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[定稿]二十一世纪英语读写译答案课文翻译习题课后答案Unit1[定稿]二十一世纪英语读写译答案课文翻译习题课后答案Unit1 Unit 1 College Life College is like a fountain of knowledge — and the students are there to drink. (Anonymous) 大学犹如知识的喷泉——学生们到那里汲取知识。 (无名) The important thing is the educational experience itself — how to survive it. [Am.] Donal...
[定稿]二十一世纪英语读写译答案课文翻译习课后答案Unit1 Unit 1 College Life College is like a fountain of knowledge — and the students are there to drink. (Anonymous) 大学犹如知识的喷泉——学生们到那里汲取知识。 (无名) The important thing is the educational experience itself — how to survive it. [Am.] Donald Barthelme 重要的是受教育的经历本身——如何度过这段经历。 [美]唐纳德?巴塞尔姆 Proverbs and Quotations Outline Teaching Objectives Part 1 Lead-in Part 2 Reading Focus—Text A Part 3 Integrated Exercises Part 4 Reading Focus—Text B Part 5 Intranet Assignments Going to college is exciting, but you?re probably a little nervous as a freshman. You might be somewhat scared. Part of your nervousness is that you don?t know what to expect academically and socially. At times, your experience may be painful, especially at the beginning. In this unit, we are going to read two texts. Text A offers some tips on how to survive the first year in college. Text B tells about a successful person?s Harvard experience. Teaching Objectives By learning this unit, students will be able to grasp the main idea and structure of the texts, master the key language points, new words, grammatical structures and translation skills. And students will also be able to improve their oral communication skills and reading competence through performing the relevant tasks. Writing Focus in this unit looks at how to achieve sentence emphasis with different sentence types: simple sentence, compound sentence and complex sentence. Through learning this part, students will be able to construct correct sentences of different types. Look at the picture and discuss with your partner the following questions. Lead-in 1. What do you think will be the topic of this unit? 2. Describe and comment on the cartoon. B. Listening Practice Pre-listening Task Before listening to the following passage take a quick look at the words and expressions in the box below. Lead-in Post-listening Task Answer the following questions. What will lead students to consequences that they do not notice until it is too late? 2. What are the two most common hazards the speaker has listed in the passage? 3. According to the speaker, what will be your reward if you work hard? B. Listening Practice Lead-in Inexperience and the newfound freedom of being recognized as legal adults. ____________________________________________________ __________ Parties and computer games. ________________________ A successful college experience. ___________________________ 【Script】 Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words or expressions you hear. B. Listening Practice Lead-in For many young adults, graduation from high school means in their educational experience. Unfortunately, the new freedom can lead to behaviors that could cause students to face , or even expulsion from school. Many professors do not have attendance requirements except being in the classroom and turning in all assignments. Some students mistakenly believe they can the lecture classes whenever they want and still acquire a passing grade. opening a new door _________________ failing grades ____________ on testing days _____________ skip ____ 3. Parties are a necessary part of college and university life. Whether the students live in the or have off campus housing, a party is always . 4. Students can become so obsessed with their game-world, that they loose touch with their . 5. Party in moderation; give yourself on computer games and social web sites; attend all your classes; study hard; and most importantly, . dorms ______ nearby ______ scholastic responsibilities ______________________ time limits __________ enjoy yourself ____________ For many young adults, graduation from high school means opening a new door in their educational experience. Unfortunately, the new freedom can lead to behaviors that could cause students to face failing grades, or even expulsion from school. With a little knowledge under their belts, new students can be aware of the most common hazards and successfully see graduation day. The majority of college freshmen are eighteen years old. Inexperience, combined with the newfound freedom of being recognized as legal adults, can have consequences many students do not notice until it is too late. After twelve years of going to school for six to eight hours every weekday, the relative freedom of the college class schedule is a new concept. Many professors do not have attendance requirements except being in the classroom on testing days and turning in all assignments. Some students 【Script】 mistakenly believe they can skip the lecture classes whenever they want and still acquire a passing grade. Parties are a necessary part of college and university life. Whether the students live in the dorms or have off campus housing, a party is always nearby. If a student chooses to party all the time, ignoring their schoolwork, their grades will steadily fall until it is too late. Hobbies such as computer gaming can be just as dangerous as the campus parties. Students can become so obsessed with their game-world, that they loose touch with their scholastic responsibilities. Take college time to gain experience and learn some life lessons. A successful college experience will be your reward if you work hard. Party in moderation; give yourself time limits on computer games and social web sites; attend all your classes; study hard; and most importantly, enjoy yourself. Read the text and then answer the questions in the left margin. Reading Focus-Text A First Reading College: How to Survive the First Year Kari Whitaker1 〔Note 1〕Kari Whitaker: a technical as well as creative writer. In addition to articles on education and careers, she also enjoys writing short stories, essays, and poetry. Some have anxieties about leaving home. Others fret about the cost. Most worry they won?t do well in school. 〔Language Point〕 help you survive your first year: Normally, we just say " help sb. do sth..." Strictly speaking, you can put " to” here (help sb. to do sth.) if you really feel that you must. But some words require " to.” You " need to,” " have to”, " want to" and "like to" do sth. But you just " help sb. do sth." Why? No reason. English is full of ridiculous things like that. 〔Chinese〕对于许多即将迈入大学校门的学生而言,大学生活似乎令人恐 惧。有些学生对远离家乡感到忧虑不安,有些对高昂的学费一筹莫展,多数则 担心自己不能很好地完成学业。以下十个小忠告不仅能帮助你顺利地度过大学 第一年,或任何一年,而且能使你茁壮成长。 What do most potential college students worry about before starting school? 〔Note 2〕Armed with a thorough understanding „ as they always do: If you have a thorough understanding of all aspects of campus life — or, at least, those aspects you can collect from the orientation — you will be calmer and more composed when problems appear, and as we know, problems always appear. 〔Language Point〕 The more familiar you are with„, the better you’ll do: The more„the more” is a sentence pattern equivalent to “越„„越„„” in Chinese. e.g. The more relaxed the learner (is), the better their language acquisition (is). The more I know, the more I realize I know little. 〔Chinese〕第一,参加所有的入学教育的活动。是的,没错——的确有必要参加所有的入 学教育的活动。你对学校的规章越是熟悉,你的表现就会越发出色。有了对校园生活方 方面面的彻底了解——或者至少是那些从活动中所能搜集到的诸多信息的了解,那么,当层 出不穷的问题出现时,你便能从容应对。 〔Note 3〕In high school, teachers tend to shepherd students through homework and due dates: In high school, teachers always lead students through all the homework and tell them when they are expected to hand it in. 〔Language Point〕 in high school/in college: Refers to high school or college in general, whereas “in the high school/in the college” refers to a high school or a college specifically. 〔Chinese〕第二,要有条不紊。上中学时,老师会引领学生完成作业,告知他们何时该交 出作业。然而,上了大学,教授布置作业,便期望你如期做好准备。他们没有太多耐心倾听 那些“我不知何时该交作业”之类的辩解。因此,做你该做的——诸如买一个电子记事本, 计划制订本,或者一个大大的挂在墙上的日历——无论如何,要做到有条不紊。 〔Note 4〕Study regularly. Kind of a no-brainer, but this is an essential part of success: To study regularly looks like/ seems to be/ is sort of an easy thing to do, but it is a very important part of success. 〔Note 5〕Like with most things, when it comes to study time, quality is better than quantity: As far as study time is concerned, quality is better than quantity. And this is the case with most things. 〔Language Point〕 whatever works best for you: “Whatever” here is a pronoun and it serves as the subject of the clause. “Whatever” can be used as the subject or the object of a clause. e.g. Whatever I have is yours. You can eat whatever you like. 〔Chinese〕第三,有规律地学习。貌似简单,可是,这是成功必不可少的组成部分。除了有规律地学习之外,你还应当找一个理想的学习场所,无论是图馆还是寝室里一个安静的角落,适合即可。与其他很多事情一样,说到学习时间,质量胜于数量。 Any place that works best for a student will do, whether at the library or a quiet place in the dorm. Where are the ideal places the author lists for study? 〔Language Point〕 Make it a priority to attend all of your classes on time: In this sentence, “it” is a formal object. 〔Chinese〕第四,准时上课。迟到,或者不去上课的后果是什么,落后于其 他学生,不能完成作业,遗漏课堂笔记,并且常常给教授留下“我不在乎” 的印象。通常,逃掉大清早的课睡个懒觉,或者干脆逃掉所有的课很具诱惑 力——务必抵制住这种诱惑。准时上所有的课,使之成为头等大事。以后,你的成绩会感激你的所为。 〔Language Point〕 Not only should you„ but also to get to know them: This is an inverted order sentence. Sentences initiated by “no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until…” are commonly used in inverted order. e.g. Never have I seen such a performance. Nowhere will you find the answer to this question. Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 〔Language Point〕 meet with: In British English “meet with” should be restricted to the sense of “experience” or “receive”. In American English “meet with” is used in the sense of “have a meeting with.” 〔Chinese〕第五,在适当的时候,约见教授。约见教授不仅是为了问有关作业的问题,而且也是为了了解他们。记住,与教授保持良好的个人关系益处多多,尤其是当你在学期中遇到一些意想不到的障碍时。教授安排办公时间,其唯一目的就是与学生会面——利用好那段时间。 〔Note 6〕If your assigned „ requesting another one: If the academic adviser assigned to you doesn’t have time for you, or if you two don’t get along with each other, don’t be afraid to ask for another one. 〔Language Point〕 Your academic adviser...you use them: In an informal style, we often use “them” to mean „he or she?. This usage is sometimes considered to be incorrect, but it has been common in educated speech for centuries. e.g. “There?s somebody at the door. Tell them I?m out.” God send everyone their heart?s desire (Shakespear) 〔Chinese〕第六,结识你的学业顾问。学业顾问的职责就是帮助你了解主修和辅修课以便你作出明智的决定,解决课程的冲突以及帮你决定是否增加或减少课程。简单地说,学业顾问是你在大学阶段的救生圈——务必利用好他们。如果指派的学业顾问没有时间,或者你们两人不合拍,不要介意要求另派一位学业顾问。 An academic adviser is supposed to help students make informed decisions about majors and minors, resolve course conflicts, and add or drop classes. What is an academic advisor supposed to do? 〔Language Point〕 But concentrating on one area too much can be dangerous: In this sentence, the gerund “concentrating…” is used as the subject. Usually both gerund and infinitive can be used as subjects. The difference between them is that when gerund is used as a subject, it often refers to something more general and more abstract, whereas when infinitive is used as a subject, it often refers to something more specific. 〔Chinese〕第七,保持平衡。大学给学生提供拓展知识、结识朋友以及发挥才干的机会。 但是,将注意力过于集中在某一方面可能是危险的。不关注学业,成绩就会下降。可是,没 有社交生活,大学的学习就会变成一种负担。必须保持一种平衡——努力学习,尽情玩乐。 〔Language Point〕 join various student organizations: Here, “join” means “to become a member of an organization, club etc.” You can join the army/a band/a club/a group/a party/a team/ a union etc. “Join” can also mean “to come together with other people or things.” e.g. Wendy went off to join her friends in the bar. The police car was soon joined by two ambulances. Why don?t you join us for dinner tonight? 〔Chinese〕第八,学会参与。许多大学新生挣扎于恋家和没有归属感的困境。克服这些困 境的一个良方就是参加各种学生组织、俱乐部、女生联谊会、男生联谊会以及运动队。在那 里你会结识新的朋友,学会新的技能,感受到与学校的联系更加紧密。 A good way to overcome these feelings is to get involved in school activities. They?ll make new friends, learn new skills, and feel more connected to their school. How can new college students beat homesickness and feelings of not belonging? 〔Note 7〕Make an educated decision — not a hasty one: Make a decision that is based on sound judgment and a particular level of knowledge — not the one without necessary thought. 〔Chinese〕第九,不要急着过早地作出关键性的决定。有些学生认为他们必须在第一个学 期选择专业,为将来从事某种职业做好准备。不对。记住,大学的经历部分是为了了解他人, 了解自己。它不是一场赛跑。自由地探索你的诸多选择,你的才能,以及你喜欢或不喜欢的 事。作出明智的决定——而非仓促的决定。 〔Language Point〕 Whether spent exercising, ... personal time is essential to ...: In the clause “whether…” the subject is omitted. Actually, the implied subject here is just the subject of the whole sentence, i.e. personal time. 〔Chinese〕第十,给自己腾出时间。最后——也是最重要的——记住,每周给自己留出一 些时间。无论是用来在户外锻炼、或在室内看喜爱的电影、电视节目,个人时间对于精神、 情绪以及身体的健康至关重要,而这一切对于你在大学的表现有着极大的影响。因而,在大 学里你该选学的最重要的课程之一就是学会如何放松。话虽这么说,注意别给自己太多的时 间。 This is because personal time is essential to mental, emotional and physical wellness, which has a deep effect on your college performance. Why is it important to take time out of each week for yourself? 〔Note 8〕College is „ such as the workplace: College reflects some distinctive characteristics of life. By saying that, it is easy to understand that your ability to excel in college often predicts how well you will do in other situations, such as the workplace. 〔Chinese〕记住,你是来学习的。尽管这十个小忠告特别是针对大学生的,可是,它们也同样适用于其他地方。大学是人生的缩影,就其本身而言,在大学你的表现能否出色通常预示着你在其他环境,例如工作环境中的表现如何。因此,这些技能不仅指点你如何顺利度过大学时期,同时也指点你如何顺利度过未来一生。 Reading Focus New Words and Expressions *survive /va1) to continue to live after almost dying because of an accident, sIv/ v. illness, etc. 幸存,生存下来 He was born with a heart problem and only survived ten days. No one survived the plane crash. 2) to continue to exist after being in a difficult or dangerous situation 经历,困难时期,之后还存在 Only two buildings survived the earthquake. 3) to live longer than another person 比,另一个人,活得长 The old man survived both his children. *potential /tpossible when the necessary conditions exist 潜在的,有可能的 U pl A number of potential buyers have expressed interest in the enS/ a. company. Many potential customers are waiting for a fall in prices before buying. Reading Focus-Text A (标注*的为四级词汇;标注?的为六级词汇, 其余为超纲词汇。) text text intimidate /tImto frighten or threaten (someone), usually in order to persuade InIdeIt/ v. them to do something against their wishes 恐吓~威胁 An older boy intimidated the little children when he took their lunch money. *anxiety /zaI an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or worry about QNtI / n. something that is happening or might happen in the future 忧虑,焦虑,担心 Children normally feel a lot of anxieties about their first day at school. Sometimes it helps to talk about your fears and anxieties. ?fret /fret/ v. to be nervous or worried 担忧,发愁 Don't fret — I'm sure he's OK. She spent the day fretting about/over what she'd said to Nicky. text text text *tip /tIp/ n. a useful piece of information, especially about how to do something 有用的意见,指点 gardening/cooking/sewing tips She gave me a useful/helpful/valuable/practical tip about/for growing tomatoes. *thrive /TraIv/ v. to grow, develop or be successful 繁荣; 繁盛; 成功 His business thrived in the years before the war. She seems to thrive on hard work. ?orientation /t training or preparation for a new job or activity 熟悉情 rIen n 况,认识环境 eIS;U- / n. The department has arranged an orientation session. text text text glean /n gli/ v. to collect information in small amounts and often with difficulty 搜集,消息、资料、情报等, From what I was able to glean, the news isn't good. Some useful information can be gleaned from this study. at ease relaxed 自由自在,舒适~舒坦 He felt completely at ease. She soon put/set me at ease (= made me relaxed). *issue / Isju / a problem or worry that sb. has with sth.; a subject or n. problem which people are thinking and talking about 问 题~争端,重要的议题,争论点 environmental/ethical/personal issues Money is not an issue for me. You’re just avoiding the issue. text text text *arise /ra to become evident; appear 呈现,出现,发生 Iz/ v. Should the opportunity arise, I'd love to go to China. Could you work on Saturday, should the need arise (= if it were to be necessary)? Are there any matters arising from (= caused by) the last meeting? *shepherd to make a group of people move to where you want them to /Sep d / go, especially in a kind, helpful and careful way 带领~引导 v. He shepherded the old people towards the dining room. Visitors are shepherded through the mansion by volunteers. a person whose job is to take care of sheep and move them from one place to another 牧羊者 n. text text *due / dju/ a. expected (to happen, arrive, etc.) at a particular time 到期的; 预期的 What time is the next train due? The meeting is due to take place next week. kind of slightly, used when you are trying to explain or describe something, but you cannot be exact 有点儿 I was kind of sorry to see him go. That made me feel kind of stupid. no-brainer n. anything that requires little thought 不需动脑筋的事 That last test question was a complete no-brainer. text text text *essential 1) very important and necessary 重要的,必不可少的 /senS Il / Computers are an essential part of our lives. a. It is essential to arrive early for the show. It is absolutely essential that she gets this message. 2) basic; fundamental 本质的,基本的 There's one essential point I think you've forgotten. show up to arrive somewhere 到来,出现 I waited for nearly half an hour, but he didn't show up. He showed up late for the meeting. miss out to fail to use an opportunity to enjoy or get an advantage from something 失去获得乐趣或利益的机会 Don't miss out on the fantastic bargains in our summer sale. We didn't have a TV at home when I was young, and I felt as though I missed out. text text text *project 1) represent (sth./sb./oneself) to others / pr in a way that dZekt; Ucreates a strong impression向他人表现 pr 以使其产生深刻的印象 -/ v. Recently the president has sought to project a much tougher image. The party is trying to project a new image of itself as caring for the working classes. 2) to cause a film, image or light to appear on a screen or other surface 投射 project a slide in a screen project a beam of light onto a statue *attitude a feeling or opinion about something or /QtIt someone, or a way of d ju; -behaving that is caused by this 态度, 看 -tu / 法 n. It's often very difficult to change people's attitudes. He has a very bad attitude to/towards work. He seems to have undergone a change in/of attitude recently, and has become much more co-operative. text text tempting /temptIN / attractive, but perhaps not the right thing to do 有诱惑 a. 力的 That pie looks very tempting. It was a tempting offer. ?skip /skIp/ v. 1) to not do something that you usually do or that you should do 跳过~略去 I think I'll skip lunch today — I'm not very hungry. You can skip Chapter 3; it’s not relevant. 2) to move forward, jumping quickly from one foot to the other 蹦跳,蹦跳着走 She watched her daughter skipping down the street. The lambs were skipping about in the fields. text text *altogether 1) completely 完全 / lt The train slowed down and then stopped altogether. geD(r)/ ad. I'm not altogether sure about the idea. 2) in total 总共 Altogether, 20 people attended the meeting. 3) everything considered, on the whole 总的来说 Altogether, I'd say the party was a great success. ?priority / something that is very important and that must be dealt praIrItI/ n. with before other things优先考虑的事,优先权 My first/top priority is to find somewhere to live. Being fashionable was low on her list of priorities. The management did not seem to consider office safety to be a priority. text text *appropriate suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion 适合的; 适/U pr t当的 prI/ a. Is this film appropriate for small children? I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time. Is this an appropriate occasion to discuss finance? upside /psaI the advantage of a situation 正面~积极的一面 d/n. It's annoying that we can't travel until Thursday, but the upside is that the fare's cheaper then. personal /n sprivate or relating to someone’s private life 个人的,私人的 p l / a. Do you mind if I ask you a personal question? For such a famous, wealthy man, his personal life was surprisingly simple and ordinary. text text text run into 1) to meet a problem or difficulty We ran into bad weather/debt/trouble. Both companies have since run into financial difficulties. 2) to meet someone by chance I ran into an old neighbor of mine at the garage this afternoon. snag a problem, difficulty or disadvantage 暗中的障碍物,潜伏的 /snQg/ n. 困难 We don't anticipate any snags in/with the negotiations. The drug is very effective — the only snag is that it cannot be produced in large quantities. take advantage to use an opportunity to achieve results, sometimes in an of unfair way 利用. You shouldn't take advantage of Carol's generosity like that. Many schools don’t take full advantage of the Internet. text text text *academic relating to schools, colleges and universities, or /de Qk mIk/ connected with studying and thinking, not with practical a. skills 学院的~大学的,学术的~仅注意理论的 academic subjects/qualifications/books an academic institution the academic year (= the time, usually from September to June, during which students go to school or college) academic standards informed /md fhaving a lot of knowledge or information about something In/ a. 知识的; 见闻广的;消息灵通的 an informed choice/opinion The school promised to keep parents informed about the situation. Elizabeth is remarkably well-informed. text text *major /meIthe most important subject that a college or university student is dZ(r)/ studying 主修科目 n. What is your major, Spanish or French? to study something as main subject at university 主修 v. She majored in earth sciences at Arizona State University. *minor /maIthe second most important subject that a college student is n(r)/ n. studying 辅修科目 I'm taking two courses in my minor, chemistry. v. to study something as the second most important subject at university 辅修 I minored in philosophy in college. text text *conflict /nflI kan active disagreement, as between opposing opinions or kt/ n. needs 冲突~矛盾~分歧 Science sometimes comes into conflict with religion. Conflicts between parents and children become more frequent when the children become teenagers. in short used before describing something or someone in as few words and as directly as possible 总之~简而言之 He's disorganized, inefficient, never there when you want him — in short, the man is hopeless. life preserver life belt or life jacket 救生圈,救生衣 text text text click /klIk/ v. to get along well with or be a success with somebody 一见如 故,一拍即合 The young couple clicked with each other the first time that they met. The product (idea, solution, etc.) clicked with customers and became popular. homesickness /s Um h sadness because one is always from home 想家~恋家 IknIs/ n. sorority / r ra social organization for female students at some US stI/ n. colleges [美]女大学生联谊会 ?fraternity / a social organization for male students at some US colleges [美]男 t frtI n/ 大学生联谊会 n. text text text text crucial / extremely important or necessary 至关重要; 决定性的 kru l Sa crucial decision/question ,/ a.Her work has been crucial to the success of the project. It is crucial that the problem is tackled immediately. *specific /sIrelating to one thing and not others; particular 特定的,特种的, spIfIk/ a. 具体的 Children’s television programs aim at a specific age group. The money is intended to be used for specific purposes. *option one thing which can be chosen from a set of possibilities, or the / pS n/ freedom to make a choice 选择; 任选项; 选择权 n.The best option would be to cancel the trip altogether. There are various options open to someone who is willing to work hard. text text text *hasty /heIsdone in a hurry, sometimes without the necessary care or tI/ a. thought 仓促完成的,草率的 He warned against making hasty decisions. Now let's not leap to any hasty conclusions. I think perhaps we were a little hasty in judging him. wellness the state of being healthy 健康 /weln Is/ n. ?profound /deep, intense or far-reaching; very great 深刻的; 深切的; 极度 U 的 prfaUnd/ a. The speech had a profound influence on her. Those two lines of poetry express perfectly the profound sadness of loss. text text text *apply /plaI / to make use of something or use it for a practical purpose v. 应用, 实施; 运用 He wants a job in which he can apply his foreign languages. If you apply pressure to a cut it's meant to stop the bleeding. microcosm a small place, society or situation which has the same /maIkr m zcharacteristics as something much larger,人类、社会等的,缩影 Uk / n. The audience was selected to create a microcosm of American society. What's happened to us is a microcosm of what's happened to industry in America. in the exact meaning of the word or phrase 就其本身而论 as such A name, as such, means nothing. Mere good looks, as such, will not take you far. text text text ?excel to do something very well or be highly skilled, and be /sel Ik; ek-/ v. better than most others 擅长,优于, 超过 Rebecca always excelled in languages at school. They all performed well, but the lead dancer really excelled. predictor /dIk prI预言者,预言性的事物 t(r)/ n. *fare / fe(r)/ v. fare well/badly/better, etc. used to say how well or badly someone or something does in a particular situation 进 展,过活~生活 All the children fared well in the exams. Middle-income families will fare better/worse under the new tax laws. text text text Reading Focus Second Reading Comprehension of the Text Go over the text to find out more about what to do in the first year. Complete the following table. Why is it necessary to go to It’s because the more familiar you are with all orientations? the school as well as its rules and expectations, you’ll do. How are high school and In high school, teachers tend to shepherd college different from through homework each other in terms of and . assignment? In college, by contrast, professors post the assignments and expect you to . the better ________ students _______ due dates ________ be prepared __________ Reading Focus-Text A What will happen if you’re You get behind, on assignments late or don’t show up to and Lecture notes, and often project an class? attitude to the professor. What does the author It means that students should study hard and mean by maintaining a hard. This is because without proper balance? And why?attention to school, will fall. And without a social life, college can become . Why does the author This is because part of the college experience is warn the students against getting to making crucial decisions know . too soon?College is not a race. Students should feel free to their options, talents, . It is wise to make an educated decision — not a one. miss out _______ “I don?t care” __________ play ____ grades ______ a burden _______ others and oneself _______________ explore ______ likes and dislikes ______________ hasty ____ Second Reading Integrated Exercises Read after the tape the last two paragraphs of Text A. Pay particular attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Task 1 Make? time for yourself. ?Finally| — and ? most importantly|— remember that you should take time out of ?each week for yourself. Whether spent exercising ?outdoors|, or watching a favorite movie or television show ? indoors|, personal time is essential to ?mental, ? emotional, and physical ?wellness|, which has a profound effect on your college? performance. ?Thus, one of the most important lessons you should learn in ?college| is how to? relax. That being ?said, be careful of taking ?too much time for yourself. Reading Focus-Text A Remember| you’re at school to ?work. While these ten tips are especially relevant for ?college students|, it should be observed| that many can be applied ?elsewhere. College is a microcosm of ?life|; as ?such, your ability to excel in college| is often a good predictor| of how you will fare in other ?situations|, such as the ? workplace. ?Thus|, these skills are not only tips| on how to survive ?college| but also how to survive ? life. This article is not meant to scare you or take away any of the joy, excitement, and anticipation you feel about going to college. Quite the opposite. This article is all that you need to do to not only to survive your first year of college, but to thrive in college. As a piece of expository writing, it is made up of an introduction, a main body and a conclusion. Now put down the main ideas for each part. Task 2 Text Organization Parts Paragraphs Main Ideas 1 1 ????? 琰茞 ?Ü 2 1-11 ????? 琰茞 ?Ü 3 12 ????? 琰茞 ?Ü Many potential college students worry about starting school. The author offers ten tips about how to not only survive but thrive in college. These ten tips can also be applied elsewhere in life. Task 3 Vocabulary Study A. Choose an appropriate word from the box below to fill in the blank of each sentence. Make changes where necessary. anxiety specific option thrive conflict personal potential issue profound essential arise academic excel survive attitude Of the six people badly injured in the traffic accident, only two . John was popular as much for his qualities as for his management skills. If you want to pass your exams you?d better change your towards study! Sue found herself constantly in with her parents over her future career. survived _______ personal _______ attitude ______ conflict ______ Children should be disciplined(管教)when the need . If you worry about your health, share your with your doctor. The museum is closed while repairs are being carried out. Rick?s cooking was always good but this time he really himself. You have to do well if you want to get into medical school. Before we start, we need to identify(识别)actual and problems. Arises _____ Anxieties _______ essential _______ excelled _______ academically __________ potential _______ B. Choose an appropriate phrase from the box below to fill in the blank of each sentence. Make changes where necessary. kind of by contrast run into in short show up at at ease as such miss out (on sth.) take advantage of We have to dress nice at work. Be careful not to debt. Of course I?m coming — I don?t want to all the fun! It was getting late when she finally . Try to put the candidate by being friendly and informal. She the children?s absence to tidy their rooms. When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned . The new job is not a promotion , but it has good prospects. His novels belong to a great but vanished(消逝的)age. They are, , old-fashioned. kind of ______ run into ______ miss out on _________ showed up ________ at ease ______ took advantage of ______________ by contrast _________ as such ______ in short ______ understand She doesn't have any of what it takes to be a good manager. assign She is in Greece on an for one of the Sunday newspapers. tempt A weekend in Rome? Mm, sounds ! haste She regretted her words the moment she?d spoken. perform Some athletes take drugs to improve their . expect Considering the injuries he's had there can be little of him winning the race. organize The letters had been placed in piles, one for each letter of the alphabet. inform They are not fully about the changes. understanding ___________ assignment _________ tempting _______ hasty ____ performance __________ expectation _________ organized ________ informed _______ C. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given. For example: anxious Some students have anxieties about leaving home. Transform the following sentences after the model. Model: Like with most things, when it comes to study time, quality is better than quantity. When it comes to holidays, I prefer something lazy. When it comes to writing letters, she?s hopeless. Task 4 Structure (提起烹饪), Jenny knows what's what. Today's gamers have more choices than ever, (说到电脑游戏). 3. Americans trust scientists most, (当谈及气候变化的问题). 4. (说到将来), there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened. 5. Do black people really have an advantage, (说起打篮球)? When it comes to cooking _____________________ When it comes to computer games when it comes to playing basketball ____________________________ when it comes to the issue of climate change ____________________________________ When it comes to the future ______________________ ____________________________ Task 5 Translation A. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese given in brackets. There’s no point in (为无法改变的事情而发愁 fret about). He was (在课堂上更轻松自如 at ease)than on a political platform(政治舞台). A new version of the software (在以后的几周将如期而至 due). Our project (遇到了困难 run into) when we lost a sponsor(赞助商). Banks normally (优先考虑大型 企业 priority)when deciding on loans. Let's (利用晴好的天气 take advantage of )and go on a picnic. fretting about things you can?t change ______________________________ more at ease in the classroom ________________________ is due in the next couple of weeks ___________________________ ran into difficulties ______________ give priority to large businesses _________________________ take advantage of the good weather _____________________________ 7. Anderson (起了至关重要的作用 crucial) in the team’s 3-2 victory on Saturday. 8. The technology sector is doing badly. Old economy stocks, (相比之下,却表现很好 by contrast). played a crucial role ________________ by contrast, are performing very well _____________________________ B. Translate the following sentences from Text A into Chinese. 1. Go to all orientations. Yes, that?s right — it really is necessary to attend all the school orientations. 参加所有熟悉校园环境的活动。是的,没错——的确有必要参加所有的熟悉校园环境的活动。 __________________________________________________________ _______________ 两个简单句并列。需要指出的是第二句是对前面祈使句的再次 强调。句中Yes一词,表示赞同前面的说法,可以翻译为“的确”, “没错”,“是的”。而is用斜体,亦表示强调之意,朗读时应用重音。 点 评 Armed with a thorough understanding of all aspects of campus life — or, at least, those aspects you can glean from orientation — you will feel more at ease when issues arise, as they always do. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 有了对校园生活方方面面的彻底了解——或者至少是那些从活动中所能搜集到的诸多信息的了解,那么,当层出不穷的问题出现时,你便能从容应对。 这句话看似复杂,其实并不复杂。句子的主干部分是you will feel more at ease„ 而前半部分 Armed with a thorough understanding of„是过去分词短语,表示伴随状态,其所隐藏的主语就是主干部分的 主语“you”。这句话可以这样理解:If you are armed with a thorough understanding of„, you will feel more at ease„另外,此句中破 折号中间的部分or, at least, those aspects you can glean from orientation可以先忽略不看,它是对前面all aspects of campus life的补充,是前面部分的同位语。 点 评 通常,逃掉大清早的课睡个懒觉,或者干脆逃掉所有的课很具诱惑力。务必抵制住这种诱惑。准时上所有的课,使之成为头等大事。 _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ 3. Often it is tempting to sleep through early morning class or skip it altogether — resist temptation. Make it a priority to attend all of your classes on time. 注意这两句话中的 “it”。 第一句话Often it is tempting to„ 中的“it”是形式主语,该句真正的主语是to sleep through early morning class or skip it altogether。第二句话Make it a priority to„中的“it”是形式宾语,该句真正的宾语是to attend all of your classes on time。英语句子中,如果主语或宾语较长、较复杂, 通常用“it”这个形式主语或形式宾语取代真正的主语或宾语, 使其提前,从而保持句子的平衡。 点 评 ________________________________ 4. That being said, be careful of taking too much time for yourself. 话虽这么说,注意别给自己太多的时间。 这句话的主干就是一个祈使句be careful of taking too much time for yourself。前面的部分是独立主格结构。独立主格结构(Absolute Structure)是由名词或代词加上分词等构成的一种独立结构,用于修饰整 个句子。独立主格结构中的名词或代词与其后的分词等构成逻辑上的主谓 关系。这种结构与主句不发生句法上的联系,它的位置相当灵活,可置于 主句前、主句末或主句中,常由逗号将其与主句分开。例如: 1)Two hundred people died in the accident, many of them children. 2)He was listening attentively in class, his eyes fixed on the blackboard. 3)Every afternoon a very old woman hobbled past the old house, a vast load of firewood on her back. 点 评 Find a partner, and tell each other how nervous or excited you were on the first day of college. You may begin like this: Well, my first day at college was August 24th. I was so confused. Had no idea what to expect... Task 6 Presentation Sentence Types (I): Grammatical structure Sentence writing focuses on communication effects, not on grammatical accuracy. In this unit we will look at the effects of sentences with different grammatical structures. Task 7 Writing Focus The grammatical-structure category is based on the number and relation of S + V (subject + verb) component in a sentence. For example, If a sentence is made up of only one S+V, it is a simple sentence. For example, 1. Old friends are the best. 2. The man looked perplexed, and then replied, “Oh, they?re mostly just friends.” A. Simple sentence Basics B. Compound sentence If a sentence is made up of two or more S+Vs joined with AND, OR, it is a compound sentence. For example, 1. It has been over a year-and-a-half since I made a new friend, and I am not only content with that, but happy for it. 2. Most of these are people whom I enjoy spending time with and conversing with, but they are not friends. If a sentence is made up of two or more S+Vs joined with IF, WHEN, WHERE, WHILE, or BECAUSE, etc., we call it a complex sentence. For example, 1. Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you. 2. Whenever I tell someone that I have only a handful of friends, they're not entirely sure how to respond. C. Complex sentence Sentences with different grammatical structures can be used to achieve different emphasis. In a simple sentence, there is only one idea, and it is of course emphasized. For example, (the italics showing the emphasized ideas) The boy bought a bunch of roses for the girl. The girl liked the roses very much. In a compound or complex sentence, there are at least two clauses, and therefore at least two ideas. In a compound sentence, the ideas are equally emphasized; in a complex sentence, the idea in the main clause is emphasized. For example, the following sentences express slightly different ideas (the italics showing the emphasized ideas): 1. The boy bought the girl a bunch of roses, and the girl liked the roses very much. 2. The boy bought the girl a bunch of roses which the girl liked very much. Writing Tips Sentence fragments are grammatically incomplete structures. Beginners need to avoid them in their writing. In the following examples, the italicized parts are sentence fragments. 1. My university offers many programs in engineering. Such as electrical, chemical, and industrial engineering. 2. I need to find a new roommate. Because the one I have now is going to marry next month. 3. A story with deep thoughts and emotions. Error Reminder: Sentence Fragment A. Combine the following groups of sentences in as many ways as possible, and try to tell their differences by looking at the emphasis and logical relation between the clauses. Exercises (This sentence emphasizes the condition of time for John?s playing football, and the emphasis is on the first clause.) 1. John went to play football. His wife went shopping John went to play football, and his wife went shopping. 1)____________________________________________ (The two facts are of equal importance and their relation is quite natural.) John went to play football, but his wife went shopping. (The two facts are of equal importance, but their relation is not very natural.) 2)____________________________________________ John went to play football, for/because his wife went shopping. 3)__________________________________________________ (It was his wife that made him play football. Because is more emphatic than for.) John went to play football, so his wife went shopping. 4)___________________________________________ (It was John that made his wife go shopping, and the two facts are equally important.) John went to play football when his wife went shopping. 5)_____________________________________________ (These two sentences emphasize the fact that the students are studying hard, and only mention the reason for their doing so. ) 2. The students are studying hard. They will have a test tomorrow. The students are studying hard because they will have a test tomorrow. 1)__________________________________________________________ Because they will have a test tomorrow, the students are studying hard. (Both the two sentences put much emphasis on the reason of students? studying hard, but the first sentence is a loose sentence, the second sentence is a periodic sentence, therefore it may create more suspension.) Since they will have a test tomorrow, the students are studying hard. 3)_______________________________________________________ The students are studying hard, for/as they will have a test tomorrow. 4)_______________________________________________________ 2)__________________________________________________________ Juan and Marian had finished their assignment, so they went to the movies. (These two sentences explain the cause and effect relation between the two facts. The emphasis is different because the ideas in the main clauses are different.) 3. Juan and Marian went to the movies. They finished their assignment. Juan and Marian went to the movies after they finished their assignment. 1)__________________________________________________________ Juan and Marian had finished their assignment before they went to the movies. 2)_________________________________________________________ _______ (The first two sentences explain the time relation of the two facts, but the emphasis is different. Please draw students? attention to the main clauses.) Juan and Marian went to the movies because they had finished their assignment. 3)__________________________________________________________ _________ 4)____________________________________________________________ (This sentence indicates a different relation between the two clauses.) 4. My mother talks to the woman. The woman sells cosmetics. My mother talks to the woman and the woman sells cosmetics. 1)__________________________________________________ (This sentence is possible, but not very good, because it just states two facts that are loosely connected, which does not indicate their relation clearly.) My mother talks to the woman who sells cosmetics. 2)_________________________________________ The woman whom my mother talks to sells cosmetics. 3)___________________________________________ (These two sentences both use relative clause, but the emphasis is different.) My mother talks to the woman because she sells cosmetics. 4)________________________________________________ F F F B. Find out whether there is sentence fragment in the following sentences. For sentences without fragments, write C before them; for sentences with fragments, write F before them and try to correct the mistakes. Then he attended Bright Junior High School. Which was a very bad experience. I never eat chocolate. Because I?m allergic to it. He stood by the window. And looked down at the street. 4. Although it only attained a speed of about twelve miles an hour. My old rowboat seemed like a high-speed job to me. _____ F _____ Then he attended Bright Junior High School, which was a very bad experience. I never eat chocolate, because I?m allergic to it. _____ _____ He stood by the window, and looked down at the street. Although it only attained a speed of about twelve miles an hour, my old rowboat seemed like a high-speed job to me. F It can be really embarrassing to be so emotional. Especially when you are on your first date, I feel that you should be in control. In the seventh grade every young boy goes out for football. To prove to himself and his parents that he is a man. 7. The small, one-story houses are all the same size and style. With no difference except the color. 8. He talked for fifty minutes without taking his eyes off his notes. Like other teachers in that department, he did not encourage students? questions. C _____ F _____ In the seventh grade every young boy goes out for football or basketball to prove to himself and his parents that he is a man. _____ The small, one-story houses are all the same size and style. There is no difference except for the color. C _____ Success in college taking a great deal of hard work, but still be achieved. 10. A president is an appointed leader. Someone who is a decision maker in the executive branch of our government. Doesn't necessarily mean that the person the people elect is capable. F _____ Success in college takes a great deal of hard work, but still can be achieved. F _____ A president is an appointed leader, someone who is a decision maker in the executive branch of our government. This doesn't necessarily mean that the person the people elect is capable. Reading Focus-Text B First Reading Read the text and then answer the questions in the left margin. The Harvard Experience Hsuan Owyang1 〔Chinese〕哈佛经历 〔Note 1〕Hsuan Owyang: Chairman of CapitaLand’s Finance, one of Asia’s largest listed property companies, and Budget Committee and Deputy Chairman of CapitaLand’s Investment Committee. He is also Director of MobileOne Limited and former Chairman of Transpac Industrial Holdings Limited, both companies listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited. Mr Owyang served on the Board of Singapore?s Housing & Development Board (HDB) from 1977 and was appointed Chairman of HDB in 1983 until his retirement in October 1998. USA. Mr Owyang has extensive banking experience and worked on Wall Street for 12 years as an investment advisor. Mr Owyang is a graduate of the University of Dubuque, USA, with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. He also holds a Master of Business Administration from Harvard University, USA. 〔Language Point〕 I went directly from the University of Dubuque where I graduated with„: This is an adverbial clause initiated by “where”, which here is equal to “in which/at which”. e.g. After the war, a new school building was put up where there had once been a theatre. Put the medicine where children can?t reach it. 〔Chinese〕备战哈佛 1950年,我从杜比克大学获得工商管理科学学士学位后,直接进入 哈佛商学院。在申请过程中,我了解到招生部门会考虑三个因素——学术能力,领导经验以 及个人特征。 Academic ability, leadership experience and personal characteristics. What are the three factors considered important by the admissions office of HBS? 〔Note 2〕With regard to „ will be rather slim: As far as the first factor, i.e. academic ability is concerned, by the time the application is handed in, all the grades except those of the last semester, are on the transcript. If the applicant fails to get satisfactory grades, he might have very slight chances of being admitted. Notice that “trip at this hurdle” is used metaphorically here. 〔Chinese〕关于第一点,等申请材料递交上去时,除了最后一个学期以外的所有成绩均在 成绩报告单上出现。如果申请人这关没过,获得录取的机率微乎其微。 〔Language Point〕 As for the leadership experience, describing it can be a joy„: Here, “as for” means “with regard to”(至于). e.g. As for Louise, well, who cares what she thinks. The thief was caught by the police almost immediately. As for the stolen jewels, they were found in a dustbin. 〔Chinese〕至于领导经历,对于一些申请人来说,描述它是一件乐事,可 是,对于其他许多人,尤其是亚洲学生而言,却如同一场恶梦。那些晚熟的人,他们的领导 才能要到25岁时才会有所显现。我不知道这一要素有多么重要,可是,对于缺乏领导经历 的申请人而言,他们不得不过多地依靠其他两个要素以获得录取。 Because as the late developers in life, their leadership quality may not be very evident before the age of 25. Why is the leadership experience a nightmare to many students, especially Asian students? 〔Note 3〕This component of the application can tip the balance as there is no lack of applicants with excellent grades: Since there are quite a number of applicants with excellent grades, this component of the application, i.e. the personal characteristics of the applicant can really make some stand out from all others. Notice that “to tip the balance” means “to give someone or something enough of an advantage to influence a result or decision”, e.g. Her youth and competitiveness tipped the balance in her favour. 〔Language Point〕 „I would quickly get out of bed to put it down on paper for fear that I might forget it the following morning: Here, “for fear (that)” or “for fear of sth./doing sth.” means “in case; to avoid the danger of something happening”. e.g. They wouldn't let their cat outside for fear (that) it would get run over. We spoke in whispers for fear of waking the baby/for fear (that) we might wake the baby. Both “would” and “used to” can refer to repeated actions and events in the past, but only “used to” can refer to past states. e.g. I used to have an old Rolls-Royce. (But not: I would have an old Rolls- Royce.) 〔Chinese〕申请人的个人特征从申请书的论述部分可见一斑,论述部分可以很大程度上反 映申请人的性格。由于成绩优异的不乏其人,申请书的这一部分便是举足轻重。记得为写论 述,我曾花了三个月的工夫,日思夜想。有几次,深更半夜之时,灵感来临,我会马上起床, 把灵感记录下来,生怕第二天早晨忘了。 This section can reveal a great deal about the applicant?s character. Since there are quite a number of applicants with excellent grades, the personal characteristics of the applicant can really make some stand out from all others. How important is the essay section of the application document? 〔Language Point〕 „one of the reasons why I was accepted into HBS...: Here, “be accepted” means “be admitted” (被录取), or you can say “get enrolled”, which is of the same meaning. 〔Chinese〕精心准备的申请材料也许是我无需面试便被哈佛商学院录取的原因之一——大 多数申请人必须经历面试。写就像样的申请材料,需花时间。没有什么可以替代细致的准备。 〔Language Point〕 „and it was up to them to decide„: If something is up to somebody, somebody is responsible for doing it. e.g. It?s up to all of us to solve the problems in our neighborhoods. 〔Chinese〕应对压力 哈佛商学院留给我的最美好的记忆是在1952年的6月19日,那一 天我意识到我终于大功告成。我记得我必须应对的压力。坦率地说,我并不享受那些压力。 学生们总是被布置大量的、超过他们能力所及的阅读材料。学生们自己得权衡什么可以不读。 回顾过去,那些压力其实就是受训的一部分。压力绝对是必不可少的,而且,最终那段经历 造就了一个更好的我。 Honestly speaking, the author did not enjoy the pressures that he had to cope with. Did the author enjoy the pressures he had to cope with in HBS? 〔Language Point〕Some of the lessons ... alternatives in solving problems: The sentence is pretty long, but grammatically speaking, it is a simple sentence. Three objects which are parallel to each other are “the need to…”, “the importance of…” and “the necessity of…” 〔Chinese〕哈佛的影响 哈佛商学院至少在三个方面影响了我。它重塑了我对商界而且对 人生的认识。在那里学到的经验包括做人做事要灵活应变,客观真实,要有长远眼光,要通 盘考虑,要找寻和思索解决问题的不同途径。 〔Language Point〕 The former involves„: Here, “involve” means “to include something as a necessary part of an activity, event, or situation”. e.g. The course involves a great deal of hard work. Most research and development projects involve some element of risk. The job involved working with a software development team. 〔Chinese〕哈佛商学院同样教会了我管理的艺术。工商管理分两个层面:定量的和不定量 的。定量的包括数字、财务报表以及统计数据的合理运用。大多数商学院都提供这一方面的 课程。 The quantitative and the non-quantitative. The former involves numbers, financial statements and the proper use of statistics. The latter includes subjects such as business policies, human relations, ethics and public responsibilities, and business history. Obviously, the author profited more from the latter. What are the two aspects of business management? What do they each involve? From which one did he profit more? 〔Language Point〕 Business history, which is the study of„, is equally vital: Note this sentence contains a nonrestrictive attributive clause. Usually, A nonrestrictive attributive clause is a relative clause that does not aid in the identification of the referent of its head noun, but only provides information about it. e.g. American families, which host foreign students, are not paid, though they are allowed a small income tax deduction. Copper, which offers very little resistance, is used so widely for carrying electricity. 〔Note 4〕The knowledge gained from these subjects is manifest in, for instance, communication skills and strong decision-making: The knowledge gained from the non-quantitative subjects is reflected in such aspects as communication skills and strong decision-making skills. 〔Chinese〕然而,并不是每一所商学院都擅长于教授不定量方面的知识,它包括众多科目, 诸如商业政策、人际关系、道德、公共责任以及商业史等。从这些学科中汲取的知识清 楚地反映在诸如交际能力和决策果断方面。通常,良好的交际能力是成功的首席执行官最重 要的特质之一。商业史同样至关重要,它研究企业或个人在不同情形下所作出的决定或所采 取的行动。那些无视或有意无视历史的人会一遍又一遍地重蹈覆辙。 〔Language Point〕... and it is while ... my business school education: Note that “it is while… that I obtained…” is an emphatic pattern. “It is (was) + (the part which needs to be emphasized) + that (who)…” is an emphatic pattern. e.g. We were told that it was in that very room that the Republicans held the important meeting. It is only when you nearly lose someone that you become fully conscious of how much you value him. 〔Language Point〕 While, as, when: We usually use “while” to say that two longer actions go on at the same time. “As” is used to talked about two situations which develop or chance together. We prefer “when” to refer to ages and periods of life. e.g. John cooked supper while I was watching TV. When I was a child, we lived in London. 〔Chinese〕管理艺术难以捉摸,正是在选学那些不定量课程的过程之中,我从哈佛商学院获取了最宝贵的财富。 〔Note 5〕Many corporate problems can be traced back to the sense of insecurity of the people involved: Many corporate problems have their origins in the sense of insecurity of the people concerned. 〔Language Point〕 „ I have been able to remain positive and „: Here, “remain” means “to continue to be in a particular situation or condition”. e.g. The dictator has remained in power for over 20 years. The economy remains fragile. 〔Language Point〕On such occasions, having self-confidence helps: Here, in this sentence, “help” means “to make a situation better”. e.g. More police officers on the street would help. Organic farming methods help the environment. 〔Chinese〕不仅如此,哈佛商学院还给了我全新的自信。公司事务的很多问题可以追溯到相关人员的不安全感引起的。50多年的职业生涯中,我不可避免地遭遇到种种挫折和失意。多亏了在哈佛商学院受训所获得的自信,我总是能保持乐观的态度,继续前行。有时,人们得退后一步,以前进两步。在这样的时刻,自信大有益处。 The new sense of confidence that the author developed from HBS enabled him to remain positive and to continue moving on in hard times. How did the new sense of confidence the author developed from HBS benefit his working life? 〔Language Point〕 While the motivations of a profit-making and a non-profit making organization are different, the problems„are often quite similar: Note that here “while” is used as a conjunction, and it is used for saying that although you accept that something is true, there are also doubts or facts that you cannot ignore. e.g. While I agree with you, I do not believe that your way is the best. 〔Chinese〕哈佛商学院教给我的另外一点就是要有多种技能,也就是说,要 能管理好不同类型的公司。商学院的目的就是为学生们提供机会,发展自己,以谋求在私人企业或政府机关担任负责任的职务。尽管赢利组织和非赢利组织的动机不同,它们面临的管理问题却大体相似。总经理的工作就是把事情做好,而哈佛商学院的课程在诸多方面训练着 总经理们。 It means to be able to manage well in different types of organizations. What does “to be versatile” mean in the context of the business world? 〔Language Point〕 This observation can certainly apply to members of my class: Here, “apply” means “to use a particular method, process, law etc.” e.g. The trial judge has applied an incorrect principle of law. A similar technique can be applied to the treatment of cancer. 〔Chinese〕 重聚哈佛商学院 2002年昔日朋友50周年重聚之时,至少有四分之一的同学名字已登讣告栏。我记得曾经有人说过,一个人一生的成功取决于五个因素,即能力、机会、时机的把握、运气以及身居要职的朋友。这一评论用在我的同学们身上十分贴切。从哈佛获得工商管理学位并不能确保成功。可是,它却给我们一个良好的开端。回首往昔,我坚信哈佛经历是我人生中的一个高潮。无疑,那段经历对我大有裨益。至少,我可以满怀喜悦地说:“我曾到过那儿„„经历过那些。” It means that HBS has given him a good starting point, and he believes that his Harvard experience has been beneficial to him all his life. What does the author mean by saying “Been there… done that”? Reading Focus-Text B New Words and Expressions (标注*的为四级词汇;标注?的为六级词汇, 其余为超纲词汇。) the act of thinking carefully about sth.考虑 *consideration /sId n kreISeSeveral options are under consideration (= being n/ considered). n. After careful consideration, we have decided to offer you the job. *leadership /SI 1) the state or position of being a leader 领导,领导地位 d li p/ n. The party thrived under his leadership. 2) the ability to be a leader or the qualities a good leader should have 领导才能 Many in the party have criticized his lack of leadership. text text a typical feature or quality that sth./sb. has 特性~特征~特点 *characteristic /kQrIk rIstI Personal characteristics, such as age and sex are taken into tk/ n.account. The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society. concerning 关于~至于,就…而论 in/with regard to a change in the laws in/with regard to food safety I am calling in/with regard to your recent inquiry. *application a formal (often written) request for sth., such as a job, /k QplI permission to do sth. or a place at a college or university 申 eISen/ n. 请,申请表 a letter of application an application for membership/a loan/a licence I've sent off applications for four different jobs. text text text *submit /m to formally give something to someone so that they can make a b sIt/ v. decision about it 提交~呈递 You must submit your application before January 1st. The developers submitted building plans to the council for approval. transcript an official record of a student’s work that shows the courses they /trQns have taken and the marks/grades they have achieved <美>学生成绩报告 单 krIpt/n. applicant a person who formally requests something, especially a job, or a /QplI nt place at college or university 申请人 k/ n. How many applicants did you have for the job? Successful applicants will receive notification within the week. *trip /trIp/ v. to catch one’s foot on sth. and fall or almost fall 绊,绊倒 She tripped over the cat and fell. I tripped over, dropping the tray I was carrying. text text text text 1) a frame or fence for jumping over in a race 栏架~跳栏 hurdle /h dHis horse fell at the final hurdle. l/ She cleared (= jumped over) all the hurdles easily and raced to the n. finishing line. 2) difficulty to be overcome; obstacle 难关,障碍 Getting a work permit was the first hurdle to overcome. Finding investors is the biggest hurdle we face. ?slim 1) not as big as one would like or expect; small 微薄的,不足 /slIm/ a. 的,少的,小的 a slim chance of success The party was returned to power with a slim majority. 2) (of a person) thin, in a way that is attractive 苗条的,纤细的 a slim figure/body/waist How do you manage to stay so slim? text text *evident / easily seen or understood; obvious 明显的~明白的 evId nt/ a. From the smell it was evident that the drains had been blocked for several days. The growing interest in history is evident in the number of people visiting museums and country houses. *component /pa part which combines with other parts to form something m knt bigger 组成部分 Un / n. The factory supplies electrical components for cars. Fresh fruit and vegetables are an essential component of a healthy diet. (cause sth.) to rise, lean or tilt on one side or at one end,使某 *tip /tIp/ v. 物,侧边提高~倾斜~翻倒 The table tipped and all our drinks fell on the floor. Don't tip your chair back like that, you'll fall. text text text *substitute person or thing that replaces, acts for or serves as sb. or sth. /bstI s telse 代替者,代用品 tju/ n. Vitamins should not be used as a substitute for a healthy diet. The local bus service was a poor substitute for their car. to use something or someone instead of another thing or person 代替,取代 v. Beckham was substituted in the second half after a knee injury. Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you. to be very successful 获得成功 make it He never really made it as an actor. She's very ambitious but I doubt she'll ever make it to the top. text text looking back on a past event or situation 回顾,追溯 in retrospect In retrospect, I think that I was wrong. In retrospect, I think my marriage was a failure from the beginning. reshape /S to shape something again or differently 使再成形,再塑造 ri eIp/ v. exercises to reshape your body The policies set out to reshape the welfare system. *flexible /fleks1,able to change or be changed easily according to the situation 可变 bl / a. 通的,灵活的 flexible working hours You need to be more flexible and imaginative in your approach. 2) able to bend or be bent easily without breaking 柔韧的,易弯曲的 The wire has to be flexible enough to go around the corners of the room. text text text *objective /dbased on real facts and not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings 客 b 观的,无偏见的 ZektIv/ a. an objective analysis/assessment /opinion/report I can't really be objective when I'm judging my daughter's work. thing aimed at or wished for; purpose 目标,目的 n. His main objective now is simply to stay in power. The main objective of this meeting is to give more information on our plans. macro /mQklarge, or considered in a general way 宏观的,总体的 U r/ a. The US economy was performing very well at the macro level. Many economists take a macro view of the economy and don’t look at individual business performance. text text *alternative /n choice of two or more possibilities 抉择,选择余地 t l tIvI'm afraid I have no alternative but to ask you to leave. / n. We can take a boat to Florida or, as an alternative, we can fly. ?quantitative relating to numbers or amounts (数)量的,定量的 /ntI kw tIv a quantitative change t/ a. quantitative analysis non-quantitative a. not relating to numbers or amounts 非(数)量的,非定量的 text text text adept /de having a natural ability to do something that needs skill 熟练的; 老练 pt/ a. 的, 擅长于…的 She's very adept at dealing with the media. He gave an impressive and technically adept performance on the piano. ethics /eTI a set of principles that people use to decide what is right and what is ks/ n. wrong 道德规范 business/medical/professional ethics text text ?manifest easy to see or understand 显然的, 明白的 /mQnI fest/ The anger he felt is manifest in his paintings. a. His nervousness was manifest to all those present. *vital /vaIt lvery important, necessary, or essential 极其重要的; 必不可少的 / a. He played a vital role in setting up the organization. Skillful employees are vital to the success of any company. *attribute /trIba quality or characteristic that someone or something has 属性,特质 t ju/ n. The most basic attribute of all animals is consciousness. Patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher. text text text peril /perIl / n. great danger, or something that is very dangerous 危险 The country’s economy is now in grave peril. These birds are unable to survive the perils of the Arctic winter. *intangible something unable to be touched, and an assets which can /tQnd Inl bnot be precisely measured 无形的东西,,复,无形资产 Z/ (cf. tangible) n. Common sense and creativity are some of the intangibles we're looking for in an employee. not able to be touched or measured, and difficult to a. describe or explain触摸不到的; 不可捉摸的; 无形的 She has that intangible quality that a player must possess to be a champion. text text confidence /nfirm trust (in sb., in sb.’s ability, or in what is said, reported, etc.) k ns 自信~信心~信任 fId/ n. People often lose confidence when they are criticized. He answered the questions with confidence. I have every/complete confidence in her. She’ll be perfect for the job. corporate /prelating to a corporation 公司的 k t corporate finance/planning/executives r / a. Our corporate headquarters are in Singapore. *trace /treIs/ to find the origin or cause of sth. 追溯,追究,查考 v. She could trace her family tree back to the 16th century. The leak was eventually traced to a broken seal. The police traced the call (= used special electronic equipment to find out who made the telephone call) to her ex-husband’s number. text text text insecurity / 不安全~不安全感 InsI rI job insecurity kjUtI/ n. financial insecurity We all have our fears and insecurities. ?inevitably in a way that cannot be avoided; as is certain to happen 不可避免地 /evI InblI Their arguments inevitably end in tears. t/ ad. Inevitably, reports of the failure were soon appearing in the newspapers. text text *encounter /ka1) to experience sth., especially sth. unpleasant or difficult 遭遇~遇 In Unt(r)/ 到 v. I had never encountered such resistance before. We encountered a number of difficulties in the first few weeks. 2) to meet (a friend, etc.) unexpectedly 邂逅 She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered. setback /setbQdifficulty or problem that delays or prevents sth., or makes a k/ n. situation worse 挫折 There has been a slight/temporary setback in our plans. Falling share prices may be another setback for the troubled economy. text text because of someone or something 幸亏,由于~因为 thanks to It's thanks to Sandy that I heard about the job. Thanks to this treatment, her condition has improved. It was all a great success — thanks to a lot of hard work. ?versatile /ta s1,having a wide range of different skills and abilities 有多 v Il; -tIl/ a. 种技能的~多才多艺的 He’s a versatile actor who has played a wide variety of parts. 2) able to be used in many different ways 有多种用途的~多 功能的 This versatile summer jacket is a great buy. text text *private /praIv1) owned or managed by an individual person or an It/ a. independent company rather than by the state 私立的,私营的 private banks/companies/schools 2) belonging to or for the use of a particular person or group; not for public use私有的,私人,用,的 The sign said, “Private property. Keep out.” The hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms. 3) intended for or involving a particular person or group of people, not for people in general or for others to know about 私下的,秘密的 a private conversation They were sharing a private joke. text motivation /UtI1) a reason for doing something 动力~诱因~刺激 m veISenOur real motivation is to make a profit. / n. 2) a feeling of enthusiasm or interest that makes you determined to do something 积极性,干劲,兴趣 You can do anything if you’ve got the motivation. groom /m gru/ 1) to prepare someone for a special job or activity 使作好准 v. 备~训练 My boss is grooming me to take over his job next year. Our junior employees are being groomed for more senior roles. 2) to clean or brush an animal 擦洗,马、狗等, to groom a horse/dog/cat The horses are all well fed and groomed. text text obituary /bIt Ua report, especially in a newspaper, which gives the news of rI jU/ n. someone's death and details about their life 讣告 *element / a necessary or typical part of sth. 成分~要素 elIm nt/ n. Cost was a key element in our decision. Advertising is not the only element in the marketing process. *namely /neImlused to introduce more exact and detailed information I/ ad. about sth. that has been mentioned 即~那就是 We need to get more teachers into the classrooms where they're most needed, namely in high poverty areas. I learned an important lesson when I lost my job, namely that nothing is a hundred percent guaranteed. text text text Reading Focus-Text B Second Reading Read Text B again and then fulfill the following tasks. Task 1 Comprehension Questions for Text B What do those who are lacking in leadership experience have to do to gain admission to Harvard? A) To develop their leadership quality. B) To expand their leadership experience. C) To make a thorough preparation for the application. D) To rely mostly on their academic ability and personal characteristics. ? 2. What was probably one of the reasons why the author was admitted into HBS without having to attend an interview? A) His application was satisfactorily prepared. B) Good ideas hit him even in the middle of the night. C) He absolutely had no time to go through an interview. D) His academic performance was exceptionally good. 3. What is the author?s fondest memory of his Harvard experience? A) All the pressures he had to cope with. B) Large volumes of reading he had to handle. C) A wide range of training programs he undertook. D) The day of his graduation when he realized he had finally succeeded. ? ? 4. The reason why business history is an important subject for students of business management is that it . A) enhances communication skills and decision-making skills B) helps to prevent making the same mistake over and over again C) involves numbers, financial statements and the proper use of statistics D) covers subjects such as business policies, human relations and ethics 5. In retrospect, what does the author think about his experience in HBS? A) He feels it extremely burdensome. B) He thinks it doesn?t help much. C) He believes he owes a lot to it. D) He finds it worth its high tuition. ? ? Task 2 Multiple Choice Directions: There are 8 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1. The eldest son is being ________ to take over when his father dies. A) civilized B) groomed C) impressed D) commanded 2. The course teaches you the theory but there?s no ________ for practical experience. A) room B) foundation C) substitute D) need 3. The course has four main ________ : business law, finance, computing and management skills. A) strengths B) considerations C) resources D) components ? ? ? 4. I'm fortunate because my job has ________ hours, and I can come and go pretty much as I want. A) specific B) particular C) flexible D) unique 5. A leather jacket is a timeless and ________ garment that can be worn in all seasons. A) versatile B) inclusive C) intangible D) evident 6. We need to concentrate on our target audience, ________ women aged between 20 and 30. A) undoubtedly B) truly C) namely D) inevitably 7. You can be paid in cash weekly or by check monthly; those are the two ________ . A) factors B) alternatives C) characteristics D) objectives 8. The Lakers suffered a major ________ when their best player was injured. A) setback B) depression C) shock D) insecurity ? ? ? ? ? 1. 学术能力 2. 关于;至于 3. 递交申请表 4. 参加面试 5. 回顾过去 6. 擅长于 7. 遭遇挫折 8. 幸亏;由于 Task 3 Translate the following phrases into English. academic ability ________________________ with regard to ... ________________________ submit an application ________________________ attend/go through an interview ________________________ in retrospect ________________________ be adept at ... ________________________ encounter setbacks ________________________ thanks to ... ________________________ Intranet Assignments Reading Focus-Text B How to Overcome Test Anxiety and Ace Your Next Exam Passage 1 Missnye If the idea of taking a big test, like the SAT, nursing or law boards, or even just a final exam gives you nausea and cold sweats, you probably have test anxiety. Test anxiety can be debilitating and the ultimate cause of test failure. This article discusses the cause of test anxiety and offers suggestions to overcome it. Step 1 "There's so much riding on this one test!" Failure of a single examination has the potential to start a series of events that can change your life. Some students elect to disregard this notion in an effort to alleviate test anxiety, however, this is a preposterous notion for those who have nightmares about taking tests. What do they know that you don't know? LIFE DOESN'T END BECAUSE YOU FAILED ONE TEST! Those with severe test anxiety can gain confidence by knowing that there are avenues for eventual success, even if they do not pass the test on the first try. Step 2 Know what will happen if you fail the test. You have already considered the disastrous consequences. Now find out how you can fix the problem. Knowing, in advance, that you can retake the test or demonstrate your proficiency by other means will alleviate some of your stress. Address your worst case scenario. If you know you can overcome the worst thing that can happen, you can handle lesser challenges. Step 3 Know what knowledge or skills will be evaluated. In addition to course materials, an instructor or certifying body will often provide an exam study guide. Knowing that you have mastered the subjects on the study guide will greatly increase your confidence in taking the test. Step 4 The primary cause of test anxiety is believing that you have insufficient knowledge of the subject matter. Would you be nervous if you were being tested on your ability to spell your name or tie your shoes? Of course not. You have complete confidence in your knowledge of the subjects. Step 5 Think like an instructor. Write questions on the material as if you are assessing somebody else's knowledge. The primary cause is believing that you have insufficient knowledge of the subject matter. Questions 1. What is this article mainly about? It is mainly about causes of test anxiety and ways to overcome it. ____________________________________________________ 2. How can students manage to alleviate their test stress? Students can alleviate test stress by knowing, in advance, that they can retake the test or demonstrate their proficiency by other means. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 3. What is the primary cause of test anxiety? _______________________________________________________ _________________ Intranet Assignments Reading Focus-Text B Passage 2 Is College Education Still Cost Effective? Felisa Daskeo Yes, college education is still cost effective today. Even with the high cost of sending children to school, parents still opt to put the children to college rather than letting them find a job without first pursuing college education. This is because most people believe that a good education means a better job in the future. And with the advanced technology being used in schools to keep the students well informed and updated with the new technology around the world, parents have become more positive of the result of education. The advantage of college education these days is the many modern technologies that college schools are using to enhance a more effective teaching method. Gone are those traditional methods of teaching where a teacher sits down in front of the students and discusses the subject matter in order for the students to have a better grasp of the subject matter. There are colleges using computers to teach students. They use videos and taped voices for students to listen to. There are projectors also used to show actual pictures to students thereby making them understand more about the subject matter of the day. College education is still cost effective today. Students are taught how to cope with the growing technology around them. In fact new methods of teaching are being used and the more traditional way of teaching is set aside. Although some schools especially those in the rural areas still use traditional methods of teaching, more and more colleges are adapting the modern ways of teaching students. This is because as future workers in the growing and advancing technology, students must be taught what is new and what is used in this modern world of ours. For example, a college student who was taught how to use tools of the 60's is now being taught how to use machines in the computer age. Imagine yourself as a parent and spending too much for college education of your children. It is tough especially if you are a single parent trying to make both ends meet. But college education pays. It is the only way by which you could be sure that your child will have a better future because by having college education, your child will have a chance to find a better job as compared to those without college education. If one has a college education, he or she has the advantage over those with no college education when applying for a job. Companies hire employees who have college education more than they hire people without college education and this is because college educated people are usually smarter and more educated on the job they are applying for. It is still best to put children to college and college education is still cost effective. College education today is very expensive but it helps a lot in assuring for the child's better future. Good education is still the best qualification of one who wants to land a good job and have a better life in the future. A good college education means a more stable and secure future for a person. That is why parents must always consider what college education will give their children. Although some companies hire people not in accordance to how much educated they are, more people with college education still have advantage over those with no college education. This is because college educated people are usually smarter and more educated on the job they are applying for. Questions Why do parents still opt to put the children to college rather than letting them find a job without first pursuing college education? They do so because they believe that a good education means a more stable and secure job in the future. ____________________________________________________ ________________________________ 2. Why are more and more colleges adapting the modern ways of teaching students? This is because as future workers in the advancing technology, students must be taught what isnew and what is used in this modern world. __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 3. Why do companies hire employees who have college education more than they hire those without college education? _________________________________________________________ __________________________________ Intranet Assignments Reading Focus-Text B Passage 3 Is College Education Still Cost Effective? Amber Weier Attending college is an important step on the road to adulthood. While it is the urging of most parents and high school teachers that students enter college after graduation, it may not be as cost effective as it was in the past. The thinking used to be that an education is the most valuable asset a person can have, but it can be difficult to pay for. In the long run, will the cost of education be repaid by the job that a person will get once they graduate? The truth is, in this economy, going to college can be a bigger risk than students originally thought. If for any reason college is not completed, the loans will still be owed. Even if a student graduates, a job in their chosen field may not be available. It is a long shot at this time that a student will land a job before the loan bills start piling up. If I had to do it all over again, I would find a job and work hard and save my money before entering college. Take the time to really decide what I wanted to go to college for. Alternative education may turn out to be a much better option, such as a technical school or job training program. I know several people who have graduated in the past few years who are not employed in their chosen fields, in particular, the education and communication fields. Some were employed, but later let go due to company downsizing. Gone are the days of apprenticeship and hands on entry level employment. In the past, most employers looked for the most educated people to hire. Now that businesses are cutting costs and removing employees to save money, someone without a college degree may be the more economical employee. They will not demand the I do not feel that a high school senior will know exactly what they want to do as a career. I feel it is important to be in the real world for some time, and to grow as a person through life experiences before settling on a career. I for one am not the same person I was when I graduated high school, and I know now that I would not be happy in the career I started going to college for. I do intend on entering college in the future, but when it does become more cost effective. For now, I make a living wage without a degree and feel fortunate that I even have a job as so many do not. higher pay brackets that highly trained employees can, and most often, training can be done on the job and to the same degree of effectiveness that sitting in a classroom for four years provides. 1. What would the author do if he had the chance to do it all over again? The author feels fortunate because he still holds a job while many people do not. Questions If he had the chance to do it all over again, he would find a job, work hard and save some money before entering college. ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ 2. Why are businesses today more willing to hire someone without a college degree? This is because they will not demand the higher pay brackets that better educated employees will, and most often, training can be equally effectively done on the job. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _____________________ 3. Why does the author feel fortunate making a living wage without a degree? _____________________________________________________ ____________
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