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第5讲:修辞格(总论)(1)null实用修辞学(3)实用修辞学(3)风格之一:修辞格柴改英 Content ContentDefinitions & Classification Functions Theoretical studies on figures Stylistic study from the perspective of figures1. Definitions & Classification1. Definitions & ClassificationClassification var...
null实用修辞学(3)实用修辞学(3)风格之一:修辞格柴改英 Content ContentDefinitions & Classification Functions Theoretical studies on figures Stylistic study from the perspective of figures1. Definitions & Classification1. Definitions & ClassificationClassification varies with definition.Definition and classification(1)Definition and classification(1)“The smallest linguistic unit of deviation” (Plett, 1977) (最小的变异的语言单位) 分类:根据变异的类型 Schemes(程式格): 语音、语法形式有规律的结构使格式突出(foregrounded) Leech 1969年定义:有规律的达方式(expression)的突出。 Tropes (转义格): 词语的一般意义或搭配发生转折以产生语义或词汇的异用,如隐喻、提喻等。 Leech 1969年定义:无规律的内容(content)的突出。《西方修辞学辞典》(130) 例子Some examples about schemeSome examples about scheme Alliteration (头韵体): a figure with the same consonants or volwes at the beginning of the successive words in a phrase or a sentence. It arrives at its rhetorical effect by means of regular arrangement of sound. e.g. My Goodness! My Guinness! ——健力士黑啤(Guinness)广告 Hong Kong,A Capitalist Citadel at China's Doorstep,A Booming Bastion of Business(香港——中国大门的资本主义要塞——兴旺的企业堡垒,美国《读者》)。 null Parallelism: it is a parallel structure consisting of phrases or sentences of similar construction and meaning placed side by side, balancing each other (Cuddon, 1986: 480-481). e.g. Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. Last night the Japanese attacked Wake Island. This morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island. e.g. They have mouths, but they speak not: Eyes have they, but they see not. They have ears, but they hear not: Noses have they, but they smell not. (Holy Bible: Psalm 115) e.g. When trouble comes in through the windows love goes out through the doors. (并非并列关系) Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. (of Studies by F. Bacon) (省略堆成)Some examples about tropeSome examples about trope Zeugma (轭式修辞) yokes two words to a single word that does not apply equally to both, or does not apply in the same sense to both (Zeiger, 1978:364). e.g. In crisscrossing Ireland, it is the landscapes that stick in the mind, that come back in memory long after you have departed….A landscape like this, which stretches not only the eye but the soul, can be marketed… Oxymoron=oxus(敏锐的)+moros(愚蠢的)=sharp dull e.g. Juliet: Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow That I shall say good night till it be morrow. (W. Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet) Definition and classification(2)“A deviation from the plain and ordinary use of words with a view to increasing or specializing the effect” (Nesfield, J. C. & Wood, F. T., 1964) (对词的平白普通用法的一种偏离,以求提高表达效果或取得特殊效果) 积极地随情应景地运用各种表现手法,极尽语言文字的一切可能性,使所说所写呈现出形象性、具体性和体验性。(《辞海·语言学分册》) 分类: Nesfield认为修辞格主要有三大类,分别源于人类心智的三大能力(the three chief faculties of the human intellect)从心理学上讲,修辞活动主要依赖人类的三种联想能力 比较或对相似性的感知 (association by similarity) 区别或对差异性的感知 (association by contrast) 联想或对邻接的印象 (association by contiguity)李国南,1999:1Definition and classification(2) 例子Some examplesSome examples比较或对相似性的感知 (association by similarity) Simile, metaphor, analogy e.g. Mr. Houghton was given to high-minded monologues about the good life, sexless and full of duty. Yet in the middle of these monologues, if a girl passed the window, his neck would turn of itself and he would watch her out of sight. In this instance, he seemed to me ruled not by thought but by an invisible and irresistble spring in his neck. 区别或对差异性的感知 (association by contrast) Antithesis (对照) (contrast of ideas expressed by parallelism of strongly contrasted words) e.g. More haste, less speed. Speech is silver; silence is gold. 联想或对邻接的印象 (association by contiguity) Metonymy (转喻): the name of something is used to represent a more general but closely-related thing (Ruse et al, 1992:180). e.g. The influence of the Crown has increased, is increasing, and outght to be diminished. Definition and classification(3)依据所使用的语言手段分类 李鑫华 (具体见2001, 8-11) 使用语音手段的修辞格 使用词汇手段的修辞格 使用句法手段的修辞格 Nash 使用语篇手段的修辞格(胡曙中,2002:305) 李鑫华, 2001:8-11)Definition and classification(3)Definition and classification(4)Corbett and Connors’s system of classification Corbett and Connors claim they mean the same thing by the term “figure of speech” that Quintilian means when he used the term figura: “any deviation, either in thought or expression, from the ordinary and simple method of speaking, a change analogous to the different positions our bodies assume when we sit down, lie down, or look back. ... Let the definition of a figure, therefore, be a form of speech artfully varied from common usage.” Scheme (Greek Schema, form, shape): a deviation from the ordinary patter or arrangement of words. Scheme of words: adding or subtracting, exchange sounds Scheme of construction: balance, order, omission, repetition Trope (Greek tropein, to turn): a deviation from the ordinary and principal signification of a word. 胡曙中,2002:279-282Definition and classification(4)Definition and classification(5)Walter Nash’s system of classification A linguistic view on figures Figure 胡曙中,2002:287Scheme (figures of syntax)Trope (figures of semantics)Word meaning e.g. metaphorDiscourse sense Or mode. e.g. ironyDefinition and classification(5)nullWalter Nash’s system of classification A linguistic view on figures 胡曙中,2002:288-294Scheme (figures of syntax) Progressive Marks the steps from one construction to the next in line, making particular words functioning like links in a chain. Parallelsanaphora Epistrophe (结句反复) Anadiplosis and climax symploceParison Isocolon Chiasmus Hendiadys Oxymoron zeugmaRepetition nullWalter Nash’s system of classification A linguistic view on figures 胡曙中,2002:296-305TropeReplacement 重置、转移、替代Contingent 部分与整体的接触 Simile Metaphor Metonymy (借喻) Synecdoche (提喻) 两者兼而有之 Paronomasia (pun) personification nullWalter Nash’s system of classification A linguistic view on figures 胡曙中,2002:305-307Trope Of discourseThe modes convey the attitude of an author or speaker towards the topic of discourse, towards The process of creating a written or spoken address, and towards the reader. Irony, paradox, hyperbole, litotes, Frame the text in a present time: tenseInviting the audience: rhetorical question柴:类似人际意义美学意义上的分类美学意义上的分类朱少红:重读王希杰《汉语修辞学》 http://i.cn.yahoo.com/wangxijie31/blog/p_1082/ 修辞格的系统性在《汉语修辞学》修订本中,并不是不重视修辞格,相反,也非常注重修辞格,但是,把它纳入到美学的范畴。王希杰先生的《汉语修辞学》(1983)中把修辞格根据美学原则分别归纳为“均衡美”、“变化美”、“侧重美”、“联系美”四类。 修辞格大多遵循着人类共同的美学原则。例如,由形象美产生了 “Simile”、“Metaphor”、“Personification”、“Metonymy”;由含蓄美产生了 “Pun”、“Euphemism”、;由均衡美产生了 “Antithesis”、“Parallelism”;由韵律美产生了 “Alliteration”、“Consonance”;由齐一美产生了 “Repetition”和“Paregmenon”。 参考文献:《中国修辞学通史》 宗廷虎参考文献:《中国修辞学通史》 宗廷虎(一)辞格的理论探讨(297) (二)辞格的系统分类(298) 第四节模仿日本的专著 ——陈介白《修辞学》、《新著修辞学》(336)一、美学原理在修辞学中的运用(337) (一)从美学角度论修辞学的定义(337) (二)从美学角度论修辞学的效用(337) (三)论”积极的语彩”、“积极的想彩”的 美学基础(338) 二、心理学原理在侈辞学中的运用(339) (一)用心理学原理论“思想的性质”与 “语趣的表情”(340) (二)用心理学原理论修辞的目的(341) (三)论修辞格的心理基础(342) (四)论文体的心理基础(342) 三、影响和不足(343)Exercise1.1Exercise1.1请说出下面修辞格的含义并将他们分类,并说明分类根据。 Alliteration, euphemism, oxymoron, onomatopoeia, metaphor, allegory, personification, irony, hyperbole, zeugma, climax, antithesis, rhetorical question, parallelism, parody, synecdoche, litotes, pun, antonomasia, syllepsis, metonymyExercise 1.2Exercise 1.2请分析下面两个开题中关于修辞格的分类是否合理?如果不合理请提出修改建议。 Sample 1 Sample 2Sample 1Sample 1英语报刊财经新闻标题的娱乐功能的修辞研究 The Recreation Function of the English Financial News Headlines: A Rhetorical Approach null提纲 Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Rationale of the study 1.2 Literature review on 1.3 Objectives of the Present Study 1.4 Organization of the paper Chapter Two The Recreation Function of … 2.1 The definition of English Financial News’ Headlines 2.2 The functions of ... 2.3 The recreation function of Chapter Three Figures in English Political (?)News’ Headlines to Achieve Recreation Function 2.1 The Definition of Figures of Speech 2.2 The motivation of figures of speech in ...null2.3 Lexical stylistic devices 2.3.1 Metaphor 2.3.2 Personification 2.3.3Metonymy 2.3.4 Irony 2.3.5Pun 2.3.6Euphemism 2.3.7Parody 2.3.8hyperbole 2.3.9synaesthesia 2.4 Syntactical Stylistic Devices 2.4.1 Parallelism 2.4.2 Antithesis 2.4.3 Repetition 2.4.4Retorical Question 2.5 Phonetic Stylistic Devices 2.5.1 Alliteration 2.5.2 Onomatopoeia Chapter Four Conclusion Sample 2Sample 2 前景化理论视角下的 英语新闻标题修辞手段的吸引功能 The Attractive Function of Rhetorical Devices of English News Headlines: A Study from Foregrounding Theorynull1. Introduction 2. Foregrounding Theory 2.1 The conceptualization of Foregrounding 2.2 Forms of Foregrounding 2.2.1 Deviation 2.2.2 Overregularity 3. News Headlines 3.1 News 3.2 Headlines 3.3 Headlines in News 3.4 Function of Headlines 3.5 The Attractive Function of News Headlines 3.5.1 Informativity 3.5.2 The Attractive Function null4. The Realization of the Attractive Function Through Rhetorical Devices 4.1 Metaphor 4.2 Pun 4.3 Metonymy 4.4 Allusion 4.5 Parody 4.6 Antithesis 4.7 Hyperbole 4.8 Euphemism 5. Conclusion 2. Functions of Figures2. Functions of FiguresFunction (1): persuasionFunction (1): persuasion Longinus: well, it is able in many ways to infuse vehemence and passion into spoken words, while more particularly when it is combined with the argumentative passages it not only persuades the hearer but actually makes him its slave. (On the Subline, XV, 9)null Quintilian looked upon the figures as another means of lending “credibility to our arguments,” of “exciting the emotions,” and winning “approval for our characters as pleaders” (Instit. Orat., IX, I). Namely, figures are means to logos, pathos, and ethos of argument. (1) figures can render our thoughts vividly concrete and help us to communicate with our audience clearly and effectively. (2) figures stir emotional responses, and they can carry truth, in Wordsworth’s phrase, “alive into the heart by passion.” (3) figures elicit admiration for the eloquence of the speaker or writer, and they can exert a powerful ethical appeal. null Too complicated! Some exapmles please!null理性诉求举例 e.g. Grade-two thinking, though it filled life with fun and excitement, did not make for content. To find out the deficiencies of your elders satisfiers the young ego but does onot make for personal security. It took the swimmer some distance from the shore and left him there, out of his depth. e.g. But these grade-one thinkers were few and far between. They did not visit my grammar school in the flesh though they were there in books. I aspired to them, because I now saw my hobby as an unsatisfactory thing if it went no further. If you set out to climb a mountain, however high you climb, you have failed if you cannot reach the top. null感性和人格诉求举例 I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed - we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day, even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. Function (2): To shape worldviewsFunction (2): To shape worldviews Stull, B. T. Figures helps to express and shape our worldviews, which, broadly conceived, are expressed with in literal and figurative language. The former is favored by scientists, logicians, mathematicians, and the like, while the latter is favored by rhetoricians, poets, fiction writers, lovers, and the like. null Complicated? An example will make it clear. Read the following a dialogure among a family members and try to find out their world views when they use rhetorical devices.nullYou asked, with just a hint of irritation in your voice, “Mom, where are my Nikes?” “I don’t know, honey.” Absorbed reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire for the fifth time, you turn to your younger brother. “Dork. Find my Nikes for me.” “Find them yourself.” You turn again to mom. “Mom? Could you please find my Nikes? I have to finish reading about Mad Eye Moody.” “Sweetpea, I am too busy making your lunches. Check the porch.” Ignoring the way in which your mother has said “I am too busy making”---did you really notice a hint of annoyance?---you speak to no one in particular, but to everyone within hearing. “I might as well be living by myself in the Arctic for all the help people give me around here.”null9. Your father sticks his head into your room. “That can be arranged, darling. Flights leave twice daily.” 10. You put the book down and do, indeed, find the Nikes, but not on the porch. They never made it that far. They were left outside. In the rain. “Crap. Crap, crap, crap.” 11. Your little brother hears you. “I’m telling Mom.” 12. You both charge in. “Mom, she said crap.” “Mom, my Nikes are shelled.” 13. Your mother ignores your little brother, for the time being. “Why did you leave them out?” 14. You look crestfallen. “Mom, I have to have these today. I just have to.” 15. Your mother stops the inquisition. “We can dry them, but next time use the head God gave you.” null16. Fifteen minutes later, the Nikes are ready to go. “Thanks, Mom. You're a gem.” 17. You think to yourself, “I love these babies.” 18. You say to your younger brother, whom you haven’t forgiven for telling your mother that you said “crap,” “Thanks to you too, twerp.” 19. He says, running, “I am rubber, you are glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.”Analysis: Stull, 6-10 Exercise: try to analyze other figures and to see how they shape the speaker’s worldviews.AssignmentsAssignmentsSimile, personification, rhetorical question, metonymy, repetition, parody, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, metaphor, euphemism, pun, transferred epithet, Zeugma, oxymoron, antithesis, parallelism,Irony, synecdoche, litotes, analogy, climax 界定,例证,分析此修辞格的特点和功能,进一步分类,这类修辞格是怎样被研究的。3. Theoretical Studies on Figures3. Theoretical Studies on Figures研究修辞格的理论视角研究修辞格的理论视角修辞格的修辞学研究—取效 修辞格的语言学研究 —什么样的语言手段 —语用学研究(如何理解:会话含义、关联原则) —语义学研究 修辞格的认知研究 修辞格的美学研究 修辞格的跨文化研究 —英汉修辞格对比研究 —修辞格的研究 以隐喻的研究为例以隐喻的研究为例其研究分为三个阶段 修辞学研究,从亚里士多德到理查兹(公元前300到20世纪30年代):隐喻只是一种修辞现象。 语义学研究(1920-1970)从逻辑\哲学的角度。 多学科研究时期(1970-今)认知心理学\哲学\语用学\符号学等。null浅议修辞格中的会话含义(王莉) 修辞格翻译的语用学探解-陈科芳博士主持 语用学的一些原理对语言现象和翻译现象都有着强大的解释力和指导意义,本文在梳理语用学的几大原则(合作原则、礼貌原则和关联理论)的基础上,提出了整合各原则优势的基于关联理论的语用推理机制,并把这个机制放大处理,应用到具体语言和翻译现象的解释上去。 从语用学的角度探讨和研究翻译问题是近年来的热门话题,语用研究和翻译研究有着很强的“关联”,两者都涉及认知角度考察语言的使用问题,翻译往往有个语用层次问题,而语用学可以帮助说明翻译中比较复杂的语言问题和比较敏感的文化问题。null本文借助于语用学原理,尤其是关联理论的强大解释力,以综合了语用学各原则优势的语用推理机制来考察文化负载厚重的修辞格的构造和翻译问题,考察的文本为《红楼梦》及其两个英语全译本中的三种修辞格—歇后语、委婉语和仿词。之所以选择《红楼梦》作为考察对象,是因为《红楼梦》不光语言优美,而且文化内涵丰富;之所以选择这三类修辞格,是因为这三类修辞格在构造上有典型意义,有助于举一反三,而且数目相对比较确定,有助于进行比较透彻比较完备的研究。通过对这三种修辞格的翻译实例进行“穷尽式”数据分析和“关联性”归类整理,层层深入地逐渐形成修辞格构造和翻译过程的基本框... null英语修辞格语义真值研究 论修辞格中的语义认知 On the semantic cognition of rhetorical utterances [合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版) Journal of Hefei University of Technology(Social Sciences)] 唐军 英汉隐喻认知对比研究 陈家旭 浙江财经学院 专著 从语用学的角度看 修辞格的理解与应用 2004.2 中外社科论丛 24期 null修辞格的认知力与话语语境的构建 廖福涛 传统上,人们习惯把修辞格归入美学研究的范畴。实际上,修辞格的不同表现形式体现的是不同的思维方式,其中,隐喻的认知模式起着原型效应的作用。修辞格的句法形式是以语义为基础的,从认知视角来看,其语义结构与话语语境之间存在着密切的联系,即心理空间中各语义要素之间的组合关系能映射交际场合的社会文化因素。[《南昌大学学报:人文社会科学版》-2006年37卷5期 -118-120页 排比修辞格的认知根源探索 <<时代文学(双月版) >>2006年02期 聂仁海 排比是书面语言中常用的表达手段,其基础是语言形式下的语义,支撑语言形式与语义的是认知机制.认知机制通过时现实及其秩序的反映,对语言形式进行加工,利用语言的张力,让读者去发掘并经历结构的再创造,从而享受到排比辞格的力量与气势.
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