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关于《我猜我猜我猜猜猜》停播的几点思考关于《我猜我猜我猜猜猜》停播的几点思考 何楚涵 2013-2-1 16:14:26 来源:2013年01月30日15:44 今传媒 摘 要:作为台湾最长寿、影响力最大的综艺节目《我猜我猜我猜猜猜》(英文:Guess Guess Guess),简称《我猜》,在经历了收视低谷、改版后(改版后更名为《你猜你猜你猜猜猜》),于2012年8月18日正式结束了它16年的电视生涯。曾以新颖的节目形态和主持人调侃搞怪的主持风格红遍两岸三地的《我猜》在观众一片扼腕声中落下帷幕,其停播原因,无疑是值得我们作为个案分析探讨的,本文从节目模式,...
关于《我猜我猜我猜猜猜》停播的几点思考 何楚涵 2013-2-1 16:14:26 来源:2013年01月30日15:44 今传媒 摘 要:作为台湾最长寿、影响力最大的综艺节目《我猜我猜我猜猜猜》(英文:Guess Guess Guess),简称《我猜》,在经历了收视低谷、改版后(改版后更名为《你猜你猜你猜猜猜》),于2012年8月18日正式结束了它16年的电视生涯。曾以新颖的节目形态和主持人调侃搞怪的主持风格红遍两岸三地的《我猜》在观众一片扼腕声中落下帷幕,其停播原因,无疑是值得我们作为个案分析探讨的,本文从节目模式,悬念设置,主持人风格等几个方面,对《我猜》进行了多角度的剖析,从分析中以期对大陆同类综艺节目产生一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:综艺节目;《我猜我猜我猜猜猜》;台湾;奇观 台湾自1962年2月14日设立教育电视台之初,距今正好50周年。在台湾电视半个世纪的发展历程中,台湾综艺节目一直以其新颖的节目形态和搞怪的主持风格充当着十分重要的角色,受到了港台及内地观众的青睐,并在很长一段时间里,成为内地综艺节目竞相模仿的对象。《我猜》是由台湾中国电视公司于1996年7月4日播出的周末档综艺节目,播出后一年多,由于节目本身的趣味性和猜谜的新颖,以及主持人吴宗宪调侃式的主持风格,《我猜》很快红极一时,成为台湾综艺节目界的“老大哥”,并影响了两岸综艺节目的风格走向。它最经典的节目单元“人不可貌相”更是开创了由普通人当主角的录制方式,是后来许多电视节目录制的效仿对象。到该节目停播,“人不可貌相”单元总共录制了700多期,拥有超过3000位的参赛者,更是挖掘出许多我们现在耳熟能详的大明星,例如吴佩慈、陈怡蓉、明道(林朝章)等等。而近几年,台湾电视却渐渐地进入了“后综艺”时代,纵观各电视台的综艺节目,琳琅满目却发现节目同质personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 化严重,内容流于低俗与肤浅。而《我猜》也不能幸免地被这股“后综艺”之风席卷,究其停播原因,主持了《我猜》15年的吴宗宪今年在微博里的一句话或许能让我们获得一些启示。他说:“节目久了,就有老态,老了就有疲态,疲了就有淘汰。” 一、节目模式老套,“奇观化”的消失 《我猜》以板块形式的内容来建构整个节目,多个不同板块不定期穿插播出,它们的共通点是都具有猜谜成分。该节目最经典的两个单元“真的假不了”与“人不可貌相”,前者确实曾因它“奇”的内容和“猜”的元素,极大地满足了观众的猎奇心与好胜心,而“人不可貌相”单元,它的美少女系列主题本身就十分吸引眼球,加上“成人化”的风格更是一度为节目增加了收视率。 可光凭猎奇的内容与美女并不能满足越来越挑剔的观众,据笔者对《我猜》的多期节目研究发现,该节目最主要的单元之一“真的假不了”长期固定于一种模式,即:“台湾‘奇人奇事’者——讲述奇事——嘉宾猜说谎者”,2011年3月《我猜》全新改版后(改版后为《你猜你猜你猜猜猜》简称《你猜》),该单元也更名为“假的不能真”,但依旧是每期从公众中请来三位具有突出特点的人物,请他们讲述与自己有关的主题故事再进行比拼表演,让嘉宾猜出谁在说谎。新的节目却并无新鲜元素注入,在策划上缺乏创意,只是僵化地走“流水线”的过场,这种单纯的明星“猜”再揭晓的猜谜游戏在综艺节目几近饱和的台湾已经没有新意。 另外,就《我猜》中类似于“说话娃娃音的女孩是全国第一女高音;会说话的猫咪;摇滚空气吉他全国冠军却不会弹吉他”与“爱露美女、成熟小学生”等personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 奇观化的内容,《视觉文化的奇观》中有提到:“‘奇观’或者‘奇观化’是人类文化史中由来已久的一种现象。远古先民的宗教仪式、中世纪的圣像崇拜、拉伯雷时代的狂欢节、路易王朝的断头台、大革命时代的庆典,这一切都构成了奇观的场景。[1]”但与当代奇观社会不同的是,过去的奇观依赖于一个区别于日常生活的神圣空间。“不论那奇观的场景是等级森严的庄严仪式还是巴赫金所说的摆脱了日常生活的严肃性狂欢,也不论那奇观是对日常秩序的强化还是对它的戏仿甚至消饵,那奇观的世界都必定要存在于一个与日常世界迥然不同的空间中。[1]”而在当代的奇观社会里,世界本身就是一个奇观化的文本,奇观的存在和发生已经没有了空间的区分,“整个的生活都表现为一种巨大的奇观积聚,曾经直接地存在着的所有一切,现在都变成了纯粹的表征。[2]”近两年网络等新媒体的迅速发展使人们获取信息的途径更为便捷,对于《我猜》节目中“奇人异事”与“美女”的议题已经见怪不怪,加上它总以一种方式呈现,久而久之奇观消失,必将会使观众产生审美疲劳,认为该节目单调沉闷,形式老套。而《我猜》其它很多板块也都大同小异,其直接后果是观众群体渐渐流失。 二、悬念不足,节目兴奋点低 不少学者在谈到纪录片创作时,都会涉及到美国电视界比较流行的“钩子”(Teaser)理论,即强调片子开始的一分钟就要伸出“钩子”挑起观众的兴趣,而整部片子要在适当的间隔里安插“兴奋点”,这些兴奋点要像过山车一样起伏错落,富有刺激性,调动观众的收看情绪和兴趣,一直到片子结束。纪录片创作如此,综艺节目的制作更是如此。细属于游戏益智类节目的《我猜》,它以“猜”为核心的游戏环节是否趣味新颖,悬念设置是否引人入胜则是节目成败的关键。 例如,某期节目中“人不可貌相”单元主题为“从路人外形来猜谜”。虽然personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 该单元试图把未知与不可控性作为节目构成的主要方法,以充分展现这种未知游戏的悬念性、趣味性为目的,却并未制定相关游戏规则,嘉宾无论猜对与错都无关紧要(猜错者可能会被象征性地喷干冰),嘉宾之间也不存在竞争。而在各类“选秀”节目充斥电视荧屏的当下,一个游戏类益智节目必须具有矛盾和戏剧化的冲突才能获得持续的生命力,才会有“看点”。《我猜》注重游戏本身的过程而并非结果的节目理念让所有的矛盾与悬念都集中于“猜”上,而随着观众对节目话题熟识读的提高,对于节目中猜“路人穿什么颜色的内裤”之类的话题已经不能引起其兴趣,甚至觉得枯燥无味。改版后,《你猜》首播中的“真假侯佩岑”单元将女主持侯佩岑混入3位美女当中让嘉宾猜,几乎每个人一眼就能猜中,毫无悬念可言。至此,该节目中的矛盾与冲突都趋于平和,受众很难有“时时是惊喜、处处有玄机”的审美期待。 三、嘉宾资源匮乏,重复明星脸 随着电子传播媒介的发展,“电子传播媒介的符号制作是创造偶像的奇妙形式,强大传播功能可以轻易地让一个人身价倍增。[3]”因此作为一个曾经拥有大量收视观众的电视节目,几乎每个台湾综艺明星都曾出现在《我猜》节目中。早期的《我猜》的确是一个强大的“造星”工厂,凡是在该节目的某单元中脱颖而出的人,基本都因此顺利进入娱乐圈,罗志祥、吴佩慈、杨丞琳等现今台湾演艺界的中坚力量都是从《我猜》中走出来的新秀,这一点是内地以及港台任何一档综艺节目都无法比拟的。借于《我猜》强大的影响力,明星们更是珍惜在《我猜》中的每一次曝光机会,来上节目的明星大多都是为了宣传自己的新唱片或者新书继而扩大自己的人气和知名度,电视台正好抓住了明星们想要宣传自己这一点,省去了明星们的出场费大大降低了制作成本,互利共赢。然则,时间一长,嘉宾资源开始枯竭,重复率也越来越高。 personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 《我猜》作为一档游戏类综艺节目,所邀请的嘉宾主要是演艺界的明星是合乎情理的,但长期局限于这一领域加上台湾的地域限制必将导致嘉宾资源枯竭,继而开始重复使用。其实即使是综艺节目,嘉宾类型依然可以多样化,这一点台湾中天电视台播出的另一档谈话类综艺节目《康熙来了》很值得我们借鉴,《康熙来了》在嘉宾的选择上并不拘泥于演艺界,而是涉及了商界、文学界等诸多领域,就连连战、许纯美、马英九等政界大人物也成了该节目的被访嘉宾。而内地湖南卫视的《天天向上》栏目,更是涉及了体育界如“全运会六支代表齐亮相”、大学生如“台湾成功大学VS中国人民大学”、IT界如“天天兄弟微软之旅”等等。多样化的嘉宾类型出现在综艺节目当中,让观众了解到与固有认知中不一样的他们,嘉宾本身便成了节目的一大看点。 四、主持人风格定型 形式突破受阻 不可否认,在过去的很长一段时间里,《我猜》无论是节目的策划、内容,还是演播室的布景,都别具一格、新颖时尚,即便是在固定的节目形式中,主持人吴宗宪依然以其“无厘头”的主持风格将娱乐精神发挥到极致,他与嘉宾和观众妙趣横生的调侃更是成为了该节目的一大亮点。吴宗宪的才能来自于他天生的搞怪气质和极强的临场应变能力,与他主持多年节目的搭档阿雅(柳瀚雅)曾回忆:“宪哥录影从来不NG(重拍),全部一次过,说学逗唱都有。[4]”吴宗宪在主持《我猜》的时候全完采用无台本的即兴方式,语言风格大胆尖锐,经常在节目中通过自嘲、调侃等方式甩出一个个包袱让观众捧腹大笑,因此他也是台湾最知名的主持人之一,甚至还登上了美国的《时代》杂志,成为台湾一个登上国际主流媒体的电视节目主持人。 personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 而近几年,吴宗宪却好像“江郎才尽”,观众对他那套搞怪本领已经了然于心俗。加上阿雅请辞之后,站在他身边的蝴蝶姐姐、郭书瑶等人再也没有一个能及得上他与阿雅之间的默契,改版后的新搭档侯佩岑更是像花瓶一样,只会站在旁边附和着傻笑。而另一方面,各类综艺节目的兴起也培养出一大批优秀的主持人,如《康熙来了》中的刁钻精怪的小S(徐熙媛)与饱览群书的蔡康永,《大学生了没》中的陶子(陶晶莹),等等,他们比吴宗宪与侯佩岑更有活力和放得开,自然更容易俘获年轻观众的心,而吴宗宪再也不是观众眼中那个妙语连珠、语不惊人死不休的综艺天王,廉颇老矣。 其实不论哪种类型的综艺节目,都会遭遇不同的生命周期,回看央视曾当红的《正大综艺》栏目,由于其节目形式陈旧、内容雷同几度差点消失在屏幕上,后来节目组顺应大环境变化,在这两年推出全新改版后的《正大综艺?墙来啦》、《正大综艺?谢天谢地你来啦》系列“真人秀”节目,又重新获得了观众的一致好评;而湖南卫视的《快乐大本营》与《我猜》几乎属于同辈节目,更巧的是《快乐大本营》在2002年同样陷入节目模式老套、内容无新意、收视率暴跌等困境,但值得肯定的是在节目组人员的努力下《快乐大本营》成功转型,建立了“快乐家族”主持群并且开始寻群差异化竞争,力求每期节目都有新意,于是它获得了重生。创新是综艺节目长寿的关键,即使曾经再辉煌的《我猜》,在日新月异的传媒大环境下,节目组的“创意疲劳”使它失去了适应时代变迁的创新能力,因此它被“寿终正寝”的命运就不足为奇。 (作者简介:何楚涵,女,中国传媒大学戏剧影视学院硕士研究生,主要从事广播电视文艺研究。) 参考文献: personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such [1] 吴琼.视觉性与视觉文化——视觉文化研究的谱系[A].视觉文化的奇观:视觉文化总论[C].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005. [2] 居伊?德波.奇观社会[A].视觉文化的奇观:视觉文化总论[C].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005. [3] 南帆.双重视域——当代电子文化分析[M].南京:江苏人民出版社,2001. [4] 揭台湾综艺节目背后的故事阿雅对付明星有一套[N].今日早 报,2008-03-06. personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such
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