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口语课堂(五)第21课 学会用感叹句 第21课 学会用感叹句 当我们想对别人说,有了消息我会通知你,这句话用英语是这样说的:I'll keep you posted.  Post是个动词,原意是寄信告知的意思,用在口语中,表示用最简单的方法通知你,如口头打个电话,或QQ留个言什么的。 We're still working on the budget, will keep you posted soon. 我们还在算预算,会很快告知你的。 I can't make a decision right now, how about I'll k...
第21课 学会用感叹句 第21课 学会用感叹句 当我们想对别人说,有了消息我会通知你,这句话用英语是这样说的:I'll keep you posted.  Post是个动词,原意是寄信告知的意思,用在口语中,示用最简单的通知你,如口头打个电话,或QQ留个言什么的。 We're still working on the budget, will keep you posted soon. 我们还在算预算,会很快告知你的。 I can't make a decision right now, how about I'll keep you posted next week. 我现在还决定不了,我下个星期给你答复怎么样? I'll keep you posted as soon as I figure it out. 我一搞明白,就告诉你。 Can you keep me posted about your near future plans? 你能把你近期的告知我吗?  下面,进入本课正题,学会使用感叹句。以"What"来引导的感叹句,其句型结构:What + a/an + 形容词 + 可数的名词单数 What + 形容词 + 可数的名词复数(不可数名词) What a beautiful girl! 多漂亮的女孩啊! Look at that, what a disgusting man! 看哪,多恶心的男人啊! What gorgeous flowers! 多美的花啊! What interesting stories! 多有趣的故事啊! What terrible memory! 多可怕的回忆!  "What"还有另外一种更简单的感叹句: What + a/an + 可数的名词单数 What + 不可数的名词单数(可数名词复数) 这种感叹表示"这是怎样的。。。啊",具体是好的感叹还是不好的感叹呢,要看说话时的语气及上下文的具体内容: What a man!  他是一个怎样的男人啊(可能是个大好人,也可能是个大恶棍) What a day!   这是怎样的一天啊(可能这一天太糟糕,或太忙,或其它) What children! 这是一群什么孩子啊(可能孩子们太调皮,或太可爱等等) 第22课 “Make”的活用(2) 我们曾经在第15课学习了"make"的三种用法,今天再介绍它的另外两种非常实用的用法: 4.make somebody + 形容词,副词(动词的过去分词)    使某人。。。 You make me so happy.你让我如此快乐。 Your presentation makes me sleepy.你的演讲让我昏昏欲睡。 This classic music makes me calm.这首经典的曲子使我平静下来。 My over time job makes me so exhausted. 经常加班的工作让我很疲惫。 How could you make yourself so excited within such a short time? 你是如何在很短的时间里让自己迅速兴奋起来的呢? 5.make somebody do something  让某人做某事 Our English teacher makes us love the study of English.  我们的英语老师让我们爱上了英语学习。 My boss makes us work harder.我的老板让我更努力地工作。 They've made you dance like a professional.他们教你跳舞跳得就像专业舞蹈演员一样。 Your flattering makes me feel like I'm a princess. 你的赞美让我感觉像个公主。 Your criticism makes me cry. 你的批评让我哭了起来。 第23课 我不太想做某事 首先介绍一个很活用的词组:Speaking of which, 意思是"说到这","谈到这",可能是对方或你自己提及某事时,突然想到这事,要发表一下观点: Speaking of which, don't you think you've had more than enough CDs. 谈到这,你不认为你的唱片已经够多了吗? Speaking of which, I'm afraid I need to tell you something. 谈到这,我正好不得不告诉你一些事。 Speaking of which, let's give it another try.谈到这,我们再试试吧。  下面,我们来讲"我不太想做某事"的表达法:I don't feel like doing something,意思是现在没心情做某事。 My job has kept me rather exhausted, and I don't feel like going out tonight. 我的工作让我筋疲力尽,今晚不想出去了。 I don't feel like eating or doing anything since my boyfriend left me for another woman. 自从我男友为了另一个女人离开我之后,我不想吃,不想做任何事。 Sorry, I just don't feel like doing it.  对不起,我就是不太想做。 I don't feel like meeting them right now.我现在不想见他们。 I don't feel like dancing this moment.我此刻不想跳舞。 相反,如果有心情做某事,就是"feel like doing something" I feel like having a cup of coffee. 有点想喝杯咖啡了。 第24课 如何表达满意 经常听到人们说,某事要往后推一推,以后再说吧。用英语如何表达把某事向后推推呢?Put it to a later time。" later time"是指以后的时间,用动词"Put"就可以往后推了。 I'm quite busy with my work right now, let's put our coffee date to a latter time.我现在工作正忙,我们把一起喝咖啡的约会改到晚点的时间吧。 My schedule is tight these days, shall we put our meeting to a later time. 这几天我时间安排有点紧,开会的事就往后推推吧。 另外,还可以用这个动词"postpone" ,推迟,延期。 You can't postpone our wedding again and again. 你不能一二再,再二三地推迟我们的婚约。 The class is postponed to next week. 课被推迟到了下个星期。  接下来是我们今天的正课,如何表达满意,介绍两种: 1.Be happy about/with  对某事,某人满意 I'm happy with your job performance.我对你的工作表比较满意。 We're happy with everything you've done to us.我们对你为我们所做的一切表示满意。 Yes, I'm quite happy about it.是的,我非常满意。 2. be satisfied with  对某事,某人满意 Our customer is absolutely satisfied with our product presentation. 我们的客户对我们的产品演示非常满意。 Are you satisfied with our service?你对我们的服务满意吗? They're satisfied with their kids.他们对自己的孩子比较满意。 第25课 “Put”的活用 "put"是个相当简单的词,意思是放某物在某地:He puts his hands in his pockets(他把手放在裤兜里)。今天,我们专门介绍"put"的一些词组用法,相当实用!  看英文电影时,经常会听到这样一句话:Let me put it this way,这是什么意思呢?它的意思是:这样说吧,不如这样,等等: Let me put it this way, we go Dutch this time.  不如这样,这次我们AA制。 Listen, let me put it this way, you're not stealing from me anymore. 听着,这样说吧,你不能再偷我的东西了。 Tony, let me put it this way, I just can't stand your unpunctuality. 托尼,听明白了,我不能再忍受你的不守时了。  Put the blame on somebody,归咎于某人 Don't put all the blame on me.不要把所有的错都归咎于我。 My boss put the blame on the new employee.我老板把错误归咎到这个新员工身上。 I won't put all the blame on anybody else; I'm the one to blame.我不会把错都推到别人头上,我应该自责。  Put something right: 纠正某事 Put somebody right纠正某人的错误,告诉某人正确的消息 A short note put the matter right, ended any misunderstanding. 一封短函把这件事情解释清楚了,消除了误会。 We had taken a wrong turning, but a policeman put us right. 我们转错了弯,一位警察给我们指示了正确的方向。 这句话也很普便,I'll put it on my credit card (pay for something with my credit card),意思是我用信用卡支付。
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