
matlab 界面设计(matlab 界面设计)

2017-10-22 5页 doc 19KB 76阅读




matlab 界面设计(matlab 界面设计)matlab 界面设计(matlab 界面设计) matlab 界面设计(matlab 界面设计) function varargout = jiemian (varargin) % jiemian m - file for jiemian.fig % jiemian, by itself, creates (a new jiemian or raises the existing % of singleton *. %% % h = jiemian returns the handle to a new jie...
matlab 界面设计(matlab 界面设计)
matlab 界面设计(matlab 界面设计) matlab 界面设计(matlab 界面设计) function varargout = jiemian (varargin) % jiemian m - file for jiemian.fig % jiemian, by itself, creates (a new jiemian or raises the existing % of singleton *. %% % h = jiemian returns the handle to a new jiemian or the handle to % of the existing singleton *. %% % jiemian (the 'property', 'value',...) creates (a new jiemian using the % given property value pairs. unrecognized properties are passed via % varargin to jiemian _ openingfcn. this calling syntax produces a % warning when there is an existing singleton *. %% % jiemian ("s") and jiemian ("s", hobject,...) call the local function named% s in jiemian. m with the given input % arguments. %% % * see gui options is the guide 's tools menu. choose "gui allows only one % instance to run (singleton) ". %% % see also: guide, guidata, guihandles % edit the above text to modify the response to help jiemian % last modified by guide v2.5 13: 2011 11: 56: 06 % begin initialization code do not edit gui _ singleton = 1; gui _ state = struct ("gui _ name", mfilename,... "gui _ singleton ', gui _ singleton,... "gui _ openingfcn ', @ jiemian _ openingfcn,... "gui _ outputfcn ', @ jiemian _ outputfcn,... "gui _ layoutfcn ', [],... "gui _ s", []); if nargin && ischar (varargin {1}) gui _ state.gui _ s = str2func (varargin {1}); end if nargout [varargout {1: nargout}] = gui _ mainfcn (gui _ state, varargin {:}); else gui _ mainfcn (gui _ state, varargin {:}); end % end initialization code do not edit % - - - executes just before jiemian is made visible. function jiemian _ openingfcn (hobject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % this function has no output args, see outputfcn. % hobject handle to figure % eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of matlab % handles structure with handles and user data (see guidata) % varargin unrecognized propertyname / property value pairs from the % command line (see varargin) % choose default command line output for jiemian handles.output = hobject; % update handles structure guidata (hobject, handles); % uiwait makes jiemian wait for user response (see uiresume) % uiwait (handles.figure1); % - - - outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = jiemian _ outputfcn (hobject, eventdata, handles) %返回输出参数varargout单元阵列(见varargout); % hObject手柄图 % EVENTDATA保留将在未来版本的MATLAB定义 %处理结构,处理和用户数据(见guidata) 从手柄结构得到默认的命令行输出 varargout { 1 } = handles.output; %,对pushbutton1按钮执行。 功能pushbutton1_callback(hObject,事件数据,处理) % hObject手柄pushbutton1(见gcbo) % EVENTDATA保留将在未来版本的MATLAB定义 %处理结构,处理和用户数据(见guidata) %,对pushbutton2按钮执行。 功能pushbutton2_callback(hObject,事件数据,处理) % hObject手柄pushbutton2(见gcbo) % EVENTDATA保留将在未来版本的MATLAB定义 %处理结构,处理和用户数据(见guidata) %,对pushbutton3按钮执行。 功能pushbutton3_callback(hObject,事件数据,处理) % hObject手柄pushbutton3(见gcbo) % EVENTDATA保留将在未来版本的MATLAB定义 %处理结构,处理和用户数据(见guidata) %,对pushbutton4按钮执行。 功能pushbutton4_callback(hObject,事件数据,处理) % hObject手柄pushbutton4(见gcbo) % EVENTDATA保留将在未来版本的MATLAB定义 %处理结构,处理和用户数据(见guidata) %,对pushbutton5按钮执行。 功能pushbutton5_callback(hObject,事件数据,处理) % hObject手柄pushbutton5(见gcbo) % EVENTDATA保留将在未来版本的MATLAB定义 %处理结构,处理和用户数据(见guidata) %,对pushbutton6按钮执行。 功能pushbutton6_callback(hObject,事件数据,处理) % hObject手柄pushbutton6(见gcbo) % EVENTDATA保留将在未来版本的MATLAB定义 %处理结构,处理和用户数据(见guidata)
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