

2017-09-02 24页 doc 931KB 44阅读




年年岁岁花相似年年岁岁花相似 年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同;又是一年桃李艳,校园再起毕业歌。5月2日,覃塘高中2013届高中毕业典礼在学校综合楼广场隆重举行。学校领导韦锦星校长、黄家贵副校长、韦兰光副校长、韦冰副校长、韦选副校长、黄小勇副校长、杨卓暑副校长、学校各处办领导以及全体师生参加大会。大会由黄家贵副校长主持。 大会在雄壮的国歌声中开幕。韦锦星校长作了题为《满载母校的期盼扬帆起航》的致词。他指出,2013届是大多数任课教师伴随三年的一届;是共同谱写“70周年校庆”新篇章的一届。高中阶段有如此的经历,值得无限的追忆与无比的自豪。他...
年年岁岁花相似 年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同;又是一年桃李艳,校园再起毕业歌。5月2日,覃塘高中2013届高中毕业典礼在学校综合楼广场隆重举行。学校领导韦锦星校长、黄家贵副校长、韦兰光副校长、韦冰副校长、韦选副校长、黄小勇副校长、杨卓暑副校长、学校各处办领导以及全体师生参加大会。大会由黄家贵副校长主持。 大会在雄壮的国歌声中开幕。韦锦星校长作了题为《满载母校的期盼扬帆起航》的致词。他指出,2013届是大多数任课教师伴随三年的一届;是共同谱写“70周年校庆”新篇章的一届。高中阶段有如此的经历,值得无限的追忆与无比的自豪。他同时向全体毕业生提出五点希望:一是希望你们继续发扬勤奋拼搏的精神,始终牢记“厚德博学,毅坚志远”的校训,树立终身学习的思想;二是希望你们能珍惜友情,并肩携手、共创精彩。;三是希望你们能学会感恩,懂得回报;四是希望你们能淡定人生,独立面对未来。五是希望你们能树立远大理想。他最后深情用“同学之缘高如山,师生之情深似海”转赠全体毕业生。句句叮咛,殷殷期待,声声祝福,语重心长,刘校长热情洋溢的讲话获得与会师生的阵阵掌声。 会上,高二学生给毕业生佩带红花;韦选副校长Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic 宣布优秀毕业生名单;优秀毕业生给学校领导和高三老师佩带红花,达对老师的培育之恩;1012班殷小丽同学代表全体毕业生发言,感谢母校的培育之恩;年级主任曾祥平老师代表全体高三教师为毕业生致以深深的祝福,他飞扬的文采感染了在场的师生,激情豪迈的演讲多次被掌声打断。 毕业生向母校赠送了“祝母校明天更加灿烂辉煌”的标语,表达了对学校的感恩之情。 大会在《二十年后再相会》嘹亮的歌声中、在掌声和欢呼声中圆满结束。 Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic 黄家贵副校长主持会议 Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic 韦锦星校长讲话 Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic 韦选副校长宣布优秀毕业生名单 Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic 1012班殷小丽同学代表全体毕业生发言 Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic 毕业生代表给校长献花 Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic 年级主任曾祥平老师代表全体高三教师为毕业生致词 Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic 政教处主任韦建贤带领毕业生致毕业词 Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic 毕业生致毕业词 Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic 毕业生向母校赠送了“祝母校明天更加灿烂辉煌”的 标语 Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic 优秀毕业生给学校领导和高三老师佩带红花 Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic 师生合唱《二十年后再相会》 Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic 优秀毕业生留影 Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic 上一篇: 2013届覃塘区高三二测名师讲评课活动 下一篇: Center-Center-Center for functional specialization" formation of the three levels of public service. 5.2.3 developing rail transit is the main way to realize urban transport development in Yibin strategy 1, rational urban mobility and relieve downtown traffic congestion as the level of urbanization increased and incomes increase, traffic
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