

2017-12-03 16页 doc 44KB 42阅读




勇闯之王勇闯之王 勇闯之王:背景:狮子亚历克斯是丛林之王,哦不~这里的丛林指的是喧嚣的城市丛林,而非茂密的野生丛林。在纽约中央公园里的动物园,他算得上是吸引游客的头号明星。他和最要好的朋友斑马马蒂、长颈鹿梅尔曼和河马格洛丽亚训练有素,各自秀出的看家绝活即便是一招半式都会博得观众欢快的笑声和热烈的掌声。虽说四周有坚固的笼子和高大的围墙照应着,深受纽约市民喜爱的四位动物好朋友的日子过得还是相当的滋润,三餐不愁甚至可以享尽荣华富贵。按说,这样的幸福生活正是许多野生动物向往和追求的。可是,马蒂却偏偏觉得这一切根本不值得留恋,他一直渴望回到老...
勇闯之王 勇闯之王:背景:狮子亚历克斯是丛林之王,哦不~这里的丛林指的是喧嚣的城市丛林,而非茂密的野生丛林。在纽约中央公园里的动物园,他算得上是吸引游客的头号明星。他和最要好的朋友斑马马蒂、长颈鹿梅尔曼和河马格洛丽亚训练有素,各自秀出的看家绝活即便是一招半式都会博得观众欢快的笑声和热烈的掌声。虽说四周有坚固的笼子和高大的围墙照应着,深受纽约市民喜爱的四位动物好朋友的日子过得还是相当的滋润,三餐不愁甚至可以享尽荣华富贵。按说,这样的幸福生活正是许多野生动物向往和追求的。可是,马蒂却偏偏觉得这一切根本不值得留恋,他一直渴望回到老祖先们出生、成长的野生世界。在四只神秘企鹅的教唆下,马蒂开始萌生去意。于是,在企鹅们的帮助下,马蒂悄然逃离动物园,一举踏上探索野生世界的征程。马蒂失踪了~剩下的亚历克斯、梅尔曼和格洛丽亚心急如焚,决定不惜一切代价找到马蒂。三个伙伴也跟着逃出了从未离开过的动物园。搭上地铁,经过中转站,他们终于在终点站找到了马蒂。可惜重逢带来的快乐太短暂了,纽约的警察和消防队员可不管你是野兽兵团还是恐怖分子,只要有胆到纽约来闹,就一并拿下。看样子就知道这几个是打非洲来的,发配回原地。于是,动物们被装进木板箱押上远洋轮船。轮船一路风浪颠簸,令关在箱子里的四只娇生惯养的园中动物叫苦不迭。天降神兵~早有预谋的四只企鹅迅速打翻船员、敲晕船长。失控的轮船被海浪吞没,船上的货物也被海 水冲到了岸边的沙滩上。四个土生土长的纽约佬兴奋地挣脱木箱:“外国到了(也就是马达加斯加岛),我们自由了~”从小到大都有人类的照顾,可是现在他们该如何应付野外生存的新挑战呢,如何亲身体验“野 生世界才是真正的丛林”这句话的含义呢, 主题:追寻自由,勇闯马达加斯加岛,这是“勇闯王”之举~ [SHIP TO KENYA WILDLIFE, PRESERVE AFRICA.]运往非洲肯尼亚野生动物保护区 -Penguin:Ship to Kenya. Wildlife preserve Africa!运往非洲肯尼亚野生动物保护区~ ((((((((( -Penguin:Africa. That ain't gonna fly !非洲,那就逃不了~ ((((((((( -Alex :I was the star in the greatest city on earth!我是地球上最大城市的明星~ ((((( -Gloria:Guys,listen.伙计们,听着。 ((((((( -Alex :A King loved by my people!被人们爱戴的国王。 ((((( -Gloria:Let's just be simple!不要再吵了好不好~ ((((((( -Alex :And you ruined everything!你把所有的事都给毁了~ ((((( -MARTY:Love? If the people loved you,it's only because they didn't know the real you!爱,如果(((((( 人们爱你。那只是因为他们不了解真正的你~ -Gloria:Don't make me come up there, I'd get the whoop on both of you!不要逼我上来,不然我((((((( 会给你们两个好看~ -Alex :I thought I knew the real you!我本以为我真的了解你~ ((((( -Gloria:Let's talk about this calm!冷静点好不好~ ((((((( -Alex :You black-and-white stripes,they cancel each other out,you’re nothing!你这黑白条家伙,((((( 黑白相互抵消,你什么也不是~ -Melman:Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!停~停~停~停~停~ ((((((( -Gloria:Hey !You are not helping the situation.嘿~你们可是一点都没帮上忙。 ((((((( -Alex :Guys?Oh,no, Gloria! Melman! Marty!兄弟们,哦,不,Gloria! Melman! Marty! ((((( -MARTY:Alex!Alex! (((((((((((((( -Alex :Marty?Marty? ((((( -MARTY:Alex!Alex! (((((((((((((( -Alex :Marty! No! Wait! Come back, Marty! Don't go.Marty!不~等等~回来,Marty~不要走~ ((((( -Alex :Marty? Melman? Gloria? Marty! Melman! Gloria! Marty! Melman! Gloria! Hey anyone! ((((( Hello? Marty, Melman, Gloria... Marty! Melman! Gloria! Marty! Melman! Gloria! Marty! Melman! Gloria!嘿,各位~Hello~ Marty,Melman,Gloria„„ -Melman:Hey! Help! Get me out of this thing, somebody! Hello? Get me out of this thing right ((((((( now! Hello? Somebody? 喂~救命~把我放出去~来人~Hello~把我放出去~Hello,有人吗, -Alex :Melman!Melman! ((((( -Melman:Alex? is that you?Alex,是你吗, ((((((((((((((( -Alex :Melman, I got you! Hang on, hang on, I got you. Melman! I got you, buddy! Wait a ((((( second. Wait right there. Melman,我来了~等等,等等,我来了~Melman~我来救你,兄弟~等一下,等着别动 -Melman:Aha! Alex, What are you doing?啊哈~Alex,你想干什么, (((((((((((((((-Alex :Getting you out of the box!把你从箱子里弄出来~ ((((( -Alex :Relax别紧张,放松。 ((((( -Melman:Alex?Alex, ((((((((((((((( -Alex :Giraffe quarterback!长颈鹿,四分卫~ ((((( -Melman:Wait! Wait! Come on! Wait!等等~等等~别这样~等等~ ((((((( -Alex :Here comes Alex!Alex来啦~ ((((((((((((( -Alex :Hold still! 站住~等等~ ((((( -Melman:Wait! Wait! Wait! 等等~等等~ ((((((( -Alex :Hold still!站住~ ((((( -Melman:No! Come on! Come on!不~来了~来了~ ((((((( -Alex :Here I come!我来了~ ((((( -Melman:Look! Look! Look, look! It's Gloria! It's Gloria! Oh hey, it is Gloria.看~看~看,看~((((((( 是Gloria,是Gloria~哦,嘿,真的是Gloria。 -Alex :Gloria! Gloria! ((((( -Gloria:All righty boys, fun is over. ((((((( 好了,孩子们,游戏结束了。 -Alex :Gloria!Gloria~ ((((( -Gloria:Alex!Alex! ((((((((((((((( -Gloria:Marty?Marty, ((((((( -Alex :Marty!Marty~ ((((( -MARTY:You know, I don't really have anything on me right now. I'll have to get you later. To (((((( you too!我现在身上什么也没带。不过,我以后会给你们的。也祝你们~ -Alex :Marty! Marty! ((((( -MARTY:Alex!Alex~ (((((((((((((( -Alex :Marty!, Oh shoot, We were a nice team. Marty! I'm gonna kill you!Marty,我们是个不((((( 错的团队。Marty,我要杀了你~ -MARTY: Hey! Hold on! Hold on!嘿~等等~等等~ (((((( -Gloria:Look at us! We're all here together safe and sound.看看咱们~我们安然无恙的又聚在一((((((( 起了。 -Melman:Yeah, here we are. Where exactly is here?是的,这儿到底是什么地方, ((((((( -Melman:San Diego.圣地亚哥。 ((((((( -Gloria:San Diego?圣地亚哥, ((((((( -Melman:White sandy beaches, cleverly simulated natural environment, wide open enclosures, ((((((( I'm telling, 白色沙滩,乱真的自然环境,圈栏大面积开放,我跟你们说, -Alex :San Diego? What could be worse than San Diego? 圣地亚哥,还有比圣地亚哥更糟的((((( 吗, -Melman:I don't know, this place is crack ,I like it! Oh, I could hang here, I could hang here. ((((((( 我不知道,这儿是最好的,我喜欢这里~哦,我就待这儿,我就待这儿 -Alex :I'm gonna kill you, Marty!我要杀了你,Marty~ ((((( -MARTY:Take it easy! Take it easy!冷静,冷静~ (((((( -Alex :And then string you!然后用棍把你串起来。 ((((( -MARTY:Calm down!冷静~ (((((( -Alex :Then take you up and clone you!And kill all your clones!然后再把你拿来克隆,再把所((((( 有的克隆都杀了~ -MARTY:Can We take a time out?我们能不能休战啊, (((((( -Alex :And then, I'll never talk to you again.我再也不要和你说话了。 ((((( -Gloria:Stop it! Look, We're just gonna find the people,get checked in and have this mess ((((((( straighten out!停~听着,我们这就去找人类。报个到,然后把这个乱摊子结束掉~ -Alex :Oh great, this is just great. San Diego. How I have to compete with Shamu.And a smug ((((( little grin! 哦,好极了,这一切真是太好了,圣地亚哥。我得去和杀人鲸竞争,那些自鸣得意的家伙,I can't top that. Can't top it! I'm ruined! I'm gone!I'm out of the business! It's your fault,Marty! You've ruined me!我比不过他们,比不过他们~我被毁了~我完蛋了~我的事业给毁了~都是你的错,Marty~你把我给毁了~ -MARTY:Come on, Alex. Do you honestly think I intended all of this to happen?好了,Alex,你((((((((((((((真的那么认为„这一切都是我是故意的吗, You want me to say that I'm sorry? Is that what you want? Okay, I'm... 你要我说声"对不起"吗,这就是你想要的,好吧,我„„ -Alex :Shush... ((((( 嘘„„ -MARTY:He just shushed me!他嘘我~ (((((( -Gloria:Marty look, he's gotta be just a little bit more...Marty,他只不过需要„„ ((((((( -Alex :Shush!!嘘~ ((((( -Gloria:Don't you shush me!不要嘘我~ ((((((( -Alex :Do you hear that?Don't you hear that?你听到了吗,你有没有听到, ((((( -Melman:it now!我现在听到了~ ((((((( -Gloria:When there's music, there's people.哪里有音乐,哪里就有人类。 ((((((( -Alex : right to the hip-hop show.A sidewalk will be nice. ((((( 我们这是去参加一个嘻哈派对,要有人行道就好了。 -Gloria:Hat a dump!耶,这是什么鬼地方~ ((((((( -Melmen:We shall call it the San Dilemo zoo!我们应该叫这里圣地残哥动物园。 -Alex : they tell you hey! We gotta his great open plan thing. Let me animals run wild!Next ((((( thing you notice,lose in your hair nd everybody's hugging everybody. 首先,告诉你,我们真有幸参加这个盛大的室外活动。让咱们动物也狂野一下~下一步要注 意的是,头发包起来,大家互相拥抱。 -MARTY:This boy has got a gross on it!This way,guys,come on!你还真恶心,这边,兄弟们,(((((( 来啊。 -Alex :Oh,no!哦,不~ ((((( -Gloria:Okay, let's make a good impression on the people. Smiles everyone, let's get it together. Is ((((((( that the best you can do, Melman? 好了,让我们给人类一个好的印象。大家笑一笑,一起做。Melman,这就是你最灿烂的笑 容吗, -Melman:Oh, I'm not smiling, it's gas.哦,我没有在笑,我想放屁。 ((((((( -Gloira:Okay well great. Let's make gasp look good.好了,放屁也要放的好看点。 -Gloria:It's not people. It's animals! ((((((( 不是人类,是动物~ -Melman:California animals!加利福尼亚的动物~ ((((((( -MARTY:This is like a puppy party!好象是个小狗狗的派对~ (((((( -Gloria:What kind of Zoo is this?这算什么动物园, ((((((( -Melman:I just saw 26 blink hoco violations. ((((((( 我刚才一下子就见到了26项违规的事。 -MARTY:I'm loving San Diego, this place is off to Shizam!我爱圣地亚哥,这个地方太棒了~ (((((( -Melman:Twenty-seven!二十七~ ((((((( -MARTY:What kind the bad chimps at it?这是什么歌啊, (((((( -Gloria:Wait, where's Alex?What happened to him? He was right behind us. Were he right behind ((((((((((( us?等等,Alex在哪儿,他怎么了,他就在我们身后啊,他在我们身后吗, (((( -MARTY:I don't know where he's at, but he's missing one hack of a party!我不知道他在哪儿,但(((((( 他肯定错过了这个派对 -Alex :I hate spider webs.Yeah, thanks a lot, guys. Thanks for waiting up.I really appreciate it. ((((( 我讨厌蜘蛛网,好,谢谢,兄弟们。谢谢你们等我,非常感谢。 -Alex :Spider! Spider on my back!蜘蛛~蜘蛛在我背后~ ((((( -Gloria:Get it! Get it! Get it!抓住他~抓住他~抓住他~ ((((((( -Alex :Where did he go? Where did he go?他到哪儿去了,他到哪儿去了, ((((( -Melman:Come on boys!Stop it! Enough!好了,孩子们。停~够了~ ((((((( -MARTY:I think you got it. I thing she got it.我觉得你打到它了,我觉得她打到它了。 (((((( -Alex :Is It still on me? I hate spiders.还在我身上吗,我讨厌蜘蛛。 ((((( -MARTY:Hi there!嗨,你好~ (((((( -Alex :You Let me handle it. Alex handles it. Marty does nothing.让我来负责。Alex负责这里,((((((((((((( Marty你什么也不要做。 -Alex :Hi there!嗨,你好。 ((((( -Alex :Stop, stop. It's okay. It's okay. I'm just a silly, just a silly lion. ((((( 停,停,好了。好了,我只是一只笨狮子,只是一只笨狮子。 -Gloria:Oh, you poor little baby, did that big mean lion scare you? He did? He's a big bad, old ((((((( puddy tad, isn't he? Come on, mama hold you. 哦,你这个小宝贝,那只可恶的大狮子吓着你吗,是吗,他是一个坏孩子,对吗,好了,让 妈妈抱抱。 -Melman:They are so cute from a reasonable position. 他们真是可爱。 ((((((( -Gloria:You're sweetest little thing,I just wanna dump him in my coffee. ((((((( 你这个甜甜的小东西,我真想把他放进我的咖啡里。-MARTY:He's got style! ((((((他真有型~ -Alex :What's he like King of the kiwi pigs?他像什么,几维猪国王, ((((( -Melman:I think it's a squirrel.我认为它是只松鼠 ((((((( -Alex :Definitely a squirrel.绝对是松鼠。 ((((( -Melman:Yep, a squirrel.肯定是。 ((((((( -Gloria:the Hoosa?胡萨, ((((((( -Alex :Yes, sounds good. Look, we're just... We're just trying to find where the people are. ((((( 是,听起来不错,我们只不过???我们只不过是想找到人类。 -MARTY:The wild?野生世界, (((((( -Alex :Hold up there a second. You mean like the living in mud hut?Wipe yourself with leaf type ((((( wild?请等一下。你是指生活在泥屋里,用树叶擦屁股的那种"野生世界", -Alex :Would you excuse me for a moment?请允许我失陪一下。 ((((( -Alex :Get me out of here!We gotta get out of here!让我走~我们必须离开这里~ ((((( -Gloria:Alex! ((((((((((( -Alex :Help!救命~ ((((( -Gloria:What are you doing?你在干什么, ((((((( -Alex :I'm swimming back to New York! I know I can't swim, but I have to try! ((((( 我要游回纽约。我知道我不会游泳,但不管怎么样我也要试试。 -Gloria:You can't swim!你不会游泳~ ((((((( -Alex :There are more chances!总比待在这儿强~ ((((( -Melman:Nature! It's all over me! Get it off!I can't see! I can't see! I can see! ((((((( 大自然~周围都是~放开我~我看不见了~我看不见了~我又可以看见了。 -Gloria:As soon as they realize what happened,they will come looking for us, right? ((((((( 只要他们发现这里发生的一切,他们就一定会来找我们的,对吗, -Melman:Yeah, right.是的,对。 ((((((( -Gloria:You know something?I bet they are already on their way.你知道吗,我敢打赌他们已经((((((( 在找了。 -Penguin:Well boys, it's gonna be ice cold sushi for breakfast. ((((((((( 好了,孩子们,马上就会有冰冻寿司早餐吃了。 -Melman:Well, since I'm doomed to die, on this forsaken island, ((((((( 好了,既然我已经注定要死在这个荒岛上, I, Melman Mankowitz being of sound mind and on sound body have divided my estateequally, among the three of you. Oh, sorry Alex. (((( estate: 土地 我,Melman,在清醒的状态下决定死后将我的土地平均分给你们三个人。哦,对不起,Alex。 ((((-MARTY:Hey!On the train. Nice work, Melman.嘿!坐火车啊,干的好,Melman。 (((((( -Alex :No, it's not on the train, it's a grave. You sent Melman to his grave, are you happy? ((((( 不,这不是火车,这是一个坟墓。你把Melman送进坟墓了,这样你高兴了吗, -MARTY:Oh, Come on. this is not the end. This is the whole new beginning! This could be the (((((( best thing that's ever happened to us! 哦,别闹了,这又不是世界末日。这是快乐新世界的开始~对我们来说,这也许是最好的事~ -Alex :No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! This is not the best thing that's ever happened to us! ((((( 不,不,不,不,不,不,不~这绝对不是件好事~ -Melman:Yeah! You've abused the power of the birthday wish, and brought this bad luck on all of ((((((( us. Why did you tell your wish?You're not supposed to do that! 对了!你是在滥用生日愿望的力量,把这个霉运带给了大家。你为什么要告诉我们你的愿望,你不应该那么做的~ -MARTY:Wait a minute, I didn't want to tell you. Remember? You guys made me tell you. (((((( Besides, this isn't bad luck, this is good luck. Look around. There's no fences,no scedules, this place is beautiful! 等一下,我本来不想说的,还记得吗,是你们逼我说的。而且,这并不是霉运,这是好运~看看周围,没有围栏,没有时间,这个地方太美了~ -Alex :Okay, I've got to stop this. This is your side of the island,and this is our side of the island. ((((( 好了,看来我不得不让你住嘴。这边是你的岛,这边是我们的岛。 -MARTY:Come on.好了。 (((((( -Alex :No, no. Back, back. Back!不,不,回去,回去,回去~ ((((( -Gloria:You know what, this isn't good. Okay! You all have your side, and I'll have mine. 你知道((((((( 吗,这样不好,好!你们都在那边。我在这边, -Melman:Well Now What do We do?现在,我们怎么办, ((((((( -Alex :Don't worry Melman I have a plan to get us rescued.不要担心,Melman,我有办法令((((( 我们获救。 -Alex :Can't wait to see that look on Marty's face when he sees this! Just look at him, he's ((((( helpless without us. Shut up, Spolden! 我真等不及想看看,到了那时马蒂是什么样的脸色~看看他,没有我们他都快绝望了。闭嘴, 椰子头~ -Gloria:I've been standing here for hours man! How long do I have to pose like this? ((((((( 我已经在这儿站了几个小时了,伙计~我要保持这个姿势多久, -Melman:Great!Idiot.好极了~笨蛋~ ((((((( -Alex :I heard that.我听得见。 ((((( -Melman:Why can't we just borrow some of Marty's fire? ((((((( 我们为什么不能借一点Marty的火呢, -Alex :That's wild fire! We're not using wild fire on Lady Liberty! Now rub, Melman! ((((( 那是野火~我们不能让咱们的自由女神举野火快擦,梅尔曼~~ -Melman:I've been doing, I can't! I can't! I can't do it!, I can't do it! Fire. Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! ((((((( 我一直在擦,可我就是不成功~我不行~我做不到~我做不到~火~火~火~火~火~ -Alex :No, no!不,不~ ((((( -Melman:Fire!火~ ((((((( -Gloria:Jump! Alex, jump! Don't worry, cats always, land on their... face. What kind of cat are ((((((((((( you?跳~Alex,跳~别担心,猫科动物总是可以用???脸,着陆。你算什么猫科动物嘛, (((( -Alex :You maniac! You burned it up! Damn you! Damn you all to hack! ((((( 你这个疯子~你把它给烧了~你这个该死的~你这个该死的东西~ -Melman:Can we go to the fun side now?我们现在可以到"快乐"岛那边去吗, ((((((( -MARTY:Alex, Melman and Gloria are over there having a good time. It's fun side for one more. (((((((((( Alex,Melman和Gloria在那儿已经玩的很开心。要是你也能来就更好了。 (((( -Alex :No thanks.不了,谢谢。 ((((( -MARTY:Look, I've been thinking. Maybe if you give this place a chance I don't know. you might (((((( even enjoy yourself.我在想,也许你能给这里一个机会,未尝不可,说不定你会很快乐。 -Alex :Marty, I'm tired. I'm hungry. I just wanna go home.Marty,我很累了,我也很饿。我要((((( 回家。 -MARTY:Could you just give it a chance? Think about it. It really isn't the fun side without you. (((((( 你能不能给这里一个机会,想想吧。缺了你,那里也就没有快乐可言了。 -Alex :sorry,I've been kind of a jerk,. ... I'm sorry.额,我之前的表现得很糟糕,对不起。 ((((((((((( ALL:come on! We are brother. Alex: yes! We are brother. We are breve. -All:”I like to move it move it!I like to move it move it! You like to... Move it! I like to move it move it!I like to move it move it! I like to move it move it!You like to... 人员角色: 冯扬—狮子王亚历克斯Alex (((( 王松—斑马马蒂-MARTY: (((((( 阎熙沛— 长颈鹿梅尔曼-Melman: ((((((( 高健华—河马格洛丽亚-Gloria (((((( 贾海涛—-押运员Penguin
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