
雅典娜 的故事 英文

2017-09-20 2页 doc 15KB 86阅读




雅典娜 的故事 英文Good morning, everyone. Today we are going to introduce a very famous goddess, Athena. And we are going to tell two stories about Athena, who was the virgin goddess of arts, craft, and war. I wonder, how many stories do you know about Athena? Now, we will tell you ...
雅典娜 的故事 英文
Good morning, everyone. Today we are going to introduce a very famous goddess, Athena. And we are going to tell two stories about Athena, who was the virgin goddess of arts, craft, and war. I wonder, how many stories do you know about Athena? Now, we will tell you an interesting story between Athena and a mortal girl, Arachne. Arachne had attained such wonderful skill in the arts of weaving and embroidery. One would have said that Athena had taught her, but she denied. Athena heard this and displeased. One day, Athena assumed the form of an old woman and went and gave Arachne some friendly advice. But Arachne looked at the old dame with anger. She said she was not afraid of the goddess and let Athena try her skill. Athena dropped her disguise standing confessed. Then they had a competition. When Arachne was about to win the competition, Athena could not forbear to admire, yet felt indignant at the insult. She struck the web with her shuttle and rent it in pieces; she then touched the forehead of Arachne and made her feel her guilt and shame. She could not endure it and went and hanged herself. Athena pitied her and at last transformed her into a spider. Next, let me tell you the competition between Athena and Poseidon. Here is the outline of the story. Story between Athena and Poseidon How the name of Athens came in to being Our comments on the story Athena competed with Poseidon to be the patron deity of Athens, which was yet unnamed, in a version of one founding myth. They agreed that each would give the Athenians one gift and that the Athenians would choose the gift they preferred. Poseidon struck the ground with his trident and a spring sprang up; this gave them a means of trade and water —Athens at its height was a significant sea power, defeating the Persian fleet at the Battle of Salamis— but the water was salty and not very good for drinking. So the people there didn’t like the gift that Poseidon gave them. Athena, however, offered them the first domesticated olive tree, which means peace and friendship. The Athenians (or their king, Cecrops) accepted the olive tree and with it the patronage of Athena, for the olive tree brought wood, oil, and food. As a result, Athena won the competition. For Athena won the competition between her and Poseidon, so Athens was awarded to her as a prize of the contest. Therefore, Athens got its name from goddess Athena. Ok, that’s all about our presentation, thank you for your attention.         
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