

2017-09-29 9页 doc 28KB 468阅读




分公司注册流程分公司注册流程 分公司注册流程: 名称预先核准?办理营业执照?刻制印章?办理组织代码证?税务登记证?银行开户 注册分公司流程第一步名称预先核准 一、分公司名称预先登记 办理事项:企业名称预先登记 办事机构:工商局 办理地点:投资服务大厅工商分局窗口 办理时限:两个小时后领取 办理程序:持股东(投资人)资格证明领取《名称(变更)预先核准申请书》、《投资人授权委托意见》?填表(按公司命名要求一次可以最多起9个名称备查)? 交表? 领取《企业名称预先核准通知书》 收费标准:无收费 提供材料: ?《名称预先核准...
分公司注册流程 分公司注册流程: 名称预先核准?办理营业执照?刻制印章?办理组织代码证?税务登记证?银行开户 注册分公司流程第一步名称预先核准 一、分公司名称预先登记 办理事项:企业名称预先登记 办事机构:工商局 办理地点:投资服务大厅工商分局窗口 办理时限:两个小时后领取 办理程序:持股东(投资人)资格证明领取《名称(变更)预先核准》、《投资人授权委托意见》?填(按公司命名要求一次可以最多起9个名称备查)? 交表? 领取《企业名称预先核准通知书》 收费标准:无收费 提供材料: ?《名称预先核准申请书》、《投资人授权委托意见》; ?特殊行业需要的其他文件(详细内容参看工商局一次性告知单)。 注册公司流程第二步办理营业执照 注册分公司各部门所需材料: 二、注册分公司所需资料:(工商所注册分公司需资料) 1、名称表 2、申请书(工商的一套) 3、总公司章程复印件 4、总公司营业执照副本复印件 5、分公司营业场所使用证明租赁、产权证复印件 6、总公司出具的分公司负责人的任职文件及身份证明复印件 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 以上复印件需带原件核对(具体见工商规定),复印件需盖公章 办理时间:10个工作日(本地分公司5个工作日) 注册分公司流程第三步分公司印章备案及刻制 三、分公司印章备案及刻制 办理事项:备案及刻制印章 办事机构:公安局及其指定的刻字社 办理地点:投资服务大厅公安分局窗口备案,区公安分局指定的刻字社刻章 办理时限:备案立等可取;刻章价格不定(属于企业行为,由刻字社自行定价) 办理程序:携带营业执照副本到公安分局窗口备案?公安分局在营业执照副本上印核准章?在指定的刻字社刻制公章、财务章、合同章、人名章等印鉴 收费标准:公安分局备案免费,刻章费:(此为行业规范价格,仅供参考)共计365元(其中财务章180、公章70元/枚、合同章70元/枚、人名章45元/枚) 提供材料: ?营业执照副本原件及复印件; ?分公司负责人身份证原件及复印件; ?经办人身份证原件及复印件; ?全民、集体企业、企业的分支机构,出示上级主管部门的介绍信;有限公司参股股东中,包括法人股的应持其中一家法人单位介绍信。 组织机构代码办理: 分公司营业执照复印件带原件核对,分公司负责人身份复印件,代理人身份复印件,还要填一分申请表格 办理时间:1个工作日 注册分公司流程第四步办理企业法人代码登记 四、企业法人代码登记 办理事项:企业法人代码登记 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 办事机构:质量技术监督局 办理地点:投资服务大厅质量技术监督局窗口 办理时限:受理后3个工作日 办理程序:领表?填表?提交单位公章等资料?交费?(办理时限过后)领取组 织机构代码证书 收费标准:30元/套 提供材料: ?营业执照副本原件及复印件; ?单位公章; ?分公司负责人身份证原件及复印件(非法人单位提交负责人身份证原件及复印 件); ?集体、全民所有制单位和非法人单位提交上级主管部门代码证书复印件; ?单位邮编、电话、正式职工人数。 税务登记 注册分公司流程第五步办理 五、分公司税务登记证办理所需材料: 1、分公司营业执照复印件 2、分公司组织机构代码复印件 3、总机构税务登记证复印件 4、负责人及财务负责人有效身份证件复印件 5、产权证复印件及原件 (注:以上资料一式两份) 6、加盖申请单位公章的税务登记表 以上复印件需带原件核对,复印件需盖公章 办理时间:5个工作日 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work 注册分公司流程第六步办理开设银行账号 六、分公司开设银行账号 办理事项:在银行开户 办事机构:面向企业的银行分支机构 办理地点:就近银行 办理时限:材料齐全立等可取 收费标准:各银行规定不一样 提供材料:请根据各入资银行的具体要求为准,以下内容仅供参考。 ?企业营业执照正、副本原件及复印件; ?组织机构代码证书正、副本原件及复印件; ?国税、地税税务登记证正、副本原件及复印件; ?分公司负责人身份证原件及复印件; ?公章、财务章、法人代表名章。 注册分公司流程第七步办理统计登记 七、注册分公司统计登记 办理事项:办理统计登记(领取营业执照之日起30日内办理) 办事机构:统计局 办理地点:投资服务大厅统计局窗口 办理时限:立等可取 办理程序:领取《法人单位基本情况表》?填表,并提交下述材料?发放统计登 记证 收费标准:无收费 提供材料: ?《法人单位基本情况表》加盖公章一式一份; provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work ?营业执照副本原件及复印件; ?组织机构代码证书正、副本原件及复印件,IC卡。 注册公司流程第十步办理社会保险登记 注册分公司流程第八步办理社会保险登记 八、注册分公司分公司社会保险登记 办理事项:社会保险登记 办事机构:劳动局社保中心 办理地点:劳动局社保中心 办理时限:立等可取 收费标准:无收费 办事程序: ?营业执照副本原件及复印件; ?法人代码证书原件及复印件; ?缴费企业单位的公章、法人身份证原件及复印件; ?开户银行名称、账号、交换号及复印件,企业所属街道名称。 provisions and time limits, monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment measures submitted plans, planting details and measures of protection submitted to the supervisor for approval. (3) construction of I Board will be coordinated under the auspices of the supervisor's monitoring equipment installation, Embedment interference and civil construction and equipment installation, Embedment plans included in the construction schedule, planted for the timely provision of necessary face and working hours. (4) will strictly follow the approved installation, Embedment in the construction plan and manufacturers use the specification of procedures and methods of monitoring instruments and equipment installation, Embedment. Buried in the install process, I Council inspectors should work closely with the supervisor, supervisor to report problems in a timely manner, and to provide relevant quality records. (5) construction process due to damage caused by any monitoring equipment for construction, we will promptly repair or replace equipment caused the shift should be corrected immediately, until a supervisor recognized and made detailed records. (6) monitoring equipment installation, Embedment and all related work
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