

2017-12-29 15页 doc 44KB 40阅读




林书豪英文采访稿林书豪英文采访稿 The Post’s Steve Serby sat down with Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin to talk about his life as an instant New York superstar, his faith and more. 纽约邮报的斯蒂夫塞尔比对尼克斯当家后卫林书豪进行采 访,讨论林作为当下纽约的超级明星的生活以及他的信仰等 等。 Q: Describe what it’s like being Jeremy Lin today. 问:...
林书豪英文采访稿 The Post’s Steve Serby sat down with Knicks point guard Jeremy Lin to talk about his life as an instant New York superstar, his faith and more. 纽约邮报的斯蒂夫塞尔比对尼克斯当家后卫林书豪进行采 访,讨论林作为当下纽约的超级明星的生活以及他的信仰等 等。 Q: Describe what it’s like being Jeremy Lin today. 问:谈谈作为现在的林书豪是什么感觉, A: It’s a lot going on right now and just trying to catch my breath every day, just something different every day, just taking it one day at a time and . . . living a dream, but also realizing with this comes a lot of responsibility. 答:最近发生的事情太多了,我只是尝试着赶上生活的节奏 而已。现在每天都会有不同的事情发生,我得一件件慢慢来 处理,现在感觉就像梦想成真一样,但是我也同时意识到伴 随而来的是更多的责任。 Q: And a loss of privacy? 问:是不是也没什么隐私了啊, A: And a loss of privacy. 答:对,也没啥隐私了。 Q: How do you feel about that? 问:那你对此感觉怎么样, A: It’s obviously a little tough, just because I’m kind of more low key and private. But it’s a good opportunity, it’s a good platform. 答:很明显会比较艰难一点,因为我比较注重低调和私人空 间。但是这同时也是一个很好的机会,让我有展示自己的平 台。 Q: You want to use that platform for what? 问:你想用这样的平台做些什么呢, A: For God, for God’s glory, and I think that’s shown in a lot of different ways. It simply could be the way I live my life, what I talk about in my interviews, what I talk about through social media. It could be what I do in my spare time, what I do through my foundation . . . just a lot of different areas . . . how I spend my offseason. 答:为了让上帝感到骄傲。我想有很多方式来现,最简单 的可以是我如何过我自己的生活,我在采访中说的话,通过 社交媒介说的话。也可以是我在空闲时间做的事,通过我自 身基础做的事...还有其他很多方面...比如我怎么度过休 赛期等等。 Q: Knicks fans are afraid to pinch themselves right now — do you not want to pinch yourself right now? 问:尼克斯的球迷现在害怕要掐自己一下(不敢相信这是真 的),你想掐自己一下吗, A: Yeah, let’s keep this going (smiles). 答:哈哈,不要了,就这样一直下去把。(笑) Q: Your 17 jersey is the No. 1 seller in the NBA, is that hard to believe? 问:现在你的17号球衣是NBA球衣销量最多的,这是不是 很难以置信, A: I mean, I think it’ll be like that for a little bit . . . and then things will resume to the way they were before (chuckles). 答:我想,这会持续一段时间,不过之后应该就会变回以前 那样了吧。(窃笑) Q: Why do you say that? 问:你怎么会这么说, A: Because right now, this is the thing that’s going on, and the Knicks are just a team that everyone’s watching, and so you’ll see a spike in jersey sales like when (Tim) Tebow first started, his jerseys went up, and then as the season went on, it kind of leveled out. 答:因为现在这些事比较火,而且大家都在关注尼克斯,所 以你会看到球衣销量很好,就像蒂姆?蒂博(美国橄榄球运 动员,效力于NFL丹佛野马队,美国大学橄榄球海斯曼奖获 得者)刚开始的时候,他的球衣销量也很猛,但是随着赛季 的进行,就慢慢趋于平衡了。 Q: How does that make you feel though? 问:那么这让你感觉怎么样呢, A: I think it’s awesome, I’m thankful for that, for sure. I love the fans, no question. 答:我觉得还是很让人欣慰的,我对此很感激,那是肯定的。 我爱我的粉丝们,这是毫无疑问的。 Q: What do you love about Knicks fans? 问:那你爱尼克斯的球迷哪些方面呢, A: I love when they bring positive energy, like they have been, the last two weeks. Because when they’re rooting for you, and they’re rooting for you hard, man, there’s no better place to play and there’s no better atmosphere to play in. 答:我爱他们,他们能给我们带来积极的动力,就像他们在 过去的两周所做的一样。因为当他们为你拼命的加油喝彩 时,天哪(感慨),世界上再也没有比在这里打球更让人激 动的了,这里的气氛是最好的。 Q: Define swagger, because you have it now, and I don’t think you always had that swagger. 问:说一下你现在这种自信爆棚的原因把,因为我觉得你好 像没有一直这样自信过。 A: I would say I show more emotion now. And I let it all hang, like I did in high school. I got away from it a little bit in college, and I got away from it a lot, altogether last year, because it got to the point where I was just trying to play to prove to everyone I belong here, I’m not a marketing tool, this and that, this and that. . . . I can be in the rotation whatever whatever, and I lost my joy, and now it’s coming back and people see that in me. Sometimes I’m on the court and I just can’t help but smile, and I never did that before the last couple of years. 答:我认为我现在更能让感情流露出来了,就像我在高中里 那样,到了大学期间我的这种自信感稍微有点流失,而之后 流失的更多了,因为我感觉那时候我打球是为了证明给大家 看我是属于这里的,我不仅仅是让人交易的工具而已,所有 这些东西让我有点晕头转向,我也失去了原先那份纯粹的打 篮球的乐趣,但是现在它回来了而大家也看到了我的自信 心,有时候在球场上我会情不自禁的笑出来,我也不知道为 什么,以前从来没发生过,就最近的几年里。 Q: That’s a terrible thing when you lose your joy, isn’t it? 问:当你失去对篮球的乐趣的时候肯定很难过,对不对, A: Absolutely. I think now that I remind myself I’m playing for God. It frees me of all the other pressures that I was dealing with. 答:是的。但是现在我会提醒自己我纯粹就是想打篮球,这 就把我身上的压力都卸下来了。 Q: Would the best compliment for you be for someone to say, “He makes his teammates better”? 问:你觉得如果有人对你的评价是'他让他的队员们打得更 好了',这算不算是对你最好的赞扬呢, A: I think that would be the second-best compliment. The best would be, “When I see Jeremy play, I see him play for God and I see him bring joy on the court.” 答:我觉得那会是第二好的评价吧,最好的评价应该是这样 的,'当我看到林书豪打球时,我会觉得他在打纯粹的篮球, 他为篮球带来了快乐’。 Q: What would people be surprised to learn about you? 问:你觉得你身上还有什么是会让人们觉得惊奇的, A: I love playing live video games . . . and I eat way more than anybody else. 答:额,我喜欢玩网络游戏,而且我是个大胃王,比一般人 吃的多了。 Q: You’re the biggest eater on the team? 问:那你是队里吃的最多的吗, A: Probably. I don’t know how much everyone else eats, but I’ve been historically one of the biggest eaters on any of my teams. 答:可能吧,我不知道其他人吃的多不多,但是在我以前效 力过的任何一个队里,我都是最能吃的那个。 Q: Are you more like your mother or father? 问:那你觉得你是像你妈还是像你爸, A: My mom. We’re both stubborn and headstrong and we both have more of a vocal personality. 答:我妈吧。我们都是很执着,任性,比较直接的那种人。 Q: Scouting report on Jeremy Lin. How do you see yourself as a player? 问:对林书豪进行一下侦查报告吧,你觉得你是怎么样一个 球员,或者说给你的防守者提些建议吧。 A: I think the scouting report is definitely don’t let me get to the basket, challenge my shots and . . . let me go left before you let me go right . . . try to be active and cause turnovers. I think that’s the scouting report I’d give against myself. 答:我觉得对我的针对性研究就是不要让我靠近篮下,让我 不能舒服地投篮,尽量防住我的右边,让我向左边突破,对 我进行贴身防守,造成我的失误等等。我想这就是对付我的 方针吧。 Q: What do you think makes you unique as a point guard? 问:那你觉得是什么让你成为一个特别的控球后卫呢, A: I think play-making, being creative and . . . making different types of plays, and having a variety, I guess. 答:我觉得是大局观,传球的想象力,能够根据球场情况打 出不同比赛战术等等。 Q: Do you get more pleasure distributing the ball than shooting it? 问:你觉得助攻是不是比得分更让人满足呢, A: I really like when a team. . . everyone’s hitting from all cylinders and there’s just nothing you can do to stop it. Because when you stop one, something else gives. That’s my favorite. 答:我特别喜欢每个人都能够为球队做出贡献的时候,而且 是你无法阻止的那种,因为当你可能阻止他得分时,他能够 助攻或者抢篮板。这是我最喜欢的。 Q: Kind of like your high school [Palo Alto (Calif.) High] team? 问:就想你高中时候的队伍一样吧,(帕洛阿尔托中学,加 利福尼亚) A: Exactly. I mean, we probably had all five starters in double figures. 答:对,就像高中一样,那时候我们的先发五虎基本上都能 拿到两双的数据吧。 Q: What do you hope Knicks fans are saying about you right now? 问:你希望现在的尼克斯迷们怎么评价你呢, A: I hope Knick fans are saying that it’s not about me (chuckles). I hope they’re understanding that it’s a lot about the team right now — the team vibe and the team chemistry has a lot more to do than just one person can bring. 答:我希望他们不仅仅说的是我而已(偷笑),我的意思是 他们得知道是整个团队的原因,因为整个团队的和谐气氛和 良好的化学反映比单一个人带来的东西要多得多。 Q: I’ve got bad news for you, they think it’s about you right now. 问:那我要告诉你个坏消息了,因为他们现在讨论的全是你 啊。 A: Well they’ll see soon enough. I was trying to say the same thing at Harvard. And now they’re seeing how well Harvard’s doing even though I’m not there. It’s not always about one player, so we’ll see. 答:额,他们要不了多久就会明白的啦,我在哈佛的时候也 是想要说明白这一点。而他们现在也能看到即使没有我,哈 佛也打得很好。这真的不仅仅是一个球员的原因,所以以后 你就会明白了。 Q: When you were sent down to the Developmental League, what was the low point emotionally for you? 问:当你被下放到发展联盟的时候,对你来说情绪最失落的 是什么时候, A: Any time I went to the D-League it was a low point for sure. I HATED the D-League because in the D-League, you get judged based on your numbers. In the NBA, you get judged based on — by your numbers as well, but more to do with team success. In the D-League no one cares anything about your team. I HATE playing on a team where all people care about is their numbers. It’s just not how basketball is supposed to be played. It’s not an individual showcase. 答:对我来说在发展联盟的每一分每一秒都是煎熬啊,我很 讨厌发展联盟,因为在那里人们根据你的数据来评价你。而 在NBA的话,不仅仅是根据你的数据,更多的是球队的成功。 在发展联盟没人会考虑到队伍的问题,大家关心的都仅仅是 数据,我很讨厌这一点。篮球不应该是这样打的,因为篮球 不是一个个人展示自己的运动。 Q: Did you ever think about giving up your dream? 问:你有没有考虑过放弃你的梦想呢, A: I mean at times I would say, “If this doesn’t work out, if this year doesn’t work out, if this continues, I may have to draw the line somewhere.” 答:我有时候会想‘如果今年不行,这样不行那样不行,而 且一直持续下去的话,我可能就要在某一时间停下脚步 了’。 Q: How do you feel about being an inspiration to so many people? 问:现在很多人都把你当作一个激励他们的榜样,对此你有 什么感受, A: I think it’s awesome because I’ve been inspired, too. And I think it’s important for any kid to have an inspiration. I think right now the way society’s going, I think role models are important, and kids need direction. If I didn’t have that direction growing up, who knows what I could be doing, because I’ve been lost many times in my life, and I’ve had to have someone guide me back on the right path. So any time I can do that and help other kids, I think that’s awesome. 答:我觉得这的确很棒,以为我也在被激励着。我认为对于 每一个孩子来说都应该有一个榜样。在当今社会的发展模式 下,人物榜样是非常重要的,孩子们也需要指导,如果在我 成长过程中没有过他人的引导的话,谁知道我会变成什么样 呢,因为我也曾经有过迷失的时候,我也需要其他人引导我 回到正确的道路上来。所以每当我能够成为激励他人的榜样 时,能够帮助孩子们成长时,我都觉得这是件很棒的事情。 Q: What was the worst instance when you were lost? 问:那最让你迷失的是什么事情呢, A: I would probably just say when I was really, really arrogant, and ... I just didn’t listen to anybody, just my typical teenage years where it’s just rebelling. I think I know everything. I don’t need to hear anything from anybody, and I’m just going to do it my own way. 答:我觉得应该是我最最傲慢的时候吧,我不会听任何人的 话,我当时就是典型的叛逆青少年啊,我觉得自己什么都知 道,不需要其他人来告诉我怎么做,因为我会按照自己的做 法去做。 Q: What do you remember about stepping on the court for the first time? 问:还记得第一次踏上球场是什么感受吗, A: I remember walking in and I was like, “This isn’t as big as I thought it would be” (laughs). 答:我还记得啊,当时的感觉就是‘这场地也就这么大嘛, 哈哈。’(大笑) Q: So you were not awed ... but you don’t seem to be awed by anything. 问:所以你不害怕吧,你好像什么都不怕的。 A: Well when the game starts, it’s all basketball. 答:对啊,因为当比赛开始了就是开始了啊,打好篮球就好 了。 Q: When you’re on the court now, has that really become a sanctuary for you? 问:那当你现在在球场上时,是不是就感觉这是块圣地呢, A: Yeah definitely. It’s like our team is like our family. And we go to battle on the court and we fight for each other and we trust in each other and we rely on each other and that’s what it is on the court. When we’re out there together, we don’t care about our phones, we don’t care about the media, no one can reach us. It’s just us, being us, playing for us. It is, in some ways, a sanctuary. 答:那是必然的。球队就像是我的家一样,我们一起在球场 上奋斗,我们是在为彼此努力,我们相信彼此,依赖彼此。 当我们一起在场上时,我们不用担心谁给我们打电话,或者 媒体是怎么说我们的,没有人能够影响到我们。我们就是在 做最真实的自己,在为自己打球。所以在某种意义上,球场 就是我们的圣殿。 Q: Favorite New York City things? 问:最喜欢纽约的什么, A: The energy of the city, and playing in the Garden. 答:这座城市的激情,还有就是在麦迪逊广场花园打球。 Q: Athletes you admire? 问:有没有崇拜的运动员, A: (Tim) Tebow. Yao Ming — he’s an unbelievable guy ... on and off the court. I think what athletes do off the court is more impressive to me than what they do on the court. 答:蒂姆?蒂博,姚明。姚明真的是很难让人想像,不管是 在场上还是在场下。我觉得运动员在场下是怎样一个人比他 在场上怎么样更让我印象深刻。 Q: Who are the point guards you have liked watching over the years? 问:有没有哪些控卫是你喜欢看他们比赛的, A: Chris Paul, Steve Nash. 答:有啊,像克里斯保罗还有斯蒂夫纳什。 Q: Because? 问:为什么呢, A: Because you can’t measure their impact. You look at a team with them on the court, and then the team without them on the court. 答:因为你无法衡量他们的影响力,你看看他们在场和不在 场时候他们队伍的表现就知道了。 Q: What drives you? 问:是什么推动着你前进, A: I would say knowing that what I’m doing is glorifying God, in that He’s created me and blessed me with the talent to be able to play basketball, and then I make sure I do it the right way. 答:我想应该是能让上帝感到骄傲吧,因为是他创造了我, 给了我打篮球的天赋,我得确保我是在正确的发挥这些天 赋。 Q: Do you want to be a pastor? 问:那你想做个牧师吗, A: Somewhere down the road. 答:可能以后吧。 Q: Why? 问:为什么呢, A: I just think like when I’m done, I want to wake up every day knowing that I’m doing something that will have an eternal impact and eternal consequence. 答:我只是会想象当我不再打球后,当我每天醒来的时候, 知道我做的事情会一直影响着别人,会改变他人的命运。 Q: One thing you would change about yourself if you could? 问:如果你能改变自己的话你想改变什么, A: Pride, I would say. Just dealing with pride, and the constant battle with that. 答:骄傲吧我觉得,会一直跟他战斗下去。 Q: What do you mean? 问:那是什么意思呢, A: I think everyone, to some degree, we all struggle with our own pride. Learning to love people when we don’t want to love them, and to forgive people when we don’t want to forgive them, and to serve people who sometimes we feel like we’re above or we’re better or we’re smarter than, or whatever it may be. 答:我想每个人在某种程度上,都是在跟骄傲做斗争,我们 在学习着当我们不想爱他人的时候还是要学会爱他们,当我 们不想原谅其他人的时候也要学着去原谅,当我们觉得自己 在他人之上或者我们比他人聪明或者生活得好的时候,也要 学着去帮助他人。 Q: Biggest obstacle you faced growing up? 问:在你成长过程中最大的困难是什么, A: I want to just say when I broke my ankle my junior year (at Palo Alto High School). It was the night before the championship game. That changed my whole life because before that, up to that point, I was a really bad practice player, I had a lot of attitude, I’d be kicked out of practice. I just wouldn’t listen to any of the coaches. I felt like I was just the best player. And once I broke my ankle it changed my whole perspective. On everything. I just told myself, “I don’t know how long I’m going to be able to play because at any minute you can lose your career, and while I play, as many days as God gives me, I’m going to make sure I go 100 percent.” 答:我想应该是在高中时候脚踝骨折了吧。那是决赛前的晚 上啊。我想就是这件事改变了我吧,因为在那之前我不会好 好训练,有点耍大牌,我会中途退出训练这样子。我不会听 教练对我的教导。我会觉得自己是最好的球员。而当我脚踝 受伤之后我的观点就全改变了。我会对自己说,‘你不知道 你还能打多久的球,因为你随时都有可能结束职业生涯。但 是当我在打球的时候,无论上帝给我多长的打球时间,我都 要确保我付出了100%的努力。’
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