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最高人民法院关于人民法院民事执行中查封、扣押、冻结财产的规定-中英文-westlawProvisions of the Supreme People's Court on Seal-up, Detainment, or Freezing of Property in the Civil Enforcement by People's Courts 最高人民法院关于人民法院民事执行中查封、扣押、冻结财产的规定 Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court Document Number: Fa Shi [2004] No.15 Promulgating...
Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Seal-up, Detainment, or Freezing of Property in the Civil Enforcement by People's Courts 最高人民法院关于人民法院民事执行中查封、扣押、冻结财产的规定 Promulgating Institution: Supreme People's Court Document Number: Fa Shi [2004] No.15 Promulgating Date: 11/04/2004 Effective Date: 01/01/2005 Validity Status: Revised 颁布机关: 最高人民法院 文 号: 法释[2004]15号 颁布时间: 11/04/2004 实施时间: 01/01/2005 效力状态: 已修订 Text 正文 (Adopted at the 1330th Session of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on October 26, 2004; Effective as of January 1, 2005) (2004年10月26日最高人民法院审判委员会第1330次会议通过 自2005年1月1日起施行) These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant provisions and by combining the actual practice experience of enforcement work of people's courts, for the purposes of further regulating the measures of seal-up, detainment, or freezing, and maintaining the legitimate rights and interest of parties concerned. 为了进一步规范民事执行中的查封、扣押、冻结措施,维护当事人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》等法律的规定,结合人民法院民事执行工作的实践经验,制定本规定。 Article 1 When sealing up, detaining, or freezing the movable property, real property, or other property rights of a person subject to enforcement, a people's court shall make a decision and serve the decision on the person subject to enforcement and the enforcement applicant. Where, in taking the measure of seal-up, detainment, or freezing, the assistance of the relevant organization or individual is required, the people's court shall prepare a written notice of assistance to enforcement and serve the notice on the person who provides assistance to the enforcement together with a duplicate of the written decision. The written decision and the written notice shall become legally effective upon the service. 第一条 人民法院查封、扣押、冻结被执行人的动产、不动产及其他财产权,应当作出裁定,并送达被执行人和申请执行人。 采取查封、扣押、冻结措施需要有关单位或者个人协助的,人民法院应当制作协助执行通知书,连同裁定书副本一并送达协助执行人。查封、扣押、冻结裁定书和协助执行通知书送达时发生法律效力。 Article 2 A people's court may seal up, detain, or freeze the movable property owned by the person subject to enforcement and the real property , specific movable property or other property rights registered under the name of the person subject to enforcement. With regard to unregistered buildings and land use rights , the ownership thereof shall be determined according to the documents for the examination and approval of the land use rights and other relevant evidence. A people's court may seal up, detain, or freeze the movable property possessed by a third party or the real property, specific movable property, and other property rights registered under the name of a third party, if the third party confirms in writing that the property belongs to the person subject to enforcement. 第二条 人民法院可以查封、扣押、冻结被执行人占有的动产、登记在被执行人名下的不动产、特定动产及其他财产权。 未登记的建筑物和土地使用权,依据土地使用权的审批文件和其他相关证据确定权属。 对于第三人占有的动产或者登记在第三人名下的不动产、特定动产及其他财产权,第三人书面确认该财产属于被执行人的,人民法院可以查封、扣押、冻结。 Article 3 A creditor may, between the period after the legal document serving as the ground for enforcement has effect and before the filing of the application for enforcement, apply to the people's court with jurisdiction over the enforcement for preservation of the debtor's property. The people's court may, with reference to the provisions of Article 92 of the Civil Procedure Law, make a decision of preservation, and the decision of preservation shall be enforced immediately. 第三条 作为执行依据的法律文书生效后至申请执行前,债权人可以向有执行管辖权的人民法院申请保全债务人的财产。人民法院可以参照民事诉讼法第九十二条的规定作出保全裁定,保全裁定应当立即执行。 Article 4 Where property preservation measures are taken prior to or during an action, or in an arbitration, such measures shall, after entering into enforcement procedure, be automatically transformed to the measures of seal-up, detainment or freezing in enforcement, and the provisions on seal-up, detainment or freezing in Article 29 of these Provisions. 第四条 诉讼前、诉讼中及仲裁中采取财产保全措施的,进入执行程序后,自动转为执行中的查封、扣押、冻结措施,并适用本规定第二十九条关于查封、扣押、冻结期限的规定。 Article 5 A people's court may not seal up, detain, or freeze the following property of a person subject to enforcement: (1) Clothes, furniture, cooking utensils, tableware, and other goods necessary for the maintenance of the person subject to enforcement and his dependant family members; (2) Maintenance necessary for the person subject to enforcement and his dependant family members, which shall be determined according to the standard of minimum living guarantee of the locality if any; (3) Items necessary for the person subject to enforcement and his dependant family members to complete compulsory education; (4) Inventions that are not made public or unpublished works; (5) Necessary auxiliary tools or medical items used for a physical disability of the person subject to enforcement or any of his dependant family members; (6) Medals and other articles of praise and honor awarded to the person subject to enforcement; (7) Property exempted from seal-up, detainment or freeze under any treaty, agreement, or other document of the nature of a treaty or agreement concluded in the name of the People's Republic of China, the Government of the People's Republic of China, or a department of the Government of the People's Republic of China with a foreign country or an international organization pursuant to the Treaty Conclusion Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China ; and (8) Other property that may not be sealed up, detained, or frozen under laws or judicial interpretations. 第五条 人民法院对被执行人下列的财产不得查封、扣押、冻结: (一)被执行人及其所扶养家属生活所必需的衣服、家具、炊具、餐具及其他家庭生活必需的物品; (二)被执行人及其所扶养家属所必需的生活费用。当地有最低生活保障的,必需的生活费用依照该标准确定; (三)被执行人及其所扶养家属完成义务教育所必需的物品; (四)未公开的发明或者未发的著作; (五)被执行人及其所扶养家属用于身体缺陷所必需的辅助工具、医疗物品; (六)被执行人所得的勋章及其他荣誉表彰的物品; (七)根据《中华人民共和国缔结条约程序法》,以中华人民共和国、中华人民共和国政府或者中华人民共和国政府部门名义同外国、国际组织缔结的条约、协定和其他具有条约、协定性质的文件中规定免于查封、扣押、冻结的财产; (八)法律或者司法解释规定的其他不得查封、扣押、冻结的财产。 Article 6 A people's court may seal up the houses necessary for the person subject to enforcement and his dependant family members to live in. However, the people's court may not auction or sell the houses or repay the debt with the houses. 第六条 对被执行人及其所扶养家属生活所必需的居住房屋,人民法院可以查封,但不得拍卖、变卖或者抵债。 Article 7 With regard to a house and articles for daily use necessary for the maintenance of the person subject to enforcement, a people's court may, according to the enforcement applicant's application, render the enforcement after reserving the house and articles based on the minimum living standard. 第七条 对于超过被执行人及其所扶养家属生活所必需的房屋和生活用品,人民法院根据申请执行人的申请,在保障被执行人及其所扶养家属最低生活标准所必需的居住房屋和普通生活必需品后,可予以执行。 Article 8 Where a movable property is sealed up or detained, the people's court may have control over the property directly. Where a people's court delivers the control over the sealed up or detained movable property to another, the court shall affix a paper strip seal to the property or take other appropriate means sufficient to publicize the seal-up or detainment. 第八条 查封、扣押动产的,人民法院可以直接控制该项财产。人民法院将查封、扣押的动产交付其他人控制的,应当在该动产上加贴封条或者采取其他足以公示查封、扣押的适当方式。 Article 9 When seizing real property, a people's court shall place a seal thereon or make an announcement, and may also collect the relevant ownership certificate of the property. Where seizing, detaining or freezing a registered real property, specific movable property or other property rights, a people's court shall notify the relevant registration authority to go through the registration procedures. Any registered seal-up, distrainment or freezing cannot counter the registered seal-up, distrainment, or freezing. 第九条 查封不动产的,人民法院应当张贴封条或者公告,并可以提取保存有关财产权证照。 查封、扣押、冻结已登记的不动产、特定动产及其他财产权,应当通知有关登记机关办理登记手续。未办理登记手续的,不得对抗其他已经办理了登记手续的查封、扣押、冻结行为。 Article 10 When sealing up a building of which the ownership remains unregistered , the people's court shall give a notice to the person who administers or actually occupies the building and display a public notice prominently. 第十条 查封尚未进行权属登记的建筑物时,人民法院应当通知其管理人或者该建筑物的实际占有人,并在显著位置张贴公告。 Article 11 When detaining a motor vehicle of which the ownership remains unregistered , the people's court shall specify the serial number of the motor vehicle in a detainment list. If the right owner makes a request to go through the formalities for ownership registration during the period of detainment, the people's court shall approve the request and go through the relevant formalities for detainment registration timely. 第十一条 扣押尚未进行权属登记的机动车辆时,人民法院应当在扣押清单上记载该机动车辆的发动机编号。该车辆在扣押期间权利人要求办理权属登记手续的,人民法院应当准许并及时办理相应的扣押登记手续。 Article 12 Where it is not appropriate for a people's court to take custody of the sealed-up or detained property, the people's court may designate the person subject to enforcement to take custody of the property. Where it is not appropriate for the person subject to enforcement to take custody of the property, a third party or the enforcement applicant may be entrusted to take custody thereof. Where a person subject to enforcement is designated to take custody of the property and his continual use of the property does not affect the value of the property significantly, the person subject to enforcement may be allowed to use the property continuously. Where a people's court takes custody, or entrusts a third party or the enforcement applicant to take custody, of the property, the custodian may not use the property. 第十二条 查封、扣押的财产不宜由人民法院保管的,人民法院可以指定被执行人负责保管;不宜由被执行人保管的,可以委托第三人或者申请执行人保管。 由人民法院指定被执行人保管的财产,如果继续使用对该财产的价值无重大影响,可以允许被执行人继续使用;由人民法院保管或者委托第三人、申请执行人保管的,保管人不得使用。 Article 13 Where a secured property in the possession of a owner of right of secured property is sealed up, detained, or frozen, the owner of right of secured property shall generally be designated as the custodian. Where the property is in the custody of a people's court, neither the pledge nor lien on the property shall be extinguished due to the transfer of the property. 第十三条 查封、扣押、冻结担保物权人占有的担保财产,一般应当指定该担保物权人作为保管人;该财产由人民法院保管的,质权、留置权不因转移占有而消灭。 Article 14 With regard to the property commonly owned by a person subject to enforcement and others, the people's court may seal up, detain, or freeze the property and timely notify the co-owners. Where the co-owners divide the commonly-owned property through agreement and the creditors agree to the division, the people's court may determine the division valid. The effect of the seal-up, detainment, or freezing shall be extended to the share of property which the person subject to enforcement enjoys after the division. With regard to the seal-up, detainment, or freezing of the share of property which other co-owners enjoy, the people's court shall render a decision to approve the cancellation of the measure. Where any co-owner files an action for division of property or an enforcement applicant files an action for division of property by subrogation, the people's court shall approve it. During the period of the action, the court shall suspend the enforcement of the property. 第十四条 对被执行人与其他人共有的财产,人民法院可以查封、扣押、冻结,并及时通知共有人。 共有人分割共有财产,并经债权人认可的,人民法院可以认定有效。查封、扣押、冻结的效力及于协议分割后被执行人享有份额内的财产;对其他共有人享有份额内的财产的查封、扣押、冻结,人民法院应当裁定予以解除。 共有人提起析产诉讼或者申请执行人代位提起析产诉讼的,人民法院应当准许。诉讼期间中止对该财产的执行。 Article 15 With regard to the property of a person subject to enforcement which a third party possesses in favor of the person subject to enforcement, the people's court may seal up, detain, or freeze the property. If the third party is designated to continue to hold the property in custody, the third party may not deliver it to the person subject to enforcement. With regard to property of a person subject to enforcement which a third party possesses in his own favor in accordance with the law, the people's court may seal up, detain, or freeze the property, and the third party may continue to possess and use the property but may not deliver it to the person subject to enforcement. The borrowing of the property of a person subject to enforcement by a third party free of charge shall not be subject to the limits specified in the preceding paragraph. 第十五条 对第三人为被执行人的利益占有的被执行人的财产,人民法院可以查封、扣押、冻结;该财产被指定给第三人继续保管的,第三人不得将其交付给被执行人。 对第三人为自己的利益依法占有的被执行人的财产,人民法院可以查封、扣押、冻结,第三人可以继续占有和使用该财产,但不得将其交付给被执行人。 第三人无偿借用被执行人的财产的,不受前款规定的限制。 Article 16 In the event that a person subject to enforcement sells his property to a third party and the third party has made partial payment and possessed the property, a people's court may seal up, detain, or freeze the property if the ownership of the property remains with the person subject to enforcement according to the contract. Where the third party makes the request for continuous performance of the contract, the people's court shall, after the third party has made the remaining payment to the people's court within a reasonable time period, render a decision to lift the seal-up, distrainment or freezing of the property. 第十六条 被执行人将其财产出卖给第三人,第三人已经支付部分价款并实际占有该财产,但根据合同约定被执行人保留所有权的,人民法院可以查封、扣押、冻结;第三人要求继续履行合同的,应当由第三人在合理期限内向人民法院交付全部余款后,裁定解除查封、扣押、冻结。 Article 17 In the event that a person subject to enforcement sells to a third person all the properties that require ownership transfer registration and the third person has made payment in part or in full and possessed the property, a people's court may seize, detain, or freeze the property if the procedures for ownership transfer registration have not been handled. Where the third person has made the payment in full and possessed the property but the procedures for ownership transfer registration have not been handled, a people's court may not seize, detain, or freeze the property if the third person has no fault for the failure of registration. 第十七条 被执行人将其所有的需要办理过户登记的财产出卖给第三人,第三人已经支付部分或者全部价款并实际占有该财产,但尚未办理产权过户登记手续的,人民法院可以查封、扣押、冻结;第三人已经支付全部价款并实际占有,但未办理过户登记手续的,如果第三人对此没有过错,人民法院不得查封、扣押、冻结。 Article 18 In the event that a person subject to enforcement purchases the property of a third party and has made partial payment and possessed the property, a people's court may seal up, detain, or freeze the property if the ownership of the property remains with the third party according to the contract and the enforcement applicant has made the remaining payment to the third party or the third party has agreed in writing that the remaining payment is to be made from the money derived from the sale of the property in priority. Where the third party rescinds the contract in accordance with the law, the people's court shall grant approval and shall lift the measures of the seal-up, distrainment or freezing that have been adopted. However, the people's court may, based on the application of the enforcement applicant, enforce the creditor's rights of the person subject to enforcement against the third party arising out of the payment. 第十八条 被执行人购买第三人的财产,已经支付部分价款并实际占有该财产,但第三人依合同约定保留所有权,申请执行人已向第三人支付剩余价款或者第三人书面同意剩余价款从该财产变价款中优先支付的,人民法院可以查封、扣押、冻结。 第三人依法解除合同的,人民法院应当准许,已经采取的查封、扣押、冻结措施应当解除,但人民法院可以依据申请执行人的申请,执行被执行人因支付价款而形成的对该第三人的债权。 Article 19 In the event that a person subject to enforcement purchases the property of a third person that requires the ownership transfer registration and has made payment in part or in full and possessed the property, a people's court may seize, detain, or freeze the property, even if the procedures for ownership transfer registration have not been handled, provided that the person applying for enforcement has paid the remaining amount to the third person or the third person has agreed that the remaining amount be paid from the money derived from the sale of the property in priority. 第十九条 被执行人购买需要办理过户登记的第三人的财产,已经支付部分或者全部价款并实际占有该财产,虽未办理产权过户登记手续,但申请执行人已向第三人支付剩余价款或者第三人同意剩余价款从该财产变价款中优先支付的,人民法院可以查封、扣押、冻结。 Article 20 When sealing up, detaining, or freezing the property of a person subject to enforcement, the enforcement officers shall make a written record specifying the following: (1) Time of commencement and completion of the enforcement; (2) Location, type, and quantity of the property; (3) Custodian of the property; and (4) Other matters that shall be recorded. The enforcement officers and the custodian shall sign the written record. If a person specified in Article 224 of the Civil Procedure Law is present, the person shall also sign the written record. (Note: According to the Decision of the Supreme People's Court on Adjusting the Article Number Order of the "Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China" in Judicial Interpretations and other Documents promulgated on December 16, 2008, this paragraph has been modified to: "The enforcement officers and the custodian shall sign the written record. If a person specified in Article 221 of the Civil Procedure Law is present, the person shall also sign the written record.") 第二十条 查封、扣押、冻结被执行人的财产时,执行人员应当制作笔录,载明下列内容: (一)执行措施开始及完成的时间; (二)财产的所在地、种类、数量; (三)财产的保管人; (四)其他应当记明的事项。 执行人员及保管人应当在笔录上签名,有民事诉讼法第二百二十四条规定的人员到场的,到场人员也应当在笔录上签名。 (注:根据2008年12月16日发布的最高人民法院关于调整司法解释等文件中引用《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》条文序号的决定,本款已被修改为:“执行人员及保管人应当在笔录上签名,有民事诉讼法第二百二十一条规定的人员到场的,到场人员也应当在笔录上签名。”) Article 21 In sealing up, detaining, or freezing the property of a person subject to enforcement, the property affected shall be no more than is sufficient to repay for the creditor's rights determined in a legal document plus the enforcement expense, and shall not obviously exceed the amount of the subject matter. If the amount of the subject matter is exceeded, the people's court shall, according to the application of the person subject to enforcement or its power of office, timely cancel the seal-up, detainment, or freezing of the excess part of the property, except where the property is not divisible and the person subject to enforcement has no other property that is available for the enforcement or other property is not sufficient for repaying the debts. 第二十一条 查封、扣押、冻结被执行人的财产,以其价额足以清偿法律文书确定的债权额及执行费用为限,不得明显超标的额查封、扣押、冻结。 发现超标的额查封、扣押、冻结的,人民法院应当根据被执行人的申请或者依职权,及时解除对超标的额部分财产的查封、扣押、冻结,但该财产为不可分物且被执行人无其他可供执行的财产或者其他财产不足以清偿债务的除外。 Article 22 The effect of the seal-up or detainment of property shall be extended to the accessories and natural fruits of the sealed up or detained property. 第二十二条 查封、扣押的效力及于查封、扣押物的从物和天然孳息。 Article 23 The effectiveness of the seal-up of buildings on a land shall be extended to the land use rights within the scope of use of the buildings. The effectiveness of the seal-up of a piece of land shall be extended to the buildings located on that piece of land, except where the land use rights and the ownership of the buildings are separately owned by the person subject to enforcement and another person. Where the buildings and the land use rights are registered with different authorities, the formalities for seal-up registration shall be gone through separately. 第二十三条 查封地上建筑物的效力及于该地上建筑物使用范围内的土地使用权,查封土地使用权的效力及于地上建筑物,但土地使用权与地上建筑物的所有权分属被执行人与他人的除外。 地上建筑物和土地使用权的登记机关不是同一机关的,应当分别办理查封登记。 Article 24 Where the sealed up, detained, or frozen property is lost or destroyed, the effect of the seal-up, detainment, or freezing shall be extended to the substitute or monetary compensation of the property. The people's court shall render a decision to seal up, detain, or freeze the substitute or monetary compensation timely. 第二十四条 查封、扣押、冻结的财产灭失或者毁损的,查封、扣押、冻结的效力及于该财产的替代物、赔偿款。人民法院应当及时作出查封、扣押、冻结该替代物、赔偿款的裁定。 Article 25 When a written notice of assistance to the enforcement of seal-up, detainment, or freezing is served on a registration authority, if the registration authority has accepted a registration application filed by a person subject to enforcement for transferring the ownership of real property, specific movable property, or other property but has not verified and approved the registration, the registration authority shall assist the people's court in the enforcement. The people's court may not take the measure of seal-up, detainment, or freezing of the property which the person subject to enforcement has transferred with the verification and approval of the registration authority. Where, when a written notice of assistance to enforcement of seal-up, detainment, or freezing is served on a registration authority, another people's court has served on the registration authority a written notice of assistance to enforcement of ownership transfer registration, the registration authority shall go through the formalities for ownership transfer registration first. 第二十五条 查封、扣押、冻结协助执行通知书在送达登记机关时,登记机关已经受理被执行人转让不动产、特定动产及其他财产的过户登记申请,尚未核准登记的,应当协助人民法院执行。人民法院不得对登记机关已经核准登记的被执行人已转让的财产实施查封、扣押、冻结措施。 查封、扣押、冻结协助执行通知书在送达登记机关时,其他人民法院已向该登记机关送达了过户登记协助执行通知书的,应当优先办理过户登记。 Article 26 Where a person subject to enforcement transfers or creates encumbrances on the sealed up, detained, or frozen property or commits other acts obstructing the enforcement, the transfer, creation, or acts shall not run counter to the enforcement applicant. Where a third party occupies the sealed up, detained, or frozen property without the approval of a people's court or commits other acts obstructing the enforcement, the people's court may cancel the occupation or remove the obstruction based on the application of the enforcement applicant or according to its power of office. Where a people's court fails to make a public notice for the seal-up, detainment, or freezing, the effect of the seal-up, detainment, or freezing shall not run counter to a third party bona fide. 第二十六条 被执行人就已经查封、扣押、冻结的财产所作的移转、设定权利负担或者其他有碍执行的行为,不得对抗申请执行人。 第三人未经人民法院准许占有查封、扣押、冻结的财产或者实施其他有碍执行的行为的,人民法院可以依据申请执行人的申请或者依职权解除其占有或者排除其妨害。 人民法院的查封、扣押、冻结没有公示的,其效力不得对抗善意第三人。 Article 27 Where a people's court seals up or detains a mortgaged item on which a person subject to enforcement places the mortgage of maximum amount the people's court shall notify the mortgagee. The amount of the mortgagee's creditor's rights secured by the mortgage shall not increase from the time when the mortgagee receives the people's court's notice. Where a people's court fails to notify the mortgagee but has evidence showing that the mortgagee knows the fact of seal-up or detainment, the amount of the mortgagee's creditor's rights secured by the mortgage shall not increase from the time when the mortgagee knows the facts. 第二十七条 人民法院查封、扣押被执行人设定最高额抵押权的抵押物的,应当通知抵押权人。抵押权人受抵押担保的债权数额自收到人民法院通知时起不再增加。 人民法院虽然没有通知抵押权人,但有证据证明抵押权人知道查封、扣押事实的,受抵押担保的债权数额从其知道该事实时起不再增加。 Article 28 With regard to the property sealed up, detained, or frozen by a people's court, another people's court may queue up for seal-up, detainment, or freezing of the property. If the seal-up, detainment, or freezing of the property is cancelled, the queuing up for seal-up, detainment, or freezing that is registered first shall become effective automatically. Where another people's court queues up for seal-up, detainment, or freezing of a registered property, the relevant registration authority shall be notified to assist to registering the queuing, and the people's court that renders the seal-up, detainment, or freezing shall give that people's court access to the relevant documents and records. Where another people's court queues up for seal-up, detainment, or freezing of an unregistered property, a written record shall be prepared and the enforcement officers of the people's court that renders the seal-up, detainment, or freezing and the person subject to enforcement shall sign the written record, or a written notice shall be made to the people's court that renders the seal-up, detainment, or freezing. 第二十八条 对已被人民法院查封、扣押、冻结的财产,其他人民法院可以进行轮候查封、扣押、冻结。查封、扣押、冻结解除的,登记在先的轮候查封、扣押、冻结即自动生效。 其他人民法院对已登记的财产进行轮候查封、扣押、冻结的,应当通知有关登记机关协助进行轮候登记,实施查封、扣押、冻结的人民法院应当允许其他人民法院查阅有关文书和记录。 其他人民法院对没有登记的财产进行轮候查封、扣押、冻结的,应当制作笔录,并经实施查封、扣押、冻结的人民法院执行人员及被执行人签字,或者书面通知实施查封、扣押、冻结的人民法院。 Article 29 The time period where a people's court freezes the bank deposits and other funds of a person subject to enforcement shall not exceed six months, the time period for seizing or detaining movable properties shall not exceed one year, and the time period for seizing real property and freezing other property rights shall not exceed two years, except as otherwise specified by laws or judicial interpretations. Where the applicant applies for an extension of the time period, the relevant people's court shall go through the formalities for continuous seal-up, distrainment or freezing prior to the expiry of the time period of the seal-up, distrainment or freezing, provided that the extension of the time period shall not exceed one half of the time period specified in the preceding paragraph. 第二十九条 人民法院冻结被执行人的银行存款及其他资金的期限不得超过六个月,查封、扣押动产的期限不得超过一年,查封不动产、冻结其他财产权的期限不得超过二年。法律、司法解释另有规定的除外。 申请执行人申请延长期限的,人民法院应当在查封、扣押、冻结期限届满前办理续行查封、扣押、冻结手续,续行期限不得超过前款规定期限的二分之一。 Article 30 Where the time limit for seal-up, detainment, or freezing expires and a people's court fails to go through the formalities for extending the time limit, the effect of the seal-up, detainment, or freezing shall be ended. Where the sealed up, detained, or frozen property is auctioned or sold or is delivered as compensation for debts, the effect of the seal-up, detainment or freeze shall be ended. 第三十条 查封、扣押、冻结期限届满,人民法院未办理延期手续的,查封、扣押、冻结的效力消灭。 查封、扣押、冻结的财产已经被执行拍卖、变卖或者抵债的,查封、扣押、冻结的效力消灭。 Article 31 In any of the following circumstances, a people's court shall render a decision on canceling the seal-up, detainment, or freezing of property and serve the decision on the enforcement applicant, the person subject to enforcement, and the outside party: (1) Where the property of the outside party is sealed up, detained, or frozen; (2) Where the enforcement applicant withdraws the enforcement application or waives the creditor's rights; (3) Where the sealed up, detained, or frozen property fails to be auctioned or sold and the enforcement applicant and other creditors involved in the enforcement do not agree to accept the property as compensation for the debts; (4) Where the debts have been repaid; (5) Where the person subject to enforcement provides a guarantee and the enforcement applicant agrees to cancel the seal-up, detainment, or freezing; or (6) Other circumstances where the people's court believes it necessary to cancel the seal-up, detainment, or freezing. Where the seal-up, detainment, or freezing rendered in form of registration is canceled, a written notice of assistance to enforcement shall be issued to the relevant registration authority. 第三十一条 有下列情形之一的,人民法院应当作出解除查封、扣押、冻结裁定,并送达申请执行人、被执行人或者案外人: (一)查封、扣押、冻结案外人财产的; (二)申请执行人撤回执行申请或者放弃债权的; (三)查封、扣押、冻结的财产流拍或者变卖不成,申请执行人和其他执行债权人又不同意接受抵债的; (四)债务已经清偿的; (五)被执行人提供担保且申请执行人同意解除查封、扣押、冻结的; (六)人民法院认为应当解除查封、扣押、冻结的其他情形。 解除以登记方式实施的查封、扣押、冻结的,应当向登记机关发出协助执行通知书。 Article 32 With regard to the enforcement of a decision on property preservation or a decision on early enforcement, these Provisions shall apply. 第三十二条 财产保全裁定和先予执行裁定的执行适用本规定。 Article 33 These Provisions shall become effective as of January 1, 2005. If any judicial interpretations promulgated prior to the implementation of these Provisions are not in consistency with these Provisions, these Provisions shall prevail. 第三十三条 本规定自2005年1月1日起施行。施行前本院公布的司法解释与本规定不一致的,以本规定为准。
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