
【精品文档】[英语]Bill Clinton-比尔·克林顿 120-300字_20707

2017-09-26 2页 doc 13KB 17阅读




【精品文档】[英语]Bill Clinton-比尔·克林顿 120-300字_20707【精品文档】[英语]Bill Clinton-比尔·克林顿 120-300字_20707 作文范文 题目:[英语]Bill Clinton-比 尔〃克林顿 120-300字 编辑:小小 Bill Clinton Bill Clinton was born in a poor family in 1946(Three months before he was born~his father died in a traffic accident. When he was a little boy, his ...
【精品文档】[英语]Bill Clinton-比尔·克林顿 120-300字_20707
【精品文档】[英语]Bill Clinton-比尔·克林顿 120-300字_20707 作文范文 题目:[英语]Bill Clinton-比 尔〃克林顿 120-300字 编辑:小小 Bill Clinton Bill Clinton was born in a poor family in 1946(Three months before he was born~his father died in a traffic accident. When he was a little boy, his mother remarried Norger Clinton, so the boy's family name was changed. Clinton studied very hard at school, so he always got good results. In the summer of 1963, Clinton won a drama contest, so he was given a chance to visit the city of Washington D. C.. During his visit he met President Kennedy in the White House. From then on, he made up his mind to become a president. Clinton, became president on January 20th, 1993, and he is the 42nd president of the USA. He is the first US president who was bom alter the Second World War. He is also one of the youngest of all US presidents. Although Clinton made a good effort in politics, culture, economy and education, he made some wrong policies to solve the world's problems. In May, 1999, when NATO troops led by the USA bombed Yugoslavia, the bombing destroyed the Chinese embassy. Three Chinese reporters were killed and many others were injured. The Chinese people and the people all over the world condemned NATO's action. It was inhuman and foolish. I hope Bill Clinton will keep his words and be friendly to the Chinese people. 比尔?克林顿 比尔?克林顿生于1946年。他出身贫寒。在其出世前3个月~他的父亲便因车祸而离开了人世。当他还很小的时候~他母亲就改嫁给了罗杰?克林顿。于是比尔改姓克林顿。 克林顿在校期间学习刻苦~成绩优异。1963年夏季~克林顿在戏剧比赛中获胜~并因此得到参观华盛顿的机会。参观期间他在白宫受到了肯尼迪总统的接见。从那时起他便立志要当一名总统。 比尔?克林顿1993年1月20日当选美国总统~成为美国的第42位总统。他是第一位在战后出生的美国总统~也是最年轻的美国总统之一。 尽管克林顿在政治、文化、经济和教育方面都付出了努力~但他在解决国际问题上也出台了一些不当的政策。 1999年5月~当以美国为首的北约部队轰炸南斯拉夫时~****炸毁了中国大使馆~造成3名中国记者死难~多人受伤。中国人民和全世界人民都对北约这一愚蠢而没有人道的行为进行了谴责。 我希望比尔?克林顿能遵守其诺言~与中国人民和睦友好地相处。
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