

2017-08-31 13页 doc 114KB 20阅读




长沙到株洲方特旅游(门票交通景点攻略)长沙到株洲方特旅游(门票交通景点攻略) 株洲方特欢乐世界位于株洲市云龙新城,占地60万平方米,总投资20亿元,是华中华南地区规模最大的第四代主题公园。方特欢乐世界以科幻体验为最大特色,采用当今国际一流的理念和技术精心打造,可与当前西方最先进的主题公园相媲美,被誉为“东方梦幻乐园”。 株洲方特一日游交通攻略: 公交路线:公交T6路 自驾路线: ?长沙出发:长沙-机场高速--长浏高速/人民东路--长株高速--云龙新城--景区 ?湘潭出发:湘潭--芙蓉大道、时代大道等城际干道--株洲城区--长株高速-- “云龙新城”出口下...
长沙到株洲方特旅游(门票交通景点攻略) 株洲方特欢乐世界位于株洲市云龙新城,占地60万平方米,总投资20亿元,是华中华南地区规模最大的第四代主题公园。方特欢乐世界以科幻体验为最大特色,采用当今国际一流的理念和技术精心打造,可与当前西方最先进的主题公园相媲美,被誉为“东方梦幻乐园”。 株洲方特一日游交通攻略: 公交路线:公交T6路 自驾路线: ?长沙出发:长沙-机场高速--长浏高速/人民东路--长株高速--云龙新城--景区 ?湘潭出发:湘潭--芙蓉大道、时代大道等城际干道--株洲城区--长株高速-- “云龙新城”出口下--景区 ?衡阳、郴州出发:经京港澳高速、沪昆高速--长株高速--“云龙新城”出口下 ?岳阳等地出发:经京港澳高速、长浏高速--长株高速--“云龙新城”出口下 株洲方特一日游预订攻略: 1、为了能成功提交订单,您需在游玩当天16:30前预订 、开放时间:平日 9:30~17:30;周六/日 9:00~18:00;节假日 9:00~18:2 00 3、取票地点:前往景区5号或7号售票窗口出示短信、换票入园 4、入园凭证: 凭付款成功短信到景区5号或7号售票窗口出示短信、换票入园 5、特惠政策: A.免费政策:身高1.2米以下的儿童和年满70周岁以上的老人(凭有效身份证件)免票,免票人士须有持全价票成人陪同,每名持票成人限带1名免票人士 B.其他政策:(1)全价票适用范围:成人及身高1.4米以上(含1.4米)的未成年人(2)儿童票适用范围:1.2m?身高,1.4m的儿童 6、发票说明: 景点门票即为发票 7、退改规则: 由于系统原因,预订成功后不支持改期 8、温馨提示: 门票为一票通,游玩园内所有项目不另收费 (a) to serve the party organization for the first goal, and strive to catch a party to build. In view of the countryside Party member consciousness has been diluted, vanguard and exemplary role to play, to organize the implementation of the "good political birthday, to carry out voluntary service, showing the image of Party members" grassroots organizations construction demonstration project. The project mainly includes three contents: one is the average monthly for the month to join the party "political birthday, inform the work to solicit opinions. The second is the village Party members set up to help difficult predicament service team, focusing on the work of inspectors team, environmental health inspection team, neighbourhood contradictions mediation team four volunteer service team, quarterly organize a volunteer service activities. Weekly 8 times since October birthday in the selection of "Top Ten Star Party. Party members" political ", each provided opinions and suggestions, star 1, each to participate in voluntary service 1, 3 star star; at the end of the democratic appraisal for good, remember star 5 stars. According to the party to star, elected" Top Ten Star Party "Star Award listing, posting. Last year, a total of 15 members of the" political birthday ", to seek and implement the opinions and suggestions of 31, to carry out voluntary service activities 4 times for the tangible things, get the party and the masses of praise. At the same time, on the one hand grasping the village two appoint team construction, the establishment of the village committee system, start the city Level of a clean and honest administration culture 株洲方特欢乐世界门票288元 门票说明: ?1.1-1.2米和70岁以上需购买车位费 ?优惠人群政策:儿童身高1.1M以下免票可以不占车位;70岁以上老人持有效证件证在购成人票的人的陪同下方可入园. ?其他(如军官票,教师,学生优惠等) 凭有效证件到景区购票时如能产生优惠,导游现退差价 株洲方特欢乐世界开放时间:9:00-18:00 株洲方特交通指南攻略: 株洲方特地址:湖南株洲市云龙示范区云龙大道88号 株洲方特自驾车路线: 1.衡阳、郴州等地出发,经京港澳高速、沪昆高速,转长株高速至“云龙新城”出口下。根据指示牌指示方向,前行大约700米,即可到达目的地。 2.岳阳等地出发,经京港澳高速、长浏高速,转长株高速至“云龙新城”出口下。根据指示牌指示方向,前行大约700米,即可到达目的地。 3.江西等地出发,经沪昆高速,转长株高速至“云龙新城”出口下。根据指示牌指示方向,前行大约700米,即可到达目的地。 4.怀化等地出发,经沪昆高速,转长株高速至“云龙新城”出口下。根据指示牌指示方向,前行大约700米,即可到达目的地。 5.常德、益阳等地出发,经长常高速、长沙绕城高速,转长株高速至“云龙新城”出口下。根据指示牌指示方向,前行大约700米,即可到达目的地。 (a) to serve the party organization for the first goal, and strive to catch a party to build. In view of the countryside Party member consciousness has been diluted, vanguard and exemplary role to play, to organize the implementation of the "good political birthday, to carry out voluntary service, showing the image of Party members" grassroots organizations construction demonstration project. The project mainly includes three contents: one is the average monthly for the month to join the party "political birthday, inform the work to solicit opinions. The second is the village Party members set up to help difficult predicament service team, focusing on the work of inspectors team, environmental health inspection team, neighbourhood contradictions mediation team four volunteer service team, quarterly organize a volunteer service activities. Weekly 8 times since October birthday in the selection of "Top Ten Star Party. Party members" political ", each provided opinions and suggestions, star 1, each to participate in voluntary service 1, 3 star star; at the end of the democratic appraisal for good, remember star 5 stars. According to the party to star, elected" Top Ten Star Party "Star Award listing, posting. Last year, a total of 15 members of the" political birthday ", to seek and implement the opinions and suggestions of 31, to carry out voluntary service activities 4 times for the tangible things, get the party and the masses of praise. At the same time, on the one hand grasping the village two appoint team construction, the establishment of the village committee system, start the city Level of a clean and honest administration culture 株洲方特乘车路线: 株洲市区“钻石路”站上车,乘坐云田专线在“云田”站下车,往北前行300米左右即可到达 株洲市区“车站西路”站上车,乘坐T6路公交车至终点站株洲方特欢乐世界 株洲方特景点攻略: 株洲方特欢乐世界位于株洲云龙示范区,地处长株潭城市群中心,占地60万平方米,总投资25亿元,是一个国际一流的第四代主题公园。公园以科幻和动漫为最大特色,可与当前西方最先进的主题公园相媲美。 株洲方特欢乐世界由飞越极限、星际航班、恐龙危机、生命之光、海螺湾、逃出恐龙岛、维苏威火山、聊斋、宇宙博览会、火流星、探险乐园等十几个主题项目区组成,包含主题项目、游乐项目、休闲景观项目以及配套服务共计200多项,绝大多数项目老少皆宜。这里有国际一流的高空飞翔体验项目“飞越极限”,大型动感太空飞行体验项目“星际航班”,大型火山探险项目“维苏威火山”,大型恐龙复活灾难体验项目“恐龙危机”,大型主题漂流“逃出恐龙岛”,让人琢磨不透的中国传统神话的神奇演绎 “聊斋”,色彩斑斓如梦似幻的“海螺湾”„„对于喜欢刺激的朋友,我们的探险乐园里有大摆锤、波浪翻滚、勇敢者转盘、探空飞梭等大量让人尖叫的大中型机械类体验项目。 恐龙危机 (a) to serve the party organization for the first goal, and strive to catch a party to build. In view of the countryside Party member consciousness has been diluted, vanguard and exemplary role to play, to organize the implementation of the "good political birthday, to carry out voluntary service, showing the image of Party members" grassroots organizations construction demonstration project. The project mainly includes three contents: one is the average monthly for the month to join the party "political birthday, inform the work to solicit opinions. The second is the village Party members set up to help difficult predicament service team, focusing on the work of inspectors team, environmental health inspection team, neighbourhood contradictions mediation team four volunteer service team, quarterly organize a volunteer service activities. Weekly 8 times since October birthday in the selection of "Top Ten Star Party. Party members" political ", each provided opinions and suggestions, star 1, each to participate in voluntary service 1, 3 star star; at the end of the democratic appraisal for good, remember star 5 stars. According to the party to star, elected" Top Ten Star Party "Star Award listing, posting. Last year, a total of 15 members of the" political birthday ", to seek and implement the opinions and suggestions of 31, to carry out voluntary service activities 4 times for the tangible things, get the party and the masses of praise. At the same time, on the one hand grasping the village two appoint team construction, the establishment of the village committee system, start the city Level of a clean and honest administration culture 游客乘坐游览车在一个恐龙横行、一片混乱的城市中穿行,经过17处精心设计、虚实结合的场景,经历一场恐龙破坏、毁灭城市的浩劫。 项目充分利用了现场实景、动感平台,综合了多自由度动感游览车、现场特技和巨幕、环幕4D电影等多项高科技技术,将立体影像与真实场景结合,极大地拓展了视觉空间,给游客强烈的震撼感和强烈的参与感、真实感,仿佛真的在大厦间飞驰,经历一场场惊心动魄的战斗。 逃出恐龙岛 “逃出恐龙岛”项目是一个结合Darkride(黑暗之旅)、漂流、激流勇进为一体的大型项目。由特种装饰和现场特技装置模拟出真实的恐龙岛场景,让游客们置身一个被恐龙侵占的原始部落岛屿。游客将乘船漂流,在一系列险象环生的经历之后,从高空冲下,体验高空滑坠的刺激感受,成功逃离恐龙的追捕。项目分排队区、表演区两个部分。 飞越极限 “飞越极限”项目占地面积约2100平方米。项目以人类航空发展历史引入,通过陈列实体模型、图片与视频等展项,向游客立体展示人类追求飞行梦想的每一寸历史足迹。随后游客将通过观赏球幕电影体验自由飞翔的真实感觉。 嘟比历险 本项目将动画片“小鸡不好惹”的故事延续出来,瘦高高和胖乎乎两只黄鼠狼还没有放弃抓鸡吃,他们屡战屡败,屡败屡战,发誓要吃上全鸡餐,不过这一次小鸡们不再孤军奋战,它们有了游客的帮助。游客通过七轮新奇有趣的射击游戏来帮助小鸡,破坏黄鼠狼的进攻,取得这场快乐农庄大战的最后胜利。项目分为预演厅和主演厅两个部分。 十二生肖快乐街 “嘟比脱口秀之十二生肖快乐街”是以动画片《快乐街》为题材,与现场观众相结合的交互影像剧场项目。项目占地面积约600平方米,可容纳90人左右。共分为候场厅、主演厅两部分。观众在候场区观看动画片《十二生肖快乐街》等候入场。主演厅为交互影像剧场,通过三台电视机和一个大型互动投影,有趣的故事情节,生动有趣的交互,在虚拟嘟比的带领下体验互动影像剧场的乐趣。 方特卡通城堡 “方特卡通城堡”项目是一个展示卡通制作,介绍动漫创作方法,展现卡通相关衍生产品的卡通大百科项目。在这里,游客不仅可以全面了解卡通文化,还能与卡通角色亲密互动,乐趣无穷。卡通城堡内分“卡通秀秀场”、“卡通展示区”、“动漫工作室”、“卡通教室”四部分。 海螺湾 环幕4D电影,蔚蓝色的海洋世界里,鱼儿们快乐的生活,它们之间发生着十分有趣的故事,观众将戴上立体眼镜,透过极富现场感的特技,来感受可爱的海洋生物们带来的一幕幕啼笑皆非的场面。项目占地约2800平方米,可同时容(a) to serve the party organization for the first goal, and strive to catch a party to build. In view of the countryside Party member consciousness has been diluted, vanguard and exemplary role to play, to organize the implementation of the "good political birthday, to carry out voluntary service, showing the image of Party members" grassroots organizations construction demonstration project. The project mainly includes three contents: one is the average monthly for the month to join the party "political birthday, inform the work to solicit opinions. The second is the village Party members set up to help difficult predicament service team, focusing on the work of inspectors team, environmental health inspection team, neighbourhood contradictions mediation team four volunteer service team, quarterly organize a volunteer service activities. Weekly 8 times since October birthday in the selection of "Top Ten Star Party. Party members" political ", each provided opinions and suggestions, star 1, each to participate in voluntary service 1, 3 star star; at the end of the democratic appraisal for good, remember star 5 stars. According to the party to star, elected" Top Ten Star Party "Star Award listing, posting. Last year, a total of 15 members of the" political birthday ", to seek and implement the opinions and suggestions of 31, to carry out voluntary service activities 4 times for the tangible things, get the party and the masses of praise. At the same time, on the one hand grasping the village two appoint team construction, the establishment of the village committee system, start the city Level of a clean and honest administration culture 纳600人体验。 影视特技摄影棚 “影视特技摄影棚”是一个体验类项目,影片在摄制时,游客们进片场参观,工作人员会热心向游客们揭秘影视拍摄的幕后制作。导演需要一些群众演员参与演出时,工作人员会从游客当中挑选几个群众演员饰演剧中角色。在拍摄过程中,饰演群众演员的游客们不但可以过一把演员瘾,还将体验到影视制作的高新科技手段,幽默逗趣的事件穿插其中,参观的游客乐不可支。 长沙到方特一日游报名电话:0-7-3-1-8-2-3-0-7-9-8-0,1-3-9-7-4-8-5-5-5-8-0,扣扣:1-2-9-2-4-4-4-2-8-5,范小姐 长沙到方特一日游跟团游: 258元 早上8:00在长沙火车站阿波罗商业广场kfc门口集合,8:30分准时出发前往中国首个出口国外的主题公园【方特欢乐世界主题公园】(车程约1小时),它由20个主题项目区组成,包含主题项目、游乐项目、休闲及景观项目200多项,其中包括许多超大型项目,让您“乐不思蜀”(游玩时间约6小时)。 方特公园有国际一流的高空飞翔体验项目“飞越极限”,有目前世界最先进的大型恐龙复活灾难体验项目“恐龙危机”,有结合darkride(黑暗之旅)、漂流、激流勇进为一体的大型项目“逃出恐龙岛”;有大型动感太空飞行体验项目“星际航班”,有中国首创的大型火山探险项目“维苏威火山”,有色彩斑斓、如梦似(a) to serve the party organization for the first goal, and strive to catch a party to build. In view of the countryside Party member consciousness has been diluted, vanguard and exemplary role to play, to organize the implementation of the "good political birthday, to carry out voluntary service, showing the image of Party members" grassroots organizations construction demonstration project. The project mainly includes three contents: one is the average monthly for the month to join the party "political birthday, inform the work to solicit opinions. The second is the village Party members set up to help difficult predicament service team, focusing on the work of inspectors team, environmental health inspection team, neighbourhood contradictions mediation team four volunteer service team, quarterly organize a volunteer service activities. Weekly 8 times since October birthday in the selection of "Top Ten Star Party. Party members" political ", each provided opinions and suggestions, star 1, each to participate in voluntary service 1, 3 star star; at the end of the democratic appraisal for good, remember star 5 stars. According to the party to star, elected" Top Ten Star Party "Star Award listing, posting. Last year, a total of 15 members of the" political birthday ", to seek and implement the opinions and suggestions of 31, to carry out voluntary service activities 4 times for the tangible things, get the party and the masses of praise. At the same time, on the one hand grasping the village two appoint team construction, the establishment of the village committee system, start the city Level of a clean and honest administration culture 幻的“海螺湾”,影视特技摄影棚、欢乐家园、聊斋、宇宙博览会、生命之光、 火流星„„中餐可在公园内的西部餐厅、喻比汉堡、庞贝市集、情牵一线、疯狂 汉堡等享受美食;中餐后可继续体验刺激无比的游乐设施让你高声尖叫之余得到 的无限快乐~傍晚乘车返长沙,结束愉快之旅~ (a) to serve the party organization for the first goal, and strive to catch a party to build. In view of the countryside Party member consciousness has been diluted, vanguard and exemplary role to play, to organize the implementation of the "good political birthday, to carry out voluntary service, showing the image of Party members" grassroots organizations construction demonstration project. The project mainly includes three contents: one is the average monthly for the month to join the party "political birthday, inform the work to solicit opinions. The second is the village Party members set up to help difficult predicament service team, focusing on the work of inspectors team, environmental health inspection team, neighbourhood contradictions mediation team four volunteer service team, quarterly organize a volunteer service activities. Weekly 8 times since October birthday in the selection of "Top Ten Star Party. Party members" political ", each provided opinions and suggestions, star 1, each to participate in voluntary service 1, 3 star star; at the end of the democratic appraisal for good, remember star 5 stars. According to the party to star, elected" Top Ten Star Party "Star Award listing, posting. Last year, a total of 15 members of the" political birthday ", to seek and implement the opinions and suggestions of 31, to carry out voluntary service activities 4 times for the tangible things, get the party and the masses of praise. At the same time, on the one hand grasping the village two appoint team construction, the establishment of the village committee system, start the city Level of a clean and honest administration culture
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