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奥迪车前保险杠修复奥迪车前保险杠修复 专业:汽车整形专业 班级:09383 学号:09 姓名:高术翔 指导教师:金守玲 日期:2011.11.20 吉林交通职业技术学院 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu...
奥迪车前保险杠修复 专业:汽车整形专业 班级:09383 学号:09 姓名:高术翔 指导教师:金守玲 日期:2011.11.20 吉林交通职业技术学院 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 摘要: 本文阐述了汽车前保险杠的材料,损坏时的修复流程,对人 体的保护,发生损坏时受到撞击所起到的作用,它的应力性以及修复 时所注意的事项.当保险杠损坏时需要进行面处理然后再进行划痕 修复以及喷漆打磨等. 关键词:漆面修复,划痕处理,材料 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 目录 1.摘要 ............................................................................................................................. 2 键入章标题(第 2 级)................................................................................................... 2 键入章标题(第 3 级)............................................................................................... 3 键入章标题(第 1 级) ...................................................................................................... 4 键入章标题(第 2 级)................................................................................................... 5 键入章标题(第 3 级)............................................................................................... 6 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town S hi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides3 第一章 奥迪保险杠发展 1.1 保险杠发展史 保险杠最早出现,是由1971年美国公路交通安全管理局制定的《联邦汽车安全215号》规定的。目的是一种对汽车外部的保护装置。这个标准于1972年9月1日生效,大多数汽车厂家从1973年才开始正式生产。 1972年10月,美国国会通过了《汽车信息与成本节约法》,要求美国公路交通安全管理局制定一个保险杠标准,以“最大程度的减少对公众和消费者的费用”,综合考虑采用该装置的成本和收益,对保险费和法律费用的影响,消费者时间成本,以及健康和安全等诸多因素。新的标准最终与215号进行了合并,于1979年开始实行。这一阶段被称为保险杠发展史上的第一阶段。 1980年-1982,标准变得更加严厉:前后保险杠都要进行8km/h障碍测试,同时增加了摇摆测试;并要求在保险杠凹进3/8,以及错位3/4的时候,汽车安全部件不能受到任何损害。即所谓的0损害标准,这是保险杠标准发展的第二阶段。 里根政府上台之后,美国采取了自由市场政策,对工业标准进行了大幅降低。由于汽车行业施加的巨大压力,美国公路交通安全管理to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 局于1982年对标准进行了修改,将新车保险杠测试标准从8km/h降低为4km/h,转角碰撞测试速度从5km/h降低为2km/h。此外第二阶段要求的零损害标准被推翻,重新回到了第一阶段。同时,增加了新的要求,即乘用车保险杆高度必须在41-51CM之间。这是第三阶段的发展。 1.2 保险杠特点 保险杠,是对车辆或驾驶员在冲撞受力的时候,吸收缓和外界冲击力,产生缓冲的装置,起到保护人与车的作用。保险杠系统是汽车车身的一个重要组成部分,其作用主要有四方面:?当汽车与其他车辆或障碍物发生低速碰撞(通常小于10km/h)时,保护翼子板、散热器、发动机罩和灯具等部件;?当汽车与行人发生碰撞时,最大限度的保护行人;?满足车身空气动力性的要求;?装饰和美化车身。 车辆前后保险杠除了保持原有的保护功能外,还追求与车体造型和谐与统一,追求本身的轻量化。目前轿车的前后保险杠采用了塑料,人们称为塑料保险杠。从安全上看,车辆发生碰撞事故时能起到缓冲作用,保护前后车体,从外观上看,可以很自然地与车体结合在一块,浑然成一体,具有很好的装饰性,成为装饰车辆外型的重要部件。据中国市场调研在线了解汽车保险杠是吸收缓和外界冲击力,防护车身前后部的安全装置,位于汽车前方和后方的大部分区域,表面上被设计于避免车辆外部损坏对车辆安全系统造成的影响,他们不具有在高速撞击时减少驾乘人员伤害的能力,现在越来越多的被设计用于行人 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town S hi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides5 保护. 1.3 保险杠有的日常维护 汽车保险杠在使用过程中的作用是可想而知的了。在那么多的汽车零件当中,最容易损坏的就是保险杠了。但是如果保险杠撞到变形了,就只能花钱去换新的了。要防止保险杠变形,除了驾驶员要知道安全驾驶外,还有就是要靠日常的保护. 1.3.1.日常生活中汽车保险杠避免撞坏的方法: (1)在保险杠的转角标上指示柱。这就是说在保险杠的转角竖立一个标记。经常因为转角而弄伤保险杠的驾驶员最好装上一个,这样能很清晰的看到保险杠所在的位置,明显的减小保险杠损伤的几率。不过现在有很多公司的产品中有安装自动伸缩的指示柱,方便又安全。 (2) 在保险杠上安装拐角的橡胶,这样即使拐弯、转角的时候碰到保险杠,也能够减轻对保险杠的伤害。保险杠的边角处是汽车外壳中最容易弄伤的部分,而且拐角橡胶是很厚的胶垫,贴在保险杠转角处,如果想与车身看起来有整体感,可以喷上涂料。 1.3.2.自己动手修复保险杠的方法: (1)选用一种化学合成剂可以自己修复保险杠。 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides (2)用小刀把保险杠上的毛刺刮掉,记得要轻轻地刮,把汽车保险杠的表面整理平滑,坑洼部分可以用油灰填补。 (3)用刷子把保险杠上的赃物刷干净,这样才能使油灰粘得更加牢固。最好用涂料稀释液修补部分脱漆以去掉保险杠表面的油污。 (4)混合保险杠用油灰,把灰主剂、硬化剂均挤出相同长度,这是要根据产品使用进行。混合好后,用刮刀涂好油灰,窍门是嵌入伤痕部分。 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town S hi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides7 第二章保险杠分类 2.1 金属材质 20年前汽车前后保险杠是以金属材料为主,用厚度为3毫米以上的钢板冲压成U型槽钢,表面处理镀铬,与车架纵梁铆接或焊接在一起,与车身有一段较大的间隙,好像是一件附加上去的部件,看起来也不美观,安全性能也比较低. 2.2 塑料材质 随着汽车工业的发展,汽车保险杠作为一种重要的安全装置也走向了革新的道路上。今天的轿车前后保险杠除了保持原有的保护功能外,还要追求与车体造型和谐与统一,追求本身的轻量化。为了达到这种目的,目前轿车的前后保险杠兴用了塑料,人们称为塑料保险杠。塑料保险杠是由外板、缓冲材料和横梁等三部分组成。其中外板和缓冲材料用塑料制成,横梁用厚度为1.5毫米左右的冷轧薄板冲压而成U型槽;外板和缓冲材料附着在横梁上,横梁与车架纵梁螺丝联接,可以随时拆卸下来。这种塑料保险杠使用的塑料,大体上使用聚脂系和聚丙烯系两种材料,采用注射成型法制成。国外还有一种称为聚碳酯系的塑料,渗进合金成分,采用合金注射成型的方法,加工出来的保险杠不但具有高强度的刚性,还具有可以焊接的优点,而且涂装性能好,在轿车上的用量越来越多。塑料保险杠具有强度、刚性和装饰to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 性,从安全上看,汽车发生碰撞事故时能起到缓冲作用,保护前后车体,从外观上看,可以很自然地与车体结合在一块,浑然成一体,具有很好的装饰性,成为装饰轿车外型的重要部件。 市场研究表明塑料保险杠是由外板、缓冲材料和横梁三部分组成。其中外板和缓冲材料用塑料制成,横梁用厚度为1.5毫米左右的冷轧薄板冲压而成U形槽;外板和缓冲材料附着在横梁上,横梁与车架纵梁螺丝连接,可以随时拆卸下来。这种塑料保险杠使用的塑料,大体上使用聚酯系和聚丙烯系两种材料,采用注射成型法制成。例如标致405轿车的保险杠,采用了聚酯系材料并用反应注射模成型法做成。而大众的奥迪100、高尔夫、上海的桑塔纳、天津的夏利等型号轿车的保险杠,采用了聚丙烯系材料用注射成型法制成。国外还有一种称为聚碳酯系的塑料,渗进合金成分,采用合金注射成型的方法,加工出来的保险杠不但具有高强度的刚性,还具有可以焊接的优点,而且涂装性能好,在轿车上的用量越来越多。 塑料保险杠具有强度、刚性和装饰性,从安全上看,汽车发生碰撞事故时能起到缓冲作用,保护前后车体;从外观上看,可以很自然的与车体结合在一块,浑然成一体,具有很好的装饰性,成为装饰轿车外型的重要部件。 另外,为了减少轿车在发生侧撞事故时对乘员的伤害,在轿车上通常安装有车门保险杠,以增强车门的防撞冲击力。这种方法实用、简单,对车身结构的改动不大,已经普遍推广使用。早在’93深圳 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town S hi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides9 国际汽车展览会上,参展的本田雅阁将一扇车门剖开一部分,专门露出车门保险杠给观众看,以示其良好的安全性能。 安装车门保险杠就是在每扇车门的门板内横置或斜置数条高强度的钢梁,起到车前车后保险杠的作用,做到整部轿车前后左右都有保险杠“护驾”,形成一个“铜墙铁壁”,使得轿车乘员有一个最大限度的安全区域。当然,安装这种车门保险杠对于汽车制造商来讲,无疑会增加一些成本,但对于轿车的乘员来讲,安全性和安全感都会增加了许多。 2-1 2-2 2.3 玻璃钢smc材质 而玻璃钢SMC材料是一种新型的汽车塑料保险杠材料。玻璃钢SMC材料是一种热固性热复合材料,SMC(英文全称为Sheet Mould Compound)是由树脂糊浸渍玻璃纤维制成的一种片状模塑料,它具有to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 强度高、重量轻、耐腐蚀等特点,而且材料性能设计自由度大,是全球应用最广泛的复合材料之一。SMC玻璃钢汽车保险杠采用模压成型的加工方式生产。 拉伸强度 Mpa ?95 冲击强度 KJ/m2 ?100 弯曲强度 Mpa ?220 国外应用案例:据有关报道,通用汽车公司 ,ontiac ,onneville 公司,卡车的前后保险杠均采用,,,玻璃钢保险杠,能满足通用汽车公司生产汽车时,对款式、耐冲击、防偏斜、耐气候等方面的要求。经过摆式冲击试验(速度为,公里,小时),该保险杠横梁试样,仍然完好无损。这种,,,保险杠,还可以减少原来 ,adilla 保险杠部件的数目,从而节省装配时间。据介绍,原来型号时,装配时间需,,.,分钟,而现在仅需,,.,分钟。并且可减轻它的重量,仅为,.,公斤,厚度可达,,,毫米。该,,,保险杠,利用标准型的模压设备成型。其突出的优点,是可以制作成较深凹槽的几何形状壁厚可以任意选择,以及在一个构件上,可直接制出整体的加强肋条。 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town S hi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides11 第三章 损坏进厂修复前的工作 3.1 零件的拆卸 在车间修复前,要求专业人士进行保险杠零件的拆卸工作,把拆下来的零件放到固定的地方便于完工后的安装 3.2 定损 估计保险杠受损范围,便于后续工作.查看保险杠的变形程度,如果变形严重就必须更换,因为奥迪车前保险杠是塑料的.如果轻微则可以进行修理.查看损坏部位的大小然后准备修理工具. 3.3 保险杠周围附件检查 查看前保险杠四周的部件看有没有以为保险杠受损所引起的连锁损伤,因为周围部件受损会对修复工作以及安装带来不必要的困难,而且被顾客发现会对公司有偏见的.只有一步扣一步一个环节接一个环节才能有条不稳的把保险杠修复成功. to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 第四章 划痕处理 4.1 轻微划伤 日常难免会被一些东西碰到保险杠,这种很轻微的伤不仔细看是看不出来的.如果非常爱车可以到店里进行镀膜以及抛光打蜡,如果车主为了省钱,正好车是白色的,那么可以用牙膏涂抹等干了以后再研磨就可以了. 4.2 轻度划痕 4.2.1 混合剂处理 如果是很浅的刮伤使用混合剂处理,方法是直线擦拭,之后在打蜡处理. 轻微刮伤后自己动手补漆也未尝不可。常用的工具有小刷和对应车身颜色的漆料这些补漆材料一般做得小巧玲珑,便于使用者携带。操作时首先要清除杂质和锈迹,上漆一定要量小层多,细致薄涂一层,干固后再涂第二层,直至与周边漆面平齐,修补后要等一天后待漆面硬化后才能洗车上腊。 4.2.2 补漆笔处理 轻度划痕应景能眼睛看到,这个时候大部分师傅是用补漆笔进行处理.补漆笔有两个笔头,一个如圆珠笔般粗细,可以修补较细的划痕;一个像毛笔尖,可以一次性修补更多车漆。这种补漆笔基本上涵盖了各种汽车品牌的不同颜色的车漆,补漆后颜色的相似度也较高,使用方法很简单而且价格也便宜。同时,为了达到更好的效果,有些补漆 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town S hi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides13 笔还配套了“研磨膏”。研磨膏在补漆前使用,可以磨平划痕和漆面,增加车漆的附着力;补漆后漆面可能会出现不同程度的不平整,这时候研磨膏也可以将漆面打磨平整。 4-1 4.3 中度划痕 中度划痕可以通过抛光、打蜡来解决。“中度划痕,一般手摸上去感觉不到,也没有划破色漆层。”此类划痕的处理办法如下:用脱蜡洗车液将车体表面洗净,研磨机配抛光盘,根据不同划痕使用透明漆或普通漆专用的研磨剂对车身进行研磨,研磨后将车身研磨剂洗掉、擦干,再用抛光剂和还原剂进行抛光、还原,最后打蜡。如果不及时处理,经过下雨以及其它东西的腐蚀会越来越严重. 4.4 重度划痕 重度划痕就很严重了,这时需要剔除毛刺,去除旧漆面.然后施涂原子灰.等十分钟左右干了以后.用800-1000的砂纸进行打磨.然后检to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 查如果还不平整就用填充剂进行填充,等干了以后用1200砂纸进行打磨.然后喷涂中途漆,面漆,清漆之后拿进烤房.烤房内要整洁干净.以免有不干净的东西和灰尘沾到漆面上.等个四十分钟左右把保险杠取出进行抛光,抛光时不要抛的时间太长把漆面磨薄了.最后用粗蜡进行处理,因为划痕太严重需要大面积修复所以先用粗蜡进行修复,最后用细蜡处理最后安装到车上. to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town S hi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides15 第五章 漆面喷涂处理 5.1 原子灰施涂 5.1.1 原子灰分类 5-1 5.1.2 底材处理 施涂原子灰之前要去除旧漆面,用打磨机进行打磨,用80-120的砂 纸进行打磨要打磨出羽状边.打磨之后进行清洁,用清洁剂擦拭一遍,然后施加防油除污剂. 5.1.3原子灰的施涂 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides (1)原子灰选用.原子灰也叫腻子,且品种较多功能多异,而图层材料所具有的配套性能要求使腻子的选用更为重要.腻子与底漆及面漆的配套性问题实际上也是极性匹配问题.一般来说极性大的材料分子结合力越大,极性小的材料分子结合力越小. (2)涂腻子的施工方式.刮腻子有满刮和软硬交替刮之分.第一道腻子施涂是为了填充较大凹坑,用硬刮具刮涂.当使用自制油性腻子时要调的硬些分若干次施涂,不求漂亮工整.刮腻子不能来回多刮否则容易把缝隙填上使腻子不容易干.等干时可以用手磨也可以用机械打磨.干磨用2-3号铁纱布进行干磨,水磨时用100号砂纸进行打磨.第二道腻子施涂时,以填平低处为主.打磨一般为干磨,用120-180水砂纸. 5-1 5.2 中途底漆的施涂 5.2.1 底漆的选用 汽车用底漆就是直接涂装在经过表面处理的本身部件表面上的第一道涂料,它是整个涂层的开始。 根据汽车用底漆在汽车上的所用部位,要求底漆与底材应有良好的附着力,与上面的中涂或面漆具有良好的配套性,还必须 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town S hi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides17 具备良好的防腐性、防锈性、耐油性、耐化学品性和耐水性。当然,汽车底漆所形成的漆膜还应具有合格的硬度、光泽、柔韧性和抗石击性等机械性能。 随着汽车工业的快速发展,对汽车底漆的要求越来越高。20世纪50年代,汽车还是喷涂硝基底漆或环氧树脂底漆,然后逐步发展到溶剂型浸涂底漆、水性浸涂底漆、阳极电泳底漆、阴极电泳底漆。目前比较高档的汽车尤其是轿车一般采用阴极电泳底漆,阴极电泳底漆经过20多年的发展,同时也经过引进先进技术和工艺,现在已经能很好的满足底漆所要求的各项机械性能、与其他涂层的配套性尤其是现代的流水线涂装工艺,目前轿车用底漆几乎已全部使用阴极电泳底漆。 汽车用溶剂型底漆主要选用硝基树脂、环氧树脂、醇酸树脂、氨基树脂、酚醛树脂等为基料,颜料一般选用氧化铁红、钛白、炭黑及其他颜料和填料,涂装方式有喷涂和浸涂两种。 电泳漆是在水性浸涂底漆的基础上发展起来的,它在水中能离解为带电荷的水溶性成膜聚合物,并在直流电场的作用下泳向相反电极(被涂面),在其表面上沉积析出。采用电泳涂装法要求被涂物一定是电导体。根据所采用的电泳涂装方式的不同,电泳底漆可分为阳极电泳底漆和阴极电泳底漆。电泳底漆使用的成膜聚合物是阴、阳离子型树脂,中和剂为无机械、有机胺或有机酸,颜料一般选用钛白和炭黑等。 5.2.1中途底漆的施涂工艺 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 将适量的肥皂沫加入水中混合,然后加入热水搅拌,水温保持在60度左右.去除表面的杂质.然后用清水再次清洗一遍.之后用抗静电清洁剂清洗表面,用一干一湿两块擦拭布擦拭干净.用空气压缩枪吹一遍.用p500的砂纸进行打磨. 5.3 面漆的施涂 5.3.1 单色面漆 喷单色热固性面漆时,涂层的附着力是涂装的一大难点.它收到很多因素的影响,如涂料质量施工条件等.如果直接喷涂效果会很不好.所以很多厂家是先喷面漆之后再喷罩光清漆. 如果使用热塑性面漆则各批次之间的颜色差不容易控制.而且不能满足小批量快速变化的颜色要求. 5.3.2 金属漆 (1)工艺参数 采用湿碰湿施工. 粘度 16-20(s)(涂-4) 空气压力 0.5-0.7mpa 涂料压力 0.2-0.4mpa 膜厚 15-20um 涂料流量 80-150ml/min (2)注意事项 对于面部纹较深的部位要提高面漆的粘度,以改善图层对底材的遮盖力.塑料涂装的稀释剂一般比金属用的稀释剂挥发快因汽车塑料件外观形状比较复杂,如挥发速度慢,表干时间长涂层容易产生流挂和堆漆. to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town S hi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides19 5.4 罩光 采用聚氨酯双组分清漆,为了算短固化时间和降低固化温度可适当添加少量固化促进剂.但添加前应通过实验.确定最佳添加量.如添加量不足则达不到使用效果,如添加量过量,则会对漆膜性能带来不良影响.在实际生产中固化促进剂0.05%-0.1%比较合适. 结语 随着社会的不断发张,汽车成为了人们不可缺少的一部分.人口质量的提高使得使用汽车的人越来越多.然而不可避免的发生一些交通事故以及一些小的碰撞,而保险杠则起到非常重要的作用.当发现保险杠有损伤时要及时处理以免造成不西药的损失. 本问讲述了保险杠的一些处理方式和一些保养方法.告诉大家在发现保险杠有损伤时及时修复.让人们更多的去了解它,更注重保险杠的安全性和重要性. 谢词 时间过的很快,三年的大学生活就这么快的结束了,有些匆忙,有些不舍,但很充实.在大学期间我学会了很多很多,感谢我的学校吉林交通职业技术学院让我有了一段美好的大学生活.感谢教过我的所有老师,他们给了我学习上以及生活上的帮助,衷心的感谢他们.希望我to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides 的老师生活愉快,身体健健康康.谢我的论文指导老师,在她的督导下,在她对我论文不断的改正下使我的论文顺利完成,在此对我的导师兢兢业业,认真负责的指导表示衷心的感谢!在这几年中,感谢我的同学他们给了我太多的帮助.最后,祝所有老师工作顺利! to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town S hi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides21 参考文献 [1] bosskb1.山东.百度文库,2011 [2] 汪士选.汽车涂装.上海,化学工业出版社,2010 [3]杨智勇,王丽梅.机动车涂装人员从业资格考试必读,金盾出版社,2008 [4]吴复宇.汽车涂装技术.北京,中央广播电视大学出版深,2006 to West rear, to County Shen Liqun report guerrillas breakout Hou of action situation, boat via Zhejiang wuxing daughter town Shi, six people has a NI surname "spies" (enemy) midway tuogu landing tipsters, away from small town three in Xu, was day Elves Li Taishan Department captured, five people all killed, broken corpse sank Yu River in the. On January 18, 1943, when the Japanese army militiamen arrested 53 people in Wuzhen, transferred to the tomb of the former Japanese military police command (in the "Tai" Jiang Yuan), the 28th in Shenyang North of jade bang massacred them. Hu Maosheng knife wounds woke up in the middle of them, crawling out from the dead, in the tomb of Gao Changhai residents, saved by bing. Such as Hu Maosheng, Gao Changhai is a witness to this tragedy. (B) in memory of "massacre" Xu Youyong yan tomb is the copper law. Copper originally was called Luo yan Tomb, because Eastern Han dynasty distinguished prose poems my father yan Tan bogey was buried in the town's water. Has a long history here, cultural atmosphere, and there are many old houses, and left many people with lofty ideals. Business flourished here, is the hub of four townships of agricultural and sideline products, wine culture has a long history. The outskirts of the town has left, "Huang Chi", originally Yue water hides
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