

2018-04-27 12页 doc 37KB 14阅读




办理因公出国护照签证手续办理因公出国护照签证手续 因公护照、通行证、签证申办须知 浙江省外办办理因公出国(境)护照、通行证、签证手续实行专办员制度。申请因公出国(境)的出访人员,接到国(境)外邀请后,须经过有关任务审批及人员审查机关批准同意,统一由单位专办员前来办理。 一、申办因公护照流程、所需材料及要求(申办因公赴港澳通行证参照执行): (一)申办因公护照、通行证(签注)流程: 前台(受理) ? 科长审核 ? 电脑录入 ? 制证 ? 发证 ? 处长审批 ? (二)申办因公护照所需材料及要求: 申办因公护照(通行证)应提供任务批件、人员...
办理因公出国护照签证手续 因公护照、通行证、签证申办须知 浙江省外办办理因公出国(境)护照、通行证、签证手续实行专办员。申请因公出国(境)的出访人员,接到国(境)外邀请后,须经过有关任务审批及人员审查机关批准同意,统一由单位专办员前来办理。 一、申办因公护照流程、所需材料及要求(申办因公赴港澳通行证参照执行): (一)申办因公护照、通行证(签注)流程: 前台(受理) ? 科长审核 ? 电脑录入 ? 制证 ? 发证 ? 处长审批 ? (二)申办因公护照所需材料及要求: 申办因公护照(通行证)应提供任务批件、人员审查批件、前往国(地区)邀请函(电)、护照收缴保管单位介绍信、出国人员身份证原件或复印件、照片及其他有关材料。 1.出国(境)任务批件原件。如属于跨地区、跨部门组团出国(指省外跨地区、跨部门),须提供出国任务通知书(或出国任务批件)的复印件和出国任务确认件原件。 出国任务批件是发照机关颁发护照和申办签证的主要依据,要保证其真实性、严肃性、准确性、有效性。凡有下列情况者,必须由任务审批机关重新下达出国任务批件或在原任务批件上加批清楚: ?任务批件过期失效。 ?越权审批的任务批件。 ?变更出访任务性质(含长期改为短期)。 ?变换国外邀请单位。 ?增加或减少出访国家或地区(含增加出访城市),加批时还应注明在外停留时间。 ?增加在外停留时间。 ?调换出访人员或增加出访人员。 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and ?因减少出访人员而影响团组合理结构。 ?任务批件有遗漏或差错(如出访人员拟以实际身份以外的身份对外进行活动,批件中未注明;或仅有对外身份而缺少实际身份;或仅有虚职而缺少主要担任的工作职务)。 ?直系亲属同团出访在批件中未说明。 ?出国任务确认件内容与任务批件或任务通知书的内容不一致。出国任务确认件是确认出国任务批件或出国任务通知书的有关内容,确认件中不能自行增加内容,如改变或增减出访国家、任务、出访人员、在外停留时间、出访人单位等。出访人员因任务需要增减出访国家、在外停留时间等,审批机关可另行下达任务批件。 2.出国(境)人员审查批件。初次出国人员需提供人员审查批件原件,如系再次出国人员,其原审查批件仍在有效期内的,可提供原审查批件复印件。人员审查批件必须字迹印章清晰,不得涂改。对有疑问的审查件复印件应与原件进行核实。省管或市管干部,在任务批件中注明“已经省委组织部或某市委组织部申核”。外省或宁波、温州人员审查批件可用复印件。 3.前往国(地区)邀请函(电)。邀请函电应有邀请单位函头(单位名称、地址、电话),内容应齐全(访问目的、出国人员名单、访问时间、停留时间、费用承担),且应与任务批件有关内容相一致,落款应有邀请人签名或盖单位章。 4.出国人员身份证复印件。省外办在必要时可查验身份证原件。身份证原件由出访单位或专办人员审核并对其真实性负责。 5.护照收缴保管单位介绍信。按出访人员隶属关系,分别由市外办、省级主管部门、大专院校等护照收缴保管部门开具介绍信。如由护照收缴保管部门专办员前来申办护照,可出示专办员证,不需要介绍信。 6.照片。申办新护照需提供照片二张(不包括申办签证所需照片),持有效老护照者提供照片一张。照片的要求是: ?小2寸,正面,免冠、半身、近期照片。1寸底片放大,旧照翻拍,数码照片一次成像均不能使用。 ?仪表端庄大方,衣着整齐。留胡子、理怪发、戴墨镜或变色镜、佩戴明显饰物、围围巾的照片均不能使用。 ?素背景、证件照。艺术照、风景照、侧面或半侧面照、人像模糊或背景不清的照片均不control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 能使用。 ?平光(即软光)相纸洗印,布纹纸相片不能使用。 7.其他有关材料。 ?再次出国人员须提供原有护照,已上交省外办者除外。 ?凡需经中央有关部门批准的出国任务,还需提供中央有关部门的批件(如中国贸促总会批复、文化部批件、国务院外国专家局批件等)。 ?提供有关需要说明的材料(如减少出访人员、申请办理第二本有效护照、持有因私护照和前往国签证,或曾申请前往国签证被拒签等情况说明)。 ?选派从外单位长期借调人员因公出国,需提供借调复印件,必要时查验原件;选派招聘的非浙江籍的,以及宁波、温州人员因公出国,需提供经劳动部门鉴证或公证机关公证过的满一年以上的劳动合同或聘用合同复印件,必要时查验原件。 ?填写《浙江省申请因公出国事项表(护照)》、《浙江省申请因公出国事项表(签证)》、《因公护照个人登记卡》或《因公往来港澳事项登记卡》、《申请因公往来港澳特别行政区通行证及签注事项表》(表格样式附后)。 ?已持有有效护照的人员参加跨地区、跨部门出国(境)团组,仍必须按规定报批,并持原护照及其他出国材料到发照机关办理出国审核手续。未经发照机关批准,持照人员不得擅自将护照交组团单位办理签证手续。 ?需要预约面谈的赴美团组需填写《公务普通护照预约申请表》。 二、申办因公签证流程、所需材料及要求: (一)申办因公签证流程: 前台(受理) ? 科长审核 ? 送驻沪(京)办事处 ? 通知领取签证 ? 送使(领)馆签证 ? (二)申办因公签证所需材料及要求: control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and ?有出国人员本人签名的有效护照(护照有效期应至比本次出访回国日期多六个月)。 ?经省外办负责人签署的《浙江省申请因公出国事项表(签证)》。 ?符合要求的外方邀请函(电)。如出访国家要求提供邀请函(电)原件的,申办签证时必须提供原件。 ?填写完整的并符合出访国家要求的签证申请表(需贴照片的应事先贴好,照片规格应按各国使领馆的要求提供)。 ?申办各国签证时所需的其他签证材料,如出差证明、出访行程、机票订单等(详见各国签证须知)。 三、浙江省外办因公护照收缴与管理要求(因公赴港澳通行证参照执行): (一)省外办统一负责全省因公出国人员的护照收缴和管理工作。根据我省的实际情况,外交护照由省外办统一收缴保管,公务护照、省管干部所持的因公护照(包括公务护照、公务普通护照)由我省各发照机关收缴保管,其他公务普通护照实行“统一管理、分级保管、层层负责”的集中,委托省委办公厅、省人大办公厅、省政府办公厅、省政协办公厅、省直各单位、大专院校、市外办、部分县级市外办(以下简称护照收缴保管单位)负责本单位、本地区的护照收缴、保管工作。 (二)护照收缴保管单位应运用计算机系统管理、监控护照收缴情况,要制定本单位、本地区护照收缴保管的具体办法,指定专门部门和专人负责,对所收缴的护照应做好登记、造册工作。 (三)护照收缴保管单位于每季度末对本单位、本地区因公护照申办及收缴情况进行自查,筛查结果于当月报省外办。省外办对各护照收缴保管单位的工作每半年进行一次检查,并将检查情况报外交部领事司。 (四)护照收缴保管单位在收缴因公护照时要严格查验出入境记录。收缴因公护照时,应与持公务普通护照者见面,对持公务护照者应抽查见面,核实其归国情况。此项工作由各发照机关和护照收缴保管单位负责。 (五)因公出国人员须在回国7天内交回其所持因公护照。由省外办保管的护照,由各护照收缴保管单位向本人收回后5个工作日内交省外办。对未在规定期限内交回因公护照的,省外办将向省外事工作领导小组汇报,并按规定暂停其所在主管单位的出国申请,责令限期整改并备control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and 报外交部领事司。 (六)参加双跨团组人员的因公护照由护照申办单位收缴后按护照保管权限交护照收缴保管单位保管或由原发照机关收缴注销。 (七)领取护照后因故未出境者,自上级决定取消此次出国任务之日起,由所在单位7天内收缴护照,并交护照收缴保管单位保管。 (八)因工作调动或离、退休等原因离开原单位的,由原护照收缴保管单位收回并交发照机关注销。 (九)如持照人或护照收缴保管单位在境内不慎遗失护照,应立即向原发照机关报告,原发照机关按规定报外交部领事司注销护照。如护照在境外遗失,持照人应立即向我驻当地使、领馆报告,由驻外使、领馆报原发照机关后补发旅行证回国。 对丢失护照的人员或单位的出国申请,发照机关原则上15天之内不予受理,对未及时报失的人员或单位,情节严重的,发照机关可视情加重处罚。 四、其他: 1、证照申办时间 申办单位提交申请材料齐全、符合颁发条件的,发照机关在5个工作日内颁发因公护照和通行证(签注),特殊情况的,可在当日颁发。颁发因公护照(通行证)按照国家有关规定收取费用。 2、因公护照、通行证(签注)收费情况: 护照:50元/本 通行证:45元/本 签注:短期(一次)20元/本 、短期(多次)、工作100元/本 五、特别注意: 以色列与伊朗、伊拉克、科威特、黎巴嫩、沙特、叙利亚、也门、阿联酋、利比亚、阿尔及利亚等国无外交关系,如申请人护照上有以色列签证,上述国家将拒发签证。朝鲜与韩国亦属相似情况。 来源:浙江省人民政府外事办公室网站 control the quality of official documents. Attention to improving the style, setting up top quality consciousness, follow the "adhere to policy, preciseness, attention to quality and excellence" principle, effectively turn off the good document text and formatting, enhanced policies, guidance documents and targeted, and improving the quality of documents. Meanwhile, to adhere to a moderately tight and strict principles, try to reduce the number of documents, may not send the documents refused, through reporting, such as oral consultations to reach consensus, can be solved, general wording, on behalf of the Department of Finance issued the General not to municipal government or on behalf of the Office, effectively put an end to "file upgraded." Thirdly, strict limitation of documents control. To ensure quality, standardize the procedures with, to speed up the circulation of documents, improve document processing time. To streamline some of the documents of approval procedures as much as possible, maximize the convenience base and sectors. Indeed fails to go through, to messages in a timely manner or the organizers explain why. 5, attach, fulfil responsibility, earnestly working people's letters and visits. Petition work is sympathetic to the "barometer", testing policies of "regulator". At present, the significant increase in collective petitions, stranding repeat visits, visits regularly to make visits more and more, increasing scale, reflecting more and more concentrated, to sort out the increasingly high expectations. At all levels of government offices in the front line of complaint letters and calls reception, bear the unshirkable responsibility for coordinating and solving problems reflected. The comrades of the Office with a high degree of political awareness and sense of responsibility, standing on the height of maintaining political and social stability, perspective and
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