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性激素六项临床意义性激素六项临床意义 通过测定性激素水平来了解女性内分泌功能和诊断与内分泌失调相关的疾病.常用的性激素六项即卵泡生成激素(FSH)、黄体生成激素(LH)、雌二醇 (E2)、孕酮(P)、睾酮(T)、催乳激素(PRL)。 一、 睾酮 1 、睾酮浓度增高:常见于睾丸良性间质细胞瘤、先天性肾上腺皮质增生症、真性性早熟、男性假两性畸形、女性男性化肿瘤、多囊卵巢综 合征、皮质醇增多症和应用促性腺激素、肥胖以及晚期孕妇,血中睾酮浓度皆可增高。 2 、睾酮浓度降低:男子性功能低下、原发性睾丸发育不全性幼稚、高催乳素血症、垂体功能减退、系统...
性激素六项临床意义 通过测定性激素水平来了解女性内分泌功能和诊断与内分泌失调相关的疾病.常用的性激素六项即卵泡生成激素(FSH)、黄体生成激素(LH)、雌二醇 (E2)、孕酮(P)、睾酮(T)、催乳激素(PRL)。 一、 睾酮 1 、睾酮浓度增高:常见于睾丸良性间质细胞瘤、先天性肾上腺皮质增生症、真性性早熟、男性假两性畸形、女性男性化肿瘤、多囊卵巢综 合征、皮质醇增多症和应用促性腺激素、肥胖以及晚期孕妇,血中睾酮浓度皆可增高。 2 、睾酮浓度降低:男子性功能低下、原发性睾丸发育不全性幼稚、高催乳素血症、垂体功能减退、系统性红斑狼疮、甲低、骨质疏松、隐 睾炎、男子乳房发育等均可见睾酮水平降低。 二、雌二醇 1、正常妊娠雌二醇轻度升高,胎盘娩出后急剧下降。 2、异常妊娠 双胎或多胎妊娠以及糖尿病孕妇,雌二醇大都升高;妊娠高血压综合征重症患者雌二醇较低,若雌二醇特别低,则提示胎儿宫内死亡的可 能性,宜结合其它检查予以确定,以便及时处理;无脑儿雌二醇降低;葡萄胎时,雌二醇低落,尿中雌二醇含量仅为正常妊娠者的 1-12%。 3、雌二醇值增高的病理病因 1)卵巢疾患:卵巢颗粒层细胞瘤、卵巢胚瘤、卵巢脂肪样细胞瘤、性激素生成瘤等,均现卵巢功能亢进,雌二醇分泌量增加。2)心脏病:心肌梗塞、心绞痛、冠状动脉5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 狭窄。3)其它:系统性红斑狼疮、肝硬化、男性肥胖症。 4、雌二醇降低的病理原因 1)卵巢疾病:卵巢缺如或发育低下,原发性卵巢衰竭、卵巢囊肿。2)垂体性闭经或不孕。3 )其它:甲低或甲亢、柯兴氏综合征、阿狄森氏病、恶性肿瘤、较大范围的感染、肾功能不全、脑及垂体的局灶性病变等,均可使血浆雌二醇降低 三、雌三醇 1 、监测胎盘功能:胎盘功能不良,胎盘硫酸脂酶缺乏症以及妊娠高血压综合征影响子宫胎盘血液循环者,均可导致雌三醇值下降。一般说 来,孕周,42周的孕妇,其胎盘功能逐渐减退,每周检测雌三浓度2-3次,将有助于临床随时发现问题。如雌三醇持续高水平,可等待自然分娩;当雌三醇值降低,则反映胎儿-胎盘功能已趋向不良,胎儿随时可发生宫内意外,临床应及时引产或进行剖腹产。 2 、监护高危妊娠:定期动态检测孕妇血或尿液雌三醇含量,可帮助估计孕期;雌三醇继续上升,提示妊娠未足月;若几次检测均在同一水 平,提示为足月妊娠;如测定值逐渐下降则常为过期妊娠;明显降低,提示胎儿宫内窘迫,临床应严密监测胎动、胎心等指标,并针对实 际情况积极采取相应;血浆雌三醇含量,2mg/L,则胎儿宫内死亡的可能性很大。 3 、协助诊断胎儿疾病:胎儿宫内生长发育迟缓、因孕妇吸烟过多或营养不良而影响胎儿发育者,雌三醇下降;胎儿先天性肾上腺发育不全 或因无脑儿等畸形影响肾上腺功能者,雌三醇下降;而仅为正常值的10%左右。 compliance, and so on.-e thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonosphering; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmdid not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasp5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures r, more harmonious, more civilized.atch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live betteOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch c Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks ly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the citcivilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firm According to the urban2ty.strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized ciople, uction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized pepromote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the constry to 4、其它疾病:冠心病、肝硬化等疾病时,雌三醇含量增高。 四、孕酮 1 、正常妇女月经周期中,血中孕酮含量以黄体期最高,卵泡期最低。利用动态检测,有助于判定排卵期,了解黄体功能以及研究各种类固 醇避孕药及抗早孕药的作用机理。 2、正常妊娠自第11周开始,血中孕酮含量升高,至35周达高峰,可达80-320ug/L。先兆流产时,孕酮仍为高值;若有下降趋势,则有流产之可能。多胎妊娠时,孕酮增高。 3、孕酮的病理性增高见于糖尿病孕妇、葡萄胎、卵巢颗粒层膜细胞瘤、卵巢脂肪样瘤、先天性肾上腺增生、先天性17a-羟化酶缺乏症、原发性高血压等疾病。 4 、孕酮的病理性降低主要见于黄体生成障碍和功能不良,多囊卵巢综合征,无排卵型功能失调子宫出血、严重妊娠高血压综合征、妊娠性 胎盘功能不良、胎儿发育迟缓及死胎。 五、促卵泡激素(FSH)和促黄体生成激素(LH) 1、FSH、LH 增高常见于性腺原发性病变,如卵巢功能早衰,性腺发育不全、原发性闭经、原发性性功能减退、曲细精管发育障碍、完全性(真性)性 早熟。 2、FSH、LH降低主要见于垂体或下丘脑性闭经、不完全性(假性)性早熟。 3、垂体FSH瘤或LH瘤以及FSH/LH瘤患者,因腺瘤类型不同,血清FSH和LH浓度呈不同类型的改变:FSH瘤主要表现为FSH增高, compliance, and so on.-t internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonous bubilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorengage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsi5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, es to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized.early small, targeted, take effective measurOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks 3nt, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city.ironmeconstantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful envhe people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and t of tist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefiual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialAccording to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the act LH可正常;LH瘤者,LH明显增高,FSH降低;FSH/LH瘤者,FSH和LH皆增高。 4、检测闭经妇女FSH和LH浓度,可对卵巢性闭经和垂体或下丘脑性闭经作出有效鉴别。一般认为低LH(,51U/L,较可靠地指示腺垂体分泌GTH功能不足,而高FSH(,40IU/L)比较可靠地指示卵巢功能衰竭,如为高FSH伴高LH,则能够可靠肯定为卵巢功能衰竭。如果血清FSH、LH均为异常低值或FSH在正常下限,LH为异常低值,可诊断为垂体或下丘脑性闭经。继而应用促黄体生释放激素(LRH)作垂体兴奋试验,即可进一步区分垂体与下丘脑性闭经:兴奋试验表现为LH和FSH增高而峰时推迟,提示垂体储备功能良好,应考虑为下丘脑性闭经;如LH和FSH弱反应,提示垂体储备功能低,应考虑为垂体性闭经。综上所述,可联合多项指标对闭经的病变部位作出鉴别。 人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG) 1、诊断早孕:在受精卵着床后5-7天(未次月经后26天左右)即能测出HCG,以血清HCG值作为诊断早孕的指标,符合率达98-100%。 2、滋养层细胞肿瘤的诊断、疗效观察和预后判断:葡萄胎和绒毛膜上皮癌患者的血清HCG明显高于正常妊娠,且其分泌量与癌细胞总数以及病情严重程度呈正相关。在治疗过程中动态检测HCG 浓度, compliance, and so on.-e thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonosphering; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmdid not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasp5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures r, more harmonious, more civilized.atch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live betteOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch c Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks 4ty.strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized ciople, uction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized pepromote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the constry to ly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the citcivilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firm According to the urban 实际上反映了癌细胞群生长或退化的状态。这对临床选择治疗,观察疗效和判断预后都有实用价值。一般葡萄胎刮宫术后,血 清HCG浓度降至正常,随访期间若回升则提示复发。同时测定脑脊液和血清HCG浓度,计算其浓度比值,尚有助于确定有无绒癌脑转移。 3、诊断宫外孕:对月经过期而无早孕症状,HCG较高而人工流产未见绒毛组织者,应考虑为宫外孕。 4、先兆流产的处理依据:临床上发现孕妇有先兆流产的症状时,通过动态检测,观察HCG的变化,对HCG浓度下降不明显而仍接近正常者,可积极保胎,经治疗HCG浓度渐上升,并与妊娠月份相符,多能继续妊娠;而对HCG逐渐下降,且下降至一定程度者,孕妇流产已不可避免,宜人工流产以终止妊娠。 5、不全流产的鉴别诊断:流产4周后HCG应转为正常,而不全流产者HCG仍会高于正常;若宫腔感染或产后子宫复旧不全,其HCG在正常范围。 6、诊断异位HCG肿瘤:作为肿瘤标志物,不同组织脏器肿瘤HCG的阳性检出率高低不一,依次分别为:绒毛细胞管细胞瘤66%,乳腺瘤60%,睾丸瘤51%,卵巢腺瘤36%,胰腺瘤33%,胃癌22%,肝癌17%,肠癌13%,肺癌9%。 7、用于生育研究:HCG可作为观察抗早孕药物效果的指标之一。 compliance, and so on.-t internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonous bubilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorengage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsi5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, es to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized.early small, targeted, take effective measurOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks 5nt, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city.ironmeconstantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful envhe people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and t of tist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefiual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialAccording to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the act 月经周期概论 正常育龄女性每个月来1次月经,从本次月经来潮开始到下次月经来潮第1天,称为1个月经周期。 1.卵泡期: 月经周期的第6,14天,一般历时8,10天,此时卵巢内,一些原始卵泡开始生长发育,称卵泡期。(处于增生期、排卵前期) 此期由上次月经停止日开始至卵巢排卵日止,历时10,12天。在这一期中,此期卵泡的粒膜细胞在FSH和LH的作用下产生雌激素,在雌激素的作用下,子宫内膜迅速增殖,血管增生,腺体增宽加长,但不分泌。此期末,卵巢排卵。如果卵细胞成熟后,因故未能排出,也将进入下一期。 卵泡期开始时,血中雌激素与孕激素浓度均处于低水平,对垂体FSH与LH分泌的反馈抑制作用较弱,血中FSH表现逐渐增高的趋势,一二日后LH也有所增加。 2.排卵期: 一般来说,正常生育年龄的妇女卵巢每月只排出一个卵子。卵子排出后可存活1,2天,精子在女性生殖道里可存活2,3天,受精能力多在排卵后的24小时之内,超过2,3天精子即失去与卵子结合的能力。 3.黄体期: 是指排卵后到月经来潮的前一天,卵巢受黄体刺激 compliance, and so on.-e thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonosphering; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmdid not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasp5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures r, more harmonious, more civilized.atch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live betteOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch c Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized ciople, uction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized pepromote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the constry to ly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the citcivilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firm According to the urban6ty. 素的影响,分泌黄体素,维持增厚的子宫内膜,以利受精卵著床,若无受精卵著床,子宫内膜便会崩解,月经周经随著月经来潮结束。月经周期的第15,28,一般历时14天,此时卵巢内卵泡发育成熟,并排卵逐渐形成黄体,称黄体期。(处于分泌期) 此期由排卵日算起,到月经到来之前,历时13,14天。这一期内相当排出卵的卵泡后的黄体期,在雌激素和孕激素的协同作用下,子宫内膜进一步增生、血管滋长、腺体开始分泌含糖原的粘液。这一期末,子宫内膜的增长达到极点,为受精卵的种植和继续发育准备了条件。 compliance, and so on.-t internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonous bubilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorengage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsi5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, es to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized.early small, targeted, take effective measurOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks ironmeconstantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful envhe people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and t of tist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefiual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialAccording to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the act7nt, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city.
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