

2018-08-14 13页 doc 41KB 15阅读




乐山联通乡音卡乐山联通乡音卡 关于乐山联通推出“乡音”系列计划的 几点意见 一、市场竞争对手的分析, 从目前对于联通即将新推的“乡音”系列业务最为重要的竞争对手应该是黑马电信推出的移动通讯业务“小灵通”,因此,对于这样一个非常具有竞争力的对手,我们先来看看它的特点, 1、小灵通的宣传点, ?调查数据显示,有40%的消费者认为小灵通“低辐射、环保健康”的特点具有一定吸引力。随着消费者健康意识的增强,小灵通的低辐射迎合了人们对健康环保的需求。经测试,小灵通的发射功率不超过10毫瓦,仅相当于移动电话的1%。在通常情况下,小灵通基站天线...
乐山联通乡音卡 关于乐山联通推出“乡音”系列计划的 几点意见 一、市场竞争对手的分析, 从目前对于联通即将新推的“乡音”系列业务最为重要的竞争对手应该是黑马电信推出的移动通讯业务“小灵通”,因此,对于这样一个非常具有竞争力的对手,我们先来看看它的特点, 1、小灵通的宣传点, ?调查数据显示,有40%的消费者认为小灵通“低辐射、环保健康”的特点具有一定吸引力。随着消费者健康意识的增强,小灵通的低辐射迎合了人们对健康环保的需求。经测试,小灵通的发射功率不超过10毫瓦,仅相当于移动电话的1%。在通常情况下,小灵通基站天线的电磁辐射比普通的家用电视遥控器、儿童遥控玩具车的发射功率还要小得多,对人体基本没有任何有害的影响。在日本和台湾地区,小灵通是惟一允许在医院内安装使用的无线通信系统。 ?据介绍,消费者只要带着身份证,交15元手续费和50元预存话费就可开通“小灵通”。“小灵通”收费与现行固定电话收费基本一致,单向收费,拨打市话首次3分钟0.22元,以后每分钟0.11元。在回答调查问卷中“小灵通什么特点最吸引你(可多选)”时,有84%和82%的被调查者选择了“资费便宜”和“单项收费”,由此可见,价格是小灵通具有的最大优势。 ?小灵通还有两个令消费者喜欢的优点,拨号方便,小灵通同cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 固定电话一样,呼叫市话不用拨区号,耗电省,小灵通手机的电池一次充足,可待机一个星期,连续通话时间一般可达8个小时,这对于工作繁忙、生活节奏快的消费者来说,无疑也具有一定的吸引力。 2、小灵通的劣势, 消费者对小灵通最不满意的地方就是“漫游范围小”和“信号弱,通话质量差”,并分别有76%和71%的人希望小灵通业务今后在这两点上有所改善. “小灵通推出时,你会选择该业务吗,”在回答这一问题时,有61%的被调查者表示“看看再说”,而有33%的人表示“不会”,5%的人表示“肯定会”。目前不准备选用小灵通的消费者,一部分是由于小灵通业务本身的缺点,如信号弱、漫游地区小等特点,而另外很大一部分消费者则是由于目前有手机,而不愿再去另外购买手机和换号了。 3、国内主要城市对于小灵通的出现采取的应对措施, 4月初,广州移动推出20元包月网内接听,广州联通随之推出12元“全部来话包月”,率先揭开了“手机接听包月”的序幕。4月16日,北京移动在北京的10个区县推出“60元包听1000分钟”。4月21日,上海移动推出名为“来话畅听”的业务,每月25元就可包接听625分钟的网内通话,至此,手机“准单向收费”已经成为现实,这迅速在业内引发了巨大震动。 在中国移动、中国联通以“准单向收费”对抗小灵通的同时,信产部一向对资费标准问题严加监管的态度显出缓和的迹象,从今年cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 年初开始,信息产业部开始对小灵通采取不鼓励也不反对的措施,各大城市风行的准单向收费套餐并未被主管部门叫停,4月中旬,信产部更是同意对接听免费的手机休息站业务在广州、深圳、东莞等地试商用。 以上是对小灵通的市场分析,那么在本次乐山联通即将推出的“乡音”系列业务之前,我们来看看目前市场上推出的各式通讯业务情况及其收费标准, ?联通CDMA133 基本月租费,50元/月 市话费,0.4元/分钟 漫游话费,0.6元/分钟 短消息,0.1元/条 呼叫转移,,前转,,基本费0.1元/分钟,长途费按实际发生的照实收取。 呼叫等待,免费 语音信箱,开户费5元,提取信箱按正常通话收费。 移动秘,15元/月 三方通话,不收开户费,使用按正常通话收费。 来电显示,免费 ?全球通 SIM卡费,80元 基本月租费,50元/月 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 市话费,0.4元/分钟 漫游话费,0.6元/分钟 短消息,0.1元/条 移动IP电话,0.3元/分钟 语音信箱,15元/月 移动秘书,15元/月 全球呼,免费 ?联祥卡 基本月租费,1.48元/天 市话费,0.36元/分钟 漫游话费,0.6元/分钟 短消息,发送短消息0.1元/条,接收免费。 移动秘书,0.1元/条 信息点播,0.1元/条 手机银行,0.1元/条 ?联通包月卡 SIM卡费,50元 基本月租费,200元打600元,280元无限,80元打210元。 市话费,0.36元/分钟 漫游话费,0.6元/分钟 短消息,0.1元/条 注,只限打市话,长途、短信等服务另收。 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment ?神州行 基本月租费,无 市话费,0.6元/分钟 漫游话费,0.8元/分钟 短消息,发给移动0.15元/条,发给联通0.2元/条,接收免费。 来电显示,免费 由于没有月租费,而且网络比较稳定,是目前许多人的选择,但是实际费率很高。 ?如意通 基本月租费,无 市话费,0.54元/分钟 漫游话费,0.8元/分钟 短消息,0.1元/条 ?动感地带 入网费,免费 SIM卡费,100元 基本月租费,20元套餐、30元套餐 市话费,动感地带间0.3元/分钟,只限于试商用期间。 二、目前“乡音”系列业务的收费标准, 基本月租费,每月通讯费在40元以上免收月租费 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 市话费,0.1元/分钟 漫游话费, ,元/分钟 短消息,发给移动 元/条,发给联通 元/条,接收免费。 来电显示,免费, 三、“乡音”系列业务的具体推广手段, 必须明确的是,“乡音”系列业务是个非常有创意的业务计划,它可以和之前的神州行业务媲美,但关键在于这个业务的延续性必须通过系列优惠措施来予以保证,从现阶段来说,我们认为应该从以下几个方面进行推进, 1、贴近性, 贴近性主要指开拓农村业务,使大量闲臵在农村的机站得到充分利用。服务的对象主要是农村人口和进城务工的人群。“乡音”系列业务虽然目前来看比较具有价格竞争力,但仍然需要主推一种省钱的理念,而这种理念必须和消费人群的特征相吻合。 ?销售点要密集在乡镇地区, ?乡音卡的金额不宜太高,可以在小金额上做文章,比如推出20元、30元、40元的低成本简易冲值卡,甚至10元的简易冲值卡。 2、忠诚性, 为了保护现有联通用户和开拓新的潜在用户,是否可以采取使用情侣卡、夫妻卡的手法,比如,某用户的手机号为,1300*******,那么,如果他需要替他的妻子买个“乡音”系列的手机卡,则可以通cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment 过填表申请的方式,他的“乡音”系列的手机卡号则为1302*********,尾数都是相同的。 3、实用性, 主要针对“乡音”系列业务的特质来设计,即采取累计优惠、复式优惠、大单优惠、集团优惠的政策。每季度推出一款“乡音”系列的优惠套餐,年终固定推出一单返利优惠政策,对忠诚用户的一个固定回报。 以上仅为简单的勾画“乡音”系列业务的概况,具体可根据业务的推进做出详尽的安排。在此就不多敷述了。 cross the boundaries of life and death, emerged in a number of advanced collectives and advanced individuals and spreading relentlessly, to bear positive energy. According to preliminary statistics, 2014, rural economic revenue up 31.32 million Yuan, more last year net 5.84 million Yuan, growth 22.92%; farmers per capita net income reached 3516 Yuan, more last year net 756 Yuan, growth 27.39%; harvest crop total acreage completed 17395 acres, completed rate for 107%; size livestock stock for 15,300 head/only, than last year growth 3,700 head/only, growth for 31.9%; meat total for 347 tons, Last year 24 tonnes, an increase of 7.4%. (D) strengthening and improving party building. Party manage the party, strictly administering the party policy, strengthen the party's ideology, organization, system, style, and fighting corruption and upholding integrity, constantly advancing the scientific level of party building. One is to strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations and innovation. According to the provincial Committee "8433" work requirements, to promote the construction of service-oriented party organization to further standardize the party organizations to set up and manage, all upgraded to branches of rural party branches, after completing the upgrade of the by-election, grass-roots organizations set up full coverage was achieved; On rural party organizations are weak and lax, a contact lead, a renovation programme, one team "3 1" measures to promote the transformation of their improvement; Continuously strengthen the position, organization, funding, team "four guarantees" in promoting grass-roots party organizations, Jin upgrade; Timely and full payment
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