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将记叙文写成散文将记叙文写成散文 【记叙文】 寝室里的是是非非 “香花大多不艳,艳花大多不香,艳而香的花大多有刺。”任何事都不可能完美无缺,都存在着许多是非,寝室里的生活亦是如此。 寝室里,此时大家都在忙活着清洗衣服,早已守候在水龙头边的黄佳丽眼看着另一人的盆子飞快挤入其中,放在了水龙头底下,接着那人大嗓门地说:“对不起哦!我很着急,清完衣服还要铺床呢!没关系吧!”说完便只顾自个的洗衣服。“没关系,反正我还要去床上拿衣架呢!”黄佳丽平静而友好地对她笑着回答,接着便去床上拿衣服,站在一旁的我都有些恼怒了。此时又隐约听见黄佳丽很恭敬地对同...
将记叙文写成散文 【记叙文】 寝室里的是是非非 “香花大多不艳,艳花大多不香,艳而香的花大多有刺。”任何事都不可能完美无缺,都存在着许多是非,寝室里的生活亦是如此。 寝室里,此时大家都在忙活着清洗衣服,早已守候在水龙头边的黄佳丽眼看着另一人的盆子飞快挤入其中,放在了水龙头底下,接着那人大嗓门地说:“对不起哦!我很着急,清完衣服还要铺床呢!没关系吧!”说完便只顾自个的洗衣服。“没关系,反正我还要去床上拿衣架呢!”黄佳丽平静而友好地对她笑着回答,接着便去床上拿衣服,站在一旁的我都有些恼怒了。此时又隐约听见黄佳丽很恭敬地对同床说:“请帮我拿几个衣架下来,好吗?”“好的!等一下!”接着便听见衣架碰着床架上的“叭叭”声,我听到后微微一笑。 或许面对不同的事,哪怕只是改变事情的顺序,得到的结果却是迥然不同。 “天哪!这是哪个人做的呀?怎么把我的床单弄得有这么多灰尘啊!”杨雪指着床单上的一处大声嚷道。我瞧了瞧她指的那个地方,并没有太明显的污点,只有少许灰尘,轻轻拍几下便可清除,可她仍喋喋不休地埋怨了好一阵。不久过后,又一幕情景浮现在我眼前,由于魏然不小心把水泼到了黄凤玲身上,黄凤玲的裤子湿了一大半。“对不起, 对不起!„„这可怎么fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the people's support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works, Miao and Hui 办呢!”魏然焦虑地说道。黄凤玲却显得出乎意料地平静,她既没有去看裤子究竟湿了多少,也没有埋怨。她只是轻轻一笑:“没关系,衣服弄湿了换掉就可以了。”她的这一番举动使魏然不再焦虑,使她得到了真正意义上的谅解。 的确如此,虽然衣服湿了,可那颗炽热的心却不会湿,反之,若是心态不对,即使是清澈洁净的也会变得浑浊不堪。 寝室里的是是非非不计其数,只要你以良好的态度去面对每一件事,多尊重和关爱他人,便会得到意想不到的结果,会赢得更多人的尊重与喜爱。 【记叙文】 “走班制”中度高三 高考,在六月如约而至。雨声中,走出考场的我们,有如释重负的喜悦,却没有想像中的欣喜若狂。因为高三大大小小的考试,把高考渲染得无比重要,又无比寻常。重要在于它是对我们十几年辛苦的检验,寻常在于它同我们十几年来经历过的考试没什么两样。“身经百战”的我们,早已在无数得意失意中锻炼得无比坚强,足以应付任何情况。高考已渐渐走远,回顾高三这一年,其中还有多种不为人知的滋味。 我们是学校教育改革的第一批学生,因为“走班制”的施行,没有班主任的束缚,高一高二时,高考 wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect thied. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of led, dwounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment fai39, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the uring the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 19Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers d-s to the Jiangsu Taihu antigun boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift fast2Miao and Hui e cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works,rganizolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revmember Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He o Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party-le's support of antie peop 的压力远远挂在天边,可谓轻松又愉快。比起其他同学,我高三进入学习状态也格外缓慢。 高三伊始,学校组织了高考助推活动,邀请刚刚毕业的学长为我们讲述他们奋斗的经历。经过高考洗礼的他们一脸轻松,却让我们知道了,接下来的一年,我们注定与压力为伴。活动后,我们每人写下了自己的目标,写下心中向往的学府、期望的成绩。当时的我们,满怀豪情,壮志凌云。一年以后有人刻苦努力完成了目标,有人适应情况调整了目标。无论结果如何,高三一年的经历中,最不缺、最重要的就是梦想。 我也有我自己的理想。一上高三,我意识到,是到了该努力奋斗的时候了,是到了和高一高二轻松时光“分手”的时候了。第一次拒绝了假期中同学的邀约,我把它当作我高三生活的开始。高三一年里的跌宕起伏,那时都还未上演,对于一个一只脚刚迈上征途的旅行者,我所需要的,是一个崭新的、良好的开始。 高三生活充满压力,而压力和动力的转换有时候很简单。我们曾经笑谈过,最难的不是每天做题,而是做了错,错了还做,越错越做,越挫越勇,其中经历的痛苦和动摇是其他人无法想象的。太多的错误带给我不小的心理压力,也曾想过,做的越多错越多,还不如不做,眼不见心不烦。几次找老师谈话,坚定 3n the joy Temple works, Miao and Huities ihes such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activicase against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marcrmy's the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the ad resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the undergroun-the wounded, reflect the people's support of antihe remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of ays, t, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 dtask of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from woundsthe re good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on(13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, whe Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ...-Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu antiled "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake cal 了我一个信念,种花得花,每一个努力都会有回报。这是官方说法,我们私下里有一个似是而非的理论,每一个练习中的错误,都是为大考的成功做积淀。积淀够了,成绩就上去了。这个说法很乐天很阿Q,仅仅是用来自我安慰。不过高三枯燥的做题中这一点小乐天,却也把失落转变成一种小小的激昂斗志。 我们曾经做过这样一个游戏:一个人对着墙壁用力地快速搓手。肌肉酸痛和动作的单一枯燥让我们最多可以坚持15分钟。而当全班都围在一起一同搓手时,同学间相互督促,相互鼓励,老师在旁呐喊助威,全体师生一起高唱激昂的歌曲,结果是我们一口气坚持了40分钟。这恰似我们的高三生活。在日复一日的学习中,我们有过厌倦和疲惫,但是看看身旁还在拼搏的同学,想想为我们加油鼓劲的老师,这一切又不是那么难以忍受。高三不是一个人的奋斗,而是大家一起拼搏,一起追逐梦想的天地。高三的快乐也在于此,就像大家一起努力坚持搓手,不知不觉已经过了40分钟。我们一同努力学习,不知不觉高三就这样过去,高考就这样来临。 高考备战和最终决战的日子已经离我们远去了,但它还是很多人的现在时,很多人的将来时。个中滋味如人饮水,要亲身体会方能感受。 【记叙性散文】 wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect thied. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of led, dwounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment fai39, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the uring the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 19Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers d-s to the Jiangsu Taihu antigun boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift fast4Miao and Hui e cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works,rganizolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revmember Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He o Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party-le's support of antie peop 淡抹了年华 17岁以前的我,想哭就大声地哭,想笑就大声地笑,真是不知愁滋味。 那时的我,敢这么说,还不懂得什么叫做忧伤。周围有很多好同学,可以让我不开心的时候随意“打骂”以消心头之气,可她们的脸上却依然绽放着最美丽的微笑,无论我怎么任性、怎么胡闹,她们都会最大限度地包容我,也许她们会因为我过分的蛮横而生气,没关系,她们第二天照样会和我继续疯玩打闹,然后再继续忍受我的“无理取闹”。 所有的东西都是在远去之后才想转身再重复一遍来路。 在一家杂货的遇到小学时的同桌,其实,我一眼便认出了她,只是名字记不得,模样不如从前,路边疾驰的卡车掀起满地灰尘,我低头绕开,转身装作不曾认识。 远隔人海我回望,发现她望了我一眼,两人默默地背道而驰。原来她也当我是个陌生人。 时间是最无情的刻刀雕刻着我们岁月的流逝,却不允许你做任何的缅怀。无聊时,经常翻着手机通讯录里滚动的同学的名字。内心总会有一瞬间的冲动,想按下绿色的电话图标键,但最终还是迟疑地把手僵持在半空。手机却突然响起,屏幕上显示着熟悉又陌 5n the joy Temple works, Miao and Huities ihes such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activicase against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marcrmy's the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the ad resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the undergroun-the wounded, reflect the people's support of antihe remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of ays, t, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 dtask of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from woundsthe re good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on(13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, whe Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ...-Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu antiled "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake cal 生的名字,我又惊又喜。你说:“我想打耳洞已经很久了,你到底什么时候陪我去啊~不知道要和最好的同学一起打吗,我等你很久了~”“白痴啊~你着什么急,马上放暑假了啊~到时候一起去。” 这是我们曾经有过的默契,我相信它还在,所以我非常喜欢这句话:“当过尽了千帆,你还在我身边。还有什么好奢望的美好呢,” 我又想,有些东西是没那么容易就被时间打败。比如我们在不同的地方看同一部电视剧,当看见女主角离开男主角时,你发短信跟我说:“有些人我们不能拥有,却终究要学着放手,但有一些人,你打也好骂也好,他永远不会离开”。 我知道你是在告诉我你一直都在。我们心里都很青春,成长就是这样,痛并快乐着。我们不得不接受生活带给我们一切伤害,然后我们才能无所畏惧的长大。 淡抹的年华,清新怡人。让我们的美好年华刻进这永久的同学关系中,走在岁月的光影里,照亮我们彼此的前程吧~ 【记叙性散文 梧桐细语 秋,梧桐叶落的季节。站在街道中央,看两旁一 wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect thied. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of led, dwounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment fai39, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the uring the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 19Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers d-s to the Jiangsu Taihu antigun boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift fast6Miao and Hui e cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works,rganizolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revmember Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He o Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party-le's support of antie peop 片片飘落的梧桐树叶,倾听它们的细语,“虽然凋零的命运我们无法摆脱,但在落下的一刹那我们是自由的,我们会跳出美丽的舞蹈,这是我们所能掌握的。” 是吗?我走到梧桐树下,仰望,一片叶子打着旋儿,像在跳芭蕾,随风飘摇,像天鹅的羽毛,那是四小天鹅吗?这变幻的舞姿让我惊叹,这软弱的、枯黄的、易碎的生命演出了最美的一场舞蹈。那柔情中也蕴含着刚强,像是在极力让我相信,这样的优美,它是办得到的,这种辉煌是掌握在自己手中的。这一叶叶、一声声,终于让我不再怀疑:即使失去再多,但有一点是我们可以掌握的,那就是自己的价值。 每每诵读唐诗宋词都有一种大彻大悟的感觉,但每当读到李清照,婉约 派的代人物,那位著名的女词人,就别是一番滋味在心头了。生命中,她失去了很多,丈夫、亲人、朋友„„她背负着国亡的痛与一些本不该受到的谴责默默地走着,她无法改变苦难,于是,她开始创造辉煌。她相信,人格、精神是永远掌握在自己手中的,于是有了“生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄”的领悟,有了“帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦”的感叹,有了“凄凄惨惨戚戚”的凄美„„她用自己掌握的,展示了自己的人格和才情,添进了自己的柔情与刚直,装饰了宋词,也如梧桐叶一般在失落 时证明了自己的价值。 7n the joy Temple works, Miao and Huities ihes such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activicase against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marcrmy's the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the ad resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the undergroun-the wounded, reflect the people's support of antihe remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of ays, t, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 dtask of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from woundsthe re good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on(13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, whe Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ...-Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu antiled "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake cal 这一瞬间的联想让我陷入了沉思。生活是多彩的,种种诱惑常常会让我们失去了尊严、人格,而这些本来对我们来说,却是相当 重要的,出身有卑微、娇贵,但人格是可以由自己掌握的,若这些失去了,那么手上将会空空如也,人与一般动物又有何差异?“人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青”,这表现的又岂止是一种英雄的豪情,简直是人与命运抗争的一曲壮歌! 不知何时,手心多了一片梧桐树叶,我凝视着它,它不再是单薄的、弱小的、脆弱的叶子了,那枯黄早已闪烁出夺目的光芒。瞬间,我又听到了它的细语:“跳出最美的舞,这是我们所能掌握的„„” 手上突然觉得好重好重。 【记叙性散文】 盛夏,墨香正浓 盛夏极热,蝉噪浓荫。随着中考录取飞鸿临近,身为初三生的我焦虑万分,到底考得如何?能否进心仪的高中?在等待录取通知之际,我纠结百肠。何以解忧?唯有埋头读书。 自然,经历了备战的风风雨雨,努力了,不后悔,瓜熟蒂落,不必纠结;一头钻进书本,它便成为我最好的慰藉。随着高温的肆虐,书籍的墨香也越来越浓,它让我躁动的心平静下来。 -le's support of antie peopwounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect thied. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of led, dwounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment fai39, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the uring the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 19Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers d-s to the Jiangsu Taihu antigun boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift fast8Miao and Hui e cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works,rganizolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revmember Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He o Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party 墨香引我回忆。一年前的盛夏,我考得很差。午休时分,燥热弥漫在教室中,更充斥在我心里。同学们聊得热火朝天,偶尔划过几声恼人的蝉鸣,这一切喧嚣都似乎在嘲笑我的失败,真是“剪不断,理还乱”!我猛地从书包中抽出妈妈前几天给我买的《陶渊明文集》,踱到一个角落坐下阅读。渐渐,书中的文字擒住了我的双眼,目光舍不得移开半寸。我仿佛进入与世隔绝的桃花源,又仿佛看见一位鹤发童颜的老翁“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”,心也随之平静了下来。读书,让我笑对失败,品尝到了淡泊心境的味道。 墨香也让我喜悦。重温了《论语》,便忆起在一次赏析《论语》的课外班上,我小试牛刀。“‘发愤忘食,乐以忘忧’,这是对我今天要讲的人最好的诠释。不错,他就是孔子。”我的演讲在一片寂静声中展开。渐渐,书中干瘪的文字仿佛汇成一幅幅生动的图画,我没有照本宣科,而是将自己的收获讲给大家听。连自己都惊讶:平日不善言辞的我今日为何滔滔不绝。 “今天就介绍到这里。”话音刚落,教室中席卷过一阵风暴般的掌声。同学们的瞳仁中闪着羡慕,闪着佩服。那一刻,我笑了。读书,让我品尝到了成功的味道。 盛夏,捧起书本,无尽的回忆纷至沓来,能让我永远记住这些特别的味道。在沉静中笑对失败,喜悦 9n the joy Temple works, Miao and Huities ihes such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activicase against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marcrmy's the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the ad resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the undergroun-the wounded, reflect the people's support of antihe remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of ays, t, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 dtask of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from woundsthe re good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on(13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, whe Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ...-Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu antiled "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake cal 地迎接成功,并且增加了对未来的信心。此时读书,气温极高,墨香正浓。这浓浓的书香,能让我冷静面对挫折,保持心态平和。也正因为心灵受到了洗礼,面对即将飞来的录取通知书,到底是喜还是忧,我不再焦虑。 【记叙性散文】 告别青涩 柳叶因抽芽吸吮乳汁而成长,小溪因努力前进不断汇集而成江;幼鹰因坚持锻炼而翱翔蓝天;青涩年华里,我要以什么方式成长,方才支撑起属于自己的一片蓝天。 含苞待放的玫瑰向来经受不起雨滴的挑战,一直本就羞涩,又怎能直面刺眼的阳光?曾几何时,我还不懂成长的定义,我还只是一个幼稚光着脚丫嬉戏在羽翼下的孩童。 凭栏而望烟火的炫目与七彩,每一分每一秒我们都在期待一个全新而完美的自己。也曾摔伤过膝盖,划破过翅膀,而在梦的天堂,又有谁不期待飞翔?青涩或许并不是我们的代称,爱我的人们,可不可以在看到我的努力和成功之后再来评价我的所有。我还不想,还不想只是这短短的时光里你就早早的为我下了一个 e peopwounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect thied. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of led, dwounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment fai39, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the uring the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 19Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers d-s to the Jiangsu Taihu antigun boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift fast10Miao and Hui e cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works,rganizolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revmember Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He o Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party-le's support of anti 无法更改的定义,像一把厚重的枷锁,纵然万分努力,却仍挣脱不开你们的宠溺。 雨巷、青苔,天空暗暗的蓝,像害了伤害,独自一人撑一把暗色的油纸伞,耳边环绕着的是嘀嗒的雨滴声和脚步声的回璇,花季的我们,并不应该窝在父母的羽翼下苟活,只有迈出脚步,离开那温室,你方才是真的长大。的确,我们都还太小,时间还太少,来不及挽回那指尖悄然流逝的时光,来不及回报那些你还没来的及去爱这就离你远去的亲人。我是有多想重新来过我的生活,上帝却总是对我的玩笑不理睬。对于生活,我不甘心做一个被丢弃的孩子,努力、拼搏,我不怕千万人阻挡,只要自己不放弃,成功掇手可及! 我从不认为自己是有多逞强,但是在这个敢于拼搏的年纪,我不甘浪费大好时光,徘徊在走廊的一处,星光点点陪伴着我细数落叶的飘洒。流星总是爱划破夜的静谧,它总是会提醒着我,锦瑟年华里,何必浪费大好的青春,不试着去真正的成长。 妖艳欲滴的玫瑰已然开放,那一抹红温暖着我的心房,我本无知,却渴望成长。终有一日,本是孩童的我们,也将告别青涩,走出幼稚。迎面而来的,无畏是挑战、机遇,亦是困难。我期待下一秒一个更完美的自己,你呢? 11n the joy Temple works, Miao and Huities ihes such as songs and organize cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activicase against Japan, revolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marcrmy's the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the ad resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the undergroun-the wounded, reflect the people's support of antihe remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of ays, t, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 dtask of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from woundsthe re good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on(13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, whe Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ...-Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu antiled "shake up, us a lift boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". fast boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake cal 告别青涩,迎来成长。 wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers ' enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect thied. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of led, dwounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment fai39, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the uring the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 19Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers d-s to the Jiangsu Taihu antigun boat!......" Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming "Bella Ciao". Person she wanted to send boat. "Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called "shake up, us a lift fast12Miao and Hui e cultural tours and other activities, mobilize the masses, unite against Japan. Scope of activities in the joy Temple works,rganizolutionary Outlook on life education; by teaching the Feng Yang, the nation, said song, the sword marches such as songs and organized the Wujiang administrative team, run evening classes, to introduce youth to turn, the army's case against Japan, revmember Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He o Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party-le's support of antie peop
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