

2018-04-12 14页 doc 53KB 8阅读




外国人在中国签证外国人在中国签证 Appointment Letter 聘用书 We, herewith appoint 我们,在此聘用 Mr. Thomas XX 托马斯.XXX先生 As Logistics Manager of CNTT Co., LTD (XXXX Chinese New XXXXXXX Technologies Co., Ltd) 为XXXX有限公司物流主管 XXXX Co., LTD XXXX有限公司 法人: 2010.04.01 branch Youth Committee. Follo...
外国人在中国签证 Appointment Letter 聘用书 We, herewith appoint 我们,在此聘用 Mr. Thomas XX 托马斯.XXX先生 As Logistics Manager of CNTT Co., LTD (XXXX Chinese New XXXXXXX Technologies Co., Ltd) 为XXXX有限公司物流主管 XXXX Co., LTD XXXX有限公司 法人: 2010.04.01 branch Youth Committee. Follow strict Communist Party Secretary Zhao Ziyang, Cai Yunzhong, one evacuated to Susie guerrilla zones. Yao Muzheng defected to the new anti-Jiang Liu and send sister divisions. Yao Zhiying he served as Secretary of CPC Tin South District, xinan district, Captain and guard against Japan. March 1944 was arrested 就业证注销申请 云南省人力资源和社会保障厅就业处: 诺伊特XXXXXX XX,国籍:德国,性别:男,出生日期:19XX.XX.12护照号: XXXXXX, 就业证号:CXXXXX,曾在我们公司任技术工程师,由于其与我们公司的工 作期限已满,特向贵处申请其就业证注销。 顺颂商祺 新铁德奥道岔有限公司 2011-7-18 Residence Permit for Family外国家属居留许可办理概述: 在出入境管理处办理:Please go to the Division of exit -entry administration of the City Public Security Bureau. You need to prepare these document: 1、 夫妻、子女关系证明翻译件(盖章)。原件及复印件。(结婚证原件,出生证原件) The Certification of marital relationship or the Certification of Child relationship. 2、 体检证明。4周岁以下未成年子女不需要Certificate of your family members' physical check. 3、 就业人的就业证、护照、签证。原件及复印件。your employment permit (Original and Copy),your passport and your visa(Original and Copy). 4、 住宿登记证明。彩联页(市直属机关)+公安局的介绍信+电脑打印页The certificate to proof where are you and your family live in China. 5、 营业执照、批准证书、组织机构代码证。复印件。Business license of your company, Approval certificate of your company, Organization code certification of your company.(Copy). 6、 有行文编号的公函(盖章)。The letter of application for Residence Permit for your family members. 7、 照片一张。One piece of 2 inch photo for your family members. 8、 签证、居留申请一份。Accommodation registration form for forergn nationals. 9、 本人护照。your family member's passport and visa(Original and Copy). branch Youth Committee. Follow strict Communist Party Secretary Zhao Ziyang, Cai Yunzhong, one evacuated to Susie guerrilla zones. Yao Muzheng defected to the new anti-Jiang Liu and send sister divisions. Yao Zhiying he served as Secretary of CPC Tin South District, xinan district, Captain and guard against Japan. March 1944 was arrested 居留许可申请 XXX市出入境管理处: 我公司系XXX有限公司与奥地利XX和德国XXX公司设立的中外合资企业,已于200X年X月XX日取得营业执照。我们合资的目的是为了引进世界最先进的德国XXXXX设计及制造技术,为京津城际、武广客运专线以及将要修建的京沪高速铁路提供必备的XX产品。XXX先生是德国派遣的质量主管,是我公司的关键人物,他需要办理居留许可。所以恳请贵处对我公司予以大力支持和协助,为XXX先生办理居留许可一年。 顺颂商祺 XXXXXX有限公司 二〇〇X年XX月X日 branch Youth Committee. Follow strict Communist Party Secretary Zhao Ziyang, Cai Yunzhong, one evacuated to Susie guerrilla zones. Yao Muzheng defected to the new anti-Jiang Liu and send sister divisions. Yao Zhiying he served as Secretary of CPC Tin South District, xinan district, Captain and guard against Japan. March 1944 was arrested 居留许可申请概述Residence Permit 在市出入境管理处办理:Please go to the Division of exit-entry administration of The City Public Security Bureau. 需要准备以下资料:You need to prepare these document, 1、营业执照复印件、批准证书复印件、组织机构代码证复印件;Business license of your company, Approval certificate of your company, Organization code certification of your company.(Copy). 2、本人护照、签证(原件、复印件);Your passport and your visa.(Original and copy). 3、《就业证》(原件、复印件);Employment Permit.(Original and copy). 4、有行文编号的公函(加盖公章);The letter of application for Residence Permit. 5、体检证明;Certificate of your physical check. 6、住宿登记证明(涉外酒店不须出具)彩联页(市直属机关)+公安局的介绍信;The certificate to proof where are you live. 7、签证、居留许可申请表一份(居留许可有效期以就业证为准);Accommodation registration form for foreign nationals. 8、二寸照片一张;One piece of 2 inch photo. 9、拟聘外国人“在华经历自述”盖公章;Personal statement. 10、守法情况认定表 盖公章;The form can prove your keep law. 11、邀请函复印件。Invitation letter. branch Youth Committee. Follow strict Communist Party Secretary Zhao Ziyang, Cai Yunzhong, one evacuated to Susie guerrilla zones. Yao Muzheng defected to the new anti-Jiang Liu and send sister divisions. Yao Zhiying he served as Secretary of CPC Tin South District, xinan district, Captain and guard against Japan. March 1944 was arrested This letter be issued by your company, and must use Chinese. 外国人就业证申请 XX省人力资源和社会保障厅就业处: 我公司拟聘用X国的Mr.Nall(奈尔先生)做为XX工程师,已经获得当地大使馆颁发的工作签证,并与我公司签署了劳动合同。 为便于工作,特向贵局申请办理就业证。 顺颂商祺 XXXX有限公司 200X年X月X日 branch Youth Committee. Follow strict Communist Party Secretary Zhao Ziyang, Cai Yunzhong, one evacuated to Susie guerrilla zones. Yao Muzheng defected to the new anti-Jiang Liu and send sister divisions. Yao Zhiying he served as Secretary of CPC Tin South District, xinan district, Captain and guard against Japan. March 1944 was arrested 外国人就业登记表 Employment Registration of Foreign Workers in China 姓名: 性别: 照 Name: Sex: 片 出生日期和地点: Photo Date and place of birth: 国籍: 文化程度: Nationality: Educational Attainment: 婚姻状况: 健康状况: Marital status: Health condition: 职业技术特长: 是否懂汉语: Special occupational skills: Know Chinese or not ? 来中国就业前原从事的职业、地点: The previous profession and the name of the employer before the foreign worker came to China: 是否有在中国就业的经历: Has the foreigner worked in China before : 聘用单位全称和地址: Full name and address of the employing organization: 聘用单位负责人姓名和电话: Name and tel. number of the head of the employing organization: 在中国从事的职业: Occupation to be engaged in by the foreigner in China: 许可证书号码: 发证机关: Employment License for Foreigner No.: Issued by: 护照号: 种类: 签发日期: Passport No.: Type of passport : Date of issue: 有效日期: 发照机关: Valid until: Issued by: 签证号: 种类: 签发日期: Visa No.: Type of visa : Date of issue: 有效日期: 签证机关: Valid until: Issued by : 现在中国住址和电话: Address and tel. number of the foreigner in China: 在中国就业发生意外时,国内直系亲属的地址、电话: Address and tel. number of the foreigner’s domestic kins in case of emergency: 就业证号码: 签发日期: Employment License No.: Date of issue: 发证机关: 有效期: Issued by: Valid until: 劳动合同期限: 外国人签字: Duration of the labour contract : Signature by the foreigner : branch Youth Committee. Follow strict Communist Party Secretary Zhao Ziyang, Cai Yunzhong, one evacuated to Susie guerrilla zones. Yao Muzheng defected to the new anti-Jiang Liu and send sister divisions. Yao Zhiying he served as Secretary of CPC Tin South District, xinan district, Captain and guard against Japan. March 1944 was arrested 外国人就业证办理概述Employment Permit 在省劳动厅和社会保障处办理。Please go to the Labour and Social Security Bureau in provincial capital.(The province is you want to work in). 需要准备:You need to prepare some document, each of them you need to prepare two pieces. All of them you need to stamp. 1、《外国人就业登记表》两份,在单位处盖章。The form named Employment Registration of Foreign Workers in China.(Click this link you can find this form). 2、用人单位申办《外国人就业证》的申请函,在单位处盖章。The letter of application for transact employment permit in China. 3、体检原件及复印件、批准证书、营业执照。The certificate of your physical check.Approval certificate and business license of your company. 4、《外国人就业许可证书》(正本)。Your employment license.(Original and copy). 5、《劳动合同》原件及复印件。Your Labor contract.(Original and copy). 6、护照及职业签证的原件和复印件。Your passport and your professional visa(Z type of visa). 7、二寸照片3张。Three pieces of 2 inches photos. 8、法人签字的聘用书。 branch Youth Committee. Follow strict Communist Party Secretary Zhao Ziyang, Cai Yunzhong, one evacuated to Susie guerrilla zones. Yao Muzheng defected to the new anti-Jiang Liu and send sister divisions. Yao Zhiying he served as Secretary of CPC Tin South District, xinan district, Captain and guard against Japan. March 1944 was arrested 外国人就业许可证、外国人工作签证、外国人就业证、外国人居留许可申办 外国人工作签证(Z签证)- 发给来中国工作、商业演出或进行学术交流的外国人,及其随任配偶和未成年子女。工作签证(Z签证)3个月有效、1次入境、停留期为“入境后可停留000天”。持Z签证者须在签证有效期(3个月)内入境,并自入境之日起30天内到所在地公安局办理就业手续,领取居留许可证。 港澳台及华侨同胞无需出境申请Z签证,可以直接在中国国内申请就业证和居留许可证。以下只是针对首次办理工作签证的情况整理出的服务流程。其他还有更多的外国人工作签证延期、变更等服务请往下浏览。 外国人工作签证办理 港澳台同胞工作签证办理 华侨工作签证办理 外国人就业许可证 临时住宿登记 临时住宿登记 Z签证通知书 体检 体检 外国人体检 台港澳就业证 就业核准证 出国办理30天临时工作Z签证 暂住证(港澳)或居留许可(台) 暂住证 临时住宿登记 外国人就业证 外国人居留许可 外国人就业许可证及外国人工作签证、外国人就业证、外国人居留许可申请服务一览 针对外国人在中国工作办理外国人就业许可证、签证通知书、外国人就业证、外国人居留许可,我们提供以下服务: Z0、目前持任何类型签证,第一次办理 1年多次(台湾人为5年)外国人就业许可证、 外国人就业证、外国人工作签证Z,外国人居留许可 Z1、目前持工作( Z)签证,仍在同一公司工作,希望延期1年多次外国人就业证、外 国人工作签证,外国人居留许可 Z2、目前持工作( Z)签证,变更工作单位,希望变更延期1年多次外国人就业证、外 国人工作签证,外国人居留许可 Z3、公司注册资金实到超过 300万美金,第一次办理2年多次外国人就业许可证、外 国人就业证、外国人工作签证Z,外国人居留许可 Z6、外国人离职(或者个人信息变动),注销(或变更)外国人就业证 branch Youth Committee. Follow strict Communist Party Secretary Zhao Ziyang, Cai Yunzhong, one evacuated to Susie guerrilla zones. Yao Muzheng defected to the new anti-Jiang Liu and send sister divisions. Yao Zhiying he served as Secretary of CPC Tin South District, xinan district, Captain and guard against Japan. March 1944 was arrested 如果您想查看美西咨询其他的外国人签证咨询项目,请根据页面右上角子菜单查询。 外国人就业许可证及外国人工作签证、外国人就业证、外国人居留许可服务项目对应的材料需求清单: Z0咨询项目:首次办理1年多次(台湾人为5年)外国人就业许可证、外国人就业证、外国人工作签证,外国人居留许可: 1、外国人有效护照原件(台湾人提供台胞证,香港人提供身份证及通行证) 2、个人简历(中文或英文皆可) 3、最新的临时住宿登记表原件(Registration Form Of Temporary Residence)(点击查看样表) 4、健康体检证明原件(预约电话:62688851) 5、本科学历证书复印件(台湾人、香港人无需提供) 6、2年以上相关工作经验证明复印件(台湾人、香港人无需提供,我们可提供样本) 7、劳动合同复印件(我们可提供样本) 8、公司营业执照和组织机构代码证复印件,如是外资企业还需提供批准证书复印件 9、5张2寸照片(4.5CM×3.5CM) 如果在公司任职总经理或副总经理,需要提供以下2份额外材料: 1、公司章程复印件(在公司注册地所在工商局调取) 2、董事会成员名单复印件(在公司注册地所在工商局调取) 正常办理时限:3周 收费:咨询费(来电咨询)+政府费/人(凭政府费发票报销) *最新消息:自2008年7月1日起,凡持有L,F,X签证外籍人士(除法人代表及首席代表外)无法直接申办外国人就业证~办理期间必须出境一次办理Z签证入境后,方可继续申请外国人就业证和外国人居留许可。详细信息请来电51699039咨询~ Z1咨询项目:仍在同一公司工作,希望延期1年多次外国人就业证、外国人工作签证,外国人居留许可: 1、护照及有效居留许可原件 2、外国人就业证原件 3、最新的劳动合同复印件(我们可提供样本) 4、公司营业执照和组织机构代码证复印件,如是外资企业还需提供批准证书复印件 5、最新的临时住宿登记表原件(Registration Form Of Temporary Residence)(点击查看样表) 6、3张2寸照片(4.5CM×3.5CM) 正常办理时限:8个工作日 收费标准:咨询费(来电咨询)+政府费/人(凭政府费发票报销) Z2咨询项目:变更工作单位,希望变更1年多次外国人就业证、外国人工作签证,外国人居留许可至新公司: branch Youth Committee. Follow strict Communist Party Secretary Zhao Ziyang, Cai Yunzhong, one evacuated to Susie guerrilla zones. Yao Muzheng defected to the new anti-Jiang Liu and send sister divisions. Yao Zhiying he served as Secretary of CPC Tin South District, xinan district, Captain and guard against Japan. March 1944 was arrested 1、外国人有效护照原件(台湾人提供台胞证,香港人提供身份证及通行证) 2、个人简历(中文或英文皆可) 3、最新的临时住宿登记表原件(Registration Form Of Temporary Residence)(点击查看样表) 4、本科学历证书复印件(台湾人、香港人无需提供) 5、新公司的劳动合同复印件(我们可提供样本) 6、新公司的营业执照和组织机构代码证复印件,如是外资企业还需提供批准证书复印件 7、5张2寸照片(4.5CM×3.5CM) 8、旧公司的就业证原件(如就业证已丢失则需提供遗失证明) 9、旧公司出具的离职证明一份加盖公章原件(如旧公司是外地公司,需提供就业证注销证明) 如果在新公司任职总经理或副总经理,需要提供以下2份额外材料: 1、公司章程复印件(在公司注册地所在工商局调取) 2、董事会成员名单复印件(在公司注册地所在工商局调取) 正常办理时限:2周 收费标准:咨询费(来电咨询)+政府费/人(凭政府费发票报销) Z3咨询项目:公司注册资金实到超过300万美金,办理2年多次外国人就业证、外国人工作签证,外国人居留许可: 1、外国人有效护照原件(台湾人提供台胞证,香港人提供身份证及通行证) 2、个人简历(中文或英文皆可) 3、最新的临时住宿登记表原件(Registration Form Of Temporary Residence)(点击查看样表) 4、健康体检证明原件(预约电话:62688851) 5、本科学历证书复印件(台湾人、香港人无需提供) 6、2年以上相关工作经验证明复印件(台湾人、香港人无需提供,我们可提供样本) 7、劳动合同复印件(我们可提供样本) 8、公司营业执照(实到资金大于300万美金)和组织机构代码证,外资企业还需提供批准证书复印件 9、5张2寸照片(4.5CM×3.5CM) 如果在公司任职总经理或副总经理,需要提供以下2份额外材料: 1、公司章程复印件(在公司注册地所在工商局调取) 2、董事会成员名单复印件(在公司注册地所在工商局调取) 正常办理时限:4周 收费标准:咨询费(来电咨询)+政府费/人(凭政府费发票报销) *最新消息:自2008年7月1日起,凡持有L,F,X签证外籍人士(除法人代表及首席代表外)无法直接申办就业证~办理期间必须出境一次办理Z签证入境后,方可继续申请外国人就业证和外国人居留许可。详细信息请来电51699039咨询~ Z6咨询项目:外国人离职(或者个人信息变动),注销(或变更)外国人就业证: 1、外国人就业证原件 如果外国人离职,需提供外国人就业证注销表(外国人签字,公司盖章) 如果外国人个人信息变动,需提供相应的信息变动证明材料(具体情况请来电咨询) 正常办理时限:3个工作日 收费标准:咨询费(来电咨询)+政府费/人(凭政府费发票报销) branch Youth Committee. Follow strict Communist Party Secretary Zhao Ziyang, Cai Yunzhong, one evacuated to Susie guerrilla zones. Yao Muzheng defected to the new anti-Jiang Liu and send sister divisions. Yao Zhiying he served as Secretary of CPC Tin South District, xinan district, Captain and guard against Japan. March 1944 was arrested 如果您正是一位人事部负责人且正为这些琐事伤神,现在就联系我们吧~低廉的费用及高效的服务,将会让你感到物有所值。或者您有外国友人来华旅游,需要申请商务签证或签证延期、加签,及任何签证相关事宜都可以来电或发Email咨询~我们随时待命,为您答疑解惑~ branch Youth Committee. Follow strict Communist Party Secretary Zhao Ziyang, Cai Yunzhong, one evacuated to Susie guerrilla zones. Yao Muzheng defected to the new anti-Jiang Liu and send sister divisions. Yao Zhiying he served as Secretary of CPC Tin South District, xinan district, Captain and guard against Japan. March 1944 was arrested
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