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中级口译教材词汇中级口译教材词汇 的国家        a varied land 平坦的高地       high flat lands 肥沃的平原       fertile plains 美国的总面积达9百万平方公里   the United States covers an area of 9 million square kilometers 平缓的山坡      the genteel slopes 五大湖        the five Great Lakes 辽阔的大草原     vast prairies 坎...
中级口译教材词汇 的国家        a varied land 平坦的高地       high flat lands 肥沃的平原       fertile plains 美国的总面积达9百万平方公里   the United States covers an area of 9 million square kilometers 平缓的山坡      the genteel slopes 五大湖        the five Great Lakes 辽阔的大草原     vast prairies 坎坷起伏的牧场    rough cattle-grazing country 峰峦积雪的      snow-topped 远处便出现      appear in the distance 从富饶的谷地滑翔而下   can almost glide down into the rich valleys 历来以“民族熔锅”著称  has long been known as a 'melting pot' 经济上有很大的发展机会     great economic opportunities 宗教自由和政治自由     religious and political freedom 于是纷纷涌入美国,移民人数越来越多  immigrants from many other countries flocked to the United States in increasing numbers 1880年至1914年达到了顶峰  reaching a peak in the years 1880-1914 居民   inhabitant 分属300多个不同的部落    of the more than 300 separate tribes 如今则分散到各地       now are scattered throughout the nation 总是迁居         are always on the move 寻找新工作,换换气候,  seeking new job opportunities, a better climate 接受正式的读、写训练    have formal instruction in reading and writing 学校教育;上学      schooling 地方教育董事会     school board 督学         superintendent 学区      school district 职业     vacation 本科的;本科生  undergraduate 文学士   B.A. àBachelor of Arts 理学士   B.S. àBachelor of Science 大学文科   liberal arts 学位  academic degree 人文学科    humanities 有一些发言权    has some voice in 财产税   property taxes 可以选修一些有限的课程  may have a limited choice of subjects 为(学生)上大学而做准备    prepare them for college (课程)可能每周上两次   may meet twice a week 私人资助的学校 a privately supported training school 授予(称号、学位等), 赠与, 把...赠与,协议; 协商, 交换意见 confer 每个学院的专业各有不同  each serving a special purpose 专业课程   specialized study 同教会有关系   Many(colleges and universities) have church affiliations. 诸如此类    and the like. == and so on 所在地  seat, the seat of the national government    宪法    The Constitution         规定,供应;预备  provision, provisions for freedom of speech 镇 township              民选政府   elective government         极度的;至高的  a. supreme              司法的;公正的;明确的 a. Judicial         美国国会  Congress             民众选票   popular vote        选票  voting ballot         投票站   booth            起草人  drafter          陪审团   jury        行政的 a.  executive            立法的 a.   legislative            参议院   Senate 众议院    House of Representatives 最高法院   supreme court 过度的;不正当的; a.  undue 权力和职责    powers and activities 民有,民治,民享的政府   "of, by and for the people" 不尽职守   failing to perform their duties properly 严重违法     serious violation of law 预料到将来可能要对宪法进行修改  saw that the future might bring a need for change 规定了修正宪法的办法   provided a method of adding amendments. 逮捕,财产查抄   seizure of persons or property 及时审理  have a speedy trial by a jury of fellow citizens 防止任何一个部门获得过份的权力  prevents any one branch from gaining undue power 在…中确立的原则为基础  are based on the priciples estabilished in …. 规定法制的准则,让人民自由地过自己的生活   provide a framework of law and order in which they are left free to run their own lives. 制定外交政策,并草拟国内法律    formulates foreign policy and prepares laws from the home front 全世界的人民都注视着他   the eyes of the whole world are on him 引发一场危机     precipitate a crisis 同大国签订条约     make a treaty with a foreign power 在生效前   before it comes into force --The same control applies to laws at home. --Congress has on several occasions refused to ratify   treaties or give approval to laws proposed by the President. have the feeling that idealism has gone out the politics 会出现势均立敌的局面  This can lead to some very close contests. 时兴的话;别出兴裁   clever catch phrases 短暂停留     whistle stop tours 发数不清的演说    delivers countless speeches --is an advantage…      --the same is true of members of Congress. --It is unlikely that … 排除这种可能性                 rule out such a possibility            --protect the individual against the government --it has the authority to cancel a law which it considers violates the Constitution. --The Court sits for at least four days a week and any individual who has a grievance against the government can apply to it for help. 总司令                                     Commander in chief 武装部队                                         armed forces 准备不当的                                     ill-prepared 总理                                                 prime minister 批准                                                 ratify 总统职位                                         presidency 争取选民的游说                              wooing 独裁者                                             dictator 主要地  ad.                               principally --is often refered to as the 'free enterprise system' and can be contrasted to a socialist economy 应当指出的是                         it should be noted that --government has to some extent always been invovled in regulating and guiding the American economy --it is their dynamic interaction that makes the economy function 主要动力来自于,因而有了市场经济这个名称  the primary force being between producers and consumers, hence the market economy designation. --look for the best value for what they spend --seek the best price and profit for what they have to sell 增强公共安全感                     --promote the public security                                                    --assure fair competition                                                    --provide a range of services      不变地, 经常地, 坚持不懈地  adv.                    constantly                                                       making a dynamic rather than a static economy      消费者公开表明他们所关心的种种问题    consumers have made their concern known                                                    --and government has responded by creating….      出现的另一种情况                  in another development      因而, 从而, 这样, 如此adv.      thus         尤其是                                       above all                                                    sth. far out number                                                    this latter structure, by far the most important, permits the   amassing of large sums of money by …., making possible large-scale enterprises.      收集, 积聚(尤指财富) vt.                amass     公有制                                             public ownership   生产资料                                         means of production   实行                                                 operate   管制,调节                                     regulate   互动                                                 interaction   因此                                                 hence / therefore   同时地                                             simultaneously   大幅度地;                                     dramatically   股东                                                 shareholder   经济衰退                                         economic decline       稀奇的是,竟然出现那样的结果     Curious, the game should turn out that way.   Now,承上启下,然后       Now what do you mean by it?   各级政府                                         government at all levels   上市的股票                                     listed stock / listed securities   设在,存有                                     house, housed in a large building on Wall Street, does the bulk of trading in listed securities   证券交易所                                     stock exchange   确实地                                             literally / exactly   股票经纪人                                     stockbroker   普通股                                             common stock   优先股                                             preferred stock   经纪行                                             brokerage house / office   经纪人                                             broker   海上游                                             go on an ocean cruise   筹措资金                                         finance (the trip)   交易                                                 (negotiate) the transaction   竞价                                                 bid   妥协                                                 compromise (and agree on sth. at … $)   其他知名(证券交易所) …              / distinguished / wellknown other exchanges of note 少量的                                             slight   引语                                                 quotation   不知道                                             unaware   使用                                                 employment                                                            belongings / poccessions   解说门                                             Commentary Gate   取悦                                                 win favor of   妻管炎;惧内的                              henpecked   用不着讨论                                     there can never be any discussion as to ….   他只可能想到一个名字                 only one name be possibly suggest itself to him                                                    --sb. Has some knowledge of the work of the greatest writer.                                                    --be unaware of                                                    --make full use of                                                    --in our normal employment of English   最高级                                             there is probably no better way for …                                                    such a study is well worth the effort   自…以来                                         have changed since Shakespeare's day. 杰作                                                 masterpieces   锁事                                                 incidental details                                                    for an equally long time critics have been   理论探讨/说明                                have been theorizing about                                                    the greate mass of comment that has been written upon it                                                    fortunately this is not likely to happen                                                    have long delighted not just …but ….   评论家                                             commentators                                                    --All's well that ends well.      似非而是的;难以理解;很难设想a.                 paradoxical   比较而言                                         comparatively   出资;缴纳的费额                                 contribution                                                    --is obliged to pay a weekly contribution   出台                                         This plan was brought into being in 1948.                                                    Its aim is to …                           --person who is out of work shall receive a weekly sum of money to subsist on                           --provide a small pension for those who have reached the age of retirement                                                    --consult the doctor                                                    --register with a doctor of his choice                                                    --paying for their treatment          --During illness the patient can draw a small amount every week, to make up for his wages.          --who needs to have his eyes seen to may go to a state-registered oculist          --may draw unemployment benefit until he finds work again, this will probably do by going to a job center      从摇篮到坟墓                         looks after the people 'from cradle to grave'                                                    the blind and the handicapped(残疾,弱智)  巨大的, 庞大的, <古>极恶的, 凶暴的                enormous                                                         It is this social insurance scheme, together with the Government’s determination to see that there is full employment (or as near as can be), that constitutes what we can all the 'welfare state'   v. 维持生活                                    subsist   专科医生                                         specialist   应付的                                             payable   眼科医生                                         oculist   配制眼镜技师                                         optician   全口托牙;假牙                              dentures / false teeth   相当大的                                         handsome   孕妇                                                 mothers-to-be   --in both cases---(要把两种情况都翻译出来)   被剥削者                                         the exploited   用符合汉语习惯的语句翻译/表达     suggest        使人想到          the sight of the birds suggested a new idea for …          I tried to think what could have happened, but nothing suggested itself.   改变词的搭配,用合适的汉语表达方式               those who wish may become private patients          想请私人医生的人可以由私人医生看病 贫民窟                                             slum   从前的;一度的                              one-time   (使用机器)大量生产                  mass-produce   轿车                                                 sedan   尊严                                                 dignity   收入不足的                                     underpaid   污染物                                             pollutants   中等大小的                                     medium-sized   无铅的                                             unleaded   郊区                                                 outskirt, on the outskirts of the city          --this made it availble to ordinary man   --at the turn of the century à    at the beginning          --were much too expensive for all but the wealthy          --was himself a born mechanic          --believed in the dignity of the work          --Other industries connected with the automobile were attracted to Detroit, and more and          --more factories sprang up in and around the city.          --made Detroit their headquarters   v. 分散;                                    disperse   是任何人所不及的                 Americans depend on the automobile like no other people. 一万亿英里                             one million million miles          --was a change in fashion in favor of small cars.          --manufacturers have followed the trend.   致力于                                      are commited to building          --as part of a program of energy conservation          --take unleaded gas          --It remains to be seen, however, if the American automobile industry will ever again regain its former glory.          --she likes the security of a definite salary   --definite 稳定的   发挥,施展才干 v.      exert .    àa definite direcion in which to exert her abilities          --Perhaps the consciousness that ability will be rewarded is also important.          --He does not like to work under pressure or in a competitive environment.          --His real interests lie outside work in his love of music.   自以为是,轻率的 a.                               brash   意识                                                 consciousness   有能力的;合格的                                 competent   特许经营 n.                                    franchise   方式;煤介 n.                                          medium    直觉;预感 n.                                          hunch     政府部门                                         the government service   外交机构                                         the diplomatic service   演变的                                             evolutionary          --his satisfaction is to see things happen.          --It is the urge to bring something about that defines the entrepreneur.          --This urge is not unlike that of the painter or writer.   乐趣所在      The aesthetic satisfaction is that of seeing things happening effectively, of seeing decisions correctly made.   具体的,实在的;                                concrete       抽象的;                                           abstract   --This satisfaction is made concrete by money        --Money is the indicator of success but not necessarily the driving factor.          --History is very much on the side of the new activities.
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