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乒乓球比赛秩序册乒乓球比赛秩序册 “中国体育彩票杯” 2012年新泰市中全民健 身运动会“中选杯”乒乓球比赛 主办单位:新泰市体育局 新泰市教育局 协办单位:新泰市体育彩票管理中心 新泰市中选乒乓球俱乐部 时 间:二Ο一二年五月四日 地 点:新泰市中选乒乓球俱乐部 there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawing...
乒乓球比赛秩序册 “中国体育彩票杯” 2012年新泰市中全民健 身运动会“中选杯”乒乓球比赛 主办单位:新泰市体育局 新泰市教育局 协办单位:新泰市体育彩票管理中心 新泰市中选乒乓球俱乐部 时 间:二Ο一二年五月四日 地 点:新泰市中选乒乓球俱乐部 there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical check 目 录 1、竞赛规程……………………………………………1 2、大会组织委员会及各办事机构……………………4 3、仲裁委员会…………………………………………6 4、裁判员名单…………………………………………6 5、大会活动日程………………………………………7 6、各代表队名单………………………………………8 7、对阵表………………………………………………12 8、运动员守则…………………………………………16 9、教练员守则…………………………………………17 10、裁判员守则………………………………………18 11、体育道德风尚奖评选办法和要求………………19 12、各代表队人数统计………………………………20 there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical check “中国体育彩票杯”2012年全民健身运动会 乒乓球比赛竞赛规程 一、主办单位 新泰市体育局、新泰市教育局 二、竞赛时间和地点 时间:2012年5月4日 地点:新泰市中选乒乓球俱乐部 三、竞赛项目 初中组:男、女单打 小学组:男、女单打 四、参加单位 ,一,初中组: 各乡镇街道、实验中学、汶城中学、协庄学校、新汶实验中学。,24队, ,二,小学组:各乡镇街道、市直各小学。,27队, ,三,特殊教育学校自选组别。,只计单项成绩~不计团体总分, 五、参加办法 ,一,运动员必须具有正式学籍的在校在读学生。 ,二,运动员照片与市教育局电子档案不符者~取消报名资格。 ,三,各单位可报领队1人~教练员2人,运动员男、女各报1—3人。 ,四,凡输送到泰安体校的运动员~需在比赛前10天提供泰安市体校出具的证明~经市体育局、教育局业务科室审核~分管领导签字后~可代表学籍所建单位报名参加相应年级组别的比赛。 segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkpositioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level t linef location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box puunderstand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel odrawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check1 六、竞赛办法 ,一,比赛执行国家体育总局乒羽运动管理中心最新审定的《乒乓球竞赛规则》。 ,二,比赛根据报名人数确定竞赛办法。 ,三,执行国际乒联每局比赛11分制的规定。全部比赛均采用5局3胜制。 ,四,执行国际乒联关于无遮挡发球的规定~执行国际乒联关于每场比赛双方可有1分钟暂停时间的规定。 ,五,比赛设种子选手~按照2010年新泰市中小学生乒乓球比赛及泰安第十八届运动会成绩决定。 七、录取名次与奖励 ,一,团体奖:小学、初中组按男、女运动员的得分之和录取奖励前八名~得分多者名次列前。得分相同~按金牌数多者名次列前~余类推。 ,二,个人奖:初中、小学男女单项均录取前八名~按照9、7、6、5、4、3、2、1计分。前三名颁发奖品及证书~4-8名颁发证书。 ,三,评选“体育道德风尚奖”代表队。 八、申诉和纪律 ,一,为端正赛风~体现举办学校体育竞赛~突出教育特色~以育人为宗旨的指导思想~各学校领队报名参赛的运动员资格认真进行自查~按照本规程的规定~严格把关~杜绝弄虚作假、冒名顶替行为的发生。对弄虚作假、冒名顶替参加比赛的运动员属个人项目的取消其比赛成绩和名次~属集体项目的取消全队比赛成绩和名次~取消单位体育道德风尚奖评选资格。 hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkracy ement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of acculooking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforc l, andapparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontauirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings req2 ,二,联赛设立“纪律检查委员会”~负责参赛运动员的纪律和资格检查工作~“纪律检查委员会”的处理决定为最终处理。 ,三,对打架斗殴、罢赛、拒绝领奖、侮辱裁判和观众等恶劣行为的运动员,队,~取消运动员,队,所有比赛成绩和体育道德风尚奖评选资格~追究所属代表单位领导责任人~情节严重者联赛组委会将对单位和个人做出进一步的处罚。 ,四,比赛期间对赛事组织~评判、运动员资格等方面有异议的~可在该项目竞赛规则和竞赛规程规定的时间内以书面形式申诉~并提交该项目竞赛委员会裁决~同时交纳申诉费400元~胜诉全额退还~败诉不退还~逾期不予受理。 九、报名和报到 ,一,报名:各参赛单位按照统一印制的报名表逐项填写、打印并加盖公章~于赛前7天报体育局竞训科、教育局基教科~同时将电子版发至邮箱:xtjyjtwy@163.com,xttyzxldy@163.com~报名时交运动员免冠1寸照片1张~逾期报名~按弃权论。 ,二,报名表一经报出不得更改。 ,三,报到:各队领队、教练于赛前一天下午15:00到体育中心开会 十、其他 裁判员由市教育局、体育局统一选调。 十一、未尽事宜,另行 十二、本竞赛规程解释权归新泰市体育局和新泰市教育局 segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkpositioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level t linef location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box puunderstand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel odrawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check3 “中国体育彩票杯” 2012年新泰市全民健 身运动会“中选杯”乒乓球比赛 组织委员会及各办事机构 大会组织委员会 主 任:倪建军 侯 丽 副 主 任:赵连军 李 果 成 员:常希贞 吴东俊 耿现东 安广君 张兆江 陈兴波 徐勤旭 徐西录 马 强 杨福泉 张新清 武文涛 李衍持 各代表队领队 总 指 挥:赵连军 李 果 副总指挥:吴东俊 武文涛 各办事机构 宣 秘 组 组 长:刘 静 孙其鹏 成 员:陈 明 肖 宁 宁洪蕾 邵 帅 竞 赛 组 组 长:宣光海 成 员:李德云 金正春 冯德岁 刘宝文 马兴国 高 彬 hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkracy ement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of acculooking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforc l, andapparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontauirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings req4 场 地 组 组 长:王国锋 成 员:孙其鹏 牛 劲 朱凤坤 资格审查组 组 长:李 明 成 员:王士平 金正春 安全保卫组 组 长:赵 鑫 成 员:王永安 曹学银 segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkpositioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level t linef location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box puunderstand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel odrawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check5 仲裁委员会 吴东俊 武文涛 宣光海 李 明 李德云 裁 判 员 名 单 总 裁 判长: 武文涛 副总裁判长: 宣光海 刘宝文 高 彬 裁 判 员: 王元昌 陈 强 李 岩 刘光燕 张 明 朱立栋 董 健 丁继标 耿 磊 张 聪 安 涛 靳 铭 田 利 马振虎 尹 鹏 马 伟 程化明 刘智慧 徐立新 巩玉鹏 伊永磊 柳 伦 尹浩然 hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkracy ement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of acculooking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforc l, andapparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontauirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings req6 大 会 活 动 日 程 日 期 上 午 下 午 1、15:00体育中心二楼会议 室召开领队、教练、裁判长5月3日 联席会议 2、16:00体育中心二楼会议 室裁判员会议 5月4日 13:30比赛 8:00比赛 作 8:00———————12:00比赛 息 12:00—————— 12:30午饭 时 13:30———————比赛 间 比赛结束后举行颁奖仪式 segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkpositioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level t linef location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box puunderstand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel odrawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check7 各代表队名单 汶城中学 领队:韩旺修 教练:方 珍 丁爱萍 初中男: 牛 昊 牛甲睿 肖桐玮 初中女: 朱淑娴 张颖露 孙文雪 青云街道 领队:李兴民 教练:曲庆丽 王道华 初中男: 王 锐 王建国 朱衍昊 初中女: 陈怀青 张铧允 李 万 小学男: 徐晓寒 何宗涛 彭浩然 小学女: 王语芯 李长硕 张丹丹 翟镇 领队:庄学江 教练:高兴夫 张淑明 初中男: 王 刚 高 迁 尹 骞 小学男: 高振杰 梁旭耀 王子涵 小学女: 李雅丽 王 慧 王爱迪 羊流镇 领队:刘建珠 教练:万 涛 初中男: 吴有仁 韩芹民 刘 栋 初中女: 刘 笑 果都镇 领队:马玉静 教练:蒋卫东 袁兵 孙强 杜守华 初中男: 李怀瑞 张国琪 陈明越 初中女: 陈子璇 陈 金 陈慧娴 小学男: 李 昱 马文壮 张峻峰 小学女: 许文丽 刘婷婷 杨文丽 hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkracy ement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of acculooking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforc l, andapparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontauirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings req8 天宝镇 领队:马兴敬 教练:杨方纪 初中男: 纪礼飞 纪 倡 初中女: 鞠 健 小学男: 范新琪 苏 奇 小学女: 张 慧 郭子涵 楼德镇 领队:李爱民 教练:李龙 刘强 初中男: 封 帆 吴建烨 宫里镇 领队:庄宿彪 教练:王建波 初中男: 李 扬 陈延祥 王 鼎 小学男: 尹逊一 王 岩 李 想 小学女: 庄 雪 庄 静 小协镇 领队:柏贞法 教练:安伟 初中男: 赵传雨 赵 超 赵志浩 小学男: 周梓健 郭英震 小学女: 臧红利 郭 悦 郭 慧 新汶街道 领队:高元春 教练:安鹏 臧德刚 韩来峰 初中男: 苏慕白 初中女: 刘烨宁 小学男: 仉倬俣 小学女: 吴林泽 陈鸿儒 李一鸣 segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkpositioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level t linef location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box puunderstand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel odrawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check9 东都镇 领队:徐西成 教练:王涛 初中男: 李浩涛 李昊伟 张晨宇 初中女: 王业敏 王业萌 谢顺芝 小学男: 纪庆子 尹一凡 小学女: 刘 耀 汶南镇 领队:刘会君 教练:刘志德 王建祥 初中男: 蒋学政 朱风洋 曹 杰 小学男: 刘泽川 鲍守志 刘博洋 小学女: 王小童 文传妹 李冰玉 石莱镇 领队:张乃元 教练:张培平 姜 涛 初中男: 孙英强 赵昌瑞 初中女: 赵庆咪 施光瑗 小学男: 孙 畅 陈 磊 小学女: 马 玲 王 雪 龙廷镇 领队:杨建平 教练:逯 朋 初中男: 李 航 李 超 崔 凯 初中女: 李 越 李 雪 褚士琪 实验中学 领队:王跃升 教练:刘玉军 刘光燕 初中男: 刘至真 陈天宇 徐博瑞 初中女: 张文泽 王 敏 向阳实校 领队:范庆军 教练:刘 峰 张永福 小学男: 程涵哲 刘政成 白鹤鸣 小学女: 张乐睿 赵方骞 李 菲 hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkracy ement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of acculooking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforc l, andapparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontauirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings req10 一实小 领队:吴佰强 教练:曹成刚 马磊 小学男: 姚炳辰 王立晨 马益豪 小学男: 徐梓涵 范秀泽 曹泽坤 小学女: 郎济荫 时佳懿 娄子璇 新汶实校 领队:崔冰 教练:翟攀峰 小学男: 崔振昭 王 健 李富庆 小学女: 王淑娴 王 敏 平阳小学 领队:张新堂 教练:潘建峰 马伟 小学男: 宋 雷 陈树泽 王启骁 小学女: 韩 烁 王亚晴 王诗音 特殊学校 领队:张成凯 教练:乔荣玉 高升 小学男: 王兴全 白宗帅 纪维硕 小学女: 娄文娟 姚 金 纪存梅 汶城实小 领队:亓勇华 教练:王来菊 吴秀军 小学男: 艾姜川 刘昌浩 王均泷 小学女: 徐文俊 刘千禧 闫鸿栩 新甫实校 领队:刘志利 教练:汪勇 小学男: 王顺冉 梁音浩 孟庆国 小学女: 盛天元 平阳实验 小学男: 王旭晖 segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkpositioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level t linef location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box puunderstand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel odrawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check11 hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkracy ement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of acculooking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforc l, andapparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontauirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings req12 segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkpositioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level t linef location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box puunderstand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel odrawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check13 hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkracy ement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of acculooking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforc l, andapparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontauirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings req14 segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkpositioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level t linef location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box puunderstand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel odrawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check15 运 动 员 守 则 一、坚持党的“四项基本原则”~刻苦学习~全面发展~为锻炼成为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义建设者和接班人而努力。 二、积极参加运动训练,尊重教练员~认真完成训练任务~提高运动技术水平~为振兴中华作出贡献。 三、赛出风格~赛出水平~胜不娇~败不馁~尊重裁判~尊重对方~尊重观众。 四、讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生~讲道德、增强法制观念。 五、不吸烟~不喝酒~不赌博~衣着整洁大方。 六、团结友爱~关心集体~勇于批评与自我批评~反对个人主义、小集团主义。 七、尊重领导~服从组织~严格履行《中学生日常行为》。 八、勤俭节约~爱护公物~取于同不良倾向作斗争。 hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkracy ement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of acculooking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforc l, andapparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontauirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings req0 教 练 员 守 则 一、坚持党的“四项基本原则”~忠诚党的事业~刻苦钻研业务~不断提高水平~为培养高水平的体育后备人才而努力。 二、加强政治思想工作~严格管理、教育、努力把学生运动员培养成为德、智、体全面发展的“四有新人”。 三、认真制订训练~对运动员从难从严从实战出发~进行科学训练。 四、做好赛前准备和临场指挥~赛后进行认真总结。 五、尊重爱护运动员~关心运动员的学习与生活~为他们解决实际问。 六、以育人为宗旨~作风正派~坚持真理~发扬正气~遵守裁判~顾全大局。 七、为人师表~以工作为重~比赛时间不酗酒~临场指挥不吸烟。 八、教练员之间互相学习~互相支持~互相协作。 segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkpositioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level t linef location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box puunderstand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel odrawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check1 裁 判 员 守 则 一、坚持党的“四项基本原则”~忠诚党的教育事业~热爱体育竞赛裁判工作。 二、努力钻研业务~深入学习竞赛规则与裁判法~积极参加裁判实践~不断提高裁判业务水平。 三、严格履行裁判职责~对裁判工作做到“严肃、认真、公正、准确”。 四、作风正派~不徇私情~坚持原则~敢于同不良倾向作斗争。 五、裁判员之间互相尊重~互相学习~互相支持~不搞宗派活动~注意团结协作~ 六、执行任务时~集中精力~精神饱满~仪表大方。 hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkracy ement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of acculooking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforc l, andapparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontauirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings req2 “中国体育彩票杯” 2012年新泰市全民健身运动会“中选 杯”乒乓球比赛“体育道德风尚奖”评选办法和要求 为激励和表彰各代表队运动员、教练员在运动会上顽强拼搏、公正竞赛、恪守体育道德的精神~做到赛出风格、赛出水平~并在赛场内外保持良好的精神面貌~发扬新时代体育新风~特制定本届比赛“体育道德风尚奖”评选办法。 一、 评选范围及名额 从参赛的所有代表队中评选出10个体育道德风尚奖。 二、 评选条件 以遵守大会制定的纪律为基本条件。 1、严格遵守赛区各项规章制度~服从领导~听从指挥, 2、尊重对方~尊重裁判~尊重观众~赛出风格~赛出水平~胜不骄~败不馁, 3、遵守赛场纪律~端正比赛作风~不冒名顶替~不打架~不骂人, 4、代表队入场服装统一~步伐整齐~精神抖擞~领队、教练员必须参加开闭幕入场式, 5、积极为大会撰写稿件~采用率高, 6、讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、不吸烟、不喝酒, 7、关心集体、团结友爱~爱护公物~勇于向不良倾向作斗争, 8、各代表队在本次运动会期间不出现安全事故。 9、凡弄虚作假、冒名顶替、停赛罢赛、打架斗殴以及未经批准弃权等违反赛风赛纪者~一票否决。 三、评选办法 各代表队领队~各裁判组组长无记名投票后由大会组委会审定。 segmentation review level segmentation of accuracy hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkpositioning points positioning points reinforcement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level t linef location, and in key layer playing horizontal, and looking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box puunderstand of problem prepared all of workers apparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel odrawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings requirements, check3 各代表队人数统计 小学组 初中组 教 序号 单位 领队 男 女 男 女 备注 练 向阳实校 1 1 2 3 3 新汶实校 2 1 2 3 2 一实小(1) 3 1 2 3 3 一实小(2) 4 1 2 3 汶城实小 5 1 2 3 3 平阳小学 6 1 2 3 3 平阳实验 7 1 新甫实校 8 1 1 3 1 特殊学校 9 1 2 3 3 小协 10 1 1 2 3 3 0 汶南 11 1 2 3 3 3 青云 12 1 2 3 3 3 3 石莱 13 1 2 2 2 2 2 天宝 14 1 2 2 2 2 1 翟镇 15 1 2 3 3 3 东都 16 1 1 2 1 3 3 果都 17 1 4 3 3 3 3 新汶 18 1 2 1 3 1 1 宫里 19 1 1 3 龙廷 20 1 1 3 3 汶城中学 21 1 2 3 3 楼德 22 1 2 2 实验中学 23 1 2 3 2 羊流 24 1 1 3 1 合计 23 42 49 43 40 22 219 hanging vertical line Fixed vertical line vertical checkracy ement pulled horizontal check horizontal of errors adjustment errors for level segmentation review level segmentation of acculooking for auxiliary layer playing horizontal, and find vertical box put line positioning points positioning points reinforc l, andapparatus, do prepared work, and in construction site find associate by Ravel of location, and in key layer playing horizontauirements, check drawings whether has not clear of place, whether has lane not understand of problem prepared all of workers there shall be no deformation. 3, and process description: put line process: familiar understand drawings req4
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