

2018-03-31 4页 doc 17KB 15阅读




机场接客户常用英语机场接客户常用英语 1.I need to pick up somebody at the airport.(我要去机场接人) 2.Excuse me, Miss, will Flight No 33666 arrive on time?(小姐,请问33666号航班会准时到吗?) 3.It has been delayed.(飞机晚点了) 4.It arrived on time.(飞机正点到达) 5.It has been cancelled.(航班被取消了) 6.Where is the luggage Pic...
机场接客户常用英语 1.I need to pick up somebody at the airport.(我要去机场接人) 2.Excuse me, Miss, will Flight No 33666 arrive on time?(小姐,请问33666号航准时到吗?) 3.It has been delayed.(飞机晚点了) 4.It arrived on time.(飞机正点到达) 5.It has been cancelled.(航班被取消了) 6.Where is the luggage Pick-up?(行李提取处在哪?) 7.Where is the Taxi Stand?(在哪叫出租车?) 8. I will hold up a sign and wait for you at the Arrival Gate No....(我会举个牌子在入口..号大门处等你. 9. I will be waiting in the parking lot. As soon as you claim your luggage, please call my cell phone right away.我会在停车场等你.你一提好行李,马上打我手机. 10.My car is black with lisence plate No....我的车是黑色,车牌号是... 11.take off起飞 12.land降落 13,departure出口处 14.arrival入口处 15. parking lot停车场 16.pay phone booth电话亭 17.Information Desk问讯处 Which Excit are you? What is the number of your excit? What's your exit (door) number please? Where are you?Please tell me the gate No.beside you. Mr. Mitchell将于今日抵台湾,Mr. Sun特别指派Brian去接机。 Sun: Brain, Mr. Mitchell will be arriving in Taiwan for the first time this morning. I'd like you to pick him up and help him get settled in. Brian, Mitchell先生将在今天早上到台湾,他是第一次来,我希望你去接他,顺便帮他安顿好。 Brian: Can do, Mr. Sun. Which hotel is he booked at?没问,孙先生。他订哪一家旅馆? S: Howard Plaza. Everything's been arranged, under his name. 福华饭店,一切都以他的名字安排好了。 B: I'd better go to the airport now. shall I take one of the company cars? 我最好现在就去机场。我开公司的车吗? S: No. Because we're negotiating such a large purchase from Northern Reflections, it's in our best interest to show him around in style. We've rented a limo. 不。既然要和Northern Reflections 谈这么大笔买卖,风风光光地带他逛逛,会对我们有好处。 我们租了一辆豪华轿车。 B: Good idea. I'd better be on my way. 好主意,我最好上路了。 S: Brian, do you have a jacket and tie at the office today? Brian,你今天西装和领带有没有放在办公室? B: Yes. Why do you ask? 有啊,有什么事吗? S: I know it's very humid, and the dress code is pretty casual here. But I think it's important to look professional when a client is visiting. 我知道天气湿湿粘粘的,而且公司对穿着一向不太要求。但我想有客户来的时候,还是得穿得 正式。 B: I understand. I'll have my suit jacket and tie on when I meet Mr. Mitchell. 我了解,接Mitchell先生时我会把外套穿上,领带打好。 S: Fine. And I think it would be proper if you leave your jacket on, unless Mr. Mitchell takes his off first, or mentions how hot it is. 很好,我想除非Mitchell先生把外套脱掉或喊热,不然你还是穿着外套好了。 B: I follow you. Then I can suggest that he take off his jacket, then follow suit. 我懂,所以我会建议他脱外套,之后再跟进。 S: Yes. It's important that we pay attention to detail. Mr. Mitchell will be arriving on flight HK 211,from Hong Kong, at 11:20. 好。对小节也不能马虎,这是很要紧的。Mitchell 先生由香港搭HK211班机,会在11点20 分到。 B: Will he visit our office today? 他今天准备来公司吗? S: He'll probably have jetlag, so nothing's scheduled today. 他可能还没适应时差,所以今天没有排定任何节目。 B: I'll take him right to the hotel then, so he can get some shuteye. 那我直接带他去饭店,让他睡一会儿。 S: Good. And please remind him that dinner is optional tonight, if he's not too tired. Otherwise, we have a meeting scheduled for 10 a.m. tomorrow morning. 很好,请提醒他要是不太累的话,可以一起吃晚餐。不然,就明天早10点整会面。 B: We'll pick him up in both case? 不论一起吃饭或开会,都要去接他吗? S: Right. (as Brian is leaving) And Brian, make sure your suit is conservative-nothing too loud, eh? 没错。(Brian正要离)Brian, 记得你的西装款式要保守,别太花俏,嗯?
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