

2012-02-28 14页 doc 165KB 36阅读




每日一句英语 每日一句英语 (Learning English every day.) All the credit goes to you. 这完全都得归功于您呀! 今天的几个句子是有关表扬的: I got a promotion today. 今天我被提升了。 My teacher praised me today. (今天老师表扬我了。) What a nice dress! 多漂亮的裙子呀! You deserve all the credit. 非常出色! Watch out! Don't play with th...
每日一句英语 (Learning English every day.) All the credit goes to you. 这完全都得归功于您呀! 今天的几个句子是有关表扬的: I got a promotion today. 今天我被提升了。 My teacher praised me today. (今天老师表扬我了。) What a nice dress! 多漂亮的裙子呀! You deserve all the credit. 非常出色! Watch out! Don't play with that thing. 危险,别淘气。 今天的几个句子是有关教诲、告诫的: 1.Don't leave things half done. 你别半途而废。 2.I'm ready to throw in the towel. 我认输了。 3.It's your responsibility. 这是你分内的工作。 4.(It's) better safe than sorry. 保得安全总比后悔好。 Let me give you a piece of advice. 我得提醒你一句。 今天的几个句子是有关提醒的: 1.You should be careful! 你得多加小心! 2.It's not as easy as it sounds. 并不像听起来的那么容易。 3.Think twice before you do it. 三思而后行。 4.Let's not jump the gun. 别操之过急。 5.You have an attitude problem. 你的态度太恶劣了。 Please go to the end of the line. 请到后面排队去。 今天的几个句子是有关制止的: 1.Hold it! It's time for lunch. 别干了,该吃午饭了。 2.Don't tell anyone my secret! 别告诉别人我的秘密。 3.I'm going to call the police. 我要给警察打电话。 4.Mind your own business! 管管你自己吧。 You have to duck down here. 你得躲到这儿来。 今天的几个句子是有关警告的: 1.un for your lives! 赶快逃命吧! 2.Let's get out of here! 快逃吧! 3.Get your hands off! 拿开你的手! 4.Get out of here! 滚出去。 I killed two hours watching TV. 我看了两个小时的电视以打发时间。 今天的几个句子是有关时间的: 1.The clock is five minutes slow. 那只表慢5分钟。 2.Well, it's time to leave now. 该走了。 3.Five more days to go. 再等5天吧。 4.I wasted a whole day. 白白浪费了一整天。 5.Do you have some free time? 你有空闲的时间吗! Thank you for everything. 感谢您做的一切。 今天的几个句子是有关还礼的: 1.Don't mention it. 不必客气。 2.I'm glad I could help. 能帮助您,我非常高兴。 3.Thanks, you saved my life! 谢谢您救了我一命。 4.I'm glad I could help. 能帮助您,我非常高兴。 I can't express how grateful I am. 不知如何表达谢意。 今天的几个句子是有关道谢的: 1.Much appreciated. Thank you. 真是非常感谢。 2.I appreciate your kindness. 非常感谢你的关怀。 3.I can't thank you enough.我无法表达对您的感谢。 4.Thanks for your time.耽误您时间,实在对不起。 I think you've been misled. 我觉得你错了。 今天的几个句子是有关指出错误的: 1.Whose fault is that? 那是谁的错呀? 2.That's not the point.你没说到点儿上。 3.He's poor because he's lazy. 他很穷是因为他很懒。 4.That doesn't belong to you. 那不是你的。 That's not what I want to know. 这不是我想知道的事情。 今天的几个句子是有关提出、询问的: 1.Give me a definite answer. 给我一个明确的答复。 2.Let me hear your candid opinion.让我听听您的直言。 3.I'm fairly broad-minded. 我是个有气量的人。 4.I think it is a matter of opinion. 我认为这要看个人的看法。 Will you approve the proposal? 你同意我的吗? 今天的几个句子是有关保留意见的: 1.Give me time to think it over. 请给我点儿时间考虑。 2.Do you like my idea? 你接受我的建议吗? 3.Let me sleep on it. 请给我一个晚上的时间考虑。 4.I'll see what I can do. 我得研究研究。 Can you finish the report by Friday? 星期五之前你能写完那篇报告吗? 今天的几个句子是有关含糊其辞的回答的: 1.But it will probably be sunny again. 但可能过会儿又会晴了。 2.Are the people friendly? 那些人都很友善吗? 3.It's difficult to say.怎么说呢。 4.His answer was very vague.他给我的回答很含糊。 Your idea is fundamentally wrong. 你的想法根本上就是错误的。 今天的几个句子是有关否定的: 1.Are you saying you're better than I am? 你是说你比我出色吗? 2.Haven't you been abroad? 你还没去过外国吗? 3.We don't agree on this point. 在这一点上我们意见分歧。 4.I didn't say that. 我没说那事。 I'd like a wake-up call, please. 请提供叫早服务。 今天的几个句子是有关肯定的: 1.You're perfectly correct. 我觉得你说的很对。 2.Do you mean this one? 你的意思是这个? 3.Your answer is to the point. 你说到点子上了。 4.Your opinion is reasonable. 你的意见有道理。 I refuse to believe that. 我不敢相信。 今天的几个句子是有关反对的: 1.Do you think it's true? 你觉得那是真的吗? 2.It's not likely to happen. 才不会发生呢! 3.That doesn't make sense. 那不合乎道理。 4.That's absolute nonsense.那完全是胡说八道。 I'll go and take a look right away. 我这就去看看。 今天的几个句子是有关引起注意的: 1.Don't ignore me. 别不理我。 2.I heard something.我听见有什么声音。 3.What was that noise? 那是什么声响? 4.I think I heard something. 我听见有动静。 Let me show you how to do it. 我让你看看我的做法。 今天的几个句子是有关教导的: It'll do the trick. 这样的话就会很顺利。 I'll do it my own way. 我用我自己的办法。 It's a little hard.有点儿难哦。 This is the first thing to do.首先应该做这个。 Would you mind giving me a hand? 能帮把手吗? 今天的几个句子是有关请求帮助的: Do you mind if I ask you a favor? 我可以请您帮个忙吗? I'm sorry to bother you, but can you help me? 对不起,能帮我一下吗? I'll be glad to.乐意为您效劳。 If you want to,... 请您把糖拿过来行吗? I'll try but I can't promise. 我争取去,但不能保证。 今天的几个句子是有关约定的: You can't tell anyone. 你不能告诉任何人。 Remember to bring the report. 记住带上你的报告。 A promise is a promise! 说到就得做到。 You can't go back on your promise now! 你现在不能食言。 Keep it under your hat. 别告诉任何人。 今天的几个句子是有关吐露秘密的: I have a confession.我有件事要坦白。 Who won the golf tournament? 那场高尔夫球比赛谁赢了? That is about all I know.我知道的大概就是这些。 It was a slip of the tongue.无意中说漏了嘴。 I won't say a word. 我一个字都不说出去。 Your party is on the line. 您要找的人来接电话了。 今天的几个句子是有关接电话的: Who in particular would you like to talk to? 您想找哪位接电话? 2.Would you mind calling back later?您能过会儿再打吗? I'll transfer your call.我把电话给您接过去。 I'll get your party for you. 我把电话转给负责人。 I've heard enough of your excuses. 我不想再听你的辩解了。 今天的几个句子是有关发怒的: Don't make (any) excuses!别再辩解了! No ifs, ands or buts! You will finish it today. 不要找借口,你今天怎么也得完成。 That's not a good excuse.这样也解释不通呀。 What's the big idea? 你到底在想什么呢? I can't get excited about my job. 我没有工作的热情。 今天的几个句子是有关厌烦的: No, I hear it's boring. 不,听说那电影很无聊。 My life is dull. 我每天都这么无聊。 It's for the birds. 无聊,没有意思。 I agree. It's for the birds. 没错。真无聊。 Quit telling me what to do! 用不着你告诉我该怎么做。 今天的几个句子是有驳斥的: Shut up! I don't want to hear it! 住嘴!我不想听。 2.Keep your voice down! 小点声! 3.Stop nagging me! I'll do it. 唠叨什么呀!我这就做。 4.Don't talk back to me! 别跟我顶嘴! I've had enough of your nonsense. 你开玩笑也该适可而止! 今天的几个句子是有关责备的: He's a filthy liar. 他是个彻头彻尾的骗子。 2.Knock it off. 别吵了! 3.Stop putting us on. 别捉弄人。 4.I'm not easily fooled. 我不是那么容易被骗的。 Please bring me a pot of coffee. 请送一壶咖啡。 今天的几个句子是有关客房服务的: A wake-up call, please.请提供叫早服务。 May I have a wake-up call? 早晨能叫醒我吗? Can I borrow a hair dryer? 我可以借一下吹风机吗? When will it be ready?什么时候能弄好? Here's to the New Year! 祝贺新年! 今天的几个句子是有关新年的: Cheers! 干杯! Happy New Year! 新年快乐! Happy New Year to you, too! 新年快乐! Would you help me set the table? 你能帮我准备餐具吗? 今天的几个句子是有关就餐的: What do you want for dinner? 晚饭吃什么 Is it time for dinner yet? 该吃晚饭了吧? How soon can you get it ready? 还要多久才能做好呀? It was a wonderful dinner. 谢谢您丰盛的晚餐。 Will you change the baby's diaper? 你能给孩子换块尿布吗? 今天的几个句子是有关照顾孩子的: 1.Take care of my brother and sister.帮我照看一下弟弟和妹妹。 What do you want me to do? 我能帮你做什么呢? Can you baby-sit tonight? 今晚能帮我照看一下孩子吗? I've been forgetful lately. 最近我总是丢三落四的。 今天的几个句子是有关生活习惯的: Do you often have dreams?你常做梦吗? Good for you.你真伟大。 I've started jogging.我开始慢跑锻炼。 When is this due? 什么时候到期? 今天的几个句子是有关储蓄的: When does this have to be finished by? 交费日期截止到30号。 Could I have change? 能帮我换开100日元吗? I paid out of my own pocket.我是自己掏的腰包。 I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. 我给你介绍一下我的朋友。 今天的几个句子是有关介绍某人的: I'm pleased to meet you.能认识您,我很高兴。 Don't I know you from somewhere?我们是不是在哪儿见过面? You look familiar.你看上去很面熟。 We've never met before.我们以前从来没见过。 Do you know his background? 你了解他的背景吗? 今天的几个句子是有关工作的: Which department do you work for?你在哪个部门工作? How long have you been doing that job? 这个工作你做了多长时间了? How long does it take (you) to commute? 上下班路上要花多长时间? What do you major in? 你的专业是什么? 今天的几个句子是有关学校的: Do you go to school? 你还在上学吗? I go to a cram school. 我上的是补习学校。 What are you studying? 你是学什么的? What are your plans after graduation? 毕业以后你打算做什么? Do you have any hobbies? 你有点什么爱好吗? 今天的几个句子是有关兴趣和爱好的: What are your hobbies? 你有什么爱好? What do you do when you have free time?业余时间你都干什么? What are your interests? 你对什么感兴趣? Have you ever traveled abroad? 你去国外旅行过吗? Where am I on this map? 我在地图上的什么地方? 今天的几个句子是有关问路的: You're right here, near Central Park. 你在这儿,中央公园附近。 Can you point to where I am on this map? 这条街叫什么名字? Do you know of any post offices near here? 您知道这附近的邮局吗? What's the quickest way to get to Shinjuku? 到新宿哪条道最快? Where's a taxi stand around here? 这附近哪儿有出租汽车站? 今天的几个句子是有关乘坐交通工具的: Which train is going toward Shinjuku? 哪趟车开往新宿? Where can I catch an express train? 在哪儿能坐上快车? How often do the trains come? 电车多长时间来一趟? Where can I get a taxi? 我在哪儿可以打到车? Did you book your car yet, sir? 先生,您预定了吗? 今天的几个句子是有关租车的: I'd like to rent a car, please. 我想租辆车。 What type do you have in mind? 你喜欢什么车型? What's the rental fee?租金是多少? Can I park my car here? 我可以把车停在这里吗? 今天的几个句子是有关交通标志的: No parking! 禁止停车! No, this is a no-parking zone. 不行,这一带禁止停车。 No passing!禁止超车! This is a discount price. 这已经是打过折的价钱了。 今天的几个句子是有关购物的: I'd like my money back, please. 请把钱退给我吧。 Would you give me a discount? 能再便宜一些吗? Could you exchange this, please? 您能给我换一下这个吗? Could you tell me how much it is? 您能告诉我多少钱吗? We thank you for your inquiry. 我们收到了您的咨询函,非常感谢。 今天的几个句子是有关收信的: We have received your letter of April 14, 1998. 我们收到了您1998年4月14日的来信。 We have received your letter and thank you for your inquiry. 我们非常高兴从您的来信中获悉…… We thank you for your offer. 非常感谢您为我们提供的一切。 今天的几个句子是有关致谢的: I appreciate very much that you... 您……,我们不胜感激。 We appreciate your cooperation. 对贵方的大力合作我们万分感激。 We invite your attention to your behavior. 请您对您的行为给予注意。 今天的几个句子是有关抱怨的: We are sorry to inform you that... 我们不得不遗憾地您…… We very much regret to have to remind you of... 我们不得不很遗憾地提醒您…… We wish to point out that... 我们想指出…… We thank you for raising the issue. 我们非常感谢您提出的这件事。 今天的几个句子是有关中立的答复的: We are in the process of reviewing your suggestion. 我们正在重新研究贵社所提出的 We value your suggestion highly. 我们非常重视贵社所提出的建议。 Your suggestions are being followed up by our committee. 您的建议将在我们委员会进行讨论。 We welcome this development very much. 我们非常欢迎此事有所发展。 今天的几个句子是有关显示诚意的: We will do our utmost to develop new markets. 为开发新市场我们将竭尽全力。 We shall do whatever we can to extend our service. 为了扩大服务,我们将付出最大的努力。3.We will always endeavor to offer you our most favorable rates. 我们将一直地努力提供给您我们最优惠价格。 What's the matter? You look sad. 你怎么了?显得这么伤心。 今天的几个句子是有关担心、惦念的: What's going on? 到底怎么回事? What are you worried about? 你担心什么? You look grave. 你今天看上去很悲伤。 You look sad today. 你今天怎么满脸的不高兴。 Don't concern yourself. 别想得太多。 今天的几个句子是有关安慰的:1.Better luck next time! 下次一定会走运的!2.I'm sorry, I'm late. 真对不起,我来晚了。3.It's all my fault! 都是我弄错了。4.Don't blame yourself. 别责备自己了。 You can do anything if you really want to. 只要你想做,你就一定能做得到。 今天的几个句子是有关鼓励的:1.Let's try to make him forget his troubles. 我们试着让他忘记烦恼吧。2.Come on! 打起精神来!3.Take it easy! 别那么想不开。4.Pull yourself together! 重新振作起来。 Will that be for here or to go? 在这儿吃还是带走? 今天的几个句子是有关在快餐厅里的: May I have two hot dogs, please? 我要两个热狗。 2.Anything else? 还要别的吗? 3.For here or to go? 您带走吗? 4.Will you be eating here? 您是在这儿吃吗? Are there any restaurants still open near here? 这附近有没有还在营业的饭馆? 今天的几个句子是有关预订餐馆的: Which restaurant do you recommend? 这附近有墨西哥餐馆吗? Do I need a reservation? 我需要预订吗? Is the wait long? 等得长吗? What time can we make a reservation? 可以预订几点的? I don't want to be the third wheel. 我不想当电灯泡。 今天的几个句子是有关恋爱的: He is dating another girl on the side. 他同时脚踏两条船。 I am the one-woman kinda man. 我是那种从一而终的男人。3.That's the long distance relationship. 我和我的情人分隔两地。4.I'm all over you. 我对你非常地著迷。 I just keep losting in your eyes. 我刚在你的眼神中迷失了。 今天的几个句子是有关告白的: In spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces around us,I love you. 哪怕是世界末日,我都会爱你。 Love you so I don't wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream. 爱你所以我不愿去睡觉,因为现实比梦境更美好。 It is growing cool. 天气渐渐凉爽起来。 今天的几个句子是有关问路的: The weather is growing colder. 天气越来越冷。 It's a warm day today.今天很暖和。3.It's raining heavily outside.外面雨下得很大。 Great hopes make great man. 伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物。 今天的几个句子是有关夸奖的: Great expectations; great worry.极大的希望;强烈的忧虑。 Great happiness,great danger.幸福大,风险大。 Great honour is great burden.名望大,负担重。 Make up your mind. 做个决定吧。 今天的几个句子是有关做决定的: It's up to you.你来决定吧。 That's all I need.我就要这些。 He couldn't make up his mind. 他不能做決定。 She is coming on to you. 她对你有意思。 今天的几个句子是有关爱情的: She is making a pass at you. 她对你眉来眼去的。 I feel the same way. 我有同感。 Is there someone else? 你是不是有了新欢。 I'm totally over her! 我早就忘了她了! 今天的几个句子是有关表歉意的: I'm really sorry for this.真是不好意思。 Take my word for it. 相信我。 I don't wanna talk about this anymore.我不想再聊这个了。 I'll have to see about that. 这事儿我得想一想再定。 今天的几个句子是有关安排的: 1.I'll see about your plan when I've time.我有空时, 我会考虑你的计划。 2.You have to see the secretary about your account. 你得去见秘书办理交费手续。 3.I'll go to see your uncle presently. 我一会儿就去看望你叔叔。 Let's get to the point. 让我们言归正传。 今天的几个句子是有关祈使句的: 1.Get to the point. 说出论点吧! 2.Let's get to work. 咱们干活去吧。 3.Let's get down to cases. 咱们谈实质问题吧 I'll pick up the tab. 我来付帐。 今天的几个句子是有买单的: I will square for the meal. 我来付帐。 Can I help with the bill? 能不能我来付帐? Let me have the check, please. 请让我来付帐。 I'll take your advice. 我接受你的忠告。 今天的几个句子是有关忠告/建议的: Perhaps I should take your advice. 也许我应该接受你的建议。 On this account I am refusing his offer. 由于这个缘故,我不能接受你的建议。 I understand your reluctance and I take your point. 我理解你的难处,接受你的建议。 May I ask you a question? 我可以问一个问题吗? 今天的几个句子是有关提问的: May I ask a question? 我可以问一个问题吗? Excuse me, may I ask you a question? 对不起,我可以问你一个问题吗? Could I ask a simple question ? 我可以问一个简单的问题吗? Something's come up. 发生了一些事。 今天的几个句子是有关突发事件的: Some important things have come up.发生了一些重大的事。 There were some unusual happenings at school last week. 上星期在学校里发生了一些不寻常的事。 Something unexpected happened. 发生了意外。 Could I have the bill, please? 请把帐单给我好吗? 今天的几个句子是有关付账的: May I have the check, please? 请把帐单开给我好吗? Will you bring me the bill, please? 请你把帐单拿来给我好吗? Could you please bring me the check with the coffee, please? 请你把帐单连同咖啡一起送来给我好吗? I appreciate your invitation. 感谢你的邀请。 今天的几个句子是有关感谢的: It was wonderful! Thank you very much for your invitation. 好极了!非常感谢你的邀请。 Thank you very much for your invitation. 非常感谢你的邀请。 Thank you for asking me,though. 不过还是感谢你的邀请。 I mean what I say. 我说话算数。 今天的几个句子是有关承诺的: I always keep to my words! 我一直说话算数! I must tell you that I mean what I say. 我得告诉你, 我说话是算数的。 Joking aside, I mean it. 不开玩笑(正经地说),我是说话算数的。 You've dialed the wrong number. 你拨错电话号码了。 今天的几个句子是有关打电话的: You have the wrong number. 你拨错电话号码了。 Dial the area code first, then the phone number. 先拨区号,再拨电话号码。 Put in the money before dialing. 拨电话前先把钱放进去。 I'd like a refund. 我想要退款。 今天的几个句子是有关退款的: You should ask for a refund. 你应该要求退款。 I wonder if I can get a refund for this. 不知是否能退款? Can I have my money back? 我可以退款吗? I know the feeling. 我知道那种感觉。 今天的几个句子是有关身体状况的: I feel just right. 感觉正好。 He feels below par today. 他今天感觉不舒服。 Neither shoe feels comfortable. 两只鞋都感觉不舒服。 What's the deadline? 截止到什么时候? 今天的几个句子是有关日期的: The enrollment has closed. 注册已经截止。 The deadline of the loading period. 装运截止日期。 Sign ups have already concluded. 测试报名已经截止。 What's the deadline? 截止到什么时候? 今天的几个句子是有关日期的: The enrollment has closed. 注册已经截止。 The deadline of the loading period. 装运截止日期。 Sign ups have already concluded. 测试报名已经截止。 1
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