
议论文范文 美好的生活源自拼搏

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议论文范文 美好的生活源自拼搏议论文范文 美好的生活源自拼搏 美好的生活源自拼搏 关于生活,我们有太多太多的感悟,有太多太多的词汇可以形容,因为生活实在是一个太广博的概念,一种太丰富多彩的事物。如果只能用一句话来概括生活,或许我会选择那一句名言:生活是一面镜子,你对它笑,它也笑;你对它哭,它也哭,纵览古近中外,志士仁人都有一个共同的特点——勇于拼搏,永不言败。 体育从人类诞生起,就是生活的一面,向自我挑战,向自然挑战。当运动员们在跑道上,球场上奋勇争先时,“拼搏”二字得以诠释。正因为有这拼搏的信念才滋生了以下感人的瞬间:中韩乒球团体赛,刘国正打破对手...
议论文范文  美好的生活源自拼搏
议论文范文 美好的生活源自拼搏 美好的生活源自拼搏 关于生活,我们有太多太多的感悟,有太多太多的词汇可以形容,因为生活实在是一个太广博的概念,一种太丰富多彩的事物。如果只能用一句话来概括生活,或许我会选择那一句名言:生活是一面镜子,你对它笑,它也笑;你对它哭,它也哭,纵览古近中外,志士仁人都有一个共同的特点——勇于拼搏,永不言败。 体育从人类诞生起,就是生活的一面,向自我挑战,向自然挑战。当运动员们在跑道上,球场上奋勇争先时,“拼搏”二字得以诠释。正因为有这拼搏的信念才滋生了以下感人的瞬间:中韩乒球团体赛,刘国正打破对手五个赛点,扭转乾坤;拜仁慕尼黑德甲争冠,最后10秒锁定胜局;奥运羽球混双决战,张军,高峻置死地而后生,上演大逆转。正所谓“狭路相逢勇者胜”,面对困难,面对对手,只有拼搏,才能夺取胜利,才能创造美好生活。 艺人是很多人羡慕的职业,觉得他们上台演出既轻松有快乐,其实没有“台下十年功”,又何来“台上一分钟”。《西游记》中孙悟空的扮演者六小龄童从三岁起便学习绍剧的基本功,二十年的苦练几十处的伤痕终于成就了他荧屏前的光辉形象。帕瓦罗蒂,世界著名男高音,最初只在一家餐厅里演唱,但他不言放弃,日日苦练,终于成就一番事业。如果说理想为你指明了道路,那么拼搏就是你穿越道路的工具。 科学是严谨的,在有些人看来是神秘的,其实它更是艰辛的。数学家陈景润为证明“哥德巴赫猜想”奋战十数载,不知洒下了多少汗水,牺urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of synthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" refers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Yangtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructure in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou border area. This urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space organization-in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive services, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries to implement "point-axis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as district development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of district 牲了多少休息时间,几度受挫,又几度振作,终获成功。居里夫人凭借常人难以匹敌的坚韧毅志,经过数年努力,终于从几吨铀废料中提取了几厘克的镭元素。看来是否具有拼搏精神,是成功者与平庸的人的根本区别。 早在千年前孟子就曾说:“天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身。”拼搏是人类社会不断前进的根本动力,是享受美好生活的先决条件。 一步与一生 老子曾经说过:“合抱之木,生于毫末;九层之台,起于垒土;千里之行,始于足下。”正像苍天的大树总是始于一种一根一样,巨大的建筑总是始于一石一木一样,成功与辉煌的一生往往始于开始的一步。 一步虽小,却可以改变人的一生;一生虽大,却必须有最开始的一步。而这最开始的一步,就是基础。在人生的旅途中,没有基础,或者基础不牢固,是不可能有什么建树的,因为基础是根本,是出发点,没有基础就没有起点,没有起点就没有过程,更谈不上有终点了。 鲁迅曾说:“巨大的建筑总是由一木一石叠起来的。我们何妨不做一木一石呢,我时常做些零碎事,就是为此。”鲁迅自幼刻苦学习,着手于这些“零碎事”,打下了坚定的基础,从而获得了成功。 回首 -l resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuane in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineraructurNorth in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zha-Yunnan-zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan ngtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion ofthe Yarefers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for ynthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" d of sribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development tren2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial disturban area 2ict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of districtaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-es to implement "pointces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteriin gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-nizationorga of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban spaceThis urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization Guizhou border area.-Yunnan 中华历史五千余载,像鲁迅一样把基础、把最开始的一步看得格外重要的伟人还有很多。一步是孔子重复弹奏《文王操》数十天,一生是孔子在后来教育事业的大有作为;一步是齐白石磨石成泥,一生是齐白石的篆刻艺术达到了庐火纯青的地步;一步是梅兰芳苦练技艺,一生是梅兰芳成为了杰出的京剧演艺术家??这些伟人的成功都与他们最开始的勤奋与持之以恒有关。正如荀子在《劝学》中的名句:“故不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流无以成江海。”成功与辉煌的一生往往始于最开始的一步,第一步的成功就是未来成功的奠基石。注重基础不仅成就了中国的伟人,同样使外国名人获得了成功。 古希腊卓越的演讲家德摩斯梯尼口含石子,迎着大风,向着波涛诵读《伯罗奔撒战争史》,年复一年,终于成为了著名的演讲家和政治家。佛罗基奥让达芬奇从不同的角度练习画鸡蛋,锻炼达芬奇眼力,使达芬奇成为了欧洲文艺复兴时期意大利杰出的画家。 历史上的名人亦是如此,而平平凡凡的我们更应该注重基础。简简单单的细节,扎扎实实的基本功,都是我们在读书和学习中不可缺少的,都是我们通往成功彼岸的罗盘。 当我们迈出生活中的一小步时,也许我们的生活会发生转折,我们的未来会发生变化。只有这生活中的一小步走好,基础打牢,成功才能指日可待。由此可见,成功与辉煌的一生总是始于那最开始的一步。 , liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the NorthGuizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong-Yunnan-ong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The SichuanRiver economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaot angtzes to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Ytic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" referyntheon, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of sYibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distributi urban area 2.5.23ict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of districtaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-implement "point toces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-ionnizatsources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space orgaurban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of re Guizhou border area. This-Yunnan-ources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuansuch areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral rese in in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructur 议论文的规范模式和范文 规范议论文是与议论性散文、杂文、随笔、评论等文体相对而言的一种议论文体,是指以论点、论据、论证构成清晰的论证结构的议论文。它的主要特点,一是论说三要素完备,突出;二是论证结构严密,合乎规范模式;三是语言合乎议论语体,准确、概括、逻辑性强。其中论证结构规范是写好这一类型议论文的关键。 一、论说三要素完备,突出 典范议论文的写作要突出体现议论文的三要素:论点、论据和论证。典范议论文应该论点鲜明、论据充分、论证合理、有严密的逻辑性。议论文的论点应该鲜明、准确、概括。论点最好在文章的开头,用具体的一句话,用判断句式,将中心论点摆出来。论据,用来证明论点的材料,选用论据要注意典型性、新颖性、表述要精练、简要。议论文要以理服人,就必须分析说理,把问题展开、论透,也就是要充分论证。论证要合乎逻辑,严密有力。为此就要运用恰当的论证方法。 二、论证结构要严密,逻辑性强,合乎规范模式 议论文的结构是指文章内部的观点和材料的组织安排。典范议论文应该结构严密,逻辑性强,结构完整,合乎规范模式。考生写议论文最严重、最普遍的问题,是缺乏“论证结构”意识,往往是疏漏松垮、缺乏论证力度的。大都属于“观点,例子材料,联系现实”类型。 议论文的基本结构通常由“引论、本论、结论”三部分组成。要求是开头必须提出论题或论点,主体部分选用材料分层次地论证论点,结尾归纳。本论是文章的主体,是对问题的分析。有以下四种常见结构形式: 1.并列式结构。在论证思路中,为了论述的方便,将文章的中心论点分解成几个平行的、并列的分论点,或是把论据并列起来,论证的几个层次或段落之间的关系是平行的,这就是并列式。如2004福建满分作文《稳中求胜》文章在亮出中心论点“为人沉稳,稳中求胜”之后,便从三个方面展开了充分的论述:“a.沉稳从志而来,b.沉稳从难而来,c.沉稳从无欲而来”。这三个分论点共同证明了中心论点,论证充分,结构清晰。 -Yunnan-l resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuane in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineraructurNorth in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zha-Yunnan-zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan ngtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion ofthe Yarefers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for ynthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" d of sribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development tren2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial disturban area 4ict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of districtaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-es to implement "pointces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteriin gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-nizationorga of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban spaceThis urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization Guizhou border area. 2.正反对比式结构。在论证思路中,把两种事物(或意见)加以对比,或者是用另一种事物(或意见)来烘托某一种事物(或意见),这就是对照式。如2003江西一考生的《公则生明》本论部分先引作文材料以做反面典型,由此带出两例正面典型事例。这样,三个事例一反两正,对比鲜明,孰是孰非,一目了然。 3.递进式结构。在论证思路中,由浅入深,层层深入,步步推进,这就是递进式结构。它的特点是各层的前后顺序有严格要求,不能随意变更。一般议论文采取先提出问题,再分析问题,然后解决问题的思路,即体现了层进式结构的特点。如2002作文《正直是做人的根本》,文章先摆出女学生拒绝广告的现象,接着说明这样做的原因,再评论女学生这一行为的意义和价值,这样层层递进,说理深刻,从而透彻地揭示了问题的实质。 4.“总-分-总”式结构。这是文章运用最多的一种结构方式。在论证思路中,有的是先总说后分说,有的先分说后总说或者先总说后分说再总说。这就是“总-分-总”式结构方式。如2001年满分作文《诚信所至,金石为开》开头引用古语,提出论点,这是引论。本论先说诚信的作用,再说诚信的适用范围。结尾点 结构,显示出作者较高的谋题,照应开头。总结全文。是典型的“总一分一总” 篇水平。 三、议论文的语言:准确、鲜明、概括、逻辑强 文体不同,也就决定了语言的不同。议论文的语言必须准确、鲜明、概括、生动和符合逻辑。1.准确。议论文一般是用逻辑推理来阐明事理和观点的,需要具有一定的概括性和严密的逻辑性,在选用词语时,要求达到准确的程度。2.鲜明。一是论点的表述要鲜明,二爱憎分明,鲜明的感情色彩贯穿在行文当中。3.概括。语言的概括性越强,它所说明的道理的普遍意义也就越大。4.严密的逻辑性。判断准确,推理严密,逻辑性强,这是议论文语言的本质特点。 [三要素突出完备类议论文例文] 让纪念闪耀理性光芒 广东一考生 sources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space orgaurban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of re Guizhou border area. This-Yunnan-ources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuansuch areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral rese in in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructur , liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the NorthGuizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong-Yunnan-ong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The SichuanRiver economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaot angtzes to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Ytic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" referyntheon, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of sYibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distributi urban area 2.5.25ict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of districtaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-implement "point toces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-ionnizat 纪念是内心情感的涌动,但又不是感情的无节制挥霍;纪念需要行动来升华,但又需要理性的引导。真正的纪念是心灵的回响,是历史的回音;它审视过去,启迪未来„„ 黑格尔曾经自夸德国人天生就是哲学家。然而就是这样一个天生严谨自律的民族,就在一个狂人的引诱下,陷入了战争的渊薮。60年前的那幕惨剧:生灵涂炭、妻离子散、血流成河„„生者在对往者的审视中找到道德的标杆,也找到了纪念的理由。德国人用尽一切方法阻止时间淡褪那血色、稀薄那呼声:修建集中营纪念馆,全力处理战后的善后问题,还有那德国总理在犹太人纪念碑前的惊世一跪~德国人在60年里不断地反思,不停地纪念,终于完成了灵魂的自我救赎。德意志民族向世界展示了理性的力量,也赢得了世人的尊敬~ 可见理性的纪念才是正确的纪念,理性让纪念闪耀出人性的光辉。 但纪念一旦脱离理性的制约,它就会变成不可控制的魔鬼。日本在60年前那幕惨剧中同样扮演了不光彩的角色,作为亚洲地区的主要刽子手,日本犯下的罪行罄竹难书。往者已矣,大和民族的纪念却是如此这般:右翼势力大肆鼓吹“中国威胁论”,还妄图为二战罪行翻案;不顾史实修订历史教科书,文过饰非,美化侵略罪行;更有首相一年一度的靖国神社“拜鬼”„„日本这种偏离理性范畴的“纪念”活动,自然得到各国人民的一致谴责。有句话说得好:“跪着的德国人比站着的日本人更高大~” e in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineraructurNorth in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zha-Yunnan-zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan ngtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion ofthe Yarefers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for ynthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" d of sribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development tren2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial disturban area 6ict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of districtaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-es to implement "pointces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteriin gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-nizationorga of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban spaceThis urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization Guizhou border area.-Yunnan-l resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuan 中国在抗日战争中付出巨大的代价才取得胜利,中国人民自然无法容忍这种倒行逆施的行为。于是各地都掀起了声势壮大的抗议和纪念活动。但近来这些纪念活动在少数激进分子的鼓动下出现了打砸抢日货商店的不理智举动。群众爱国的赤子之心可以理解,但纪念并不是感情的挥霍,非理性举动无益于解决问题。我国领导人多次表达出严正立场,但同时并不关闭中日会晤的大门,“前事不忘,后事之师;以史为鉴,面向未来”无疑就是对过去痛苦最理性,也是最深刻的祭奠。 人不能忘本,“忘记过去意味着背叛”。而高贵的心灵在铭记苦难,咀嚼苦难过后,方能理智地纪念苦难。当纪念的洪波涌动时,勿忘用理性的“闸门”控制情感。 【简评】本文是2005年广东一篇满分作文。作者用议论的写法开门见山提出中心论点“纪念需要行动来升华,更需要理性的引导”,立意较高,观点正确,能针对现实,颇有时代气息。论据鲜活,材料典型,有较强的说服力。文章既摆事实,又讲道理,分析中肯,论证有力,总分结构,条理清晰。是议论文只的三要素突出、完备的典范的议论文。 [合乎规范模式类议论文例文一] , liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the NorthGuizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong-Yunnan-ong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The SichuanRiver economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaot angtzes to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Ytic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" referyntheon, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of sYibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distributi urban area 2.5.27ict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of districtaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-implement "point toces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-ionnizatsources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space orgaurban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of re Guizhou border area. This-Yunnan-ources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuansuch areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral rese in in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructur 干事业需要激情 向剑君 激情是吹动船帆的风,没有风船就不能行驶;激情是火箭的推进剂,没有推进剂,火箭就难以飞向蓝天。生活告诉我们,灵感可以催生不朽的艺术,激情能够创造不凡的业绩;缺乏激情,疲沓涣散,很可能一事无成。因此,我们对待工作必须始终保持高昂的激情,有了激情,工作才能轰轰烈烈地进行。 对待工作的激情不是心血来潮、兴之所至,而是一种觉悟、追求和境界。在实际工作中,有许多胸怀大志、奋发向上,开拓进取、顽强拼搏,只争朝夕、埋头苦干的人,他们始终保持高昂的工作热情和旺盛的革命干劲,因而工作成效明显,事业日新月异。 高昂的激情来自崇高的理想。没有理想,人就会失魂落魄。一块手表可能有最精致的指针,可能镶嵌了最昂贵的宝石,然而如果缺少了发条,它仍然一无用处。同样,一个人无论怎样学富五车,也不管多么健壮高大,如果对工作毫无激情,甚至连热情都不足,生命就会黯然失色。昆虫学家法布尔正是因为有献身昆虫学的崇高理想,正是因由于对事业有着火热的激情和满腔的热忱,才创造出了骄人的成就。 高昂的激情来自强烈的责任感。责任感是对党和人民事业的忠诚和热情。一个具有高度责任感的人,会把工作看成追求和奉献,而把名利看得轻如鸿毛,满怀激情地投入工作;一个丧失责任感的人,会把工作当作一种负担,自然就会失去工作的乐趣。田家英同志曾经写 North in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zha-Yunnan-zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan ngtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion ofthe Yarefers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for ynthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" d of sribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development tren2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial disturban area 8ict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of districtaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-es to implement "pointces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteriin gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-nizationorga of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban spaceThis urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization Guizhou border area.-Yunnan-l resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuane in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineraructur 过一首诗:“十年京兆一书生,爱书爱字不爱名。一饭膏粱颇不薄,惭愧万家百姓心。”这就是一种高度责任感的写照。由责任感激发出来的力量是巨大的。有了强烈的责任感,才会有奋发有为的精神状态,才能开拓创新,干好事业。 高昂的激情来自自强不息的追求。“天行健,君子以自强不息。”自强不息是激情不断迸发的动力,是推动事业发展的加速器。我们所处的时代是一个强手如林、竞争激烈的时代,是一个日新月异、你追我赶的时代,是一个大潮涌动、不进则退的时代。我们应当保持清醒的头脑,与时俱进,自强不息,克服知足常乐的思想惰性,向着更快更高更强的目标前进,不断研究新情况,解决新问题,开辟新境界。 让我们始终保持奋发向上的精神状态,把高昂的激情投入到工作中去,才能用勤劳的双手创造幸福的生活和美好的未来。 【简评】这是一篇结构规范的议论文。整篇文章是典型的“总一分一总”结构,本论部分又设置了三个分论点“高昂的激情来自崇高的理想”“高昂的激情来自强烈的责任感”“高昂的激情来自自强不息的追求”,层层论证了中心论点,呈现出并列式结构。整篇文章结构严密,层次分明,脉络清楚。 1、阅读下面材料,写一篇700字左右的议论文,题目自拟。 一群年轻人到处寻找快乐,但是,却遇到许多烦恼、忧愁和痛苦。 他们向老师苏格拉底询问,快乐到底在哪里, in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructur , liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the NorthGuizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong-Yunnan-ong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The SichuanRiver economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaot angtzes to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Ytic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" referyntheon, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of sYibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distributi urban area 2.5.29ict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of districtaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-implement "point toces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-ionnizatsources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space orgaurban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of re Guizhou border area. This-Yunnan-ources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuansuch areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral rese in 苏格拉底说:“你们还是先帮我造一条船吧~” 青年们暂时把寻找快乐的事放到一边,找来造船的工具,用了七七四十九天,锯倒了一棵又高又大的树,挖空树心,造成了一条独木船。 独木船下水了,青年们把老师请上船,一边合力荡桨,一边齐声唱起歌来。 苏格拉底问:“孩子们,你们快乐吗,” 学生们齐声回答:“快乐极了~” 苏格拉底道:“快乐就是这样,它往往在你为着一个明确的目的忙得无暇顾及其他的时候突然来访。” 2、阅读下面材料,写一篇700字左右的议论文,题目自拟。 新的一年开始了。 有人说:“我们又少了一年。”有人说:“我们又多了一年。” 这就是生命的加减法。有人用的是减法思维,所以越减越少,使人的一生充满危机,充满压力: 20岁的人,失去了童年; 30岁的人,失去了浪漫; 40岁的人,失去了青春; 50岁的人,失去了幻想; 60岁的人,失去了健康; 有人用加法思维,使人生充满生机,充满快乐: Yunnan-l resources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuane in such areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineraructurNorth in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastotong, liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the Guizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zha-Yunnan-zhaotong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The Sichuan ngtze River economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion ofthe Yarefers to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for ynthetic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" d of sribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development tren2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial disturban area 10ict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of districtaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-es to implement "pointces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteriin gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-nizationorga of resources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban spaceThis urban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization Guizhou border area.- 20岁的人,拥有了青春; 30岁的人,拥有了才干; 40岁的人,拥有了成熟; 50岁的人,拥有了经验; 60岁的人,拥有了轻松。 sources of higher energy, new building materials, chemical industry, developing new energy and mining towns. Urban space orgaurban axis with mineral resource advantages, focus on the development of advanced technology, comprehensive utilization of re Guizhou border area. This-Yunnan-ources in Northeast Yunnan, expand our economic hinterland, driving synchronous lifting in Sichuansuch areas should be strengthened and docking, extending southward to public services, promote the development of mineral rese in in Wumeng mountain area of yanjin, shuifu, suijiang counties radiation power is relatively weak. Yibin city and infrastructur , liupanshui three, zhaotong city, the most populous and most extensive regions, the most economically backward, to the NorthGuizhou border area of Yibin, in the city of zhaotong-Yunnan-ong, Yunnan, internal connecting Yibin city to the North. The SichuanRiver economic belt on the pillar, advancing along the ... Guanghe River, Yiliang, prestige of the external cohesion of zhaot angtzes to the metropolitan area along the Yangtze River, is the core area of the development of the city. Plans to build for the Ytic judgments, planning, urban spatial structure of urban system can be summarized as: "a pole along the two axes". "A" referyntheon, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future development trend of sYibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distributi urban area 2.5.211ict development focuses on cities and towns, promote the development of districtaxis development" mode key repeatedly, Shahe town, Xiao Zhen, Luo table Zhen, Luo town, love Mu Zhen and other towns as distr-implement "point toces, and promoting regional economic development and population growth of the agglomeration. Along the main traffic arteries in gongxian County, Gao, junlian County Center for area organizations, improve, Gao, Gong, junlian County comprehensive servi-ionnizat
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