

2011-12-24 26页 doc 261KB 33阅读




灵书妙探castle第三季23集灵书妙探 好了 吊灯降下来 Okay, cue the chandelier. 伊利诺伊州 那离曼哈顿十万八千里啊 Illinois? That's like 500 miles from Manhattan. 不 我知道西北大学比斯坦福大学近一点 No, I know Northwestern is closer than Stanford. 我的意思是 I'm just saying, - that's not where you want to go. - Alexis? 等等 阿什 我爸在...
妙探 好了 吊灯降下来 Okay, cue the chandelier. 伊利诺伊州 那离曼哈顿十万八千里啊 Illinois? That's like 500 miles from Manhattan. 不 我知道西北大学比斯坦福大学近一点 No, I know Northwestern is closer than Stanford. 我的意思是 I'm just saying, - that's not where you want to go. - Alexis? 等等 阿什 我爸在跟我说话 干啥 Hold on, Ash. My dad's talking to me. What? - Don't you have school? - Yes. 听我说 阿什 我了解你 Look, Ash, I know you, 我觉得你该离家独立了 and I think you need to get away from home. 我得挂了 回头再说 I gotta go. We'll talk about this later. 我也爱你 拜拜 Love you, too. Bye. 居然说"我们都该离家独立了" We all need to get away from home? 不 我永远都不离开 No. I should never leave. 我们可以上演父女版的《灰色花园》了 We can be the father-daughter version of "Grey Gardens." 《灰色花园》 讲一对行为怪异的隐居母女 你看起来好像没怎么睡啊 You look like you didn't get any sleep. 是没睡 I didn't. 阿什利接到了大学录取通知书 I mean, Ashley got his college acceptances. 他差不多哪都能去 He got in everywhere. 好啊 不好吗 Well, that's great. That's not great? 我查看了关于高中恋人的统计数据 I looked up statistics for high-school sweethearts 当其中一个去外州上大学 when one of them goes to college out of state 另一个还留在高中上学时 and the other stays in high school. 分手的概率相当高 The odds are not in our favor. 我是说 我希望他去他想去的学校 I mean, I want him to go where he wants, 但我又不想他走 他也不想走 but I don't want him to leave, and he doesn't want to leave, 但我又不希望他因为没去成梦想中的学校而恨我 but I don't want him to resent me for not going where he wants, 我真不知道该怎么办好 and I don't know what to do. 跟我学呗 概率虽小 并不代成功无望啊 Well, do what I do. Look at the odds as a challenge. 你去赌城逢赌必输 还有脸说这话 Says the man who always loses in Vegas. 维持一段感情确是难事 Relationships are hard. 但通常来说 都会有解决之道 Odds are, you'll figure it out. 通常来说 该是又有命案了 Odds are, someone's dead. 卡塞尔 Castle. 开什么玩笑呢 You've gotta be kidding me. 在维拜塔酒店发生了谋杀案 A murder in the theater of the V.B. Tower Hotel, 在维克多·拜伦的地盘上 Victor Baron's place? 死者不会正是他吧 It's not the Baron, is it? 不是 但你不会失望的 No, but you won't be disappointed. - This one's right up your alley. - Why is that? 因为被害人是位选手 Because our victim is a contestant. 选美皇后之死 听着就有猫腻啊 Death of a beauty queen, scandalous. 是啊 怎么不发生的更频繁点啊 Yeah, surprised it doesn't happen more often. 那位莫非是美国老爸 鲍比·斯塔克 Is that America's dad, Bobby Stark? 他在这干嘛 What's he doing here? 他是选美大赛的主持人 He's the pageant host. 别跟我说你是他情景喜剧的观众啊 Oh, please don't tell me that you watch his sitcom. 《家族怪癖》吗 Family Foibles? 我为人父的理论知识 Half of what I know about being a father, 一半都是从那个剧看来的 I learned from watching that show. - Hey, Beckett. - So what's the story? 据选美负责人坎迪丝·弗德讲 Well, according to Candace Ford, our pageant manager, 死者是21岁的安波儿·米德伯瑞 the victim is 21-year-old Amber Middleberry. 选手们在彩排一个众演剧目 The contestants were rehearsing a production number. 他们把灯架降下来的时候 When they brought in the lighting truss, 安波儿就绑在上面 Amber was tangled up inside of it. -"精彩"到演出都要中止 -帕穆特 你好啊 - Must've been a showstopper. - Hey there, Perlmutter. 从背后被人用她自己的肩带勒死 Choked from behind with her own sash, 死亡时间约在夜里十一点到凌晨一点间 probably between 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. 她怎么跑到灯架上的 How did she end up on the lighting truss? 据我们推断 昨天的彩排之后 Near as we can tell, the, uh, lighting truss 灯架就留在台上了 was left on stage after yesterday's rehearsal. 凶手大概觉得把她扔在这上面 Killer probably thought he'd buy some time 升上去 可以让尸体迟一点被发现 by dumping her on it and raising it up to the rafters. 那么凶手必须会使用舞台设备才行 So whoever it was must have known how to use the stage equipment. 不一定 升降控制是触屏的 Nah, the lift controls, they're on a touch screen. 挺好操作的 Pretty easy to operate. 所有选手都去参加向维克多·拜伦致敬的晚宴 Contestants, they all went to a dinner to honor Victor Baron. 十点半的时候 派对结束 10:30, the party wrapped, 他们都乘豪华轿车回到酒店 and they were all limoed back here to the hotel. 安波儿在10:43时使用过房卡进入自己的房间 Amber used her key card at 10:43 p.m. to get into her hotel room. 之后就跑到这来了 After that, she, uh, wound up here. 探长 你该看看这个 Detective, there's something you should see. 黑色小亮片 A black sequin? 是亮片的一部分 她头发里发现的 Part of one. I found it in her hair. 好的 可能是凶手勒死她的时候 Okay, so the killer might have transferred it 落在她身上了 when he strangled her. 我们去查查昨晚都谁能进这个舞厅 Let's find out who had access to this ballroom last night. 再跟选美负责人谈谈 And let's also talk to the pageant manager. 查查看有没有哪个女孩的服装 I want to see if any of the girls' outfits 安波儿·米德伯瑞有亲人吗 So does Amber Middleberry have any family? 有 只有 她爸爸 Yeah. Just her, uh, dad. 她从九岁开始选美 She started when she was 9... 小童星选美大赛 Little Miss Wholesome. 一开始我很反对的 Oh, I was against the whole idea at first, 但是安波儿的妈妈却非常热衷于此 but Amber's mom had a bug about it, and, uh, 她妈妈去世后 and after her mother died... 我想选美可以抚慰她对母亲的思念 I think it just helped her feel closer to her. 你知道你女儿有什么仇人吗 Did your daughter have any enemies that you know of? 没有 当然没有 大家都很喜欢安波儿 No, of course not. Everybody loved Amber. 那其他的选手呢 Well, what about the other contestants? 有竞争对手吗 Were there any rivalries? 她跟这里的一些女孩子交情很深的 She went way back with some of these girls. 她们 甚至在她进入半决赛后 They, even after she made it to the semifinals, 大家都来拥抱她 她们都... everybody was hugging her, and they were... 她们都说她是热门人选呢 they were calling her the front-runner, and, uh... 选美 赢得本次选美 是她的梦想 This pageant, this one... was her dream. 你最后一次和她说话是什么时候 When was the last time you talked with her? 昨天早上 我昨晚想给她打电话来着 Yesterday morning. I, uh, I tried to call her last night. 我知道晚宴结束了 I knew that dinner thing was over. 想祝她好运 I wanted to wish her luck, you know, 她却没接电话 but... she didn't answer the phone. 那是什么时候的事 And what time was that? 11点不到 A little before 11:00. 我以为她一定是睡了 I, uh... I thought she must have gone to sleep, 但她肯定是离开她的房间 but she must have left her room 不知为什么跑到这来了 and come down here for some reason. 丹 Dan. 我真难过 I am so sorry. 我们一定会抓到丧尽天良的凶手 We're gonna get the bastard who did this. 探长 不介意的话 我们楼上说话 Detectives, a word upstairs if you don't mind. 今天是沉痛的一天 This is a dark day. 拜伦全美选美大赛历史上悲痛的一页 A sad chapter in the history of Baron's All-American Beauty Pageant. 维克多 真是太可怕了 Victor, this is just awful. 内人凯拉 My wife Kayla. 你们或许也认识她 You might recognize her -95年摘得拜伦全美小姐桂冠 -久闻了 - as Baron's All-American Beauty, 1995. - Yes, of course. 见到你很高兴 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴 Nice to meet you, yes. 这真是令人心碎 对我们 对其他女孩都是的 This is just devastating, for us and... and for the girls. 我们就像一家人 We... we're like family. 你们有多了解她 How well did you know her? 她是个很甜美的女孩 出色的小提琴手 Um, sh-she was a sweet girl, a hell of a violinist. 是的 Yes, she was. 请记住我说的 我将倾尽拜伦帝国 Mark my words--I am putting the entire weight 全部的力量来支持此次调查 of the Baron empire behind this investigation. 任何需要 尽管开口 Anything you need, just say the word. 探长 我知道 你必须秉公执法 Detective, I know, uh, you have to do your thing. 我只是希望 Uh, I'm just hoping, 因为本周五我们将会直播本次选美 uh, since we are airing the pageant live this Friday, 如果能减少媒体曝光度 你明白的 if we could minimize the press, you know, 对其他女孩们公平一些 to be fair to the other girls. 我们会先为被害人寻求公平 We're gonna have to be fair to our victim first. 说到媒体 可以把摄像头都关了吗 And speaking of press, could we get rid of the cameras? 这 毕竟是一起谋杀案的调查 This is, after all, a murder investigation, 而不是真人秀 not a reality show. 我们 我们录下选美幕后 We, um, we film everything... 所有的场景 behind the scenes at the pageant. 我们希望捕捉到女孩们对彼此的看法 We like to catch the girls talking about each other, 让她们畅谈心中的希望和恐惧 let them confess their hopes and fears. 明星光环头顶绕 幕后斗争不能少 You get the glamour, but you also get the underbelly. -观众们最爱看幕后"花絮"了 -没错 或许现在该停止拍摄才对 But maybe this isn't the time. 那么所有的女孩都住在酒店吗 So were all the girls staying at the hotel? - That's right. - Okay, I'll need access to Amber's room. 我们还需要酒店的监控录像带 We'll also need hotel security tapes. 那些摄像机都录下昨天的晚宴了吗 Now were those cameras recording last night's dinner? 当然 Of course. 我们需要录影带 Okay, we'll need the footage. 还需要询问本次选美的所有参赛者 We'll also need to interview all of the pageant contestants. 我会让坎迪丝满足你们的一切所需 I'll have Candace give you anything you need. 很好 非常感谢您 Great. Thank you very much. 很高兴见到你 It was nice to meet you. 欢迎下次再来 Come again. 不 我们不要 Oh, no, we don't-- 我们不想他们再来了 We don't want them to come again. 小镇姑娘为了童话故事来到纽约 Small-town girl comes to New York for the fairy tale, 却以恐怖故事结尾 ends up with the horror story. 选美不是童话故事 Pageants aren't fairy tales. 而是一项高要求 高压力的比赛 They're demanding, high-pressure competitions 将人性中最闪亮的和最黑暗的特质都发掘出来 that bring out the very best and the very worst in people. 听起来真是经验之谈啊 That is the voice of experience. 我的天 你是选美皇后 Oh, my god. You were a beauty queen. 不是 大一时我有个舍友叫黛比·文妮科 No. I had a roommate freshman year--Debbie Winokur. 就像是和服用类固醇的艾丽·伍兹生活在一起 It was like living with Elle Woods on steroids. 《律政俏佳人》中的角色名 那么... Well, then... 这场景应该会唤起不少回忆吧 This ought to bring back some memories. 你太没精打采了 冠军永远不会没精打采的 You're slouching. Winners never slouch. 卡塞尔 到处都是 Castle, they're everywhere. 闻起来就像百货公司里的香水柜台 Smells like a perfume counter at a department store. 比平常办案遇到的无赖疯子等劲爆多了 Beats the usual lowlifes and nut jobs. 我可不会说 I don't know if you can say 疯子和选美皇后是完全不搭边的 that nut jobs and beauty queens are mutually exclusive. 是的 但是她们都与谋杀案无关 Yeah, but none of 'em connect to the murder. 我检查了她们衣服上的小亮片 I checked the sequin against all their dresses... 趁机揩油了吧 I bet you did. 没有相匹配的 And none of 'em are a match. 好吧 看一下晚宴的录像 Okay, look at the footage from the dinner. 确认一下 我们检查的衣服 Let's make sure that the dresses we checked 确实是她们昨天穿的 are the ones they actually wore. 观看美女们穿着晚礼服走动吗 Watch a parade of beautiful women in evening attire? 好 交给我吧 Yeah, I can do that. 那是当然 I bet you can. 我将这些女孩们都询问了一遍 Hey, so I've been interviewing these ladies... 那是当然 I bet you did. 有关她们昨晚的不在场 About their alibis last night. 总之 有个人你们应该去和她谈谈 Anyway, there's someone that you should talk to. 告诉他们 So tell 'em 你刚刚告诉我的晚宴后发生的事情 what you told me about what happened after dinner. 当我们回到酒店 When we got back to the hotel, 我想要一组舞蹈动作 I wanted to go work out a couple of my dance moves. 我是半决赛选手之一 I'm one of the semifinalists, 所以我在节目中有表演项目 so I get to perform in the broadcast. 祝贺你 Congratulations. 谢谢 我准备用舞蹈诠释 Thanks. I'm doing an interpretive dance 詹妮弗·洛佩慈的歌曲《我喜欢你》 to J.Lo's "I'm Into You." 然后发生了什么 And then what happened? 我换了运动服 来到了舞台 I changed into sweats and went to the stage, 然后我就听到了 and that's when I heard it. 听到什么了 You heard what? 吵架 Uh, a fight. 是从更衣室传来的 It was coming from the dressing room. 是安波儿和一个男人 It was Amber and some guy. 声音越来越大 所以我就锁了门 It started getting loud, so I bolted. 但现在我希望我当时能做点什么 But now I wish I had done something. 也许他就是杀她的凶手 I mean... maybe he's the one who killed her. 他的声音 你能听出是谁吗 His voice, did you recognize it? 不能 No. 他们在吵什么 What were they arguing about? "你怎么可以这样对我 你没权利 How could you do this to me? You have no right." 你以为你是谁" 这一类的 Who do you think you are?" Stuff like that. 听起来他有点像是她男朋友 It kinda sounded like he was her boyfriend. 刚刚是安波儿的爸爸 So that was Amber's dad. 他说他不知道女儿有交男朋友 He said he didn't know anything about a boyfriend. 其他女孩也表示不知情 Neither did any of the other girls. 也许她进行的是地下恋情 Maybe she was keeping it a secret. 他说 只有一个人知道安波儿的私生活情况 He said, if anyone knew what was going on in Amber's life, 就是贾斯汀·汉克尔 安波儿的选美顾问 it was, uh, Justin Hankel, Amber's pageant consultant. 我安排她的日常生活 采访 I coached her on her routine, interviews, 监督她的造型 化妆 衣服 小提琴课 oversaw stylists, makeup, clothing, violin lessons, 魅力展示 赢得比赛所需的一切努力 glamour shots-- everything she needed to win. 你们俩一定有很多时间在一起 The two of you must have spent a lot of time together. 那是必须的 Well, that's what it takes. 现在的选美不仅仅是漂亮就行的 Today's pageants are not just about beauty. 更关乎头脑 才艺 社交能力 They're about brains, talent, social issues. 一旦当选 奖金和媒体曝光度 实在诱惑 And what, with the money and the exposure at stake, 赢得任意一项就可以开启成功的事业 winning one of the majors can launch a career. 那男朋友呢 她恋爱了吗 What about a boyfriend? Was she in a relationship? 没有男朋友 这是我对客户的要求之一 No boyfriends. That is a rule for my clients, 安波儿也不例外 and Amber was no exception. 她知道她必须要把精力全部用在选美上 She knew that she needed to focus 100% of her energy on the pageant. 你知道吗 她死的那晚 和别人吵了一架 You know, the night that she died, she got into an argument. 知道和谁吗 Any idea with who? 不 我最后见到她是在晚宴前 No. The last time I saw her was before her dinner. 但是正如我对另外那名警官所说 But like I told that other detective, 肯定有什么事 something was going on. 何出此言 How so? 她最近几天都不在状态 心烦意乱 She'd been off the last couple of days, upset. 我接她去试衣服的时候 And I went to pick her up for a costume fitting, 她看起来好像刚刚哭过 and it looked like she had been crying. 你有没有问她为什么 Did you ask why? 她说有人想占她便宜 She said that someone was trying to take advantage of her. 我问了是谁 但是她说她会处理好的 I asked her who, but she said she would handle it. 不对我说实话 这点不像她 It j--it wasn't like her not to confide in me. 会不会是其他的参赛者 Could it have been one of the other contestants? 这些女孩为了赢得比赛都承受着巨大压力 There's a lot of pressure on these girls to win. 她们之间的关系也很阴暗复杂 And it can get really... "political" between them. 阴暗复杂的关系有没有可能最终让她丧命呢 Do you think it's possible political turned deadly? 我不知道 夺冠意味着获得名声和财富 I don't know. Winning means fame and fortune. 没人会关注第二名 No one remembers the runner-up. 再说了 比这更弱的动机都能让人萌生杀机 Besides, people have killed for less. 那还是没法解释她和谁吵架 That still doesn't explain who she was arguing with. 伙计们 我有线索了 Guys. I got something. 是其中一个女孩吗 One of the girls? 这是昨晚拜伦晚宴的录像 This is from Baron's dinner last night. 那是我们的被害人安波儿 That's our victim, Amber. 我很荣幸能来到这里 And I just feel so very honored to be here. 她在拍维克多·拜伦的马屁 She's laying it on thick for Victor Baron. 但是 那还不是最有意思的部分 But that's not the interesting part. 再看看这个 Now watch this. 这里 Ah. There. 看到了吗 See that? 看她的脸 Look at her face. 看起来不论情景喜剧之星鲍比·斯塔克说了什么 Looks like whatever good-guy sitcom star Bobby Stark said, 她都不喜欢 she didn't like it. 别光看她的脸 Don't just look at her face. 看看他的晚礼服 Look at his tux. 黑色小亮片 Black sequins. 本字幕由 YYeTs人人影视 原创制作 仅供学习 禁止用于任何商业盈利行为 更多影视更新 请登陆 www.YYeTs.com 翻译:千花 旺妹 媛媛 DJ LyraL 米苏 落末一地 时间轴:小穗 校对:大卫熊 Ethan-泽生 后期&总监:瓜瓜 鲍比·斯塔克的礼服 Bobby Stark's blazer, 多亏了选美大赛的服装师 courtesy of the costume lady at the pageant. 服装师威武 发现破绽 Bam, said the costume lady. 其他女人也纷纷表示鲍比·斯塔克 Ooh, she's not the only lady saying bam 没有刑事指控 Uh, no criminal charges, 但斯塔克名声相当不好 But Mr. Stark has quite the reputation. 去年有三名女子申请了对他的限制令 Three women filed restraining orders against Bobby Stark in the last year 理由都是骚扰挑逗 all for unwanted advances. 怎么名人八卦网上没这消息 How come I didn't hear about this on "TMZ"? 据说斯塔克付了 Oh, word is Stark paid 一大笔钱封锁消息 quite a bit of cash to make it all go away. 更精彩的在后面呢 我和坎迪丝·弗德 Oh, it gets better. I was talking to Candace Ford 及其他几个女孩交谈时 and a couple of the other girls. 大家都称鲍比·斯塔克 They said that Bobby Stark had started paying 对安波儿相当关注 quite a lot of attention to Amber. 可能关注过头了吧 Maybe it was unwanted attention. 也许鲍比不懂拒绝是什么意思 Maybe Bobby didn't know how to take no for an answer. 你在看我吗 You lookin' at me? Hmm? - You lookin' at me? - Mr. Stark, I'm detective-- 周围没有别人 你一定是在看我 Nobody else around. You must be lookin' at me. 我在学罗伯特·迪尼洛 That's my, uh, Bobby De Niro. 奥斯卡影帝 扮演一个杀人狂 Playing a homicidal maniac. 《出租车司机》中的经典角色 很像吧 Sold it though, right? 瞧 我还能演反派 See, I got this range as an actor. 这你可能不知道 You probably don't know about that 因为我通常都是以好爸爸的角色形象示人 because I'm always typecast as Mr. Nice-guy dad. 我倒不怀疑你有那本事 Yeah, well, I don't think you'll have that problem 作为谋杀嫌疑人 你装的还挺像 now that you're a murder suspect. 谋杀嫌疑人 什么 你开玩笑吧 Murder suspect? What? Is she joking? You joking? 你跟安波儿·米德伯瑞是什么关系 What was your relationship with Amber Middleberry? 不是吧 你来真的吗 我没有杀她 Oh, come on. Are you serious? I didn't kill her. 要真说有什么 我也就是想招募她 If anything, I was trying to recruit her. -The Goddess Train? - It's my own little private pageant. 安波儿是如何答复这个诱人不已的邀请的 And how did Amber respond to this oh-so-enticing offer? 坦白说 她还没想通 但已经快了 You know what? She hadn't seen the light yet, but she was coming around. 我总是能看出谁是清纯玉女 I could always tell the innocent act when I see it. 再说了 谁不想借我鲍比一举成名 Besides, who wouldn't want to ride the Bobby rocket? 据我们所知谁都不想 Everyone from what we hear. 斯塔克先生 我觉得是这么回事 Mr. Stark, here's what I think happened-- 晚餐后 你叫安波儿去了你的更衣室 After dinner, you invited Amber back to your dressing room, 她一时糊涂答应了你 and she had the bad sense to agree. 之后你又一次试图劝说她 And that's when you tried to make another pitch 登上你的女神列车 to get her on board your Goddess Train. 当她拒绝了你的时候 When she shot you down, 你恼羞成怒扼死了她 you flew into a rage and you strangled her. 你在那个舞台上彩排了一整周 You were rehearsing on that stage all week. 你先打住好吗 Would you just--just stop? 不觉得你们疯了吗 You guys are crazy, you know that? 那也许你能解释一下 Okay, well, then maybe you can explain 为什么你外套上掉下的这个小亮片 why we found this broken sequin from your jacket 会在她身上呢 on her body. 昨晚11点到凌晨1点你在哪里 Where were you between 11:00 and 1:00 a.m. last night? 我不知道 Uh... I don't know. 说真的我印象很模糊 I'm a little foggy on that, actually. 我不太清楚 但是 I'm not sure, but... 不管是谁 我们当时肯定用了草莓油 whoever it was, we were definitely using strawberry oil. 那说白了 Okay, so let me get this straight. 你昨晚既不知道自己在哪儿 You don't remember where you were 也不知道自己在干嘛是吧 or what you were doing last night? 这很糟糕 是吧 That's bad, right? 那家伙吞的药丸够开个药店了 That guy's dropped more pills than a 3-fingered pharmacist. 我实在无法相信一个在电视上 I just can't believe that someone who's given 扮演慈父的人会杀人 so much great fatherly advice on TV could be guilty of murder. 他是个嗑药上瘾的色狼 Well, he's a drug-addled predator 还不小心在尸体上留下了证据 who left physical evidence on the body. 好吧 你非要这么说... Well, when you put it that way... 我们要查一下斯塔克那晚的行踪 We need to reconstruct Stark's evening. 查下他的通话记录 Check his phone records, 仔细查查酒店的监控录像 double-check security cameras at the hotel. 我们需要确切证据 证明他出现在犯罪现场 We need hard evidence to place him at the crime scene. 我找到点东西可能有所帮助 I got something that might help. 安波儿吃晚餐时带着她的小提琴 Amber had her violin with her at dinner, 但在她尸体边和 but it wasn't with the body - or anywhere at the crime scene. - So where'd it go? 安波儿去过酒店 Well, we know Amber went to the hotel, 她可能放在房里了 so maybe she dropped it off there. 但警察搜过酒店房间 不在那儿 Except uniforms inventoried the room. It wasn't there, 她父亲和顾问也没见到 and her dad and consultant didn't see it either. 那也许她被杀的时候还带着它 So maybe she had it when she was killed. 后来被鲍比·斯塔克处理掉了 And Bobby Stark disposed of it. 查查酒店附近的垃圾桶 垃圾车 下水道 Check trash cans, dumpsters, and sewer drains by the hotel. 如果有人见到他丢弃小提琴 If someone saw him ditch the violin, 选美盛会的勾心斗角 Oh, beauty pageant intrigue. 司空见惯的故事了 Some things never change. Ah! 噢 找到了 Oh, here it is. - I didn't know you competed. - Well, that's because I didn't win. 但我告诉你 我们那时的竞争 But I will tell you, the women I competed against-- 我穿套头衫的方式 The way I wore a sweater. 怎么了 What's wrong? 阿什利做了决定 Ashley made his decision. 不妙 Uh-oh. 斯坦福吗 Stanford? 不是 No. 他决定在纽约上大学 He decided to go to school here in New York. 那有什么不好吗 What's not good about that? 斯坦福是他的梦想 Stanford was his dream. 我不想成为他的绊脚石 I don't want to stand in the way of that. 他将来会恨我的 He'll just end up hating me for it. 这将是他人生最重要的决定 And this could be the most important decision of his life, 所以我也做了个决定 so I made a decision, too. 我跟他分手了 I broke up with him. 宝贝 Oh, baby. 会没事的 No, it's okay. 她是对的 Well, she's right, you know? 高中恋爱十有八九没结果 I mean, odds are, it won't work out. 她只是很实际 She's just being practical. 谈恋爱不是做数学题 Relationships aren't math problems. 不能靠实际来解决问题 You don't solve them by being practical. 万一她遇到的是真爱呢 I mean, what happens when she meets her soul mate, 因为不够实际 就放弃努力争取吗 but she doesn't risk it because it's not practical? 夏威夷旅行怎么样 耳环呢 Okay, then what about Hawaii? Earrings? 内衣呢 Ooh. Lingerie? 肯定是给女人送礼物 Things you buy a woman. 猜猜游戏我最会了 I used to kill on "Pyramid." 是我结婚30周年纪念 It's my 30th anniversary. 恭喜 长官 Oh, Sir, congratulations. 结婚30年了 你还不知道该送她什么吗 30 years of marriage, and you don't know what to buy her? 如果你结婚的时间足够长 就会知道 I
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