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职场英语潮词:让人头疼的workplacebully职场英语潮词:让人头疼的workplace bully  潮词:让人头疼的workplace bully  在很多影视作品中,我们都看到过以强欺弱的画面,可能是在监狱、在学校或者在工厂。这样的欺凌行为在英语中统称为bullying,而发出这样行为的人就是bully。今天我们要说的,是在职场处处为难别人的workplace bully。   If you are often humiliated, belittled or called names by a colleague, you could be facing a wo...
职场英语潮词:让人头疼的workplace bully  潮词:让人头疼的workplace bully  在很多影视作品中,我们都看到过以强欺弱的画面,可能是在监狱、在学校或者在工厂。这样的欺凌行为在英语中统称为bullying,而发出这样行为的人就是bully。今天我们要说的,是在职场处处为难别人的workplace bully。   If you are often humiliated, belittled or called names by a colleague, you could be facing a workplace bully. The bully’s remarks and actions may seem harmless at first but they are meant to be offensive and to show you in a poor light。   如果你频繁被某个同事羞辱、蔑视或者辱骂,你面对的可能是一个“职场霸王”。这位“霸王”的言行起初可能并不会对你造成伤害,但其中的冒犯之意是显而易见的,而且会让你处于弱势地位。   Here are five situations a bully might put you in:   以下是常见的五种“霸王”行径:   1. Constant prodding at meetings   Some bullies take pleasure in interrupting you when you are making a presentation or are talking in an important meeting. They may ask questions unrelated to the presentation, or questions that could have waited till the end。   1. 在会议上处处针对你   有些“职场霸王”喜欢在你做演示或在重要会议上发言时打断你,并以此为乐。他们可能会问一些跟演示无关的问,或者问一些本来可以等到会议结束时再问的问题。   2. Taking credit for your work   Another tactic that a bully might use is to take credit for your work。   2. 抢走你的工作成果   他们的另一个策略是把你的工作成果据为己有。   3. Burdening you with extra work   Newcomers to an organization sometimes get stuck with work over and above their job description。   3. 给你指派很多额外的工作   新进人员有时候会被很多职责范围以外的工作所负累。   4. Jokes at your expense   If your colleague often makes fun of you or passes sarcastic remarks about you or your work, it may be more than just banter。   4. 拿你开涮   如果你的同事时常取笑你,或者对你或你的工作冷嘲热讽,这些可能并不仅仅是玩笑话。   5. Indecent remarks   Women at work sometimes have to hear indecent remarks or put up with glances that make them uncomfortable。   5. 下流言论   职场女性时不时会听到一些下流的言论,或者遭遇让她们不自在的眼神。  
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