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CCS关于局部水雾系统的解释 C C S 通 函 Circular 中国船级社 总工办(2007 年)通函第 018 号总第 253 号 2007 年 5 月 17 日(共 11 页) 发:总部各有关业务处室、各审图中心、各分社(办事处)、船厂、船东、有关的试 验机构、设计院、产品厂 经修订的关于 A...
C C S 通 函 Circular 中国船级社 总工办(2007 年)通函第 018 号总第 253 号 2007 年 5 月 17 日(共 11 页) 发:总部各有关业务处室、各审图中心、各分社(办事处)、船厂、船东、有关的试 验机构、设计院、产品厂 经修订的关于 A 类机器处所固定式局部水基灭火系统的 有关解释 1、前言 2002 年 5 月 13 日,我社以技术管理处(2002 年)通函第 016 号总第 066 号(以下 简称“066 号通函”)颁布了“关于在 A 类机器处所设置的固定式局部水基灭火系统 有关问题的解释”。 五年来,IMO 和 IACS 针对公约、FSS Code 和 MSC/Circ.913 通函中的相关内容 相继制订了一些统一解释,本社在上述文件规定的局部水基灭火系统的型式认可、审 图和检验中也提出了一些新的问题,为此本通函对 066 号通函进行了修订。本通函解 释适用于颁布之日起建造的适用船舶。对于在建船舶,在施工条件允许的情况下,应 尽可能按照本通函执行,与此同时 066 号通函废除。 2、 有关局部水基灭火系统的保护对象、保护处所和保护区域含义的解释(SOLAS 公约第 II-2 章、MSC/Circ.913 附件) 2.1 保护对象(MSC/Circ.1120) 保护对象系指布置在 500 总吨及以上客船和 2000 总吨及以上货船上,总容积超 过 500m3(含机舱顶棚在内)的A类机器处所内的用作主推进装置的内燃机;用作各 Page 1/11 类驱动动力源(如发电机、空压机、液压泵等)的内燃机;锅炉(包括蒸汽和热油锅 炉)、焚烧炉、燃油型惰气发生器和燃油装置(如热油加热器、加热的燃油分油机)。 上述设备,无论是单件还是多件,如果安装在容积不超过 500m3的A类机器处所内时, 或者上述设备(如辅锅炉、加热的燃油分油机等)单件布置在位于容积超过 500m3的 A类机器处所内的单独围闭处所内时,均不必配置局部水基灭火系统。 2.2 保护处所(MSC/Circ.1082) 保护处所系指安装有局部水基灭火系统的机器处所(MSC/Circ.1082)。用局部水基 灭火系统保护的机器处所,是总容积超过 500m3(含处所顶棚在内)的A类机器处所。 2.3 保护区域(MSC/Circ.1120) 保护区域系指必须由局部水基灭火系统对保护对象提供覆盖保护的区域,它是通 过规定的灭火试验确定,详见 4.1 条。保护区域可以是整个保护对象,也可以是其部 分。 就具体的保护对象而言,它的如下部位应在保护区域内: .1对于作为主推进机械或发电机原动力的内燃机 以典型的柴油机为例,柴油机的顶部区域、燃油喷射泵和涡轮增压器均应受 到该系统保护。当系统喷嘴垂直向下布置时,保护区的长度为主机两端气缸顶部 间的距离。如在其中一端设有废气透平增压器,则应将其包括在保护长度范围内。 保护区的宽度为自高压油泵外面至废气透平增压器排气出口外缘间的距离。当 喷嘴以与垂向有一倾角状态布置时,其保护范围还应包括高度方向,此时,保护 区的高度为自高压油泵出口至柴油机气缸顶部之间的距离。 如果燃油喷射泵位于屏蔽位置(例如在钢质平台下面),则泵不必受系统保 护。 此外,自废气透平增压器出口起的柴油机排气管路上为便于定期保养而可能 经常拆掉的隔热层区域(紧固或未紧固的隔热层区域,隔热层内热表面温度可能 超过220℃)应受到系统的保护,例如汽缸和排气总管之间的管道。安装在高 压燃油系统附近的排气管路表面也应受到系统的保护。 .2 对于锅炉、焚烧炉和燃油型惰性气体发生器 水雾应能覆盖住锅炉、焚烧炉和燃油型惰性气体发生器的整个燃烧装置区域, Page 2/11 烟箱和为便于定期保养而可能经常拆掉且未紧固的烟道隔热层区域。 .3 对于燃油装置(如热油加热器、加热的燃油分油机) 水雾应能覆盖住整个燃烧装置的蓄油部件,如整个分油机及其进出口的接头 部位,但不必包括加热器。 3、 有关局部水基灭火系统的系统要求 3.1 关于局部水基灭火系统(以下简称“系统”)的起动对船舶安全的影响(MSC/Circ.913 附件第 3.2 条) MSC/Circ.913 附件 1 第 3.2 条要求:灭火系统的起动不应导致失电或使船舶机动 性降低。对此,IMO 的解释是:该条并非企图对保护处所内的电气设备提出专门要求, 而仅仅是用来表明,在系统启动后,不要求关停发动机、撤离人员、关闭燃油柜的出 口阀、对被保护处所进行封舱(MSC/Circ.1082)。为此在判定 A 类机器处所内电气 设备安全工作水平时,应以 IACS 和本社《钢质海船入级》第四篇相关要求为依 据。 对于布置在保护区域附近的发电机设备,在设置了专门的防护装置和采取必要的 保护措施后,并经过试验验证,其防护等级可稍低于前述规定要求。本社鼓励制造厂 对布置于保护区域的电气设备进行工作条件下喷水试验,来验证它们的实际防护等 级。 3.2 系统的通风(MSC/Circ.913 附件第 3.4 条和附录 条) 附录 条规定:“灭火试验期间应提供足够量的自然通风或强制通风,以保 证在灭火试验期间起火位置处的氧浓度保持在 20%(体积浓度)以上”,但附录对灭 火保护区应保持的风量,风压未作具体规定。考虑到附件 3.4 条规定:“系统应能在 风机运转并向保护处所输入空气情况下,实施对火的抑制或通过系统施放自动切断风 机的空气供给,以保证灭火介质不被吹散”,因此局部水雾灭火系统制造供应商,应 提供经试验确定的所设计系统抵御风力干扰,避免通风对灭火能力产生影响的条件及 相关资料和数据。局部水雾灭火系统制造供应商应与船东、船舶机舱布置设计者及时 沟通,以便合理地进行机舱通风系统的布置,或确定在局部灭火系统施放时是否需要 采用自动切断风机。 3.3 系统管路设计(MSC/Circ.913 附件 3.6 条) 为确保系统的管路设计能适应于船舶航行环境,水基灭火系统的灭火介质应尽可 Page 3/11 能采用淡水。管路材料尽可能选用不锈钢,以提高耐腐蚀的能力。为防止杂质对水雾 灭火效能的影响,在淡水柜进水管和水泵前应设置滤器。 3.4 喷嘴的安装位置和角度(MSC/Circ.913 附件 3.8 条和附录 条) 限于机舱布置,局部水基灭火系统的喷嘴若采用与垂直方向有一定倾角的安装方 式,则应按照实际的布置方式通过 MSC/Circ.913 附件之附录的灭火试验。 (MSC/Circ.1082)。 3.5 喷嘴的型式、实船布置和工作参数(MSC/Circ.913 附件 3.8 条、3.19 条) 喷嘴的型式、实船布置和各项工作参数应保持与灭火试验所确定的值相一致。船 舶审图人员应通过对工厂提供的实船系统设计文件来确认所审船舶满足此要求,并将 有关信息反馈给相关产品验船师和船舶验船师。喷嘴的布置应避免将水雾直接喷射到 废气透平增压器、柴油机的进气口、发电机等不宜进水部位。为避免遮挡物的阻挡而 可能造成的对灭火效果的影响,或为避免将水雾直接喷射到不宜进水部位,或为避开 其它安装好的设备,经本社确认可以适当调整这类喷嘴的位置,或通过增设附加喷嘴 解决。船舶审图时,对此应予以特别注意。 3.6 系统的压力源和外部动力源(MSC/Circ.913 附件 1 第 3.9 条) .1 对于布置在保护处所内的系统压力源所用的电器元件 系统压力源所用的电器元件系指布置在泵出口以后管路上的电磁阀、压力开关, 它们应至少具有 IP54 防护等级(MSC/Circ.1082)。 .2 关于系统使用的外部动力源 如果系统本身不带动力源,则仅需要由船舶的主电源供电。 3.7 系统供水及其布置(MSC/Circ.913 附件 3.11 条、3.12 条) .1 系统供水 系统采用水泵输送灭火介质时,一般应设有专用水泵。如果主消防泵排量和压头 除了能满足 Reg.II-2/10.2 规定的功能要求外,还能兼顾局部水基灭火系统的排量和压 头要求,则可用主消防泵作兼用泵。水泵若布置在保护处所内,则应布置在远离各保 护区域的位置处或设有适当的遮挡保护。 若系统采用高压气体驱动输送灭火介质时,应采用氮气作为驱动气体,其驱动气 瓶应布置在保护处所外的单独处所。 .2 系统的分区设计 在保护处所内,系统应按照不同的保护区域进行分区,彼此间相互独立。系统的 Page 4/11 能力应按照最大一个分区所要求的水量进行设计。 当被保护处所内同时布置有两台及以上的主机时,系统对主机的保护应至少分成 两个单独保护区(IACS UI SC198)。 同样,当被保护处所内同时布置有两台及以上驱动发电机用的柴油机时,系统对 这类柴油机的保护,也应至少分成两个单独保护区(IACS UI SC198)。 建议每台发电机用的柴油机由各自独立的灭火系统予以保护,这样一旦某一台柴 油机失火,在对其进行灭火保护时,可切断其燃油供给使其停机,与此同时启动备用 发电机,从而仍保持发电机组正常供电和无需要撤离人员。 主推进柴油机和发电机用柴油机不能用同一分区来保护。 3.8 系统的操作控制位置(MSC/Circ.913 附件 3.13 条) 应在保护处所之内和之外各布置一套系统的操作控制装置,该操作控制装置应理 解为水泵和喷嘴分配阀的手动释放装置(如按钮、手轮、扳手等)。就常见的 A 类机 器处所布置而言(通常布置情况下即机舱),其中一套应布置在 A 类机器处所(机舱) 内的保护区域外,一套应布置在 A 类机器处所(机舱)外(MSC/Circ.1082)。 布置在保护处所之内的操作控制装置,应便于到达并不易被保护区域内失火所 切断。为此,各分区的操作控制装置可集中布置,也可以分散布置在机舱内远离各自 保护区域的位置。无论采用何种布置,建议尽可能将操作控制装置布置在距保护对象 可能的失火源部位 5m 外的位置处,或者考虑利用机舱内的固定构造物遮挡,来防止 热辐射对操作人员安全构成影响。 布置在保护处所之外的操作控制装置,应位于保护处所外易于到达的位置处,并 有防止误触动的措施,建议可沿脱险通道采用集中设置的方式。 3.9 局部水基灭火系统对机舱主灭火系统的影响 机舱若采用了固定式高倍泡沫灭火系统或气溶胶灭火系统,产品制造商应考虑采 取适当的措施(如操作限制或连锁机构)防止局部水基灭火系统影响这些系统灭火的 有效性。 3.10 系统启动时的报警(SOLAS 公约第 II-2/ 条) 不论 A 类机器处所是否有人值班,在每一保护处所、机舱集控室和驾驶室内,均 应设有组合的视觉和听觉报警器以及表明启动区域的显示。听觉报警器可使用单一声 调(IACS UI SC176)。该报警系统是该处所固定式探火和失火报警系统的补充,不 能用来作为替代。 Page 5/11 3.11 无人值班 A 类机器处所的要求(SOLAS 公约第 II-2/ 条) .1 自动释放的要求 定期无人值班或无人值班 A 类机器处所的局部水基灭火系统,除了应能手动释放 和报警外,还应能自动释放和报警。自动释放应由能可靠识别局部区域的探火系统启 动,并有防止误释放的措施。 任一种探测器工作后应能触发报警,系统释放应由火焰与其他型式的探头组合来 共同激活。 制造商应提供介绍探测器性能和操作、布置要求的说明书。 .2 探测和报警系统的要求 (1)对于总线制(地址编码型)的探测系统,“局部水基灭火系统”的探测系 统应尽可能与船舶“探火与失火报警系统”相互独立。若其满足 FSS 规则第 9 章第.2.1.4 条的要求,则允许将“局部水基灭火系统”的探测系统与船舶“探火与失火报警系统” 探测部分公用,即可以用船舶“探火与失火报警系统”的探测器代替“局部水基灭火 系统”探测器,但探测器的型式和布置应满足“局部水基灭火系统”的相应要求。 此外,该组合方式不应影响船舶“探火与失火报警系统”和“局部水基灭火系统” 的原有功能。 (2)对于多线制(常规型)的探测系统,“局部水基灭火系统”的探测系统应 与船舶“探火与失火报警系统”相互独立。 (3)每一由局部水基灭火系统提供保护的保护区域都应有单独的探测分路。 (4)火灾探测器应位于保护区域附近,无论采用何种类型的探测系统,均应具 有识别所保护区域内发生火灾的功能,且某一保护区域的探测单元不应触发其他保护 区域系统的动作。 (5)任何局部水基灭火系统释放时所发出的报警,应区别于船舶探火与失火报 警系统的报警。 3.12 装船后试验 局部水基灭火系统,装船后除了应进行 MSC/Circ.913 附件 3.15 规定的系统的动 作(水泵、分配阀的起动关闭和报警显示)试验外,还应至少选择 2 个保护区进行 30 秒钟的效用试验,检查系统的畅通性和观察喷嘴工作性能,此时,应用透明塑料罩罩 住喷嘴并收集水雾。对于周期性无人值班机器处所的自动释放系统,还应进行报警和 自动启动试验。 Page 6/11 4、局部水基灭火系统的型式试验要求 4.1 水雾喷嘴试验(MSC/Circ.913 附件 3.6 条) 对于水雾喷头,试验项目和方法应按照 MSC/Circ.1165 附录 A 进行试验。 .1 对于开式水雾喷头,型式试验项目可参照见表 4.1。 局部水基灭火系统开式喷嘴试验项目表 表 4.1 序号 试验项目 试验喷头 MSC/Circ.1165 附录 A 对应条款 1 目测检查 × 4.2 2 功能试验 × 4.5 3 水流量试验 × 4.10 4 腐蚀试验 × 4.11 5 耐热性试验 × 4.13 6 振动试验② × 4.15 7 冲击试验 × 4.16 8 阻塞试验③ × 4.20 9 水雾喷头标志要求 × 5.1 注:× 表示喷嘴应做的试验项目 ① 考虑到振动试验的目的是探测喷嘴经振动试验后仍能保持要求的密封性能(MSC/ Circ.1165 第 3.8.1 条)和热响应元件释放功能(MSC/ Circ.1165 第 3.5.1 条),因此, 对于开式喷嘴振动试验时间可减至 8h。 ② 不带滤网的开式水雾喷嘴,使用淡水作为灭火介质或采用高压柱塞泵作为供水泵的局 部水基灭火系统,可考虑免做阻塞试验。 .2 对于闭式喷嘴还应根据喷头型式,进行释放元件强度、热暴露、热冲击、30 天密封试验等型式试验项目。 4.2 系统灭火试验(MSC/Circ.913 附件之附录) .1 试验火情(MSC/Circ.913 附件之附录 3.3.2 条) a 项试验火情:在喷水器系统管网中心一个喷嘴下方; b 项试验火情:在喷水器系统管网中心两个喷嘴之间; c 项试验火情:在喷水器系统的四个喷嘴之间; d 项试验火情:在喷水器管网边缘的一个喷嘴下方; e 项试验火情:在喷水器管网边缘的两个喷嘴之间。 .2 喷嘴的有效覆盖范围的确定(MSC/Circ.913 附件之附录 3.3 条、3.4.2 条) 喷嘴的有效覆盖范围应在最小和最大喷嘴与保护对象间隔距离下,以及最低 和最高工作压力下,通过按 MSC/Circ.913 第 3.3.1 条和 3.3.2 条的试验并按下述方 Page 7/11 法确定: (1)对于能扑灭 MSC/Circ.913 如图 4.2.1 所示 a、b、c 项试验火情的喷水系统(按 3×3 网格布置喷嘴)的有效覆盖范围: 灭火试验确定的喷嘴布置位置向保护区四周内移长度为 1/4 D(最大喷嘴间 距)后所围成的框形面积(图 1 中阴影部分面积)。 图 1 (2)对于扑灭 MSC/Circ.913 如图 4.2.2 所示 c、d、e 项试验火情的喷水系统(按 3×3 网格(见图 2)布置喷嘴或 2×2 网格(见图 3)布置喷嘴)的有效覆盖范围: 为灭火试验确定的保护区范围,即图 2、图 3 所围面积。 图 2(3×3 网格) 图 3(2×2 网格) (3)对于需使用单排喷嘴提供保护的系统,其保护区范围为,由灭火试验确定 的沿喷嘴排列方向的外端喷嘴位置向内移长度为 1/4 D 距离和宽度为 1/2 D 区域构成 (图 4 中阴影部分面积)。如能通过图 5 所示试验,则外端喷嘴可布置在经灭火试验 确定的位置处。 Page 8/11 图 4 图 5 (4)对于使用单个喷嘴即可提供保护的系统,其有效的喷嘴覆盖范围(宽度和长度) 定为 1/2 D(最大喷嘴间距)(见图 6 中阴影面积)。 . 图 6 3 进行灭火试验的围闭处所(MSC/Circ.913 附件之附录 3.2.1 条) 附录 3.2.1 条规定,试验应在指定容积的围闭处所内进行,这种围闭处所可以 是在面积和高度大于 条所规定的容积值的室内通过围闭而成的试验处所, Page 9/11 也可以是通过围闭而形成的符合 要求的单独围闭处所。鉴于 条明确 试验处所可以采用自然通风,因此围闭试验处所允许在四周壁上留有一定面积的 开口,以保证能提供足够量的自然通风。 .4 试验次数(MSC/Circ.913 附件之附录 3.2.2 条、3.3 条) 应在允许的最大喷嘴间距下,包括最小、最大喷嘴与保护目标间距离,以 1MW 和 6MW 两种火情,最大和最小工作压力以及三种燃油喷嘴位置的组合来确定所 应进行试验次数,即至少进行 24 种组合试验。 此外,若在实船有单喷头的布置情况,还应分别在最高和最低位置,以 1MW 和 6MW 两种火情,在最大和最小工作压力条件下,进行八种垂直方向的单个喷 头下的灭火试验(燃油喷嘴布置在水基喷嘴的正下方),以验证单个喷头的灭火 有效性和有效范围。若未能通过单喷头的灭火试验,则实船不允许有单喷头的布 置。 .5 预燃时间(MSC/Circ.913 附件之附录 4.1 条) 水基灭火系统应在每一次燃油喷射点燃后的 10s 到 15s 时间内起动。 .6 氧浓度计的测量位置(MSC/Circ.913 附件之附录 4.2.2 条) 氧浓度计的测量应位于燃油喷射喷嘴下方 100mm 和后方 500mm 的位置。 5、产品认可程序和送审图纸资料 有关系统的认可程序和送审图纸资料,按我社“固定式压力水雾和细水雾灭火系 统产品检验指南”和“固定式压力水雾和细水雾灭火系统产品检验须知”执行。水基 灭火系统和与之相配的报警、显示系统可以由不同的工厂生产,但提交我社审图、产 品检验和上船检验的资料必须由系统集成公司提供,并由其对整套局部水基系统的质 量负责。 6、IMO 、IACS 有关局部水基灭火系统的指南和统一解释(其中.1 请见我社相关出 版物,.2-.7 请见本通函附件) .1 MSC/Circ.913“适用于 A 类机器处所得固定式局部水基灭火系统认可指南” .2 MSC/Circ.1165“经修订的适用于机器处所和货泵舱的等效水基灭火系统认可指 南”(Appendix A, 3.Water-mist nozzle requirements; 4.Method of test:; 5. Water-mist nozzle markings) Page 10/11 .3 MSC/Circ.1120“SOLAS 公约第 II-2 章、FSS 规则、FTP 规则和相关耐火试验程 序的统一解释”的,, 条 .4 MSC/Circ.1082“对适用于 A 类机器处所的固定式局部水基灭火系统认可指南 (MSC/Circ.913)的统一解释” .5 IACS UR E20“机舱内受局部水基灭火系统保护的电子和电气设备的安装” .6 IACS UI SC176“固定式局部水基灭火系统” .7 IACS UI SC198“固定式局部水基灭火系统中的分区” Page 11/11 I:\CIRC\MSC\913.WPD INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION E4 ALBERT EMBANKMENT LONDON SE1 7SR Telephone: 0171-735 7611 Fax: 0171-587 3210 Telex: 23588 IMOLDN G IMO Ref. T4/4.01 MSC/Circ.913 4 June 1999 GUIDELINES FOR THE APPROVAL OF FIXED WATER-BASED LOCAL APPLICATION FIRE-FIGHTING SYSTEMS FOR USE IN CATEGORY A MACHINERY SPACES 1 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its seventy-first session (19 to 28 May 1999), approved Guidelines for the approval of fixed water-based local application fire-fighting systems for use in category A machinery spaces, as set out in the annex. 2 Member Governments are requested to apply the annexed Guidelines when approving fixed water-based local application fire-fighting systems for use in category A machinery spaces. *** MSC/Circ.913 I:\CIRC\MSC\913.WPD ANNEX GUIDELINES FOR THE APPROVAL OF FIXED WATER-BASED LOCAL APPLICATION FIRE-FIGHTING SYSTEMS 1 General Fixed water-based local application fire-fighting systems should provide localized fire suppression in areas, as specified in SOLAS regulation II-2/7.7 for category A machinery spaces, without the necessity of engine shut-down, personnel evacuation, shutting down of forced ventilation fans or the sealing of the space. 2 Definitions 2.1 Fire suppression: A reduction in heat output from the fire and control of the fire to restrict its spread from its seat and reduce the flame area. 2.2 Water-based extinguishing medium: Fresh water or sea water with or without additives mixed to enhance fire-extinguishing capability. 3 Principal requirements for the system 3.1 The system should be capable of manual release. 3.2 The activation of the fire-fighting system should not result in loss of electrical power or reduction of the manoeuvrability of the ship. 3.3 The system should be capable of fire suppression based on testing conducted in accordance with the appendix to these guidelines. 3.4 The system should be capable of fire suppression with forced ventilation fans running and supplying air to the protected area, or a method of automatically shutting air supply fans upon release of the system should be provided to ensure that the fire-fighting medium is not dispersed. 3.5 The system should be available for immediate use and capable of continuously supplying water-based medium for at least 20 minutes in order to suppress or extinguish the fire and to prepare for the discharge of the main fixed fire-extinguishing system within that period of time. 3.6 The system and its components should be suitably designed to withstand ambient temperature changes, vibration, humidity, shock, impact, clogging and corrosion normally encountered in machinery spaces. Components within the protected spaces should be designed to withstand the elevated temperatures which could occur during a fire. Components should be tested in accordance with the relevant sections of appendix A of MSC/Circ.668, as amended by MSC/Circ.728. MSC/Circ.913 ANNEX Page 2 Pending the development of international standards acceptable to the Organization national standards as prescribed* by the Administration should be applied. Where the Hazen-Williams Method is used, the following values of the friction factor "C" for different pipe types** which may be considered should apply: Pipe type C Black or galvanised mild steel 100 Copper and copper alloys 150 Stainless steel150 I:\CIRC\MSC\913.WPD 3.7 The system and its components should be designed and installed based on international standards acceptable to the Organization, and manufactured and tested in accordance with the appropriate elements* of the Appendix to these guidelines. 3.8 The location, type and characteristics of the nozzles should be within the limits tested, as referred to in paragraph 3.3. Nozzle positioning should take into account obstructions to the spray of the fire-fighting system. 3.9 The electrical components of the pressure source for the system should have a minimum rating of IP 54. Systems requiring an external power source need only be supplied by the main power source. 3.10 The piping system should be sized in accordance with a hydraulic calculation technique to ensure** availability of flows and pressures required for correct performance of the system. 3.11 The water supply for local application systems may be fed from the supply to a water-based main fire-fighting system providing that adequate water quantity and pressure are available to operate both systems for the required period of time. Local application systems may form a section(s) of a water-based main fire-extinguishing system provided that all requirements of SOLAS regulation II-2/10 and these guidelines, and MSC/Circ.668, as amended by MSC/Circ.728, are met, and the systems are capable of being isolated from the main system. 3.12 The capacity and design of the system should be based on the protected area demanding the greatest volume of water. 3.13 The operation controls should be located at easily accessible positions inside and outside the protected space. The controls inside the space should not be liable to be cut off by a fire in the protected areas. 3.14 Pressure source components of the system should be located outside of the protected areas. 3.15 A means for testing the operation of the system for assuring the required pressure and flow should be provided. 3.16 Where automatically operated fire-fighting systems are installed, a warning notice should be displayed outside each entry point stating the type of medium used and the possibility of automatic release. MSC/Circ.913 ANNEX Page 3 I:\CIRC\MSC\913.WPD 3.17 Operating instructions for the system should be displayed at each operating position. 3.18 Spare parts and operating and maintenance instructions for the system should be provided as recommended by the manufacturer. 3.19 Nozzles and piping should not prevent access to engine or machinery for routine maintenance. In ships fitted with overhead hoists or other moving equipment, nozzles and piping should not be located to prevent operation of such equipment. MSC/Circ.913 ANNEX Page 4 I:\CIRC\MSC\913.WPD APPENDIX TEST METHOD FOR FIXED WATER-BASED LOCAL APPLICATION FIRE-FIGHTING SYSTEMS 1 SCOPE This test method is for evaluating the effectiveness of fixed water-based local application fire-fighting systems. The test method verifies the design criteria for vertical and horizontal grids of nozzles. The test method is intended to evaluate maximum nozzle spacing, minimum and maximum distance from the nozzle to the hazard, minimum nozzle flow rate in addition to minimum and maximum operating pressure. 2 SAMPLING 2.1 The nozzles and other system components should be supplied by the manufacturer with design and installation criteria, operating instructions, drawings, and technical data sufficient for the identification of the components. 2.2 The flow rate for each type and size of nozzle should be determined at the minimum and maximum nozzle operating pressure. 3 FIRE TESTS 3.1 Test principles 3.1.1. These tests are intended to evaluate the fire-extinguishing capabilities of individual nozzles and grids of nozzles used as local application fire-fighting systems on light diesel oil fuel spray fires. 3.1.2 The tests also define the following design and installation criteria: .1 maximum spacing between nozzles; .2 minimum and maximum distance between the nozzles and the protected hazard; .3 the need for nozzles to be positioned outside of the protected hazard; and .4 minimum and maximum operating pressure. 3.2 Test description 3.2.1 Test enclosure test enclosure, if any, should be sufficiently large and provided with adequate natural or forced ventilation during the fire test to ensure that the oxygen concentration at the fire location during the fire test remains above 20% (by vol) without activation of the local application fire-fighting system. test enclosure, if any, should be at least 100 m in area. The height of the test enclosure should2 be at least 5 m. MSC/Circ.913 ANNEX Page 5 I:\CIRC\MSC\913.WPD 3.2.2 Fire scenarios fire scenarios should consist of nominal 1 and 6 MW spray fires. These fires should be produced using light diesel oil as the fuel as described in Table Table Spray fire parameters Spray nozzle Wide spray angle (120° to 125°) full cone type Wide spray angle (80°) full cone type Nominal oil pressure 8 Bar 8.5 Bar Oil flow 0.16 ± 0.01 kg/s 0.03 ± 0.005 kg/s Oil temperature 20 ± 5°C 20 ± 5°C Nominal heat release rate 6 MW 1 MW fuel spray nozzles should be installed horizontally and directed toward the centre of the nozzle grid. fuel spray nozzle should be located 1 m above the floor and at least 4 m away from the walls of the enclosure, if any. 3.2.3 Installation requirements for tests local application system should consist of uniformly spaced nozzles directed vertically downward. system should consist of either a 2 x 2 or 3 x 3 nozzle grid, as required. nozzles should be installed at least 1 m below the ceiling of the enclosure, if any. maximum spacing of the nozzles should be in accordance with the manufacturers system design and installation manual. 3.3 Test programme 3.3.1 The fire-extinguishing capabilities of the system should be evaluated for the minimum and maximum separation distances (the distance between the nozzle grid and the fuel spray nozzle). These distances should be as defined in the manufacturers system design and installation manual. 3.3.2 Each separation distance should be evaluated against the two fire scenarios (1 and 6 MW spray fires). Tests should be conducted with the fuel spray nozzles horizontally positioned in the following locations: .1 under one nozzle in the centre of the grid; .2 between two nozzles in the centre of the grid; MSC/Circ.913 ANNEX Page 6 I:\CIRC\MSC\913.WPD .3 between four nozzles; .4 under one nozzle at the edge of the grid (corner); and .5 between two nozzles at the edge of the grid. These fire locations are shown in figure 3.3.2. Figure 3.3.2 Fuel spray nozzle locations O Water nozzle locations öö Fuel spray nozzle location and direction ( ) Test designation 3.4 Test results and interpretation 3.4.1 The local application fire-fighting system is required to extinguish the test fires within 5 minutes from the start of water discharge. If the fire re-ignites after this five minute water discharge period the test is considered to be a failure. 3.4.2 The results of the tests should be interpreted as follows: .1 Systems (utilizing a 3 x 3 nozzle grid) that extinguish fires referred to in to are considered to have successfully completed the protocol with the condition that the outer nozzles should be installed outside of the protected area a distance of at least 1/4 of the maximum nozzle spacing. .2 Systems (utilizing either a 2 x 2 or 3 x 3 nozzle grid) that extinguish fires referred to in to are considered to have successfully completed the protocol and can be designed with the outer nozzles located at the edge of the protected are
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