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6级预测作文6级预测作文 【范文】 预测作文1. Displaying Wealth OnlineTraining Schools 1. 目前有一些人喜欢在网上炫富It can be noticed that a large number of training 2. 人们对这一现象的看法不一organizations become a new landscape in education. You 3. 我的看法can see lots of advertisements about training schools 【范文】when...
6级预测作文 【范文】 预测作文1. Displaying Wealth OnlineTraining Schools 1. 目前有一些人喜欢在网上炫富It can be noticed that a large number of training 2. 人们对这一现象的看法不一organizations become a new landscape in education. You 3. 我的看法can see lots of advertisements about training schools 【范文】when reading newspapers, watching TV, listening to the Displaying Wealth Online radio or walking in the street. They mainly provide Nowadays, it is not rare to see people displaying courses in foreign languages, computers, music and their wealth on the Internet. Some post pictures of luxury sports. goods, such as brand clothes and bags, luxurious Just as a coin has two sides, training schools have automobiles or jewelries. Some write about their their own advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, experiences in which a lot of money is spent. What’s training schools can meet the special needs of some worse, there are also a few who are not actually rich but people and help them acquire corresponding knowledge. put fake photos only to satisfy their vanity. On the other hand, they often bring people extra burden People have different responses to this phenomenon. because of comparison and competition. Moreover, they Some hold the view that it is people’s right to share their deprive people of their free time. Meanwhile, training possessions or experiences with others on the Internet, as schools often charge too much, which exert extra long as the things are legal and the experiences real. financial burden on people. However, some criticize that the rich people are too If you ask me to decide whether our society should arrogant, vain, glorious and shallow. have training schools or not, I will not hesitate a moment In my opinion, sharing is a good thing, and it is to say I prefer the latter. First, with so many resources exactly the spirit of the Internet. But people should online, it is not difficult for us to learn by ourselves make careful choice on what they are sharing. After all, nowadays. Second, we should work hard in school and showing off is not very nice, not to mention faking. make full use of resources on computes and try not to add With time and money permitted, why not devote to financial burden to our family. somethe meaningfulsuch as supporting the poor. , 预测作文4. Low-Carbon Lifestyle 预测作文2. College Students and Luxuries1. 目前低碳生活成为一种流行1. 现在不少大学生都拥有奢侈品2. …… 低碳生活指的是2. …… 大学生获得奢侈品的途径有3. 作为大学生我应该怎么做3. 你如何看待这一现象 【范文】 【范文】Low-Carbon Lifestyle College Students and Luxuries Ever since the World Climate Conference was held Walking on the campus, you’ll find luxuries are not in Copenhagen, the term “low-carbon lifestyle” has far away for students. Some wear CK clothes and some become a buzzword in our daily life. Everyone, old or carry LV bags. According to an online survey conducted young, is talking about it and exerting himself to achieve by Tencent in May this year, there are 37 percent students the low-carbon goal. Even the famous stars are exerting claiming to have a certain luxury. their great influence on it. On the basis of the survey, the way of obtaining But what on earth is low-carbon lifestyle? luxuries is quite different. Some students get them from Low-carbon lifestyle means to lower the emission of their parents, as their families are in good financial carbon, especially carbon dioxide, by reducing the energy condition. Some take part-time jobs to earn money and with high emission of carbon dioxide or replacing it with buy luxuries by themselves. For example, a college more environmentally friendly energy. For common student named Xiao Mei said she worked as a tutor for people like us, this is an attitude rather than a capacity. three months in order to get a bottle of Dior perfume. Low-carbon lifestyle calls for the active participation of Besides, some receive luxuries as a gift from their friends all the people in the process of saving electricity and gas, or relatives. as well as recycling reusable materials. As for me, I am not in favor of students’ using As college students, we should contribute to the luxuries. It is known that luxuries are notable for their revolution of low-carbon lifestyle by all means. Firstly, super prices. However, students are not economically we should avoid using disposable cutlery to reduce the independent; buying luxuries will only burden their amount of garbage. Secondly, taking public transport parents. Instead of paying too much attention on luxuries, means or walking rather than taking a taxi when traveling they shall focus on their study and fight for their future. is another effective way. Last but not least, both the earth In this sense, using luxuries is improper for students. and we will benefit a lot if we eat green food instead of junk food or meat. 预测作文3. Training Schools 1. 现在社会上有很多培训学校 2. 培训学校存在的利与弊 3. 你对此的看法 1 预测作文5. Electronic Waste【范文】 Online Learning 1. 电子产品给人们带来了便利 In the past, when you get stuck by a difficult 2. 也带来了电子废弃物问 3. 应如何解决这一问题problem, you might turn to a friend, attend a night class or go to the local library to find the answer. But at present 【范文】 a lot of websites are springing up to offer free practical Electronic Waste advice on these subjects and actually anything else you Constant innovations and breakthroughs in can imagine. technology are flowing into the world and keep Why is online learning so popular among people? improving our living conditions. Electronic products such The answer is obvious: online learning is much more as television, cell phones and computers have brought convenient and time-saving. In the past, you perhaps had great convenience to people. There is no doubt that they to spend plenty of time learning in a night class or going make our life colorful. to the library to look for relevant materials. However, But there’s a downside. With the booming growth of now when you run into a problem, you just need to click electronic technology, the refreshment of products or the mouse, then a lot of related websites will appear in products that have outlived their useful life has caused front of you. large amounts of electronic wastes. One of the problems However, there are some problems with online people concern most is that many electronic products learning. First, not all the materials online are correct. contain harmful chemicals that can leak into the ground, Thus, you should keep a suspicious attitude towards what contaminate underground water, pollute the environment, you get from the internet. Secondly, online learning may and finally do harm to people’s health. make you lazy in thinking by yourself and whenever you People should take a careful consideration before come across a problem, what you intend to do is to they decide to throw their useless electronic appliances Google it. So don’t depend too much on the Internet. away. From this point of view, they can either prolong the using span or sort them before discard them into the dustbin. Meanwhile, concerned regulations and laws 预测作文8. Children Obesityshould be passed for the disposal of e-waste. For example, the government should require retailers to collect and 1. 学生的肥胖问题日益严重 recycle used electronics. 2. 这一现象产生的原因 3. 应如何改变这一现象 预测作文6. Students Running an Online Shop 【范文】1. 现在不少大学生在网上开店Children Obesity 2. 对此有人支持,有人反对China is super-sizing its children as fast as its 3. 你的看法economy, prompting fears of obesity crisis. Today, 8% of 【范文】10- to 12-year-olds in China’s cities are considered obese Students Running an Online Shop and an additional 15% are overweight, according to Online shops are teeming with the Internet nowadays. Education Ministry data. China has entered the era of Quite a few students are said to run their own online obesity, and the speed of growth is shocking. shops. A freshman was reported to have made over A generation of economic expansion has produced 60,000 yuan a year by running an online shop. The owner higher living standards and allowed Chinese families to put of the shop was so successful that many students follow more food on the table; once-scarce meat and dairy products suit and set up their own shops online. now are widely available. Growing prosperity also has led to People differ on students’ running an online shop. more sedentary lifestyles: less physical labor, fewer trips on Some people support it, saying students can earn some foot and by bicycle, more travel by car, and more Internet money and lighten the financial burden of their family. use — all are responsible for a large weight gain. The More importantly, they gain precious experience of introduction of fast food from overseas also contributes to running business, which may help them land a good job the increase in obesity. after graduation. Others, however, are opposed to it. They I think it’s high time we fought against juvenile flab. believe students’ priority is study. Running an online Kids need to follow a healthier diet. Parents should help shop will definitely distract students from their studies, kids keep a balance diet and don’t take them to eat fast which equals to putting the cart before the horse. food like McDonald’s and KFC so frequently. The I agree that students should put studying in the first government should build more playgrounds and require place. However, acquiring practical skills shouldn’t be students to exercise or play sports for an hour a day at neglected as well. Running an online shop should be school. encouraged as long as students can balance their study and work. 预测作文7. Online Learning 1. 网上学习比较普遍 预测作文9. On Volunteer2. 产生这种现象的原因1. 现在越来越多的人加入志愿者的队伍3. 这种现象可能带来的影响2. 志愿者的意义 2 3. 我的看法 预测作文11. Gossip Online 【范文】1. 目前网上造谣屡见不鲜On Volunteer 2. 出现这种现象的原因 In recent years, the volunteering spirit has spread 3. 应如何杜绝这种现象 greatly among people, especially among youngsters. 【范文】 From the Olympic Games to communities, many people Gossip Online are seen to offer their help for free. And many volunteers The rapid development of the internet technology are willing to impart knowledge to children in accelerates the transmission of information, which covers impoverished areas. both true and false or misleading contents. Take Volunteering is of tremendous benefit to those in celebrities for example. The divorce between the singer need. For example, hundreds of thousands of volunteers Zhang Jie and his wife Xie Na, who is a popular TV played an active role in the quake-hit Yushu area: they programme hostess, appeared on many WebPages, which offered medical and psychological help to the victims in proved to be false. the relief work. What’s more, volunteering is beneficial Why so many people cook up false stories? More to the volunteers themselves, too. Involved in often than not, the reason is all about personal interests. volunteering, people are exposed to new environments, Most of them create misleading news in order to draw and they can learn how to work well in a team and how to public attention so as to make themselves popular or to improve their interpersonal skills, all of which are critical win certain prizes. To achieve these goals, they try to get for their career development. something out of nothing and rumor about famous figures In my view, we should join in volunteering work as regardless of those people’s privacy. long as we have spare time. That doesn’t necessarily With news developing rapidly, different sources mean that we all volunteer in cities struck by earthquakes. contradicting each other, the public may be confused. There are many other people who need our help, i.e. the Therefore, China’s related supervisory bodies should pay old or the sick in a nearby nursing home. Little by little, more attention to dealing with the false news and gossips. we are sure to help make the world better. For instance, people who want to publish information online must register their ID number and real name first. Similar stringent measures should be taken to prevent all 10. Killing Time Indoors预测作文possible false news. 1. “” 现在有不少人业余时间喜欢宅在家里 2. 人们对这种做法有不同看法 3. 我的看法 预测作文12. How to Enhance Etiquette Education? 【范文】1. 礼仪教育很重要Killing Time Indoors 2. 现在许多大学生都不懂礼仪 Nowadays a growing number of people, especially 3. …… 为加强礼仪教育,家长和学校应该 the 20s or 30s, tend to stay indoors for most of their spare 【范文】 time, especially on holidays. Some spend the majority of How to Enhance Etiquette Education? their time online chatting, blogging, shopping, dating or Etiquette education is highly appreciated in Chinese playing computer games. Some sit with their eyes glued traditional values. The formation of good manners gives to the television screen, day and night. the young generation an opportunity to learn and practice People’s opinions vary when it comes to this way of leadership skills as well as the improvement of their killing time. A great number of people maintain that social education. staying indoors is cheap, comfortable, and most However, due to the lack of etiquette education in importantly, very safe. Others, however, frown upon schools and families as well as the bad influence of the staying indoors for too long. They are worried that lack social environment, many college students have little of physical exercise and face-to-face communication with knowledge of etiquette, thus it is quite common to see others will do harm to people’s body and mind. their bad behaviors. For example, they have no respect Personally, I don’t think staying indoors for most of for their professors and the elderly; sometimes they talk the day should be advocated. Instead, people in all ages, to each other loudly in the library and don’t care about their physical conditions permitting, should be what they should wear in public places. encouraged to spend more time outdoors. The brilliant Regarding the seriousness of this phenomenon, we sunshine, the pleasant green space, the interactions with should take the following measures to arouse university other people, etc. are all good for people’s health, both students’ etiquette awareness. First, parents should set a physically and psychologically. good example for their children at home. Second, colleges should pay attention to students’ etiquette education and open some courses relating to etiquette, and they ought to try their best to create a good campus environment at the same time. 3 预测作文13. Personal Information Leakage预测作文15. Career or Marriage? 1. 1. 目前个人信息泄露问题严重目前许多大四女生不忙求职忙相亲 2. 2. 这种现象可能导致的危害产生这种现象的原因 3. 3. 我们大学生应该怎么做我的看法 【范文】【范文】 Personal Information Leakage Career or Marriage? An online survey conducted in 2011 showed that A growing number of female college students are nearly 90 percent of the people polled claimed their choosing to get married soon after they graduate from personal information had been leaked and they suffered college. So while other students are busy seeking jobs, from it. Take a lawyer who was polled for example. He they are busy with blind dating. Of course, most of them registered some of his personal information some years are looking for wealthy Mr. Rights. ago when he bought insurance for his new car. Since then, More often, the reason why many new female grads every year he received dozens of calls from different are choosing marriage the time they get out of school is companies trying to sell him insurances. all about the employment pressure. Due to the tough job With personal information leaked, your nightmare market, many female grads feel great pressure to find a would start. You would be continuously bombarded by good job after graduation. They choose to pick rich men anonymous messages or phone calls via mobile phones as their dates in the hope of living away from the work and other communication channels for private tutoring, pressure. Besides, because the future as an adult seems apartment sales, insurance, etc. Worse still, if your scary, it feels so much easier to face things with a spouse, confidential information was made known to criminals, especially a rich one. you might have large purchases made on your credit card, In my opinion, college students who are facing an funds withdrawn from your bank account, and even uncertain future may see marriage as a way to make the major loans taken out in your name. transition from school to the society easier — but it’s not. To protect your personal information, the best way is There are all kinds of bad, bad reasons to get married, and thinking before acting. For example, if you don’t want this is one for them. your personal information out there, avoid filling out forms requiring private information for “free draws” or other promotions. These are ways to get your name, 预测作文16. On Sinology address and telephone number on a junk mail or 1. 近年来国学变得越来越流行telemarketing list. 2. 出现这种现象的原因 3. 我对这种现象的看法 【范文】 预测作文14. Flat MarriageOn Sinology In recent years, Sinology, the study of Chinese 1. 有人赞成裸婚 2. 有人则反对traditional culture, literature, history, society, etc., has 3. 我的看法become increasingly popular. Many primary and 【范文】secondary schools have set up courses of sinology, in which students are taught classical works by Chinese Flat Marriage Nowadays, a new trend has emerged among new ancient educators and philosophers, like Confucius. couples called flat marriage, which means marrying Famous scholars, for example, Yu Dan, give lectures on without buying house, car and wedding ring or even Chinese ancient philosophies and literatures in the without holding a ceremony. Some people are in favor of program CCTV Lecture Room. flat marriage. They say, considering the high living costs Sinology becomes prevalent due to the fact that it is today, it is not a bad idea to simplify dispensable of vital significance for both the individuals and the procedures and to be economical. After all, happiness is society. For one thing, Sinology is the essence of Chinese not something that can be bought with money. civilization with more than 5,000 years. People can However, others hold a different view. In their enlarge their scope of knowledge, enrich their experience opinion, marriage is a big affair in one’s life and should and adapt themselves to the complicated society. For be treated seriously. It is not a nice fashion to cut down another, it is acknowledged that the rehabilitation of on wedding spends, for that will be the proof that one is Sinology can contribute to the establishment of a not living a good life. If you can not even be happy when harmonious society. marrying, then how can you be happy in your future life? All Chinese people should inherit the merits of In my opinion, whether to adopt flat marriage or not Sinology. To do so, we can read books by ourselves or to should depend on the couple’s financial condition. If they attend lectures on this issue. Besides, we have the can afford a big wedding and are willing to spend money obligation to let the world know more about Sinology. By on it, then there is no problem. However, if a couple is doing so, we can not only inherit it but also make it not so well-off, they should make careful consideration glorious and prosperous. concerning their marriage. 4 预测作文17. Suspend Schooling to Work【范文】 Should Enterprises Hold an Annual Meeting? 1. 目前有些大一学生申请休学一年到校外打工 In recent years, quite a few enterprises tend to hold 2. …… 出现这种现象的原因是 3. 你对此的看法an annual meeting at the end of the year as a way of celebrating the New Year. Some people are in favor of 【范文】 this kind of celebration and believe both the company and Suspend Schooling to Work the employees benefit from it. An annual meeting, if held Currently, some university students are applying to successfully, can help create a harmonious working suspend their schooling to work for one year or so. In environment in the company. some colleges, the number is surprisingly big. Here is an However, other people hold a completely opposite example: according to a news report, up to three percent opinion. They regard it as a waste of money to rent the of an art college’s students have suspended schooling to auditorium, to pay for the hostess, to eat in luxurious work. restaurants and so on. This would contribute to a Students suspend their schooling to work for various considerable portion of the financial expense of the reasons. Some students hope to better understand the company, which, in consequence, would lower the need of the society through full-time working and then amount of money that the employees can get. set more clear-cut objectives back in their study. Some In my view, the advantages of the annual meetings intend to gain useful work experience which may land outweigh the disadvantages. Firstly, the employees can them an ideal job after graduation. Still, there are students be refreshed after the whole year of hard work. Secondly, who have to work to pay the tuition and accommodations during the whole celebration, the colleagues have due to the financial problem of the family. chances to get a further understanding of each other. Personally, I think it is a good try to suspend Moreover, a successful annual meeting can give staff the schooling to work for a year or so. We can easily see its sense of belonging. benefits to both the students and the society no matter what reason mentioned above. Therefore, while emphasizing the issue of safety, colleges and universities 预测作文20. Say No to Plagiarismshould allow or encourage students to spend more time working and experiencing the society. 1. ? 目前有不少人在写论文时袭 2. 这种现象带来的不良影响 3. 应如何杜绝这种现象 【预测作文18. On Happiness范文】 Say No to Plagiarism 1. 不同的人对幸福有不同的看法 Many people copy without citing the original 2. …… 对我而言,幸福是 3. …… 为了获得幸福,我会contributors while writing theses. Some people even reproduce the theses by simply changing the authors’ 【范文】 names into their own. Take the notorious former On Happiness associate professor of Zhejiang University, who copied a What is happiness? This is one of those questions doctoral supervisor’s research results in his thesis and that if you ask 100 people you’ll get 100 different sent the paper to different journals for publication. answers. For one person happiness may be having great There is no doubt that plagiarism does great harm. A jobs with lots of money whereas for someone else it may famous person once called academic plagiarism a mean the ability to handle whatever life throws at you. “serious violation of collegial trust, the fundamental For me as a student, happiness currently is not having principle on which the integrity of medical journalism more wealth or possessions. Instead, it is closely tied to my depends.” In addition to the violation of trust, such a studies and physical condition. I’ll feel happy if I can pass practice can also offend the rights of the original author. all the tests with CET6 included, and at the same time It is the “theft of intellectual property” and plagiarists are learn practical knowledge. And, enjoying a good health “stealing” others’ words or ideas without permission. and having a strong body also make me happy. To prevent plagiarism, we may resort to modern Happiness is nothing that we’re born with; we need technology to check it beforehand. Although it is to pursue it. To achieve my happiness, I think there are generally difficult to detect plagiarism, advances in two things I need to work on. Firstly, make up a detailed information technology are making it increasingly and scientific schedule for my study and stick to it. possible. For example, the availability of dedicated Secondly, keep a balanced diet and do moderate exercise websites designed to provide information on plagiarism regularly. has made it easier for people to detect copying. 预测作文19. Should Enterprises Hold an Annual Meeting? 现在有不少单位热衷于组织年会 1. 对这种做法有人表示支持 2. 有人并不赞成 3. …… 我认为 5 “” 目前有些大学校园出现贫困大学生跑腿族 预测作文21. Graduates Signing up for the Army1. 对于这种做法有人表示支持1. 目前高校许多毕业生报名参军2. 有人并不赞成2. …… 原因是3. 我的看法3. 我的看法 【范文】 【范文】Poor Students’ Running Errands Graduates Signing up for the Army In recent years, many poor students are paid by their More and more graduates show great enthusiasm and rich classmates for running errands. As to whether it is sign up for the army nowadays. According to a report, a good or not, opinions vary from person to person. Some total of 130,000 university and college graduates are people believe that it is a good way for the needy students expected to join the army this winter. to live through the 4 years of college life. With the Why so many graduates join the Army? Apart from money they earn from running errands for other students, personal interests, the favorable conditions provided by the financial burden of the poor students can be relieved. the army are also alluring. First, every student-turned However, some other people hold a different opinion. soldier will receive a one-off refund of up to 24,000 Yuan As all students on campus are equal, it’s not right for as compensation to college tuition fees or student loans. students with financial problems to do inferior jobs for Second, these servicemen will have more chances of other classmates for money. If the school doesn’t stop getting promoted or receiving education at military this, students on campus will be divided into two classes academies. Third, after the compulsory service, they are sooner or later. promised to enjoy preference while seeking jobs at police In my opinion, schools should forbid this kind of and other law-enforcement departments. things for the sake of both rich students and poor students. In my opinion, college graduates’ military service By paying their poor classmates for doing what they benefits the two parties. On one hand, graduates with should do themselves, the rich students will get used to higher education background serving in the army will idleness. At the same time, doing tiring errands every day help uplift the overall quality of servicemen and sharpen can influence the poor students’ health and study. the high-tech edge of the army. On the other hand, the graduates can strengthen both their physique and will. What’s important, they are more likely to have their jobs 预测作文24. Aging of the Populationguaranteed, especially in this crunching job market due to 1. 我国人口老龄化现象日趋明显global economic downturn and extra supply of graduates. 2. 人口老龄化带来的问题 3. 如何妥善解决人口老龄化问题 【范文】 预测作文22. National Civil Service Exam Turns HotAging of the Population 1. 近年报考国家公务员考试的人数越来越多Population officials and demographers have much to 2. 产生这种现象的原因worry about China’s increasingly aging population. It is 3. 我的看法estimated that the proportion of people aged 60 or older in China will rise to 11.8 percent in 2020. By the middle of 【范文】 this century, people aged beyond 60 will make up 27.4 National Civil Service Exam Turns Hot percent of the total population — that means one out of National civil service exam has been one of China’s every four people will be senior! hottest and most competitive tests nowadays. According The aging population poses a serious challenge to to the report, in 2005, more than 370,000 applicants sat families and the society. On the one hand, with families for the civil service exam. The figure skyrocketed to becoming smaller and the pace of life escalating, it is more than 600,000 in 2006 and 800,000 in 2007. In 2009, even graver for families to care for aged members applications reached a new peak, over 1,000,000. adequately. On the other hand, aging causes a relative Why is the civil service exam so hot? Some decline in working force. Consequently, the productivity applicants are attracted by the job’s stability, guaranteed of the whole society will be affected to some extent. health care and pension. Some say it can bring “practical The rapidity of the population’s aging has made it profits”. Still some say positions as civil servants are more urgent for the adoption of countermeasures. There attractive because of the low risks compared with the is no doubt that the key is to build a solid economic power and resources the positions enjoy. Among the total foundation. Meanwhile, importance should be attached to 6,000,000 public servants, only 20,000 were sacked overall social progress by changing the backward between 1996 and 2003. situation in social security, welfare and service. What’s Personally, I think we should look at national service more, family care and community-based services should exam rationally, though working as a civil servant may also be encouraged. mean stability. We may take it as an extra source of job and give it a try, but not too seriously. After all, only a few applicants are finally employed due to the limited vacancies. 预测作文23. Poor Students’ Running Errands 6 预测作文25. Addiction to Internet Games预测作文27. On Pension 1. 1. 越来越多的青少年沉迷于网络游戏有人认为养老是年轻人的责任 2. 2. 由此可能带来的问题有人认为养老是政府和社会的责任 3. 3. …… 我的看法我认为 【范文】【范文】 Addiction to Internet Games On Pension There is a heated discussion about whether the Every afternoon during the summer vacation, elderly should live in home or caring houses. Some hundreds of thousands of teenagers pour into Internet bars. They switch on a computer, and indulge themselves people hold that the elderly should live in home because in a fantasy world playing games such as World of it is their adult children’s filial duty. We owe so much to Warcraft and Counter Strike. The phenomenon seems our parents in that they not only give us life but have prevalent all around the country, which worries many done much in bringing us up. parents and teachers. However, some people believe that the elderly As everyone knows, playing Internet games can do should be taken care of by government and society. For much harm to teenagers if they spend too much time in example, they should live in caring houses which provide the virtual world. Firstly, it is an enormous waste of time comparatively good facilities and services. Nowadays and teens will have little time for their study. Secondly, working couples need to face intense competition, and those who play video games day and night will be they need to make more money to support their family. harmed physically for lack of adequate sleep. Thirdly, Besides, the majority of them have their children to raise. teenagers’ social ties will suffer as a result of the As a result, working couples have less time to look after immersion in the virtual world. old people especially when the elderly suffer from In my opinion, the whole society should pay more serious diseases. attention to this problem, especially the game industry. In my opinion, living in caring house is a good Besides, the youth shouldn’t spend too much time, practice for the elderly people because they can be taken energy or money on the Internet because study is their good care of. Meanwhile, it is a good choice for their priority. In conclusion, the youth should make good and children because they can concentrate on their work. proper use of the Internet. However, it does not mean that children should abandon their parents. 预测作文26. Protect Children from Porn Online 预测作文28. Gap between the Rich and the Poor on 1. 目前网络黄色信息泛滥 Campus2. 对青少年的危害 3. 应如何解决这一问题1. 大学生的贫富差距日益显现 【范文】2. 由此可能带来的影响 3. 我的看法Protect Children from Porn Online 【范文】More and more people, especially children, are now subjected to the waves of porn on their screens. Porn Gap between the Rich and the Poor on Campus spam, web pages with obscene content, pop-up ads laced It is obvious that the gap between student haves and with sexual photographs, it’s just too easy to run into have-nots on campus is widening and has become a hot these stuff online. issue nowadays. While some students are reliant on An unwanted exposure to sexual material online of government financial aid to fulfill their college studies, children in their early teens may have really disastrous others have extra money from their parents to spend on consequences — they may be induced to pornography on rents and cars, luxury cosmetics and fashionable dresses. the Internet again and again — just like drug addicts. If The widening gap between the rich and the poor on children’s porn addiction follows them into adulthood, they campus has some negative impacts. On one hand, sensing lead or contribute to various harmful results, including the sharp contrast, some poor students may feel inferior ruined marriages, lost jobs and imprisonment. A growing to others, and they may develop negative values, attitudes number of children are also acting out with others what they and beliefs. On the other hand, some rich students may view in “adult” pornography, which threats their healthy pay more attention to material life and neglect spiritual development. pursuit. To protect children from “adult” porn online, joint Personally speaking, I think poverty is not a vice, efforts should be made. Parents should talk to the just as wealth is not an evil. So it’s nonsense to make children about how pornography harms people of all ages. much fuss about wealth disparity on campus. However, If possible, they may use Internet filters to try preventing we do need to cultivate sound personality in students, a access to porn sites. Schools should teach the students to major challenge to colleges and universities today. With a think critically about porn they encounter online. The sound personality, students are able to see everything government should take initiative to purify the Internet with a normal attitude, which is helpful for their future by shutting down porn websites and severely punishing development. the law-breakers. 7 预测作文29. Honesty 1. 目前社会上有很多不讲诚信的现象 2. 出现这些现象的原因和影响 3. …… 为了改变这种状况,我认为 【范文】 Honesty These years, people have witnessed more and more affairs concerning dishonesty. All kinds of faulty goods, misleading advertisements and deceptive services are heated topics. Stars’ being involved in scandals is no news, but now even some public welfare organizations 1. 网络丰富和便利了人们的生活are losing their credibility. For instance, a person related 2. 很多人开始对网络形成依赖to a charity organization was criticized for diverting 3. 我对此的看法donated money to purchase luxury goods. True or false, the incident has caused a new round of questioning on public honesty. 参考范文一】 【 One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the On Internet Addict advancing of information technology, which makes it easiest ever for things to be exposed to the public. But as If asked whether the Internet is the greatest the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire. With the discovery of the 20th century, my answer would be yes. rapid development of economy, many people are allured by money and they pursuit it without the consideration of It has drawn the world closer together, realized countless social virtues and others’ interests. If the trend continues incredible dreams, and provided modern people with a and people no longer trust each other, life will be so hard that the society itself could not hold. great many conveniences and a brilliant life. Common To solve this problem, we must reestablish honesty folks like us rely on the cyber world in various ways, for in every corner of the society. Everyone should try to do things right, and efficient systems should be built to communication, entertainment, banking and shopping. supervise both individuals and public organizations. For its convenience, the Internet has attracted people like magnets and some even get addicted to it. Some 预测作文30. Should Schools Offer Handwriting studies estimate as many as 10 percent of China’s young Lessons? web users are addicted — mostly to online multiplayer 1. 有人认为学校应该开设书法课 2. 有人则反对games. Some individuals showed physical signs of 3. 我的看法 【范文】addiction when kept away from their computers, very Should Schools Offer Handwriting Lessons? similar to substance-dependent addicts; others ignore Nowadays, some primary schools and middle food, drink and sleep for the sake of gaming. schools have offered handwriting lessons to their students, leading to a heated debate among people. Some people In my opinion, the Internet does make our lives believe that it is the schools’ obligation to cultivate easier but we shouldn’t get obsessed with it. It’s all-rounded individuals. Therefore, handwriting lessons should be made a compulsory course. necessary that we understand the role of the Internet — it However, there are still some people who hold the adds color, but should not serve as the only color in our belief that it is useless for students to learn handwriting at all. With the development of the computer age, the life. So, we should use it, but never get addicted to it; chances that we use pens are becoming slimmer. Since otherwise, life huddled in front of a computer screen will almost all documents are typed, we only need to learn typing. harm us physically, psychologically and socially. As far as I’m concerned, learning handwriting is of essential importance to youngsters in three aspects. To begin with, being able to write Chinese characters is a basic ability as a Chinese, since the language is an indispensable element of the Chinese culture. Moreover, the practice of handwriting can help develop many capabilities, such as the capability of concentrating and learning. Last but not least, as the Chinese characters have an aesthetic function, handwriting can be a crucial way to show the differences of individuals. 8 language and culture. After all, languages’ integration 【参考范文二】 is a very complicated process and it’s irrational to On Internet Addict impose a simple ban on certain words. Besides, the use of As a primary source of information, as well as an foreign abbreviations won’t shake the status of Chinese efficient means of communication, the Internet offers as an embodiment of and the basis of the 5,000-year-old people a colorful and convenient life. Just by clicking the Chinese culture. mouse, they can enjoy a brilliant and easy life that could As far as I am concerned, there is no need to ban the not be achieved ever before: gaming, making friends, use of foreign abbreviations on TV. A language is great, shopping, downloading music and movies, conducting not because of its purity, but because of its tolerance to various deals, freely airing opinions, etc. other languages. Chinese is so rich and beautiful Hence some people claim the Internet to be because it constantly absorbs words, abbreviations and indispensable and simply feel they cannot live without phrases from other languages. It’s totally unnecessary to the Internet. They become Internet addicts. They feel a fear about the disappearance of Chinese if we allow constant desire to be online when they’re away from the English to mix with Chinese. computer; they neglect obligations at home, work, or 【参考范文二】 school to spend time online; and worse still, they disregard the emotional or physical consequences of Should Foreign Abbreviations Be Banned on TV? being in front of a computer all day. That some TV stations banned the use of foreign As for me, I object to unrestrained Internet reliance. abbreviations in their programs sparked off a heated Although the Internet is a gift of the technological debate. Those who support the ban maintain that the revolution and a blessing of this information age, we borrowed words make it difficult for some people to should never let it control our life. The Internet understand. It is true that people often read and hear absolutely doesn’t mean the whole world to us. To those foreign abbreviations like NBA, CBA, GDP, WTO and Internet addicts, I would add: “The Internet can make or CPI in an era of the explosion of information. But how break your life. With proper use, the Internet serves you; many people can explain accurately what these otherwise, it kills you.” expressions stand for? To those who oppose the ban, it makes no sense for 目前有些电视台禁止在节目中使用外来缩略语TV stations to exempt their audiences from foreign 1. 对这种做法有人表示支持expressions. Popular foreign abbreviations such as NBA, 2. 有人并不赞成 3. …… 我认为CPI, GDP and WTO are made up of only three letters. Should Foreign Abbreviations Be Banned on TV? However, they are able to deliver meaning that several Recently, CCTV banned the use of borrowed Chinese characters are unable to. Therefore, they help English abbreviations such as NBA, WTO and CPI in make talk and communication easier rather than more all its programs. Some people applaud the move, difficult. maintaining that it helps preserve the purity of the Personally, I think it necessary to ban the use of Chinese language. The media is deeply engaged in the foreign abbreviations. Undoubtedly, some foreign ongoing Westernization of Chinese language. If the abbreviations have become useful symbols for many phenomenon is not stopped, Chinese will be gradually people. However, they are all Greek to some older people reduced from an independent expression system to a who don’t follow the news and don’t speak a foreign mixture of languages. language. If these abbreviations are used without Chinese Others, however, shake their heads. It is not explanations, wouldn’t it be unfair to this group of persuasive, they say, that the media shy away from foreign people? abbreviations to preserve the purity of the Chinese 9 we can handle them calmly, which will greatly increase 1. 灾难随时都有可能发生,带来巨大伤害our chances of survival. 2. 因此,知道如何应对灾难十分重要As students are among the vulnerable groups, school 3. …… 为了让学生更好地应对灾难,学校应当 【参考范文一】 should take measures to better prepare them for emergency. Preparing for Emergency On the one hand, schools should provide students with A disaster can be a natural one, like a flood, hurricane practical instructions, e.g. offering some selective courses or earthquake, or man-made, like fire or chemical spill. It involving what to do and how to behave at critical has been with us and you’ll never know when it will occur. moments, and organize regular drills. On the other hand, it And when it does occur, it can cause significant physical is also school’s responsibility to keep in close touch with damage or destruction, or loss of life. local public security departments in immediate response to Since we live in a world where disasters are a sudden accidents. common occurrence, disaster preparation is of vital importance. Preparing for a disaster can reduce the fear, anxiety and losses that disasters cause. It can also greatly increase the chances that people survive. For example, thanks to regular emergency evacuation drills, all the staff and students from a middle school survived the catastrophic earthquake struck Wenchuan in 2008. To better prepare students for disasters, there are at least two things that schools should do. First, educate students about disasters. For example, teach students what earthquakes are, why they occur, and what effects they have. Second, give students tips on how to deal with a range of dangerous situations from fires and flooding to crime and terrorism. In the areas where disasters like earthquakes are frequent, it’s necessary that schools conduct emergency evacuation drills regularly. 【参考范文二】 Preparing for Emergency With the development of massive media, especially the Internet, we have easy access to the news that many natural disasters like earthquake, fire or flood, and social criminal cases take place unexpectedly from time to time. And they bring about great financial losses and life threats to the society and individuals. Considering that disasters occur unexpectedly and cause great damages, it is very important that we should master the knowledge about how to cope with emergencies. If we know steps that we can take to prepare for an emergency and useful tips on dealing with a major incident, 10 84. But for your help, I couldn’t have finished this job on Complete the sentences by translating into Directions:time(). 就不可能准时完成这项工作 English the Chinese given in brackets. 85. Planning so ahead makes no sense (这么提前没 Please write your translation on Answer ) — so many things will have changed by next 有意义 . Sheet 2year. 82. Today we have chat rooms, text messaging, emailing… apply what we learned to 86. The teacher always told us to but we seem to be losing the art of communicating the practical work (把我们学到的知识运用到实际工 face to face/face-to-face communication (在丧失着面). 作中 ). 对面交流的艺术 83. It’s no use arguing with your classmate () because he will never change 与你同学争论没有用 his mind. 84. If you have no time to buy a ticket, why don’t you book a ticket online/reserve a ticket on the Internet (你 )? 为什么不在网上订票 85. As for parents, nothing can be compared with their children’s physical and mental health (能与孩子的身心 ). 健康相比 86. I opened a bank account after I made $1, 000 by doing a part-time job during the summer vacation (通过在暑假做 兼职工作). 82. I often mistake him for his twin brother (二】把他误 ) because they look so similar. 认为他的双胞胎弟弟 83. It’s a waste of time trying to talk to her尝试和她谈是 ) when she’s in this mood. 浪费时间 84. No longer has she kept in touch with us (和我们保持 ) since she went abroad for further study. 联系 85.If you can find whatever learning method (that)suits you (), your learning efficiency is 任何适合你的学习方法 likely to improve remarkably. 86. Look at the pride on Tom’s face. He seems to have been praised by the manager just now (刚才被经理表扬 ). 过 82. Only under special circumstances are students 三】 permitted to take the make-up test (学生们允许参加补 ). 考 83. There are plenty of opportunities for everyone, but only those who are fully prepared can make use of them (). 只有充分准备的人才可以利用它们 11
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