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初二数学补习资料初二数学补习资料 第十二章 平面直角坐标系 一、平面直角坐标系 1.如果点P(m,1-2m)在第四象限,那么m的取值范围是 【 】 1110,m,,,m,0A( B( C( D( m,m,0222 12.已知点P(,)在函数的图象上,那么点P应在平面直角坐标系中的( ) y,,,xyx2x A.第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限 3在坐标平面内,横、纵坐标都是整数的点叫做整点,若点P(2a+1,4a-15)是第四象限内的整点,则整数a= 4.((07天津)已知点P在第二象限,且到x轴的距离是2...
初二数学补习资料 第十二章 平面直角坐标系 一、平面直角坐标系 1.如果点P(m,1-2m)在第四象限,那么m的取值范围是 【 】 1110,m,,,m,0A( B( C( D( m,m,0222 12.已知点P(,)在函数的图象上,那么点P应在平面直角坐标系中的( ) y,,,xyx2x A.第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限 3在坐标平面内,横、纵坐标都是整数的点叫做整点,若点P(2a+1,4a-15)是第四象限内的整点,则整数a= 4.((07天津)已知点P在第二象限,且到x轴的距离是2,到y轴的距离是3,则点P 的坐标为 . 5.(已知点M(x,y)在第三象限,它到两个坐标轴的距离和等于17,且到x轴距离比到y轴的距离大3,则x=_______,y=_______( 6(已知点A(a,b),点B(4,3),且AB?x轴,则a?_______,b=_______( 7(如图,点A是关于的函数图象上一点(当点A沿图象运动,横坐标增加5时, yx 相应的纵坐标( ) A(减少1( B(减少3( C(增加1( D(增加3( 二、图形在坐标系中的平移 1.(08乌鲁木齐)(将点向左平移1个单位,再向下平移2个单位后得到对应点的坐标是 ( (12), ABAB,,41,,1,12.(2010年 中考模拟)在平面直角坐标系中,已知线段的两个端点分别是,,,,, ,,,,ABABAB,22,将线段平移后得到线段,若点的坐标为,则点,, y 的坐标为( ) 43,34,,,12,,,21,A( B( C(D( ,,,,,,,, 3.如图,在直角坐标系中,右边的蝴蝶是由左边的蝴蝶飞过去以后得到 x O 的,左图案中左右翅尖的坐标分别是(,4,2)、(,2,2),右图案中左 翅尖的坐标是(3,4),则右图案中右翅尖的坐标是 . 第3题图 4.(06南京)在平面直角坐标系中,平行四边形ABCD顶点 A、B、D的坐标分别是(0,0),(5,0)(2,3),则C点 的坐标是( ) A((3,7) B.(5,3) C.(7,3) D.(8,2) 5. 如图,点A坐标为(-1,1),将此小船ABCD向左平移2个单位, 再向上平移3个单位得A′B′C′D′( (1)画出平面直角坐标系; (2)画出平移后的小船A′B′C′D′,写出A′,B′,C′,D′各点的坐标 Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in section-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-a good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, hands-on, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problem-oriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve the people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and self-discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further corrective action implementation. 6(如图,在平面直角坐标系中,A(-3,4),B(-1,2),O为原点,求?AOB的面积( 7(如图,已知点A,点B的坐标分别为A(1,3),B(5,0),在x轴上是否存在点P,•使?PAB为等腰三角形,若存在请直接写出P点的坐标;若不存在,请说明理由( 第十三章 一次函数 一、 函数自变量取值范围 x,11(函数,自变量x的取值范围是( ) y,x x,0x,0A.x?-1 B.x0 C.x>-1且 D.x?-1且 , 二、函数的图象 1(小明骑自行车上学,开始以正常速度匀速行驶,但行至中途自行车出了故障,只好停下来修车。车修好 后,因怕耽误上课,他比修车前加快了骑车速度匀速行驶。下面是行驶路程s(米)关于时间t(分)的函 数图像,那么符合这个同学行驶情况的图像大致是 ( ) A B C D A( B( C( D( 2(图1是水滴进玻璃容器的示意图(滴水速度不变),图2是容器中水高度随滴水时间变化的图像. 给出下列对应:(1):(a)——(e) (2):(b)——(f) (3):(c)——h (4):(d)——(g)其中正确的是( ) A((1)和(2) B.(2)和(3) C. (1)和(3) D.(3)和(4) weak nstruction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the partyte the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current coe people, to better promooriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve th-e. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problemree "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change imagon, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Th-ruction and other key, think, often, more active, handsconst iver, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilizationlief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother Re all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, bea good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. W-oyal clean play, Jiao Yululevel cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the l-pose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in sectionfe And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purli ne rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook onShang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipli2ctive action implementation.m problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further correuld closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the penduludiscipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres sho-sense, honesty and self 3、矩形的周长是16cm设一边长为xcm,另一边长为ycm. (1)求y关于x的函数关系式,并写出自变量x的取值范围; (2)作出函数图象; (3)若P(x,y)点是该图象上的一动点,点A的坐标为(6,0),设?OPA 的面积为S,用含x的解析式表示S 4((2008泰州市)2008年5月12日14时28分四川汶川发生里氏8.0级强 力地震(某市接到上级通知,立即派出甲、乙两个抗震救灾小组乘车沿同一 路线赶赴距出发点480千米的灾区(乙组由于要携带一些救灾物资,比甲组迟出发1.25小时(从甲组出发 (千米)、y(千米)与时间x(小时)时开始计时)(图中的折线、线段分别表示甲、乙两组的所走路程y甲乙 之间的函数关系对应的图像(请根据图像所提供的信息,解决下列问题: (1)由于汽车发生故障,甲组在途中停留了 小时;(2分) (2)甲组的汽车排除故障后,立即提速赶往灾区(请问甲组的汽车在排除故障时,距出发点的路程是 多少千米,(6分) (3)为了保证及时联络,甲、乙两组在第一次相遇时约定此后两车之间的路程不超过25千米,请通过 计算说明,按图像所表示的走法是否符合约定((4分) 三、函数解析式 1.春野樱买了一张面值100元的IC卡从A地向B地打长途电话,按通话时间收费,3分钟内收2.4元,以后每超过1分钟加收1元,春野樱第一次通话t分钟(3?t?45),则IC卡上所余的费用y(元)与t(分)之间的关系是____________________________. 2.已知直线y,kx,b平行于直线y=-3x+4,且与直线y=2x-6的交点在x轴上,求此一次函数的解析 3(已知y,2与x 成正比例,且x,1时,y,,6,则y与x的函数关系是_______ . 4(请写出一个符合下列全部条件的函数解析式_______________________: (1)图象不经过第三象限,(2)当x<-1时y随x的增大而减小,(3)图象经过点(1,-1) isconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on thdiscipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical m-ciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and selfamme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, conse people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education progroriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve th-on problem insiste, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we , courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real changon, disciplined and strict rules, play-ater in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, handsess, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, wc Procn awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulirs "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situatioa good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party membe-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-iously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in sectionconsc right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; tosistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height con3he Foundation for further corrective action implementation.ying te standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", la 四、一次函数 1(一次函数y=kx-b和正比例函数y=kbx在同一坐标系内的大致图像不可能的是( ) 2(函数y= -x+b当自变量x的取值范围是-3计划
建A、B两种户型的住房共80套,该公司所筹资金不少于2090万元,但不超过2096万元,且所筹资金全部用于建房,两种户型的建房成本和售价如下表: A B 成本(万元/套) 25 28 售价(万元/套) 30 34 (1)该公司对这两种户型住房有哪几种建房方案, (2)该公司如何建房获得利润最大, (3)根据市场调查,每套B型住房的售价不会改变,每套A型住房的售价将会提高a万元(a>0),且所建的两种住房可全部售出,该公司又将如何建房获得利润最大, 注:利润=售价,成本 discipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres sho-sense, honesty and selfweak nstruction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the partyte the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current coe people, to better promooriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve th-e. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problemree "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change imagon, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Th-ruction and other key, think, often, more active, handsconst iver, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilizationlief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother Re all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, bea good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. W-oyal clean play, Jiao Yululevel cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the l-pose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in sectionfe And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purli ne rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook onShang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipli4ctive action implementation.m problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further correuld closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the pendulu 2.(06河北) 甲、乙两个工程队分别同时开挖两段河渠,所挖河 图象与信息 渠的长度与挖掘时间之间的关系如图1所示,请ymxh,,,, ym,,根据图象所提供的信息解答下列问题: ?乙队开挖到30m时,用了 h( 60甲 50开挖6h时甲队比乙队多挖了 m; 乙 06??x?请你求出:?甲队在的时段内,与之间的yx30 26??x函数关系式;?乙队在的时段内,与之间的yx xh,,2O 6 函数关系式; 图1 ?当为何值时,甲、乙两队在施工过程中所挖河渠的长度相x 等, 3(自2010年6月1日起我省开始实施家电以旧换新政策,消费者在购买政策限定的新家电时,每台新家电用一台同类的旧家电换取一定数额的补贴.为确保商家利润不受损失,补贴部分由政府提供,其中三种家 电的补贴方式如下表: 补贴额度 新家电销售价格的10% 说明:电视补贴的金额最多不超过400元/台; 洗衣机补贴的金额最多不超过250元/台; 冰箱补贴的金额最多不超过300元/台. 为此,某商场家电部准备购进电视、洗衣机、冰箱共100台,这批家电的进价和售价如下表: 家电名称 进价(元/台) 售价(元/台) 电视 3900 4300 洗衣机 1500 1800 冰箱 2000 2400 设购进的电视机和洗衣机数量均为x台,这100台家电政府需要补贴y元,商场所获利润w元(利润=售价-进价) (1)请分别求出y与x和w与x的函数表达式; (2)若商场决定购进每种家电不少于30台,则有几种进货方案,若商场想获得最大利润,应该怎样安排进货,若这100台家电全部售出,政府需要补贴多少元钱, y yxa,, 2六、一次函数与方程(组)、不等式的关系 ykxb,,yxa,,1、(2007浙江金华)一次函数与的图象如图,则下12O 3 x ykxb,, 1 k,0a,0x,3yy,列结论?;?;?当时,中,正确的个数是第1题 12 ( ) A(0 B(1 C(2 D(3 , courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Three "reform" as the core of real changon, disciplined and strict rules, play-ater in ecological civilization construction and other key, think, often, more active, handsess, protection of the mother River, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, wc Procn awareness, awareness, awareness, belief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulirs "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. We all party members to further enhance political par core, situatioa good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party membe-level cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the loyal clean play, Jiao Yulu-iously practice the party's purpose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in sectionconsc right of worldview, and Outlook on life And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; tosistent; any when are put discipline rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set Shang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height con5he Foundation for further corrective action implementation.ying te standard control, check the pendulum problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laisconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres should closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on thdiscipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical m-ciousness, purpose of the party weak sense, honesty and selfamme, in view of the current construction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, conse people, to better promote the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education progroriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve th-on problem insiste, completely change, and change image. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we kxb,,与坐标轴的两个交点分别为A(2,0)和B(0,,3),则不等2、如图2,3,18所示,直线y kxb式,,3?0的解为( ) 图2,3,18 A、?0 B、?0 C、?2 D、?2 xxxx 3、已知关于的一次函数,,2,7在,1??5上的函数值总是正数,则的取值范围是yxmxmxm_____________。 y 4.已知,直线y=2x+3与直线y=-2x-1. (1) 求两直线交点C的坐标; A (2) 求?ABC的面积. (3) 在直线BC上能否找到点P,使得S=6,若能,请求出点 ?APCC P的坐标,若不能请说明理由。 x B 七、综合题 1(如图,直线y = kx+6与x轴y轴分别相交于点E,F. 点E的坐标为(- 8, 0), 点A的坐标为(- 6,0). 点P(x,y)是第二象限内的直线上的一个动点。 (1).求K的值; (2).当点P运动过程中,试写出?OPA的面积S与x的函数关系式,并写出自变量x的取值范围; (3).探究:当P运动到什么位置(求P的坐标)时,?OPA的面积为27,8,并说明理由 y F E x A O const iver, rural safety water drinking project, construction of flood control and drought relief, water in ecological civilizationlief and faith, according to positions, downtown River regulation, diversion of hydraulic Process, protection of the mother Re all party members to further enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness, bea good cadre of" activities carried out in the ordinary party members "practicing pioneer standard post set up" activities. W-oyal clean play, Jiao Yululevel cadres above to be a benchmark, play an exemplary role, "adhere to the l-pose, keeping qualities. CPC requirements in sectionfe And to lead a clean slim family, always adhere to the Communists ' spiritual home; to consciously practice the party's purli ne rules is in front, enhanced organization concept, and obey Organization decided; to set right of worldview, and Outlook onShang, and action Shang with to XI comrade for General Secretary of Central keep height consistent; any when are put discipli6ctive action implementation.m problem, pinpoint problems, get real, deep, identification, find the main "target", laying the Foundation for further correuld closely real life personal and ideological work, reflections on the standard control, check the penduludiscipline awareness is not strong, depressed, six issues of ethical misconduct. Vast numbers of party members and cadres sho-sense, honesty and selfweak nstruction of the party, proposed to focus on solution of fuzzy ideals and beliefs waver, consciousness, purpose of the partyte the water conservancy work. First of all, to find the problem. I'm learning education programme, in view of the current coe people, to better promooriented, enhance the awareness of problems, problems of reform in place, continuous improvement in style, to better serve th-e. This fundamental aim of education in order to solve the problem, for this reason, we insist on problemree "reform" as the core of real change, completely change, and change imagon, disciplined and strict rules, play, courage, give full play to the exemplary role, the successful completion of tasks. Th-ruction and other key, think, often, more active, hands
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