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国家图书馆记录编号_88NCNU0578009 國家圖書館記錄編號:88NCNU0578009 研究生(中):黃怡如 研究生(英):Yi-Ju Huang 論文名稱(中):中英大學自主之比較研究 論文名稱(英):A Comparative Study on the University Autonomy between the United Kingdom and Taiwan 指導教授(中):楊瑩 指導教授(英):Ying Chan 學位類別:碩士 校院名稱:暨南國際大學 系所名稱:比較教育研究所 學號:86102515 學年度:88 語文別:中文 關鍵字(中):大學自...
國家圖書館記錄編號:88NCNU0578009 研究生(中):黃怡如 研究生(英):Yi-Ju Huang 論文名稱(中):中英大學自主之比較研究 論文名稱(英):A Comparative Study on the University Autonomy between the United Kingdom and Taiwan 指導教授(中):楊瑩 指導教授(英):Ying Chan 學位類別:碩士 校院名稱:暨南國際大學 系所名稱:比較教育研究所 學號:86102515 學年度:88 語文別:中文 關鍵字(中):大學自主。 關鍵字(英):University Autonomy 摘要(中) 本研究主要是採取歷史研究與參考 G.Z.F. Bereday 的比較研究兩種主要的研究, 針對英國及我國大學在人事與行政的自主、財政或經費的自主,以及大學與政府的 關係,進行比較研究。本研究之具體目的主要在於: 一、釐清「大學自主」概念之內涵; 二、探討中英大學之發展與影響其發展之背景因素; 三、瞭解中英大學自主現況與改革趨勢; 四、比較中英大學自主之異同或特色; 五、綜合研究的發現與結果針對大學自主的內涵,為我國未來大學教育的發展與相 關政策,提出具體可行的建議。 本研究所獲得的結論為: 一、我國大學行政組織之設置是以現行大學法及私立學校法之規定為依據,而英國 大學大多數係英皇所授與之「皇章」及 1992 年之後的「高等教育皇章」或「擴充及 高等教育皇章」為根本大法。 二、中英兩國大學教師的聘任方式皆採公開形式,並予以適當分級。我國大學法中 雖提及所謂的永久聘任制,但是至今仍未實施;英國大學早期教師的聘任有永久聘 任制度,在 1988 年教育改革法公布實施後,廢止了行之已久的大學教師永久聘任制。 三、中英兩國大學的校長遴選方式皆採公開形式。英國大學的校長屬榮譽職,副校 長則是實際上的行政首長;我國大學校長依大學法規定,綜理校務,但其產生方式, 公立大學須報教育部遴聘,私立大學則須報教育部核准後聘任。 四、近年來中英兩國的大學教育,均面臨經費短絀的壓力,即政府對大學之補助經 費下降,各大學必須透過各種方式增闢財源。 五、中英兩國大學與政府間之關係,近年來均有所轉變。英國受到政府經費補助之 牽制,由原本平行的「夥伴」關係,而漸改為間接的「主從」關係,我國在大學法 修訂後,則是由過去的管理者逐漸調整為監督者。 基於上述,本研究對我國大學教育的未來發展提出如下建議: 一、儘速修訂相關法規與制度,釐清大學自主的理念與範疇,授予學校更多的彈性, 並增加學校成員參與校務的機會。 二、鼓勵大學積極對外募款以增加財務資源,紓緩政府補助經費短絀之壓力,並加 強大學與社會的互動,以辦學績效來爭取社會的支持與認同。 三、參考英國高等教育經費補助委員會之組織,設置大學經費補助委員會,並成立 大學評鑑單位,確保大學教育的品質,並將教育資源做更有效合理的分配。 四、政府宜放寬大學學雜費徵收標準及招收學生人數限制,使學校能根據辦學理念 及績效,獲得所需經費,以使教育資源能更有效運用。 五、我國大學內部行政單位之職掌及分工,宜授權由各大學自行訂定,賦予大學組 織更具彈性的空間。 摘要(英) The main purposes of this study is aiming to compare the university autonomy between Taiwan, ROC, and the United Kingdom. The thesis is divided into six chapters. At first, it begins with an introduction, which explains the background of the problems of university autonomy, the motives and purposes of this study, the research methods used, the operational definitions of related terms, and the scope of this study. Then this study reviews the related literature, which focuses on the clarification of the concept of university autonomy and changes in its meaning. The focuses of the third and the fourth chapters are mainly on the exploration of historical development, as well as of the current situations of university autonomy in Taiwan and the United Kingdom, respectively. The fifth chapter is mainly a comparative study on the university autonomy between the above-mentioned two societies. And the last chapter tries to summarize the results of the study and propose related suggestions. The research methods used in this study mainly include literature analysis and the comparative research method developed by G.Z.F. Bereday. The purposes of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. To clarify the concept of the university autonomy. 2. To explore historical development of the university autonomy in the United Kingdom and Taiwan and to analyze major factors affecting the development of the university autonomy in both societies. 3. To understand the current situations and trends of reform concerning the university autonomy both in the United Kingdom and Taiwan. 4. To compare the similarities and differences in the university operation related to the university autonomy between the United Kingdom and Taiwan. 5. Based upon the comparative analysis, to make suggestions to the Taiwan's government, in concern with the future development of universities. Based on the findings of this study, the main conclusions and suggestions of this hesis can be summarized as follows: Conclusions: 1. The current internal structure of universities in Taiwan, no matter public or private ones, is considerably fixed, which is mainly regulated by the University Law and the Private School Law. However, universities in the United kingdom are organized comparatively more flexible, which are mainly in accordance with the Royal Charters granted, and the new universities after 1992, with the Higher Education Charter (England), or the Further and Higher Education Charter (Scotland). 2. The teaching faculty of universities both in Taiwan and the United Kingdom is all appointed through publicized advertisement or an open and considerably fair procedure. Although the rankings and titles of the teaching faculty in universities in these two societies are different, there are different ranks for the teaching faculty in universities in both societies. In Taiwan the ranks of university teachers are fixed and unified as professor, associate professor, assistant professor, and instructor, while the rank of university teachers in the United Kingdom is more flexible, which vary with universities or departments. Besides, in Taiwan, the revised University Law of 1994 noted and introduced the term of tenure for teachers in universities in Taiwan, but no detailed definition or regulation has ever been provided in that Law, and accordingly no university in Taiwan has ever implemented this tenure system. In the United Kingdom, the tenure system in universities, which had existed for quite a long time, was abolished by the 1988 Education Reform Act. 3. The Chancellor or President of the universities is also appointed through publicized procedure. But the Chancellor of the British universities is mainly an honorary post, the real key person in charge of the university administration in the United Kingdom is the Vice- Chancellor. In Taiwan, although the president of the university is the head of university, the appointment procedure of the university president is regulated by the University Law. For public ones, the university recruit committee has to submit two or three qualified candidates to the Ministry of Education for the final selection. As to private universities, the board of directors can search their own president, but the appointment of the president has to be approved by the Ministry of Education. 4. Because universities both in Taiwan and the United Kingdom are all facing the cut of the education budget of the government, universities in both societies have to raise funds more positively and actively through the corporation with enterprises and outside worlds, in addition to the income from tuition fees. 5. The relations of university to the state in Taiwan and the United Kingdom have changed in a considerably subtle way. The reorganization of the UGC to the UFC, and then to the HEFC in the United Kingdom has made the universities loose their autonomy gradually. The degree of intervention of the government to the universities has also accordingly increased. In Taiwan, as a response to the strong calling for more autonomy in the recent decade, the revised University Law of 1994 allowed universities to operate more flexibly in accordance with the development plans set by the universities themselves. And the relationship between the state and the university in Taiwan has changed gradually from the original "superior-subordinate" to a more gentle "superintendent" one. Suggestions for the future reform of higher education in Taiwan: 1. To revise the existing university law or regulations related to the operation of universities as soon as possible, in order to clarify the content of university autonomy, and give universities more power to make decisions concerning their development. 2. The government should encourage universities to get in touch with outside worlds, to cooperate with industry or enterprises, so that they are able to raise more funds from enterprises or private agencies, and to operate more efficiently. 3. To set up a funding council similar to the HEFC in the United Kingdom, which can be responsible for allocating government grants or education funds on the one hand, and can avoid the direct intervention of the government to the university. In the meantime, the establishment of an evaluation body for university education is also necessary if the university quality is to be assured. 4. The existing limitations on the tuition fees charged, on the number of students each university can recruit, and on the set up of new departments in universities, etc. should be released, so that universities in Taiwan could have more autonomy to operate at their best interests. 5. The current restrictions on the internal structure of universities in Taiwan should also be released, so that universities in Taiwan can have more flexibility to set up their own internal organizations and establish their unique characteristics. 論文目次 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究問題背景 第二節 研究動機與目的 第三節 研究方法與步驟 第四節 名詞釋義與研究範圍 第二章 大學自主概念之內涵與沿革 第一節 大學之緣起與發展 第二節 大學自主與學術自由概念之探討 第三節 影響我國大學自主之歷史發展與背景 第四節 影響英國大學自主之歷史發展與背景 第三章 我國大學自主之現況分析 第一節 我國大學之人事自主 第二節 我國大學之經費自主 第三節 我國大學與政府之關係 第四章 英國大學自主之現況分析 第一節 英國大學之人事自主 第二節 英國大學之經費自主 第三節 英國大學與政府之關係 第五章 中英大學自主之比較分析 第一節 人事自主之比較 第二節 經費自主之比較 第三節 大學與政府關係之比較 第六章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 建議 參考書目 附錄 參考文獻 《中文部份》 人本教育電子報 (1999)。大學抬高學雜費,教部權力下放有漏洞【 on line】 http://hef.yam.org.tw/newpage25.htm 大學高等教育改革促進會(1993)。台灣高等教育白皮書。台北:時報文化。 王如哲(1994)。英國高等教育發展的新趨勢-兼論對我國高等教育發展的啟示。高教 簡訊,40 期。 王如哲(1997)。英國大學經費補助機制的演變。載於歐用生主編之新世紀的教育發展。 台北:師大書苑。 王如哲(1998)。高等教育財政制度悜^國個案分析。論文發於 11 月 29 日中華民國 比較教育學會主辦之「兩岸青年學者論壇---二十一世紀大學的管理與發展」學術研 討會。 王保進(1997)。大學教育評鑑之內涵分析。載於陳漢強主編之大學評鑑,161-217 頁。 台北:五南。 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