于黄酒品种繁多,风味各异,因而要想真正饮用得法,有味有趣,就要懂得饮酒佐餐的艺术。据文献记载,古时君王进食必“六饮六膳,百馐百酱八珍之齐”。不仅注重“饮”与“膳”的匹配和谐,而且十分讲究饮食的规格和礼俗。这是中华民族饮食文化的一个典范。黄酒的低酒精度、高营养和保健价值,确定了它的佐饮佐餐和地位。而这一些又给人们带来了快乐和艺术享受。饮酒佐餐应符合以下三条: 一是有助于充分表现酒与食品色、香、味、风格的搭配; 二是有助于人体胃的消化功能; 三是以饮酒佐餐为主。 黄酒以糖分定型,分为干酒、半干酒、半甜酒、甜酒和浓甜酒,其饮用方法各不相同。 干酒指糖分在,度以下的酒品,属普通黄酒,饮用前须用烫酒壶加温,一般加热到,,?,,,?为宜。在吃鸡、鸭和肥腻食物时,较为合适。 半干酒指糖分在,,,度范围内的酒品,是最富有风格的高尚黄酒,一般在尊贵高雅的场合饮用。该酒最能渲染气氛,应在烫温后饮用。宜为吃螃蟹、鱼鲜海味或吃凉菜时饮用。这不仅鲜味相投,而且互相烘托渲染,很合时宜。它对荤素大菜,猪、牛、羊肉更能相得益彰。另外可与陈年元红酒或其他甜型黄酒兑在一起饮用,更能增加情趣。 半甜酒指糖分在,,,,度范围内的酒品,宜加温饮用,也可冷饮,佐吃荤素菜均宜。尤以咸中带甜的南方菜肴更好。 甜酒指糖分在,,,,,度范围内的酒品,宜冷饮。饭前或饭后饮用更为合适。该酒有润肠胃、助消化的作用。佐食以甜食配甜酒为好。 must be in good health, do not have high blood pressure, blood disorders, serious heart disease, mental illness, epilepsy, thick at 500 degrees and above, and doctors don't think Spider-man personnel shall not engage in aerial work. Personnel should be checked once a year for aerial work. When the platform, roof, face outwards and buckle up. Jobs not overexert higher to prevent lost her balance and fell. Remove mold at the platform lever inwards, not outwards to prevent people falling out. In case of storms, fog and six more than high winds should cease operations. Construction must have adequate lighting at night. Two security workers, construction practice for construction site in section I General provisions article: participation in construction workers (commissioned officers including apprentices, interns and workers) to known types of security techniques operating procedures. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Article II: electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, machine, crane drivers, pile drivers and drivers of motor vehicles must undergo special training and examination issued operating permits, operate independently. Third article: right using personal protection supplies and security protection measures, into construction site, must right wearing good helmet, ban wear slippers, and skirt, and high heels and barefoot, in no protection facilities Xia high, and Cliff and steep construction must Department good belt, upper and lower cross job has dangerous of access mouth to has protection Peng or other isolation facilities, from ground 2 meters above job to has protection railing, and bezel or security network. Safety helmets, safety belts, safety nets should be inspected regularly, do not meet the requirements must not be used. Fourth: scaffolding construction site protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs are not allowed to dismantled, need to be dismantled, must pass through the head of the construction agreement. Construction (including scaffolding) lateral edge of the minimum safety distance between the external edge of the overhead line electric line voltage up to 1KV 1-10KV ... Reset. 13th: machinery, instruments, tools, etc must be checked before starting work to confirm everything. 14th: electrical equipment and circuits must be well insulated and may not help with metal and wires together, the motor must be earthed according to regulations then zero, and set the single switch, leakage protection, temporary power outages or stoppages during the break, you must pull the lock. 15th: construction machinery and electrical equipment shall not be run with illness and overloaded operations. Discover irregularities should immediately stop check shall not be repaired in the operation. 16th: electrical, instrumentation and test-run operation, should be run strictly in accordance with individual safety measures, operation not allowed this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, 浓甜酒指糖分在,,度以上的酒品。饮法同甜型酒。在夏季,可兑以矿泉水、冰块或汽水合饮,清凉宜人;冬季,若与白酒兑饮,更会觉得酒劲浓醇,能起兴奋提神作用。 几种喝法: 1冬天,将酒隔水加温至40—45?,随温随饮。温后的酒酒香扑鼻,细品慢酌,暖人心肺,很暖胃。 ?夏天,将黄酒冰镇后饮用的方法,凉爽收汗,很是痛快。其做法是将瓶酒贮放在3?左右的冰箱里,饮时再在杯内放入少许冰块,搅拌之。或加入话梅、柠檬、樱桃等,大口喝也可过瘾。 ?春秋一般以常温饮喝最好,最能品其真味。饭前或饭后饮酒最感适口、开胃。 最新国家标准中黄酒的分类法 在最新的国家标准中,黄酒的定义是:以稻米、黍米、黑米、玉米、小麦等为原料,经过蒸料,拌以麦曲、米曲或酒药,进行糖化和发酵酿制而成的各类黄酒。 按黄酒的含糖量将黄酒分为以下,类: 干黄酒:"干"表示酒中的含糖量少,糖份都发酵变成了酒精,故酒中的糖份含量最低,最新的国家标准中,其含糖量小于 1.00 g/100 ml (以葡萄糖计) 。这种酒属稀醪发酵,总加水量为原料米的三倍左右。发酵温度控制得较低,开耙搅拌的时间间隔较短。酵母生长较为旺盛,故发酵彻底,残糖很低。在绍兴地区, 干黄酒的代表是"元红酒"。 半干黄酒:"半干"表示酒中的糖份还未全部发酵成酒精,还保留了一些糖份。在生产上,这种酒的加水量较低,相当于在配料时增加了饭量,故又称为 "加饭酒"。酒的含糖量在1.00~3.00%之间。在发酵过程中,要求较高。酒质厚浓,风味优良。可以长久贮藏。是黄酒中的上品。我国大多数出口酒,均属此种类型。 半甜黄酒:这种酒含糖份3.00~10.00%之间。这种酒采用的工艺独特,是用成品 黄酒代水,加入到发酵醪中,使糖化发酵的开始之际,发酵醪中的酒精浓度就达到较高的水平,在一定程度上抑制了酵母菌的生长速度,由于酵母菌数量较少,对发 酵醪中的产生的糖份不能转化成酒精,故成品酒中的糖份较高。这种this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, 酒,酒香浓郁, 酒度适中,味甘甜醇厚。是黄酒中的珍品。但这种酒不宜久存。贮藏时间越长,色泽越深。 甜黄酒:这种酒,一般是采用淋饭操作法,拌入酒药,搭窝先酿成甜酒娘,当糖化至一定程度时,加入40-50%浓度的米白酒或糟烧酒,以抑制微生物的糖化发 酵作用,酒中的糖份含量达到10.00-20.00 g/100ml之间。由于加入了米白酒,酒度也较高。甜型黄酒可常年生产。 浓甜黄酒,糖份大于或等于20 g/100 ml。 加香黄酒:这是以黄酒为酒基,经浸泡(或复蒸)芳香动、植物或加入芳香动、 植物的浸出液而制成的黄酒。 3 淋饮酒、摊饭酒和喂饭酒 这是按酿造方法对黄酒分类时的称呼。按这种方法分类,可将黄酒分成三类: 淋饭酒:淋饭酒是指蒸熟的米饭用冷水淋凉,然后,拌入酒药粉末,搭窝,糖化,最后加水发酵成酒。口味较淡薄。这样酿成的淋饭酒,有的工厂是用来作为 酒母的。即所谓的"淋饭酒母"。 摊饭酒:是指将蒸熟的米饭摊在竹篦上,使米饭在空气中冷却,然后再加入麦曲、酒母(淋饭酒母)、浸米浆水等,混合后直接进行发酵。 喂饭酒:按这种方法酿酒时,米饭不是一次性加入,而是分批加入。 4 麦曲黄酒、小曲黄酒、红曲黄酒、乌衣红曲黄酒 黄酒还可按酿酒用曲的种类来分。如小曲黄酒,生麦曲黄酒,熟麦曲黄酒,纯种曲黄酒,红曲黄酒,黄衣红曲黄酒,乌衣红曲黄酒。 1.冬天的喝法加入姜和枸杞子用砂锅煮沸10分钟,趁热喝。 2.夏天的喝法:在不低于10年的陈酿花雕里放入几颗话梅(不要放姜和枸杞子,夏天均宜少食),用电热壶(最好是用小砂锅)加热微开后再煮10分钟左右,待降至室温即可入冰箱冰镇,以10—15?为佳,加冰块饮用亦可。不宜似啤酒之牛饮,小口小口地慢饮方可觉其真味。 must be in good health, do not have high blood pressure, blood disorders, serious heart disease, mental illness, epilepsy, thick at 500 degrees and above, and doctors don't think Spider-man personnel shall not engage in aerial work. Personnel should be checked once a year for aerial work. When the platform, roof, face outwards and buckle up. Jobs not overexert higher to prevent lost her balance and fell. Remove mold at the platform lever inwards, not outwards to prevent people falling out. In case of storms, fog and six more than high winds should cease operations. Construction must have adequate lighting at night. Two security workers, construction practice for construction site in section I General provisions article: participation in construction workers (commissioned officers including apprentices, interns and workers) to known types of security techniques operating procedures. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Article II: electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, machine, crane drivers, pile drivers and drivers of motor vehicles must undergo special training and examination issued operating permits, operate independently. Third article: right using personal protection supplies and security protection measures, into construction site, must right wearing good helmet, ban wear slippers, and skirt, and high heels and barefoot, in no protection facilities Xia high, and Cliff and steep construction must Department good belt, upper and lower cross job has dangerous of access mouth to has protection Peng or other isolation facilities, from ground 2 meters above job to has protection railing, and bezel or security network. Safety helmets, safety belts, safety nets should be inspected regularly, do not meet the requirements must not be used. Fourth: scaffolding construction site protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs are not allowed to dismantled, need to be dismantled, must pass through the head of the construction agreement. Construction (including scaffolding) lateral edge of the minimum safety distance between the external edge of the overhead line electric line voltage up to 1KV 1-10KV ... Reset. 13th: machinery, instruments, tools, etc must be checked before starting work to confirm everything. 14th: electrical equipment and circuits must be well insulated and may not help with metal and wires together, the motor must be earthed according to regulations then zero, and set the single switch, leakage protection, temporary power outages or stoppages during the break, you must pull the lock. 15th: construction machinery and electrical equipment shall not be run with illness and overloaded operations. Discover irregularities should immediately stop check shall not be repaired in the operation. 16th: electrical, instrumentation and test-run operation, should be run strictly in accordance with individual safety measures, operation not allowed this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, 黄酒的主要成分除乙醇和水外,还含有18种氨基酸,其中有8种是人体自身不能合成而又必需的。这8种氨基酸,在黄酒中的含量比同量啤酒(葡萄酒多一至数倍。 此外,黄酒含有许多易被人体消化的营养物质,如:糊精(麦芽糖、葡萄糖、脂类(甘油、高级醇、维生素及有机酸等。这些成分经贮存,最终使黄酒成为营养价值极高的低酒精度饮品。 黄酒也是B族维生素的良好来源,维生素B1、B2、尼克酸、维生素E都很丰富,长期饮用有利于美容、抗衰老。 锌是能量代谢及蛋白质合成的重要成分,缺锌时,食欲、味觉都会减退,性功能也下降。而黄酒中锌含量不少,所以饮用黄酒有促进食欲的作用。 黄酒内含多种微量元素。如每100毫升含镁量为20,30毫克,比白葡萄酒高10倍,比红葡萄酒高5倍;含硒量为1,1.2微克,比白葡萄酒高约20倍,比红葡萄酒高约12倍。在心血管疾病中,这些微量元素均有防止血压升高和血栓形成的作用。 黄酒夏天可以加冰加薄荷,这是比较时尚的喝法。传统的喝法是加姜丝加话梅煮一下喝,“青梅煮酒论英雄”煮的就是黄酒,适合秋冬季节喝。现代意义上的“清爽型营养黄酒”也可以直接开瓶引用,口感也不错的。 有米糟的那种也所以黄酒,更常用“酒酿”来称呼,用的是白曲,和传统黄酒的区别在于没有压榨过滤,也没有煎酒这个过程,口味香甜柔和,可以连酒带糟煮酒酿汤圆,酒酿蒸蛋,很补的。但它的保存时间较短。 黄酒的十一种喝法: 1.锡壶烫到68摄氏度,温饮活血,适应冬天喝 2.加姜丝和白糖,微微热一下,吃螃蟹时喝,解腥驱寒,秋天喝 3.加冰喝,降低药味口感,爽口清新,夏天喝 4.酒加热到50度左右,加一个生鸡蛋,快速搅拌,至酒液白到乳白色,营养丰富,春天喝 5.桂花用水洗干净,加入黄酒密封放冰箱一周,取出饮用,那叫一个爽,香气馥郁 6.黄酒加苹果汁,香甜可口 7.一杯黄酒加话梅二粒,味道真美妙 8.黄酒加蜂蜜,会有蜂蜜的香味透出来 9.黄酒加玫瑰精油,呵呵,女孩子喝,脸色红扑扑的,像一个大苹果 10.黄酒和冰水,再加点薄荷油,夏天喝,真舒爽 11.黄酒加糟烧,喔唷,好刺激的喝法 黄酒的健康喝法 编辑:培培 发布时间:[2011-12-14 9:31:46] 信息分类:黄酒招商 随着人们对健康饮食认识的日益提高,居世界三大古酒之首的黄酒,更越来越受到广大消费者的喜爱。八十年代营养学家索颖在对黄酒的研究中,发现了黄酒中蕴涵着惊人的营养成份,将它誉为“液体蛋糕”。也是80年代黄酒又以其独特的醇厚芳香,被列为国宴用酒跻身this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, this type of operation for the safety technology. Without education and training in safety knowledge, shall not enter the construction site operations. To enter the construction site, you must wear a helmet, buckle chinstrap. Work at two meters high and must be fastened. When working at height, are not allowed to throw down or up the materials and tools and other objects. Persons not engaged in electrical and mechanical, prohibited the use of mechanical and electrical equipment. Building materials and components to be tidy and secure, shall not exceed the relevant provisions. Hazardous areas should be clearly marked, protective measures should be taken at night to set up a red light warning. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Special operations personnel (electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, lifting grid and pile drivers and commanding, shelf workers, machines, motor vehicle drivers, and so on) must be operating permits from the relevant sector professional training examinations, independent operation, operation focus, not to leave. Construction site prohibited to wear slippers, heels, skirt, sliding and studded shoes and barefoot, shirtless, and so on. Construction site of the scaffold (prohibition of the use of bamboo and wood materials setting), protective equipment, safety signs, warning signs, scaffolding wall may be supplemented, removed and need to be removed must be reinforced by the contractors agree. Construction site of the "four" (openings, stairs, lift head, hole) and the "five-limb" (balcony, framing, roofing, run (oblique) road and unloading platforms), protective measures and clearly marked. Are not allowed to sit at the feet of ... Nails should be promptly removed. Drywall cut bricks are cut, no outside chopping. Preventing broken tiles fall hurt. Tools must always be mounted after good tool bag. In the Derrick (gantry) travel; in the Derrick (gantry) increased security measures are not taken to the following cleaning mortar, concrete and other debris; hanging baskets for a long time is not allowed to stop the air; after work basket must be placed in the ground, and cut off the power and lock box. Scaffolding on the Frost, snow, mud, and building waste time cleaning. Both ends of the scaffold to fasten to prevent probe Panel. Danger of overloading the scaffold: laying per square foot scaffold distributed load shall not exceed 270KN, piled up on the scaffold standard bricks of single side three storeys high. Wall removal of dangerous scaffolding; Sat down to rest on the guard rail danger; Set, dismantling scaffolding, Derrick (gantry) high, edges, vacant jobs, such as not wearing a seat belt at risk. Upper part of the ladder to fasten, antiskid measures are required in the lower part. Upper part of the ladder to hang, and lower banding. Ladder to fasten in the Middle, lower to have a non-slip steps, are not allowed to sit on it, riding moves. Altitude: personnel engaged in the Spider-man, 高堂,得到了国际友人的赞誉。 黄酒有18种以上的氨基酸,内含 8种人体自身不能合成的氨基酸。黄酒的氨基酸含量是红葡萄酒的三倍;啤酒的9倍,发热量是红葡萄酒的3.5倍,啤酒的1.5—2.5倍。此外,黄酒在调和肺腑、活血养颜、祛病延年等方面都有奇特功效。近年来,还研究发现黄酒中含有“抗癌之王”的硒。 那么,冬天怎样喝最好呢?黄酒具有甜、酸、苦、辛、鲜、涩六味,兼备澄、香、醇、柔、绵、爽,要尽情领略黄酒中的主兼六味,一般加热后使其六味活跃,才其味无穷。曹雪芹在《红楼梦》中对煮酒也有研究:“若热吃下去,发散酒快,若冷吃下去便凝结在内,以五脏去暖它,岂不受害?” “煮酒论英雄”、“温酒斩袁良”,“绿蚁新醅酒,红泥小火炉。”白居易在“天欲雪”的夜晚准备与好友煮酒达旦,说的都是古人煮酒而饮。古人将酒加热后喝不单得到了完美的主兼六味,也附合现代科学,喝热酒更有益加速血液循环,容易挥发,容易排泄,截留少,不易醉,而且经加热后可散发酿造过程中遗留的微量的醛。 黄酒有如此丰富的营养成份、保健作用,不要贪杯才有益健康。孔子认为“惟酒无量,不及乱。”饮酒一定要有节制,各人可根据自己的感受,适量而止。应选饮低度优质黄酒,要小咽、慢饮,不宜大口豪吞。《本草纲目》指出,“酒,天之美禄也。百曲之酒,少饮则和血行气,壮精御寒,消愁遗兴,避邪逐秽。”总之,古人告诫我们,适量有益, 切不可“三杯通大道,一醉解千愁。” 黄酒烫着喝是一个习惯风俗,40多年前,江浙一带有规模的酒店里都设有炭火烫酒锅和锡串壶,有专门的烫酒师。烫酒师傅将酒客要定的黄酒倒入串壶,根据客人的喜好加入不同比例的姜沫、红糖,挂在微沸的烫锅内。当时没有温度计,在串壶内插入一支筷,烫酒师傅就凭观察筷子四周的酒晕来判断温度,在认定已达到酒客所需的温度时,即时递给酒客饮用。当酒客闻到从串壶氤氲飘来的酒香,迫不及待地喝上一口温馨醇香,暖而不暴的黄酒时也许真会“天子唤来不上船”。烫酒的风俗60年代初在常熟乡下集镇十分普及,虞山镇西门“永和酒家”,县南街“太白酒家”都因烫酒技高,生意兴隆。吴江农村至今婚丧之事还请烫酒担服务。 家庭中喝黄酒水浴加热虽然能喝到黄酒的最佳风格,但有点麻烦。直接加热升温快、方便但容易损失酒度和芳香,然而只要用文火加热,将酒煮到略见翻动即止就可,测温在50?上下,完全可以得到水浴加热的效果。 民间还广泛流传自调鸡蛋黄酒,将黄酒倒入锅内加入红糖,煮到刚沸打蛋入锅,此法不能煮沸过长,否则会过多挥发黄酒中的酒度和芳香物质,影响风味。在我们家乡,至今还将鸡蛋黄酒作为产妇必服,除了滋补身体外,据说有排秽发奶之效。 must be in good health, do not have high blood pressure, blood disorders, serious heart disease, mental illness, epilepsy, thick at 500 degrees and above, and doctors don't think Spider-man personnel shall not engage in aerial work. Personnel should be checked once a year for aerial work. When the platform, roof, face outwards and buckle up. Jobs not overexert higher to prevent lost her balance and fell. Remove mold at the platform lever inwards, not outwards to prevent people falling out. In case of storms, fog and six more than high winds should cease operations. Construction must have adequate lighting at night. Two security workers, construction practice for construction site in section I General provisions article: participation in construction workers (commissioned officers including apprentices, interns and workers) to known types of security techniques operating procedures. In the operation, should adhere to their jobs, drunken operation is strictly prohibited. Article II: electricians, welders, boiler operators, blasters, machine, crane drivers, pile drivers and drivers of motor vehicles must undergo special training and examination issued operating permits, operate independently. Third article: right using personal protection supplies and security protection measures, into construction site, must right wearing good helmet, ban wear slippers, and skirt, and high heels and barefoot, in no protection facilities Xia high, and Cliff and steep construction must Department good belt, upper and lower cross job has dangerous of access mouth to has protection Peng or other isolation facilities, from ground 2 meters above job to has protection railing, and bezel or security network. Safety helmets, safety belts, safety nets should be inspected regularly, do not meet the requirements must not be used. Fourth: scaffolding construction site protection facilities, safety signs and warning signs are not allowed to dismantled, need to be dismantled, must pass through the head of the construction agreement. Construction (including scaffolding) lateral edge of the minimum safety distance between the external edge of the overhead line electric line voltage up to 1KV 1-10KV ... Reset. 13th: machinery, instruments, tools, etc must be checked before starting work to confirm everything. 14th: electrical equipment and circuits must be well insulated and may not help with metal and wires together, the motor must be earthed according to regulations then zero, and set the single switch, leakage protection, temporary power outages or stoppages during the break, you must pull the lock. 15th: construction machinery and electrical equipment shall not be run with illness and overloaded operations. Discover irregularities should immediately stop check shall not be repaired in the operation. 16th: electrical, instrumentation and test-run operation, should be run strictly in accordance with individual safety measures, operation not allowed
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