

2017-09-02 10页 doc 32KB 21阅读




相同结构词语或成语集锦相同结构词语或成语集锦 1、ABB 白生生 冷冰冰 暖洋洋 黄澄澄 黑黝黝 热乎乎 凉飕飕 绿油油 闹哄哄 光溜溜 软绵绵 恶狠狠 静悄悄 光秃秃 硬梆梆 凶巴巴 慢吞吞 急匆匆 亮晶晶 湿漉漉 轻飘飘 沉甸甸 脏兮兮 脏乎乎 粘乎乎 傻乎乎 活生生 阴沉沉 灰蒙蒙 水灵灵 干巴巴 汗津津 臭哄哄 白花花 金灿灿 亮闪闪 笑嘻嘻 昏沉沉 笑咪咪 泪涟涟 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be det...
相同结构词语或成语集锦 1、ABB 白生生 冷冰冰 暖洋洋 黄澄澄 黑黝黝 热乎乎 凉飕飕 绿油油 闹哄哄 光溜溜 软绵绵 恶狠狠 静悄悄 光秃秃 硬梆梆 凶巴巴 慢吞吞 急匆匆 亮晶晶 湿漉漉 轻飘飘 沉甸甸 脏兮兮 脏乎乎 粘乎乎 傻乎乎 活生生 阴沉沉 灰蒙蒙 水灵灵 干巴巴 汗津津 臭哄哄 白花花 金灿灿 亮闪闪 笑嘻嘻 昏沉沉 笑咪咪 泪涟涟 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 笑吟吟 笑盈盈 清凌凌 黑生生 气呼呼 懒洋洋 喜洋洋 心痒痒 甜蜜蜜 黑乎乎 亮晃晃 齐刷刷 血淋淋 空落落 甜丝丝 笑呵呵 醉醺醺 雄纠纠 乱蓬蓬 黄叽叽 黑洞洞 骨碌碌 轰隆隆 直挺挺 汗涔涔 火辣辣 酸溜溜 牙痒痒 黑漆漆 病怏怏 响当当 铁峥峥 红艳艳 好端端 喜滋滋 文绉绉 气冲冲 香喷喷 冷清清 紧巴巴 松垮垮 黑压压 黑森森 绿茸茸 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 绿茵茵 黑糊糊 绿葱葱 空荡荡 满当当 羞答答 2、AAB 团团转 呵呵笑 飘飘然 毛毛雨 轻轻柔 密密麻 嗒嗒响 晶晶亮 蒙蒙亮 洗洗手 刷刷牙 看看报 读读书 写写字 聊聊天 说说话 打打球 跳跳舞 做做饭 品品茶 解解馋 擦擦脸 洗洗 吹吹头 扭扭腰 动动腿 跺跺脚 练练球 打打拳 喝喝酒 唱唱 刚刚好 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 佼佼者 急得(团团转) 痛得(嗷嗷叫) 做得(人人赞) 做得(刚刚好) 热得(呼呼喘)笑得(微微颤) 馋得(咂咂嘴) 酸得(溜溜转) 酸得(咧咧嘴) 谈得(遛遛顺) 默默的 静静的 傻傻的 青青的 白白的 宽宽的 大大的 弯弯的 蓝蓝的 红红的 圆圆的 高高的 胖胖的 轻轻地 悄悄地 静静地 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 慢慢地 冉冉地 徐徐地 快快地 渐渐地 沉沉地 3、AABB 平平安安 明白白 高高兴兴 干干净净 整整齐齐 清清楚楚 模模糊糊 隐隐约约 兢兢业业 稳稳当当 恍恍惚惚 详详细细 战战兢兢 真真切切 郁郁葱葱 袅袅婷婷 轰轰烈烈 支支吾吾 畏畏缩缩 朦朦胧胧 磨磨蹭蹭 扭扭捏捏 鬼鬼祟祟 妥妥贴贴 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 4、AABC 井井有条 洋洋自得 栩栩如生 津津有味 翩翩起舞 彬彬有礼 孜孜不倦 生生不息 循循善诱 欣欣向荣 闷闷不乐 苦苦相求 头头是道 默默无言 恋恋不舍 念念不忘 高高在上 落落大方 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 格格不入 口口相传 九九归一 赫赫有名 咄咄逼人 苦苦相逼 亭亭玉立 历历在目 昏昏欲睡 层层推进 环环相扣 振振有词 喋不休 摇摇欲坠 依依惜别 面面相觑 斤斤计较 楚楚可怜 窃窃私语 官官相护 比比皆是 草草了事 多多益善 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 耿耿于怀 岌岌可危 炯炯有神 夸夸其谈 丝丝入扣 息息相关 心心相印 源源不绝 跃跃欲试 沾沾自喜 惴惴不安 步步为营 侃侃而谈 念念有词 娓娓动听 啧啧称赞 芸芸众生 泛泛之交 泛泛之谈 愤愤不平 泱泱大国 琅琅上口 滔滔不绝 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 5、ABAB 商量商量 讨论讨论 可怜可怜 考虑考虑 思考思考 见识见识 交流交流 开导开导 休息休息 打听打听 高兴高兴 庆祝庆祝 打扫打扫 锻炼锻炼 活动活动 体验体验 溜达溜达 放松放松 热闹热闹 照顾照顾 学习学习 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 熟悉熟悉 管教管教 整理整理 练习练习 安 排安排 寻找寻找 了解了解 如此如此 指导指导 准备准备 现表现 缓和缓和 操练操练 祝贺祝贺 走动走动 教训教训 收拾收拾 检查检查 嘀哒嘀哒 比划比划 琢磨琢磨 解释解释 历练历练 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 开解开解 将就将就 品尝品尝 凑合凑合 果实累累 得意洋洋 喜气洋洋 小心翼翼 生机勃勃 兴致勃勃 笑语盈盈 书声琅琅 神采奕奕 白发苍苍 凉风习习 金光闪闪 炊烟袅袅 秋雨潇潇 热气腾腾 波涛滚滚 忠心耿耿 杨柳依依 北风呼be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 呼 气势汹汹 大名鼎鼎 人心惶惶 血迹斑斑 绿水悠悠 雷声轰轰 议论纷纷 信誓旦旦 烟雨蒙蒙 不甚了了 烈日炎炎 波光粼粼 想入非非 死气沉沉 忧心忡忡 无所事事 杀气腾腾 神秘兮兮 野心勃勃 兴致勃勃 气喘吁吁 人海茫茫 文质彬彬 大腹便便 千里迢迢 心事重重 众目睽睽 伤痕累be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 累 天网恢恢 衣冠楚楚 风尘仆仆 人才济济 逃之夭夭 威风凛凛 气势汹汹 长夜漫漫 含情脉脉 敢怒敢言 忧国忧民 一心一意 十全十美 各就各位 百发百中 活灵活现 自言自语 若隐若现 无法无天 无影无踪 半信半疑 有始有终 各式各样 可歌可be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 泣 一张一弛 一问一答 一生一世 一五一十 一模一样 不明不白 不清不楚 不仁不义 不冷不热 不干不净 不吃不喝 不言不语 不依不饶 不伦不类 不屈不挠 不折不扣 善始善终 忙里忙外 罗里罗嗦 半梦半醒 糊里糊涂 越帮越忙 问长问短 自作自受 自卖自夸 血债血偿 全心全意 自生自be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 灭 大摇大摆 无拘无束 尽善尽美 快人快语 来生来世 无缘无故 敢做敢当 无依无靠 实话实说 亦步亦趋 我行我素 百依百顺 百战百胜 大吹大擂 风言风语 患得患失 绘声绘色 将信将疑 克勤克俭 多才多艺 离心离德 同心同德 自吹自擂 难解难分 平起平坐 任劳任怨 如火如荼 若明若be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 暗 载歌载舞 自暴自弃 自私自利 捏手捏脚 贼头贼脑 倔头倔脑 不知不觉 不破不立 不偏不倚 不蔓不枝 不稂不莠 不尴不尬 不卑不亢 大彻大悟 一朝一夕 一丝一毫 一年一度 一来一往 一举一动 一板一眼 一悲一喜 无忧无虑 冷言冷语 没头没脑 难舍难分 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 心服口服 以牙还 牙 倚老卖老 微乎其微 大书特书 见怪不怪 口服心服 将计就计 出尔反尔 大错特错 将心比心 将错就错 就事论事 好说歹说 得过且过 讨价还价 一了百了 应有尽有 自然而然 知法犯法 听之任之 9、ABBC 不了了之 自欺欺人 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 10、有一组反义词的成语 先来后到 口是心非 今非昔比 苦尽甘来 来龙去脉 有气无力 惊天动地 开天辟地 顶天立地 改天换地 昏天黑地 异口同声 里应外合 冷嘲热讽 柳暗花明 名存实亡 顶天立地 逆来顺受 拈轻怕重 起死回生 弃暗投明 弃旧图新 求同存异 取长补短 天经地义 同甘共苦 推陈出be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 新 温故知新 以德报怨 异曲同工 朝三暮四 朝秦暮楚 朝思暮想 继往开来 假公济私 将信将疑 挑肥拣瘦 开天辟地 环肥燕瘦 避重就轻 避实就虚 虎头蛇尾 大起大落 横七竖八 争先恐后 公而忘私 由此及彼 欺上瞒下 同生共死 化敌为友 顾此失彼 寡廉鲜耻 化险为be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 夷 有备无患 内忧外患 扬长避短 甜言蜜语 想方设法 胡思乱想 争分夺秒 翻山越岭 奇形怪状 出生入死 古往今来 古今中外 大同小异 深入浅出 南来北往 死去活来 早出晚归 喜新厌旧 嫌贫爱富 劫富济贫 破旧立新 明升暗降 好逸恶劳 无独有be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 偶 革故鼎新 舍近求远 街头巷尾 南腔北调 南辕北辙 东奔西走 东拉西扯 南来北往 声东击西 左邻右舍 左思右想 东倒西歪 东张西望 南征北战 前赴后继 前因后果 前呼后拥 前俯后仰 左右逢源 左右为难 左顾右盼 上窜下be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 跳 欺上瞒下 空前绝后 瞻前顾后 前事不忘,后事之师 悲欢离合 喜怒哀乐 笔墨纸砚 琴棋书画 亭台楼阁 衣食住行 东西南北 花草树木 梅兰菊竹 悲欢离合 酸甜苦辣 春夏秋冬 风云雨雪 鸟兽虫鱼 江河湖海 刀枪剑戟 风花雪月 爱恨情仇 风霜雨be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 露 王侯将相 前后左右 功名利禄 龙蛇虎豹 猿鹤虫沙 奸淫掳掠 张王李赵 陆海潘江 鸡犬桑麻 喜怒哀乐 男女老少 魑魅魍魉 阴晴圆缺 斧钺钩叉 一寸光阴一寸金 一年之计在于春 八仙过海,各显神通 人而无信,不知其可 九牛二虎之 力 手无缚鸡之 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 力 千里之行,始于足下 人无远虑,必有近忧 化干戈为玉帛 人不可貌相 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全 千军易得,一将难求 久旱逢干 雨 习惯成自然 功到自然成 解铃还须系铃人 三人行必有我 师 一鸣惊人 后继有人 聪明过人 百年树人 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 文思敏捷 桃李争妍 后继有人 青出于蓝 十年树木,百年树人 以身许国 碧血丹心 疾恶如仇 大义灭亲 敢怒敢言 忧国忧民 浩气长存 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 视死如归 大义凛然 精忠报国 以身许国 疾恶如仇 舍生取义 学富五车 满腹经纶 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right 学贯中西 博古通今 功成名就 温文尔雅 文质彬彬 23、形容人与人之间应该信任、互助、亲密合作 肝胆相照 开诚相见 同舟共济 心照不宣 志同道合 亲密无间 荣辱与共 唇亡齿寒 24、春联中常用的表达美好祝愿的词 春满人间 欣欣向荣 千帆竞发 万马奔腾 六畜兴旺 五谷丰登 国泰民安 人寿年丰 be appropriate, legible. 6.4.3-core line, set the set into the direction should be determined according to the Terminal installed, when a Terminal row of vertical installation, on the line number (Word) should be arranged horizontally, from left to right
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