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5岁宝宝成长指标5岁宝宝成长指标 5岁宝宝的成长指标 体格发育 体重 男宝宝为18.89公斤,女宝宝为18.45公斤。 身长 男宝宝为111.72厘米,女宝宝为111.05厘米。 头围 男宝宝为50.98厘米,女宝宝为50.12厘米。 胸围 男宝宝为54.45厘米,女宝宝为53.24厘米。 神经精神的发育 运动机能 会从三级或四级台阶上跳下;会跑着做游戏,如抢球;会跳绳、溜冰。 会拿榔头钉钉子;能把玩具摆整齐;喜爱爬树。 歌唱得较好,在音乐伴奏下舞跳得很好。 心智 会临摹画三角形;会抄写名字,还可能会写别的字。 会把纸对折;至少能...
5岁宝宝成长指标 5岁宝宝的成长指标 体格发育 体重 男宝宝为18.89公斤,女宝宝为18.45公斤。 身长 男宝宝为111.72厘米,女宝宝为111.05厘米。 头围 男宝宝为50.98厘米,女宝宝为50.12厘米。 胸围 男宝宝为54.45厘米,女宝宝为53.24厘米。 神经精神的发育 运动机能 会从三级或四级台阶上跳下;会跑着做游戏,如抢球;会跳绳、溜冰。 会拿榔头钉钉子;能把玩具摆整齐;喜爱爬树。 歌唱得较好,在音乐伴奏下舞跳得很好。 心智 会临摹画三角形;会抄写名字,还可能会写别的字。 会把纸对折;至少能说出四种颜色。 能说出一星期有几天,能判断两件物品中哪一件重。 会数1-10,做5天之内的加法。 会画一个从头到脚各部分都完整的人。 开始理解昨天和明天的含义。 能先思考然后把图画在纸上。 提问比以前较少,但提出的问题较有意义;回答切题。 根据用途给物体下定义:如球是扔的,车是骑的。 开始对物品进行归类。 记忆力相当好。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 有2000个以上的词汇;能重复10个或10个以上音节的句子。 社会发育 对家庭人员的关系感兴趣,如舅舅是妈妈的兄弟。 喜欢与别人交往和上幼儿园的机会。 喜欢完成他开始做的事情。 会继续玩前一天玩的内容;在游戏中扮演熟悉的真实角色,如医生、警察。 在家中可帮助做事,甚至照顾年幼的弟妹。 如果迷路,能保持平静,说出姓名、地址。 开始懂礼貌,大方、友好;与想象中的伙伴和其他2-5名小朋友一起玩,尤其爱玩“乔装打扮”的游戏。 知道钱的重要性,但不是钱本身,而是钱能买他想买的东西。 养育要点 膳食 除了给孩子正常吃三餐以外,下午的点心仍必不可少。点心可以是几片饼干,一些水果。三餐要注意营养均衡,品种多样,荤素搭配。从小要培养孩子良好的饮食习惯,平时控制零食,少吃油腻、高脂肪的食品,做到不挑食、不偏食。 游戏和教育 5岁的孩子词语丰富,他可以按照图书上的“人物”改编故事,自说自话,甚至还要讲给妈妈听,妈妈听完后要表扬一番,鼓励他以后这样做,这对促进语言发展有帮助。通过角色扮演的游戏,发展孩子对人与人管系的认知,学习放弃个人的某些欲望,以便和他人达成共识,从而分享参与团体活动的乐趣。 和孩子一起探索世界,分清现实与幻想。 ? 每个宝宝之间都有差异,我们提供的只是一个平均值(上海市区1995年宝宝幼儿体格发育五项指标)。您孩子的发育或早或晚于这个都是正常的,如果相差得太远,建议您向专家咨询。 5岁孩子的养育要点 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 饮食: 牛奶200~400毫升,鸡蛋一个.其他主副食酌量。 不要让孩子养成吃炸、腌、熏制食品习惯。 注意粗细搭配,荤素搭配,干稀搭配,保证营养的均衡。 制作时,尽量减少食物中营养流失,如蔬菜不宜炒得过久,面食以做大饼营养流失最少。 冷饮不宜喝得过多。 孩子从幼儿园回来后,适当加一些零食。 给孩子喝足够的水。 起居: 保证10~12小时的睡眠。 衣着要舒适,便于运动、穿脱。 讲究卫生,每天早晚刷牙,尽量每天洗澡。 居室要通风,被褥经常日晒,保持清洁。 教育策略 为孩子创造与小朋友交往的机会,鼓励孩子与小朋友交往。 培养孩子倾听别人说话的技巧,这是孩子具有良好修养和个性品质的表现。 培养孩子对表演的兴趣,挖掘孩子的意识潜能,使其具有良好的艺术修养和品质。 让孩子走进大自然,有利于培养孩子的良好性情。 多给孩子读现象力丰富的故事,发展孩子的创造性思维。对孩子的奇思异想不要泼冷水。 重视孩子的道德意识培养。在生活中,明确告诉孩子什么是对的,什么是错的,使孩子逐形成对公德的认识。帮助孩子分析已经发生的事,让孩子明白自己行为的后果。让孩子注意观察,学会自我判断是与非,好与恶。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 称赞孩子不要过分。过多称赞中长大的孩子无法辨认真假、好坏、成功与失败。 让孩子学会尊重他人,做有礼貌、有教养的孩子。 发展指标 知道一周有几天,能认识时钟日历; 能辨认3-5种几何体以及了解面与体的关系; 能发现简单事物的因果关系,会判断推理,形成守恒概念; 会推测故事中人物的心理活动和内心想法; 能为了别人、集体自觉地改变自己的愿望; 性格活泼大方、开朗、自信、敢于竞争; 会做一些简单性的劳动。 宝宝成长指标----4-5岁 运动 现在,你的孩子已经具有成人的协调和平衡感。可以看到孩子以大而有力的自信步伐走和跑、不扶栏杆上下楼梯、脚尖站立、在一个圆圈中旋转和来回蹦跳。他的肌肉力量也强得足以完成一些挑战性的任务,例如翻筋斗和立定跳远。 孩子渴望别人承认他的能力和自立,在外出时经常走在你的前面。然而,他的运动能力仍然领先于判断能力,因此你要不停的提醒他等你一会儿,并在过马路时牵住他的手。在他处于任何靠近水源的地方,监护一样重要,即使孩子会游泳,他也不会游得很好或很长时间。 手和手指的技能 ,岁孩子的协调和运用手指的技能基本上已经发育完全,结果他更会照顾自己。几乎不需要任何帮助就会刷牙并自己穿衣服,甚至会自己系鞋带。因为对手的控制能力越来越好,现在孩子对艺术和画图感到更加激动。他最喜欢的活动包括:写和画——用一只手按住纸,另一只手拿铅笔和蜡笔;追踪和描绘一个几何图形,例如星状或钻石状;卡片和纸牌游戏;用刷子和手指涂鸦;捏泥巴;切割和粘贴;用许多积木搭建复杂的结构。这种活动不仅可以锻炼使用并改善许多已经掌握的技能,也会使孩子体验到创造的乐趣。此外,在这些活动中获得成功,会增加孩子的自尊心。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 语言发育 在大约,岁时,孩子的语言技能开始飞速发育。现在他已经可以发出大多数声音,但也有例外,有些发音对他可能还是比较困难的。现在他已经可以用包括更多文字的句子讲述故事,他不仅能告诉你发生的事情,也会向你讲述梦中和幻想的事情。 本阶段孩子可能学会很多骂人的词汇。在他看来这是所有词汇中最强有力的。他听到大人在非常生气或情绪大起大落时说这些话,当他使用这些词汇时,也会得到非常强烈的反应。因此尽量不使用这些词汇,即使在你非常生气的时候。此外,孩子说这些词汇时,不给与过多关注也是尽量减少他使用的一个方法。 在孩子烦恼时,他会使用侮辱性词汇。如果孩子说“我恨你~”,他真的意思是“我非常生气,我想让你帮助我分担我的情感。”教授他一些词汇,使得他能够告诉你他的感受如何。 认知发育 ,岁的孩子正在开始探索今后要在学校里更加详细学习的许多基本概念。例如,现在他可以理解一天可以分为上午、下午和晚上,一年有不同的季节。在他进入幼儿园时,他会知道一周有几天,每天可以以小时和分钟计算。他也会理解计数、字母、大小关系和几何形状名称的基本概念。 除了探索实用的概念以外,你也可以发现,岁的孩子的许多问题会涉及“宇宙”方面,例如世界的起源、死亡与濒死以及太阳和天空的成分。例如,他会问的最经典的问题“为什么天空是蓝色的,”你可能难以回答这些问题,特别是用孩子可以理解的简单语言回答,不要虚构答案,助于适合孩子的儿童书籍解决这些问题。 社交能力发育 ,岁时,孩子可能已经主动与许多朋友进行社会交往了,甚至他会有一个“最好”的朋友(并不总是和他的性别相同)。 本阶段的孩子已经认识到他的朋友不仅仅是游戏伙伴,朋友也会对他的思维和行为产生重要影响。他非常渴望与他的朋友保持一致,甚至在相处期间他们的行为会超越你从他出生起就教给他的原则与标准。他现在已经认识到除你之外,生活还有其他有价值和意义的事,他会要求一些你从来不允许的事情来验证自己的新发现——某些玩具、食物、衣服和要求观看某些电视节目。 尽管这时的孩子正在探索“好”和“坏”的概念,但他的道德观仍然非常简单。因此,在他很认真遵守某项规则时,并不是因为他可以理解或同意,而更有可能他在避免惩罚。在他们的思维中,所有结果都是故意的。因此他打破一些有价值的东西时,他可能认为是做了坏事,不管他是不是故意的。因此要教会孩子区别意外和错误行为。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and 情感发育 像,岁的孩子一样,,岁孩子的幻觉生活仍然非常主动。然而,现在他已经学会区分幻觉与真实,他可能会经常处于幻觉与真实之间,但不会经常混淆。 随着他的幻想游戏向更高级发展,如果他幻想游戏的体验包含有某种暴力成分也不要感到吃惊。打仗游戏、魔鬼、甚至捉人游戏均可以使他进入他的幻觉。这不是孩子喜欢暴力的证据,因为他还没有意识到什么是杀人或死亡,对他来说,玩具枪是一种无害的竞争方式,并可以增强他的自尊心。 ,,,岁时孩子害怕与成人交谈,但现在他可能非常友好、健谈并充满好奇心。他也有可能对其他人的感情非常敏感,无论是成人或孩子,他都喜欢取悦他们。当他看见有人受伤或悲伤时,他会表示同情与关心。这可能是对拥抱的渴望或“抚慰创伤”的结果,因为这是他在疼痛或心情不好时最想得到的安慰。 在这个阶段,学龄前的孩子可能非常渴望了解性——同性或异性。他会询问孩子是从哪里来的,并询问与生殖和分娩有关的器官。他很想知道男孩和女孩有什么不同,但,岁的孩子并不需要知道详细的答案,但他应该有提问的自由,要确保孩子得到直接的精确回答。 should be tightened, no loose, Terminal Board wiring should be one on each side, no more than two. J, shielded wire, spare wire binding order, reliable grounding. 7.7 quality standard 7.7.l cables through the cable embedded tube making use of galvanized steel pipe, tube ends without burrs, smooth. 7.7.2 pipe does not allow bending, bending the bend radius should be ? 4 times times the outer diameter of the tube in. 7.7.3 ellipticity of a bent tube, pipe diameter ? 60mm, not >8%, diameter >760mm, not >6%. 7.7.4 making cables buried piping application root production, growing where interface is required, only straight pipe, only the wire port connections, welded connections are not allowed. 7.7.5 service sleeve should have a good grounding. 7.7.6 cable trays installation, burrs and dirt and corrosion treatment should be carried out, install the bridge ... piping and piping, equipment and equipment or piping and other equipment shall have sufficient expansion gap in hot situations. metal temperature of the insulating layer (hot) = shell-wall temperature of environment temperature ? 40 ? c. 7.8.2 paint 7.8.2.l paint of equipment and pipelines should have at least a primer (red paint) and finish. paint appearance color uniform, without paint, rust, flaking, wrinkles, flow marks, scum, paint particles and visible brush marks. interlayer should be tight and without stratification. pipelines asphalt, fiber glass fabric corrosion, external appearance should never show surrounded by glass fiber cloth uniform, dense, painted pitch inspection should be no delamination, cavitation, homogeneity of asphalt coating, brushing each layer thickness in accordance with design requirements. Standard 7.9 7.9 structure placement process. 1 fair-faced concrete is a concrete surface without any decoration, structure appearance quality of concrete structure that is able to display strength and aesthetic perception of quality standards. Construction technology requirements are as follows: template template Panel selection and processing require plate high strength, good toughness and
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